No bloody A, B, C or D

Well, this has certainly been a hectic year!

Biggest newst -we’ve (that is, Suncrash, the indie company I’ve worked with)  shipped our first game (Judgment – you can find us on Steam. Check us out if you are a fan of X-com and Rimworld).

In other news – I’ve moved myself, my wife, my son and our three pets all the way around the world to Canada. I’ve started studying Game Design professionally, after years I’ve dabbled with it. At Suncrash we even started working at a new and exciting game.

But you are, most probably, not here for that. You’re here to hear about New Horizons. So, in the past year myself and the rest of the intrepid crew in Paradoxical Design Group (no connection with Suncrash) have spent thousands of hours on what proved to be the biggest update we’ve ever done – The Great Material Continuum, which we shipped in February. We also started working on Star Wars Fallen Republic, which is shaping up wonderfully.

So, I’m Harel, and I’m the game design lead for Paradoxical. That basically means that I’m the guy in charge of all the numbers in the game. Technologies, buildings, components, utilities, ships, sections, jobs, factions, traditions, resources armies… if it has a value, I probably spent a few seconds at least on why that value should be there.

The rest of the core team has another lead in charge of implementation (he basically fixes all my bugs), a lead in charge of 3D modelling and visuals, our event maester and our head of localization, that has to deal with our archive of over a million words, and getting all of THAT translated into multiple languages (including some we haven’t even announced yet. Yes, even MOAR is coming!).

I’ve started this space for multiple reasons. In part, I want to do more frequent posts about upcoming changes to New Horizons – and those don’t always fit into the structure of a proper developer diary. Secondly, I want to bore people with my musings about game designs. Since rants are based served to a warm audience, that means… well, you guys and gals.

No, don’t thank me just yet.

I should clarify that this isn’t an official STNH blog or website. You can expect that what you hear here to eventually end up being represented in the game in SOME form – but as always, expect all numbers, statements and jokes to change.

Starfleet… is a promise. I give my life for you; you give your life for me. And nobody gets left behind. – Captain Christopher Pike

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