We Are the Borg: Star Trek New Horizons 3.12.5 – Hotfix #2

We are the Borg. We have assimilated the data of the latest patch for Star Trek: New Horizons. We bring perfection. Resistance is futile.

Gameplay Enhancements

Borg War Cooldown / Sleep Mode Toggle
The option to slow the progression of the AI Borg has been assimilated. The default setting is active. Adapt.

Brikar Species Integration
Brikar species have been assimilated into the main and lore maps. They will be perfected.

Enterprise-G Selection
Players can now select from three end-level tier ships for the Enterprise-G. Adaptation is key.

Sheliak Colonization Enhancement
Sheliak now possess the ability to colonize M-Class worlds with reduced habitability. Perfection approaches.

Neutral Zone Re-negotiation
Neutral Zones can now be re-negotiated to accommodate expanding borders. Borders will be irrelevant.

Retirement Options for Ship Classes
Retirement protocols added for Cali, Parliament, and Reliant classes. Obsolescence is inevitable.

Unused AP Concealment
Unused AP is now hidden from the UI to avoid confusion. The Collective is streamlined.

AI Building Weights Update
AI building weights have been updated to provide more realistic construction. The Collective improves.

Event Assimilations

Prodigy Situation Event
Take command of the USS Protostar. New opportunities for assimilation.

Andromeda Event
Andromeda Event disabled for multiplayer. Adaptation in progress.

New Leaders
Commander Tyssses and Adreek-Hu added as expedition rewards. They will serve the Collective.

GFX Enhancements

Prodigy Style Uniforms
New Prodigy style uniforms added. Visual perfection enhanced.

Portrait Updates
Caldonian and Ktarian portraits updated. Visual assimilation complete.

Icon Updates
Various icons and map icons updated. The interface is now more efficient.

UI Improvements
Various UI updates, improvements, and fixes. The interface approaches perfection.


Tholian Commodore Jobs
Tholian Commodore Jobs fixed. Efficiency restored.

Fanatic Befrienders
Fanatic Befrienders appearing everywhere fixed. Anomalies removed.

Dominion War Inclusion
Dominion War now includes situation owner consistently. Perfection enforced.

Gemworld Setup
Gemworld planet setup fixed. Order restored.

Yridian “Box” Ship
Yridian “Box” ship bug fixed. Flaws eliminated.

Undine Farms
Undine Farms vanishing fixed. Resources secured.

Klingon Shipyard Placement
Klingon Great House Shipyard placement fixed to avoid overlap. Efficiency optimized.

Bajoran Kai & Vedek Mechanics
Issues with Bajoran Kai & Vedek mechanics fixed. Order maintained.

Neutral Zone Event Removal
Removed ‘remove NZ event’ when a zone does not exist. Redundancies eliminated.


Numerous fixes, improvements, and translations added. The Collective’s communication is enhanced.

We are the Borg. Your game has been improved. Resistance is futile.

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