event descriptions

sthera.1.desc:0 “Buried deep in the bowels of Earth Spacedock a quiet revolution in Starship design has taken place. For nearly five years Captain Carter-Lin of the Starship Design Bureau has led a team of experts in the fields of warp theory and metallurgy, all striving to provide Starfleet with a new generation of vessels fit to take Starfleet’s message of peaceful exploration across the quadrant. Smooth white duranium alloys, bright gold picofibre deflector dishes and spiral vortex bussard collector domes offer substantial advantages over preceding technology.”
sthera.2.desc:0 “Captain Carter-Lin’s starships performed admirably for many years, however teraquads of data from millions of cubic lightyears of deep space exploration reports and border skirmishes have since flowed through to the analysts at the Starship Design Bureau. This data – coupled with optimisations from the latest propulsion and defensive technology – has resulted in a wave of new Starship designs fit to face the galaxy and promote Starfleet’s message of peace. The test platform for these new designs – the science vessel USS Grissom – is now released for standard duties, alongside her commanding officer Captain Jonathan Esteban.”
sthera.3.desc:0 “Advances in material sciences coupled with the maturation of Starfleet’s exploration mission has resulted in a new generation of Starship designs. Sharp lines have been replaced with graceful curves while space for families and civilian activities has grown substantially. While the [Root.GetName] has not left it’s defensive technologies behind, the presence of a [Root.GetName] Starship is considered a blessing to the majority of its neighbours. The test platform for these new designs – the patrol frigate USS Buran – is now released for standard duties, alongside her commanding officer Captain [buranCaptain.GetName].”
sthera.4.desc:0 “Description WIP”
sthera.5.desc:0 “It has been five years since the robed figure entered the Council chamber, clutching a datapad and demanding to speak with [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], refusing to give any name but ‘Shipwright’. The Shipwright promised to deliver warships of greater power than the Empire has ever known… and now that promise has been delivered. A new generation of ship stands ready to be built, for the glory of the empire.”
sthera.6.desc:0 “The Shipwright’s warships performed admirably for many years, however untold stories of conquest from millions of cubic lightyears of deep space raid reports and border skirmishes have found their way back to the Imperial Engineering Guild. These reports – coupled with improvements from the latest offensive technology – have resulted in a wave of new warship designs fit to face the galaxy, for the glory of the empire.”
sthera.7.desc:0 “The galaxy remains a dangerous place, and while Klingon captains continue to prove their skill in battle to enemies of the Empire, the Empire must not become complacent. A new breed of warship design has come forth from shipwrights pledged to the House of [Root.GetRulerName], powerful ships built to bring glory to the empire. The experimental battleship Vorcha, captained by General Krex, exemplifies the qualities of this new era – overwhelming power and force of presence.”
sthera.8.desc:0 “A new era of technological superiority awaits for our people, who proudly fight for the glory of the empire.”
sthera.9.desc:0 “Five years the Oversight Committee had waited for the Ministry of War to complete its task. Five years since [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] addressed all Romulus and announced the fifty-seventh Generational Decree – [Root.GetRulerName]’s legacy appended to nearly 2,000 years of Romulan history. A decree to strengthen the Imperial Fleet, to ensure dominance over Vulcan and its new allies. Five years of infighting and stalled progress in the Ministry of War. Seeing for himself the lack of progress, alien material sciences expert Kutaya – the son of the Flaxian ambassador and a rare non-Romulan favourite of the Imperial Court – instead worked in parallel and in secret with a junior engineer in the Ministry of War, Valda. Appearing before the Oversight Committee the pair presented their work. A new generation of warbirds using the latest shields, warp drives and weapons, capable of showing the galaxy at last the true strength of the Romulan Star Empire. The Minister of War was furious to see her own work put to shame and stormed from the chamber, a Reman Praetorian guard following with dagger in hand…”
sthera.10.desc:0 “Kutaya and Valda’s raptors had performed admirably for many years, however untold stories of guile, conquest and battle from thousands of deep space raid reports and border skirmishes have found their way back to the restructured Ministry of War. These reports – coupled with improvements from the latest offensive technology – have resulted in a wave of new raptor designs fit to face the galaxy, for the glory of Romulus.”
sthera.11.desc:0 “The galaxy remains a dangerous place, and while Romulan captains continue to outguile their enemies the Empire must not become complacent. A new wave of warbird design has emerged from the Ministry of War, to account for the new challenges that have emerged and new weapons wielded by the other great powers. The experimental warbird Koderex, captained under Taldor, exemplifies the qualities of this new era – overwhelming power and force of presence.”
sthera.12.desc:0 “A new era of technological superiority awaits for our people, who proudly fight for the glory of the empire.”
sthera.13.desc:0 “Working tirelessly on [Root.Capital.GetName]’s orbital spacedock, a quiet revolution in warship design has taken place. For nearly five years the scientist [newOfficer.GetName] of the Naval Design Academy has led a team of experts in the fields of warp theory and metallurgy, all striving to provide [Root.Capital.GetName] with a new generation of vessels fit to defend the [Root.GetName]’s interests across the quadrant.”
sthera.14.desc:0 “Teraquads of data from millions of cubic lightyears of deep space exploration reports and border skirmishes have been poured over by experts at the Naval Design Academy on [Root.Capital.GetName]. This data – coupled with optimisations from the latest propulsion and defensive technology – has resulted in a wave of new designs fit to face the galaxy and promote the [Root.GetName]’s interests. The unarmed test platform for these new designs – the warship [newShip.GetName] – is now released for refit, alongside her commanding officer Captain [newOfficer.GetName].”
sthera.15.desc:0 “Advances in material sciences coupled with the maturation of the [Root.GetName]’s defensive technologies has resulted in a new generation of warship designs. The unarmed test platform for these new designs – the cruiser [newShip.GetName] – is now released for refit, alongside her commanding officer Captain [newOfficer.GetName].”
sthera.16.desc:0 “Description WIP”
sthera.17.desc:0 “Perfection is elusive, but it is our purpose. Through the assimilation of new species and the acquisition of more and more data, we are able to reshape both ourself and our vessels. Geometry will always be at the heart of our… aesthetic, but the techniques we employ to fulfil it continue to evolve.”
sthera.18.desc:0 “Perfection is elusive, but it is our purpose. Through the assimilation of new species and the acquisition of more and more data, we are able to reshape both ourself and our vessels. Geometry will always be at the heart of our… aesthetic, but the techniques we employ to fulfil it continue to evolve.”
sthera.19.desc:0 “Perfection is elusive, but it is our purpose. Through the assimilation of new species and the acquisition of more and more data, we are able to reshape both ourself and our vessels. Geometry will always be at the heart of our… aesthetic, but the techniques we employ to fulfil it continue to evolve.”
sthera.20.desc:0 “Perfection is elusive, but it is our purpose. Through the assimilation of new species and the acquisition of more and more data, we are able to reshape both ourself and our vessels. Geometry will always be at the heart of our… aesthetic, but the techniques we employ to fulfil it continue to evolve.”
STH_faction_events.1.desc:0 “The Oralian Restoration faction has recently been gaining traction in the internal political landscape of the [Root.Owner.GetName]. Under the leadership of their founder, [Root.Leader.GetTitle] [Root.Leader.GetName], their members have been pushing hard for us to loosen restrictions on their activities and recognise their place in [Root.Owner.GetSpeciesName] history.”
STH_faction_events.2.desc:0 “The Anti-Terran Resistance faction has recently been gaining traction in the underbelly of the [Root.Owner.GetName]. Under the leadership of their founder, [Root.Leader.GetTitle] [Root.Leader.GetName], their members have been pushing hard for us to free their fellow xenos from slavery and recognise their place in [Root.Owner.GetSpeciesName] history.”
STH_faction_events.20.desc:0 “The Noble Houses of the Klingon Empire are amongst the oldest and most respected houses within the Empire and [From.GetName] have risen up amongst the ranks of the Klingon noble families.”
STH_andorian_flavour.1.desc:0 “The long standing rivalry between [officerA.GetName] and [officerB.GetName] has finally escalated to the point of violence. While the origin of the feud is forgotten to both parties, the latest insult – to the [Root.GetFleetName] itself has left [officerA.GetName] no choice but to declare Ushaan. [officerB.GetName]’s shuttle is expected within the week, while preparations for the duel are made on the flagship.”
STH_andorian_flavour.2.desc:0 “[officerA.GetName] and [officerB.GetName] stand in the arena fashioned aboard the [Root.GetFleetName]’s flagship. ‘I wish you a swift death Captain,’ [officerB.GetName] shouts, and motions for [officerA.GetName] to make the first move.Captain [officerA.GetName] draws [officerA.GetHerHis] ushaan-tor and lunges directly at [officerB.GetName], who parries effortlessly. The clang of blade against blade echoes throughout the chamber, the audience silent. Both parties begin to grunt heavily as the battle progresses. A glancing boot catches Captain [officerA.GetName] in the chest, pushing [officerA.GetHerHim] back towards the edge, though granting each moment of respite. [officerB.GetName] launches into a flurry of tired blows towards [officerA.GetName], who deflects them as [officerA.GetSheHe] awaits an opening. Suddenly [officerB.GetName]’s eyes go wide in panic as [officerB.GetSheHe] misjudges a thrust. [officerA.GetName]’s ushaan-tor is thrust into [officerB.GetName]’s chest and moments later [officerB.GetSheHe] falls to the floor, dead.”
STH_andorian_flavour.3.desc:0 “[officerA.GetName] and [officerB.GetName] stand in the arena fashioned aboard the [Root.GetFleetName]’s flagship. ‘I wish you a swift death Captain,’ [officerB.GetName] shouts, and motions for [officerA.GetName] to make the first move.Captain [officerA.GetName] draws [officerA.GetHerHis] ushaan-tor and lunges directly at [officerB.GetName], who parries effortlessly. The clang of blade against blade echoes throughout the chamber, the audience silent. Both parties begin to grunt heavily as the battle progresses. A glancing boot catches Captain [officerA.GetName] in the chest, pushing [officerA.GetHerHim] back towards the edge, though granting each moment of respite. [officerB.GetName] launches into a flurry of tired blows towards [officerA.GetName], who deflects them as [officerA.GetSheHe] awaits an opening. Suddenly [officerB.GetName]’s eyes go wide in panic as [officerB.GetSheHe] misjudges a thrust. [officerA.GetName]’s ushaan-tor slices [officerB.GetName]’s right antennae. Screaming in pain, [officerB.GetName] collapses to the floor, while [officerA.GetName] begins to laugh.”
STH_andorian_flavour.4.desc:0 “[officerA.GetName] and [officerB.GetName] stand in the arena fashioned aboard the [Root.GetFleetName]’s flagship. ‘I wish you a swift death Captain,’ [officerB.GetName] shouts, and motions for [officerA.GetName] to make the first move.Captain [officerA.GetName] draws [officerA.GetHerHis] ushaan-tor and lunges directly at [officerB.GetName], who parries effortlessly. The clang of blade against blade echoes throughout the chamber, the audience silent. Both parties begin to grunt heavily as the battle progresses. A glancing boot catches Captain [officerA.GetName] in the chest, pushing [officerA.GetHerHim] back towards the edge, though granting each moment of respite. [officerB.GetName] launches into a flurry of tired blows towards [officerA.GetName], who deflects them as [officerA.GetSheHe] awaits an opening. Suddenly [officerA.GetName]’s eyes go wide in panic as [officerA.GetSheHe] misjudges a thrust. [officerB.GetName]’s ushaan-tor slices [officerA.GetName]’s right antennae. Screaming in pain, [officerA.GetName] collapses to the floor, while [officerB.GetName] begins to laugh.”
STH_andorian_flavour.5.desc:0 “[officerA.GetName] and [officerB.GetName] stand in the arena fashioned aboard the [Root.GetFleetName]’s flagship. ‘I wish you a swift death Captain,’ [officerB.GetName] shouts, and motions for [officerA.GetName] to make the first move.Captain [officerA.GetName] draws [officerA.GetHerHis] ushaan-tor and lunges directly at [officerB.GetName], who parries effortlessly. The clang of blade against blade echoes throughout the chamber, the audience silent. Both parties begin to grunt heavily as the battle progresses. A glancing boot catches Captain [officerA.GetName] in the chest, pushing [officerA.GetHerHim] back towards the edge, though granting each moment of respite. [officerB.GetName] launches into a flurry of tired blows towards [officerA.GetName], who deflects them as [officerA.GetSheHe] awaits an opening. Suddenly [officerA.GetName]’s eyes go wide in panic as [officerA.GetSheHe] misjudges a thrust. [officerB.GetName]’s ushaan-tor is thrust into [officerA.GetName]’s chest and moments later [officerA.GetSheHe] falls to the floor, dead.”
ANDORIAN_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Deploy our troops to the planet Weytahn to force the Vulcans into returning the planet to us.”
ANDORIAN_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Andorians have landed troops on Paan Mokar in violation of the agreed treaty. A strike team is required to remove this threat from our territory.”
ANDORIAN_3_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Andorians and Vulcans have requested our help negotiating a ceasefire on the planet Weytahn, send a team to help ensure peace between the rivals.”
STH_andorian_flavour.11.desc:0 “For too long those arrogant pointed eared fools in the Vulcan High Command have defied the unjust agreements made in the Territorial Compromise Treaty and have kept us away from Weytahn. A world that rightly belonged to us after the hard work that our settlers put into transforming this world. It is time we reclaimed what belongs to us.”
STH_andorian_flavour.12.desc:0 “Attention Vulcan High Command, this is General [andorian_empire_leader.GetName] of the Andorian Imperial Navy, for too long now you have held onto our property and enforce this agreement with the laughable 2050s Territorial Compromise. This world is ours by rights and we once again press our claim for this world in which Andorian citizens gave their lives to build.Return it to us, or we take it by force.”
STH_andorian_flavour.13.desc:0 “Rather predictably the Vulcans have refused to listen to reason and have rejected our demand to return Weytahn to us, it seems they will only listen to a show of force. Our generals have recommended sending a strike team to the planet’s surface and setting up a garrison, this action will bring those fools in the High Council back to the negotiating table.”
STH_andorian_flavour.14.desc:0 “Our sentry outposts in the DX Cancri system have detected Andorian military troops on surface of Paan Mokar, which is a direct violation of the Territorial Compromise Treaty of 2050. This is a clear act of agression against our borders and once again puts Vulcan at risk, to make matters more confusing the Andorian General on the planet has only agreed to speak with us if the Human’s are present.”
STH_andorian_flavour.15.desc:0 “In a bold move the Andorian Imperial Guard have laid seize to the Vulcan world of Paan Mokar, which was once known as Weytahn and a former Andorian Colony. It remains to be seen how the Vulcan’s respond to this act.”
STH_andorian_flavour.16.desc:0 “Following our rightlful reclaiming of Weytahn the Vulcans have refused to negoiate or call in the Pink skins to aid the situation, instead they have launched a counter attack against our forces using the full force of their military. Many of our ground troops were killed in the attack and this is a clear act of war against the Andorian Empire and we must respond to this insult.”
STH_andorian_flavour.17.desc:0 “In a further overly emotional response from the Andorians they have reacted to our logical enforcement of the Territorial Compromise Treaty by declaring all out war against us. This dispute will now be settled by war.”
STH_andorian_flavour.18.desc:0 “The deteriorating situation between the neighbouring states of Vulcan and Andor reached boiling point today as the Andorian Empire declared war on the Vulcan High Command over a seemingly insignificant planetoid.”
STH_andorian_flavour.19.desc:0 “Our raid on Paan Mokar was not successful and appears to have ended in a firefight between our forces and the Andorians entrenched on the surface. Bloodshed is always a regretable outcome of situations like this and it is logical that this act will result in a negative outcome from the Andorian government.”
STH_andorian_flavour.20.desc:0 “It seems that logic has triumphed within the Andorian government following our strike against Paan Mokar and they have backed down and removed their forces from the planet. Paan Mokar is once again under the full control of the High Council.”
STH_andorian_flavour.21.desc:0 “Our strikes teams have successfully captured and neutralised the Andorian forces on Paan Mokar following an impressive raid against their stronghold within the colony. All Andorian infiltration has been removed from the planet and it returns to our full control.”
STH_andorian_flavour.22.desc:0 “Regretfully our troops were captured and removed from the planet by a sneaky and cowardly attack by the Vulcans, our troops have been returned to us but we have lost what little hold we have over the colony and it appears the Vulcan’s have fortified their position preventing any reattempt.”
STH_andorian_flavour.23.desc:0 “Following military intervention the Vulcans have removed all Andorian forces from the planetoid that both empires were fighting over. With little recource available to them except all out war, the Andorians have withdrawn their claims on the planet.”
STH_andorian_flavour.24.desc:0 “Greetings [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], we come to you in an uncustomary position of formally requesting aid from your Starfleet. A few days ago a contingent of armed forces from the Andorian Empire unlawfully broke a long-established treaty between our worlds and placed troops on the Vulcan colony at Paan Mokar. The logical response is to attempt a diplomatic solution, however the Andorians rarely act logically.”
STH_andorian_flavour.26.desc:0 “[weytahn_ue_leader.GetName] has reported back from Weytahn, they were successfully able to locate the Andorian forces and bring the Andorians and the Vulcans to the negotiating table. Although both sides were initially reluctant to the idea of relenquishing control of the planet, the promise of peace and avoiding a large scale war seems to have convinced both sides to look for a diplomatic solution. The question of who retains control of the planet will be heavily influenced by our input. The Andorians were the first species to colonise and own the planet, however its location on Vulcan’s doorstep make this a strategically important world.”
STH_andorian_flavour.31.desc:0 “Our troops have successfully landed and entrenched themselves within our former colony on Weytahn, effectively blocking any ability for the Vulcan’s to interact with their forces on the planet’s surface. Stubbornly the Vulcan’s are refusing to open a dialogue with us. The Imperial Guard have recommended that we reach out to the pink skins on Earth to act as an intermediary as their actions in dealing with the Vulcan’s has appeared to be even handed so far.”
STH_andorian_flavour.32.desc:0 “Following our insistance the Vulcans have caved in and handed Weytahn and the surrounding territory back to the Andorian Empire. They clearly did not believe they could challenge our fleets in combat. We should consider this matter resolved for now.”
STH_bajoran_flavour.1.desc:0 “§YCleansing the mirror in form of mind with the pollen of the Moreka you witness the unblemished glory of the Prophets. You are the trusted emissary you are the avatar of incomparable strength. All the unattainable tasks in the world become easily attainable with your grace.§!Akorem Laan grows in fame with each new poem he pens. The Kai in particular is known to find great joy in his works, with Akorem’s latest piece Gaudaal’s Lament no exception.”
STH_bajoran_flavour.101.desc:0 “Strange subspace readings have been detected in the capital city of our newly acquired [Root.GetName] colony. These irregular interferences block a substantial part of our subspace communication channels and thus reduce our ability to engage in trade with the world. We must find out where the jamming devices are located on the surface to restore channels to central command on [Root.Owner.Capital.GetName].”
STH_bajoran_flavour.102.desc:0 “After month of investigating the [bajoranSpecies.GetName] underground resistance cells, we have finally tracked down the local militia’s base of operation in the outskirts of Rakhanta province. Upon further questioning the leader of the resistance our away team has acquired intelligence suggesting another sabotage operation targeting [Root.Solar_System.Starbase.GetName].”
STH_bajoran_flavour.103.desc:0 “Upon arrival at [Root.Solar_System.Starbase.GetName] the troop transport barely manages to evade the huge pylons and structural debris floating around [Root.GetName]’s sun. Glowing bright from the massive explosion, they indicate the complete loss of the station. After relaying the disturbing news to central command on [Root.Capital.GetName], a construction ship has been dispatched for immediate reconstruction of [Root.Solar_System.Starbase.GetName].”
STH_bajoran_flavour.104.desc:0 “The Bajoran people have suffered for too long at the hands of [bajoran_overlords.GetName], the plunder our world, enslave our people forcing them into concentration camps or into mining camps stealing our natural resources and committing genocide in the name of enlightening our people. The resistance movement has gathered enough support an with galactic opinion now swinging against the forced occupation of Bajor, now is our time to strike back and push [bajoran_overlords.GetName] from our home and with the Prophets on our side to guide our way we shall be victorious.”
STH_bajoran_flavour.106.desc:0 “The people of the planet Bajor have long been oppressed under a brutal occupation of their homeworld, it appears they no longer wish to live under these conditions and a number of resistance cells have started to rise up against their overlords. Our intelligence reports indicated there has been a wave of bombings and attacks against foreign targets on the planet. The Bajoran resistance has formally demanded the withdrawal of all foreign forces from the planet within 48 hours.”
STH_bajoran_flavour.107.desc:0 “Praise the Prophets! After declaring war many felt that the power of Cardassia would be too much for our meager forces to defend against, but the spirit of the Bajoran people will not be defeated and our long oppression is finally over. The retreating Cardassian forces implemented a scorched earth policy and it will take some years to recover, but our future is back in our own hands.”
STH_bajoran_flavour.110.desc:0 “The Cardassians have rejected our demand on them to leave, this leaves us with no choice. If we are to be free then it must be war.”
STH_bajoran_flavour.115.desc:0 “Today is a humiliating day to be a Cardassian, the civilian government has signed the withdrawal agreement forcing us to leave the planet and its precious resources behind. This is a humiliating blow for the Union and one that we must see avenged. The Bajorans have not seen the last of us.”
STH_bajoran_flavour.121.desc:0 “One of our ships has suffered an unexpected malfunction resulting in a reactor breach that destroyed the ship. Whilst we have no evidence to prove it senior members of the Obsidian Order believe that it was no coincidence that the ship had recently received cargo that originated from Bajor.”
STH_bajoran_flavour.122.desc:0 “One of our leaders [killed_leader.GetName] has been found dead whilst on shore leave, it looks like they were murdered by the terrorist group calling themselves the Bajoran Resistance. They are nothing but criminals and will pay for their actions.”
STH_bajoran_flavour.123.desc:0 “A high ranking member of the civilian council has gone missing whilst travelling back from the Bajoran system, she was inspected the Ore processing facilities on the Nor-Class station orbiting Bajor and has not reported back to their superior officer.”
STH_bajoran_flavour.124.desc:0 “One of our transports carrying valuable cargo has disappeared whilst travelling through the badlands. We have now lost the transport and the crucial cargo being carried to Cardassia from Bajor. We suspect this is the work of the Bajoran Resistance.”
STH_bajoran_flavour.130.desc:0 “Following months of work by Cardassian negotiators, diplomats and select interventions by the Obsidian Order, the Bajoran people have been pacified and their leadership has been persuaded to follow Cardassian rule. We can now truly consider Bajor a loyal servant of the [Root.GetName].”
STH_bajoran_flavour.131.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] those treacherous Bajoran fools have betrayed the gracious offer of peace and reconciliation we have offered them. An explosive planted on the [assassinated_ship.GetName] destroyed the ship and our delegate [assassinated_cardassian.GetName]. There are strong calls from Cardassia that we have been too lenient and must react with Cardassian vengeance.”
STH_bajoran_flavour.132.desc:0 “The peace talks with the Bajoran leadership has been successful and in return for a greater standing within our great Union the Bajoran ministers and Vedeks have agreed to give up the location of the various resistance cells located across the planet. Obtaining the loyalty of the Bajoran leadership is truly a triumph of Cardassian might. We may now uphold our word and allow Bajor to become a true subject of Cardassia or follow the advice of many of our older Legates and betray the Bajorans and turn them into slaves.”
STH_bajoran_flavour.133.desc:0 “After years of occupation the Cardassians and Bajorans have come to an understanding and Bajor has formally submitted to Cardassian rule. The occupation is over and the resistance has been defeated.”
STH_bajoran_flavour.134.desc:0 “Despite years of resistance the Bajoran freedom movement has been ended in an act of betrayal from the Cardassian military which has left the Bajorans as little more than slaves to the will of the Cardassian machine. “
STH_bajoran_flavour.200.desc:0 “Following the guidance of Ranjen [bhala_discoverer.GetName] after [bhala_discoverer.GetSheHe] experienced a pagh’tem’far vision, an archaeological team on [Root.GetName] has unearthed a Bantica spire of what appears to be the ancient city of B’hala, thought lost over twenty thousand years ago. [bhala_discoverer.GetName] was able to determine the location of the Bantica spire after analysing a recently discovered painting of the city square which included the spire. As each spire’s unique markings indicate its position within the wider universe, simple extrapolation allowed a location to be determined. The excavation of the ruins of this lost city will require a substantial amount of resources, but could potentially reveal hidden secrets and bring us closer to the Prophets.”
STH_bajoran_flavour.201.desc:0 “With the unearthing of B’hala complete, Ranjen [bhala_discoverer.GetName] has again been contacted by the Prophets. Warning [bhala_discoverer.GetHerHim] that the [Root.GetName]’s engagement with the galactic community would place [From.GetName] at risk, Ranjen [bhala_discoverer.GetName] described swarms of locusts from the stars descending down to consume [From.GetName]. The government is split over how to react to the revelation. While [bhala_discoverer.GetName] visions proved true in locating B’hala, not everyone is prepared to abandon the [Root.GetName]’s interstellar agreements and withdraw into isolation.”
STH_bajoran_flavour.202.desc:0 “Following the unearthing of the ancient lost city of B’hala on [FromFrom.GetName], the [From.GetName] has withdrawn from its interstellar agreements and entered a period of isolation. Ranjen [FromFromFrom.GetName], the person whose supposed religious visions led to the discovery of the city, claimed to be witness to a second vision suggesting ruin would befall [FromFrom.GetName] should it continue to interact with the wider galaxy.”
STH_bajoran_flavour.300.desc:0 “Our recent integration of the planet Bajor and it’s population has lead to an interesting position, Bajor has a wealth of resources and a population that we could easily enslave and put to work for the good of [Root.GetName], many on [Root.capital_scope.GetName] feel this could be an easy opportunity to plunder a world of its riches, whilst the religious fools on the planet sit helpless at our feet.”
STH_bajoran_flavour.302.desc:0 “[This.GetName] Occupiers, the people of Bajor demand our freedom and the end to your wrongful occupation of our world, you have misunderstood the nature of the Bajoran people if you believe that we will continue to take this imprisonment of our world lying down! Free Bajor in the name of the Prophets!”
STH_bajoran_flavour.303.desc:0 “Bajor’s bid to ask for its freedom has been granted, only time will tell what this means for the Bajoran people and their occupiers.”
STH_bajoran_flavour.304.desc:0 “Bajor’s bid to ask for its freedom has been rejected, only time will tell what this means for the Bajoran people and their occupiers.”
STH_bajoran_story.1019.desc:0 “The arrival of the Emissary was predicted by several Bajoran writers, who wrote what they saw in several Prophecies. [the_emissary.GetName] was revealed to be the Emissary after surviving their encounter with the Prophets inside their temple, all of Bajor rejoices and their opinion of [the_emissary_country.GetName] has greatly improved for bringing their Emissary to them.”
STH_bajoran_story.1022.desc:0 “The discovery of the Bajoran Wormhole is a major strategic and tactical advancement our admirals have recommended moving the local starbase to the mouth of the wormhole to stake our claim to it and make it more defendable. §YDev Note: The Starbase in the Bajoran system will be replaced by a basic outpost and a new deep space military ship will be constructed close to the Wormhole. Before building the structure via the construction ship megastructure menu make sure that you have a Nor-Class starbase setup in your ship designer.§!”
borg_invasion_chain_desc:0 “Species identified as a worthy of assimilation, every effort should be made to make them one with the collective.”
borg_adaptation_chain_desc:0 “Research nodes are analysing data from recent battles to better adapt against hostile species’ weapons, defenses, and tactics.§YEmpires the Collective has analysed will appear here. Progress decays slowly while not engaging in combat.§!”
BORG_ADAPT_PROJECT_DESC:0 “At current estimates, our last §R[This.borg_engagement_count]§! engagements against the Borg have yielded useful combat data to the Collective. They will no doubt exploit this data to better adapt against our ships and tactics. At your discretion, we can research new methods, strategies, and technologies to render some of the Collective’s data obsolete. This will hopefully buy us more time during future encounters with this implacable menace.”
BORG_4_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Borg have adapted to our defenses and can attack our ships at will, we must re-modulate our shields and defenses to protect our ships!”
BORG_6_PROJECT_DESC:0 “A mysterious ship has been spotted on the fringes of our space, two scientists have requested permission to investigate and report back their findngs.”
BORG_7_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The ship continues to travel at high speeds, following it at close range could reveal its secrets.”
STH_borg.1.desc:0 “The §H[FromFromFrom.Species.GetBorgSpecies]§! vessel has been captured in [From.GetBorgCoordinates]. [FromFromFrom.Species.GetBorgSpecies] leader designated §H[FromFrom.GetName]§! possesses useful knowledge and experience. Assimilate.”
STH_borg.3.desc:0 “We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.”
STH_borg.5.desc:0 “Mapping complete. [This.capital_scope.GetName] astrometric nodes are now tracking all known star formations in prime galactic cluster. Ready for survey operations. Visual display update possible. §YThis event provides Borg players with the option to convert the map naming scheme to a more lore-friendly one. Recommended only for experienced users in single player campaigns.§!”
STH_borg.8.desc:0 “Through the process of assimilation, the Collective accumulates vast quantities of data that must be collated and archived. Periodic review of information stored in auxiliary data nodes may yield §Gnew technological advances§! that can be assimilated into our own. If no distinctiveness can be found, the £unity£ §YUnity§! of the Collective will be increased instead.”
STH_borg.103.desc:0 “The Collective has assimilated individuals from the [from.GetName] species, designated §Y[from.GetBorgSpecies]§!, for the first time. Their biological distinctiveness has been added to our own.”
STH_borg.106.desc:0 “Sufficient individuals from [from.GetBorgSpecies] have been assimilated that the marginal research benefits have reached a plateau. While bringing perfection to more of [from.GetBorgSpecies] will still be to the advantage of the Collective, we must extend ourselves to assimilate new races if we wish to improve upon our perfection.”
STH_borg.301.desc:0 “Our forces have conquered [FROMFROM.GetName] from the Collective, but the challenge of handling the remaining drones on the planet is immense. As this world was originally part of the [FROM.GetName], one option would be return control to the [FROM.GetSpeciesNamePlural]. Alternatively we could keep the world for ourselves and risk being overrun by the drone population.”
STH_borg.302.desc:0 “Our forces have conquered [FROMFROM.GetName] from the Collective, but the challenge of handling the remaining drones on the planet is immense.”
STH_borg.303.desc:0 “[From.GetName] forces have conquered [FROMFROM.GetName] from the Collective and returned it to the [Root.GetName]. The challenge of handling the remaining drones on the planet is immense.”
STH_borg.1004.desc:0 “The recent capture of [FromFrom.GetName] cannot be sustained so long as the Unicomplex remains intact. Too many security systems may lie dormant before potentially assimilating our personnel aboard the facility.To eliminate this risk we must demolish [From.GetName]. We can do so in a way that will maximise our recovered resource potential, or in a way that will increase reverse-engineering potential from the remaining Borg technology.”
STH_borg.1007.desc:0 “The [LastKilledCountryName] have been destroyed, and with their loss the galaxy has been made safer.Picking through the ruins of the [LastKilledCountryName]’s ships and worlds will take months, but the potential for technological gain is significant.”
STH_borg.1050.desc:0 “The deconstruction of the colony on [from.GetName] is complete. Structures have been disassembled into their raw materials while the population has been assimilated and relocated to other habitats.”
STH_borg.1053.desc:0 “Our operation to assimilation the colony belonging to species who have designated themselves as [FROMFROM.GetName] has alerted them to the collectives presence. They are mobilising their defences is preparation to begin an assault on the collective. Threat level has increased, we will prepare offensive operations, their resistance will be futile, they will adapt to service the collective…”
STH_borg.5001.desc:0 “In the wreckage of a Borg vessel our engineers have uncovered an intact Transwarp node complete with computer algorithm that allows the safe navigation of these treacherous tunnels through space. Our scientists believe they can reverse engineer the tech and allow us to use Borg Transwarp Conduits to travel through space.”
STH_borg.6002.desc:0 “We have successfully completed assimilation of a captured ship. Its technology and crew now service us. The vessel has been reconfigured to match the perfection of the Borg, and is now ready for assignment at [Root.Capital.GetName].”
STH_borg.6003.desc:0 “Our new military is now ready for deployment as a fully assimilated Borg ship. This vessel will now service the Collective.”
STH_borg.6004.desc:0 “A Cube marks the pinnacle of Borg perfection, our drones have combined the imperfect designs of lesser ships to adapt and now service us and allowed for the construction of a new Borg Cube. Its construction brings us one step closer to perfection and to impart that perfection on others.”
STH_borg.6005.desc:0 “Our tactical drones managed to successfully board the alien vessel and begin assimilation protocols, however the indigenous species have resisted assimilation and joining the perfection of the Borg. They have managed to secure control of the ship’s auto-destruct mechanism and have destroyed the vessel.”
STH_borg.6006.desc:0 “Despite the destruction of the target, our drones managed to obtain a number of valuable materials that can be used to service the Collective.”
STH_borg.6007.desc:0 “Warning! Before the enemy ship self-destructed, its crew managed to upload a virus into the neuroprocessor of a defeated drone. This virus was inadvertently transmitted back to [borg_assimilator_vessel.GetName], causing it to explode. The offending code has been isolated and removed. We will adapt to this loss.”
STH_borg.6008.desc:0 “Our attempts to fully assimilate one of the captured ships were not successful and the target was lost. However our drones were able to board the ship and obtain useful resources and technology to further aid the Collective in addition to new drones to service the collective. The loss is irrelevant.”
STH_borg.6101.desc:0 “The destruction of the tactical asset designated [FromFrom.GetName] has allowed us to analyse the weaponry used against the Collective. All vessels will divert combat resources to defensive systems while adaptations are processed. We are the Borg. Resistance is futile.”
STH_borg.6102.desc:0 “We have successfully destroyed a Borg vessel, and it appears that their remaining forces are temporarily focusing on defense in an attempt to buy time to adapt. Our forces are performing emergency cycling of all weapons frequencies to counteract the Collective’s tactics, but the process will take a few days to complete.”
STH_borg.6201.desc:0 “The [borg_invaded_ship.GetName] is reporting that is has lost contact with its engineering section with temperatures reaching 39.1 degrees celsius, shortly after this report we lost contact with the ship. Sensor readings suggest that Borg drones were beamed on board the ship shortly before the destruction of their ship. The Borg will look to establish a collective onboard the ship and attempt to take control of the vessel. The crew will either look to initiate the self-destruct or the riskier approach which is to fight off the drones.”
STH_borg.6202.desc:0 “In a meaningless display of resistance, an enemy ship that was boarded by [borg_assimilator_vessel.GetName] has self-destructed, denying its primitive crew the gift of assimilation.”
STH_borg.6203.desc:0 “As the enemy vessel [borg_invaded_ship.GetName] attempted to disengage, [borg_assimilator_vessel.GetName] successfully beamed a group of drones aboard. The drones will commence assimilation protocols and begin the assimilation of the target. Its technological distinctiveness will be adapted to service us.”
STH_borg.6205.desc:0 “The last transmission from the [borg_invaded_ship.GetName] indicated that the Borg had control over 90% of the ship, including navigation and the ships engines. We must presume that the crew have been either killed or have suffered a worse fate. The ship has powered up its engines and disappeared leaving only a transwarp signature heading deep into Borg territory where the Borg will complete the assimilation of our ship.”
STH_borg.6206.desc:0 “We are receiving a transmission from our missing ship, it appears they were successful in repelling the Borg invasion of their ship. The Collective has suffered a mighty defeat today and a line has been drawn… this far and no further! With control re-established over the ship it has been returned to full operational readiness. We may even be able to learn from some of the leftover Borg technology.”
STH_borg.6207.desc:0 “Efforts to assimilate the [borg_invaded_ship.GetName] were unsuccessful. All drones assigned to this task have been neutralized by enemy defenders. Resetting target priority and updating drone expenditure projections to compensate.”
STH_borg.6300.desc:0 “During our assimilation of the [From.GetName], the Collective successfully abducted an individual from the enemy’s primitive leadership hierarchy. This drone’s mind possesses extensive data regarding its species’ technology and battle strategies. We have assimilated this leader, now designated §G[FromFrom.GetName]§!, to facilitate operations against the §H[FromFromFrom.GetName]§!.Assign leader directive.”
STH_borg.6301.desc:0 “In a disastrous turn of events, our leader aboard the [From.GetName] has been abducted and assimilated by the Borg. [FromFrom.GetSheHeCap] has hailed our forces, demanding our immediate surrender. We must consider the dire reality that we are now fighting against the knowledge and experience of the person [FromFrom.GetSheHe] once was.”
STH_borg.6302.desc:0 “In a textbook display of cunning and decisive action, crew from the [From.GetName] have successfully prevented §G[FromFrom.GetName]§! from being assimilated by the Borg. Though the loss of the [From.GetName] is unfortunate, [FromFrom.GetName] has vowed to take the fight back to the Borg as soon as [FromFrom.GetSheHe] is assigned to a new command. We were very lucky today.”
STH_borg.7001.desc:0 “The [borg_invaded_fleet.GetName] is collapsing into chaos now that the Borg have adapted to the last of its weapons. We are receiving reports of Borg drones on nearly all remaining ships. Security teams are attempting to repel the invaders, but should they be defeated it is likely we will lose the fleet to the Collective.”
STH_borg.7002.desc:0 “Despite the best efforts of our crews, the Borg presence throughout the [borg_invaded_fleet.GetName] was too strong and our defences were overrun. We are flagging the fleet as lost and potentially hostile.”
STH_borg.7004.desc:0 “We are receiving a transmission from the [borg_invaded_fleet.GetName], it appears they were successful in repelling the Borg invasion of their ships. The Collective has suffered a mighty defeat today and a line has been drawn… this far and no further! With control re-established over the fleet it has been returned to full operational readiness. We may even be able to learn from some of the leftover Borg technology.”
STH_borg.7005.desc:0 “Our fleet was able to partially defeat the Borg, but unfortunately the [borg_invaded_fleet_ship.GetName] was lost with all hands in the process. The remaining ships were able to rid themselves of the Borg incursion and escape the battle.”
STH_borg.7006.desc:0 “We have fully adapted against the [borg_invaded_fleet.Owner.GetName]’s [borg_invaded_fleet.GetName]. Scans indicate it no longer has sufficient ships or crew to resist direct assault via mass-transport of tactical drones. Remodulate all transporter beams to penetrate enemy shields. Prepare drones for deployment.”
STH_borg.7007.desc:0 “In an act of desperation, a fleet engaging our forces self-destructed its ships rather than allow them to be assimilated. The loss of deployed drones is irrelevant. We will adapt.”
STH_borg.7008.desc:0 “Tactical drone numbers were insufficient, resulting in failure to assimilate the enemy fleet. Regroup and pursue targets.”
STH_borg.7009.desc:0 “We have secured control of the [From.GetName]. We will begin analyzing and assimilating its biological and technological distinctiveness. Approximately 30 to 90 computing cycles required for this task. Irrelevant vessels will be disassembled for resources. Remaining vessels will be adapted to service us.”
STH_borg.7010.desc:0 “We have analyzed several vessels from recently captured fleets and found no further distinctiveness worth assimilating. These ships have therefore been redirected to [Root.Capital.GetName] for disassembly. The resources and drones aboard will be redistributed throughout the Collective, bringing us closer to perfection.”
STH_borg.7020.desc:0 “Assimilation Protocols Completed. Drones aboard asset designated [borg_ship_convert.GetName] have completed the assimilation of the vessel and are ready to return the unit to [Root.Capital_scope.GetName] to complete its full integration into the collective.Secondary protocols now engaged…”
STH_borg.9001.desc:0 “Our forces report that they have concluded the orbital bombardment of §H[From.GetName]§!. All active Borg drones have been deactivated and the Borg structure appears powerless and in ruin. We now have to make a decision on what to do with the structure. The safest option is to destroy what remains of the facility and lay to rest the drones that were once individuals, however our scientists are eager to get their hands on the technology which would greatly boost our own.”
STH_borg.9002.desc:0 “A fleet belonging to the §H[From.From.GetName]§! has destroyed §H[From.GetName]§!. All Borg units have been rendered inoperable. Our adaption algorithms were unable to adapt quickly enough to neutralise threat. Target losses are unacceptable, appropriate counter-measures engaged.Resistance must be brought to acceptable levels, further loss to the Collective cannot be permitted.”
STH_borg.9003.desc:0 “§G[borg_facility_leader.GetName]§! has reported back from their assignment on the derelict Borg facility with positive news, they have successfully managed to tap into a fraction of the Collectives database and download terrabytes of valuable research information from under the nose of the Collective. The research crews are eager to leave the strange facility as soon as possible.”
STH_borg.9004.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] we have worrying news from the [borg_science_ship.GetName], we have lost all communications from the ship, the last transmission we received was an update log and then a broken communication from the ship. It appears they attempted to bring a number of dead drones back onboard the [borg_science_ship.GetName] for further study.Worryingly the last message we received was a broken distress call from the second officer reporting that [borg_facility_leader.GetName] had been assimilated and that the Borg now controlled over 95% of the ship. All communications have been lost since that point and we can only assume the ship has been assimilated by the Borg!”
STH_borg.9005.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] we have worrying news from the [borg_science_ship.GetName], we have lost all communications from the ship, the last transmission we received was an update log and then a broken communication from the ship. It appears they attempted to bring a number of dead drones back onboard the [borg_science_ship.GetName] for further study.We received a final transmission from the [borg_science_ship.GetName] claiming that the Borg were attempting to take control of [borg_science_ship.GetName], [borg_science_ship.GetHerHis] final order was to activate the ships self-destruct command to prevent the ship being lost to the borg.”
STH_borg.9006.desc:0 “Assimilation Report Complete, drone reactivation successful. Tactical assets have successfully completed the assimiliation of [borg_science_ship.GetName] the vessel will now serve the collective.”
STH_borg.9007.desc:0 “It appears that the Borg have invested the considerable resources of the collective into adapting to our defenses, it appears are shields currently offer little protection against their weaponary.”
STH_borg.9008.desc:0 “Adaption Protocol Engaged. Enemy defenses have been analysed and tactical weaknesses have been assessed. Our tactical threat has been increased for a short duration.”
STH_borg.9009.desc:0 “We have successfully managed to re-modulate our shields, removing the increased damage the Borg are able to inflict on our vessels. “
STH_borg.9010.desc:0 “Assimilation Target has adapted its defenses. Collective weapon threat has returned to regular levels. Continue assimilation drive. Their resistance is futile.”
BORG_DESTROYED_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Our Science Division has requested access to the Borg remains and debris following our recent destruction of one of their primary stations. A science vessel has been instructed to investigate the debris for any useful findings.”
STH_borg_anomaly.3.desc:0 “It appears that some of [From.GetName]’s flora has developed effective defense mechanisms through natural selection. Numerous trees and fungi exude spores that act like a powerful acidic on non-plant organisms. Leadership node [Root.GetLeaderName] successfully determined a countermeasure to the more damaging strands of these spores, making the planet’s forests less corrosive to organic tissues, however not before several drones were irreparably damaged.”
STH_borg_anomaly_failure.3.desc:0 “It appears that some of [From.GetName]’s flora has developed effective defense mechanisms through natural selection. Numerous trees and fungi exude spores that act like a powerful acidic on non-plant organisms. Leadership node [Root.GetLeaderName] successfully determined a countermeasure to the more damaging strands of these spores, making the planet’s forests less corrosive to organic tissues, however not before [Root.GetLeaderName] itself and several drones were irreparably damaged.”
POLLEN_BORG_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Several strains of fungus have developed an immunity to the sterilisation agents present throughout the unicomplex.Analysis of the mechanisms involved could prove useful in developing new sterilisation agents.”
STH_borg_flavour.50.desc:0 “Several strains of fungus have been detected growing throughout [Root.GetName], resisting all non-corrosive sterilisation agents. Resistance is futile. A special research project has been prepared for further study of this fungus.”
STH_borg_flavour.51.desc:0 “On closer examination, the fungal growths on [Root.GetName] appear to have been altered by assimilation nanoprobes suffering from coding errors which were resolved several centuries prior.How these nanoprobes avoided over a million code revisions remains a mystery.”
STH_borg_anomaly_failure.1.desc:0 “Drone [Root.GetLeaderName] coordinated [Root.GetName]’s dispatch of a reconnaissance action to the moon [From.From.GetName]. Following a transient gravimetric disturbance, the probe’s braking thrusters failed and it proceeded to collide with the [From.From.GetName] surface…”
STH_borg_anomaly_failure.2.desc:0 “For unclear reasons, the Drone assigned to [Root.GetName] made a local-command-authority decision to oversee a group of Drones to investigate the moon [From.From.GetName]. An explosion was detected shortly afterwards when the physical transport node accidentally impacted the surface at full impulse. Investigatory algorithms have since determined that transient ionic radiation damaged key decision making pathways in the Drone’s cortical node.”
STH_cardassian_flavour.1.desc:0 “§YAnd so Maric found himself again before the thieves, their cart filled with the many things they had stolen from the village store. He knew he could turn back, that he could return home to the loving arms of Mela and the children, and who would think less of him? But he would think less. The villainous pair had robbed the state itself. Cardassia itself. And that could not be left unpunished, even if it might cost him his life in doing so…§! Ulan Corac has published his novel The Never-Ending Sacrifice to universal praise on Cardassia. A defining example of the repetitive epic genre, the chronicle of seven generations of the Ularc family has inspired readers across all Cardassian space and reaffirmed their commitment to family and state. [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] has already proposed the work be required reading in all schools.”
STH_cardassian_flavour.2.desc:0 “§YUlim heard the door chime and finished the glass of Kanar he clutched before switching off the lock. Turning at last, he saw the silhouette bold against the brightness of the hallway beyond, an elegant dark matter cloud before a supernova. He placed the Kanar bottle in the desk drawer and discreetly pulled out his disruptor before turning on the room illumination. ‘Come on in.’ She slid forward, the side-strands of her hair swaying, before at last sitting on the edge of Ulim’s desk. ‘I’m told you’re an Investigator. A good one. Well, I know someone you really should be investigating…’§! Golu Shoggoth’s ‘Enigma Tales’ series of novels have enjoyed widespread acclaim across the Cardassian Union. The genre focuses on the work of dedicated, if sometimes flawed, Public Investigators and their unceasing efforts to uncover the crimes of the guilty. While [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] has refrained from endorsing the works publicly, with many believing a concern for the less than perfect personal characteristics of Shoggoth’s protagonists, the people are nonetheless given to new appreciation for the work of our criminal investigators.”
STH_cardassian_flavour.3.desc:0 “§YThe Drill Glin stood tall over the recruits, her face a stone and her stare stretching for light years. ‘You are all here for one reason, and one reason alone. To defend the Cardassian people,’ her voice boomed across the courtyard. ‘None of us chose this war. It was thrust upon us. The [other_empire.GetSpeciesAdj] dogs will stop at nothing to destroy the [Root.GetName], to push our people back to Cardassia and there eradicate us from the galaxy. But you – YOU will not let that happen. Am I right?’ she demanded as the thousands of volunteers shouted in unison: ‘For Cardassia!’§! The publication of Eleta Preloc’s latest work of science fiction ‘Meditations on a Crimson Shadow’ has led to a surge in voluntary applications to the Orders across the [Root.GetName]. Preloc describes a series of wars in the distant future between the [Root.GetName] and a villainous [other_empire.GetName] focused on the extermination of the [Root.GetSpeciesAdj] people. [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] has described the work as particularly relevant given current relations with the [other_empire.GetName] and has recommended Preloc for the prestigious Gerok Prize.”
STH_cardassian_flavour.11.desc:0 “The chime comes over the intercom and Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] is called to the bridge. The crew stand looking uneasy, as the Executive Officer begins to report: ‘Sir, we have received a transmission on an Obsidian Order channel.’ ‘And?’ the Gul asks. ‘Sir, there are orders for you attend an investigation into your conduct.’ A snarl overcomes the face of the Gul as [officer.GetSheHe] notices an incoming shuttle alert on the communications console. The Executive Officer motions to two a pair of Glins who unholster their weapons. ‘Please Sir, this way’ one says, as Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] is led to the turbolift at disruptor-point.”
STH_cardassian_flavour.12.desc:0 “Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] is led swiftly into the briefing room. The room has been configured for a standard military tribunal, though the Order operative on the raised central chair has no official military status. The operative gives her opening statement before an assembly of the senior crew, listing a range of apparently contradictory charges.Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] listens in silence for several minutes before finally being afforded the opportunity to reply. [officer.GetSheHeCap] methodically deconstructs the operative’s accusations, and with corroboration from the crew the accusations soon fall apart. Taking a sidelong glance at the crew and scowling, the Obsidian Order operative calls the inquiry to a close.”
STH_cardassian_flavour.13.desc:0 “Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] is led swiftly into the briefing room. The room has been configured for a standard military tribunal, though the Order operative on the raised central chair has no official military status. The operative gives her opening statement before an assembly of the senior crew, listing a range of apparently contradictory charges.Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] listens in silence for several minutes before finally being afforded the opportunity to reply. [officer.GetSheHeCap] methodically deconstructs the operative’s accusations, but when asked to corroborate the information the crew offer conflicting reports. Taking a long look at [officer.GetHerHis] crew, Gul [Root.GetLeaderName]’s face draws tighter as [officer.GetSheHe] realises that [officer.GetSheHe] has been outmaneuvered. The Obsidian Order operative dismisses the audience and comes to speak to the Gul. ‘If this becomes public your career is over,’ she declares. ‘From now on, you report to us.'”
STH_cardassian_flavour.14.desc:0 “The chime comes over the intercom and Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] is called to the bridge. The crew stand looking uneasy, as the Executive Officer begins to report: ‘Sir, we have received a transmission on an Obsidian Order channel.’ ‘And?’ the Gul asks. ‘Sir, there are orders for you attend an investigation into your conduct.’ A snarl overcomes the face of the Gul as [officer.GetSheHe] notices an incoming shuttle alert on the communications console. The Executive Officer motions to two a pair of Glins who unholster their weapons. ‘Please Sir, this way’ one says, as Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] is led to the turbolift at disruptor-point.”
STH_cardassian_flavour.15.desc:0 “Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] is shackled and led swiftly into a small room before being thrown the floor near a dark clothed operative of the Obsidian Order. ‘This won’t be a… standard inquiry, Gul’ the operative sneers, as she manhandles the Gul into the chair. A large thump to the back of the head knocks the Gul unconscious. ‘Failure to follow directives, overzealousness in carrying orders out, delay in carrying out orders…’ False statements wash over Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] as bright lights flash upon him and the beatings continue throughout the day. Days later Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] wakes up to the sound of the Executive Officer arguing with the operative. Snarling, the operative walks over to Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] and begins to untie the restraints. Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] turns to the agent and barks out a laugh.”
STH_cardassian_flavour.16.desc:0 “Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] is shackled and led swiftly into a small room before being thrown the floor near a dark clothed operative of the Obsidian Order. ‘This won’t be a… standard inquiry, Gul’ the operative sneers, as she manhandles the Gul into the chair. A large thump to the back of the head knocks the Gul unconscious. ‘Failure to follow directives, overzealousness in carrying orders out, delay in carrying out orders…’ False statements wash over Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] as bright lights flash upon him and the beatings continue throughout the day. Days later Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] awakens, gasping for breath. The operative turns and says ‘This will all be over if you just tell me how many lights you see.'”
STH_cardassian_flavour.17.desc:0 “The [Root.GetName] was conducting combat readiness drills when internal sensors detected an anomalous reading near the ship’s computer core. Investigating further an engineering team has located a device attached to the power grid in a maintenance access corridor that appear to be transmitting sensitive ship information.”
STH_cardassian_flavour.18.desc:0 “Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] ordered the engineering team to dismantle the device. Hours pass before the Chief Engineer enters Gul [Root.GetLeaderName]’s briefing room.’Gul, the device appears to be derived from anodyne communication interception designs used by the Obsidian Order. When we investigated more closely the device powered down and we’ve been unable to reactivate. What do you want to do with the device?'”
STH_cardassian_flavour.19.desc:0 “Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] ordered the engineering team to dismantle the device. Hours pass before the Chief Engineer enters Gul [Root.GetLeaderName]’s briefing room.’Gul, the device appears to be derived from anodyne communication interception designs used by the Obsidian Order. When we investigated more closely the device powered down and we’ve been unable to reactivate. What do you want to do with the device?'”
STH_cardassian_flavour.20.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName] was conducting combat readiness drills when external sensors detected an anomalous reading several million kilometres starboard. ‘Gul, the reading appears to be a container of domestic design. It is shielded from scans but it does appear to be safe,’ the Science Officer reports. Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] orders it transported aboard into the cargo hold.Upon closer inspection it appears to be an standard type six storage container with a blinking display asking for a command code. After entering [officer.GetHerHis] command code Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] is presented with another panel with what appears to be a retinal scanner port.”
STH_cardassian_flavour.21.desc:0 “Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] leans over the container to the retinal scanner and holds steady as a bright red laser scans [officer.GetHerHis] eye. The retinal scanner turns blue and a hissing noise is heard. Jumping back, Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] watches the container slowly depressurise and hiss open, showing a large cache of weaponry, equipment and supplies.”
STH_cardassian_flavour.22.desc:0 “Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] leans over the container to the retinal scanner and holds steady as a bright red laser scans [officer.GetHerHis] eye. The retinal scanner turns blue and a hissing noise is heard. Jumping back, Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] watches the container slowly depressurise and hiss open, a number of datapads spilling to the floor. Activating the pads reveals they contain sensitive political information; the cache now clearly intended for foreign spies.”
STH_cardassian_flavour.23.desc:0 “Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] leans over the container to the retinal scanner and holds steady as a bright red laser scans [officer.GetHerHis] eye. The retinal scanner turns red and a hissing noise is heard. Attempting to jump back, Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] is sprayed in the face with a strange substance and watches as the container sounds the klaxon of a Cardassian self destruct. Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] slams their hand to the emergency transport button, beaming the container back out into space.”
STH_cardassian_flavour.24.desc:0 “Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] leans over the container to the retinal scanner and holds steady as a bright red laser scans [officer.GetHerHis] eye. The retinal scanner turns red and a hissing noise is heard. Attempting to jump back, Gul [Root.GetLeaderName] watches as a blue gas puffs directly into [officer.GetHerHis] face, causing [officer.GetHerHim] to fall to the ground, shrieking loudly in pain. Poison courses through [officer.GetHerHis] veins as the world begins to turn red.”
RECREATE_VORTA_PROJECT_1_DESC:0 “Vorta DNA fragments may be recoverable from archived data storage units. If found, a cohort of Vorta will be bred for immediate utilisation.”
RECREATE_JEMHADAR_PROJECT_1_DESC:0 “Jem’Hadar DNA fragments may be recoverable from archived data storage units. If found, a cohort of Jem’Hadar will be bred for immediate deployment.”
STH_dominion_flavour.302.desc:0 “[jemHadarElder.GetName], one of our Jem’Hadar Firsts has reached the venerable age of twenty cycles. A veteran of many skirmishes and duels, the wealth of experience provided by the elder in the art of warfare and loyalty is substantial. This Honoured Elder has proven [jemHadarElder.GetHerHim]self to be a master tactician and valiant warrior, capable of defeating numerically superior forces with great skill. What shall we do with [jemHadarElder.GetHerHim]?”
STH_dominion_flavour.303.desc:0 “[jemHadarElder.GetName], one of our Jem’Hadar Firsts has reached the venerable age of twenty cycles. A veteran of many skirmishes and duels, the wealth of experience provided by the elder in the art of warfare and loyalty is substantial. This Honoured Elder has proven [jemHadarElder.GetHerHim]self to be a master tactician known for never retreating, capable of commanding scores of vessels and defeating numerically superior forces. What shall we do with [jemHadarElder.GetHerHim]?”
STH_dominion_flavour.500.desc:0 “A new world, §G[FROM.GetName]§! has aligned themselves with the mighty Dominion, due to their status, we can uplift them to a full Dominion Member with all the privileges and responsibilities to the Founders that demands.”
STH_dominion_flavour.1110.desc:0 “The solids rely heavily on their diplomats and envoys using primitive words to convey their messages, these envoys make easy targets for us to replace and seed mistrust between the solids, especially when they are so filled with lies and deceit to begin with. One member of the Great Link will seize the opportunity to infiltrate and pose as an envoy before attempting to harm relations between two different powers.”
STH_dominion_flavour.1111.desc:0 “Our fellow changing within [recent_country_dom_envoy_event.getName] has identified the perfect target, an Envoy is on route to a conference aboard a lighty protected craft, making them an easy target. We will have them replaced immediately. Our reports have identified a number of other powers that we can then target to harm the relationship between them and [recent_country_dom_envoy_event.GetName]. In our experience the solids are so easily manipulated.”
STH_dominion_flavour.1113.desc:0 “[recent_country_dom_envoy_event.GetRulerTitle] [recent_country_dom_envoy_event.GetRulerName] we have alarming news, one of our most trusted diplomatic envoys has apparently gone rogue and detonated a bomb on the planet [dom_envoy_target_country.capital_scope.GetName]. It is unclear what [changling_envoy.GetName] was doing within [dom_envoy_target_country.GetName] territory but preliminary investigations show that they were using our diplomatic credentials and claiming to represent our interests. It is unclear just how much damage was caused by the explosion and [changling_envoy.GetName] has not been seen since, so we can only presume they were killed in the explosion. This could serious harm our relationship with [dom_envoy_target_country.GetName].”
STH_dominion_flavour.1117.desc:0 “We have now received a formal response from the [From.GetName] embassy here on [Root.capital_scope.GetName] and it seems they have accepted our response to the diplomatic incident between our two states. Whilst relations with them will have taken a hit, thankfully the damage done was not as bad as it could have been. The strange behaviour from the missing envoy has confused and puzzled all involved with them and the loss of their services will be felt by all involved in our foreign policy.”
STH_dominion_flavour.1118.desc:0 “We have now received a formal response from the [from.GetName] embassy here on [Root.capital_scope.GetName] and it seems they have refused to accept our apology leaving the relations between our two countries damaged. The strange behaviour from the missing envoy has confused and puzzled all involved with them and the loss of their services is a further blow to our foreign policy.”
STH_dominion_flavour.1120.desc:0 “The link is once again whole and rejoices in the success of our infiltration. As predicted the solids are so easily set against each other and fall into their familiar habits of squabbling and infighting. Our efforts to destabilize key relationships will prove highly beneficial for the Dominion should we wish to take advantage.”
STH_dominion_flavour.1121.desc:0 “The link is once again whole but our efforts to undermine the solids relationships with each other were not successful and they appear to have become more unified as a result. However it matters little as with all lesser beings another opportunity will present itself and the solids can only ever be trusted to turn on each other given enough time.”
STH_dominion_flavour.1122.desc:0 “Our internal affairs team have spent a number of weeks investigating what caused a prominent member of our envoy team to attempt to sabotage our interests. Sadly they have been unable to determine what caused the incident or recover enough information from their logs. All we know is that on return from shore leave their behaviour was described as different and more aloof. It is hugely disappointing that we have not resolved this matter.”
STH_dominion_flavour.1123.desc:0 “Our internal security teams have uncovered what they believe to be a Dominion lead plot to destabilise relations between major powers that rival them. Evidence picked up from security footage suggests that our envoy was killed whilst on shore leave and replaced by a Changeling, who then proceeded to cause havoc whilst using the face of our former diplomat. Whilst the evidence is not concrete and the Vorta representatives have strongly denied such ‘ridiculous claims’ all evidence does point to this being the cause. Our security services have recommended implementing a number of steps, including blood screenings and routine sweeps for shapeshifters, however these measures will be not be popular with our citizens.”
STH_dominion_flavour.1124.desc:0 “It seems the solids are not as foolish as we first thought and they have correctly deduced that one of our own was behind the actions of their envoy. Naturally the Vorta have strongly denied the allegations and rubbished the claims we would have any interest in harming our neighbours. It is likely that they will have improved their security measures making a further attempt to replace one of their envoys that much more difficult.”
STH_dominion_flavour.1900.desc:0 “The Founder posing as the [From.Owner.GetName] ruler [From.GetName] has publically declared support for our war effort, and has announced the deployment of military aid to all current Dominion campaigns. Forces from [From.Owner.GetName] are moving to join our fleets as we speak.”
STH_the_ship_category_desc:0 “An alien warship has crashed on the surface of [Root.GetName].”
STH_dominion_flavour.2001.desc:0 “A warship carrying a Founder has gone missing in warp.While the exact status of the vessel is unknown, scans of its subspace wake indicates it may have suffered an engine malfunction. Vector analysis suggests an 84% chance that the ship passed through the [FromFrom.GetName] system.”
STH_dominion_flavour.2002.desc:0 “Sensors indicate a vessel of [From.GetName] design appears to have crashed landed on the planet [FromFrom.GetName] in the [FromFromFrom.GetName] system.While risky, the rewards for recovering the vessel could be significant. A full survey team will be needed to identify the exact crash site.”
STH_dominion_flavour.2022.desc:0 “Despite the [FromFrom.GetName]’s threats, our assets have successfully recovered the warship and brought it into orbit of [From.GetName].Despite some damage, it appears capable of entering active service.”
STH_dominion_flavour.2023.desc:0 “The [FromFrom.GetName]’s threats have proven effective, our assets on [From.GetName] have been decimated by a surgical strike which has resulted in the destruction of the vessel after the apparent recovery of an item from within it. How this will impact the [Root.Owner.GetName]’s relations with the [FromFrom.GetName] remains uncertain.”
STH_dominion_flavour.2024.desc:0 “The [FromFrom.Owner.GetName] has alerted the [Root.GetName] to the presence of a crashed warship on the surface of [From.GetName]. After investigating the site, an injured Founder has been recovered and is en route back to the Great Link.”
STH_dominion_flavour.2025.desc:0 “The [FromFrom.Owner.GetName] has located a crashed [Root.GetName] warship on the surface of [From.GetName], but has refused our demands to allow the [Root.GetName] access to the site. While the vessel has value, the potential that the Founder assigned to the ship may still be alive is the most pressing concern.”
STH_dominion_flavour.2026.desc:0 “The [FromFrom.Owner.GetName] has located a crashed [Root.GetName] warship on the surface of [From.GetName]. Accepting our demands to allow the [Root.GetName] access to the site, an injured Founder has been recovered and is en route back to the Great Link.”
STH_dominion_flavour.2050.desc:0 “The tensions between the [Root.GetName]’s Vorta and Jem’Hadar subjects is in many ways intended as one of the various methods of control the Founders employ to ensure the smooth running of the [Root.Owner.GetName].Recently an argument between the [Root.GetName]’s Vorta overseer [Root.Leader.GetName] and [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] Jem’Hadar First has escalated and resulted in the death of [Root.Leader.GetName].In ordinary circumstances the First would be executed, however given the theological nature of the argument and the apparent lack of respect [Root.Leader.GetName] showed to [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] gods in it, there is room for flexibility.”
STH_dominion_flavour.4000.desc:0 “Mighty Founder, we have identified a number of targets who we should attempt to bring into the mighty Dominion family. Our infiltration reports and long range scans suggest that their military prowess is well beneath our own. We should send a Vorta envoy to explain the rewards of joining the Dominion and the penalties for rejecting our benevolent offer.”
STH_dominion_flavour.4001.desc:0 “Hello, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] we greet you from the mighty Dominion with an offer that you would be wise to accept. We are a technologically advanced and millennia old power, founded under the absolute rule of a group of the wise and mighty Founders and we welcome you to share in the glory of our empire.”
STH_dominion_flavour.4002.desc:0 “The sheer audacity of [dom_member_target_country.GetName], they have rejected our offer to join the Dominion and scorned the welcoming offer from the Founders. This affront to the Founders power cannot be allowed to continue unchallenged. Should we declare war or allow them this one transgression.”
STH_dominion_flavour.4003.desc:0 “The leaders of [dom_member_target_country.GetName] have seen the wisdom of joining the mighty Dominion to serve at the whim of the Founders. This is another fabulous day in the history of the Dominion.”
STH_dominion_flavour.4004.desc:0 “Our diplomatic teams have received notification that [dom_member_target_country.GetName] has rejected the Dominions offer to join them. The Changelings are not accustomed to being rejected and it appears the Dominion are gearing up to take their worlds by force.”
STH_dominion_flavour.4005.desc:0 “Our diplomatic teams have received notification that [dom_member_target_country.GetName] has joined the Dominion in servitude of the Changelings. The inclusion of this new galactic state will only increase the reach of the Dominion.”
STH_dominion_flavour.5000.desc:0 “The mighty Dominion has never succeeded by standing still and we have a number of allies within our current alliance who would should welcome the chance to join the Dominion and share in the benefits that all members share. We have identified the targets below with whom we should start to open diplomatic links with and prepare them for the process of signing our treaties and embracing our might. We should be prepared that not all the states may welcome integration, but ultimately only the will of the Great Link matters.”
STH_dominion_flavour.5002.desc:0 “The leaders of [dominionAccessionState.GetName] have seen the wisdom of joining the mighty Dominion to serve the mighty Founders. This is another fabulous day in the history of the Dominion. As the Jem’Hadar would say, Victory is Life.”
STH_dominion_flavour.5003.desc:0 “Greetings Founder, I am [dominionAccessionStateRuler.GetName] representing the interests [dominionAccessionState.GetName], we have reviewed the offered membership and we feel that this is not for us. There are too many differences between our cultures and we have concerns about a number of your policies and tactics. Please consider this a formal rejection of your offer.”
STH_dominion_flavour.5004.desc:0 “Greetings Founder, on behalf of [dominionAccessionState.GetName], we formally apologise to the benevolent Dominion for any offence created, we were wrong to reject the offer of membership and would like to formally resume the process to join the Dominion.”
STH_dominion_flavour.5005.desc:0 “Founder, on behalf of [dominionAccessionState.GetName], we are a strong and proud people and we will not be bullied into making decisions that to not work in our best interests. No matter how many Jem’Hadar ships we spot at our borders we shall remain independent.”
STH_dominion_flavour.5050.desc:0 “The Founders expect only the best from it’s leadership and we have identified the following leaders as falling well below our high standards. By ridding ourselves of this chaff, it shall bring rise to challenge and a better class of scientist. The following leaders have been flagged as the weakest in their field [dominion_chaff_leader_1.GetName] [dominion_chaff_leader_2.GetName] [dominion_chaff_leader_3.GetName] [dominion_chaff_leader_4.GetName]. Removing these leaders wll grant us a smaller pool of better leaders, with a greater incentive to perform.”
STH_dominion_flavour.6001.desc:0 “Our membership within the mighty Dominion family comes at a price, as loyal servants of the Founders we are required to pay homage to their might and present them with an offering of thanks for their protection and the peace that comes with being part of the mighy Dominion. There are a number of items that we could please them and keep the Jem’Hadar from our planets.”
STH_dominion_flavour.6003.desc:0 “Our Vorta administrator relays his thanks for our gracious tribute to the founders and promises the continued protection and support from the benevolant Dominion overlords.”
STH_dominion_flavour.6004.desc:0 “As we are summoned into the audiance chamber to meet with our Vorta representative, she tells us in no uncertain terms that the punishment we have received at the hands of the Dominion it just a taste of the fury of the Founders and we should be reminded of our obligations to the Dominion family.”
STH_dominion_flavour.6006.desc:0 “High above the surface of [member_capital_world.GetName], the capital planet of the §Y[dominion_member_tribute_shipbuilder.GetName]§!, the finishing touches are made to the new completed Dominion warships, fashioned from the best resouces from [dominion_member_tribute_shipbuilder.GetName] and presented to the Dominion in thanks for the protection provided.”
STH_dominion_flavour.6050.desc:0 “The Ketracel White shortages befalling The Dominon are becoming increasingly problematic. It is clear that we will have to take decisive action, otherwise the shortages will result in complete loss of control over our Jem’Hadar forces within a matter of months.”
STH_dominion_flavour.6052.desc:0 “As feared our supply of Ketracel White has now reached critical levels, with Vorta reporting outages across the Dominion. Our Jem’Hadar population is rapidly sucomming to the effects of Ketracel White withdrawal in greater numbers, growing increasingly violent before dying a painful, but unfortunate death. To ensure the safety of the Founders all remaining Jem’Hadar must be purged.”
STH_dominion_flavour.6070.desc:0 “Being a Dominion Member is the ultimate honour for a solid, to serve the Founders should be the goal of all states. Promote one of our vassals to a fully-fledged Dominion Member with all the perks that come with that.”
STH_federation_flavour.1.desc:0 “The unique position the [bajoran_republic.GetSpeciesName] Faith enjoys among the [bajoran_republic.GetSpeciesNamePlural] has at times posed a problem to the diplomats and civil servants engaged in [bajoran_republic.Capital.GetName]’s accession process.While most issues that have emerged are quickly resolved, one seemingly minor point has escalated to the point that the leader of the [bajoran_republic.GetSpeciesName] Faith, Kai [bajoranKai.GetName], has requested an audience with [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] to resolve the issue.The issue concerns the Starfleet dress code and its amendment to allow [bajoran_republic.GetSpeciesNamePlural] officers to wear the family earrings, which form one of the more visible components of their religion.”
STH_federation_flavour.2.desc:0 “Greetings child, I am Kai [bajoranKai.GetName]. Thank you for allowing me to voice my concerns on this matter.The family earrings my people wear are a key facet of the expression of their faith in the Prophets.”
STH_federation_flavour.100.desc:0 “Greetings [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]. Talks to bring the [accessionState.GetSpeciesName] people into the [Root.GetName] are progressing, but there remains a number of questions around the different… worldviews we hold in certain areas.We are told that diversity is strength, but how can we reconcile my people’s tendency toward a decisive state and hierarchical social order with your ‘egalitarianism’? I am open to any suggestions you may have.”
STH_federation_flavour.101.desc:0 “Greetings [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]. Talks to bring the [accessionState.GetSpeciesName] people into the [Root.GetName] are progressing, but there remains a number of questions around the different… worldviews we hold in certain areas.We are told that diversity is strength, but how can we reconcile my people’s tendency towards the use of force to achieve peace with your ‘pacifism’?I am open to any suggestions you may have.”
STH_federation_flavour.102.desc:0 “Greetings [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]. Talks to bring the [accessionState.GetSpeciesName] people into the [Root.GetName] are progressing, but there remains a number of questions around the different… worldviews we hold in certain areas.We are told that diversity is strength, but how can we reconcile my people’s mistrust of aliens and alien cultures with your ‘xenophilia’?I am open to any suggestions you may have.”
STH_federation_flavour.500.desc:0 “[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.Leader.GetName] has risen rapidly in the fleet Anbo-jytsu championship league tables, and now prepares to face the current champion [anboJytsuChampion.GetName]. Anbo-jytsu, regarded by many as the ultimate form of [Root.Leader.Species.GetName] martial arts, is at the same time seen by some as a foolishly dangerous pastime. Taking place in a circular arena where two opponents compete against each other, both competitors wear light protective armor and a helmet which effectively blinds the participants. A staff is used as a weapon, with a proximity sensor on one end and a small spherical cushion on the other.”
STH_federation_flavour.501.desc:0 “After an intense bout, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.Leader.GetName] has defeated [From.GetName] to become the fleet Anbo-jytsu champion. While it appeared that [From.GetName] would press [From.GetHerHis] advantage to an easy victory several times in the match, it was [Root.Leader.GetName]’s persistence that eventually won the championship for [Root.Leader.GetHerHim].”
STH_federation_flavour.502.desc:0 “After an intense bout, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.Leader.GetName] has been defeated by [From.GetName], who retains [From.GetHerHis] title as fleet Anbo-jytsu champion. While it appeared that [Root.Leader.GetName] had a number of opportunities to best [From.GetHerHis], it was [From.GetName]’s experience that eventually won the championship for [From.GetHerHim]. Worse, [Root.Leader.GetName] appears to have aggravated a previous injury resulting in reduced motor function in [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] left arm.”
SHIPBOARD_EVENT_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Overworked and exhausted, crew morale can become dangerously low. In an effort to remedy this, officers are encouraged to engage in a number of leisure activities to improve morale and crew cohesion.”
STH_federation_flavour.602.desc:0 “After a long time in the depths of space, §Y[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName]§! has begun to find it hard to recall [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] original purpose. The lives of the crew of §Y[Root.GetFleetName]§! have become rote and routine. Others might aim for this model of efficiency, but for Starfleet, the morale and well-being of a crew are paramount. [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] has started to consider organising crew activities to provide a break from the mundane.”
STH_federation_flavour.604.desc:0 “It has not taken long to organise a makeshift orchestra out of the crew of §Y[Root.GetFleetName]§!, as a surprising number of the crew have at least some experience with a musical instrument. After a month of preparation the crew has created something remarkable. While performances might lack some technical sophistication, they are instilled with a passion reserved only to those that have seen the depths of space. More importantly than that, the crew has bonded more strongly than ever before.”
STH_federation_flavour.605.desc:0 “§Y’You’re starting to sound angry again. Maybe you need another treatment.’ ‘What I need is to get out of this cell. I’ve been locked in here for days. You’ve controlled my every move. You’ve told me what to eat, and what to think, and what to say, and then when I show a glimmer of independent thought, you strap me down! You inject me with drugs. You call it a treatment!’§! The organisation of an amateur dramatics group aboard the [Root.GetFleetName] has proven a welcome distraction for the crew.”
STH_federation_flavour.606.desc:0 “The holodeck provides a wide range of experiences, but it takes a unique talent to create rather than consume its output. Bored crew members enthused by ancient stories from their homeworlds have taken it upon themselves to do just that. The result well received, ultimately involving almost every member of the crew of §Y[Root.GetFleetName]§! including [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] §Y[Root.GetLeaderName]§!. The show has since been recorded and distributed across the fleet.”
STH_federation_flavour.607.desc:0 “It has not taken long to organise a makeshift orchestra out of the crew of §Y[Root.GetFleetName]§!, as a surprising number of the crew have at least some experience with a musical instrument. After a month of preparation the crew has created something remarkable. While performances might lack some technical sophistication, they are instilled with a passion reserved only to those that have seen the depths of space. More importantly than that, the crew has bonded more strongly than ever before.”
STH_federation_flavour.608.desc:0 “Blending theatre, literature and sculpture together with storytelling techniques hailing back to the days of ancient electronic games, crafting an interactive holo-novel is an art form like no other. Working together, the crew of the §Y[Root.GetFleetName]§! have created something unique – weaving a story that is based in part on their own adventures and discoveries, and in part on the output of their collectively wide ranging imaginations, allowing everyone to create their own interstellar adventure.”
STH_federation_flavour.609.desc:0 “The crew of the §Y[Root.GetFleetName]§! quickly approved of the idea of engaging in a bout of friendly competition. One crew member dug deeply into the archives and found an ancient Earth card game that seemed suitable – poker. Arranging a complex system that would let every officer participate in several bouts before finding their ranking and competing against their peers, the crew spent the entire month in fierce preparation and fiercer elimination bouts. The final winner received a crate of Saurian Brandy, but vowed to share it with the crew at the nearest opportunity.”
STH_federation_flavour.610.desc:0 “Always practical, the crew of the §Y[Root.GetFleetName]§! took the news of their downtime with equimony and set up a strict regime of training. To make it more engaging and to fit with the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle]’s order to relax, the crew has decided to make the fire-range training exercise into a competition. The winner, a recent transfer to security, received a crate of Saurian Brandy which was quickly shared among the department.”
STH_federation_flavour.620.desc:0 “The officers of the §Y[Root.GetFleetName]§! have declared today to be §Y[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.Leader.GetName]§! Day. Ornaments, a plethora of confections and drinks from the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle]’s home city and an assortment of colorful banners have all been planned.”
STH_federation_flavour.621.desc:0 “Following the success of the previous §Y[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.Leader.GetName]§! Day celebration, the crew of the §Y[Root.GetFleetName]§! have decided to continue the tradition into this year once again.”
STH_federation_flavour.700.desc:0 “The transportation of large amounts of material and personnel to Luna in order to repair the damage done to the Orpheus Mining Colony is complete, and the mobile drilling platform is operational once again.”
STH_federation_flavour.701.desc:0 “The small settlement of Armstrong City on the moon has been expanded greatly with new buildings and colonists. Colonists continue to flock to the new opportunities on Luna, with one quoted as saying this of the month long Lunar night. ‘People say it’s so barren and harsh, but it’s not. it’s beautiful. Dawn is so shocking on the moon. One minute you’re in the darkest night you can imagine, and the next instant, the sun lifts up and this glorious, pure light just explodes across the surface.'”
STH_federation_flavour.702.desc:0 “The small settlement of Tycho City on the moon has been expanded greatly with new buildings and colonists. The lunar population is now thriving, and within a few years the city will be one of several lunar landmarks large enough to be seen from Earth in the daytime.”
STH_federation_flavour.703.desc:0 “The upgraded Academy complex in San Francisco will be the pinciple of education across the Federation, training young officers and imparting the knowledge and skills for future captains for generations to come.”
STH_federation_flavour.704.desc:0 “The small settlement of New Berlin on the moon has been expanded greatly with new buildings and colonists. The lunar population is now thriving, and within a few years the city will be one of several lunar landmarks large enough to be seen from Earth in the daytime.”
STH_federation_flavour.705.desc:0 “The Omega training mission exercise on Titan was rapidly becoming a notorious training scenario for Starfleet recruits, the expansion of this facility to a state of the art survival training centre creates a tougher breed of officer entering Starfleet.”
STH_federation_flavour.706.desc:0 “The Daystrom Institute, also known as the Daystrom Institute of Advanced Robotics, Daystrom Research Institute, Daystrom Institute of Technology, and Daystrom Technological Institute, is a Federation establishment based in Okinawa, Japan. It is considered a department within Starfleet. The Institute is named after Doctor Richard Daystrom, who invented the duotronic computer and unsuccessfully attempted to create the first multitronic computer. The institute employs both Starfleet personnel and civilians who are scientific and research specialists in their fields of study.”
STH_federation_flavour.750.desc:0 “The Atlantis Project, the creation of a new artificial sub-continent out of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, has long been a dream of Director [atlantis_manager.GetName]. The viability of the project has been rejected in the past, as one of the challenges was to accelerate the build-up on the underside of the mantle without increasing the stress on the tectonic plates. With Director [atlantis_manager.GetName] in charge of the research team, a new technique has been developed to use powerful harmonic resonators to relieve tectonic pressure on the plates without causing massive seismic events. According to [atlantis_manager.GetHerHis] projections, the process would take a number of years, but would increase the amount of usable landmass on Earth substantially.”
STH_ferengi_flavour.1.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] [ruler.GetName] attends a celebration in honour of [ruler.GetHerHim]self hosted by the Slug-o-cola corporate events department. With a great feast and much splendour, many Ferengi have come to offer gifts in attempts to sway favour with the [Root.GetRulerTitle]. Despite the entertainment, [Root.GetRulerName] grows bored quickly and only the sight of the Dabo girls around a beautifully decorated Dabo table holds [ruler.GetHerHis] interest for long. Great shouts of ‘Dabo!’ are heard as gold-pressed latinum changes hands and the urges of the [Root.GetRulerTitle] push [ruler.GetHerHim] ever closer to the table. ‘Make way for the [Root.GetRulerTitle]’ [Root.GetRulerName] shouts as [ruler.GetSheHe] places [ruler.GetHerHis] first bet. The dealer winks seductively and says: ‘Good fortune, [Root.GetRulerTitle].'”
STH_ferengi_flavour.2.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerName] watches the Dabo wheel as it spins, each layer rotating separately and the colours mixing together. Three Dabo girls surround the [Root.GetRulerTitle], dancing and flirting, though [ruler.GetName]’s attention is solely on the wheel. The first spinner comes in and locks into place. ‘Yes!’ [ruler.GetName] exclaims. The second spinner slows and clicks to a halt… ‘YES!’ Finally, the last spinner slams down into place…”
STH_ferengi_flavour.3.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerName] watches the Dabo wheel as it spins, each layer rotating separately and the colours mixing together. Three Dabo girls surround the [Root.GetRulerTitle], dancing and flirting, though [ruler.GetName]’s attention is solely on the wheel. The first spinner comes in and locks into place. ‘Yes!’ [ruler.GetName] exclaims. The second spinner slows and clicks to a halt… ‘Hmm, could be better…’ Finally, the last spinner slams down into place…”
STH_ferengi_flavour.4.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerName] watches the Dabo wheel as it spins, each layer rotating separately and the colours mixing together. Three Dabo girls surround the [Root.GetRulerTitle], dancing and flirting, though [ruler.GetName]’s attention is solely on the wheel. The first spinner comes in and locks into place. ‘No!’ [ruler.GetName] exclaims. The second spinner slows and clicks to a halt… ‘Gah…’ Finally, the last spinner slams down into place…”
STH_ferengi_flavour.5.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerName] watches the Dabo wheel as it spins, each layer rotating separately and the colours mixing together. Three Dabo girls surround the [Root.GetRulerTitle], dancing and flirting, though [ruler.GetName]’s attention is solely on the wheel. The first spinner comes in and locks into place. ‘Yes!’ [ruler.GetName] exclaims. The second spinner slows and clicks to a halt… ‘YES!’ Finally, the last spinner slams down into place…”
STH_ferengi_flavour.6.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerName] watches the Dabo wheel as it spins, each layer rotating separately and the colours mixing together. Three Dabo girls surround the [Root.GetRulerTitle], dancing and flirting, though [ruler.GetName]’s attention is solely on the wheel. The first spinner comes in and locks into place. ‘Yes!’ [ruler.GetName] exclaims. The second spinner slows and clicks to a halt… ‘Hmm, could be better…’ Finally, the last spinner slams down into place…”
STH_ferengi_flavour.7.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerName] watches the Dabo wheel as it spins, each layer rotating separately and the colours mixing together. Three Dabo girls surround the [Root.GetRulerTitle], dancing and flirting, though [ruler.GetName]’s attention is solely on the wheel. The first spinner comes in and locks into place. ‘No!’ [ruler.GetName] exclaims. The second spinner slows and clicks to a halt… ‘Gah…’ Finally, the last spinner slams down into place…”
STH_ferengi_flavour.8.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerName] watches the Dabo wheel as it spins, each layer rotating separately and the colours mixing together. Three Dabo girls surround the [Root.GetRulerTitle], dancing and flirting, though [ruler.GetName]’s attention is solely on the wheel. The first spinner comes in and locks into place. ‘Yes!’ [ruler.GetName] exclaims. The second spinner slows and clicks to a halt… ‘YES!’ Finally, the last spinner slams down into place…”
STH_ferengi_flavour.9.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerName] watches the Dabo wheel as it spins, each layer rotating separately and the colours mixing together. Three Dabo girls surround the [Root.GetRulerTitle], dancing and flirting, though [ruler.GetName]’s attention is solely on the wheel. The first spinner comes in and locks into place. ‘Yes!’ [ruler.GetName] exclaims. The second spinner slows and clicks to a halt… ‘Hmm, could be better…’ Finally, the last spinner slams down into place…”
STH_ferengi_flavour.10.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerName] watches the Dabo wheel as it spins, each layer rotating separately and the colours mixing together. Three Dabo girls surround the [Root.GetRulerTitle], dancing and flirting, though [ruler.GetName]’s attention is solely on the wheel. The first spinner comes in and locks into place. ‘No!’ [ruler.GetName] exclaims. The second spinner slows and clicks to a halt… ‘Gah…’ Finally, the last spinner slams down into place…”
STH_ferengi_flavour.11.desc:0 “The dealer smiles and says: ‘Place your bets.'”
STH_ferengi_flavour.100.desc:0 “§YTo this day, if I feel a Liquidator is under-bribing me, I’ll open a channel, even if it’s only for 5 slips or a strip of Latinum, and I’ll complain. People say to me, ‘What are you bothering for, over a few slips?’ My answer is that the day I can’t open a channel and make a two-slip transmission to save a strip of Latinum is the day I’m going to close up shop.§!The Art of the Bribe is taking [Root.Capital.GetName] by storm, ghost-written by Trunt, the CEO of a minor orbital housing outfit Trunt Industries. The unhelpful advice coupled with Trunt’s style of speech common to the Bowog Bog region of [Root.Capital.GetName] has resulted in the book being widely regarded as one of the funniest pieces of Ferengi literature, however unintentional.”
STH_ferengi_flavour.200.desc:0 “[Root.GetSpeciesName] religious belief has long been centred around the concepts of Profit and Loss, divine and diabolical in nature respectively. While most choose to express their belief traditionally through business, there are those who take a more proactive approach. The Charismatic Fathers of Profit and Loss are a religious order based on [Root.Capital.GetName] who travel across the [Root.GetName] spreading their faith in the market to the masses. A visit from the Charismatic Fathers to a world is often followed by a surge in productivity. The Charismatic Fathers have selected [targetPlanet.GetName] in the [targetPlanet.Solar_System.GetName] system as their next target, and request a small donation to cover their travel expenses.”
STH_ferengi_flavour.201.desc:0 “The visit of the Charismatic Fathers to [Root.GetName] has increased public engagement with the free market, as business owners and employees alike seek to navigate the Great Material Continuum with grace and guile.”
STH_ferengi_flavour.202.desc:0 “The visit of the Charismatic Fathers to [Root.GetName] has backfired, with public engagement with the free market plummeting to an all time low. Disenchanted by the poor arguments made by the Charismatic Fathers, some have even been moved to question the validity of currency-based economics as the central pillar of society.”
STH_klingon_flavour.1.desc:0 “Discontent has been growing among the crew of the [Root.GetFleetName], unhappy with Captain [Root.GetLeaderName]’s lack of thirst for combat. The Executive Officer, [challengingOfficer.GetName] begins to hear rumours of a mutiny led by the Chief Engineer. A confrontation occurs in Main Engineering between them but after a brief fight the Chief convinces [challengingOfficer.GetHerHim] that Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] is unfit to command. Storming the bridge, [challengingOfficer.GetName] declares this to the Captain and challenges [officer.GetHerHim] to a fight to the death for command of the ship.”
STH_klingon_flavour.2.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] draws a Mek’leth and charges at [challengingOfficer.GetName], who deflects the blow with savage strength. Slash after slash connects Mek’leth to Mek’leth and the bridge is lit with the sparks from each clash. The Captain feigns left and sweeps the feet out from under [officer.GetHerHis] opponent. Falling backward, the [challengingOfficer.GetName]’s skull impacts the edge of the tactical console and the crack of shattering bone is heard. Blood pools around the base of the console as the bridge crew chant ‘[Root.GetLeaderName]! [Root.GetLeaderName]!’.”
STH_klingon_flavour.3.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] draws a Mek’leth and charges at [challengingOfficer.GetName], who deflects the blow with savage strength. Slash after slash connects Mek’leth to Mek’leth and the bridge is lit with the sparks from each clash. [challengingOfficer.GetName] lunges at the Captain and powering through the parry, embeds a blade into the arm of the Captain, who kicks [challengingOfficer.GetHerHim] back. The Captain, wounded, feigns left and sweeps the feet out from under the returning opponent. Falling backward, the [challengingOfficer.GetName]’s skull impacts the edge of the tactical console and the crack of shattering bone is heard. Blood pools around the base of the console as the bridge crew chant ‘[Root.GetLeaderName]! [Root.GetLeaderName]!’.”
STH_klingon_flavour.4.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] draws a disruptor pistol and an instant later [challengingOfficer.GetName]’s tortured writhing form is vaporised in a cascade of disintegrating molecules. The bridge crew stand in silence until, at last, the Captain orders them to their stations, a fanged grin forming on [officer.GetHerHis] face.”
STH_klingon_flavour.5.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] draws a Mek’leth and charges at [challengingOfficer.GetName], who deflects the blow with savage strength. Slash after slash connects Mek’leth to Mek’leth and the bridge is lit with the sparks from each clash. [challengingOfficer.GetName] lunges at the Captain and powering through the parry embeds a blade into [officer.GetHerHis] arm. [officer.GetName] kicks [challengingOfficer.GetName] back. The Captain, wounded, attempts to feign left and sweeps the feet out from under the returning opponent but [challengingOfficer.GetSheHe]’s too slow and is caught off guard. Falling backward, the Captain’s skull impacts the edge of the tactical console and the crack of shattering bone is heard. Blood pools around the base of the console as the bridge crew chant ‘[challengingOfficer.GetName]! [challengingOfficer.GetName]!’.”
STH_klingon_flavour.6.desc:0 “The representatives of the Imperial Mining Guild gather in the Great Hall, waiting for [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] to enter. They exchange excited whispers until at last the Imperial herald announces the [Root.GetRulerTitle]’s arrival. ‘Your guild requested this hearing with great urgency,’ [Root.GetRulerName] says to the group. ‘Tell me what is so important.’ The guildsmen look to the leader of their delegation, an ancient white haired Klingon with arms thick from years of labour. ‘We believe we may have found an opportunity to bolster our war capacity. Praxis has vast, untapped mineral and energy potential. Our proposal is here on this datapad, but we think you’ll agree that this can give the Empire a clear advantage.’ [Root.GetRulerName] takes the datapad and begins to read.”
STH_klingon_flavour.7.desc:0 “Disaster! Praxis has exploded. Years of overmining had left the moon’s core unstable until at last an accident in an industrial fusion reactor caused a cascade reaction, destroying all facilities on the surface. Praxis is broken, and debris rains down on Qo’nos. The damage from this cataclysm could take generations to undo…”
COMMISSION_KLINGON_OPERA_PROJECT_DESC:0 “A hero’s deeds must be sung. We can commission a songwright to celebrate the skill in battle of a warrior of particular renown.”
STH_klingon_flavour.8.desc:0 “Having defeated the [From.GetName] bIHnuch in glorious battle, Captain [officer.GetName] has earned [officer.GetHerHim]self the respect of many in the [This.GetName]. Songwrights across [This.Capital.GetName] compete for the honour of putting [officer.GetName]’s deeds to song.”
STH_klingon_flavour.100.desc:0 “§YqaStaHvIS vIja’ HeH ‘etlh, SuS pegh pe”egh, chIm’e’ ‘e’. Hagh be’Hom. Hurgh jIb pemHov bot. rur lam yav juS poH.§! K’Ratak’s epic novel ‘qul naj’ has inspired billions across the [Root.GetName]. The story describes a young warrior’s pilgrimage to the fire mountains, with the text praised for its elegance and harsh beauty.”
STH_klingon_mechanics.105.desc:0 “You’ve seen sense then? The [Root.GetName]’s honour and integrity should never have been questioned, but if you truly wish to restore our place, then let us move forward for the good of the [Root.Owner.GetName].”
STH_klingon_mechanics.158.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has expressed dissatisfaction with the direction of the [Root.Owner.GetName] for several years now. After a particularly heated debate in the Great Hall on [Root.Owner.Capital.GetName], $great_house_ruler$ [From.Leader.GetName] has threatened to declare Qutlh lajQo’ and formally withdraw support for the High Council, except in matters of the Empire’s defense.”
STH_klingon_mechanics.159.desc:0 “$great_house_ruler$ [From.Leader.GetName] has expressed a willingness to withdraw [From.Leader.GetHerHis] declaration of Qutlh lajQo’, and return full support to the High Council.”
STH_klingon_mechanics.160.desc:0 “Following the death of the leader of the [popFaction.GetName], [factionLeader.GetName] has been confirmed as the new house $great_house_ruler$.”
STH_klingon_mechanics.172.desc:0 “Following the death of the previous [Root.GetRulerTitle], [newCouncilLeader.GetName] of the [newCouncilFaction.GetName] has been chosen to lead the High Council.”
STH_klingon_mechanics.173.desc:0 “[FromFrom.Leader.GetName] has seized control of the High Council having slain [From.Leader.GetName] in honourable combat. The duel marks the end of the ongoing hostilities between the [FromFrom.GetName] and the [From.GetName].”
STH_klingon_mechanics.1010.desc:0 “Qapla’, [Root.GetRulerTitle]. I am gin’tak’tIn [gin_tak_tIn.GetName], overseer of the day to day bureaucracy that would be beneath the attention of a great leader such as yourself. As you know, the High Council is comprised of the representatives of the most powerful houses and headed by yourself, the [Root.GetRulerTitle]. The Council is charged with overseeing the welfare of the [Root.GetName] and its citizens, meeting here in the Great Hall on [Root.Capital.GetName]. What matters do you wish addressed in this session of the High Council?”
STH_klingon_mechanics.1011.desc:0 “The [Root.GetName] is not governed by tyrants, [Root.GetRulerTitle]. There is honour in allowing for an orderly succession from one house to another. If you wish, you may nominate a successor should any command enough support.”
STH_klingon_mechanics.1012.desc:0 “The [Root.GetName] is strengthened by our houses working together. You have my gratitude for naming me as your successor, [Root.GetRulerName].”
STH_klingon_mechanics.1020.desc:0 “Many great warriors start and end their careers in the service of their house’s militia rather than the Imperial fleet. If properly compensated, these warriors would gladly earn honour for both their house and the [Root.GetName] itself.”
STH_klingon_mechanics.1022.desc:0 “Qapla’, [Root.GetRulerTitle]. I am [FromFrom.GetName] of the [From.GetName] and I pledge my life in service of the [Root.GetName].”
STH_klingon_mechanics.1030.desc:0 “The Great Houses are known to feud with each other over matters of honour. In the normal course of events this is healthy, however there are times when it may be prudent to promote unity, especially if an outside threat looms. The Houses below are currently engaged in such a feud.”
STH_klingon_mechanics.1031.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has currently declared feuds against the following Great Houses.”
STH_klingon_mechanics.1032.desc:0 “There are a number of ways we may appeal to [fromFaction.Leader.GetName] of the [From.GetName] and [fromfromFaction.Leader.GetName] of the [FromFrom.GetName] to end their feud. Influence and honours can be granted to both, or else resources can be promised. Alternatively, a public appeal to their duty to the [Root.GetName] may be enough.”
STH_klingon_mechanics.1033.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] and [FromFrom.GetName] have been unable to negotiate an end to their feud, despite the intervention of the [Root.GetRulerTitle].”
STH_klingon_mechanics.1034.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] and [FromFrom.GetName] have negotiated an end to their feud, following the intervention of the [Root.GetRulerTitle].”
STH_klingon_mechanics.1040.desc:0 “The strength of the [Root.GetName] is divided between the Imperial Fleet and the Great House’s militias. While it may look advantageous to bring the resources of the Houses under the direct control of the High Council, it is often the case that each House can operate their own fleets more efficiently. As [Root.GetRulerTitle] you may contribute resources to the militias to construct and operate their own fleets. Alternatively, resources can be withdrawn and used to construct ships under the control of the Imperial Fleet. As you may expect, the Great Houses themselves will react accordingly depending on your choice…Each level of contribution will increase the amount of vessels that the Houses are able to construct themselves for their militias, which in turn is based upon the amount of planets and systems they own themselves.”
STH_klingon_mechanics.1041.desc:0 “What size contribution do you wish to make to the militias?”
STH_klingon_mechanics.1042.desc:0 “On what scale do you wish to seize control of the House’s war material?”
STH_klingon_mechanics.1050.desc:0 “nuqneH my [Root.GetRulerTitle]! I am [house_leader.GetRulerName] of the [great_house_name.GetName]. What is it that the High Council wants from us?”
STH_klingon_mechanics_new.109.desc:0 “Having transfered the planet of [factionCountryTempNewPlanet.GetName] to our loyal [factionCountryTemp.GetName] we now have the option to transfer the whole system to their control.”
STH_klingon_mechanics_new.120.desc:0 “The dishnourable nature of your treatment of [factionCountryTemp.GetName] must end now! You no longer command the respect or allegience of this house.”
STH_klingon_mechanics_new.301.desc:0 “[factionCountryTempBribe.GetName] has accepted our offer with gratitude which has increased their opinion towards us considerably.”
STH_klingon_mechanics_new.302.desc:0 “[factionCountryTempBribe.GetName] have rejected our offer claiming that their honour cannot be so easily bought. As a result our relations with them has decreased.”
STH_klingon_mechanics_new.303.desc:0 “It appears that a foreign power is attempting to forge a closer relationship with [factionCountryTempBribe.GetName]. The dishonourable fools of [klingon_houses_bribe_country.GetName] underestimated the loyalty of [factionCountryTempBribe.GetName] and the unity of the Klingon Empire!”
STH_klingon_mechanics_new.304.desc:0 “Lord Chancellor, our spies have confirmed that one of our Great Houses, [factionCountryTempBribe.GetName], has accepted a bribe from [klingon_houses_bribe_country.GetName] in a bid to form a closer bond. As they did not openly disclose this contact we can only assume that they are colluding against the Empire!”
STH_klingon_mechanics_new.305.desc:0 “Our noble House gladly accepted any spare ships that you have to offer to ensure that we continue to grow strong!”
STH_klingon_mechanics_new.306.desc:0 “Our attempts to turn [factionCountryBetrayal.GetName] against the Klingon Empire has been successful, and the relationship between the Great House and its master has been considerably damaged, we must now wait to see if the House is brave enough to openly rebel against the High Command.”
STH_klingon_mechanics_new.307.desc:0 “Our efforts to turn [factionCountryBetrayal.GetName] against the Klingon Empire have failed, the fabled Klingon Honour was too strong to break and they have rejected our attempts. Time will tell if they notify the Klingon Empire of our attempts to undermine their unity, and it is unlikely the Empire will react kindly to this.”
STH_klingon_mechanics_new.308.desc:0 “[factionCountryBetrayal.GetName] has approached us to inform us that a 3rd party has attempted to buy their loyalty and turn them against their Empire. Like all good Klingons they placed loyalty to their chancellor above all else, a truly honourable action.”
STH_klingon_mechanics_new.309.desc:0 “Our Klingon Intelligence agency has uncovered evidence that [factionCountryBetrayal.GetName] has coluded with a faction within [klingon_houses_betray_country.GetName] in a bid to turn the House against it’s Empire. Relations with the House have considerably worsened as a result of this honourless action.”
STH_klingon_mechanics_new.310.desc:0 “With war declared against us, we can bring in our allies who have pledged to support us in our defensive wars. Should they agree to uphold their commitment they will join us in our battles.”
STH_klingon_mechanics_new.311.desc:0 “We have been called upon to fullfil our defensive pledge towards [great_house_war_country.GetName] as they go to war. Should we fullfil our commitment we will join them in their defensive war.”
STH_klingon_mechanics_new.312.desc:0 “Our so called allies [great_house_war_country.GetName] have failed to honour their pledge and come to our aid, we must win our wars without them.”
STH_romulan_flavour.1.desc:0 “For several months now the Minister of War [plotLeader.GetName] has expressed [plotLeader.GetHerHis] disdain for [Root.GetRulerTitle] [ruler.GetName]’s defence policy in increasingly public forums. Arguing that [Root.GetSpeciesAdj] shipyards could support a navy over twice its current size, [plotLeader.GetName] has begun agitating for a rapid expansion in defence spending. [Root.GetRulerTitle] [ruler.GetName] has so far kept the Minister in place, but [ruler.GetSheHe] has grown paranoid to the possibility of a… forced change of leadership.”
STH_romulan_flavour.2.desc:0 “The attempt on [Root.GetRulerTitle] [ruler.GetName]’s life did not take long to manifest itself. Shortly after landing at [ruler.GetHerHis] private residence on the edge of the Forest of Ath’reshaar, [ruler.GetName] and [ruler.GetHerHis] personal guard came under fire from a team of cloaked special forces operatives. Unaware that their assault plan had been leaked to loyalist elements in the military, the team had already deployed a series of stealthed forcefield generators in the area, absorbing the brunt of the attack and providing the guard with enough time to deploy a tetryon bomb disabling the assaulting force’s cloaks. The subsequent firefight was short and within minutes the attackers had all been killed or captured. Surprisingly, [plotLeader.GetName] [plotLeader.GetHerHim]self was among those captured, having felt the need to lead the operation from the front. ‘You know the price of failure.’ [ruler.GetName] whispered before vaporising [plotLeader.GetName] with [plotLeader.GetHerHis] own disruptor rifle. News of [plotLeader.GetName]’s treachery is broadcast across all [Root.Capital.GetName], while support for [ruler.GetName] surges.”
STH_romulan_flavour.3.desc:0 “The attempt on [Root.GetRulerTitle] [ruler.GetName]’s life did not take long to manifest itself. Shortly after landing at [ruler.GetHerHis] private residence on the edge of the Forest of Ath’reshaar, [ruler.GetName] and [ruler.GetHerHis] personal guard came under fire from a team of cloaked special forces operatives. Unaware that their assault plan had been leaked to loyalist elements of military, the team had already deployed a series of stealthed forcefield generators in the area, absorbing the brunt of the attack and providing the guard with enough time to deploy a tetryon bomb disabling the assaulting force’s cloaks. The subsequent firefight was short and within minutes the attackers had all been killed or captured. Unsurprisingly [plotLeader.GetName] [plotLeader.GetHerHim]self was subsequently found to have gone into hiding, having felt it wise to hedge [plotLeader.GetHerHis] bets on the success of the assault. Broadcasting from a secret location, [plotLeader.GetSheHe] continued to air [plotLeader.GetHerHis] treachery to all [Root.Capital.GetName] for several days before mysteriously going silent. The legitimate government remains in firm control of [Root.Capital.GetName], though the [Root.GetSpeciesAdj] people themselves remain bitterly divided in their support.”
STH_romulan_flavour.4.desc:0 “The attempt on [Root.GetRulerTitle] [ruler.GetName]’s life did not take long to manifest itself. Shortly after landing at [ruler.GetHerHis] private residence on the edge of the Forest of Ath’reshaar, [ruler.GetName] and [ruler.GetHerHis] personal guard came under fire from a team of cloaked special forces operatives. Unaware that their defensive posture had been leaked to [plotLeader.GetName]-aligned elements in the military, the team had already deployed a series of stealthed mines killing most of the defenders. The subsequent firefight was short and within minutes the defenders had all been killed or captured. Surprisingly, [ruler.GetName] [ruler.GetHerHim]self was able to activate an emergency transport beacon in time to avoid capture. Forced into hiding, [ruler.GetSheHe] transmits a number of broadcasts across all [Root.Capital.GetName] denouncing [plotLeader.GetName]’s coup. The broadcasts continue for several weeks as [plotLeader.GetName]’s allies secure themselves in power with each new message more inflaming than the last, until they mysteriously come to a halt. The coup has claimed control of the [Root.GetName], though the [Root.GetSpeciesAdj] people themselves remain bitterly divided in their support.”
STH_romulan_flavour.5.desc:0 “The attempt on [Root.GetRulerTitle] [ruler.GetName]’s life did not take long to manifest itself. Shortly after landing at [ruler.GetHerHis] private residence on the edge of the Forest of Ath’reshaar, [ruler.GetName] and [ruler.GetHerHis] personal guard came under fire from a team of cloaked special forces operatives. Unaware that their defensive posture had been leaked to [plotLeader.GetName]-aligned elements of Tal Shiar, the team had already deployed a series of stealthed mines killing most of the defenders. The subsequent firefight was short and within minutes the defenders had all been killed or captured. Surprisingly, [ruler.GetName] [ruler.GetHerHim]self was able to activate an emergency transport beacon in time to avoid capture. Forced into hiding, [ruler.GetSheHe] transmits a number of broadcasts across all [Root.Capital.GetName] denouncing [plotLeader.GetName]’s coup. The broadcasts continue for several weeks as [plotLeader.GetName]’s allies secure themselves in power with each new message showing [ruler.GetName]’s behaviour more and more unbalanced and erratic. [ruler.GetName]’s mental state slides further into madness and despair, and the people are soon convinced of the propaganda justifying the coup as a defence of Romulus from the clutches of an insane [Root.GetRulerTitle].”
STH_romulan_flavour.11.desc:0 “The chime comes over the intercom and Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] is called to the bridge. The crew stand looking uneasy, as the Executive Officer begins to report: ‘Sir, we have received a transmission on an Tal Shiar channel.’ ‘And?’ the Captain asks. ‘Sir, there are orders for you attend an investigation into your conduct.’ A snarl overcomes the face of the Captain as [officer.GetSheHe] notices an incoming shuttle alert on the communications console. The Executive Officer motions to two a pair of Centurions who unholster their weapons. ‘Please Sir, this way’ one says, as Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] is led to the turbolift at disruptor-point.”
STH_romulan_flavour.12.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] is led swiftly into the briefing room. The room has been configured for a standard military tribunal, though the Tal Shiar operative on the raised central chair has no official military status. The operative gives her opening statement before an assembly of the senior crew, listing a range of apparently contradictory charges.Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] listens in silence for several minutes before finally being afforded the opportunity to reply. [officer.GetSheHeCap] methodically deconstructs the operative’s accusations, and with corroboration from the crew the accusations soon fall apart. Taking a sidelong glance at the crew and scowling, the Tal Shiar operative calls the inquiry to a close.”
STH_romulan_flavour.13.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] is led swiftly into the briefing room. The room has been configured for a standard military tribunal, though the Tal Shiar operative on the raised central chair has no official military status. The operative gives her opening statement before an assembly of the senior crew, listing a range of apparently contradictory charges.Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] listens in silence for several minutes before finally being afforded the opportunity to reply. [officer.GetSheHeCap] methodically deconstructs the operative’s accusations, but when asked to corroborate the information the crew offer conflicting reports. Taking a long look at [officer.GetHerHis] crew, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName]’s face draws tighter as [officer.GetSheHe] realises that [officer.GetSheHe] has been outmaneuvered. The Tal Shiar operative dismisses the audience and comes to speak to the Captain. ‘If this becomes public your career is over,’ she declares. ‘From now on, you report to us.'”
STH_romulan_flavour.14.desc:0 “The chime comes over the intercom and Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] is called to the bridge. The crew stand looking uneasy, as the Executive Officer begins to report: ‘Sir, we have received a transmission on an Tal Shiar channel.’ ‘And?’ the Captain asks. ‘Sir, there are orders for you attend an investigation into your conduct.’ A snarl overcomes the face of the Captain as [officer.GetSheHe] notices an incoming shuttle alert on the communications console. The Executive Officer motions to two a pair of Centurions who unholster their weapons. ‘Please Sir, this way’ one says, as Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] is led to the turbolift at disruptor-point.”
STH_romulan_flavour.15.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] is shackled and led swiftly into a small room before being thrown the floor near a dark clothed operative of the Tal Shiar. ‘This won’t be a… standard inquiry, Captain’ the operative sneers, as she manhandles the Captain into the chair. A large thump to the back of the head knocks the Captain unconscious. ‘Failure to follow directives, overzealousness in carrying orders out, delay in carrying out orders…’ False statements wash over Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] as bright lights flash upon him and Romulan mind probes causing him agony continue throughout the day. Days later Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] wakes up to the sound of the Executive Officer arguing with the operative. Snarling, the operative walks over to Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and begins to untie the restraints. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] turns to the agent and barks out a laugh.”
STH_romulan_flavour.16.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] is shackled and led swiftly into a small room before being thrown the floor near a dark clothed operative of the Tal Shiar. ‘This won’t be a… standard inquiry, Captain’ the operative sneers, as she manhandles the Captain into the chair. A large thump to the back of the head knocks the Captain unconscious. ‘Failure to follow directives, overzealousness in carrying orders out, delay in carrying out orders…’ False statements wash over Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] as bright lights flash upon him and the probing with Romulan mind probes continue causing him immense suffering throughout the day. Days later Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] awakens, gasping for breath. The Tal Shiar colonel turns and says ‘This will all be over if you just tell me the name of the traitor in the Continuing Committee, who contacted you.'”
STH_romulan_flavour.17.desc:0 “The [Root.GetName] was conducting combat readiness drills when internal sensors detected an anomalous reading near the ship’s computer core. Investigating further an engineering team has located a device attached to the power grid in a maintenance access corridor that appear to be transmitting sensitive ship information.”
STH_romulan_flavour.18.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] ordered the engineering team to dismantle the device. Hours pass before the Chief Engineer enters Captain [Root.GetLeaderName]’s briefing room.’Captain, the device appears to be derived from anodyne communication interception designs used by the Tal Shiar. When we investigated more closely the device powered down and we’ve been unable to reactivate. What do you want to do with the device?'”
STH_romulan_flavour.19.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] ordered the engineering team to dismantle the device. Hours pass before the Chief Engineer enters Captain [Root.GetLeaderName]’s briefing room.’Captain, the device appears to be derived from anodyne communication interception designs used by the Tal Shiar. When we investigated more closely the device powered down and we’ve been unable to reactivate. What do you want to do with the device?'”
STH_romulan_flavour.20.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName] was conducting combat readiness drills when external sensors detected an anomalous reading several million kilometres starboard. ‘Captain, the reading appears to be a container of domestic design. It is shielded from scans but it does appear to be safe,’ the Science Officer reports. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] orders it transported aboard into the cargo hold. Upon closer inspection it appears to be an standard type six storage container with a blinking display asking for a command code. After entering [officer.GetHerHis] command code Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] is presented with another panel with what appears to be a retinal scanner port.”
STH_romulan_flavour.21.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] leans over the container to the retinal scanner and holds steady as a bright red laser scans [officer.GetHerHis] eye. The retinal scanner turns blue and a hissing noise is heard. Jumping back, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] watches the container slowly depressurise and hiss open, showing a large cache of weaponry, equipment and supplies.”
STH_romulan_flavour.22.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] leans over the container to the retinal scanner and holds steady as a bright red laser scans [officer.GetHerHis] eye. The retinal scanner turns blue and a hissing noise is heard. Jumping back, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] watches the container slowly depressurise and hiss open, a number of datapads spilling to the floor. Activating the pads reveals they contain sensitive political information; the cache now clearly intended for foreign spies.”
STH_romulan_flavour.23.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] leans over the container to the retinal scanner and holds steady as a bright red laser scans [officer.GetHerHis] eye. The retinal scanner turns red and a hissing noise is heard. Attempting to jump back, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] is sprayed in the face with a strange substance and watches as the container sounds the klaxon of a Romulan self destruct. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] slams their hand to the emergency transport button, beaming the container back out into space.”
STH_romulan_flavour.24.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] leans over the container to the retinal scanner and holds steady as a bright red laser scans [officer.GetHerHis] eye. The retinal scanner turns red and a hissing noise is heard. Attempting to jump back, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] watches as a blue gas puffs directly into [officer.GetHerHis] face, causing [officer.GetHerHim] to fall to the ground, shrieking loudly in pain. Poison courses through [officer.GetHerHis] veins as the world begins to turn red.”
STH_romulan_flavour.100.desc:0 “§Y’How long?’ he asks, the storm beating at his coat like a flurry of drunken fists.’As long as is needed, and not an hour less,’ I reply.’You said that last year you old veruul!”And the year before and the year before and the year before. Which of us is the veruul for asking questions we know the answer to?’§!Revalus, an author famed for popularising the brutal inflection of the Rateg working class in prose, has released his final novel. ‘The Wait’ tells the story of a Centurion honouring the orders of his commander to guard a passage in the Chula Valley for thirty years. The narrative reveals the value of obedience, discipline and professional honour, traditional Romulan patriotic values that have earned Revalus the favour of [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName].”
STH_romulan_flavour.1000.desc:0 “The game of Latrunculo is considered an effective test of a [Root.GetCaptainTitle]’s strategic thinking. As such, it has come to be played frequently between friends and rivals alike within the fleet. Following a period of relative calm, [romulanLeader1.GetName] of the [romulanLeaderFleet1.GetName] has challenged [romulanLeader2.GetName] of the [romulanLeaderFleet2.GetName] to a match.”
STH_romulan_flavour.1001.desc:0 “[From.GetName] has won a hard fought victory over [From.GetHerHis] Latrunculo opponent [FromFrom.GetName]. While the match started somewhat lethargically, several inspired maneuvers of [From.GetHerHis] Praetor piece allowed [From.GetName] to isolate and subvert a large portion of [FromFrom.GetName]’s Decurions before they could finalise their battle formations. While not entirely applicable outside of the game, the cunning displayed by [From.GetName] was well regarded by observers to the game.”
STH_romulan_flavour.1004.desc:0 “[From.GetName] and [From.GetHerHis] Latrunculo opponent [FromFrom.GetName] have found their game languish in a stalemate. While the match started with a degree of energy on both sides, effective defences built around conservative uses of each player’s Equitoriam pieces soon slowed the pace to a crawl. Ultimately the turn limit passed with [FromFrom.GetName] earning a slim notional victory. Several observers commented that the game was one of the least inspired they’ve seen in recent years.”
STH_romulan_flavour.1005.desc:0 “For too long our enemies have been able to cast their eyes over our territory, but that changes today. Our scientists have managed to deploy a vast sensor jamming net over the Romulan Star Empire and now like our cloaked warbirds we will truly be able to operate from the shadows and place the knife in the back of those who oppose us.”
TAMARIAN_LANGUAGE_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The dominant Tamarian language appears to be based almost entirely on allegory, referencing mythological and historical people and events from their culture. Our universal translators are unable to decipher the context behind their communications, and as such we will require an extensive study of their culture in order to understand them.”
STH_tamarian_flavour.1.desc:0 “The dominant Tamarian language appears to be based almost entirely on allegory, referencing mythological and historical people and events from their culture. Our universal translators are unable to decipher the context behind their communications, and as such we will require an extensive study of their culture in order to understand them.”
STH_tamarian_flavour.2.desc:0 “A team of [Root.GetSpeciesName] linguists have made significant progress in understanding the Tamarian language.Our universal translators have been updated with an Idiomatic Translation Module to convey the meaning behind their speech.”
STH_tellarite_flavour.1.desc:0 “Captain [officer.GetName], you’ve got big ears, what do you think of allowing alien races to settle on our worlds?’ asks the [Root.GetFleetName]’s Executive Officer, who has been discussing the merits and failures of interstellar immigration loudly for the past hour with the Science Officer. Grunting, the Captain turns and talks at length on the economic factors to consider, whilst the Science Officer pulls up statistics that show arguments both for and against the point. The debate continues for a further two hours, with insults being bandied around and more members of the bridge crew getting involved. Pros and cons are listed on the main screen, and surveys and statistics are twisted and manipulated to serve all sides of the argument as the debates remain varied and heated. Finally, Captain [officer.GetName] clangs a pad on [officer.GetHerHis] console and declares: ‘We shall create a computer simulation, and that will show us who is right!’, silencing the bridge and ordering each Department head to spend a week of their free time working on the programme.”
STH_tellarite_flavour.2.desc:0 “A week has passed and the computer simulation has provided the result. The Science Officer holds a pad while addressing the bridge. ‘The programme shows both sides have valid arguments, but the majority of the data supports the Captain’s position.’ Proudly displaying the data, Captain [officer.GetName] silences [officer.GetHerHis] critics and sends the crew scurrying back to work.”
STH_tellarite_flavour.3.desc:0 “A week has passed and the computer simulation has provided the result. The Science Officer holds a pad while addressing the bridge. ‘The program shows both sides have valid arguments, but the majority of the data does not support the Captain’s position.’ Reluctantly accepting defeat, Captain [officer.GetName] allows the crew to reflect on the debate before ordering all back to their stations.”
TELLARITE_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “A public memorial campaign for the quincentenary would allow the lessons of the past to not be forgotten.”
STH_tellarite_flavour.101.desc:0 “Nearly five hundred Tellarite years ago, the Voice Wars laid waste to much of Tellar. What began as a healthy competition to create the most effective language to engage in debate with, the various nations soon escalated the contest into outright war. Eventually the use of chemical agents brought the death toll to a devastating hundred million. Only through the courageous efforts of the ‘Conspiracy of Heroes’ was Tellar able to find peace. Led by Semesh glasch Yov, a general of the United Provinces of Koyen and her rival Bursh chim Balkar, an admiral of the Nivel Republic, the Conspiracy simultaneously deposed the leadership of the largest Tellarite nations and signed an immediate armistice. Today, many Tellarites across the [Root.GetName] feel that the Voice Wars have been forgotten. A public memorial campaign for the quincentenary would allow the lessons of the past to not be forgotten.”
STH_tellarite_flavour.102.desc:0 “The public memorial campaign for the quincentenary of the Voice Wars has been regarded as a success by most Tellarites who have engaged in rigorous debate over the origins of the conflict and the most appropriate methods to avoid future catastrophes both at home and in other species.”
STH_talaxian_flavour.1.desc:0 “§YNaxeth kept his Yute bird in a cage. Its plumage reflected the sunlight by day and the glow of Rinax by night. But the feathers darkened with the passing of each day in captivity. Pralixia would visit Naxeth every ninth day before the weekstart. Her Udox would follow her and sniff the scents of the valley path that led to Naxeth’s cottage, and whimper mournfully when it found the base of the Yute bird’s cage.§! After years of searching Jirex’s Lost Parable has been discovered gathering dust in the basement of a bookshop in the small village of Nexau on [Root.Capital.GetName]. Regarded as one of the finest writers in the history of the [Root.GetName], Jirex’s Selected Works are a favourite of many. The rediscovery of the Lost Parable is a cause for celebration among the literary inclined.”
STH_trill_flavour.1.desc:0 “§YA gentle bob and weave we make, down the river light.Reeds and trees and swarms of bees, adventure is in sight.Hearken me my friend you’ll see, lest suffr’n be our plight.§!Caster Tagin’s fantasy tale Down the River Light has been released on [Root.Capital.GetName] to widespread acclaim, with particular appeal to young adults. Caster claims the work will eventually cover at least sixteen volumes.”
STH_vulcan_flavour.1.desc:0 “§YThrough storms he crossed the Voroth Sea To reach the clouded shores of Raal Where old T’Para offered truth. He traveled through the windswept hills And crossed the barren Fire Plains To find the silent monks of Kir. Still unfulfilled, he journeyed home Told stories of the lessons learned And gained true wisdom by the giving.§! An archeological dig in a region suspected to be the site of the ancient city of Gol has uncovered an undamaged original manuscript of T’pren’s folk song Falor’s Journey. Several corrections have been noted when compared to the modern telling.”
STH_vulcan_flavour.100.desc:0 “The Kolinahr is a ritual few can complete, the process of purging all emotions and embracing total logic. [vulcanLeader.GetTitle] [vulcanLeader.GetName] has come to believe that [vulcanLeader.GetSheHe] is ready to undertake the Kolinahr, and has formally requested a leave of absence from [vulcanLeader.GetHerHis] responsibilities. Typically lasting between two to six years, the commitment is substantial and many find themselves no closer to their goal at the end of it. Despite this, those who do complete the ritual are well respected.”
STH_vulcan_flavour.101.desc:0 “[From.GetName] has arrived at the monastery at the base of Tai-la where [From.GetSheHe] will begin [From.GetHerHis] attempt to purge [From.GetHerHim]self of all emotion.”
STH_vulcan_flavour.102.desc:0 “[From.GetName]’s attempt to complete the Kolinahr has been unsuccessful. While [From.GetSheHe] was able to come close to attaining the fusion of intellect and spirit, the Time of Truth and the state of pure logic it heralds eluded [From.GetHerHim]. While not dismissing a future attempt to complete the ritual, [From.GetName] believes it is not appropriate to return to duty.”
STH_vulcan_flavour.103.desc:0 “[From.GetName]’s attempt to complete the Kolinahr has been successful. While [From.GetSheHe] was able to attain the fusion of intellect and spirit, embracing the Time of Truth and the state of pure logic it heralds, the effort required was substantial. With the ritual completed, [From.GetName] formally requests permission to return to duty.”
STH_vulcan_flavour.104.desc:0 “[From.GetName]’s attempt to complete the Kolinahr has been successful. Indeed, as [From.GetSheHe] was able to attain the fusion of intellect and spirit, embracing the Time of Truth and the state of pure logic it heralds, an epiphany caught in [From.GetHerHis] meditating mind. On returning to the monastery, the elders were sufficiently impressed with [From.GetName]’s new understanding of the nature of logic that they felt it appropriate to bestow the title of Kolinahr Master on [From.GetHerHim]. With the ritual completed, [From.GetName] formally requests permission to return to duty.”
XINDUS_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “While expeditions have been led to the ruins of the homeworld in the past, it is only now that the debris field has settled enough to allow for in-depth study.”
XINDI_AVIAN_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “A cache of frozen Xindi-Avian eggs has been discovered from the ruins of Xindus. Hatching them and restoring the species would be mark a new chapter in Xindi life following the exodus.”
XINDI_AVIAN_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The first Xindi-Avian eggs have been hatched, but raising a new generation will take much time and effort.”
STH_xindi_story.10.desc:0 “Embedded in a twenty kilometre thick chunk of former seabed, the [From.GetFleetName] has discovered the remains of a Xindi-Aquatic fortress. Amazingly, it appears the fortress survived the destruction of Xindus thanks to the presence of hundreds of primitive structural integrity field generators across its exterior. The internal surveillance grid shows the Xindi-Aquatic garrison surviving for nearly twenty years before life support failed following the exhaustion of fortress’ deuterium power reserves. A number of Xindi-Aquatic entertainment videos and music recordings were recovered from the ruins.”
STH_xindi_story.11.desc:0 “The [From.GetFleetName] has discovered the wreckage of an ancient Xindi-Arboreal orbital habitat.While the structure is completely unsalvageable, several containers have been recovered intact from the habitat’s secure storage.Inside were a number of paper documents relating to real estate ownership, marriage and initiation medal designs among the Xindi-Arboreal population.”
STH_xindi_story.12.desc:0 “The [From.GetFleetName] has discovered the wreckage of an ancient Xindi-Insectoid spy station beneath the surface of an asteroid. The asteroid itself predates the cataclysm, and according to the spy station’s logs followed an orbit with a high degree of eccentricity before being struck by the rubble from Xindus’ destruction. The logs contained several years worth of high resolution images of the surface of Xindus, and the station’s food stores were found to hold a large number of Len’ka Aphid embryos that were once considered a delicacy among Xindi-Insectoids.”
STH_xindi_story.13.desc:0 “The Ro Phan Ain mountains once marked the boundary of the Xindi-Primate nation of Elavu and the Xindi-Reptilian nation of Lssan. Heavily fortified by the Primates, natural duranium deposits made the string of subterranean bases beneath the range almost impervious to attack. One such base has been discovered intact on one of the larger fragments of Xindus. While the garrison appears to have died shortly after the cataclysm, they each made a number of video recordings detailing their personal lives and family histories, in what they considered to be the slim hope that alien archeologists might uncover them.”
STH_xindi_story.14.desc:0 “The [From.GetFleetName] has discovered what appears to be an ancient Xindi-Reptilian solar observatory, intact but in a decaying orbit. Stabilising the structure and towing it away from the intense heat of the sun, it takes several days for the station to cool enough to be boarded. The computer core has been almost completely destroyed by the solar radiation, but a cache of files containing televised comedy programmes apparently aimed at Xindi-Reptilian children has surprisingly survived.”
STH_xindi_story.15.desc:0 “Few remember much of Xindi-Avian culture following their extinction in the cataclysm, but one myth appears to have some basis in reality.While the Avians filled the skies, it was said they would land at times to bury their poetry secure in metal caskets. A number of such caskets have been discovered encased in a five kilometre ball of mud and rock. The analysis of these ancient writings will take years.”
STH_xindi_story.20.desc:0 “The [From.GetFleetName]’s expedition to the remnants of Xindus has uncovered a cache of deuterium storage containers scattered across one of the larger fragments of the homeworld, apparently unscathed from the civil war.”
STH_xindi_story.21.desc:0 “The [From.GetFleetName]’s expedition to the remnants of Xindus has uncovered a cache of duranium ore storage containers scattered across one of the larger fragments of the homeworld, apparently unscathed from the civil war.”
STH_xindi_story.30.desc:0 “The [From.GetFleetName] has located the intact but damaged frame of a ship dating from the civil war in an eccentric orbit. While basic propulsion and navigation systems were installed prior to the cataclysm, weapons systems are absent. With a modest amount of refitting, the vessel could once again enter service.”
STH_xindi_story.31.desc:0 “The [From.GetFleetName] has located the intact but damaged frame of a civilian ship dating from the civil war in an eccentric orbit. Basic propulsion and navigation systems were installed prior to the cataclysm and with a modest amount of refitting, the vessel could once again enter service.”
STH_xindi_story.100.desc:0 “[Root.GetCaptainTitle] [From.Leader.GetName] aboard the [From.GetFleetName] has recovered what appears to be a cache of frozen Xindi-Avian eggs from the remains of a military hospital embedded in a seven kilometre wide ball of rubble. The walls of the hospital seem to have been reinforced with a primitive structural integrity field, preventing the destruction of the interior. While no Xindi-Avians escaped the destruction of Xindus, the possibility of restoring the species is too important to ignore.”
STH_xindi_story.110.desc:0 “The first few Xindi-Avian eggs thawed from the cache discovered in the ruins of Xindus have failed to incubate. Few expected the revival of the species to be a simple matter, and there are a large number of eggs remaining to attempt again, but the cost of the project is not insignificant. After the initial excitement of the discovery, some question whether it is not better to focus our resources on those who still live.”
STH_xindi_story.120.desc:0 “Twenty of the Xindi-Avian eggs discovered in the cache on Xindus have successfully hatched. The restoration of the species has brought new hope to all Xindi who believe a turning point has been reached following the exodus. Raising the Xindi-Avian hatchlings and their still-frozen siblings will be neither easy or quick.”
STH_xindi_story.130.desc:0 “A generation of Xindi-Avians have been raised to maturity, following the restoration of their race from a cache of frozen eggs found in the ruins of Xindus. While the other Xindi species have the advantage of preserving at least some of their culture following the exodus, the Avians did not have that luxury. Instead, they have been immersed in Xindi culture as a whole. Indeed, this new cohort demonstrates little of the factionality that pervades Xindi society.”
STH_xindi_mechanic.10.desc:0 “Following the destruction of Xindus at the end of the Century of War, the remaining Xindi species vowed to never again take arms against each other and unite in the search for a new homeworld. The Xindi Council was formed to ensure the voices of all were heard. While most matters are agreed through majority votes by the ten Council members, one member is elected to act as a Chairperson. The position is mostly ceremonial in nature but the holder can in practice steer some areas of Xindi policy by them self. Historically the role rotates to a different Xindi species at the end of the Chairperson’s term.”
STH_xindi_mechanic.20.desc:0 “The mysterious spheres that once filled and contorted the Delphic Expanse and almost brought us our second extinction event, have left us with knowledge of a weapon of mass destruction. This knowledge has been spread out across the Council species. We will need to bring the Xindi species back together to each provide a component to make up this weapon and secure the future of the Xindi races.”
STH_xindi_mechanic.21.desc:0 “The Insectoids evolved from a hive mind and can move and act as one. This ability to network would be perfectly suited to the weapon and would allow a small crew to pilot and control a weapon of massive size. Researching and adding this interface would be a major step in bringing the weapon to reality.”
STH_xindi_mechanic.22.desc:0 “Despite not being the strongest or biggest of the Xindi species, the Primates have always had a certain knack for destruction and so it seems only fitting that the master firing weapon would be produced at the hands of a Primate. The device is capable of firing an overloaded charge of Kemocite causing a planet core to destabalised and explode, reducing a planet to a broken shell. A weapon that could end a war before it even begins.”
STH_xindi_mechanic.23.desc:0 “The Arboreals have always been considered the laziest of the Xindi species, but don’t let that appearance deceive. What the Arboreals don’t know about the refinement of Kemocite is not worth knowing. The power core they have produced will power the weapon and the vessel that hosts it. “
STH_xindi_mechanic.24.desc:0 “The Reptiles were the first to volunteer to crew the weapon. Their determination to ensure the domination of the Xindi fuels their every move.The Reptiles agreed to train and lead an elite team of Xindi from across the species to crew the ship regardless if they were to return home alive.”
STH_xindi_mechanic.25.desc:0 “The Aquatics would migrate many thousands of kilometres back on Xindus before the destruction of the homeworld. Once the Acquatics took to space their desire to travel great distances continued. Studies of the ancient spheres have allowed the Aquatics to master the vortexes and send the weapon great distances.”
STH_xindi_mechanic.26.desc:0 “The Xindi species have united to produce a devastating weapon, with the best elements of each species integrated into the design. Once fully researched, we can build one of these weapons and unleash it on our foes.”
STONE_1_GOL_PROJECT_DESC:0 “An ancient device called the ‘§YStone of Gol§!’ was conceived on Vulcan during the turbulent times before the Time of Awakening.Until recently it was believed to have been destroyed by the Vulcan gods but in reality, the weapon became disassembled in the Time of Awakening and its three pieces have been scattered over large distances of space.”
STH_relics_flavour.101.desc:0 “Our study of the ancient Rules of Acquisitions that have formed the basis for our civilisation for centuries has finally bore fruit. Our guiding principle along the Great Material River should focus on supplying the necessary £crew£ §Ycrews§! to power the warships of the [From.GetName]. With trained crews, our vessels operate more efficiently in space and the demand for weaponry and transport grows. This is entirely exemplified within one rule.”
STH_relics_flavour.102.desc:0 “Our study of the ancient Rules of Acquisitions that have formed the basis for our civilisation for centuries has finally bore fruit. Our guiding principle along the Great Material River should focus on supplying the necessary £latinum£ §Ylatinum§! to ensure the [From.GetName] has enough working capital to operate with. With enough capital all our needs can be accomplished. This is entirely exemplified within one rule.”
STH_relics_flavour.103.desc:0 “Our study of the ancient Rules of Acquisitions that have formed the basis for our civilisation for centuries has finally bore fruit. Our guiding principles should focus on ensuring the health of the population is maintained within the [From.GetName]. With enough healthy workers, profit is assured. The Great Material River will provide for us.”
STH_relics_flavour.104.desc:0 “Our study of the ancient Rules of Acquisitions that have formed the basis for our civilisation for centuries has finally bore fruit. Our guiding principles should focus on ensuring a well fed population amongst the [From.GetName]. With enough £food£ §Yfood§! distributed amongst the workers, profit is assured. The Great Material River will provide for us.”
STH_relics_flavour.105.desc:0 “Our study of the ancient Rules of Acquisitions that have guided our civilisation for centuries has finally bore fruit. Our guiding principles should focus on ensuring that we can expand our influence throughout the galaxy. With enough £influence£ §Yinfluence§! our businesses can grow. The Great Material River will provide for us.”
STH_relics_flavour.106.desc:0 “Our study of the ancient Rules of Acquisitions that have formed the basis for our civilisation for centuries has finally bore fruit. Our guiding principles should focus on ensuring that we can expand our research and development throughout the [From.GetName]. With enough research our businesses can maintain their edge. The Great Material River will provide for us.”
STH_relics_flavour.107.desc:0 “Our study of the ancient Rules of Acquisitions that have formed the basis for our civilisation for centuries has finally bore fruit. Our guiding principles should focus on ensuring that we have enough basic resources throughout the [From.GetName] to deal with thirst. With enough water our worlds can ensure the population never wants for something that is so common at home. The Great Material River will provide for us.”
STH_relics_flavour.201.desc:0 “The destruction of the mighty planet destroying device left chunks of salvageable but inert material for further experimentation. Our study of the ancient hull material found within the Doomsday Machine has allowed our scientists to glean some insights into its history.Firstly, based on the relative trajectory and course of the Doomsday Machine, we can presume it came from outside the galaxy.Secondly, the hull is pure neutronium, a material we have only observed deep within certain stars and the manufacture of which is far beyond our current understanding.Finally the testing of weapons fire against the neutronium hull chunk has provided us with valuable feedback on how weapons react to nigh invulnerable materials.”
STH_relics_flavour.202.desc:0 “Further experimentation upon the Doomsday Fragment has provided deeper insights. Each branch has managed to discover new information about the machine.Our sociologists and astrometrics teams have managed to calculate a path of destruction through the galaxy which has rendered worlds completely destroyed and wiping out numerous pre warp civilisations. Engineer teams have uncovered some manufacturing defects within the hull fragments, showing that this was created by beings just as fallible as ourselves. Finally the strength of the material is nigh invulnerable to our weapons fire, however it seems that this is the inner hull of the machine – with the outer hull being stripped away millenia in the past. These findings are quite unsettling, as it seems larger and more powerful species once existed.”
STH_relics_flavour.203.desc:0 “Ongoing research into the Doomsday Fragment is continuing to provide deep insights into the species that once constructed this devastating vessel. Every branch has it’s theories, but here are the latest findings. The Doomsday Machine definitely came from outside the Galactic Barrier, potentially arriving from the Andromeda Galaxy or more worryingly even further away. The scoring along the hull fragment suggests numerous sustained battles against anti-proton weaponry. The amount of neutronium within the hull almost guarantees a level of stellar engineering far beyond current technology.The Doomsday Machines seem to require a large amount of material to replenish themselves, hence the destruction of entire worlds to power their internal factories. Theoretically the consumption of large vessels should be possible and would be of much more benefit than just raw material. Further research into the fragment will likely provide findings along the same path.”
STH_relics_flavour.204.desc:0 “Whilst attempting to investigate the fragment it looks like a small self destruct sequence has been initiated and the fragment explodes in a small, but harmless burst of smoke and sparks.”
STH_relics_flavour.301.desc:0 “The writings carved into the Kir’Shara seek to reaffirm the foundations of our civilisation.One such section that has recently sparked a massive resurgence in our engineering divisions research reads similar to Kiri-Kin-Tha’s teachings that §Y’Nothing unreal exists’§!, a logical expression of how mathematics takes place abstractly. If you attempt to model something in reality with maths and logic then sometimes one can end up drawing absurd conclusions about reality itself.By stating outright §Y’Nothing unreal exists’§! and accepting this as part of our philosophy, it serves as a reminder that as soon as we start thinking abstractly we lose relevance. It is not so much an axiom as a warning to unnecessary abstraction.”
STH_relics_flavour.302.desc:0 “The writings carved into the Kir’Shara seek to reaffirm the foundations of our civilisation.One such section that has recently sparked a massive resurgence in our sociologists research reads similar to the teachings in the §YKol-Ut-Shan§!, or more commonly known as IDIC – Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations. If you attempt to close off any part of diversity simply because you do not like it, you close off infinite possible combinations.By embracing the §YKol-Ut-Shan§! which symbolises the vast variables and elements in the galaxy that create truth and beauty, it serves as a reminder that we should not close ourselves off to any path just because it is different, and instead we should embrace the differences between us.”
STH_relics_flavour.303.desc:0 “The writings carved into the Kir’Shara seek to reaffirm the foundations of our civilisation.One such section that has recently sparked a large following within our populace reiterates part of what we already teach – §Y’The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one’§!, one of the cornerstones of our philosophy.By embracing this teaching we can ensure all who come to serve within the Vulcan Expeditionary Group or the Science Academy are serving the entirety of Vulcan. This should boost recruitment substantially.”
STH_relics_flavour.304.desc:0 “The writings carved into the Kir’Shara seek to reaffirm the foundations of our civilisation.One such section that has recently sparked been discovered appears to be an early version of T’Plana-Hath’s statement that §Y’Logic is the cement of our civilisation with which we ascend from chaos using reason as our guide’§!.By embracing these teachings we can understand how our ancestors and history have progressed to create the future we live in now. The logical extension of these teachings is that whilst logic may not solve all our problems, as long as it remains the foundation upon which we build our society and research we may deepen our understanding of the universe.”
STH_relics_flavour.305.desc:0 “The writings carved into the Kir’Shara seek to reaffirm the foundations of our civilisation.One such heavily damaged section that has recently been restored by a student has sparked a discussion stating that Logic is not the be all and end all of the Vulcan philosophy. It states that pure logic will make Vulcan’s weak and helpless, something that our rituals and traditional Kahs-wan seeks to prevent.The discovery of this section has caused members of society from all branches to return many §Yluxuries§! to society and live out a more simple life.”
STH_relics_flavour.400.desc:0 “The flute found within the Ressikian probe transformed the life of the crew member who found it and experienced a second lifetime within its grasp. It is a sign of remembrance of a people long gone.§YThis relic is also a tribute to Peter Allan Fields, who co-wrote the episode, and as a thank you for creating such a wonderful episode.§!”
STH_relics_flavour.500.desc:0 “The writings of §Y’The Never-Ending Sacrifice’§! are considered by many scholars to be the epitome of Cardassian literature and of the repetitive epic. The novel covers seven generations of the same family as they overcome the trials facing the Cardassian state as they live selfless lives working for the betterment of the State.Making this book mandatory reading within the education facilities throughout the Union should bring a sense of community and union to the students.”
STH_relics_flavour.501.desc:0 “The writings of §Y’Enigma Tales’§! by Shoggoth are considered by many scholars to be a fine example of mystery within the repetitive epic. The novel covers numerous suspects, all being found guilty of similar crimes, but the mystery lies in the discovery of who exactly was guilty of what.Making this book mandatory reading through the education facilities through the Union will inspire a new generation of researchers with fresh understandings of society in their minds.”
STH_relics_flavour.502.desc:0 “The wartime epic §Y’Meditations of a Crimson Shadow’§! by Eleta Preloc is considered to be a prime example of the collective state overcoming vast and vicious Empires across the galaxy, each more vicious and unruly than the last. The novel covers invasions of nearby Empires such as the United Federation of Planets and Klingons, and features propaganda in how it portrays how each seeks the destruction of the Cardassian Union.Making this book mandatory reading through the education facilities through our worlds and will inspire new citizens to enlist beyond their compulsory service periods to fight against the enemies of the Union.”
STH_relics_flavour.600.desc:0 “The broken combadge is all that remains of the ‘Mirror Universe’ incursion into our universe. The residual anti tachyon particles upon the badge continue to vibrate and swirl, leading our scientists to believe that the Mirror Universe is still out there, just waiting to take another try at conquering our universe.By studying this artifact across many worlds, we can increase the sense of camaraderie and unity within our armed forces and prepare again for the next incursion…”
STH_relics_flavour.601.desc:0 “The broken combadge is all that remains of the ‘Mirror Universe’ incursion into our universe. The residual anti tachyon particles upon the badge continue to vibrate and swirl, leading our scientists to believe that the Mirror Universe is still out there, just waiting to take another try at conquering our universe.By studying this artifact across many worlds, we can increase the sense of camaraderie and unity within our armed forces and prepare again for the next incursion…”
STH_relics_flavour.700.desc:0 “The echoing calls of the only surviving remnant of the massive cylindrical probe continues to reverberate as the unit pulses with energy.The connections are established, and negative energy pulses into the device, which continues to reverberate until it unleashes a massive power surge which is captured within the readied storage units.With the echo calls temporarily halted, it will be some time until the probe has enough energy stored up to be used again.”
STH_relics_flavour.750.desc:0 “The remains of the V’ger probe have been investigated by our science teams, with the surprising revelation that the probe originated from Earth. The space probe known as Voyager 6 appears to have been heavily modified by an unknown race and its data banks are full of stored information that our scientists cannot wait to get stuck into.”
STH_relics_flavour.801.desc:0 “The soft cooing of the tribble as it feeds upon the treats laid out for it gives a sense of serenity to all who hear it.A short time later two tribbles are feasting at the remaining scraps, from almost nowhere the tribble seems to have multiplied!”
STH_relics_flavour.802.desc:0 “The soft cooing of the tribbles as they feed upon the treats laid out for them gives a large sense of serenity to all who hear it.This time, with more [From.GetSpeciesName] scientists gathered to watch, the tribbles suddenly give birth to new almost full size tribbles a short time later!”
STH_relics_flavour.803.desc:0 “Fascinated by these rapidly replicating creatures that seem to turn any food into a fuel to power their reproductive drives, [From.GetSpeciesName] scientists seek to use this fantastic resource in our favour.Experiments are set up to examine the tribbles and report back upon their unique reproductive properties.”
STH_relics_flavour.804.desc:0 “The masses of tribbles within the laboratories have managed to eat through a large amount of food in a short time.[Root.GetSpeciesName] scientists are reporting that even items with limited nutritional value such as paper have been devoured by this large fluffy horde, but everything is under control and there is nothing to worry about. Containment protocols will ensure that any threat, should it become such from such harmless creatures, will be contained to the laboratory. The secrets of Tribble reproduction will be ours…”
STH_relics_flavour.805.desc:0 “Earlier today a breach at the tribble laboratory under the governmental building of [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]’s residence has been reported with the escaping horde of tribbles seeking any sources of food to sustain them.One massive swarm of tribbles closes in on the private chambers of [Root.GetRulerName], whose security staff are valiantly fighting to hold off the furry swarm.Within minutes there is nowhere left to run as a massive soft wall of tribbles descends upon [Root.GetRulerName] with the force of ten thousand tiny nibbles, leaving scarcely a scrap behind.Clean up crews arrived shortly afterwards with containment weapons to purge the tribbles from the estate…”
STH_relics_flavour.900.desc:0 “Now that Risa has joined the [From.GetName], a member of the populace has granted us one of their statuettes which they call a §YHorga’hn§!. It is supposedly a symbol of fertility, and it is said that to own one is to call forth its powers.”
STH_relics_flavour.901.desc:0 “Using the Horga’hn, a symbol of fertility from the planet of Risa, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] has announced a year long celebration based around the Risian tradition of jamaharon.The population of the [Root.GetName] who desire to participate can display a Horga’hn publicly to indicate that they are seeking jamaharon, a mysterious and pleasurable practice native to that world.”
STH_relics_flavour.950.desc:0 “The planet Xahea has joined our civilisation, adding it’s rich Dilithium caverns to our economy. One of the Xahean scientists has presented us with a prototype device, something called a Dilithium incubator which is a device that can recrystallise Dilithium, improving our Dilithium production.”
STH_relics_flavour.951.desc:0 “Overcharging the one of a kind Dilithium incubator is fraught with risk, however our scientists are confident that for a short period of time we can substantially boost the amount of Dilithium recrystallised by the device with only a minimal chance of failure.”
STH_relics_flavour.952.desc:0 “The planet Xahea has joined us, adding it’s rich Dilithium caverns to our economy. One of the Xahean scientists has presented us with a prototype device invented by a member of their royal family, something called a Dilithium incubator which is a device that can recrystallise Dilithium. Whilst only suitable for a small scale, it should still improve our overall Dilithium production.”
STH_relics_flavour.953.desc:0 “The overcharged Xahean Dilithium incubator has gone critical, resulting in a large explosion at the laboratory where the recrystallisation was taking place. This failure has utter destroyed the one-of-a-kind device.”
STH_relics_flavour.1000.desc:0 “The unique metaphasic radiation within the belt surrounding the planet of Ba’ku offers dramatic life extension and wound regeneration possibilities.A metaphasic collector has been designed to launch an injector assembly that will start a thermolytic reaction within the radiation, enabling the particles to be harvested, though with a small chance of rendering the planet uninhabitable.”
STH_relics_flavour.1001.desc:0 “Using the modified injector on the high concentrations of metaphasic radiation within the rings of Ba’ku has provided a large amount of metaphasic particles that can be used to advance medical science and extend life spans across the [Root.GetName].”
STH_relics_flavour.1300.desc:0 “A humanoid trader has approached one of the trading outposts of the [Root.GetName] and offered us an artifact that can supposedly bend time for set period. Quite where the artifact came from or how it works is a mystery.What should we do?”
STH_relics_flavour.1301.desc:0 “The power to bend time, albeit within a limit window, offers us the unique ability to achieve goals that would otherwise be impossible.[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]’s advisors have provided numerous options for the wielder of the device where a time loop could be extremely effective.”
STH_relics_flavour.1302.desc:0 “After the stresses of it’s recent usage, the time crystal device appears to have fractured, splintering its energy across multiple times. The device has been rendered useless.”
STH_relics_flavour.1303.desc:0 “The time crystal device has proved invaluable, allowing our agent to bypass all the security measures of a privately held offworld bank.By defeating the magnetic locks and memorising and reciting the ten thousand digit code, the entire vault defences were bypassed enabling the transport of all goods contained within, some of which are priceless works from hundreds of civilisations.The treasure has arrived upon [Root.Capital.GetName] and stands ready for [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]’s perusal.”
STH_relics_flavour.1304.desc:0 “The time crystal device has proved invaluable, allowing our agent to bypass all but the most stringent security measures of a privately held offworld bank.By defeating the magnetic locks and visual scanners, the outer vault defences were bypassed enabling the transport of some of the latinum within.The loot has arrived upon [Root.Capital.GetName] and stands ready for [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]’s perusal.”
STH_relics_flavour.1305.desc:0 “The time crystal device has proved invaluable, allowing our agent to bypass all but the most stringent security measures of a privately held offworld bank.By defeating the magnetic locks and visual scanners, the outer vault defences were bypassed enabling the transport of some of the latinum within, however the alarm was raised before all of the loot could be transported.The agent received a wound, and damaged the time crystal device, which is undergoing examination to determine if the blast has caused irreparable damage.”
STH_relics_flavour.1306.desc:0 “The time crystal device has proved invaluable, allowing [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] to repeatedly question and challenge all of those in the inner circle of the government, determining lies and mistruths.By determining whom is working for whom, and who can actively be trusted, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] has initiated a purge of all disloyal members of the government.Loyalists within the ranks will now ensure stability is high amongst the populace for the next few years.”
STH_relics_flavour.1307.desc:0 “The time crystal device has proved invaluable, allowing [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] to repeatedly question and challenge all of those in the inner circle of the government, determining lies and mistruths.By determining whom is working for whom, and who can actively be trusted, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] has initiated a purge of some disloyal members of the government.Loyalists within the ranks will now ensure stability is high amongst the populace for the next few years.”
STH_relics_flavour.1308.desc:0 “The time crystal device has proved valuable, allowing [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] to repeatedly question and challenge some of those in the inner circle of the government, in an effort to determine lies and mistruths.Unfortunately the device was damaged in an accident, and undiscovered disloyalty within the security detail assigned to purge the traitors has allowed many to escape into the underground.These traitors will actively work against the [Root.GetName] for the next few years.”
STH_relics_flavour.1309.desc:0 “The time crystal device has proved invaluable, allowing [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] to challenge all those opposed to their rule and defeat them in single combat.By fighting opponents repeatedly until their weaknesses were discovered, the [Root.GetRulerTitle] has prevailed.Loyalists within the government will now ensure stability is high amongst the populace for the next few years.”
STH_relics_flavour.1310.desc:0 “The time crystal device has proved invaluable, allowing [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] to challenge some of those opposed to their rule and defeat them in single combat.By fighting opponents repeatedly until their weaknesses were discovered, or avoiding fights with those that the [Root.GetRulerTitle] could not defeat, [Root.GetRulerName] has mostly prevailed.Loyalists within the government will now ensure stability is high amongst the populace for the next few years.”
STH_relics_flavour.1311.desc:0 “The time crystal device initially proved valuable, allowing [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] to challenge some of those opposed to their rule and defeat them in single combat – until disaster struck.An unfortunate duel where the time crystal device was struck by an opponent’s weapon led to the device being rendered temporarily dysfunctional and leading to an opening within [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]’s defences, resulting in their death.”
STH_relics_flavour.1312.desc:0 “The time crystal device has proved invaluable, allowing scientists within the [Root.GetName] to undertake dangerous and otherwise lethal experiments with no regard for safety measures.By repeatedly testing volatile processes, scientists have made substantial breakthroughs within particular fields.The results should be available for perusal shortly.”
STH_relics_flavour.1313.desc:0 “The time crystal device has proved invaluable, allowing scientists within the [Root.GetName] to undertake dangerous and otherwise lethal experiments with no regard for safety measures.By repeatedly testing volatile processes, scientists have made moderate breakthroughs within particular fields.The results should be available for perusal shortly.”
STH_relics_flavour.1314.desc:0 “The time crystal device has proved valuable, allowing scientists within the [Root.GetName] to undertake dangerous and otherwise lethal experiments with no regard for safety measures.By repeatedly testing volatile processes, scientists have made small breakthroughs within particular fields, however one experiment did damage the time crystal slightly causing the experiments to come to an early end.The results should be available for perusal shortly, whilst the crystal goes in for repairs.”
STH_relics_flavour.1315.desc:0 “Time crystals are a rare mineral native to only a few places within the galaxy, and are often heavily guarded. The power to manipulate time is a weapon unlike any other, and these crystals should be nurtured upon our planets rather than exploited.After planting the time crystal device within an ancient cavern upon one of our worlds, it has begun to sprout – forming smaller but still viable time crystals out of nearby rock.”
STH_relics_flavour.1400.desc:0 “Reactivating the Echo Papa drone causes it to hover menacingly, and thrum with power. A signal is detected emanating from the device, and a holographic salesman suddenly appears as a projection from the drone.From listening to the holo projection, it seems this drone is quite limited in power but can be used temporarily in either a ground or space role. Alternatively, we could purchase the remaining stock of these drones and station them across our worlds, improving the effectiveness of defensive armies.”
STH_relics_flavour.1500.desc:0 “This mask serves as a reminder of when the D’Arsay Archive attempted to reactivate and restore the ancient D’Arsay civilisation thought lost millenia ago.What can the archive do for us now?”
STH_relics_flavour.1601.desc:0 “Aliens portraying themselves to be a team of archaeologists say they have uncovered a mysterious artifact of unrivaled power from the future.Called the ‘§YTox Uthat§!’, they have quantum dated it to some point centuries from now, and they believe it is a quantum phase inhibitor that can cause all fusion within a star to cease, effectively ending that star’s life.They are offering it for sale for a substantial sum.”
STH_relics_flavour.1602.desc:0 “Against all odds, our security services have failed to apprehend the archaeologists and their artifact known as the §YTox Uthat§!. It seems they had help from two Vorgons. By now there is no doubt that it has been sold to another empire.”
STH_relics_flavour.1603.desc:0 “Two thieves have broken into one of our storage facilities where the §YTox Uthat§! is being held during a state visit by [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.Leader.GetName].With their security detail stunned around them, and with armed Vorgons bearing down upon them, [Root.Leader.GetName] has to make a choice…”
STH_relics_flavour.1604.desc:0 “With the §YTox Uthat§! seemingly destroyed by [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.Leader.GetName] the Vorgons put their weapons away, and begin to explain themselves.It seems they have travelled from the future as their records show [Root.Leader.GetName] was the one to destroy the device, but a third party was attempting to interfere. By destroying the §YTox Uthat§! here they have secured the future for themselves.Making a quick exit in a swirl of temporal energy, the Vorgons head back to the future, just as the security detail begins to recover from the stun.”
STH_relics_flavour.1605.desc:0 “After many years safely stored away in a secure site, the §YTox Uthat§! has been recorded emanating energy on a scale unseen before.By harnessing this temporal energy we can improve the fire rate of the weaponry on our vessels substantially.”
STH_relics_flavour.1606.desc:0 “Whilst the §YTox Uthat§! doesn’t appear to be fully powered, it still produces a magnificent amount of energy.By harnessing this temporal energy we can improve the fire rate of the weaponry on our vessels substantially for a period.”
STH_relics_flavour.1607.desc:0 “With the §YTox Uthat§! now in the hands of the Vorgons, they put their weapons away and begin to explain themselves.It seems they have travelled from the future as their records show [Root.Leader.GetName] was the one to safely store the device for a time, whilst a third party was attempting to interfere. By destroying the §YTox Uthat§! here they have secured the future for themselves.Making a quick exit in a swirl of temporal energy, the Vorgons head back to the future, just as the security detail begins to recover from the stun. Left behind is a large sum of valuable materials, payment for a job well done.”
STH_relics_flavour.1700.desc:0 “Further examination of the encrypted data core recovered from the Section 31 vessel has revealed some communications codes to hidden caches located around the galaxy with what appears to be already destroyed or impounded pirate vessels.The frequencies continually cycle between known and unknown codes, and once one is used the others will become inoperable for a time. Which site should we attempt to contact?”
STH_relics_flavour.1800.desc:0 “Further examination of the encrypted temporal data core recovered from the buried vessel that was not from our time has revealed some communications codes to hidden caches located around the galaxy with what appears to be stored vessels.The frequencies continually cycle between known and unknown codes, and once one is used the others will become inoperable for a time.”
stone_of_gol_1.desc:0 “An ancient device called the ‘§YStone of Gol§!’ was conceived on Vulcan during the turbulent times before the Time of Awakening.Finding the first piece is of vital importance.”
stone_of_gol_2.desc:0 “An ancient device called the ‘§YStone of Gol§!’ was conceived on Vulcan during the turbulent times before the Time of Awakening.Finding the second piece is of vital importance.”
stone_of_gol_3.desc:0 “An ancient device called the ‘§YStone of Gol§!’ was conceived on Vulcan during the turbulent times before the Time of Awakening.Finding the third piece is of vital importance.”
stone_of_gol_chain_desc:0 “An ancient device called the ‘§YStone of Gol§!’ was conceived on Vulcan during the turbulent times before the Time of Awakening.Until recently it was believed to have been destroyed by the Vulcan gods but in reality, the weapon became disassembled in the Time of Awakening and its three pieces have been scattered over large distances of space.”
STH_relics_flavour.2001.desc:0 “A Vulcan archaeologist has approached us, telling a story of an ancient device called the ‘§YStone of Gol§!’ which was an ancient weapon conceived on Vulcan during the turbulent times before the Time of Awakening.Until recently it was believed to have been destroyed by the Vulcan gods but in reality, the weapon became disassembled in the Time of Awakening and its three pieces have been scattered over large distances of space.The archaeologist seeks to reunite the pieces and study it, but will ensure we receive the relic afterwards.”
STH_relics_flavour.2002.desc:0 “The first part of the Stone of Gol is located on the planet Vulcan, under the guard of many monks and priests.The archaeologist pressures us to make contact to retrieve the artifact.”
STH_relics_flavour.2010.desc:0 “The curator of the museum has declined to loan the artifact to us. There are numerous options laid before us.”
STH_relics_flavour.2011.desc:0 “After a few setbacks, the first part of the Stone of Gol is within our grasps. The Vulcan archaeologist is ecstatic at this news, letting loose a rare show of Vulcan exuberance.By scanning the Stone’s unique carbon signature, we have located a second site that may contain another part.”
STH_relics_flavour.2021.desc:0 “Upon arrival over the world, the vast jungles below are in stark contrast to the arid plains of Vulcan. The second part of the Stone is believed to be here, located in an ancient Vulcan sanctuary.The archaeologist explains that when the exiles left Vulcan, a few broke off in smaller vessels to live out the rest of their days in isolation.It wasn’t long before tunnels were made on the surface, leading deep underground.”
STH_relics_flavour.2022.desc:0 “After clearing away many of the cave ins that have befallen this cavern network, it is clear that someone has already beaten us here. A corpse, less than a year expired, found within one of the chambers died off a disruptor blast.Fortunately, it seems whomever was here did not find everything, as the archaeologist is able to quickly point out hidden rooms and chambers hidden away. Amongst other valuables, the second part of the Stone of Gol is found.Heading back to the surface, one of the security teams notices a symbol on the privateers corpse, perhaps a lead to the next part of the artifact…”
STH_relics_flavour.2031.desc:0 “Locating the Privateers is a simple task with the resources available to [Root.GetLeaderName], but as the away team prepares to depart to the landing site – an ancient ruined structure – a vessel tries to make an escape from the surface.Sensors indicate the vessel, which is marked with the symbol of the privateers, does not have the last part of the Stone of Gol onboard. What are your orders to the crew before beaming to the surface?”
STH_relics_flavour.2032.desc:0 “As the team arrives in the structure it is clear that it has been emptied in a hurry, with many personal items and machinery left behind.It seems the team was almost to the final room, but lacked the Vulcan knowledge on how to find and open the hidden doors. With the Vulcan Archeologist and the search team, the last part of the stone is found. As [Root.GetLeaderName] hands over the last part of the §YStone of the Gol§! for the Vulcan Archaeologist to examine, they take it and assemble the ancient device – which remarkably begins to vibrate with power.The archaeologist turns to the team and demands surrender, or they will use the weapon against you!”
STH_relics_flavour.2041.desc:0 “As [From.GetLeaderName] and the security detail pull their weapons, the device erupts with a psionic wave that spreads out and kills every member of the team. When a new crew is sent from the [From.GetName] there is only bodies left and no sign of the Vulcan archaeologist or the Stone of Gol.”
STH_relics_flavour.2042.desc:0 “The device begins to emit a psionic wave that is quickly stopped when a blast from [From.GetLeaderName] strikes the archeologist in the chest, dropping them to the ground – dead. The Stone of Gol clanks harmlessly to the ground.”
STH_relics_flavour.2043.desc:0 “[From.GetLeaderName] orders their team to drop their weapons, as the archaeologist fires a psionic blast at the team. It passes harmlessly over the now surrendered team, who realise it can’t harm them. Before the Stone of Gol can be used again, [From.GetLeaderName] picks up their weapon and stuns the archaeologist. The Stone of Gol clanks harmlessly to the ground.”
STH_relics_flavour.2044.desc:0 “[From.GetLeaderName] orders their team to drop their weapons, as the archaeologist fires a psionic blast at the team. Panicking, the team reaches for their weapons but are hit by the psionic blast before getting off a shot – leaving their bodies lifeless on the floor.When a new crew is sent from the [From.GetName] there is only bodies left and no sign of the Vulcan archaeologist or the Stone of Gol.”
STH_relics_flavour.2045.desc:0 “The symbols on the combined Stone of Gol reads war and death, with the symbol for peace standing between the two. This is a clear sign of why the weapon was abandoned – where there are no aggressive thoughts, the weapon is useless.As the archaeologist desperately tries to make the weapon work, the security team captures them – and brings the Stone of Gol to [From.GetLeaderName].”
STH_relics_flavour.2046.desc:0 “The archaeologist lowers the weapon and breaks into a salute as [From.GetLeaderName] approaches.’Well done Operative, you had us all fooled. You make a striking Vulcan’ [From.GetLeaderName] says to the archaeologist, who breaks into a more Romulan demeanour.’Jolan Tru Sir, the Stone of Gol is now yours’ the operative replies.”
STH_relics_flavour.2101.desc:0 “Sometimes a leader arises with the capacity to shape the destiny of their entire people, to forge enduring alliances between old foes. Or a scientist emerges with an instinct for discovery, pushing forward the boundaries of knowledge for the betterment of their people. And sometimes these visionaries are not [Root.GetSpeciesAdj]. Using the Tantalus Device, we can ensure the removal of these leaders before they become a serious threat.”
STH_relics_flavour.2104.desc:0 “The Tantalus Field has successfully eliminated [FromFrom.GetTitle] [FromFrom.GetName] in what was framed as a mysterious disappearance.No evidence of our involvement was detected.”
STH_relics_flavour.2105.desc:0 “‘A target has been acquired within the [From.GetName]. Shall I activate the Tantalus field?’ asks one of your consorts.”
STH_relics_flavour.2106.desc:0 “After picking through the wreckage of the [From.GetName] fleet, sensors have detected an intact section of technology with energy readings off the charts.Should we pick it up?”
STH_relics_flavour.2107.desc:0 “Our engineerings have finished breaking down all the useable parts of the captured Gomtuu ship. We have managed to recover the energy source, which should provide our society with additional energy. Our victory over the creature is paying off.”
STH_relics_flavour.2150.desc:0 “The T’Plana-Hath, having detected the warp signature of the Phoenix, touched down in Bozeman, central Montana, where they met with the Phoenix’s designer and pilot, Zefram Cochrane. This event was generally referred to as the defining moment in Human history, eventually paving the way for a unified world government. This memento provides a welcome reminder to humankind of the journey they have taken.”
STH_relics_flavour.2160.desc:0 “Our engineerings have been investigating the Borg fragment and managed to retrieve some useful research from the section of the Cube we retrieved. This should provide a great interest to our scientists.”
STH_relics_flavour.2161.desc:0 “We have lost contact with the scientists working on the piece of Borg technology. It appears the worst has happened and they have been assimilated. They have quickly taken over a number of science vessels and converted them into Borg designs. We must stop them before they can return to the collective.”
STH_relics_flavour.2170.desc:0 “Our extraction teams working at the site of our crashed starship have managed to uncover some previously unfound research held in the memory banks of the ships, which has not yet been uploaded to command at the time of the crash. All data has now been sent back to [root.capital_scope.GetName].”
STH_relics_flavour.2171.desc:0 “The time has come to remove the wreckage of our ship from the planet’s surface to avoid cultural interference or our technology falling into the hands of those not able to handle it. The ship will be removed via a fleet of tugs and returned to the fleet museum.”
STH_abronath.1.desc:0 “Our forces have defeated the [From.From.GetName] and during the heavy fighting managed to wrest part of the rumoured ancient relic known as the §YAbronath§! from their clutches.”
STH_abronath.2.desc:0 “[From.GetAdj] forces have defeated our forces soundly in battle and have seized the §YAbronath§!.It is a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing.”
STH_abronath.11.desc:0 “The §H[abronath_holder.GetName]§! has come into to possession of all the parts of the §YAbronath§!, rumoured across many star systems to be an ancient bioweapon from another time. Due to the threat of this ancient relic, swift action might be the most prudent course of action.”
STH_abronath.91.desc:0 “Now we are in possession of all the parts of the §YAbronath§!, we have been able to slot them together to form one singular device. It remains unpowered and it’s secrets will require further work however.”
STH_abronath.101.desc:0 “Our archaeologists and scientists are working together to piece together the mysteries of the §YAbronath§!. Due to the dangers involved, a quarantined site has been made ready for the reconstruction project of the §YAbronath§! on §H[Root.Capital.GetName]§!. Unlocking the full potential of the §YAbronath§! may take many years.”
STH_abronath.110.desc:0 “Study of the §YAbronath§! has successfully led to the first part being activated in the §YAbronath§! housing. Currently the device remains woefully underpowered, as we have been unable to reverse engineer the power source as it uses energy unlike any encountered previously, however our science divisions will continue to work diligently.”
STH_abronath.111.desc:0 “Engineering teams have managed to send power through the inherently unstable housing of the §YAbronath§!, allowing the second part to be fitted. Every day new mechanisms continue to be unlocked, and our scientists have determined this device is definitely a weapon of sorts.”
STH_abronath.112.desc:0 “Calibrations on the §YAbronath§! are continuing, with initial tests of the bioweapon resulting the creation of a vast airborne swarm of capable of devouring and breaking organic molecular bonds. Scientists predict another year will be required before it is complete.”
STH_abronath.113.desc:0 “The §YAbronath§! is now complete, and the initial testing on organic matter has resulted in an extremely optimal annihilation of the bonds between all organic matter in a deadly airborne format. Simulations predict if the Abronath was released on an unprepared planet, it could annihilate the entire population rapidly.”
STH_abronath.132.desc:0 “Archaeologists have fled from the [Root.GetName] due to the recent political upheaval, and have taken a piece of the §YAbronath§! in their flight. Recovery of the artifact is not likely.”
STH_abronath.133.desc:0 “An alien who proclaims to be an ‘archaeologist’, though our records show a large criminal record, has come to us with an offer. For the cost of a portion of our £latinum£ §Ylatinum§! for the next year, they would be willing to give us part of the §YAbronath§!. If we refuse this offer, it seems other buyers are already lining up.”
STH_abronath.135.desc:0 “Archaeologists have fled from the [Root.GetName] due to the recent political upheaval, and have taken a piece of the §YAbronath§! in their flight. Recovery of the artifact is not likely.”
STH_abronath.136.desc:0 “An alien who proclaims to be an ‘archaeologist’, though our records show a large criminal record, has come to us with an offer. For the cost of a portion of our £latinum£ §Ylatinum§! for the next year, they would be willing to give us part of the §YAbronath§!. If we refuse this offer, it seems other buyers are already lining up.”
STH_abronath.138.desc:0 “Archaeologists have fled from the [Root.GetName] due to the recent political upheaval, and have taken a piece of the §YAbronath§! in their flight. Recovery of the artifact is not likely.”
STH_abronath.139.desc:0 “An alien who proclaims to be an ‘archaeologist’, though our records show a large criminal record, has come to us with an offer. For the cost of a portion of our £latinum£ §Ylatinum§! for the next year, they would be willing to give us part of the §YAbronath§!. If we refuse this offer, it seems other buyers are already lining up.”
STH_abronath.202.desc:0 “Scavengers and traders have gathered what they could from the remnants of the §H[LastKilledCountryName]§!, and a relic has made it into our hands. They mention it is part of something called the §YAbronath§!.”
STH_abronath.204.desc:0 “Scavengers and traders have gathered what they could from the remnants of the §H[LastKilledCountryName]§!, and a relic has made it into our hands. They mention it is part of something called the §YAbronath§!.”
STH_abronath.206.desc:0 “Scavengers and traders have gathered what they could from the remnants of the §H[LastKilledCountryName]§!, and a relic has made it into our hands. They mention it is part of something called the §YAbronath§!.”
STH_abronath.211.desc:0 “We have obtained the a number of components that make up the mysterious Abronath device, our agents have identified the following countries who have also obtained parts of the device. §G[r_abronath_1_country.GetName] [r_abronath_2_country.GetName] [r_abronath_3_country.GetName]§! We have a number of options, we can destroy our existing piece of the device to keep it out of enemy hands, purchase another section of the device or attempt to sell one of the pieces.”
STH_abronath.212.desc:0 “Now that we have decided to sell our section of the Abronath our agents have come to understand that these countries already have a section of the device and might consider purchasing our section of the device off us for a price.”
STH_abronath.213.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], we have been approached by agents from [r_abronath_sellor.GetName] who wish to sell us a section of the Abronath for 50 bars of £latinum£ §Ylatinum§! and 5000 £energy£ §Yenergy§!. The device is rumoured to have the potential to cause a devastating attack so we should choose carefully.”
STH_abronath.214.desc:0 “After consideration [r_abronath_buy.GetName] have agreed to our terms and will purchase our piece of the Abronath device. The funds will be transferred over shortly. “
STH_abronath.215.desc:0 “After consideration [r_abronath_reject.GetName] have decline to take us up on the sale of our section of the Abronath device, it looks like we will have to find a new buyer.”
STH_abronath.216.desc:0 “We have found parts of the Abronath available from the following states. §G[owns_r_abronath_1.GetName] [owns_r_abronath_2.GetName] [owns_r_abronath_3.GetName]§! Our agents can approach these countries to see if they would be willing to sell a part of the Abronath to us. “
STH_abronath.217.desc:0 “[r_abronath_buy.GetName] have made us an offer for our section of the Abronath device. They would be willing to pay 50 bars of £latinum£ §Ylatinum§! and 5000 £energy£ §Yenergy§! for this relic.”
STH_abronath.218.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], we have been completed the purchase of one of the missing sections of the Abronath device, bringing us that much closer to being able to use this mysterious piece of technology.”
STH_abronath.219.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], we have had our offer to buy a section of the Abronath device rejected, if we are to obtain the device we must either do so by force or try again later.”
STH_abronath_site.101.desc:0 “The strange biological void where not even bacteria exists has been narrowed down to an underground cavern network, several kilometres below the surface of [From.Planet.GetName].After several days of analysis, scientists from the [Root.GetName] have been able to map out a route to the center of this biological void, and in doing so have discovered that the cavern network is not naturally formed and may be the sign of an ancient civilisation.”
STH_abronath_site.102.desc:0 “Further examination of the subterranean cavern network has uncovered an even more extensive network spanning hundreds of kilometers below the first, and caverns sculpted out of pure rock. The deployment of specially modified probes throughout the tunnel network on [From.Planet.GetName] could lead to uncovering a route to the largest chamber, one that spans fifty kilometers across. Current technologies cannot reproduce such an effect, so whatever made that cavern is beyond our current technology.With careful mapping, we should be able to find an entry point and find out more about what lies beneath the surface.”
STH_abronath_site.103.desc:0 “An entry point has been discovered to the subterranean network on [From.Planet.GetName], and the modified probes have begun their mapping of the cavern network.So far only ruins have been discovered, in large buildings that seem extremely advanced. Small pieces of broken technology scatter the ground, a source of information perhaps. There is also no sign of outside weapons damage to see what caused this civilisation to go extinct. A strange thin layer of inorganic matter has been located throughout many of the dwellings, which seems to become thicker the further into the caverns the probes descend. The atmosphere seems safe and it may be prudent to send a landing party.”
STH_abronath_site.104.desc:0 “The landing party has reached the central chamber of the [From.Planet.GetName], which appears to be a vast city cavern capable of housing billions at one point, however now not even microbes exist. Further investigation of buildings reveals many writings and unique architectural structures which seem impossible with the materials at work. A large structure in the northern part of the city seems to have a high concentration of inorganic matter surrounding it, which our teams have been able to determine is a manufactured substance, though now inert.”
STH_abronath_site.105.desc:0 “Large amounts of records and partially destroyed writings exist within the larger building, providing an insight into the civilisation that once lived upon this world. Inside the large structure lies a chamber surrounded by what can only be translated as warnings or cautions – and one word repeated over and over – ‘Abronath’. Lying within this chamber, it’s part of a strange artifact, unlike many of the others that permeate this city. It appears as if it’s been struck by an energy weapon, and is only partially intact.”
STH_abronath_site.106.desc:0 “Further examinations of the ruins has uncovered various facets and information from the civilisation that built them, which has allowed our scientists to gain further understandings and breakthroughs within the field of statecraft.”
STH_abronath_site.107.desc:0 “Further examinations of the ruins has uncovered various facets and information from the civilisation that built them, which has allowed our scientists to gain further understandings and breakthroughs within the field of biology.”
STH_abronath_site.108.desc:0 “Further examinations of the ruins has uncovered various terraforming facets and information from the civilisation that built them, which has allowed our scientists to gain further understandings and breakthroughs within the field of new worlds.”
STH_abronath_site.201.desc:0 “Initial examinations of the massive breach upon the surface show that this world was once a potentially viable world, until an ancient catastrophe tore a gash in it’s surface leaving a roiling surface of boiling hot mantle exposed at the bottom of the chasms. The strange absence of any biologically life or bacteria around the shattered crust is another curiosity.”
STH_abronath_site.202.desc:0 “Further investigation of the mighty gash show a partially sensored obscured artificial structure deep within the crust. It appears to be the entrance way to a structure embedded within the chasm wall.Scientists believe we can beam down a landing party into the nearby tunnels to get a closer examination, and to modify some probes onsite to find a way down to the entrance.”
STH_abronath_site.203.desc:0 “Descending deep into the chasms via gravity rappels, the away team has arrived at the structure. Upon closer inspection it looks like the structure is all that remains of a once much larger structure that has long been destroyed and fallen into the roiling waves of the mantle below.The materials used in the manufacture are unknown to us, but appear to be unnaturally strong. An entranceway has been secured.”
STH_abronath_site.204.desc:0 “Warnings and danger signs appear to surround the chambers leading into the structure, which appears to be partially functional. From what our away team has gathered, it appears that a massive mining catastrophe occurred and tore the planet asunder.Details of numerous automated mining facilities located in locations across what is now the chasm spring up, but no records of their creators. One chamber does appear to have significance though, but the corridors have partially collapsed and will require excavation.”
STH_abronath_site.205.desc:0 “Warnings and danger signs grow more frequent as the path to the chamber is opened. Mostly intact due to the strange absence of any bacteria which may have degraded the systems, this room may contain a wealth of knowledge.One strange artifact does stand out though, one that appears to have been broken – all references point to this being something called the ‘Abronath’.”
STH_abronath_site.206.desc:0 “Further examinations of the facility has uncovered various facets and information from the civilisation that built them, which has allowed our scientists to gain further understandings and breakthroughs within the field of statecraft.”
STH_abronath_site.207.desc:0 “Further examinations of the facility has uncovered various facets and information from the civilisation that built them, which has allowed our scientists to gain further understandings and breakthroughs within the field of biology.”
STH_abronath_site.208.desc:0 “Further examinations of the facility has uncovered various terraforming facets and information from the civilisation that built them, which has allowed our scientists to gain further understandings and breakthroughs within the field of new worlds.”
STH_abronath_site.301.desc:0 “Initial scans of the ruined thorned spire on the surface show extremely dense construction materials and ancient mechanical pathways coursing through the entire structure of the building.A landing party should be able to secure the site and find an entrance point into the underground parts of the structure.”
STH_abronath_site.302.desc:0 “Whilst most of the electronic pathways have degraded, some of the underground structure appears to have been more heavily protected from the passage of time.Following the pathways appears to lead deeper underground towards their power source, where we could possibly power up some of the systems.”
STH_abronath_site.303.desc:0 “Further exploration of the spire’s powered consoles has revealed a limited access to the spires systems, but also point towards a central chamber which appears to be a control room near the former top of the tower, but to get there our teams must pass through a large room filled with humanoid drones.As the away team advances through the spire towards the central chamber, the powered system appear to have partially reactivated some of the spire, which is causing dangerous power fluctuations.”
STH_abronath_site.304.desc:0 “Upon further examination and disassembly of one of the more intact drones, they appear to be advanced robotic mining drones which utilised this spire as a central hub for mining across the planet.There are no signs of life anywhere in this facility however, and the passageway is now open towards what appears to be the central control room.”
STH_abronath_site.305.desc:0 “Warnings and danger signs appear to surround this chamber, which appears to not be a control room but instead an activation chamber of some sorts. Mostly intact due to the strange absence of any bacteria which may have degraded the systems, this room could contain a wealth of knowledge. One strange artifact does stand out though, one that appears to have been broken – all references point to this being something called the ‘Abronath’.”
STH_abronath_site.306.desc:0 “Attempting to reverse engineer some of the technology left within the broken spire has allowed us to uncover various engineering breakthroughs of the civilisation that built them, which has allowed our scientists to gain further understandings and breakthroughs within the field of materials.”
STH_abronath_site.307.desc:0 “Attempting to reverse engineer some of the technology left within the broken spire has allowed us to uncover various engineering breakthroughs of the civilisation that built them, which has allowed our scientists to gain further understandings and breakthroughs within the field of propulsion.”
STH_abronath_site.308.desc:0 “Attempting to reverse engineer some of the technology left within the broken spire has allowed us to uncover various engineering breakthroughs of the civilisation that built them, which has allowed our scientists to gain further understandings and breakthroughs within the field of industry.”
STH_garidian.1.desc:0 “Thousand years ago the Lawgiver wrote four scrolls in order to establish the structure of Garidian society. The scrolls define such things as the Garidian code of honor, government, religion, as well as the privileges of the Patrician class.There is an old legend about the fifth scroll that was supposed to outline privileges and responsibilities of the Plebeian class. However, as the legend states, the Lawgiver was forced to leave the planet before he could reveal the fifth scroll.This story has recently become especially popular among the lower classes of Garidians.”
STH_kaminar_kelpien_category_desc:0 “We are receiving a communications from the surface of the planet Kaminar, which is the home of the isolationist Ba’ul and the Kelpiens who are kept as slaves, against all odds the message appears to be coming from a Kelpien settlement.”
KELPIEN_1A_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Kelpiens are under threat from the Ba’ul advanced weaponry, which is targeting women, children and the vulnerable, sending a team in under the leadership of one of our heroic scientists to render the Ba’ul long range weapons ineffectual will save countless lives.”
KELPIEN_1B_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Kelpiens are under threat from the Ba’ul’s advanced weaponry, which is targeting women, children and the vulnerable, sending a team in under the leadership of one of our heroic admirals to render the Ba’uls long range weapons ineffectual will save countless lives.”
KELPIEN_1C_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Ba’ul are using their advance weapons towers to target civilian populations, a tactic that has merit, but will demoralise the Kelpien fighters. If we are to influence this war in the favour we desire a well placed Tal Shiar operative could neutralise these weapons and obtain valuable knowledge for Romulus.”
KELPIEN_1D_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Sending troops to Kaminar is a risky endeavour, but sometimes the most obvious tactic is the best. We must stop the Ba’ul watch towers from targeting Kelpien locations. A surgical military strike is the most effective means of achieving this.”
KELPIEN_2A_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Ba’ul have triggered the Vahar’ai in the Kelpiens, but have modified the signal so that it is now killing them on mass. We have agreed to send in a group of scientists to help come up with a solution to save lives.”
KELPIEN_2B_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Kelpiens have triggered their Vahar’ai in an attempt to become the master predators that they once were, this presents us with an opportunity to modify the signal to prevent a planet full of these dangerous Kelpiens.”
KELPIEN_3A_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Kelpiens have secured a number of advanced weapons from the Ba’ul strongholds, they can do real damage with these weapons and together with our heroic leader should be able to infiltrate the enemy base and disable the fighters.”
KELPIEN_3B_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Kelpiens have secured a number of advanced weapons from the Ba’ul strongholds, they can do real damage with these weapons and together with our heroic leader should be able to infiltrate the enemy base and disable the fighters.”
KELPIEN_3C_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Kelpiens have secured a number of advanced weapons from the Ba’ul strongholds, they can do real damage with these weapons and together with our Tal Shiar operative should be able to infiltrate the enemy base and disable the fighters.”
KELPIEN_3D_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Sending troops to Kaminar is a risky endeavour, but sometimes the most obvious tactic is the best. We must return the stolen Ba’ul technology to them immediately and prevent the Kelpien rebels from using it against their former masters.”
KELPIEN_4A_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Kelpiens have triggered their Vahar’ai in an attempt to become the master predators that they once were, this presents us with an opportunity to modify the signal to prevent a planet full of these dangerous Kelpiens.”
KELPIEN_5_PROJECT_DESC:0 “A mysterious signal has been detected from a small village on the planet Kaminar. The local population are under the careful control of the illusive Ba’ul. We should send a scientist to investigate what is occuring.”
STH_brightest_star.1.desc:0 “On investigating the signal from the planet surface our science teams have confirmed that it was sent from a young Kelpien who managed to reverse engineer Ba’ul technology. He is requesting extraction and diplomatic asylum away from the Ba’ul, who he claims hunt and kill his species. In return he will provide information and his eternal gratitude.”
STH_brightest_star.2.desc:0 “Having decided that the signal is of no use to us, the young Kelpien can only hope that his signal was not picked up by the Watchful Eye of the Ba’ul. On the Captains instructions the ship leaves a number of long range sensors to keep an eye on events in the Kelai system, but the events of other empires should not concern us.”
STH_brightest_star.201.desc:0 “[Root.GetLeaderName], our long range sensors have detected weapons fire on the surface of the planet Kaminar, it looks like the Ba’ul did pick up the signal sent by the Kelpien and have taken their wrath out on the entire village. It seems like none survived, our sensor buoys are now out of power, but apparently we will be seeing nothing more from the Kelpiens on the surface.”
STH_brightest_star.3.desc:0 “Our scientists have located the exact location of the signal, just outside of a village belonging to the Kelpiens. Despite the Ba’ul being less technologically advanced than us, they would still detect a transporter signal, the only option is to take a shuttle to extract the alien. The mission will be risky and the Ba’ul are still capable of shooting down one of our small craft and would take any intrusion into their space as an act of aggression.”
STH_brightest_star.4.desc:0 “Our extraction team have made contact with the Kelpien, who is called Saru. He explains that his people are kept as prey for the Ba’ul under the Watchful Eye.He knows that there must be more for his species than a life of fear and oppression, but that he cannot help from the planets surface. He pleads that we take him with us. We must make the decision fast as it appears that the Ba’ul may have picked up our incursion.”
STH_brightest_star.5.desc:0 “Despite the pleas of Saru, our team leaves the surface of the planet undetected. We can only imagine what will become of the Kelpien and his village. The mission was not a complete loss however as our scans of the planet still produced some useful information that we can take back to our science division.”
STH_brightest_star.6.desc:0 “Quickly taking out their weapon, [STH_brightest_star_leader.GetName] dispatches the young Kelpien, leaving the crew to collect additional data and scans of the body before departing in the shuttle and leaving the planet’s surface behind. The data collected means that the trip was not a complete waste of time.”
STH_brightest_star.10.desc:0 “Saru takes one last look at his old home and steps into the shuttle to start his new life. [STH_brightest_star_leader.GetName] orders the pilot to take off quickly as every second on the planet’s surface puts the team under more risk of being detected by the Watchful Eye.As the shuttle powers it’s engines, a number of previously silent watch towers suddenly begin to activate, this is now a crucial time for the small shuttle…”
STH_brightest_star.11.desc:0 “Once again the crew within the shuttle prove why the pilots of the [Root.GetName] are the best at what they do. The team slips out from underneath the gaze of the dangerous Ba’ul watchtowers and escapes safely back to the waiting ship hidden out of reach.The Kelpien expresses his extreme gratitude for all the help and pledges to repay this great debt owed. Saru asks that he may serve us as an officer in our fleet once he completes his academy training. In order to do this he must obtain sponsorship from [Root.GetLeaderName].”
STH_brightest_star.12.desc:0 “This is a disaster! The Ba’ul must have detected our shuttle as it was leaving orbit of the planet. Our sensors on the [Root.GetName] have picked up the remains of the shuttle along with the biological remnants of the crew and the rescued Kelpien. It is clear from the debris that they were shot down by the Ba’ul defences.Shortly after we picked up a message from the surface, our translators managed to decipher the message which very clearly states that any further tresspasses against Ba’ul High Council space will be met with further force. How should we respond?”
STH_brightest_star.13.desc:0 “The Ba’ul’s towers stood no chance against the power of our advanced weaponry. It is a lesson that they will not forget in a hurry. As a bonus we were able to collect a number of materials from the remains of their defence post. Let this be a lesson to anyone who wishes to cross us.”
STH_brightest_star.20.desc:0 “We have exciting news! After years of training with our best and brightest, Saru has earned his first command and joins us as a leader. All that is left to decide is what career choice needs to be made.”
STH_brightest_star_fail.1.desc:0 “On closer inspection it appears that the signal was a false alarm and we were unable to locate the source of the transmission. Fearing a prolonged stay in Ba’ul space we have moved out of orbit and continue our investigation of the system.”
STH_brightest_star_fail.2.desc:0 “It appears that the signal we received originated from a Kelpien village, however it looks like the Ba’ul picked up the signal before us, our scans show that there are no survivors left in the village. It seems they do not tolerate any interfering in their Great Balance.”
STH_kelpien_flavour.2.desc:0 “Our observation post orbiting the planet Kaminar have picked up a transmission from the planets surface. It appears the local species are trying to reach out to us. Our tactical reports inform us that the long standing conflict between the technologically more advanced Ba’ul and the seemingly gentle Kelpiens has increased in intensity and frequency over the last few weeks.”
STH_kelpien_flavour.5.desc:0 “We have been asked for aid by both sides in this conflict, it is clear that the Kelpiens are at a disadvantage, but outnumber the Ba’ul significantly, any victory without our assistance will be extremely devastating to both sides. We must pick wisely as our decision will change the balance of the planet Kaminar.”
STH_kelpien_flavour.6.desc:0 “[root.GetLeaderName], we have been contacted by our allies the Kelpiens, the Ba’ul are unleashing weapons of mass destruction upon the Kelpien villages, targeting women and children. The Kelpiens are asking for our help to protect the innocent. Our military advisors have suggested a number of approaches to deal with the situation, but recommend sending in our best teams to get the best outcome.”
STH_kelpien_flavour.10.desc:0 “It is unclear right now whether our efforts were enough to make a significant impact on the ongoing battle between the two sides, we should wait for further communications from the planet.”
STH_kelpien_flavour.15.desc:0 “We have received an urgent message from the Kelpien Tribes, the Ba’ul have modified a broadcast signal using alien technology which has triggered the Vahar’ai in all Kelpiens on Kaminar. However it looks like the signal has been modified to an intensity which will kill the vast majority of the Kelpien species. This could be a decisive blow in the war and hand victory to the Ba’ul. Should we intervene?”
STH_kelpien_flavour.19.desc:0 “Our teams have done all they could to prevent the artificially triggered Vahar’ai from killing the Kelpiens, but it is too early to know whether we have been successful. What is clear is that this conflict will soon come to a conclusion, but who comes out on top is still to be decided.”
STH_kelpien_flavour.20.desc:0 “Our observation team monitoring the planet Kaminar has contacted us, it looks like the decisive battle for the planet has concluded, our interventions could prove to have been crucial in either saving lives or condemning one side to victory or defeat. We should contact the planet to see which side has come out victorious.”
STH_kelpien_flavour.30.desc:0 “The Kelpien Tribes have responded to our messages, it looks like after a defining battle with the Ba’ul they have come out as winners. A council of elders have reached out to us and are extremely grateful for our assistance, the Kelpiens now stand as a fully fledged government in charge of their own affairs. Thanks to our actions during their conflict they seem open to building a further bond with [Root.GetName]. The Ba’ul appear to have fled the planet and we have been unable to detect them on any of our scans. The future now seems open to the Kelpiens.”
STH_kelpien_flavour.31.desc:0 “The Kelpien Tribes have responded to our messages, it looks like after a defining battle with the Ba’ul they have come out as winners. A council of elders have reached out to us and are extremely grateful for our assistance, the Kelpiens now stand as a fully fledged government in charge of their own affairs.They have indicated that they need time to recover and reflect on their situation before engaging in any further interaction with the quadrant. The Ba’ul appear to have fled the planet and we have been unable to detect them on any of our scans. The future now seems open to the Kelpiens.”
STH_kelpien_flavour.32.desc:0 “The Kelpien Tribes have responded to our messages, it looks like after a defining battle with the Ba’ul they have come out as winners. The council of Elders which appear to be governing the planet until a full government can be formed do not seem to be responding to our messages and it’s clear that our choices during the revolution have not gone unnoticed by the authorities on the planet. It appears that all Ba’ul presence on the planet is now gone leaving the future of Kaminar in the hands of the Kelpiens.”
STH_kelpien_flavour.40.desc:0 “The superior technology and firepower at the disposal of the Ba’ul have allowed them to come out of this civil war on top, and our actions prevented any potential chance the Kelpiens had of taking control of the planet. It is unclear what type of neighbours the Ba’ul will make, but it is clear they do not hide their intentions. Our scans can see that what remains of the Kelpien population have been enslaved. The Ba’ul have removed all our equipment and foothold in the system and have extended their borders to the edge of their home system.”
STH_kelpien_flavour.41.desc:0 “The superior technology and firepower at the disposal of the Ba’ul have allowed them to come out of this civil war on top, and our actions prevented any potential chance the Kelpiens had of taking control of the planet. The Ba’ul seem uneasy with our presence so close to their homeworld and our orbital station and outpost have gone silent, it seems our actions during the civil war has not warmed them to our empire. The remaining Kelpien population have now been enslaved and defeated. We shall see what becomes of this new power in the quadrant.”
STH_kelpien_flavour.42.desc:0 “The Ba’ul have emerged as victors over the Kelpiens, whose population has been decimated by the relentless attacks from the Ba’ul weaponry, the remaining population have been enslaved. The Ba’ul High Council has acted swiftly to remove all our equipment and outputs from their territory and appear to be openly hostile to our approaches. It looks like we have not made a friend in the new outright rulers of the planet Kaminar.”
STH_kelpien_flavour.50.desc:0 “[root.GetLeaderName], we have been contacted by the Ba’ul, it looks like the Kelpien’s have managed to commandeer a number of attack fighters and heavy weaponry and are now using it against a key Ba’ul stronghold. If it should fall the Kelpiens will have a foothold into Ba’ul space and could neutralise the technological advantage that the Ba’ul have over them. A tactical strike by our best teams could swiftly turn the tide back.”
STH_kelpien_flavour.54.desc:0 “Our contacts in the Ba’ul military have asked for urgent help, the Kelpiens have gained access to technology which will trigger the Vahar’ai. Which would evolve the Kelpiens into the predator like state the Ba’ul feared. Given the number of Kelpiens on the planet this would give them a real advantage and realise the concerns that the Ba’ul described.”
STH_kelpien_flavour.100.desc:0 “We have troubling news from the Kelai system, it looks like the Ba’ul have launched a fleet of ships from the planet’s surface and they are heading towards our ships in the system with their weapons systems charged.”
STH_kelpien_flavour.101.desc:0 “We have defeated the Ba’ul attack ships and have secured the system.”
STH_vidiian_mechanics.103.desc:0 “An unexpected increase in the demand for organs has exhausted the usefulness of a group [vidiianOrganHarvesting_organ_storage_pop.GetSpeciesNamePlural] on [vidiianOrganHarvesting_organ_storage_pop_planet.GetName].”
STH_vidiian_mechanics.105.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], I am the foremost molecular biologist on [Root.Capital.GetName]. I appreciate you must receive a number of communications like this, but my team and I believe we have discovered one of the more promising avenues to defeat the Phage so far. While some may balk at the idea, wa have a number of fine [vidiianOrganHarvesting_organ_storage_pop.GetSpeciesName] specimens on [vidiianOrganHarvesting_organ_storage_pop_planet.GetName] that possess intriguing genetic markers. With your permission, we will dissect them in the hopes of finding a cure.”
STH_vidiian_mechanics.106.desc:0 “The lead molecular biologist and their team have arrived on [vidiianOrganHarvesting_organ_storage_pop_planet.GetName] and have begun gathering promising [vidiianOrganHarvesting_organ_storage_pop.GetSpeciesNamePlural] for dissection.”
STH_vidiian_mechanics.107.desc:0 “The [vidiianOrganHarvesting_organ_storage_pop.GetSpeciesNamePlural] slated for dissection have escaped custody and are rampaging across [vidiianOrganHarvesting_organ_storage_pop_planet.GetName]! After a sustained suppression effort, the majority of [vidiianOrganHarvesting_organ_storage_pop.GetSpeciesName] escapees have unfortunately either been killed or escaped. The team lead was sadly killed in the initial chaos.”
temp_probe_chain_desc:0 “We discovered a log buoy protected by temporal shields. Unfortunately, we found out after deactivating the shields that the data was too damaged. Maybe we can adjust the scanners to find any more buoys.”
TEMPORAL_PROBE1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “A log buoy with temporal shields.”
TEMPORAL_PROBE2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “A log buoy with temporal shields.”
TEMPORAL_PROBE3_PROJECT_DESC:0 “A log buoy with temporal shields.”
TEMPORAL_PROBE4_PROJECT_DESC:0 “A log buoy with temporal shields.”
TEMPORAL_PROBE5_PROJECT_DESC:0 “A log buoy with temporal shields.”
TIMESHIP_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Invest time in investigating and adopt the chroniton frequency of the Krenim Timeship to give a temporary boost against the Timeship.”
sth_krenim_flavour.1.desc:0 “We discovered a log buoy protected by temporal shields. Unfortunately, we found out after deactivating the shields that the data was too damaged. Maybe we can adjust the scanners to find any more buoys.”
sth_krenim_flavour.3.desc:0 “We discovered another Chroniton signature and should send a Temporal Agent.”
sth_krenim_flavour.4.desc:0 “We discovered another Chroniton signature and should send a Temporal Agent.”
sth_krenim_flavour.5.desc:0 “We discovered another Chroniton signature and should send a Temporal Agent.”
sth_krenim_flavour.6.desc:0 “We discovered another Chroniton signature and should send a Temporal Agent.”
sth_krenim_flavour.7.desc:0 “We discovered another Chroniton signature and should send a Temporal Agent.”
sth_krenim_flavour.8.desc:0 “»Captain’s log, Captain Janeway, Stardate 51413.1. We have lost nine decks, more than half of the ship has been destroyed, and life support is broken. I swore I would not tear this family apart, but I have no choice but to evacuate the crew. I and my senior officers will stay on board trying to rescue Lt. Tom Paris and Cmdr Chakotay. «”
sth_krenim_flavour.9.desc:0 “»Captain’s log, stardate 51682.2: I’ve forged a coalition with the Nihydron and the Mawasi. Together, we’re preparing to attack the weapon ship.«”
sth_krenim_flavour.10.desc:0 “»Logbook of senior medical officer. Stardate 51558.6. At nineteen hundred, thirty-nine, in my capacity as chief medical officer, and in accordance with the Starfleet Medical Ordinance 121, Section A, Captain Kathryn Janeway has been formally relieved of her command of the Federation spaceship Voyager. Which did not use much. I have told the Captain my suspicion that he has been suffering from a traumatic stress syndrome for weeks. Symptoms include irritability, insomnia, obsession, and reckless behavior. She tried to justify her behavior. I asked her to stay a few days in my temporary infirmary for observation. She refused. When I reminded her that I had the authority to relieve her of her duties, she threatened to disable my program. I should point out that she apologized immediately, but the fact that she even considered this idea to keep her position is further evidence of her obvious mental exhaustion. Eventually, she confirmed my order and then refused to obey him. Although I am ashamed to sully the file of one of the strongest, bravest, and devoted officers I know, it is my duty to record this incident in my official logbook. If these events lead to an indictment, it is up to others to decide who acted appropriately by us or if the Captain’s actions are sufficient for release from Starfleet.«”
sth_krenim_flavour.11.desc:0 “»Captain’s log. Captain Janeway. Stardate 51289.8. Thanks to the Temporal Shields developed by Seven, we can now protect ourselves against the chroniton torpedoes of the Krenim. This had an unexpected effect. Lt. Kim detected a temporal shockwave at a distance of 20 light-years. The Krenim Warship we encountered transformed into a much smaller ship. I have the sensor data transferred to the Astrometric Laboratory for further investigation.«”
sth_krenim_flavour.12.desc:0 “»Captain’s log, stardate 51425.4: Our condition has left us vulnerable to spatial anomalies and to any alien species eager for a piece of hardware. We’ve taken refuge in a class 9 nebula.«”
sth_krenim_flavour.13.desc:0 “Our analysis of the data suggests that the alien ship Voyager has finally managed to force and destroy the gunship built by Annorax into normal spacetime. We can not imagine another scenario that would have resulted in a complete restoration of the timeline we now know. None of our current scans show a trace of the timeline to which the logs refer. She completely collapsed. The launched, shielded buoys are the only records of their existence. Annorax himself has led a long and incredibly productive life and has peacefully died in his home on Kyana Prime nearly two hundred years ago, surrounded by his friends and family. Only those of us who know how sinister the other paths can be really appreciate the light we live in now.”
sth_krenim_flavour.50.desc:0 “Annorax presents one the of the largest accomplishments from laboratories of the Temporal Authority, the §GTemporal Research and Build Yards§! offer the perfect location to continue development of the Time-Ship. With advanced forcefields and temporal generators that will allow the research to progress to the next phase and when the time is right these yards will be used to constuct the Time Ship itself.”
sth_krenim_flavour.51.desc:0 “Annorax is ready to present the next breakthrough in his bid to restore the Krenim Imperium to its former glory. The §GTemporal Jump Drive§! will produce enough power output to keep the timeship in a state of perpetual flux and travel great distances unbound by the normal flow of time. “
sth_krenim_flavour.52.desc:0 “Annorax explains that the power requirements of the Time Ship will be larger then anything seen in the Imperium before, a new §GTemporal Power Core§! will need to be specifically constructed in order to power the vessel. “
sth_krenim_flavour.53.desc:0 “What good is a mighty ship without a purpose asked Annorax. A high energy Chroniton beam with enough chroniton particles can cause a §Gtemporal incursion§! effect that if calculated properly can alter an objects history to benefit the Krenim.”
sth_krenim_flavour.54.desc:0 “Annorax points out that in order to keep the Time Ship safe a new form of shielding will be required because should the §Gtemporal shielding§! fail or should our foe gain access to our temporal resonance frequency then the transition to normal space time could be catastrophic.”
sth_krenim_flavour.55.desc:0 “Finally the moment that Annorax has been waiting for has arrived, a lifetime of waiting to restore the Krenim Imperium to its once glorious state has arrived. All the components are in place, the time ship is ready to begin its journey. Once researched and constructed at a temporal shipyards, the massive §GTime-Ship§! will be a once in a generation vessel capable of bringing the Krenim Imperium back to where it belongs.”
sth_krenim_flavour.56.desc:0 “[Root.GetLeaderTitle], we have been approached by one of our scientists, a man named Annorax, he claims he has mastered time itself. He has created the ability to move an item out of phase with our time stream making advances on already formidable advances in temporal science. Annorax promises with his help he will restore our Imperium to its former glory.”
sth_krenim_flavour.61.desc:0 “Following the [FromFrom.GetName]’s defeat at the hands of the Krenim’s massive time shift, one of the surviving crew members has come to us with some positive news.During the last attack they were able to scan an unexploded Chroniton weapon lodged in their ships hull. As a result we now have the frequency in which the Time Ship is out of phase. We now have an opportunity to study these findings and adapt our weapons and shields to match this frequency. It is likely the Krenim will soon alter this frequency, but for a time it could give us a slight advantage.”
sth_krenim_flavour.62.desc:0 “Our scientists have managed to retrospectively decode the frequency of the Krenim Time Ship which will reduce its weapons damage and shield strength against our weapons for a short duration, before the Krenim modify their temporal frequency. We should use this opportunity to attack the ship before our advantage expires.”
sth_krenim_flavour.63.desc:0 “One of our enemies has decoded the temporal flux frequency of our Time Ship, which will significantly reduce their weapons damage and shield strength until we can modulate and move to a different frequency. We should look to keep the ship safe whilst this is going on.”
sth_krenim_flavour.99.desc:0 “We can now recruit Temporal Agents.”
STH_acamaria_story.1.desc:0 “A [Root.GetName] outpost has been found ransacked and stripped of everything valuable. Some blood found on the station was a rare iron-copper composite, unique to the Acamarians. This suggests the station was raided by the Gatherers, a nomadic sect of Acamarians that left the homeworld decades ago to continue their quarrelsome, pugnacious traditions that the homeworld wished to leave in the past.”
STH_acamaria_story.2.desc:0 “Contact has been established with the Acamarians. They have been unable track down the Gatherers, but say that they hope that with [Root.GetName] assistance, it can be done.”
STH_acamaria_story.3.desc:0 “The Acamarians have told us of a Gatherer encampment in a nearby cluster. Once there, scanners found life sign readings, thermal radiation and carbon dioxide emissions that were indicative of combustion on Gamma Hromi II.Upon further investigation, this is indeed the location of a group of Gatherers, and while some are wary of the Acamarians restrictions and [Root.GetName] involvement, many among them are willing to open a dialogue with their homeworld concerning the possibility of reconciliation.”
STH_acamaria_story.4.desc:0 “The talks continue, though a complication has arisen: a Gatherer, and member of the Lornak clan was found dead. The man was otherwise completely healthy; a natural death does not seem likely. This has put some strain on negotiations.”
STH_acamaria_story.5.desc:0 “Closer investigation of the deceased Lornak clansman revealed his heart attack was caused by a micro-virus that only affects a tiny subset of the Acamarian species.The probability of a micro-virus like this occurring naturally is nearly zero, meaning it was likely engineered and utilized in a targeted manner to murder the clansman. Relations between the Acamarians and the Gatherers have been severely strained by this development.”
STH_acamaria_story.6.desc:0 “The assassin was found to be one of the aides of the Acamarian leader. She was part of a clan thought long dead, taking revenge on the Lornak clan for the massacre of her people many decades ago.Through cell alteration, her aging was slowed enough to allow her to take revenge for the killing of her people. With the assassin found, the plans to disrupt the talks were stopped, and the Gatherers have agreed to once again live on the Acamarian homeworld.In addition, study of the cellular alteration used on the assassin will likely lead to some valuable knowledge.”
STH_hirogen_mechanics.2.desc:0 “We have overhunted a group of [STH_hunter_mechanics_prey_pop.GetSpeciesNamePlural] on [STH_hunter_mechanics_prey_pop_planet.GetName] to exhaustion.”
STH_trill_mechanics.2.desc:0 “Ever since the first marsupial Trill was joined with the Trill Symbiont, both species have lived in unison together, forming a partnership that has become the cornerstone of Trill society. The Trill Symbiosis Commission was setup to ensure that this harmony continues, they asses initiates and support the Guardians who tend to the Symbionts in their natural environment.”
STH_trill_mechanics.11.desc:0 “The following Trill Symbionts are dwelling within the pools inside the caves.£empire_star [not_joined_1.GetName].£empire_star [not_joined_2.GetName].£empire_star [not_joined_3.GetName].£empire_star [not_joined_4.GetName].£empire_star [not_joined_5.GetName].£empire_star [not_joined_6.GetName].£empire_star [not_joined_7.GetName].£empire_star [not_joined_8.GetName].£empire_star [not_joined_9.GetName].£empire_star [not_joined_10.GetName]. We are also aware that the following Symbionts are currently joined: £empire_star [joined_sym_1.GetName].£empire_star [joined_sym_2.GetName].£empire_star [joined_sym_3.GetName].£empire_star [joined_sym_4.GetName].£empire_star [joined_sym_5.GetName].”
STH_trill_mechanics.15.desc:0 “The Symbionts rarely venture from their pools, but when they are ready to join with a host to share their experience and build new memories and lives, they move to the surface and begin the process of selecting an appropriate host to create a new merging.”
STH_trill_mechanics.16.desc:0 “The Symbionts have finished conveining and the [symbiont_1.GetName] Symbiont has emerged ready to find a new host and make new memories. The Symbiont will remain in the pool with its kin until it is ready to take a host.”
STH_trill_mechanics.17.desc:0 “The Symbionts have finished conveining and the [symbiont_1.GetName] Symbiont, having led a number of lifetimes this is a respected Symbiont to become available. The Symbiont will remain in the pool with its kin until it is ready to take a host.”
STH_trill_mechanics.18.desc:0 “The Symbionts have finished conveining and the [symbiont_1.GetName] Symbiont, who comes with many lifetimes of memories and experiences has made themselves available for selection. The Symbiont will remain in the pool with its kin until it is ready to take a host.”
STH_trill_mechanics.21.desc:0 “Available initiates are listed below, each has been screened and gone through rigourous testing to ensure they are compatible to join with the selected Symbiont.”
STH_trill_mechanics.22.desc:0 “The unthinkable has happened, despite all the preparation and tests the joining process was not successful and the joining did not happen correctly. Unfortunately the host died, but the Symbiont was saved, but will be traumatised by the process.This is a sad day for all Trill.”
STH_trill_mechanics.23.desc:0 “A day to celebrate, the joining of the Trill Host [trill_host.GetFirstName] and Trill Symbiont [trill_symbiont.GetName] has been a success, the new indiviual will now be known as [fromfrom.GetFirstName] [Root.From.GetName] and they will continue the legacy of the previous hosts. “
STH_trill_mechanics.101.desc:0 “Our surgeons have confirmed that the joining has been completed successfully.[new_trill_leader.GetName] will continue the legacy as the new host.”
STH_trill_mechanics.102.desc:0 “Not every attempt to join is successful and emergency processes are full of risks, regrettably both the host and now the symbiont [from.GetName] have now died.”
STH_trill_mechanics.103.desc:0 “Not every attempt to join is successful and emergency processes are full of risks, regrettably both the symbiont and now the host [from.GetName] have died.”
STH_trill_mechanics.105.desc:0 “The Trill Symbiosis Commission have managed to identify a replacement host, who was able to make it to the operating table in time to receive the symbiont. The new pairing will now be known as [replacement_host.GetFirstName] [From.GetName].”
STH_trill_mechanics.106.desc:0 “In a fortunate turn of events, there was an available and willing Trill in the versinity of the Symbiont, the joining was successful and although they will need time to adapt to a process they were not prepared for. “
STH_confederacy_flavour.2.desc:0 “Our victory over the Cardassian Union reaffirms Humanity’s position as the superior race in the Alpha Quadrant. Our troops would like to present a gift to our glorious leader §H[Root.GetLeaderName]§! to commemorate the day we put the Cardassians in their place.”
STH_confederacy_flavour.3.desc:0 “The Klingon’s thought they could stand against the might of the Confederation Corps, but our forces demonstrated that their notions of honour and glory pale into insignificance against the phasers and torpedoes of our mighty warships. Our soldiers have brought back a trophy taken from one foolish old warrior who dared challenge one of our generals, we never promised a fair fight.”
STH_confederacy_flavour.4.desc:0 “The Ferengi have many rules of acquisition, however none of them cover being defeated by our forces. Today we proved the only profit to gain from war comes from being the victor. Our troops have brought back a large lobed trophy from Ferenginar, it might even earn us a small profit.”
STH_confederacy_flavour.5.desc:0 “It was never logical for the Vulcan’s to challenge us and yet they dared to challenge the might of Earth. The first extraterrestrial race that humanity was introduced to, it is only fitting they come to regret such a meeting. “
STH_confederacy_flavour.6.desc:0 “The Borg came to assimilate us and add our biological distinctiveness to their own, our troops sent their cubes back to the Delta Quadrant is small pieces. Rather than humanity adorning the walls of their cubes as drones, one of the drones now decorates our walls.”
STH_confederacy_flavour.7.desc:0 “The lizard people of Sauria put up a brave resistance but in the end their struggle was in vain, for none can stand in the way of the Confederation Corps. For in the end a safe galaxy is a human galaxy.”
STH_sleepingDogs_category_desc:0 “After launching a Class V probe we have detected a damaged ship in [From.GetName]’s atmosphere. The vessel appears to be in distress.”
STH_sleepingDogs_event.1.desc:0 “After launching a shuttle to investigate, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and a small team from the [Root.GetFleetName] have determined that the crew of the damaged vessel have fallen victim to a neurotoxin harmless to the members of the away team, while leaving the aliens unconscious but alive. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] has successfully hacked into the central computer and determined the toxin was picked up by the aliens after raiding a nearby star system. While looking to repair the ship’s Engines in order to lift the vessel from [From.GetName]’s gravity well, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] was attacked by one of the alien vessel’s crew – a female – apparently unaffected by the neurotoxin. A fight ensues and Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] is injured. The alien contacts the [Root.GetFleetName] with a list of demands including repairs to the ship and substantial material compensation. She threatens to kill Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] if her demands aren’t met shortly.”
STH_sleepingDogs_fail.1.desc:0 “After launching a shuttle to investigate, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and a small team from the [Root.GetFleetName] enter the gas giant’s atmosphere. An unexpected storm front overtakes the shuttle before it can approach the alien vessel, knocking out the shuttle’s engines. The shuttle descends through the depths of the atmosphere until it is crushed by the enormous pressure, killing the crew.”
STH_sleepingDogs_fail.2.desc:0 “After launching a shuttle to investigate, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and a small team from the [Root.GetFleetName] enter the gas giant’s atmosphere. Moments before the shuttle docked with the damaged vessel it raises its Shields and charges weapons. The shuttle is destroyed in the first salvo, leaving the executive officer of the [Root.GetFleetName] moments to order the [Root.GetFleetName] to retreat. The alien vessel easily pursues and after a short exchange of fire, the [Root.GetFleetName] is destroyed with all hands.”
STH_mirrorMirror_category_desc:0 “We have found a planet worth exploring, but an ion storm is quickly moving in.”
STH_mirrorMirror_event.1.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team beam down from [From.GetName] to explore the planet. Interesting mineral compositions seem to warrant further study, however the approaching ion storm forces the away team to return to the ship before the geological analysis can be completed. With the rapidly increasing interference, the transporter chief very nearly loses the away team’s transporter patterns, but is fortunately able to beam captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team up to the [Root.GetFleetName] safely. Following their return, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the members of the away team appear to be acting strangely, becoming angry and indeed violent towards other crew members with little provocation. The Executive Officer has become concerned that there may be something wrong with the away team and believes that they should be examined by the ship’s doctor, justifying the away team’s actions as the result of extensive time spent in deep space.”
STH_mirrorMirror_event.2.desc:0 “The ship’s doctor has run a complete medical examination of Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team. As far as the doctor can tell, there’s nothing wrong with any of them and no explanation can be provided to explain their violent behaviour. The Executive Officer has the Captain and the away team confined to the brig until they can determine the cause of their change in behaviour and how it can be resolved. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] eventually confides in the Executive Officer that they are not from this universe, and they have transposed places with their opposites here. The Captain had ordered the away team to keep up the pretense until they could determine a way to return to their own universe, but the differences between the two universes made that impossible. The transporter chief believes that there may be a way to return the away team to their own universe, and hopefully recover their own Captain and away team in the process. However there is the chance that the approach may fail, and they would end up losing both away teams.”
STH_mirrorMirror_event.3.desc:0 “An away team member has been caught attempting to murder another crewman. This has now forced the first officer’s hand to order their superior officer and fellow crew members to be medically examined. A security team is forced to wrestle with and eventually stun Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team members and take them to sickbay unconscious. The doctor can now perform a medical examination to try and discover what has happened to the away team and caused them to become so barbaric and violent.”
STH_mirrorMirror_event.4.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] orders the Tactical Officer of the [Root.GetFleetName] to open fire on a set of coordinates on the surface of [From.GetName]. When the officer questions why the Captain has ordered this attack, [Root.GetLeaderName] draws a phaser and executes the officer for disobeying orders. Now the Executive Officer has no choice but to order the security to arrest, detain and force the Captain and the away team to submit to a medical examination to determine what’s happened to them and what has caused them to become so barbaric and violent.”
STH_mirrorMirror_event.5.desc:0 “The Captain and the away team from the parallel universe are escorted by a security team to the transporter room, where the transporter chief attempts to repeat the process that brought them to this universe and sent their own Captain and away team to the other. Before dematerialising, the Captain from the other universe tells the first officer from this universe that this universe is weak and ripe for conquest, and that they will crumble as all weak civilisations do. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team from this universe materialize on the transporter pad, looking very relieved to be back. They return with horror stories of a twisted and barbaric version of the [Root.GetFleetName], where torture and violence is used to control and murder is the normal way to ascend ranks. The Captain later confides in the Executive Officer that in the other universe there was another version of them, and that the Captain hoped that a departing speech given to the Executive Officer of that universe may have a lasting effect.”
STH_mirrorMirror_event.6.desc:0 “The Captain and the away team from the parallel universe are escorted by a security team to the transporter room, where the transporter chief attempts to repeat the process that brought them to this universe and sent their own Captain and away team to the other. Before dematerialising, the Captain from the other universe tells the first officer from this universe that this universe is weak and ripe for conquest, and that they will crumble as all weak civilisations do. There is a problem with the transporter, and it shorts out during the transport cycle. The transporter chief tries to recover the signal, but it’s now gone forever. It is likely that both versions of Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team members were lost during transport. The distraught transporter chief promises to fix the error that led to this incident taking place, but it won’t bring back the Captain or lost crew members.”
STH_mirrorMirror_event.7.desc:0 “The other universe version of Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team members are to be transferred to a secure facility, where they will be held indefinitely. They are too dangerous to be allowed to go free, as it is feared they could find a way to return to their brutal universe and return with reinforcements. Whilst it is a tragic loss that we cannot return the Captain and away team from this universe, the information that we will gain from their counterparts from the other universe will no doubt be of great value. We will also work to ensure that the accident is not repeated by improving transporter procedures.”
STH_mirrorMirror_event.8.desc:0 “The other universe version of Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team members were due to be transferred to a secure facility, but during the transfer process they overpowered their escorting security team and took their weapons. After fighting their way to the transporter room, they managed to transport back to their universe, and in the process returned the original Captain and away team. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team returned with horror stories of a twisted and barbaric version of the [Root.GetFleetName], where torture and violence is used to control and murder is the normal way to ascend ranks. The Captain later confides to the Executive Officer that in the other universe there was another version of them, and that the Captain hoped that a parting speech given to the Executive Officer of that universe may have a lasting effect.”
STH_mirrorMirror_event.9.desc:0 “The away team investigated the planet however nothing of note was found before the approaching ion storm forced them back to the ship.”
STH_mirrorMirror_event.10.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team beam down to [mirrorPlanet.GetName] to explore the planet. Valuable mineral compositions warrant further study, however the approaching ion storm forces the away team to return to the ship before a team of squatters occupying several prime mining sites can be eliminated.With the rapidly increasing interference, the transporter chief nearly loses the away team’s transporter patterns, but is able to beam Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team up to the [Root.GetFleetName] safely.Following their return, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the members of the away team appear to be acting strangely, trying to resolve disputes between the crew using diplomacy and logic.The Executive Officer has become concerned that there may be something wrong with the away team and believes that they should be closely followed; if outside interference has affected the Captain and the away team, they must be eliminated at all costs.”
STH_mirrorMirror_event.11.desc:0 “After having Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] followed, the Executive Officer learns that the Captain and the away team are not from this universe and are imposters from a parallel dimension. They are secretly trying to get back to where they came from, but the Executive Officer believes they may attempt to come back afterwards with reinforcements to impose their twisted ideology on the people of the [Root.Owner.GetName]. After ambushing the Captain and the away team, the Executive Officer sustains a serious injury. However Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] refuses to let the Executive Officer die and attempts to revive them at the expense of missing the opportunity to get back to their own universe.When the Executive Officer regains consciousness, he presses the Captain and the away team for further details of their universe, and why they would sacrifice their attempt to get home for the life of someone who was going to stop them by any means necessary…”
STH_mirrorMirror_event.12.desc:0 “A senior engineer has attempted to assassinate Captain [Root.GetLeaderName], as their recent actions promoting peace is seen as a sign of weakness by the crew. However, the Captain and the away team are able to thwart the assassination attempt and neutralise the would-be assassin without killing them. Against protocol, the Captain spares the mutineers life. The Executive Officer now has sufficient grounds to warrant removing the Captain from command, as these are not the normal actions of a starship commander.”
STH_mirrorMirror_event.13.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] is ordered by [Root.Owner.GetName] Fleet Command to force the squatters on [mirrorPlanet.GetName] to hand over the minerals by targeting their camp and launching an orbital bombardment of the planet. However, the Captain disobeys these orders and instead tries to talk to them and get them to change their mind. The Executive Officer now has grounds to relieve Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] of command and assume command of the [Root.GetName], for disobeying orders. However getting near the Captain to either take them and the away team into custody or to assassinate them will be difficult.”
STH_mirrorMirror_event.14.desc:0 “The Captain and the away team from the parallel universe are escorted by the Executive Officer to the transporter room, where they attempt to repeat the process that brought them to this universe and sent their own Captain and away team to the other. Before dematerialising, the Captain from the other universe tells the first officer from this universe that the [Root.Owner.GetName] is destined to fall apart and be conquered themselves if they do not embrace peaceful ways. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team from this universe materialize on the transporter pad, looking very relieved to be back. They return with stories of a peaceful version of the [Root.GetName], where they did not fit in and were quickly apprehended and incarcerated. Despite the experience, the Executive Officer now begins to believe that the Captain from the other universe had a point, and that maybe their future lies down a more peaceful path…”
STH_mirrorMirror_event.15.desc:0 “The Captain and the away team from the parallel universe are escorted by the Executive Officer to the transporter room, where they attempt to repeat the process that brought them to this universe and sent their own Captain and away team to the other. Before dematerialising, the Captain from the other universe tells the first officer from this universe that the [Root.Owner.GetName] is destined to fall apart and be conquered themselves if they do not embrace peaceful ways instead. There is a problem with the transporter, and it shorts out during the transport cycle. The Executive Officer tries to recover the signal, but it’s now gone forever. It is likely that both versions of Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team members were lost during transport. Although it is regrettable that the Captain and away team from both universes have been lost, the Executive Officer now begins to believe that the Captain from the other universe had a point, and that maybe their future lies down a more peaceful path…”
STH_mirrorMirror_event.16.desc:0 “The Executive Officer decides that it would be too dangerous to let Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team live. Pretending to lead them to the transporter room, they are instead brought to the nearest airlock where they are thrown into space.With the assassination of the Captain and the away team, the Executive Officer now assumes command of the [Root.GetName] and promises to ensure that the dangerous ideas of the parallel universe do not spread here and cause dissent.”
STH_mirrorMirror_event.17.desc:0 “The Executive Officer decides that it would be too dangerous to let Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team live. Pretending to lead them to the transporter room, they are instead brought to the nearest airlock. However the Captain and the away team manage to escape this trap and make it to the transporter room and return to their universe. This universe’s Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team appear in their place. They arrive with stories of a peaceful version of the [Root.GetName], where they did not fit in and were quickly apprehended and incarcerated. Both Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the Executive Officer of the [Root.GetName] believe that the ideas of the other universe are dangerous and should not be allowed to take hold here.”
STH_arsenalOfFreedom_category_desc:0 “Arriving at [From.GetName] we’ve received a signal from the surface…”
STH_arsenalOfFreedom_event.1.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] opens a channel to the source of the transmission on the surface and is greeted by an automated holographic communication system. It makes several enquiries about the [Root.GetFleetName]’s intention to purchase but otherwise reveals little before closing the channel. The Captain prepares and leads an away team of the senior staff to the planet, beaming into thick vegetation. After a few moments the Chief of Security notices tritanium debris in the area, damaged in a manner far beyond our current technology. The Executive Officer is accosted by what appears to be a senior fleet commander, however after a series of suspicious questions the imposter is revealed as another hologram before a series of weapon drones set upon the away team. The group fend off the first wave of drones, but are forced to retreat to a nearby cave after the Chief Medical Officer is injured. In orbit, the [Root.GetFleetName] is under attack from an unseen orbital weapons platform, while communications around the planet appear to be jammed.”
STH_arsenalOfFreedom_event.2.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team execute a heroic guerrilla campaign against the source of the surface combat drones, an automated factory still pristine and decorated with alien advertisements. After a protracted phaser fight through the bowels of the factory the away team reaches the central computer core and successfully disables the entire factory defence network. In orbit the weapon platform stutters to inactivity moments after collapsing the shields of the [Root.GetFleetName]. The factory on the surface appears intact, and with minimal effort could be restarted with new command routines.”
STH_arsenalOfFreedom_event.3.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team execute a heroic guerrilla campaign against the source of the surface combat drones, an automated factory still pristine and decorated with alien advertisements. After a protracted phaser fight through the bowels of the factory the away team reaches the central computer core and successfully destroys the entire factory defence network. In orbit the weapon platform stutters to inactivity moments after collapsing the shields of the [Root.GetFleetName], and falls into the atmosphere disintegrating on re-entry. The factory on the surface begins to suffer a cascade failure in its matter/antimatter generator. The away team beams out moments before the factory site is vaporised.”
STH_arsenalOfFreedom_event.4.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team execute a heroic guerrilla campaign against the source of the surface combat drones, an automated factory still pristine and decorated with alien advertisements. After a protracted phaser fight through the bowels of the factory the away team reaches the central computer core and successfully destroys the entire factory defence network, but not before a power relay explodes, killing Captain [Root.GetLeaderName]. In orbit the weapon platform stutters to inactivity moments after collapsing the shields of the [Root.GetFleetName], and falls into the atmosphere disintegrating on re-entry. The factory on the surface begins to suffer a cascade failure in its matter/antimatter generator. The away team beams out moments before the factory site is vaporised.”
STH_arsenalOfFreedom_event.5.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team jury-rig several communicators and tricorders to cut through the signal jamming. The Captain requests to speak with the holographic representative again and moments later it appears in the cave while a series of holographic advertisement displays show various alien products behind it. A conversation with the hologram ensues and it reveals its purpose as a mechanism for facilitating the sale of the planet’s primary export – advanced weapon systems – and that the attacks so far have been part of its pre-programmed sales demonstration routine. The away team is able to surmise that the civilisation responsible for the weapon systems must have been destroyed by their own inventions. After much negotiation Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] is able to persuade the hologram to stand down on the condition that the entire weapon facility is purchased for a vast sum. The hologram insists on including a series of research documents to the purchase order, increasing the cost by 25% but providing our scientists with a wealth of information.”
STH_arsenalOfFreedom_event.6.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team jury-rig several communicators and tricorders to cut through the signal jamming. The Captain requests to speak with the holographic representative again and moments later it appears in the cave while a series of holographic advertisement displays show various alien products behind it.A conversation with the hologram ensues and it reveals its purpose as a mechanism for facilitating the sale of the planet’s primary export – advanced weapon systems – and that the attacks so far have been part of its pre-programmed sales demonstration routine.The away team is able to surmise that the civilisation, responsible for the weapon systems, must have been destroyed by their own inventions. After much negotiation Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] is able to persuade the hologram to stand down on the condition that the entire weapon facility is purchased for a vast sum. The Captain is able to successfully negotiate a reduction in the cost of the facility from the asking price. The hologram vanishes, the matrix apparently deleted as the sale is confirmed.”
STH_arsenalOfFreedom_event.7.desc:0 “The helmsman of the [Root.GetFleetName] makes the decision to leave orbit to save the ship from imminent destruction, presuming in the communications blackout that the away team have been lost. The weapons platform follows however, and after a series of inspired maneuvers throughout the star system the platform finally catches up with the [Root.GetFleetName]. A lucky shot knocks out the ship’s antimatter containment safeguards, and the ship is vaporised with all hands lost. The weapons platform is caught in the blast, and somehow the energy is channeled back to the platform’s power transfer beam to the planet. The drone facility on the surface is destroyed, killing the away team.”
STH_arsenalOfFreedom_event.8.desc:0 “The helmsman of the [Root.GetFleetName] makes the decision to leave orbit to save the ship from imminent destruction, presuming in the communications blackout that the away team have been lost. The weapons platform follows however, and after a series of inspired maneuvers throughout the star system the platform finally catches up with the [Root.GetFleetName]. A lucky shot knocks out the weapons platform’s antimatter containment safeguards and it is vaporised. Somehow a portion of the energy from the blast is channeled back to the platform’s power transfer beam to the planet. The drone facility on the surface is destroyed. The away team is able to beam back to the ship with the remnants of a number of destroyed drones.”
STH_arsenalOfFreedom_fail.1.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] opens a channel to the source of the transmission on the surface and is greeted by an automated holographic communication system. It makes several enquiries about the [Root.GetFleetName]’s intention to purchase but otherwise reveals little before closing the channel. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] prepares to lead an away team of the senior staff to the planet, but is interrupted by the sudden appearance of an orbital weapons platform. Fearing for the safety of the ship, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] orders the ship to leave orbit. As the ship does so, the ancient weapons platform appears to suffer a mechanical failure and is vaporised. Somehow the energy from the blast is channeled back to the platform’s power transfer beam to the planet, destroying the area near the original transmission site and eliminating any chance of ever uncovering the mystery of the signal.”
STH_arsenalOfFreedom_fail.2.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] opens a channel to the source of the transmission on the surface and is greeted by an automated holographic communication system. It makes several enquiries about the [Root.GetFleetName]’s intention to purchase but otherwise reveals little before closing the channel. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] prepares to lead an away team of the senior staff to the planet, but is interrupted by the sudden appearance of an orbital weapons platform. Fearing for the safety of the ship, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] orders the ship to leave orbit. As the ship does so, the ancient weapons platform appears to suffer a mechanical failure and is vaporised. Somehow the energy from the blast is channeled back to the platform’s power transfer beam to the planet, destroying the area near the original transmission site and eliminating any chance of ever uncovering the mystery of the signal. The [Root.GetFleetName] is caught in the blast from the weapons platform and is destroyed, killing all hands.”
STH_innerLight_category_desc:0 “A small alien vessel, most likely a probe, has been detected in orbit of [From.GetName]. Initial scans cannot positively identify it.”
STH_innerLight_event.1.desc:0 “The alien probe above [From.GetName] appears to activate as the ship’s sensors sweep over it. A surge in nucleonic particles is detected moments before a nucleonic beam penetrates the [Root.Fleet.GetName]’s hull. The beam is aimed directly at [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName], and after a moment of dizziness [Root.Leader.GetSheHe] falls to the floor unconscious. The Executive Officer orders red alert as a medical team rushes to the bridge. The Chief medical officer quickly realises that the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] is in fact in a deep REM sleep cycle, only accelerated many orders of magnitude faster than normal.”
STH_innerLight_event.2.desc:0 “The Chief Medical Officer argues that cutting off the beam may endanger [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName], and cautions that a more gradual reduction in intensity could provide better data to revive [Root.Leader.GetHerHim]. The Tactical Officer counters that the [Root.GetFleetName] is under attack, and that other officers could be incapacitated at any moment if the beam is allowed to continue.”
STH_innerLight_event.3.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName] locks weapons on the probe as the Executive Officer mulls the risk to the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] of destroying the probe against disabling it.”
STH_innerLight_event.4.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName] backs away from the probe, but even at full impulse it manages to keep a steady relative position while continuing to fire the nucleonic beam at [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName].”
STH_innerLight_event.5.desc:0 “Raising the ship’s shields appears to have cut off the beam. For a moment the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] seems fine, until [Root.Leader.GetSheHe] bursts into a violent fit of screams and spasms. The Medical Officer strongly advises the shields are lowered before [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] suffers permanent injury or death.”
STH_innerLight_event.7.desc:0 “Several minutes pass as [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] seems to sleep soundly. The crew is uneasy about allowing an alien influence to paralyse [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle], with the Tactical Officer suggesting again that weapons be fired to disable the probe. Countering this, the Medical Officer insists that the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] appears otherwise unharmed, and that it may be prudent to keep the beam in place until it comes to a conclusion.”
STH_innerLight_event.8.desc:0 “After several more minutes, the probe finally turns off its nucleonic beam. [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] slowly comes to, surrounded by medical staff. The [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] looks around as if seeing the bridge for the first time, reciting the names of crew members as if they were distant memories. The crew explain to [Root.Leader.GetHerHim] what happened, and [Root.Leader.GetSheHe] is stunned that [Root.Leader.GetSheHe] was asleep for less than half an hour. [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] explains that [Root.Leader.GetSheHe] has experienced an entire lifetime of memories, living in a what appears to have been simulation of life on a long dead planet. The [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] orders the probe to be locked on with the [Root.Owner.GetTractorBeam] and brought into the cargo bay for further study. An examination of the probe finds an age old flute, which seems to have special meaning to [Root.GetLeaderName].”
STH_innerLight_event.10.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName] slowly pulls away from the probe. While the probe grows more distant, the output from the nucleonic beam appears to increase to compensate for the distance.”
STH_innerLight_event.11.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName] continues to move away from the probe as its output surges. Eventually as the distance closes to several million kilometres, the beam abruptly cuts off. An explosion engulfs the probe, which has overloaded its emitter array attempting to maintain the beam. The [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] remains in [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] sleeping state for a minute, before suddenly screaming and spasming violently on the floor. The medical team sedate [Root.Leader.GetHerHim] and at last [Root.Leader.GetSheHe] is calmed. As several hours pass, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] awakes in the medical bay, apparently unharmed. The destruction of the probe has confounded any chance of understanding who built it and why.”
STH_innerLight_event.12.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName] continues to move away from the probe as its output surges. Eventually as the distance closes to several million kilometres, the beam abruptly cuts off. An explosion engulfs the probe, which has overloaded its emitter array attempting to maintain the beam. The [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] remains in [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] sleeping state for a minute, before suddenly screaming and spasming violently on the floor. The medical team sedate [Root.Leader.GetHerHim] and at last [Root.Leader.GetSheHe] is calmed. As several hours pass, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] awakes in the medical bay. While cogent and alert now, the mental toll may take some time to reveal itself. The destruction of the probe has confounded any chance of understanding who built it and why.”
STH_innerLight_event.21.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName] locks weapons on the probe and fires. With a silent explosion the beam emitter on the probe disappears in a cloud of debris, cutting off the nucleonic beam. The [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] remains in [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] sleeping state for a minute, before suddenly screaming and spasming violently on the floor. The medical team try to sedate [Root.Leader.GetHerHim], but nothing seems to work. After minutes of torment, [Root.GetLeaderName] lets out a sigh and dies. While the death of the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] is a disaster, the disabled probe offers some compensation. On analysis of its data core, it is revealed to contain teraquads of historical information relating to a now-extinct civilisation.”
STH_innerLight_event.22.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName] locks weapons on the probe and fires. With a silent explosion the beam emitter on the probe disappears in a cloud of debris, cutting off the nucleonic beam. The [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] remains in [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] sleeping state for a minute, before suddenly screaming and spasming violently on the floor. The medical team sedate [Root.Leader.GetHerHim] and at last [Root.Leader.GetSheHe] is calmed. As several hours pass, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] awakes in the medical bay. While cogent and alert now, the mental toll may take some time to reveal itself. The disabled probe offers some compensation to the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle]’s torment. On analysis of its data core, it is revealed to contain teraquads of historical information relating to a now-extinct civilisation.”
STH_innerLight_event.23.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName] locks weapons on the probe and fires. With a silent explosion the beam emitter on the probe disappears in a cloud of debris, cutting off the nucleonic beam. The [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] remains in [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] sleeping state for a minute, before suddenly screaming and spasming violently on the floor. The medical team sedate [Root.Leader.GetHerHim] and at last [Root.Leader.GetSheHe] is calmed. As several hours pass, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] awakes in the medical bay, apparently unharmed. The disabled probe offers some compensation to the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle]’s torment. On analysis of its data core, it is revealed to contain teraquads of historical information relating to a now-extinct civilisation.”
STH_innerLight_event.24.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName] locks weapons on the probe and fires. With an explosion the probe disappears in a cloud of debris. The [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] remains in [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] sleeping state for a minute, before suddenly screaming and spasming violently on the floor. The medical team try to sedate [Root.Leader.GetHerHim], but nothing seems to work. After minutes of torment, [Root.GetLeaderName] lets out a sigh and dies. While the death of the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] is a disaster, the destruction of the probe has confounded any chance of understanding who built it and why.”
STH_innerLight_event.25.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName] locks weapons on the probe and fires. With an explosion the probe disappears in a cloud of debris. The [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] remains in [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] sleeping state for a minute, before suddenly screaming and spasming violently on the floor. The medical team sedate [Root.Leader.GetHerHim] and at last [Root.Leader.GetSheHe] is calmed. As several hours pass, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] awakes in the medical bay. While cogent and alert now, the mental toll may take some time to reveal itself. The destruction of the probe has confounded any chance of understanding who built it and why.”
STH_innerLight_event.26.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName] locks weapons on the probe and fires. With an the probe disappears in a cloud of debris. The [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] remains in [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] sleeping state for a minute, before suddenly screaming and spasming violently on the floor. The medical team sedate [Root.Leader.GetHerHim] and at last [Root.Leader.GetSheHe] is calmed. As several hours pass, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] awakes in the medical bay, apparently unharmed. The destruction of the probe has confounded any chance of understanding who built it and why.”
STH_innerLight_event.27.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName] locks weapons on the probe and fires, however weapons appear to have no effect. The probe’s hull is obviously comprised of a material beyond anything the [Root.Owner.GetName] has encountered before. The Executive Officer is left with only two choices.”
STH_lonely_among_us.2.desc:0 “A white nebula-like phenomenon has appeared all of a sudden in [lonely_among_us.Solar_System.GetName] system. Although the nebula seems to pose no particular danger for our operations in the system it is recommended to send a science ship to explore this unusual phenomenon.”
STH_lonely_among_us.3.desc:0 “After scanning what originally appeared to be a white nebula-like phenomenon in [lonely_among_us.Solar_System.GetName] system it is discovered that the unknown object actually contains considerable energy in ever-changing patterns. It is also capable of traveling at warp-like speeds, which would explain its sudden appearance in this star system.During the scanning process it is reported that one member of the [Root.GetName]´s crew has been killed as a sudden energy spike from a console hit them.With the possible dangers of continuing the scans further seeming real the question now becomes whether we should still continue or would it be better to just leave and not risk any more incidents?”
STH_lonely_among_us.4.desc:0 “Additional scan of the energy cloud reveals only very little extra information about the patterns of the energy currents inside the cloud and while the scan is ongoing several additional energy dischargers are reported all over the ship´s systems even appearing at the bridge. However this time luckily no one is dead or severely injured.Despite these clear signs of danger [Root.GetLeaderName] still seems oddly fascinated with the phenomenon ordering the ship to move even closer to it so nothing is missed.”
STH_lonely_among_us.5.desc:0 “With the obvious risks associated with the energy nebula, as one crew member is already dead during the initial scan, [Root.GetLeaderName] orders the ship to leave the area. While the crew is plotting a new course sudden energy discharges are observed in the ship systems, briefly hitting even some of the bridge interfaces. However no faults in the ships systems are detected afterwards or further injuries among the crew reported and it seems the discharges disappeared as quickly as they first appeared.With the sudden energy discharges ending and the ship systems being fully functional [Root.GetName] is just about to head on its new course when [Root.GetLeaderName] suddenly belays the order and insists on moving the ship instead closer to the nebula in case the first scan missed something. These new orders seem to be completely at odds with [Root.GetLeaderName]´s initial orders and also disregard the earlier safety concerns of continuing the scanning operation.”
STH_lonely_among_us.6.desc:0 “With the ship almost inside the energy cloud now [Root.GetLeaderName] continues [Root.Leader.GetHisHer] odd behaviour and expresses the desire to beam inside the cloud as energy only. This strange wish from [Root.Leader.GetHerHim] is met with severe objections from the crew of [Root.GetName] as beaming as energy only to the energy cloud would most likely kill [Root.GetLeaderName] and because of this and [Root.Leader.GetHisHer] earlier out of-character behaviour the crew locks the transporter controls as a precaution.”
STH_lonely_among_us.7.desc:0 “With the ship almost inside the energy cloud now [Root.GetLeaderName] all of a sudden tells the crew to prepare for a site to site transport from [Root.GetName] to inside the nebula and also that [Root.Leader.GetSheHe] will be personally handling the transport from one of the transporter rooms. Confused by these orders the bridge crew inquires if some sort of probing device should also be prepared for the transport, but [Root.GetLeaderName] just tells them to follow the orders and leaves the bridge.Monitoring the transport process from the bridge it soon becomes obvious to the crew that [Root.GetLeaderName] is configuring the transporter for a very specific matter to energy personnel transport to the energy cloud with no one but [Root.Leader.GetHerHim] being in the transporter room. Seeing this the bridge crew contacts [Root.GetLeaderName] to enquier about what is happening, but the only respond they get is that [Root.GetLeaderName] is joining the cloud to explore the galaxy as energy followed by the communication being cut and both the transporter controls and room door being locked.With it now becoming obvious that [Root.GetLeaderName] is indeed trying to transport to the energy cloud the question becomes should the crew do whatever it takes to abort the transport or allow [Root.Leader.GetHerHim] to join the energy cloud despite the potential significant risks of the operation?”
STH_lonely_among_us.8.desc:0 “After [Root.GetLeaderName] has transported to the energy cloud the cloud changes its heading, accelerates to warp speed, and exits the system. Leaving the [Root.GetName]´s crew wondering if [Root.GetLeaderName] will never be heard from again.”
STH_lonely_among_us.11.desc:0 “After the crew of [Root.GetName] has blocked the transport of [Root.GetLeaderName] as energy to the energy cloud [Root.Leader.GetHeSheCap] reveals to them, that during the scanning process of the energy nebula and the energy discharges observed on the ship an energy being was accidentally picked up aboard and is now sharing [Root.Leader.GetHisHer] body. To safely break up this connection [Root.GetLeaderName] suggests setting up a portable scanner for the energy being to leave [Root.Leader.GetHisHer] body and to transport back to the cloud.It seems that this option is acceptable for both the crew of [Root.GetName] and to the energy being, although the energy creature insists on monitoring the transporter setup and only leaving [Root.GetLeaderName]´s body for the device once transport is in progress. Finally with the transport complete [Root.GetLeaderName] is back to normal and the energy cloud once received the transport accelarates to warp speed and exits the system.”
STH_lonely_among_us.12.desc:0 “We have received a message originating somewhere in [lonely_leader_pick_up.Solar_System.GetName] system using some of our decades-old communication codes. The message itself is a little vague, but it says that one of our former leaders has returned from exploring the galaxy and awaits to be picked up on board a derelict freighter ship having enough food and supplies for over a year.”
STH_lonely_among_us.13.desc:0 “After arriving at the location of the strange message in [lonely_leader_pick_up.Solar_System.GetName] system [Root.GetName]´s crew locate the derelict freighter ship there with one lifeform aboard. After transporting the lifeform aboard [Root.GetName] it is discovered that the individual in question is in fact one of our former scientists who has returned from the travels with the energy nebula bringing wast amounts of new information about the galaxy. After passing rigorous medical tests aboard [Root.GetName] the rescued leader is allowed to assume the command of the vessel.”
STH_lonely_among_us.14.desc:0 “After spending considerable time wandering in the [lonely_among_us.Solar_System.GetName] system the strange nebula-like phenomenon seems to have left the system. Our sources in the system state that the nebula seemed to accelerate to warp-like speeds when it exited the system.”
STH_lonely_among_us.15.desc:0 “All attempts at establishing further communications with whoever was transmitting from the derelict freighter in one one of our star systems have failed. Leaving the mystery unsolved.”
LONELY_US_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “An unknown nebula like phenomenon has been detected in one of our starsystems, which merits further scientific study.”
LONELY_US_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “We have been contacted by someone who claims to be one of our former leaders currently stuck aboard a derelict freighter and waiting for an urgent pick up.”
STH_gravity_category_desc:0 “The sensor readings of this system seem to be slightly off from normal parameters with the main disturbance originating from here.”
GRAVITY_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “We should explore the possibility of retrieving the materials and the technology of several alien vessels that crashed on a planet inside a gravity well.”
GRAVITY_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “One of our ships has been lost inside a gravity well. However as the well was reported to contain an entire solar system inside a subspace pocket it is possible that our crew is still alive down there.”
STH_gravity.2.desc:0 “Arriving at the scene all of sudden a gravity well opens up directly below the [Root.GetName] pulling the ship violently towards it. By quickly venting plasma from the engines while at the same time increasing power to the impulse engines [Root.GetName] narrowly avoids getting sucked into the well. After escaping the pull of the gravity well [Root.GetName]´s sensors are able to detect a planet located in a pocket of subspace inside the gravity well. Sending a probe in to further explore the planet it is discovered that on its surface there are several alien vessels that most likely fell victim to the well and crashed there. However no life signs are detected coming from the vessels. We could explore the option of trying to lift the crashed alien ships up from the surface of the planet and exploit their resources and possible new technologies.n”
STH_gravity.3.desc:0 “Arriving at the scene of the unusual readings all of sudden a massive gravity well appears seemingly out of nowhere, and despite of [Root.GetName] crew´s best efforts the ship is sucked in while having just enough time to send a distress call out. The distress call states that an entire solar system with 3 uninhabitable planets were detected on the other side of the gravity well existing in a subspace pocket. It is estimated that the crew of [Root.GetName] has enough rations to last for a year, assuming that the ship survived the entry into the well. Should we start a rescue mission for the lost crew and [gravity_leader.GetName]?”
STH_gravity.4.desc:0 “By first scanning the gravity well in detail and then heavily modifying some of our shuttlecrafts and their engines we were successful in entering the well and lifting up the remains of the alien ships. Both the materials gained and the knowledge of alien ship designs should benefit our future efforts.”
STH_gravity.5.desc:0 “After arriving at the scene and scanning the massive gravity well it is clear that this is a monodirectional phenomenon, meaning that no ship going in can get out. However by sending a reinforced probe inside the well [Root.GetName]´s crew are able to first locate the missing leader and most of the crew of our crashed ship alive. And then by using the probe as a signal transmitter slowly beam them out of the gravity well in small groups. The survivors seem to have suffered only minor injuries and some malnourishment while waiting to be rescued. The rescued leader assumes command of [Root.GetName].”
STH_gravity.6.desc:0 “We have failed to rescue our leader and the crew of the crashed ship in time from the gravity well. It is estimated that by now all possible survivors have run out of supplies.”
THE_TERRATIN_INCIDENT_PROJECT_DESC:0 “We have agreed to find a new home for this miniaturised population, where one day we may be able to return them to their correct sizes.”
STH_theTerratinIncident_category_desc:0 “Arriving at [From.GetName] we’ve received a signal from the surface…”
STH_theTerratinIncident_event.1.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] orders the [Root.GetFleetName] closer to [From.GetName] in order to boost reception of the signal from the surface. After several minutes the communications officer is able to clean the signal to the point that it is recognised as Interstat Code, a protocol that has not been used since the dawn of warp travel. The message is a single repeated word: ‘[From.GetName]’.The source of the signal does not return the ship’s hails directly, however a brilliant white light appears to pass through apparently in response. Almost immediately the crew begin to notice the ship growing around them, until instrument checks confirm it is they instead who have begun to shrink. The science officer surmises that at the current rate of shrinkage the ship will be inoperable within a day…”
STH_theTerratinIncident_event.2.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName] breaks orbit and prepares to enter warp. Still shrinking, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] surmises that withdrawing from the system will halt or reverse the process, giving the scientists at home time to research the matter more thoroughly. As the warp coils begin to power up the chief Engineer notices a slight phase imbalance in the plasma flow regulators, but dismisses it. As the ship breaks the warp barrier the phase imbalance escalates, ripping a hole in the starboard warp coil. The ship is torn apart, killing all hands.”
STH_theTerratinIncident_event.3.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName] breaks orbit and prepares to enter warp. Still shrinking, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] surmises that withdrawing from the system will halt or reverse the process, giving the scientists at home time to research the matter more thoroughly. Leaving orbit does halt the shrinking, however it is not reversed. Several days pass while the crew desperately try to reverse their condition, until at last a transporter specialist proposes using the transporters to ‘reset’ the molecular structure of each crewmember. The process works, however several of the crew continue to suffer psychological illness as a side effect of the process.”
STH_theTerratinIncident_event.4.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName] breaks orbit and prepares to enter warp. Still shrinking, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] surmises that withdrawing from the system will halt or reverse the process, giving the scientists at home time to research the matter more thoroughly. Leaving orbit does halt the shrinking, however it is not reversed. Several days pass while the crew desperately try to reverse their condition, until at last a transporter specialist proposes using the transporters to ‘reset’ the molecular structure of each crewmember. The process works, however several of the crew continue to suffer psychological illness as a side effect of the process, including Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] who turns to substance abuse as a result of their experience.”
STH_theTerratinIncident_event.5.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] leads an away team to the surface. Discovering vast fields of a crystalline material, the team wanders for hours until finally they come across what appears to be a miniature city near a large boulder. On inspection what appears to be insect-sized vehicles and people wander through the streets. The science officer surmises that this is the origin of the signal, and may hold the key to the crew’s shrinking problem. Moments later the automated return transporter beams the away team to the ship. The return transport appears to have reverted the away team to their original sizes – a side effect of the transporter retaining their original patterns. The achievement is short lived however, as they discover the rest of the [Root.GetFleetName] crew are missing. A transmission from the surface is received and the leader of the city below formally requests to exchange the safe return of the [Root.GetFleetName]’s crew in return for the evacuation of the city’s population from [From.From.GetName] to a planet nearby. She states that [From.From.GetName]’s recent spate of volcanic activity threatens to destroy their colony.”
STH_theTerratinIncident_event.6.desc:0 “After a brief confirmation of terms, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] successfully negotiates the return of the crew – fully restored to their original size by the transporter beam, and the transport of the city population to the ship for resettlement. As the ship’s transporter lacks the original patterns of the city inhabitants, their size remains microscopic. Communication ensues with the inhabitants, and Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] is told by their leader how the city came to be. The inhabitants are the descendants of a freighter passing through this system decades ago, who suffered the shrinking effect with no way to halt it until it reached its maximum effect. Over time they built a civilisation on this world, distinct from their origins. Their leader begs Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] to find them a new, safer home.”
STH_theTerratinIncident_event.7.desc:0 “The negotiations fail. As Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] tries to arrange the return of the crew a mob from the city storm the facility they are being held in. Enraged by their belief that the [Root.GetFleetName] is responsible for the volcanic activity on the planet, they slaughter the prisoners with crude laser weapons. In orbit Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] orders the [Root.GetFleetName] to depart the system, leaving the city inhabitants to their fate.”
STH_theTerratinIncident_event.8.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName] prepares to depart, leaving the crew to their fate. On the surface, a mob from the city storm the facility the ship’s crew are being held in. Enraged by their belief that the [Root.GetFleetName] is responsible for the volcanic activity on the planet, they slaughter the prisoners with crude laser weapons. In orbit Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] orders the [Root.GetFleetName] to warp, leaving the city inhabitants to their fate.”
STH_theTerratinIncident_event.9.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] orders the remaining crew of the [Root.GetFleetName] to bombard the city from orbit, condemning the crew to their fate. On the surface, a mob from the city storm the facility the ship’s crew are being held in. Enraged by their belief that the [Root.GetFleetName] is responsible for the volcanic activity on the planet, they prepare to slaughter the prisoners with crude laser weapons, before everything around them is vaporised in a hail of energy from the sky. In orbit Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] orders the [Root.GetFleetName] to warp, leaving the city inhabitants to their fate.”
STH_theTerratinIncident_event.10.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] leads an away team to the surface. Discovering vast fields of a crystalline material, the team wanders for hours until finally they come across a vast canyon network. On entering it they lose all communication with the ship, and after several hours wandering they are unable to determine a route out of the network.”
STH_theTerratinIncident_event.11.desc:0 “The crew of the [Root.GetFleetName] send a second away team to the surface to hunt for the first. After hours of desperate searching the second team are forced to abandon their mission to return to the ship for resupply. The return transport appears to have reverted the away team to their original sizes – a side effect of the transporter retaining their original patterns. Utilising this method to restore the rest of the crew to their original size, more search parties are sent to the planet’s surface. After the sixth day a search party makes a grim discovery – the corpse of Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the first away team, no taller than two centimetres, crushed under a pebble. The Executive Officer orders the ship to leave orbit.”
STH_theTerratinIncident_event.12.desc:0 “The crew of the [Root.GetFleetName] send a second away team to the surface to hunt for the first. After hours of desperate searching the second team are forced to abandon their mission to return to the ship for resupply. The return transport appears to have reverted the away team to their original sizes – a side effect of the transporter retaining their original patterns. Utilising this method to restore the rest of the crew to their original size, more search parties are sent to the planet’s surface. After the third day a search party discovers a tiny makeshift camp, where Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the first away team appear to be resting. Beaming them back to the ship and their original size. The Captain orders the ship to leave orbit.”
STH_theTerratinIncident_event.13.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] orders the immediate bombardment of the planet from orbit, hoping to eliminate any technology from the surface that may have caused the crew’s shrinkage. After several minutes a transmission is received and a woman introduces herself as the leader of a city, hidden by virtue of its small size. Declaring their intention to eliminate the [Root.GetFleetName]’s threat to their world, she apologises for what is about to occur. From the surface a swarm of plasma torpedos hundreds of thousands strong are launched. As they connect with the [Root.GetFleetName]’s Shields their individual power is minimal, however after several seconds – and several thousand hits – they penetrate the protective barrier and obliterate the [Root.GetFleetName], killing all hands.”
STH_theTerratinIncident_event.14.desc:0 “The miniature population has been successfully relocated on [From.From.GetName].”
STH_theTerratinIncident_fail.1.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] orders the [Root.GetFleetName] closer to [From.From.GetName] in order to boost reception of the signal from the surface. After several minutes the communications officer is able to clean the signal to the point that it is recognised as Interstat Code, a protocol that has not been used since the dawn of warp travel. The message is a single repeated word: ‘[From.From.GetName]’. The source of the signal does not return the ship’s hails directly, however a brilliant white light appears to pass through apparently in response. Almost immediately the crew begin to notice the ship growing around them, until instrument checks confirm it is they instead who have begun to shrink. The science officer surmises that at the current rate of shrinkage the ship will be inoperable within a day. The [Root.GetFleetName] breaks orbit and prepares to enter warp. Still shrinking, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] surmises that withdrawing from the system will halt or reverse the process, giving the scientists at home time to research the matter more thoroughly. Leaving orbit does halt the shrinking, however it is not reversed. Several days pass while the crew desperately try to reverse their condition, until at last a transporter specialist proposes using the transporters to ‘reset’ the molecular structure of each crewmember. The process works, however several of the crew continue to suffer psychological illness as a side effect of the process.”
STH_theTerratinIncident_fail.2.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] orders the [Root.GetFleetName] closer to [From.From.GetName] in order to boost reception of the signal from the surface. After several minutes the communications officer is able to clean the signal to the point that it is recognised as Interstat Code, a protocol that has not been used since the dawn of warp travel. The message is a single repeated word: ‘[From.From.GetName]’. The source of the signal does not return the ship’s hails directly, however a brilliant white light appears to pass through apparently in response. Almost immediately the crew begin to notice the ship growing around them, until instrument checks confirm it is they instead who have begun to shrink. The science officer surmises that at the current rate of shrinkage the ship will be inoperable within a day. The [Root.GetFleetName] breaks orbit and prepares to enter warp. Still shrinking, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] surmises that withdrawing from the system will halt or reverse the process, giving the scientists at home time to research the matter more thoroughly. As the warp coils begin to power up the chief Engineer notices a slight phase imbalance in the plasma flow regulators, but dismisses it. As the ship breaks the warp barrier the phase imbalance escalates, ripping a hole in the starboard warp coil. The ship is torn apart, killing all hands.”
STH_theSilentEnemy_category_desc:0 “Arriving at [From.GetName] we’ve detected unusual, intermittent subspace readings.”
STH_theSilentEnemy_event.1.desc:0 “After a day in orbit of [From.From.GetName] with no progress in locating the source of the unusual subspace readings, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] prepares to give the order to move on to the [Root.GetFleetName]’s next survey target. Moments later the ship’s sensors detect a surge in subspace activity followed by the appearance of an alien ship off the port bow. Hailing the vessel proves fruitless and after several minutes of silent confrontation the ship warps away.”
STH_theSilentEnemy_event.2.desc:0 “Within minutes of the aliens entering warp, the [Root.GetFleetName]’s sensor lock on their vessel starts to deteriorate. Five minutes more and the ship has disappeared from sensors completely. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] orders additional power to the sensors and another subspace disturbance is detected several light-hours away. Arriving at the coordinates the vessel is nowhere to be seen, however the subspace disturbance has at its heart an exotic particle fountain, rapidly decaying in intensity. Accepting that the alien vessel cannot be located, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] commits the [Root.GetFleetName] to the study of the particle fountain before it collapses.”
STH_theSilentEnemy_event.3.desc:0 “Within minutes of the aliens entering warp, the [Root.GetFleetName]’s sensor lock on their vessel starts to deteriorate. Five minutes more and the ship has disappeared from sensors completely. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] orders additional power to the sensors and another subspace disturbance is detected several light-hours away. Arriving at the coordinates the vessel appeared to be attempting to widen the disturbance through an tachyon emission of an unknown nature, however as the [Root.GetFleetName] draws nearer the emissions are cut. The vessel raises its shields and powers up what appears to be its weapon systems.”
STH_theSilentEnemy_event.4.desc:0 “Two days pass and the crew of the [Root.GetFleetName] grows convinced the aliens have no plans to return to [From.From.GetName]. On the third day ship’s sensors detect another surge in subspace activity before the alien ship drops out of warp next to the [Root.GetFleetName]. The vessel raises its shields and powers up what appears to be its weapon systems.”
STH_theSilentEnemy_event.5.desc:0 “Two days pass and the crew of the [Root.GetFleetName] grows convinced the aliens have no plans to return to [From.From.GetName]. On the third day ship’s sensors detect another surge in subspace activity on the opposite side of [From.From.GetName]. Arriving at the coordinates the vessel is nowhere to be seen, however the subspace disturbance has at its heart an exotic particle fountain, rapidly decaying in intensity. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] commits the [Root.GetFleetName] to the study of the particle fountain before it collapses.”
STH_theSilentEnemy_event.6.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName] leaves orbit. Several light-minutes away from [From.From.GetName], ship’s sensors detect another surge in subspace activity on the opposite side of [From.From.GetName]. Arriving at the coordinates the vessel is nowhere to be seen, however the subspace disturbance has at its heart an exotic particle fountain, rapidly decaying in intensity. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] commits the [Root.GetFleetName] to the study of the particle fountain before it collapses.”
STH_theSilentEnemy_event.7.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName] leaves orbit. Several light-minutes away from [From.From.GetName], ship’s sensors detect another surge in subspace activity on the opposite side of [From.From.GetName]. Arriving at the coordinates the vessel appeared to be attempting to widen a subspace disturbance through a tachyon emission of an unknown nature, however as the [Root.GetFleetName] draws nearer the emissions are cut. The vessel raises its shields and powers up what appears to be its weapon systems.”
STH_theSilentEnemy_event.8.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName]’s communication officer repeats an all frequencies hail to the alien vessel. The bridge crew awaits response in tense silence, with only the hum of the ship’s engines in the background. An alert chimes. The aliens have returned the hail. A strange, almost fungal form appears on the viewscreen and a series of clicks low moans are heard through the communications system. ‘I’m Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] of the [Root.GetFleetName]’, the Captain begins before detailing the ship’s mission in this system. With every new sound from the alien the [Root.GetFleetName]’s universal translator system starts to construct a model of its language until at last broken phrases are overlaid, followed by full sentences. A dialogue is begun. The alien describes itself as ‘Elachi’ and says it is on a mission for its overlord that it cannot fail. Its orders were not to interfere with other species, but our hails piqued its curiosity. Ten minutes of conversation later, it announces it is time for it to depart and regrets how unlikely it is to ever meet with Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] again. The xenology department eagerly looks forward to reviewing the data gathered during this encounter.”
STH_theSilentEnemy_event.9.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName]’s communication officer repeats an all frequencies hail to the alien vessel. The bridge crew awaits response in tense silence, with only the hum of the ship’s Engines in the background. An alert chimes. The alien ship has powered its Engines and has once again entered warp. Accepting the aliens do not wish to be contacted, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] orders a course plotted to the next system. The physics department looks forward to reviewing the subspace data gathered during this encounter.”
STH_theSilentEnemy_event.10.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName]’s communication officer repeats an all frequencies hail to the alien vessel. The bridge crew awaits response in tense silence, with only the hum of the ship’s engines in the background. An alert chimes. Transporter beams from the alien vessel have been detected throughout the ship and weapons fire warnings have triggered across a number of decks. At the same time the enemy vessel has warped away, the boarding action apparently a distraction.”
STH_theSilentEnemy_event.11.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName] surges forward on an intercept course with the vessel. The tactical officer is ordered to disable the enemy’s weapons array, and several well placed shots later the vessel shows visible damage. A spread of torpedoes of unknown form are launched from the enemy ship and strike the [Root.GetFleetName]’s hull. The ship rocks violently, but the harmonics of the structural integrity field appear to have rendered the enemy projectiles useless. Returning fire on the aliens’ engines a lucky shot penetrates through to the warp core, and in a flash of bright blue light the enemy vessel is annihilated. Scanning the debris reveals a number of components survived the destruction, and quickly they’re beamed aboard the [Root.GetFleetName] for study.”
STH_theSilentEnemy_event.12.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName] surges forward on an intercept course with the vessel. The tactical officer is ordered to disable the enemy’s weapons array, and several well placed shots later the vessel shows visible damage. A spread of torpedoes of unknown form are launched from the enemy ship and strike the [Root.GetFleetName]’s hull. The ship rocks violently. The harmonics of the structural integrity field appear to have rendered the enemy projectiles more potent. A lucky shot penetrates through to the [Root.GetFleetName]’s warp core, and in a flash of bright blue light the ship is destroyed, killing all hands.”
STH_theSilentEnemy_event.13.desc:0 “Security teams assemble throughout key sections of the ship, beam rifles in hand. The sound of the enemy’s disruptor weapons ring through the corridors, while crew report their own stun settings as being ineffective. The tactical officer moves through the [Root.GetFleetName] deck by deck with a team of combat veteran officers, pushing the boarders back further and further until at last they are bottled in around the main cargo bay. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] uses the intercom to demand the aliens’ surrender, but they either do not understand or refuse to accept. The remaining boarders, five in total, appear to converse briefly before collectively firing their weapons at the cargo bay doors. The air in the cargo bay is pushed into space along with the remaining boarders. Emergency force fields are put in place around the section and the ship is secured as security collects various pieces of discarded alien weaponry and equipment.”
STH_theSilentEnemy_event.14.desc:0 “Security teams assemble throughout key sections of the ship, beam rifles in hand. The sound of the enemy’s disruptor weapons ring through the corridors, while crew report their own stun settings as being ineffective. The tactical officer moves through the [Root.GetFleetName] deck by deck with a team of combat veteran officers, pushing the boarders back further and further until at last they are bottled in around the main cargo bay. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] uses the intercom to demand the aliens’ surrender, but they either do not understand or refuse to accept. The remaining boarders, five in total, appear to converse briefly before collectively firing their weapons at the cargo bay doors. The air in the cargo bay is pushed into space along with the remaining boarders and a large contingent of security personnel. Emergency force fields are put in place around the section and the ship is secured as Engineering teams collect various pieces of discarded alien weaponry and equipment. Several items are rigged to self destruct and five technicians are killed attempting to place them in storage.”
STH_theSilentEnemy_event.15.desc:0 “Security teams assemble throughout key sections of the ship, beam rifles in hand. The sound of the enemy’s disruptor weapons ring through the corridors, while crew report their own stun settings as being ineffective. The tactical officer moves through the [Root.GetFleetName] deck by deck with a team of combat veteran officers, pushing the boarders back further and further until at last they are bottled in around the main cargo bay. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] heads to the area to demand the aliens’ surrender, but they either do not understand or refuse to accept. The remaining boarders, five in total, appear to converse briefly before collectively firing their weapons at the cargo bay doors. The air in the cargo bay is pushed into space along with the remaining boarders and Captain [Root.GetLeaderName]. Emergency force fields are put in place around the section and the ship is secured. Engineering teams collect various pieces of discarded alien weaponry and equipment, though several items are rigged to self destruct and five technicians are killed attempting to place them in storage. The remaining crew of the [Root.GetFleetName] mourns the loss of their commanding officer.”
STH_theSilentEnemy_fail.1.desc:0 “After a day in orbit of [From.From.GetName] with no progress in locating the source of the unusual subspace readings, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] gives the order to move on to the [Root.GetFleetName]’s next survey target.”
STH_theSilentEnemy_fail.2.desc:0 “After a day in orbit of [From.From.GetName] with no progress in locating the source of the unusual subspace readings, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] prepares to give the order to move on to the [Root.GetFleetName]’s next survey target. Moments later the ship’s sensors detect a surge in subspace activity followed by the appearance of an alien ship off the port bow. The alien vessel begins firing at the [Root.GetFleetName] and with it’s shields down it it’s soon crippled. Engineering report a warp core breach in progress and Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] orders the immediate abandoning of ship. As escape pods begin to launch a round of weapons fire from the enemy ship cuts through the [Root.GetFleetName], and in a bright flash the ship is annihilated killing all hands.”
STH_strangeNewWorld_category_desc:0 “From orbit [From.GetName] appears to be a standard M class world with no sign of intelligent life forms. The ship’s science officer recommends a ground survey to assess suitability for colonisation.”
STH_strangeNewWorld_event.1.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName]’s shuttle launches and soon enters the atmosphere of [From.GetName], Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] leading the expedition alongside the ship’s science officer. The descent over vast stretches of grassland serves to confirm readings from orbit, that [From.GetName] is a verdant M class world ripe for colonisation. Touching down near the intersection of forest, field and a range of rock outcroppings, the team under Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] begin to survey the area. Several hours pass before the [Root.GetFleetName] hails the Captain advising of a minor technical fault that has been discovered in the sensor array, and requesting the return of the Science officer to supervise the repairs.”
STH_strangeNewWorld_event.2.desc:0 “Hours after the Science officer departed [From.GetName] for the [Root.GetFleetName] the remaining survey team has started to make progress. The world appears perfectly habitable, though tricorders have struggled to analyse a composition of a pollen common to the area. The wind has started to pick up and the clouds have darkened; a storm appears imminent. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] orders the team to move the camp equipment into a cave network in the rocks nearby. By the time the equipment is relocated, the rains and winds are raging outside. Communication with the ship is attempted, but some property of the rocks prevents a signal from reaching the [Root.GetFleetName]. The storm seems to last forever and the team starts to become increasingly agitated. The botanical specialist is seen talking to herself and when questioned she seems to panic, running further into the unexplored cave network.”
STH_strangeNewWorld_event.3.desc:0 “Hours after Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] departed [From.GetName] for the [Root.GetFleetName] the remaining survey team has started to make progress. The world appears perfectly habitable, though tricorders have struggled to analyse a composition of a pollen common to the area. The wind has started to pick up and the clouds have darkened; a storm appears imminent. The remaining team led by the Science officer decide to move their camp into a cave network in the rocks nearby. By the time the equipment is relocated, the rains and winds are raging outside. Communication with the ship is attempted, but some property of the rocks prevents a signal from reaching the [Root.GetFleetName]. The storm seems to last forever and the team starts to become increasingly agitated. The botanical specialist is seen talking to herself and when questioned she seems to panic, running further into the unexplored cave network.”
STH_strangeNewWorld_event.4.desc:0 “It’s several hours before the botanist is found, her body mangled and broken on a string of jagged rocks at the bottom of a substantial drop, deep in the caves. It appears she fell to her death, not seeing the hole ahead of her. Argument breaks out among the survey team, some blaming the Captain with others talking of whispers and shadows in the caves themselves. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] orders the team out of the caves to hail the [Root.GetFleetName] and arrange transport back to the ship.”
STH_strangeNewWorld_event.5.desc:0 “It’s several hours before the botanist is found, unconscious but alive near a rock pillar hanging from the roof of the cave. It appears she hit her head on the rock with force, not seeing it ahead of her. Argument breaks out among the survey team, with many talking of whispers and shadows in the caves themselves. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] orders the team out of the caves to hail the [Root.GetFleetName] and arrange transport back to the ship.”
STH_strangeNewWorld_event.6.desc:0 “It’s several hours before the botanist is found, her body mangled and broken on a string of jagged rocks at the bottom of a substantial drop, deep in the caves. It appears she fell to her death, not seeing the hole ahead of her. Argument breaks out among the survey team, some blaming the Science officer with others talking of whispers and shadows in the caves themselves. The Science officer orders the team out of the caves to hail the [Root.GetFleetName] and arrange transport back to the ship.”
STH_strangeNewWorld_event.7.desc:0 “It’s several hours before the botanist is found, unconscious but alive near a rock pillar hanging from the roof of the cave. It appears she hit her head on the rock with force, not seeing it ahead of her. Argument breaks out among the survey team, with many talking of whispers and shadows in the caves themselves. The Science officer orders the team out of the caves to hail the [Root.GetFleetName] and arrange transport back to the ship.”
STH_strangeNewWorld_event.8.desc:0 “The survey team exits the caves into a field made sodden from the storm. More and more of the team appear to be acting erratically and a number of physical altercations begin to break out. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and a Security officer are the only two unaffected. Communications to the ship restored, the pair are able transmit medical tricorder telemetry for the crew on the [Root.GetFleetName] to analyse. It’s quickly apparent that the pollen discovered on landing has a contagious, psychotropic effect to which the Captain and Security officer are immune. Return via shuttle or transporter are both ruled out to prevent endangering the [Root.GetFleetName]. The possibility of sending a new team in biohazard gear to the surface to research a cure is assessed.”
STH_strangeNewWorld_event.9.desc:0 “The survey team exits the caves into a field made sodden from the storm. More and more of the team appear to be acting erratically and a number of physical altercations begin to break out. \The Science officer and a Security officer are the only two unaffected. Communications to the ship restored, the pair are able transmit medical tricorder telemetry for the crew on the [Root.GetFleetName] to analyse. It’s quickly apparent that the pollen discovered on landing has a contagious, psychotropic effect to which the Science and Security officers are immune. Return via shuttle or transporter are both ruled out to prevent endangering the [Root.GetFleetName]. The possibility of sending a new team in biohazard gear to the surface to research a cure is assessed.”
STH_strangeNewWorld_event.10.desc:0 “The second team soon lands nearby and establishes a clean research space. As the affected continue to descend into madness and violence, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] orders their sedation. Several days pass and the condition of the sedated crew starts to worsen, several developing high fevers that the medics believe may soon turn fatal. A breakthrough occurs when Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] captures one of the large flying insects that appear connected with the flowers producing the madness inducing pollen. On dissection, the medical team are able to identify a number of proteins which have the effect of suppressing the psychotropic effect of the pollen. A cure is quickly synthesised and distributed to the affected crew, and after several days all make a complete recovery. [From.GetName] is recorded as notionally habitable, but the requirement to constantly inoculate against the pollen makes the planet a poor target for colonisation.”
STH_strangeNewWorld_event.11.desc:0 “The second team soon lands nearby and establishes a clean research space. As the affected continue to descend into madness and violence, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] orders their sedation. Several days pass and the condition of the sedated crew starts to worsen, several developing high fevers that the medics believe may soon turn fatal. A breakthrough occurs when Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] captures one of the large flying insects that appear connected with the flowers producing the madness inducing pollen. On dissection, the medical team are able to identify a number of proteins which have the effect of suppressing the psychotropic effect of the pollen. A cure is quickly synthesised and distributed to the affected crew, but while many recover for most it is too late. [From.GetName] is recorded as notionally habitable, but the requirement to constantly inoculate against the pollen makes the planet a poor target for colonisation. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] oversees the burial of those killed during the survey.”
STH_strangeNewWorld_event.12.desc:0 “The second team soon lands nearby and establishes a clean research space. As the affected continue to descend into madness and violence, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] orders their sedation. Several days pass and the condition of the sedated crew starts to worsen, several developing high fevers that the medics believe may soon turn fatal. A breakthrough occurs when Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] captures one of the large flying insects that appear connected with the flowers producing the madness inducing pollen, though not without being stung by it. The sting carried a powerful poison and soon the Captain suffers complete organ failure, dying painfully. On dissection of the captured insect, the medical team are able to identify a number of proteins which have the effect of suppressing the psychotropic effect of the pollen. A cure is quickly synthesised and distributed to the affected crew, and after several days all make a complete recovery. [From.GetName] is recorded as notionally habitable, but the requirement to constantly inoculate against the pollen makes the planet a poor target for colonisation. The survey and medical teams oversee the burial of Captain [Root.GetLeaderName].”
STH_strangeNewWorld_event.13.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the unaffected Security officer spend the next several days sending medical tricorder telemetry to the [Root.GetFleetName] in orbit. As the affected continue to descend into madness and violence, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] orders their sedation. Medical supplies run low, and eventually the stun setting on their weapons is the only option available. The crew on the [Root.GetFleetName] surmise that a cure might be found by investigating the local animal life, in particular a large insect that appears connected with the flower producing the pollen affecting the crew. The Captain and Security officer both begin to search for a specimen to capture. Coming across a nest of the creatures, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] attempts to place a containment net around it. This enrages several of the nearby insects which sting the pair several times before being fought off with weapons fire. Both quickly begin to weaken, as the poison in the insects’ stings spread through them. They fall to the ground in pain and after several agonising minutes both die from complete organ failure. The pollen affected crew begin to wake from their sedation, but several have already begun to fall ill. Without further data from the surface the medical team on the [Root.GetFleetName] are unable to progress in the development of the cure, and after several days all on the surface are dead. [From.GetName] is recorded as notionally habitable, but requiring significant study before colonisation can begin.”
STH_strangeNewWorld_event.14.desc:0 “The second team soon lands nearby and establishes a clean research space. As the affected continue to descend into madness and violence, the Science officer orders their sedation. Several days pass and the condition of the sedated crew starts to worsen, several developing high fevers that the medics believe may soon turn fatal. A breakthrough occurs when the Science officer captures one of the large flying insects that appear connected with the flowers producing the madness inducing pollen. On dissection, the medical team are able to identify a number of proteins which have the effect of suppressing the psychotropic effect of the pollen. A cure is quickly synthesised and distributed to the affected crew, and after several days all make a complete recovery. [From.GetName] is recorded as notionally habitable, but the requirement to constantly inoculate against the pollen makes the planet a poor target for colonisation.”
STH_strangeNewWorld_event.15.desc:0 “The second team soon lands nearby and establishes a clean research space. As the affected continue to descend into madness and violence, the Science officer orders their sedation. Several days pass and the condition of the sedated crew starts to worsen, several developing high fevers that the medics believe may soon turn fatal. A breakthrough occurs when the Science officer captures one of the large flying insects that appear connected with the flowers producing the madness inducing pollen. On dissection, the medical team are able to identify a number of proteins which have the effect of suppressing the psychotropic effect of the pollen. A cure is quickly synthesised and distributed to the affected crew, but while many recover for most it is too late. [From.GetName] is recorded as notionally habitable, but the requirement to constantly inoculate against the pollen makes the planet a poor target for colonisation. The Science officer oversees the burial of those killed during the survey.”
STH_strangeNewWorld_event.16.desc:0 “The Science officer and the unaffected Security officer spend the next several days sending medical tricorder telemetry to the [Root.GetFleetName] in orbit. As the affected continue to descend into madness and violence, the Science officer orders their sedation. Medical supplies run low, and eventually the stun setting on their weapons is the only option available. The crew on the [Root.GetFleetName] surmise that a cure might be found by investigating the local animal life, in particular a large insect that appears connected with the flower producing the pollen affecting the crew. The Science and Security officers both begin to search for a specimen to capture. Coming across a nest of the creatures, they attempt to place a containment net around it. This enrages several of the nearby insects which sting the pair several times before being fought off with weapons fire. Both quickly begin to weaken, as the poison in the insects’ stings spread through them. They fall to the ground in pain and after several agonising minutes both die from complete organ failure. The pollen affected crew begin to wake from their sedation, but several have already begun to fall ill. Without further data from the surface the medical team on the [Root.GetFleetName] are unable to progress in the development of the cure, and after several days all on the surface are dead. [From.GetName] is recorded as notionally habitable, but requiring significant study before colonisation can begin.”
STH_strangeNewWorld_event.17.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName]’s shuttle launches and soon enters the atmosphere of [From.GetName], Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] leading the expedition alongside the ship’s science officer. The descent over vast stretches of grassland seems routine enough at first, however turbulence soon builds to extreme levels. It’s quickly apparent that something is very wrong with the shuttle, and an explosion in the port engine nacelle sends the vessel spinning uncontrollably. An emergency transport is ordered and the team beamed back to the [Root.GetFleetName] just moments before the shuttle crashes into the side of a mountain, destroying it. Subsequent investigations by the remaining crew of the [Root.GetFleetName] establish the shuttle crash to be the result of faulty maintenance and the individuals responsible are disciplined.”
STH_strangeNewWorld_event.18.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName]’s shuttle launches and soon enters the atmosphere of [From.GetName], Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] leading the expedition alongside the ship’s science officer. The descent over vast stretches of grassland seems routine enough at first, however turbulence soon builds to extreme levels. It’s quickly apparent that something is very wrong with the shuttle, and an explosion in the port Engine nacelle sends the vessel spinning uncontrollably. An emergency transport is attempted, but before the cycle can initiate the shuttle crashes into the side of a mountain, killing all onboard. Subsequent investigations by the remaining crew of the [Root.GetFleetName] establish the shuttle crash to be the result of faulty maintenance and the individuals responsible are disciplined.”
STH_gamestersOfTriskelion_category_desc:0 “A preliminary scan of [From.GetName]’s surface has revealed potentially large concentrations of duranite ore. A survey of the planet will be necessary to confirm the scale of these deposits.”
STH_gamestersOfTriskelion_event.1.desc:0 “Beaming to the surface, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team prepare temporary accommodations to support the survey mission. The prefabricated structures are completed within three hours and the team begins the process of mapping the deposits in the immediate area. Several days pass and it has become increasingly difficult to confirm any of the mineral readings detected from orbit. Worse, several crew are killed and more injured when a seismic tremor caused a crevice to collapse on itself, trapping those exploring the attached cave network. The mission ends with the duranite deposits confirmed to have been caused by a glitch in the [Root.GetFleetName]’s sensor array.”
STH_gamestersOfTriskelion_event.2.desc:0 “Beaming to the surface, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team prepare temporary accommodations to support the survey mission. The prefabricated structures are completed within three hours and the team begins the process of mapping the deposits in the immediate area. Several days pass and it has become increasingly difficult to confirm any of the mineral readings detected from orbit. Worse, several crew are injured when a seismic tremor caused a crevice to collapse on itself, trapping those exploring the attached cave network. The mission ends with the duranite deposits confirmed to have been caused by a glitch in the [Root.GetFleetName]’s sensor array.”
STH_gamestersOfTriskelion_event.3.desc:0 “Beaming to the surface, Captain [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] and the away team prepare temporary accommodations to support the survey mission. The prefabricated structures are completed within three hours and the team begins the process of mapping the deposits in the immediate area. Several days pass and it has become increasingly difficult to confirm any of the mineral readings detected from orbit. The Captain orders the [Root.GetFleetName] to enter a lower orbit in order to boost the effectiveness of its sensors, but as the ship completes the maneuver a large energy spike is detected from the surface. The [Root.GetFleetName] attempts to contact Captain [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName], but it appears the entire away team has vanished from [From.From.GetName]. The ship spends several days scanning the surface, but no clues are found to the explain what happened to the missing crew.”
STH_gamestersOfTriskelion_event.4.desc:0 “Captain [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] and [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetHerHis] away team awake from unconsciousness to find themselves transported to an unknown world. The sun in the sky betrays that they are no longer on [triskelion_original_planet.GetName], and strange desert vegetation dots the landscape. Moments after composing themselves, the away team is beset by a group of aliens armed with primitive swords and wearing simple, cloth tunics. Energy weapons prove ineffective in the local environment, their batteries drained, and the team is quickly overpowered. The away team are led through the desert to the entrance of a city encircled by a great stone wall. A bald figure awaits them, clothed in a black and red robe. ‘I am Galt, Master Thrall of Triskelion, this world.’ he says to [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName]. ‘You are to be commended for your fighting spirit. The Providers will make good use of you…'”
STH_gamestersOfTriskelion_event.5.desc:0 “The show of defiance does not move Galt, who simply nods to a sword-armed alien. The alien grabs the nearest of [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName]’s crew, an older male ensign, and with a quick slash of the sword cuts open his neck. The rest of the away team struggle, but are silenced as the Master Thrall booms: ‘Perhaps the situation has been made clearer. Disobedience will not be tolerated!'”
STH_gamestersOfTriskelion_event.6.desc:0 “Captain [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName], enraged by the death of [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetHerHis] officer lunges at Galt. They grapple while the rest of the crew engages the sword-wielding aliens. Despite their advanced training, the crew are unable to withstand the onslaught and are cut down one by one. Galt and the Captain continue to fight for a moment, until at last the aliens drag [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetHerHim] away and thrust a sword through [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetHerHis] heart.”
STH_gamestersOfTriskelion_event.7.desc:0 “The Captain agrees to submit and the away team is led through the gates of the city into a square of stone barracks, where they are stripped of their uniforms and weapons and clothed in the same cloth tunics the aliens wear. A day passes and they are met again by the Galt. ‘You will train yourselves for combat. Armed, unarmed, single and in groups. This you will do for the will of The Providers. Serve and you may live.’ The group is then split up and led away to a series of training grounds littered throughout the city.”
STH_gamestersOfTriskelion_event.8.desc:0 “Weeks pass and [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] and [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetHerHis] crew have followed the intense training regime Galt has provided for them without waver, while coming to learn more of Triskelion through the other slaves kept in the city. One afternoon after a challenging group combat session, [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] is able to slip away from the training grounds and investigate several of the nearby buildings before coming across what appears to be a transporter pad of some variety. Stepping onto the platform, a blinding light flashes and Captain [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] disappears from the chamber.”
STH_gamestersOfTriskelion_event.9.desc:0 “[triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] awakens once more, having been transported inside a large cavern. Dim lighting fills a great hall, where on plinths in the centre stand what appear to be three brains suspended in large jars. One brain starts to glow and a voice says: ‘You show great promise. Tell us of your worth, so we may bid to own you.’The Captain argues with the brains for several minutes, learning that they are the remains of the Triskelion civilisation – the Providers – having abandoned the need for their physical bodies. It becomes apparent that the brains live now for little more than the opportunity to wager sums of money on contests between captured aliens. Seeing this, Captain [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] offers a proposal.”
STH_gamestersOfTriskelion_event.10.desc:0 “The three Providers talk rapidly between themselves, each showing some interest in the Captain’s offer. After a several minutes though, it becomes apparent that there is no appetite among the group to risk losing their slaves. The Captain, seeing the argument is lost grabs at the closest jar but is held frozen in place somehow. A hum can be heard building until moments later an electrical surge arcs from the jar through to [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName], killing [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetHerHim] instantly.”
STH_gamestersOfTriskelion_event.11.desc:0 “The three Providers talk rapidly between themselves, each showing some interest in the Captain’s offer. After a several minutes the jars announce to Captain [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName]: ‘Very well. You shall face our strongest warriors, in odds stacked heavily against you. If you win, we will set you free’. And with that a blinding light fills the hall and [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] is beamed back to the surface training grounds.”
STH_gamestersOfTriskelion_event.12.desc:0 “Several more days pass before the Master Thrall returns and leads Captain [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] and [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetHerHis] crew to the enormous colosseum in the centre of the city. The many thousands of seats are empty but for three glowing orbs equally spaced throughout the circle of the building, while hundreds of the alien guards stand to attention around the centre. A gong is sounded and a number of aliens of many races pour into the arena, screaming as they run unarmed toward the away team. The two groups clash in hand to hand combat [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] and [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetHerHis] team outnumbered two to one. The fight is bloody and vicious. The away team manage to incapacitate the majority of their attackers, before a second gong is rung and a new wave of aliens enters the arena. Exhausted, the away team are whittled down one by one until only Captain [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] remains on [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetHerHis] feet. Surrounded, [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetSheHe] defends herself for what seems like an eternity, until at last [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetSheHe] is knocked unconscious. The alien attackers move among the away team members, snapping the necks of those not already dead.”
STH_gamestersOfTriskelion_event.13.desc:0 “Several more days pass before the Master Thrall returns and leads Captain [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] and [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetHerHis] crew to the enormous colosseum in the centre of the city. The many thousands of seats are empty but for three glowing orbs equally spaced throughout the circle of the building, while hundreds of the alien guards stand to attention around the centre.A gong is sounded and aliens of many races pour into the arena, screaming as they run unarmed toward the away team. The two groups clash in hand to hand combat, [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] and [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetHerHis] team outnumbered two to one. The fight is bloody and vicious. The away team manage to incapacitate the majority of their attackers, before a second gong is rung and a new wave of aliens enters the arena. Exhausted but determined, the away team whittle the second wave down one by one until at last only they remain standing.The furthest of the great glowing orbs illuminates and the voice of a Provider fills the air: ‘You have performed well. We will honour our agreement now.’ A flash of light fills the colosseum and the away team disappears.Captain [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] awakens in the middle of the mineral survey campsite on [triskelion_original_planet.GetName], [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetHerHis] communicator chiming with a message from the ship.”
STH_gamestersOfTriskelion_event.14.desc:0 “Weeks pass and [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] and [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetHerHim] crew have followed the intense training regime the Master Thrall has provided for them with vigour. One afternoon after a challenging group combat session against another group of alien slaves, [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] is approached by Galt and told to follow. Following the Master Thrall outside the training grounds and into a nearby building, [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetSheHe] is told to stand on what appears to be a transporter pad of some variety. Stepping onto the platform, a blinding light flashes and the Captain disappears from the chamber.”
STH_gamestersOfTriskelion_event.15.desc:0 “[triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] awakens once more, having been transported inside a large cavern. Dim lighting fills a great hall, where on plinths in the centre stand what appear to be three brains suspended in large jars. One brain starts to glow and a voice says: ‘You show great promise. Tell us of your worth, so we may bid between ourselves for your thralldom.’The Captain argues with the brains for several minutes, learning that they are the remains of the Triskelion civilisation – the Providers – having abandoned the need for their physical bodies. It becomes apparent that the brains live now for little more than the opportunity to wager sums of money on contests between captured aliens. Seeing this, Captain [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] offers a proposal.”
STH_gamestersOfTriskelion_event.16.desc:0 “The three Providers talk rapidly between themselves, each showing some interest in the Captain’s offer. After a several minutes though, it becomes apparent that there is no appetite among the group to risk losing their slaves. The Captain, seeing the argument is lost grabs at the closest jar but is held frozen in place somehow. A hum can be heard building until moments later an electrical surge arcs from the jar through to [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName], killing [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetHerHim] instantly.”
STH_gamestersOfTriskelion_event.17.desc:0 “The three Providers talk rapidly between themselves, each showing some interest in the Captain’s offer. After a several minutes the jars announce to the Captain: ‘Very well. You shall face our strongest warriors, in odds stacked heavily against you. If you win, we will set you free’. And with that a blinding light fills the hall and [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] is beamed back to the surface training grounds.”
STH_gamestersOfTriskelion_event.18.desc:0 “Several more days pass before the Master Thrall returns and leads Captain [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] and [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetHerHis] crew to the enormous colosseum in the centre of the city. The many thousands of seats are empty but for three glowing orbs equally spaced throughout the circle of the building, while hundreds of the alien guards stand to attention around the centre. A gong is sounded and a number of aliens of many races pour into the arena, screaming as they run unarmed toward the away team. The two groups clash in hand to hand combat [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] and [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetHerHis] team outnumbered two to one. The fight is bloody and vicious. The away team manage to incapacitate the majority of their attackers, before a second gong is rung and a new wave of aliens enters the arena. Exhausted, the away team are whittled down one by one until only Captain [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] remains on [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetHerHis] feet. Surrounded, [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetSheHe] defends herself for what seems like an eternity, until at last [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetSheHe] is knocked unconscious. The alien attackers move among the away team members, snapping the necks of those not already dead.”
STH_gamestersOfTriskelion_event.19.desc:0 “Captain [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] begs an audience with the Master Thrall, who begrudgingly obliges. ‘State your business’ he says. ‘There must be some way we can come to a… mutually beneficial arrangement here?’ [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] says, before listing a number of valuable trades [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetSheHe] would be willing to make in return for the release of the crew. Galt appears unmoved, until a blinding light envelopes them both. [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] awakens once more, having been transported inside a large cavern. Dim lighting fills a great hall, where on plinths in the centre stand what appear to be three brains suspended in large jars. One brain starts to glow and a voice says: ‘Speak now.'”
STH_gamestersOfTriskelion_event.20.desc:0 “‘Now, do I have a business opportunity for you!’ Captain [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] says to the three brains, before talking at length of technology transfer opportunities, latinum ransoms the [From.GetName] would be willing to pay and vague threats to Triskelion should the crew not be returned to [From.GetName] space. The brains are not convinced, and a flurry of lights can be seen as they argue among themselves as to the fastest way to kill [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName]. The Captain, seeing the argument is lost grabs at the closest jar but is held frozen in place somehow. A hum can be heard building until moments later an electrical surge arcs from the jar through to [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName], killing [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetHerHim] instantly.”
STH_gamestersOfTriskelion_event.21.desc:0 “‘Now let me tell you about the lucrative world of Dabo franchising’, [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] says to the three brains, before talking at length on the thrill of the game and the gambling it entails. With each additional detail the brains voice murmurs of approval until at last one lights up and demands to initiate the trade of the crew’s freedom for the installation of a fully equipped Dabo hall. Captain [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] agrees and a communications link to the ship is established, where the details of detail of the trade is confirmed. The crew is transported off of Triskelion and back to the mineral survey site on [triskelion_original_planet.GetName], where a series of packaged boxes full of Dabo equipment are transported back to Triskelion.”
STH_gamestersOfTriskelion_event.22.desc:0 “‘Now let me tell you about the game of Chula’, [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] says to the three brains, before talking at length on the thrill of the game and the gambling it entails. With each additional detail the brains voice murmurs of approval until at last one lights up and demands to initiate the trade of the crew’s freedom for the installation of a fully equipped Chula table. Captain [triskelion_enslaved_leader.GetName] agrees and a communications link to the ship is established, where the details of detail of the trade is confirmed. The crew is transported off of Triskelion and back to the mineral survey site on [triskelion_original_planet.GetName], where a series of packaged boxes full of Chula equipment are transported back to Triskelion.”
STH_theSkinOfEvil_category_desc:0 “A shuttlecraft exploring [From.GetName] has crashed. Sensor readings are unclear, but there appears to be something moving near the crash site.”
STH_theSkinOfEvil_event.1.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] leads an away team to investigate the mysterious crash of the [Root.GetFleetName]’s shuttlecraft on [From.GetName], a promising colonisation candidate.As the away team searches the crash site, a crewman discovers a strange black liquid which slowly reforms itself into the shape of a humanoid body. It is blocking the way to the shuttlecraft crash site and the missing pilot.”
STH_theSkinOfEvil_event.2.desc:0 “‘You sound like those I once merged with’ says the being, in a contemplating tone. ‘They claimed to come in peace too… they talked about enlightenment and goodness. But they left everything else here, the garbage, the grudges, the hatred. It stayed, within me.’The being identifies itself as Armus. While at first it appeared dangerous, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] now sees a measure of sadness about it.”
STH_theSkinOfEvil_event.3.desc:0 “‘I am Armus. Evil incarnate. When an entire society sheds its pain and resentment, its grudges and hatred… I am what is left.'”
STH_theSkinOfEvil_event.4.desc:0 “‘Yes… yes. I just want to be loved, like everyone does. I want to find my ancestors. May I use one of your vessels to search for them?'”
STH_theSkinOfEvil_event.5.desc:0 “‘Maybe.’ Armus replies. ‘Maybe I just want to reconnect with those that have made me. Will you help me leave this place so I can finally find them?'”
STH_theSkinOfEvil_event.7.desc:0 “‘Thank you. It gives me hope…’ Armus says, and moves aside. The away team’s field medic rushes to the injured pilot and begins to treat her wounds. A few moments later, the being waves to the Captain and enters the shuttlecraft, taking off shortly after. Further scans show that Armus was unique – there are no other beings on the planet. [skinOfEvilPlanet.GetName] is declared safe for colonisation.”
STH_theSkinOfEvil_event.9.desc:0 “Observing Armus from orbit reveals the extent of the creature’s anger. Spreading across [skinOfEvilPlanet.GetName], the being appears to consume all animal and plant life in its path. From their remains it produces a highly toxic gas, creating vast clouds in the atmosphere that hasten the death of the remaining ecosystem and block the sunlight. All life sustaining capacity on this planet is depleted, and [skinOfEvilPlanet.GetName] is now barren.”
STH_theSkinOfEvil_event.11.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName]’s tactical officer has been closely monitoring the engagement on the planet, firing on the being as soon as Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] delivered [shipCaptain.GetHerHis] threat. The being is vaporised under the first barrage of the orbital bombardment.The planet is now safe for colonisation.”
STH_theSkinOfEvil_fail.1.desc:0 “The crew begin preparations to lead an away team to the surface, when the ship’s sensor detect a cascade reaction in the crashed shuttle’s antimatter containment pods. Within moments the containment fails and the shuttle and everything in a fifty kilometre radius is destroyed in the resultant matter/antimatter reaction. The shuttlecraft and its pilot are declared dead.”
STH_theSkinOfEvil_fail.2.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] orders the [Root.GetFleetName] to lower altitude to a synchronous orbit over the shuttlecraft crash site, when a mysterious energy field engulfs the vessel. The ship’s engines are disabled as the vessel is dragged down to the surface, itself crashing near the shuttlecraft it hoped to retrieve.”
SECOND_CHANCE_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Eight years ago, a research station on [From.GetName] had to be abandoned due to a massive energy distortion field. We have an opportunity to recover the research data if a science ship is sent to recover it.”
STH_secondChance_category_desc:0 “There is an upcoming, brief window of opportunity to retrieve scientific data from an abandoned research station on [From.GetName].”
STH_secondChance_event.1.desc:0 “Eight years ago, Chief Science Officer [transporterClone.GetName] was stationed at this outpost, barely managing to beam off the research station with the last personnel on the ground before an ionic disruption cut off the transporter connection. The disruption field has finally abated for a few days, allowing the crew of the [Root.GetName] to retrieve a wealth of scientific data left behind in the evacuation. As the away team searches for a computer terminal, they notice signs that someone has been living here. [transporterClone.GetName] detects life signs on [transporterClone.GetHerHis] tricorder and moves to investigate the signal. Suddenly, a voice cries out and [transporterClone.GetSheHe] dashes into the room, phaser at ready and comes upon a person that looks exactly like [transporterClone.GetHerHim]. After a few moments of shock, the person explains that [transporterClone.GetSheHe] was trapped on the research station after a failed transport attempt eight years ago.”
STH_secondChance_event.2.desc:0 “The away team were unable to gather the data in time due to changes made to the station by the duplicate. The crew had to beam out before the distortion field returned to avoid being stranded until the next transport window. [transporterClone.GetName]’s apparent clone later insisted [transporterClone.GetHerHis] expertise could have helped to repair the damage within the time provided.”
STH_secondChance_event.3.desc:0 “The away team were unable to gather the data in time due to damage inflicted on the station’s power grid by the shapeshifter. The crew had to beam out before the distortion field returned to avoid being stranded until the next transport window.”
STH_secondChance_event.4.desc:0 “The duplicate [transporterClone.GetName]’s genes are confirmed to be an exact match. In addition, the brain patterns read as almost the same, suggesting they both have nearly identical memories. These facts rule out the possibility of [transporterClone.GetHerHim] being a shapeshifter or a clone. The ship’s engineer theorises that when the transporter was interrupted by the disruption field eight years ago, the pattern beam must have reflected a perfect copy of [transporterClone.GetName] back to the research station. The transporter duplicate had to retrofit the research station to survive for eight years [transporterClone.GetHerHis] own. Due to this, the station data banks are not easily accessible and require extensive repairs.”
STH_secondChance_event.5.desc:0 “[transporterClone.GetName]’s duplicate has a plan to fix the damage but it involves delving into a structurally unstable section of the research base to link a power conduit back to the computer mainframe. They are sure that it is safe as [transporterClone.GetSheHe] has been down there many times, but the ship’s engineer has completed scans that show the structure is dangerous and could collapse at any minute.”
STH_secondChance_event.6.desc:0 “[transporterClone.GetName]’s duplicate has spoken with Captain [Root.Fleet.Leader.GetName], bypassing [transporterClone.GetHerHis] original and superior to get permission to carry out the dangerous plan against their judgement.”
STH_secondChance_event.7.desc:0 “The structure [transporterClone.GetName]’s duplicate was standing on has collapsed while [transporterClone.GetSheHe] and [transporterClone.GetHerHis] original were in the middle of repairs to the station’s data warehouse systems. The duplicate was able to assist [transporterClone.GetHerHis] original as they both hung to the edge of the chasm the structure bridged, but in doing so [transporterClone.GetSheHe] fell to [transporterClone.GetHerHis] death.”
STH_secondChance_event.8.desc:0 “[transporterClone.GetName]’s duplicate was unable to repair the power conduit in the research station. When [transporterClone.GetSheHe] moved to repair the conduit, a bridging structure collapsed leaving [transporterClone.GetHerHim] stranded. The original [transporterClone.GetName] beamed down and was able to save [transporterClone.GetHerHis] duplicate from the chasm, but there was not enough time to also retrieve the data before the transport window closed. In light of [transporterClone.GetHerHis] exemplary performance, [transporterClone.GetName]’s duplicate was offered a position within the fleet reflecting [transporterClone.GetHerHis] talents.”
STH_secondChance_event.9.desc:0 “Thanks to the cooperation between [transporterClone.GetName] and [transporterClone.GetHerHis] duplicate, the pair were able to successfully repair the conduit after a close call with a dilapidated bridge. They were able to retrieve the required scientific equipment and once safely aboard the [Root.GetName] confirm the integrity and value of data. In light of [transporterClone.GetHerHis] exemplary performance, [transporterClone.GetName]’s duplicate was offered a position within the fleet reflecting [transporterClone.GetHerHis] talents.”
STH_terra_nova_category_desc:0 “[From.GetName] was the location of one of the United Earth’s first extra-solar colonies. Having received no communications from the planet in years, every effort should be made to determine the fate of the expedition.”
STH_terra_nova_event.1.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] turns to the Communication Officer and asks her to open a channel to the surface. The hails to the lost colony are met with silence and no reply is received. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] consults with the Science Officer requesting analysis: ‘There are no biosigns, but the colony appears to be intact. Sensors also detect low levels of surface radiation.'”
STH_terra_nova_event.2.desc:0 “Despite upholding eagerness to explore the planet from the crew, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] orders the [Root.GetFleetName] to proceed to its next survey target.”
STH_terra_nova_event.10.desc:0 “[From.GetName] was the location of one of the United Earth’s first extra-solar colonies. Having received no communications from the planet in years, every effort should be made to determine the fate of the expedition.”
STH_terra_nova_event.201.desc:0 “‘Captain’s log supplemental. We are leaving a probe in orbit to hopefully determine what has gone wrong with the colony. The telemetry will be forwarded to Starfleet Command.'”
STH_terra_nova_event.202.desc:0 “‘Captain’s log supplemental. We are leaving a probe in orbit to hopefully determine what has gone wrong with the colony. The telemetry will be forwarded to Starfleet Command.'”
STH_terra_nova_event.4.desc:0 “After hours of searching the ruins of the settlement, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] detects a lifeform on [leader.GetHerHis] tricorder. Pursuing the lifesign [leader.GetSheHe] follows it to a nearby cave system. The Security Officer takes point and proceeds into the opening. Proceeding deeper beneath the surface, both officers are ambushed by the inhabitants of the cave. Scaring back the primitive attackers with warning shots, they head back to the entrance. Moments before the mouth of the cave, the Security Officer is struck by a flint spear and incapacitated. [Root.GetLeaderName] narrowly escapes.”
STH_terra_nova_event.4001.desc:0 “The Captain and the Medical Officer head to the surface to help the injured officer. Locating the entrance to the cavern complex, they navigate to a room with humanoids and successfully convince them of their peaceful intentions. Having been brought to the injured crewman, the Medical Officer is able to effect treatment. After hours of negotiation, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] is able to convince the Novans – as they call themselves – to trust the crew of the [Root.GetFleetName]. Working together, both sides are able to help build a new colony on Terra Nova. The cause of their initial retreat to the caves, a wave of deaths due to local radiation hazards, is identified and treated, using technology from the [Root.GetFleetName] developed years after the colony was established.”
STH_terra_nova_event.5.desc:0 “After hours of searching the ruins of the settlement, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] detects a lifeform on [leader.GetHerHis] tricorder. Pursuing the lifesign [leader.GetSheHe] follows it to a nearby cave system. The Security Officer takes point and proceeds into the opening. Proceeding deeper beneath the surface, both officers are ambushed by the inhabitants of the cave. Scaring back the primitive attackers with warning shots, they head back to the entrance. Moments before the mouth of the cave, the Security Officer is struck by a flint spear and killed. [Root.GetLeaderName] narrowly escapes.”
STH_terra_nova_event.501.desc:0 “Angered by the unprovoked attack on the away team and losing an officer, Captain [Root.GetName] orders the remaining ship’s security complement outfitted with heavy weapons and given shoot-to-kill orders on all inhabitants of the planet. The first away team secure the colony as a second wave of reinforcements start to land. Captain [Root.GetName] leads one of the assault teams and proceeds into the caves. The assault lasts for an hour, the natives are all but wiped out, while the [Root.GetFleetName] crew suffered only minor injuries.”
STH_terra_nova_event.502.desc:0 “The Captain and the Medical Officer head to the surface to retrieve the body of the dead Security Officer. Upon arrival they are able to locate the entrance to the cavern complex and navigate it to a room where the Security Officer’s body has been left. The Captain shouts out.’Lets try to negotiate, no more bloodshed today!’ The Novans emerge, and accepting the peaceful intentions agree, bringing the captain to a large cavern deep in the tunnels. After hours of negotiation, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] is able to convince the Novans – as they call themselves – to trust the crew of the [Root.GetFleetName].”
STH_terra_nova_event.5021.desc:0 “After an intense negotiation period and promises of aid, the Novans agree to move back to the surface and re-settle the colony. The cause of their initial retreat to the caves, a wave of deaths due to local radiation hazards, is identified and treated using technology from the [Root.GetFleetName] developed years after the colony was established. The [Root.GetFleetName] sends a communication to [Root.Owner.Capital.GetName] explaining the situation and requests assistance. With the aid from the rest of the crew of the [Root.GetFleetName], they are able to help build a new colony on Terra Nova.”
STH_terra_nova_event.5022.desc:0 “Despite an intense negotiation period and promises of aid the Novans refuse to move to the surface. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName], saddened by the failure, agrees to leave supplies behind and tells them if they change their mind to use the communication devices provided.”
STH_terra_nova_event.5023.desc:0 “Despite an intense negotiation period and promises of aid the Novans refuse to move to the surface. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName], saddened by the failure, agrees to leave supplies behind and tells them if they change their mind to use the communication devices provided.”
STH_terra_nova_event.5031.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] orders the [Root.GetFleetName] to leave orbit. A probe is placed in orbit to monitor the surface for further developments.”
STH_terra_nova_event.5032.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] orders the [Root.GetFleetName] to leave orbit. A probe is placed in orbit to monitor the surface for further developments.”
STH_terra_nova_event.6.desc:0 “After searching for five days and sending numerous away teams to the surrounding area, all that is found is an old communication log that was never transmitted due to an asteroid impact destroying the colony’s communications tower. The lack of bodies or further evidence of fate of the inhabitants of the colony is troubling, but unexplainable.”
STH_terra_nova_event_fail.1.desc:0 “After searching without success for six hours Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] decides to continue on, noting in the log that no evidence of the colony exists.”
STH_terra_nova_event_fail.2.desc:0 “After searching for six hours and narrowly avoiding multiple asteroid impacts Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] decides it is best to leave and continue the mission. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] notes the events in the ship’s log as well as the lack of any evidence to the fate of the Lost Colony.”
STH_onaction.900.desc:0 “The recent death of the noted leader [leaderTarget.GetName] has been felt across the [Root.GetName]. Many in the [Root.GetSpeciesAdj] community feel that [leaderTarget.GetName]’s accomplishments were so great that renaming a starship in memory is an appropriate sign of respect.”
STH_onaction.901.desc:0 “Captain [oldLeader.GetName] has passed away leaving the question of the captaincy of the [USS_Defiant.GetName] open. After much infighting among [oldLeader.GetHerHis] crew, [oldLeader.GetName]’s favoured officer, [defiant_leader.GetName] has taken command.”
STH_espionage_mechanic.3.desc:0 “Keeping [Root.Capital.GetName]’s neighbours disunited is a time-tested method of ensuring [Root.GetSpeciesAdj] dominance over local space. By leaking falsified diplomatic messages, staging attacks on enemy vessels using disguised assets and other disruptive actions, we are able to sour our target’s relations.”
STH_espionage_mechanic.5.desc:0 “The physical disruption of our enemies’ planetary infrastructure can be achieved through a number of methods. Local criminal elements can be bribed, computer viruses can be emplaced, or more crudely, explosives can be triggered. The effect is the same, facilities our target once relied upon are reduced to ruins.”
STH_espionage_mechanic.7.desc:0 “While the fleet of the [Root.GetName] is rightly feared, it is sometimes more effective to use subtler methods than outright war to remove our enemies’ military capacity. Deep-cover agents can be triggered to sabotage their host vessel, traps such as cloaked minefields can be placed along patrol routes, and any number of more exotic options can be pursued.”
STH_espionage_mechanic.9.desc:0 “Sometimes a leader arises with the capacity to shape the destiny of their entire people, to forge enduring alliances between old foes. Or a scientist emerges with an instinct for discovery, pushing forward the boundaries of knowledge for the betterment of their people. And sometimes these visionaries are not [Root.GetSpeciesAdj]. Using a variety of methods, our intelligence assets are able to set in place events that should result in the early demise of our enemies’ best and brightest.”
STH_espionage_mechanic.13.desc:0 “Our operatives have successfully leaked a series of damaging communications from the [From.GetName] diplomatic mission on [FromFrom.Capital.GetName]. The [FromFrom.GetName] government has condemned the [From.GetName] individuals involved in the communications. [Root.GetSpeciesAdj] involvement remains undisclosed.”
STH_espionage_mechanic.15.desc:0 “Our operatives have failed to successfully sabotage the diplomatic efforts of the [From.GetName]. Worse, some evidence of our involvement remained unaccounted for. The assets involved have been retired.”
STH_espionage_mechanic.19.desc:0 “Our operatives have failed to successfully sabotage planetary infrastructure in [From.GetName] space. Worse, some evidence of our involvement remained unaccounted for. The assets involved have been retired.”
STH_espionage_mechanic.21.desc:0 “A deep cover operative in the [From.GetName] assigned to the [FromFrom.GetName] has successfully triggered a catastrophic drive failure, destroying the vessel. The operative – brainwashed to appear as a barely competent, borderline neurotic – served as a junior technician aboard the [FromFrom.GetName]. Upon activation of his submerged personality, the operative altered an engineering maintenance roster and assigned himself to the essential maintenance task. The asset was lost alongside all members of the [FromFrom.GetName]’s crew.”
STH_espionage_mechanic.23.desc:0 “Our operatives have failed to successfully sabotage military assets belonging to the [From.GetName]. Worse, some evidence of our involvement remained unaccounted for. The assets involved have been retired.”
STH_espionage_mechanic.25.desc:0 “Our operatives have successfully eliminated [From.GetName] [FromFrom.GetTitle] [FromFrom.GetName] in what was framed as a fluke transporter accident. No evidence of our involvement was detected.”
STH_espionage_mechanic.27.desc:0 “Our operatives have failed to successfully assassinate a high ranking member of the [From.GetName] administration. Worse, some evidence of our involvement remained unaccounted for. The assets involved have been retired.”
STH_espionage_mechanic.28.desc:0 “A series of ill-timed and offensive leaked communications from the [From.GetName] diplomatic presence on [Root.Capital.GetName] have resulted in a substantial deterioration in relations between our two governments. While some in the intelligence community believe this to be the work of a foreign power, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] is dismissive of that explanation and has condemned the [From.GetName] government’s handling of the situation.”
STH_espionage_mechanic.30.desc:0 “By focusing efforts inward, Intelligence is able to root out disruptive, radical elements that might threaten the [Root.GetName].”
STH_espionage_mechanic.31.desc:0 “With the [From.GetName] diplomatic efforts targeted for disruption, a focal point for our efforts is required.”
STH_espionage_mechanic.50.desc:0 “The Romulan Empire thrives on order and control. The presence of unrest on any of our worlds sends the wrong message to our enemies and we cannot tolerate weakness. Sending an agent to pay the civilian population a visit shall remind them that the state comes first.”
STH_espionage_mechanic.52.desc:0 “The planet [talshiar_unrest_planet.GetName] has been identified as a world of unrest and discontent and a weakness that we cannot allow to continue. A Tal Shiar Operative should be selected and sent to the planet to root out the cause of the unrest and quell any problems.The Committee believe that an army specialist would have the best chance of success given their expertise in ground based missions. An admiral may get the job done, however they may not be best placed for this mission.”
STH_espionage_mechanic.53.desc:0 “As predicted the mission has been an outstanding success. Our agent was able to infiltrate the organization causing unrest within the major cities, and once the ringleaders were identified it was only a matter of time before the whole operation was dismantled and our security forces were able to clean up the rest of the malcontents.A few public executions to remind the population that the Romulan government sees and knows all.”
STH_espionage_mechanic.54.desc:0 “The mission was completed to an acceptable standard and we have restored a degree of control to the situation on [talshiar_unrest_planet.getName].The operative was able to infiltrate much of the organization, but the ringleaders escaped. Thankfully this is enough for our ground forces to make a number of key arrests and “disappearances”.This should remind the population of what actions are in their best interests…”
STH_espionage_mechanic.55.desc:0 “Our mission has been an unmitigated disaster, with our operative failing to infiltrate any of the cells and being publicly outed by a group of civilians. This will severely damage the reputation of the Tal Shiar and hamper any means to control the planet in the short-term.We shall see what becomes of the agent…”
STH_espionage_mechanic.57.desc:0 “Having failed their mission the Tal Shiar have deemed that operative [sth_talshiar_agent_unrest.GetName] is of no further use to the organisation. Failure will not be tolerated and their service is no longer required.”
STH_espionage_mechanic.58.desc:0 “The Tal Shiar is not famed for its forgiveness, however they still have a use for [sth_talshiar_agent_unrest.GetName]. It is clear this will have a lasting impact on the agent and their once glittering career may no longer reach the expected heights.At least they have their life.”
STH_espionage_mechanic.100.desc:0 “Our specially bread infiltration warriors, often referred to as the Caretakers, have trained for many years to alter their biology to take on the appearance of another species. These agents can then infiltrate and sow disruption. New operations can be setup via the §YEspionage Screen§!. From here we can manage our warriors in the field.”
STH_espionage_mechanic.150.desc:0 “By recalling assets embedded in enemy empires, we are able to gather more intelligence than would be available through methods which would normally be employed to preserve said asset’s cover. Thus increasing our intel on that species.”
STH_espionage_mechanic.152.desc:0 “We have successfully withdrawn our agent disguised as the [From.Owner.GetName] leader [From.GetName]. The information they can present back on [From.Owner.GetName] will benefit us greatly. The Infiltrator will require time to re-adjust to being a glorious Undine warrior once again.”
STH_espionage_mechanic.161.desc:0 “[Root.GetCaptainTitle] [FromFrom.Leader.GetName] has gone missing from [FromFrom.Leader.GetHerHis] post in the [FromFrom.GetName] minutes before the fleet engaged the [From.GetName]. Our internal security teams report that alarmingly large quantities of ship and intelligence data has also gone missing.This must be more than a coincidence.”
STH_espionage_mechanic.162.desc:0 “The Undine infiltrator posing as [From.GetCaptainTitle] [FromFrom.Leader.GetName] has been successfully exfiltrated from [FromFrom.Leader.GetHerHis] post in the [FromFrom.GetName] minutes before the fleet engaged our [FromFromFrom.GetName]. In addition, several kiloquads of [From.GetName] ship schematics have been stolen.”
STH_espionage_mechanic.163.desc:0 “A number of ships in the [FromFrom.GetName] have suffered damage minutes before the fleet engaged the [From.GetName]. Sabotage would appear to be the most likely explanation.”
STH_espionage_mechanic.164.desc:0 “The Undine infiltrator posing as [From.GetCaptainTitle] [FromFrom.Leader.GetName] has successfully sabotaged a number of ships in the [From.GetName]’s [FromFrom.GetName] minutes before the fleet engaged our [FromFromFrom.GetName] causing damage and hampering their efforts to fight.”
STH_espionage_mechanic.165.desc:0 “The Undine infiltrator posing as [From.GetCaptainTitle] [FromFrom.Leader.GetName] is in place to reduce the effectiveness of the [From.GetName]’s [FromFrom.GetName] minutes before it engages our [FromFromFrom.GetName].”
STH_espionage_mechanic.171.desc:0 “Our security services report that [Root.GetGeneralTitle] [FromFromFrom.GetName] has gone missing from [FromFromFrom.GetHerHis] post in the while the [From.GetName] bombard [FromFrom.GetName]. Their disappearance coincides with the loss of several key data repositories.This seems to be more than just a coincidence.n”
STH_espionage_mechanic.172.desc:0 “The Undine infiltrator posing as [From.GetGeneralTitle] [FromFromFrom.GetName] has been successfully extracted from [FromFromFrom.GetHerHis] post in the [From.GetName] while we bombard [FromFrom.GetName]. In addition, several kiloquads of [From.GetName] data has been stolen from the [From.GetName] their databanks.”
STH_espionage_mechanic.175.desc:0 “The Undine infiltrator posing as [From.GetGeneralTitle] [FromFromFrom.GetName] is in place to reduce the effectiveness of the [From.GetName]’s armies on [FromFrom.GetName] as that world is bombarded.”
STH_espionage_mechanic.190.desc:0 “[From.GetName] of the [FromFrom.GetName] has been revealed to be an imposter and a member of the Undine species in disguise.. Despite being uncovered as an Undine infiltrator, [From.GetName] was able to escape to back to [Root.GetName] space a large amount of intelligence on the [FromFrom.GetName].”
STH_espionage_mechanic.191.desc:0 “[From.GetName] of the [FromFrom.GetName] has been revealed to be an imposter. The [FromFrom.GetName] authorities attempted to capture [From.GetName], but [From.GetSheHe] was killed in the process.”
ESPIONAGE_1A_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Sending an agent with an ground forces background should prove to be a wise decision. Their specialised skills will allow them to root out the causes of unrest on the planet’s surface, thus allowing our security forces to break down the causes of unrest within the populace.”
ESPIONAGE_1B_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Sending an agent with a scientific mind may prove to be a fair decision. Their analytical skills should allow them to root out the causes of unrest on the planet’s surface, thus allowing our security forces to break down the causes of unrest within the populace.”
ESPIONAGE_1C_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Sending an agent with a naval background is a risky approach. We must hope they have the experience with ground based missions to root out the causes of unrest on the planet’s surface, thus allowing our security forces to break down the causes of unrest within the populace.”
STH_espionage.11.desc:0 “Our operative in §Y[from.target.GetName]§! has successfully set up a espionage operation. $role_spymaster$ [from.leader.GetName] is now situated at the core of a burgeoning §HSpy Network§! in [from.target.GetAdj] territory and will be available for further espionage missions.”
STH_espionage.14.desc:0 “As expected our Section 31 Operative §YREDACTED§! has attached themselves to [from.leader.GetName] and using them as cover has managed to infiltate the highest echalons of [from.target.GetName] government. We can now begin operations against them.”
STH_ancientCapsule_category_desc:0 “While studying [Root.GetName] sensors have been detected what appears to be an ancient capsule of familiar design in orbit. How it found itself in orbit of [Root.GetName] is a mystery.”
STH_ancient_capsule.1.desc:0 “On further investigation the capsule’s orbit is rapidly decaying drawing it closer and closer to [From.GetName]. If the [Root.Fleet.GetName] does not adjust the capsule’s orbit with its [Root.Owner.GetTractorBeam], it will certainly be destroyed.”
STH_ancient_capsule.2.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName]’s chief engineer has successfully modified the capsule’s orbit with the [Root.Owner.GetTractorBeam]. [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] leads an away team beamed aboard. Confirming the capsule to be of [Root.Owner.GetSpeciesName] origin, [Root.Leader.GetSheHe] discovers a number of ancient cryogenic hibernation chambers. Several appear to be occupied. Further investigation reveals that the capsule occupants were all declared dead hundreds of years prior, though the [Root.GetFleetName]’s doctor believes they can be revived and cured with modern medical techniques.”
STH_ancient_capsule.10.desc:0 “After the cryogenic chambers were brought back to the [Root.GetFleetName] and the capsule occupants thawed out, they appear eager to begin their lives in a new century, and arrangements are made for their return to [Root.Owner.Capital.GetName], where many eager historians await them.”
STH_ancient_capsule.11.desc:0 “After the cryogenic chambers were brought back to the [Root.GetFleetName] and the capsule occupants thawed out, they appear eager to begin their lives in a new century, and arrangements are made for their return to [Root.Owner.Capital.GetName]. One of the capsule occupants appears to have been a talented administrator prior to being stored, and has offered their services to the [Root.Owner.GetName].”
STH_ancient_capsule.12.desc:0 “After the cryogenic chambers were brought back to the [Root.GetFleetName] and the capsule occupants thawed out, they appear confused and on edge. Several days pass and their strange behaviour continues. It is only after a crewmember is discovered murdered that the ship’s archives reveal the capsule occupants to be violent criminals, dispatched into space as an alternative to capital punishment. They are quickly rounded up and placed in the brig until their return to [Root.Owner.Capital.GetName].”
STH_ancient_capsule.13.desc:0 “After the cryogenic chambers were brought back to the [Root.GetFleetName] and the capsule occupants thawed out, they appear confused and on edge. Several days pass and their strange behaviour continues. It is only after an explosion damages a large section of the ship’s cargo bay that the ship’s archives reveal the capsule occupants to be violent criminals, former terrorists in fact, dispatched into space as an alternative to capital punishment. They are quickly rounded up and placed in the brig until their return to [Root.Owner.Capital.GetName].”
STH_ancient_capsule.21.desc:0 “A message beacon is placed beside the capsule, notifying any passing ships of the nature of the vessel as gravesite.”
STH_ancient_capsule.90.desc:0 “Unfortunately the capsule’s decaying orbit was miscalculated and it entered [FromFrom.GetName]’s atmosphere earlier than expected, burning up. Scans of the debris field prove inconclusive.”
STH_ancient_capsule.91.desc:0 “Unfortunately the capsule’s decaying orbit was miscalculated and it entered [FromFrom.GetName]’s atmosphere earlier than expected, burning up. Fuel storage tanks in the exterior of the capsule punctured during the descent rocketed away as projectiles. Though the odds were astronomically against it, one of the tanks exploded within 100m of the [Root.GetFleetName], causing minor damage to the hull. Scans of the debris field prove inconclusive.”
STH_space_seed_category_desc:0 “Arriving at [From.GetName] we’ve detected an unusual, intermittent reading Sir.”
KHAN_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “An echo from Earth’s past has been detected on the outskirts of the Kappa Fornacis, send a ship to investigate and report back.”
STH_space_seed_event.0.desc:0 “Unknown signal picked up by our satellites in orbit of Deneva Prime, it appears to share a signiture used by United Earth vessels from the late 20th century prior to the advent of warp drive. Starfleet has tasked us with investigating and recovering this potential relic from Earth’s past.”
STH_space_seed_event.1.desc:0 “While in the vicinity of [From.From.GetName] Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] turns to the Science Officer and asks for his opinion about the origins of the vessel they are approaching fast. The Science Officer replies that the vessels origin is unknown, noting that it could hardly be an Earth ship. The Communication officer announces that she is receiving a signal, an old Morse code call signal! Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] turns to the Science Officer and comments about the ship not possibly being an Earth vessel.The ship appears on screen and the Captain states that it is an old DY-500 class ship. The Science Officer postulates to the Captain suggesting it might be an older DY-100 ship, the last such vessel built was centuries ago, in the 1990s.Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] has the ship go to full alert, not wanting to be caught off guard if the derelict vessel is being used by aliens.”
STH_space_seed_event.2.desc:0 “Not wanting to put the crew at further risk, the Captain notes the location of the vessel in the log and prepares to move on to the [Root.GetFleetName]’s next survey target.”
STH_space_seed_event.3.desc:0 “‘Captain’s log, supplemental. A full hour has elapsed since interception of the strange vessel. Our presence alongside is still being completely ignored. Although our sensors continue to show signs of equipment and life aboard, there has been no indication of danger to us.’The Captain announced on the ship intercom for weapons department to maintain battle stations, all other decks standby alert. The Medical Officer arrives on the bridge and informs the Captain that he is picking up some form of heart beat over there, very faint and very slow. Coming from sixty to seventy bodies. The Science Officer informs the Captain that the hull of the vessel is pitted with meteor scars but still intact and that he can make out a name, SS Botany Bay. An argument ensues between the Medical Officer and the Science Officer about the Eugenics Wars and humankind’s attempt to improve the human race through selective breeding. Finally Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] gets the two to stop arguing, and has the [Root.GetFleetName] rig for tractor beam and bring the SS Botany Bay along.”
STH_space_seed_event.5.desc:0 “As the away team rematerialises they discover that they are amongst numerous stasis chambers with humans from the 20th century asleep in them. Lieutenant McGivers is in awe that this is a sleeper ship.’Captain, it’s a sleeper ship.”Suspended animation?’The Medical Officer begins to examine the bodies inside the compartments and determines that they are in decent shape for being in suspended animation for over two centuries. The Medical Officers tricorder alerts him to a compartment beginning to awaken the occupant.’We’ve triggered something, all right. His heart beat is increasing. Now passing eight beats per minute. There are some signs of respiration beginning.'”
STH_space_seed_event.6.desc:0 “As the away team rematerialises they discover that they are among a number of stasis chambers, with humans in twenty-first century clothing asleep in them. An investigation of the chambers reveals the entire crew to be dead, the detected life signs the result of background support processes which have continued long after the expiration of the human crew.”
STH_space_seed_event.7.desc:0 “‘Captain’s log, supplemental. Alongside the SS Botany Bay for ten hours now. A boarding party of engineering and medical specialists are now completing their examination of the mysterious vessel. Attempts to revive other sleepers await our success or failure with the casualty already beamed over. The Medical Officer is frankly amazed at his physical and recuperative power.’The Captain and the Science Officer are on the main bridge and open a communication line to the SS Botany Bay. After getting a brief update on the status of the sleepers. Out of 84 units, only twelve have malfunctioned. Of the 72 that remain thirty of them are women. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] turns to the Science Officer and discusses the next course of action. The Science Officer is concerned about the strange and violent period that was the 1990s; even after an exhausting research of the period through the [Root.GetFleetName]’s library computer.The Captain tries to quell the Science Officer’s concerns and decides to set a course for Starbase 12.”
STH_space_seed_event.8.desc:0 “The risks were too great. Stabilise the remaining pods and set a course for Starbase 12.”
STH_space_seed_event.9.desc:0 “Khan finally takes control of the [Root.GetFleetName] and maroons the remaining crew on a nearby habitable planet without any technology and barely enough supplies to last a standard month. As the [Root.GetFleetName] leave orbit, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] vows revenge.”
STH_space_seed_event.10.desc:0 “The air on the bridge is thin and the last bit of air in the room Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] begins to record a message to Starfleet Command.’They have my ship, discarding their own worthless vessel. Only moments of air left on the Bridge now. Commendations recommended for Communications Officer, Technicians First Class Thule and Harrison, Lieutenant Spinelli and, of course, the Science Officer. I take full responsibility. I take full…’The Captain passes out mid-sentence.The senior staff are awake again, and listening to a speech at gunpoint. Khan tells the senior staff that it is pointless to resist him and that they should join him. When none do so, he turns on the view screen to the medical decompression chamber. Inside is Captain [Root.GetLeaderName], gasping for air. Khan offers a choice, join him and he will spare the Captain’s life. Lieutenant McGivers asks to be excused, Khan agrees and she leaves. Khan turns his attention back to the view screen and watches the pressure gauge drop and then the view screen cuts out.”
STH_space_seed_event.11.desc:0 “Captain’s log, supplemental. Khan has accepted my offer to join the [Root.Owner.GetName]. He now has an opportunity to help build a brighter future, for all Humans. Khan’s experience and talent is vast, and the [Root.Owner.GetName] will find it difficult to choose where to apply it…'”
STH_space_seed_event.12.desc:0 “‘Captain’s log, supplemental. Khan has refused my offer to join the [Root.Owner.GetName]. What a waste, he could have had an opportunity to help build a brighter future. And what do I do about McGivers?’ A Court-Martial is convened and the senior staff are in full dress uniforms and seated around the table. Khan and Lieutenant McGivers are brought in.’This hearing is now in session. Under the authority vested in me by Command, I declare all charges and specifications in this matter have been dropped.’The Medical Officer asks a question but is interrupted by the Captain.’Number One, our heading takes us near the Ceti Alpha star system?”Quite correct, Captain. Planet number five there is habitable, although a bit savage, somewhat inhospitable.”But no more the Australia’s Botany Bay colony was at the beginning. Those men went on to tame a continent, Mister Khan. Can you tame a world?’Khan replies, ‘Have you ever read Milton, Captain?”Yes. I understand. Lieutenant Marla McGivers. Given a choice of court-martial or accompanying them there what do you choose?”I’ll go with him, Sir.”This hearing is closed.’Khan and Lieutenant McGivers are escorted out and the Science Officer turns to Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and states, it is interesting that you have allowed such a man to be free in the [Root.Owner.GetName], time will tell if your choice was sound.”
STH_space_seed_event.13.desc:0 “‘Captains log, supplemental. Control of the [Root.GetFleetName] has been regained. I wish my next decisions were no more difficult. Khan and his people. What a waste to put them in a reorientation centre. And what do I do about McGivers?’ A Court-Martial is convened and the senior staff are in full dress uniforms and seated around the table. Khan and Lieutenant McGivers are brought in.’This hearing is now in session. Under the authority vested in me by Command, I declare all charges and specifications in this matter have been dropped.’The Medical Officer asks a question but is interrupted by the Captain.’Number One, our heading takes us near the Ceti Alpha star system?”Quite correct, Captain. Planet number five there is habitable, although a bit savage, somewhat inhospitable.”But no more the Australia’s Botany Bay colony was at the beginning. Those men went on to tame a continent, Mister Khan. Can you tame a world?’Khan replies, ‘Have you ever read Milton, Captain?”Yes. I understand. Lieutenant Marla McGivers. Given a choice of court-martial or accompanying them there what do you choose?”I’ll go with him, Sir.”This hearing is closed.’Khan and Lieutenant McGivers are escorted out and the Science Officer turns to Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and states, it would be interesting to return to that world in a hundred years and to learn what crop has sprung from the seed that was planted today.”
STH_space_seed_event.71.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] heads to medical to talk with the person from the SS Botany Bay. Upon entering medical [leader.GetSheHe] consults with the Chief Medical Officer and then begins to talk with the mysterious man. After pleasantries are exchanged the mysterious man only gives one name.Khan.A short question period follows and Khan indicates that he is tired. Khan requests something to read during his convalescence and Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] agrees, commenting that he has two-hundred years of catching up to do. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] bids Khan farewell and leaves.The next day Khan is invited to dinner with the senior staff. The Captain and senior staff are in Dress uniforms and begin to seat themselves around the dinner table. As the dinner finishes the First Officer turns to Khan and begins to engage him in a bit of lively discussion. As the conversation continues Khan turns to the Captain and states that [leader.GetSheHe] is an excellent tactician, letting [leader.GetHerHis] First Officer attack him while [leader.GetSheHe] sits back and looks for weakness. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] rebuts Khan’s claim.”
STH_space_seed_event.72.desc:0 “The next morning Captain [Root.GetLeaderName], the First Officer, the Chief Medical Officer and the Chief Engineer all sit in the briefing room and discuss the events that have transpired thus far. The First Officer pulls up a data file that shows Khan as we have seen and a separate file from 1992 that shows the same man, named Khan Noonien Singh. Ruler of a quarter of Earth; from Asia through the Middle East. The Chief Engineer quips in that he always had a sneaking admiration for Khan. A deep discussion ensues about the merits of Khan and his rule on Earth. Finally, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] has enough and intervenes in the discussion and remarks while they might admire him and be against him at the same time. The First Officer replies, ‘Illogical.’ Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] orders security to place Khan under lockdown and then heads to confront Khan.Khan sits dressed in a red uniform and talks to the Captain. Khan remarks,’I’m sorry Captain. I was lost in thought. My door. Locked from outside, a guard posted.’Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] replies,’Unusual treatment for Khan Noonien Singh.’The Captain and Khan exchange words and after Khan gives an answer that Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] was looking for, [leader.GetSheHe] leaves.Khan, upset at this turn of events, begins his unfurl his plan and goes to see Lieutenant McGivers. With her help he takes control of Engineering and cuts power to the life support and locks down the turbolifts to the bridge.Khan contacts the bridge and demands the Captain surrenders [leader.GetHerHis] ship to Khan.”
STH_space_seed_event.73.desc:0 “Khan is enraged by his confinement, and quickly begins to plot a plan to gain control of the [Root.GetFleetName]. Requesting the presence of Lieutenant McGivers, he appears to have seduced her, and with her help he is soon able to escape confinement and take control of the Engineering deck, after having awakened a number of the Botany Bay’s sleepers.There he cuts power to the life support systems and locks down the turbolifts and bulkheads throughout the ship. Khan contacts the bridge and demands the Captain surrenders [leader.GetHerHis] ship to Khan.”
STH_space_seed_event.101.desc:0 “Lieutenant McGivers is in Medical, at the decompression chamber tells the guard there to watch the captain very closely to see if [leader.GetSheHe] may co-operate. As the guard turns she injects him with a strong sedative, incapacitating him. She frees the captain and pleads for [leader.GetHerHim] to spare Khan. With the help of the First Officer and the Lieutenant they are able to incapacitate the rest of the ship except for Khan. Khan escapes to engineering and seals it off from environmental controls and begins to overload the warp core. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] heads to engineering to stop the ship from destroying itself.As the Captain enters engineering Khan attacks [leader.GetHerHim]. A struggle ensues with Khan gaining the upper hand time and time again. In desperation Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] grabs a piece of piping and beats Khan into unconsciousness and stops the ship from overloading.’Captains log, supplemental. Control of the [Root.GetFleetName] has been regained. Now what to do with Khan and his people, they are a threat to the Federation but they can also be beneficial in dealing with the Klingons.'”
STH_space_seed_event.1001.desc:0 “‘Captain’s log, supplemental. A full hour has elapsed since interception of the strange vessel. Our presence alongside is still being completely ignored. Although our sensors continue to show signs of equipment and life aboard, there has been no indication of danger to us.’ Over the intercom, the Captain orders the weapons department to maintain battle stations and all other decks to standby alert. The Medical Officer arrives on the bridge and informs the Captain that he is picking up life signs on the vessel, very faint and very slow. Sensors indicate sixty to seventy bodies. The Science Officer informs the Captain that the hull of the vessel is pitted with micro-meteor impacts but intact. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] turns to the helmsman and has him rig the [Root.GetFleetName] for tractor beam.”
STH_space_seed_event.1002.desc:0 “The SS J. Bartlet is a DY-500 colony ship, top speed of Warp 2. While aboard, [Root.GetLeaderName] comes across the sleep chamber of the person who is presumed the Captain of the vessel. With the aid of Medical Officer and the Chief Engineering Officer, they are able to revive the sleeper and before long all of the J. Bartlet’s crew. After discussing the time period in which they are now in, as well as the status of the galaxy as a whole, the crew decides to offer whatever help they can.”
STH_space_seed_event.2002.desc:0 “The SS L. McGarry is a DY-500 colony ship, top speed of Warp 2. While aboard, [Root.GetLeaderName] comes across the sleep chamber of the person who is presumed the Captain of the vessel. With the aid of Medical Officer and the Chief Engineering Officer, they are able to revive the sleeper and before long all of the L. McGarry’s crew. After discussing the time period in which they are now in, as well as the status of the galaxy as a whole, the crew decides to offer whatever help they can.”
STH_space_seed_event.3002.desc:0 “The SS J. Lyman is a DY-500 colony ship, top speed of Warp 2. While aboard, [Root.GetLeaderName] comes across the sleep chamber of the person who is presumed the Captain of the vessel. With the aid of Medical Officer and the Chief Engineering Officer, they are able to revive the sleeper and before long all of the J. Lyman’s crew. After discussing the time period in which they are now in, as well as the status of galaxy as a whole, the crew decides to offer whatever help they can.”
STH_space_seed_event.4002.desc:0 “The SS T. Ziegler is a DY-500 colony ship, top speed of Warp 2. While aboard, [Root.GetLeaderName] comes across the sleep chamber of the person who is presumed the Captain of the vessel. With the aid of Medical Officer and the Chief Engineering Officer, they are able to revive the sleeper and before long all of the T. Zeigler’s crew. After discussing the time period in which they are now in, as well as the status of galaxy as a whole, the crew decides to offer whatever help they can.”
STH_space_seed_event.5002.desc:0 “The SS Lord Marbury is a DY-500 colony ship, top speed of Warp 2. While aboard, [Root.GetLeaderName] comes across the sleep chamber of the person who is presumed the Captain of the vessel. With the aid of Medical Officer and the Chief Engineering Officer, they are able to revive the sleeper and before long all of the Lord Marbury’s crew. After discussing the time period in which they are now in, as well as the status of galaxy as a whole, the crew decides to offer whatever help they can.”
STH_space_seed_event.10000.desc:0 “The vessel appears to be an old DY-100 ship, but it is heavily damaged. No crew or remains appear to be on board but the ship appears otherwise recoverable.”
STH_space_seed_event_fail.1.desc:0 “After searching for six hours Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] decides to continue on noting in the log the location of an anomalous reading and transmits the report back to Command.”
STH_space_seed_event_fail.2.desc:0 “After searching for six hours and narrowly avoiding multiple asteroid Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] decides it’s best to leave and continue the mission. Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] notes the events in the ship’s log as well as the anomalous reading and transmits the report back to Command.”
STH_de_declaratem_category_desc:0 “Sensors have detected what appears to be a ship trapped just below [FromFrom.GetName]’s event horizon. A static warp bubble could potentially be employed to return the vessel to normal space.”
DE_DECLARATEM_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Starfleet has been made aware of the emergence of a Declaration class vessel from the event horizon of [From.From.From.GetName], the UESP Manhire. The Manhire was thought lost with all hands in 2098 while en route to Vulcan.”
STH_deDeclaratem_event.7.desc:0 “The [humanCountry.GetName] has been informed of the retrieval of their vessel from [deDeclaratemBlackHole.GetName], and a mission to salvage the vessel is being assembled. Relations between the [humanCountry.GetName] and the [Root.Owner.GetName] have benefited from the act.”
STH_deDeclaratem_event.9.desc:0 “The recent salvage of the Declaration class UESP Manhire has heightened interest in the old designs. The ability of the vessel to sustain itself so long within a black hole has led some teams to propose the reinstatement of the class using modern technologies, as an inexpensive exploration vessel.”
STH_deDeclaratem_event.11.desc:0 “The bridge falls silent as the viewscreen resolves the ship and confirms its identity: the UESP Manhire, XCV-247. A Declaration class vessel reported lost en route to Vulcan in 2098. The Declaration class were Earth’s first truly interstellar vessels, borrowing heavily from Vulcan design principles. That one somehow managed to become trapped within a black hole and survive is an amazing feat.”
STH_deDeclaratem_event.12.desc:0 “The [deDeclaratemFinder.GetName] have alerted us to the presence of an old Declaration class vessel, which they have successfully pulled from beneath the event horizon of [deDeclaratemBlackHole.GetName]. The UESP Manhire XCV-247, was lost in 2098 en route to Vulcan. The descendents of the crew’s families are urging an immediate mission to investigate.”
STH_deDeclaratem_event.100.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName] has successfully generated a static warp bubble around the ship trapped within [deDeclaratemBlackHole.GetName]’s event horizon. The [Root.GetFleetName] rocks as the main deflector struggles to maintain the field. As the power requirements increase exponentially, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] is forced to collapse the warp bubble to prevent a core breach. In doing so however, the vessel trapped within the event horizon was effectively ‘bounced’ away and destroyed as it spiralled closer to the singularity.”
STH_deDeclaratem_event.200.desc:0 “The [Root.GetFleetName] has successfully generated a static warp bubble around the ship trapped within [deDeclaratemBlackHole.GetName]’s event horizon. The [Root.GetFleetName] rocks as the main deflector struggles to maintain the field, but after several minutes the other vessel is free. Despite best efforts however, the [Root.GetFleetName]’s antimatter containment fields sustain heavy damage and are breached. Both vessels are annihilated.”
CAPELLA_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Our leadership has asked us to travel to the planet Capella IV to secure a rare source of the mineral Topaline. To make matters more complicate it appears that we are not the only country after the resource, it seems a delegation from [fridays_child_rival.GetName] are also on their way to the planet.”
STH_fridayschild.2.desc:0 “Our long range scans have picked up an impressive supply of the mineral Topaline on the planet Capella IV. The planet is occupied by the primitive Capellan Tribes who have a complex set of Taboos and are quick to anger. The Capellans have had contact with space faring civilisations for many years now, yet have chosen to maintain their lifestyle. We have been asked to dispatch a ship to secure this source of Topaline.”
STH_fridayschild.3.desc:0 “Disaster! As feared the volatile Capellan’s took offence to something that [fridays_child_leader.GetName] must have done or said. Without warning one of the tribes people throw a deadly weapon called a Kleegat, striking [fridays_child_leader.GetName] in the neck, killing [fridays_child_leader.GetHerHim] instantly. This mission is now a total loss and we should withdrawn from the planet before any more harm can be done.”
STH_fridayschild.4.desc:0 “Fuelled on by the delegation from [fridays_child_rival.GetName] it appears a rival tribes leader has chosen this moment to attempt to take over the tribe. This new leader is much less inclined to assist us with our request.As the fighting breaks out the Tribe leader Akaar requests that we keep his young son and heir safe from the battle.”
STH_fridayschild.6.desc:0 “[fridays_child_leader.GetName] and the landing party were successfully able to save Akaar’s son despite the best efforts of the party from [fridays_child_rival.GetName].Thankfully Akaar and his followers were able to fend off the attack from his rival. Grateful for our help Akaar pledges us a substantial amount of Topaline and bids us farewell.”
STH_fridayschild.7.desc:0 “[fridays_child_leader.GetName] and the landing party desperately attempted to save Akaar’s son, but despite their best efforts they were unable to keep the young child safe.Furious at the loss of his heir, Akaar and his followers turn on [fridays_child_leader.GetName] who are barely able to escape back to the ship with just a skant amount of Topaline.It is likely that [fridays_child_rival.GetName] will benefit from our failure.”
STH_fridayschild.9.desc:0 “Bad news in from [planet_capella.GetName] it looks like our delegation led by [fridays_child_leader.GetName] were unable to please the notoriously aggressive Capellans and secure a notable quantity of Topaline to bring back to [Root.GetName]. The party from [fridays_child_rival.GetName] appears to have pleased the Capellans more and been granted the resource.”
STH_fridayschild.10.desc:0 “Good news in from [planet_capella.GetName] it looks like our delegation led by [fridays_child_leader.GetName] were able to please the notoriously agressive Capellans and secure a notable quantity of Topaline to bring back to [Root.GetName].”
STH_federation_story.2200.desc:0 “Monitoring stations in the [whaleProbeSpawnSystem.GetName] system have detected the presence of an unidentified alien vessel in orbit of [whaleProbeSpawnPlanet.GetName]. The vessel, a cylinder of great length, has so far taken no threatening action, though a dampening field of great power appears to be in operation in its vicinity. [Root.GetName] strategists urge the dispatch of a science vessel to the system.”
STH_federation_story.2201.desc:0 “Long range monitoring stations focusing on the [whaleProbeSpawnSystem.GetName] system have detected the presence of an unidentified alien vessel in orbit of [whaleProbeSpawnPlanet.GetName]. The vessel, a cylinder of great length, has so far taken no threatening action against Starfleet…”
STH_federation_story.2204.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has entered the [whaleProbeSpawnSystem.GetName] system, its sensors confirming the profile of the probe that the local monitoring stations had recorded. The vessel appears almost completely inactive.”
STH_federation_story.2205.desc:0 “As the [whaleProbeDiscoveringScienceShip.GetFleetName]’s hail is transmitted, the probe appears to spring to life. A signal is returned from the vessel of immense power. Initially the [whaleProbeDiscoveringScienceShip.GetFleetName]’s computers are unable to translate the transmission, until the ship’s biologist is able to identify the composition of the message as bearing a striking similarity to the sound patterns used by a number of now extinct species of Earth whales. The strength of the signal registers almost off the scale, with the tactical department concerned by the potential capabilities of the probe should it prove hostile.”
STH_federation_story.2206.desc:0 “The database is able to now match the signal to the song of humpback whales, extinct on Earth for centuries. What connection the alien probe has with the humpbacks is impossible to tell, as the universal translator proves unable to interpret the song.”
STH_federation_story.2214.desc:0 “The modulation of the sounds transmitted by the alien probe are vaguely familiar to Captain [whaleProbeDiscoveringScienceShipLeader.GetName], who is reminded of several ancient Xindi-Aquatic folk tales. The legends tell of a race of star travellers who swam in the oceans of many worlds, befriending the native races they encountered. The stories end with a promise to send their ‘Ul-tccc-ooo’ – a term that loosely translates to ‘Golems’ – to greet the children of the water-peoples. [whaleProbeDiscoveringScienceShipLeader.GetName] proposes that perhaps the folk tales have an element of truth in them? Regardless, the universal translator proves unable to interpret the song.”
WHALE_PROBE_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The alien probe orbiting Earth is causing severe ecological damage in its apparent search for whales. Starfleet has deemed the risk of sending a ship back in time to a point where whales can be retrieved to be acceptable given the circumstances.”
STH_notifications.100.desc:0 “A number of scientists across the [Root.GetName] believe they have identified signs of a change to the timeline, following a wave of chroniton radiation being detected sweeping across the quadrant at superluminal velocities. So far no-one has been able to identify the supposed changes.”
STH_notifications.101.desc:0 “A number of scientists across the [Root.GetName] believe they have detected signs of a change to the timeline, following a wave of chroniton radiation being detected sweeping across the quadrant at superluminal velocities. So far no-one has been able to identify the supposed changes, though given the amplitude of the chroniton radiation wave, the changes are expected to be substantial.”
VGER_PROBE_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The mysterious vessel going by the name V’Ger has suddenly stopped its journey toward Earth. We should send a ship to investigate and uncover its motives straight away.”
STH_federation_story.3001.desc:0 “[root.GetLeaderName] one of our long-range tracking stations has picked up a mysterious vessel during a routine scan of [vgerProbeSpawnSystem.GetName]. All indications suggest that it is on a direct course across [root.GetName] space to the Sol system and planet Earth.”
STH_federation_story.3002.desc:0 “Our listening posts monitoring Federation space have detected a large vessel of considerable power on a direct course for the Human homeworld Earth.”
STH_federation_story.3006.desc:0 “[root.GetLeaderName] the mysterious vessel, which appears to go via the name V’Ger has suddenly stopped its journey towards Earth and remains stationary just outside the orbit of the gas giant Jupiter. We should investigate and attempt to understand what threat this ships poses and attempt to resolve it before it resumes its journey.”
STH_federation_story.3007.desc:0 “The [vger_confrontation_fleet.GetName] under the command of [vger_leader.GetName] has engaged the V’Ger probe just outside the orbit of Jupiter. Our scientists at Jupiter station have requested to join Captain [vger_leader.GetName] in order to better understand the nature of the threat.”
STH_federation_story.3010.desc:0 “As the away team depart their ship, heading deeper inside the alien vessel, pathways open up before them directing them towards an unknown destination. Perhaps towards the very heart of this alien ship.”
STH_federation_story.3012.desc:0 “Having decided that the threat from V’Ger is too great to allow the ship to remain so close to Earth. The red alert siren rings out and [Root.GetName] prepares to face V’Ger in battle.”
STH_federation_story.3013.desc:0 “Apparently satisfied with the words from its visitors, the V’Ger probe promptly beamed the crew back to their ship and turns intent on departing the system in search of more knowledge.”
STH_federation_story.3015.desc:0 “Our long-range tracking station reports back that it can no longer detect the V’Ger probe, it appears to have vanished to continue its mission. Our scientists report back that before it left V’Ger transferred a vast quantity of data back to our databanks!”
STH_federation_story.3016.desc:0 “It appears our attempts to convince V’Ger to continue its mission and leave Earth were not successful and the probe now views our attempts to convince it to leave as a hostile motion. It reiterates that all life on Earth is an infestation and will be removed.”
STH_federation_story.3017.desc:0 “The chamber is filled with a flash of blinding white light and the crew finds themselves back on the bridge of their starship, but without [vger_scientist.GetName]. It appears that true to its word V’Ger and [vger_scientist.GetName] have become one and departed together having completed its mission. As a parting gift it appears a vast quantity of data has been transferred into our data stores at Jupiter Station.”
STH_federation_story.3018.desc:0 “Our attempts to board V’Ger has illicited a hostile response from the ship, its power levels appear to be spiking to levels off the recognised charts. It appears to be getting ready to open fire.”
STH_federation_story.3020.desc:0 “The V’Ger ship has broken through our perimeter defences and is now orbiting Earth. The power levels from within the ship are rising alarmingly and it appears to be preparing to fire at the planet. Unless we can knock it from orbit, all life on Earth is at grave risk.”
STH_federation_story.3021.desc:0 “The V’Ger probe was true to its promise and launches a devastating attack on Earth leaving the planet a smoking ruin barely about to sustain life. The loss of humanities home will have a devastating impact on human-kind. With its primary objective complete V’Ger appears to have little interest in anything else.”
ALTAMID_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “An SOS call from a mystery alien begging us to travel to a remote planet. Send a fleet to investigate and provide aid.”
STH_galactic_features.1.desc:0 “Sensors have detected a vessel of unknown configuration entering orbit around the planet [doomsdayMachinePlanet.GetName], in the [doomsdayMachineSystem.GetName] system. [Root.GetName] strategists are urging the dispatch of a starship to investigate.”
STH_galactic_features.2.desc:0 “Sensors have detected a vessel of unknown configuration entering orbit around the planet [doomsdayMachinePlanet.GetName], in the [doomsdayMachineSystem.GetName] system. [Root.GetName] strategists are urging the dispatch of a starship to investigate.”
STH_galactic_features.7.desc:0 “The alien weapon has been destroyed and a potential doomsday scenario averted for all the inhabited worlds in this sector of the galaxy. While little remains of the weapon itself, a number of processed bundles of the various planets it had consumed have survived the battle.”
STH_galactic_features.10.desc:0 “Our fleet in the [doomsdayMachineSystem.GetName] system has encountered an alien vessel of enormous size. It appears to be constructed of solid neutronium and as such would be capable of sustaining enormous damage. It has failed to respond to hails, and appears to be entirely automated. A ring of tractor beams are being used to dismember the planet it orbits. If it cannot be stopped the death toll could be catastrophic!”
DARSAY_ARRAY_DISCOVER_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The asteroid [darsay_array_asteroid.GetName] in the [darsay_array_asteroid.GetStarName] system may contain more than just rock and ice.”
DARSAY_ARRAY_REPAIR_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Research the requirements needed to restore the Array to full function.”
DARSAY_ARRAY_DISMANTLE_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Dismantle the D’Arsay Array to reclaim the valuable minerals and elements used in its construction.”
STH_galactic_features.1000.desc:0 “A routine periodic sensor sweep of [Root.GetName] space has indicated that the asteroid [darsay_array_asteroid.GetName] in the [darsay_array_asteroid.GetStarName] system may be more than just a collection of ice and rubble after a weak power signature was detected within the body.”
STH_galactic_features.1001.desc:0 “Having cleared away megatonnes of debris from the asteroid, the [Root.Fleet.GetName] has uncovered an ancient structure millions of years old. Plotting the history of the object indicates it was captured in its current location after originating in the D’Arsay system several thousand lightyears away. The structure still has a miniscule residual charge, and would require a substantial effort to restore to operation. Alternatively it could be deconstructed to harvest the rare elements that comprise its outer hull.”
STH_galactic_features.1002.desc:0 “The efforts to understand the workings of the D’Arsay Array have completed successfully and it is now possible to commit the resources required to restore it to operation. The structure appears to be a cultural archive of the now extinct D’Arsay civilisation, carrying petaquads of data.”
STH_galactic_features.1003.desc:0 “The efforts to understand the workings of the D’Arsay Array have halted after the [Root.Fleet.GetName] began to experience a series of strange phenomena. Several components throughout the vessel have been replaced with primitive objects and tools, with the changes to the ship appearing to be increasing in frequency. Evidence suggests the array itself is responsible.”
STH_galactic_features.1004.desc:0 “The [Root.Fleet.GetName] has destroyed the D’Arsay array with a series of [Root.Owner.GetMainEnergyWeapon] blasts, and with it any hope of understanding the D’Arsay civilisation.”
STH_galactic_features.1005.desc:0 “The crew of the [Root.Fleet.GetName] were able to halt the matter substitution process that was slowly converting the vessel into a primitive city environment. It is now possible to commit the resources required to restore the array to operation. The structure appears to be a cultural archive of the now extinct D’Arsay civilisation, carrying petaquads of data.”
STH_galactic_features.1006.desc:0 “Unable to halt the matter substitution process that was slowly converting the [Root.Fleet.GetName] into a primitive city environment, the ship was destroyed with all hands after the antimatter containment seals were converted into a pair of palm trees.”
STH_galactic_features.1011.desc:0 “The efforts to understand the workings of the D’Arsay Array have halted after the [Root.Fleet.GetName] began to experience a series of strange phenomena. Several components throughout the vessel have been replaced with primitive objects and tools, with the changes to the ship appearing to be increasing in frequency. Evidence suggests the array itself is responsible. Worse, several of the crew appear to have their neural processing units repurposed entirely, adopting several alien personas.”
STH_galactic_features.1012.desc:0 “Unable to halt the matter substitution process that was slowly converting the [Root.Fleet.GetName] into a primitive city environment, the ship was destroyed with all hands after the antimatter containment seals were converted into a pair of palm trees. As a last act of defiance, the ship’s shielding was arrayed in a manner that was able to focus the blast in the direction of the array itself, destroying it and the risk to other vessels.”
STH_galactic_features.1013.desc:0 “The [Root.Fleet.GetName] has been successful in halting the matter substitution process that was slowly converting the vessel into a primitive city environment. It is now possible to commit the resources required to restore the array to operation. The structure appears to be a cultural archive of the now extinct D’Arsay civilisation, carrying petaquads of data.”
STH_galactic_features.1014.desc:0 “Unable to halt the matter substitution process that was slowly converting the [Root.Fleet.GetName] into a primitive city environment, the ship was destroyed with all hands after the antimatter containment seals were converted into a pair of palm trees. As a last act of defence, the ship’s shielding was arrayed in a manner that was able to focus the blast in the direction of the array itself, destroying it and the risk to other vessels. Immediately prior to its destruction, the [Root.Fleet.GetName] detected a massive subspace transmission aimed deep into [Root.Owner.GetName] space…”
STH_galactic_features.1015.desc:0 “The subspace transmission emitted from the D’Arsay Array appears to have been carried a virus which has aggressively overrun a number of [Root.GetName] worlds. Describing itself as the D’Arsay Restoration, it claims to have reincarnated billions of D’Arsay personalities stored in the array. Fortunately, the virus’ spread has been halted, but only war itself will allow us to reclaim our territory.”
STH_galactic_features.1016.desc:0 “By removing firewalls in place to prevent the D’Arsay virus from spreading, our entire civilisation will be replaced with the D’Arsay culture.”
STH_galactic_features.1020.desc:0 “The D’Arsay array has been completely dismantled and the resources it contains harvested successfully.”
STH_galactic_features.1040.desc:0 “Our initial conclusions concerning the ancient D’Arsay civilisation were incorrect: this was not a single a polity. Instead, it seems that over a 100 million years ago, a collection of small kingdoms and villagers slowly adopted a single syncretic pantheon. Local city gods and creation myths were integrated with one another, allowing for a single unifying ethos to emerge. Before their extinction, all D’Arsay polities shared many ideals in arts, philosophy and theology while still keeping their own unique histories, languages, government and currency.Despite this individuality, two names continue to appear consistently in almost every article we have recovered from the archive: Masaka and Korgano, the prime goddess and god of the D’Arsay pan-global pantheon. It seems those gods held more than a simple symbolic importance, as those names even appeared on government documents. In addition, major market trends and political decisions were assigned, or even seemingly blamed, on one of those two. Exactly why that remains a mystery. More research is required.”
STH_galactic_features.1041.desc:0 “The D’Arsay group of languages continues to baffle even our most advanced universal translator algorithms and self-learning neural networks. The level of complexity and information density the D’Arsay pictographic script offers might explain the overwhelming corrupting elements we encountered when we first activated the Archive.Each pictograph can correspond to hundreds of different meaning, depending on subtle nuances of syntax, dialect, mode of approach and even the relative social position of the speaker to the potential reader of the text. Wise scholars and lore-masters often not only play tricks with the use of archaic words, but also archaic rules of grammar and reference modes that can lade a simple-looking text with symbolism and portents. We can only imagine the kind of communication devices and self-learning algorithms that were required to make modern-day D’Arsay culture make any sense to itself. What could this civilisation have evolved to if it ever had the chance and managed to discover Warp technology?”
STH_galactic_features.1042.desc:0 “Our researchers are slowly coming to a startling conclusion concerning the D’Arsay people themselves: they were poikilothermic, meaning their bodies and mental states were highly influenced by fluctuation in temperature. This could explain their obsession with the sun, or why Masaka, their sun goddess, was so highly tied with times of brute actions, sacrifice and war.We arrive at this conclusion from a careful study of the D’Arsay holographic records of their former cities. It is clear that heat management was paramount – stone buildings designed to convey heat upwards, large, open, flowing chambers meant to carefully distribute heat and sunlight. The drastic distinction between the airy and cool chambers of Korgano and the suffocating fortresses of Maska also now made sense. The very architecture of the buildings and the way they channelled heat would shape the behaviour of everyone in the building.”
EDO_GOD_COMMUNICATION_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The space station guarding the third planet in the Rubicun system has so far been unresponsive to hails. In order to establish a dialogue we may need to try other, more involved communication methods.”
STH_galactic_features.1500.desc:0 “On approaching the [FromFrom.Solar_System.GetName] system, sensors received intermittent readings in orbit of the third planet. Shortly after dropping out of warp, the readings surged and an enormous space station of indeterminate composition and design appeared as if from nowhere. Attempts to communicate with the occupants of the station have been so far unsuccessful.”
STH_galactic_features.1521.desc:0 “As the outpost in the [FromFrom.Solar_System.GetName] system is constructed, the enormous space station guardian orbiting the third planet increases its power output exponentially. Without a means of communication it’s impossible to know why it has done so, but the captain of the [FromFromFrom.GetFleetName] believes it may be a direct response to the placement of the outpost.”
SHORELEAVE_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Shoreleave awaits for one of our science officers and a chance to rest and recharge at one of our resort locations.”
SHORELEAVE_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Shoreleave awaits for one of our Admirals and a chance to rest and recharge at one of our resort locations.”
SHORELEAVE_3_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Shoreleave awaits for one of our generals and a chance to rest and recharge at one of our resort locations.”
STH_galactic_features.3051.desc:0 “After a memorable few days relaxing [holiday_leader.GetName] and [holiday_leader.GetHerHim] crew are feeling relaxed and ready to return to duty with an extra spring in their step. “
STH_galactic_features.3052.desc:0 “Not every holiday is a good one, sometimes the weather ruins it, sometimes a band of thugs desguise themselves as beautiful dancers and tie you up and leave you overnight without your uniform. Whatever the reason this was not a good shore leave for the crew of [holiday_fleet.GetName] and a few days they would rather forget.”
NEXUS_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “We have received the distress call from two transport ships who appear to have encountered an unusual space phenomenon, a strange Nexus in space.”
NEXUS_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “One of our research bases studying the stellar output of a local star has sent out a distress call and is under attack. We should send aid.”
NEXUS_3_PROJECT_DESC:0 “According to our investigations this is a potential site for an attack on its star to force the Nexus to shift course.”
NEXUS_4_PROJECT_DESC:0 “According to our investigations this is a potential site for an attack on its star to force the Nexus to shift course.”
STH_galactic_features.3001.desc:0 “We have received a distress call from two transport vessels carrying a group of refugees belonging to a species calling themselves the El-Aurians. Should we send a vessel to attempt a rescue?”
STH_galactic_features.3002.desc:0 “With no attempt to rescue to Transport ships they are quickly overwhelmed by the forces within the Nexus and destroyed with the loss of all refugees and crew.”
STH_galactic_features.3004.desc:0 “Proximity to the Nexus was always going to be dangerous, and so it proved to be for the [nexus_ship.GetName] a stray band of energy was attracted by the [nexus_ship.GetName]’s warp core and the ship was destroyed with all hands.”
STH_galactic_features.3005.desc:0 “Sitting back at a safe distance the [nexus_ship.GetName] is able to gather some useful scans of the Nexus, which will prove extremly useful to our scientists. As expected the two Transport ships were unable to survive the forces within the Nexus and were quickly destroyed.”
STH_galactic_features.3006.desc:0 “The crew of the [nexus_ship.GetName] were able to traverse the outer layers of the Nexus with skill and safely approach the stranded El-Aurian vessels. A quick scan reveals that there hulls are in a dangerous state and all aboard appear to be in a strange state of flux.The crew offer a number of solutions, move the ship closer to the stricken ships at risk to all aboard the [nexus_ship.GetName] or attempt a long distance transport.”
STH_galactic_features.3007.desc:0 “Travelling so deep within the subspace Nexus was always going to be dangerous and so it proved for the [nexus_ship.GetName], the forces within Nexus soon overwhelmed the hull of ship destroying it with the loss of all onboard.”
STH_galactic_features.3008.desc:0 “Thanks to the efforts of those onboard [nexus_ship.GetName] the passengers and crew of the El-Aurian ships were rescued from their transports. The El-Aurians dazed and confused officially asked for a new home within our borders or a sample of their collective wisdom if they were not welcome on any of our planets.”
STH_galactic_features.3009.desc:0 “Having rescued the El-Aurian survivors the crew were able to safely back out of the Nexus and return to the safety of normal space. As the Nexus resumes its journey through space, it leaves behind more of a mystery.”
STH_galactic_features.3010.desc:0 “In a bid to escape the clutches of the Nexus [lost_leader.GetName] made their way to deflector control in a bid to use the ships deflector to free the ship. As the ship was leaving an errant wave of energy struck the ship resulting in hull breach not far from [lost_leader.GetName]’s location.There is no sign of the captain following the breach.”
STH_galactic_features.3011.desc:0 “Having rescued the El-Aurian survivors the crew were attempting to leave the Nexus and return to the safety of normal space. As the ship was nearly clear a stray wave of energy lept from the Nexus striking the ship causing significant damage.”
STH_galactic_features.3013.desc:0 “As feared the transporter was unable to secure a strong enough lock on the transport vessels at this distance. Forcing the [nexus_ship.GetName] deeper into the Nexus. Leaving only limited options left to the crew to save the refugees and escape the Nexus.”
STH_galactic_features.3014.desc:0 “Failure to attempt to rescue the El-Aurian survivors has led to the destruction of their ships and possibly the last remaining El-Aurians left in the galaxy.”
STH_galactic_features.3015.desc:0 “Upon arriviing at the scene, the [nexus_ship.GetName] came across an unusal sight. A giant ribbon in space travelling across the sector.Within the ribbon, dubbed the Nexus, two small transport ships appear to be stuck and adrift, their hulls dangerously close to collapsing. “
STH_galactic_features.3017.desc:0 “We are receiving word that [exploding_star.GetName] has exploded without warning, the star was considered to be a mainstream star with millions of years of life left within in it. The shockwave produced by the star has destroyed all planets and objects within the system. Our scientists are unable to explain what occured, but were able to pick up a small trilithium signiture.”
STH_galactic_features.3018.desc:0 “We have received another report of a star exploding without warning, again this has come as a complete surprise with no warning or indication the star was going to go supernova. Scans show that all nuclear reactions in a star stopped, thereby causing its collapse, the only unusual reading from the system picked up the galactic phenomenon known colloquially as the Nexus passing through the region.”
STH_galactic_features.3020.desc:0 “The [amargosa_ship.GetName] arrives at the stricken observatory too late to stop the attack, but were able to pick up faint life signs from within the complex. Sending an away team down to investigate, they find a number of scientists including the Research Team director, Dr. Tolian Soran, an El-Aurian with notable work into the life-cycle of stellar objects. Despite objections from the Doctor the scientists are recovered and brought back aboard [amargosa_ship.GetName].”
STH_galactic_features.3021.desc:0 “Hurrying to retrieve Dr.Soran from the Observatory, [amargosa_ship_leader.GetName] and Security Officer find the Doctor in a previously hidden section of the station. The Doctor looks up from a console having just fired an unknown device towards the sun and past the unexpecting Starfleet ship in orbit. The Doctor draws a weapon from beneath his cloak and fires at the away team, offering the team the chance to leave before the shockwave hits the outpost or risk all attempting a futile effort to capture him.”
STH_galactic_features.3022.desc:0 “After a short phaser fight, the Doctor is beamed away from the battle by a previously cloaked Bird of Prey, looking around [amargosa_ship_leader.GetName] finds evidence of other Trilithium torpedoes with pre-programmed destinations as well as a series of notes containing details about a ribbon in space, called the Nexus. Whatever the Doctor was doing here will have to wait as the shockwave from the exploding star is approaching the observatory.”
STH_galactic_features.3023.desc:0 “The Doctor is apparently prepared to defend his research with fierce determination and equipped with a deadly hand phaser, he is able to injure [amargosa_ship_leader.GetName]. As the Security Chief rushes to aid his Captain, Soran escapes to a hidden Bird of Prey. The Captain has the presence of mind to direct his officer to scan some of the remaining torpedoes and they recover some limited knowledge of a space entity named the Nexus and these Trilithium Torpedoes that lay scattered about. With the shockwave from the exploding sun fast approaching the away team beam away from the station.”
STH_galactic_features.3024.desc:0 “The Doctor is apparently prepared to defend his research with fierce determination and equipped with a deadly hand phaser, firing a swift volley he hits [amargosa_ship_leader.GetName] in the chest killing him immediately. Soran escapes to a hidden Bird of Prey as the Security Chief rushes to her Captain. The Security Officer has the presence of mind to direct their tricorder to take a scan of the remaining torpedoes and they recover some limited knowledge of a space entity named the Nexus and these Trilithium Torpedoes that lay scattered about. With the shockwave from the exploding sun fast approaching the remaining members of the away team beam back to the ship.”
STH_galactic_features.3025.desc:0 “With little time to react to the events at the observatory the mysterious torpedo strikes the [amargosa_destination_sun.GetName] Sun and suddenly all nuclear reactions within the star stopped, causing the star to explode and sending out a level 12 shockwave easily capable of destroying everything within the star system. The crew has no choice but to retreat and regroup.”
STH_galactic_features.3028.desc:0 “As the star that [generations_crash_1.GetName] explodes, the shockwave pushes the energy ribbon known as the Nexus towards the planet, where Doctor Soran weights with arms outstretched, oblivious to the loss of life to those within the system.”
STH_galactic_features.3029.desc:0 “Arriving at the planet and running a full scan it is clear to the crew that they have made the wrong choice and Soran and his weapon are not on the planet. Judging by the amount of time remaining we will have one final chance to pick the right location and stop the Doctor.”
STH_galactic_features.3031.desc:0 “The [veridian_ship.GetName] arrives in orbit, scanning the planet reveals that Soran is already at the launch site preparing the torpedo, with the Bird of Prey nowhere in sight. [veridian_ship_leader.GetName] beams down to the planet in a last ditched attempt to stop the mad doctor from unleashing his plan.”
STH_galactic_features.3032.desc:0 “Back in orbit of the planet, an old Klingon Bird of Prey decloaks and opens fire on the Starfleet ship taking it by surprise. The Klingon ship is captained by the Duras Sisters, Lursa and Be’tor who would love nothing better than to take down a Starfleet ship by notorious means.”
STH_galactic_features.3033.desc:0 “As the Duras Sister’s ship explodes in a fireball, the [veridian_ship.GetName] begins to access the damage, the first shot having previously taken the shields down resulting in extensive damage across the ship’s key systems. The Chief Engineer frantically calls the bridge about the last torpedo which hit the ship.”
STH_galactic_features.3035.desc:0 “The Duras Sister’s first attack disabled the shields and from there the attack relentlessly pummeled the ship’s hull until a fatal shot hit the warp core. In a last-gasp effort to save the ship and crew the Commander attempts to ‘land’ the ship on the planet below.”
STH_galactic_features.3036.desc:0 “As the battle rages above them, [veridian_ship_leader.GetName] makes their way toward Soran’s location. Overcoming a menacing red forcefield the Captain approaches the Doctor’s position and prepares to stop him.”
STH_galactic_features.3037.desc:0 “Soran with grace and speed that defies his years, spots the incoming Captain, as the two battle atop the mountain with time running down. [veridian_ship_leader.GetName] gets the upper hand and manages to reach the launch pad, but it is too late the torpedo fires from the chamber and soars into the sky, mere seconds later the Sun goes dark, [veridian_ship_leader.GetName] has failed and the Nexus is coming.”
STH_galactic_features.3038.desc:0 “[veridian_ship_leader.GetName] opens [veridian_ship_leader.GetHisHer] eyes to the bright lights and warm glow of a fireplace, glistening with the fine decorations of a Christmas Day. With their family and friends around them, [veridian_ship_leader.GetName] smiles with pure joy, this sort of family love is something they could only ever have dreamed of.”
STH_galactic_features.3039.desc:0 “As the lights dance back and forth invitingly and the sound of carols can be heard mixed with the welcoming chorus of laughter and love, [veridian_ship_leader.GetName] cannot imagine a time when they felt happier or more content.”
STH_galactic_features.3040.desc:0 “The single glint from a red bauble brings back the memory of a life once led, the image of a mountainside and the red firey crackle of a ribbon echoing alongside the Christmas tinsel. [veridian_ship_leader.GetName] wonders if there is something else they should be doing.”
STH_galactic_features.3041.desc:0 “Breaking free of the Nexus’ grasp [veridian_ship_leader.GetName] finds themself in another person’s experience, exploring further they find §Y[leader_stuck_in_nexus.GetName]§!, thought lost many years ago. Approaching the lost hero [veridian_ship_leader.GetName] attempts to convince the lost hero to return with them to face Soran and save the galaxy one last time.”
STH_galactic_features.3043.desc:0 “As the dust settles on the battle, the torpedo remains locked in the firing chamber, Soran lies defeated, [veridian_ship_leader.GetName] looks around to celebrate with [leader_stuck_in_nexus.GetName]. Unable to find the returning hero, [veridian_ship_leader.GetName] calls out and to their horror finds them lying injured, having given their life to once again save the lives of the innocent. uttering a final ‘oh my’ as they pass, having once again proven to be a hero.”
STH_galactic_features.3044.desc:0 “As the dust settles on the battle, the torpedo remains locked in the firing chamber, Soran lies defeated, [veridian_ship_leader.GetName] looks around to celebrate with [leader_stuck_in_nexus.GetName] finding them, the two leaders embrace knowing that they have saved the lives of an innocent civilization, who may never even know their names.”
STH_galactic_features.3045.desc:0 “Despite all the team has been through, the sound of the torpedo launching from the pad roars out hurtling toward the sun, Soran might have been defeated but it has all been in vain. For what feels like an eternity the projectile heads upwards into the sky, before reaching its target. The sun blinks out of existence, and the deadly shockwave will soon follow, knowing there will be no third chance [veridian_ship_leader.GetName] settles to face the end.”
STH_galactic_features.3046.desc:0 “[veridian_ship.GetName] hurtles towards the planet’s surface at incredible speeds, and only the skills of the helms person manage to level the descent and prevent further disaster. As the ship hits the planet’s surface gauging a deep wound into the surrounding forest and sliding for miles before coming to its final resting place. “
STH_galactic_features.3047.desc:0 “We are receiving a distress call from one of our Stellar Observatories which hosts a group of talented scientists working on stellar observations. It appears they are under attack from unknown forces. We should send them aid as soon as possible.”
MUGATO_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “A wild pack of Mugato have been discovered on the planet [mugato_world_planet.GetName] we have assigned an Admiral to investigate the colony and resolve the Mugato situation.”
MUGATO_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “A wild pack of Mugato have been discovered on the planet [mugato_world_planet.GetName] we have assigned a Scientist to investigate the colony and resolve the Mugato situation.”
MUGATO_3_PROJECT_DESC:0 “After failing to remove the Mugato threat, our security forces have been requested to round up and contain the Mugato threat.”
STH_galactic_features.3100.desc:0 “One of our research teams on the planet [mugato_world_planet.GetName] has failed to check in, they were investigating deep within the jungles of that planet. There last report indicated there were wild Mugato loose within the jungles. The planetary authorities are calling in [Root.GetName] to assist and deal with the situation.”
STH_galactic_features.3101.desc:0 “The plan to round up the wild Mugato has gone terribly wrong, the beasts were not willing to go quietly and an effort to capture the animals [mugato_leader.GetName] was struck by one of them and severly wounded. Medical teams were able to save their life.Our only remaining option is to send in the army to secure the area.”
STH_galactic_features.3102.desc:0 “The plan to round up the wild Mugato has gone horrifically wrong, the beasts were not willing to go quietly and an effort to capture the animals [mugato_leader.GetName] was struck by one of them, the poison acted quickly and despite the efforts of the medical units they were unable to save [mugato_leader.GetName].Our only option now is to send in the army.”
STH_galactic_features.3103.desc:0 “Our efforts to contain and round up the Mugato has been a success, despite initial resistance the beasts were subdued by [mugato_leader.GetName] without harming any of the creatures. We now have a couple of options, we can convert the area into a nature reserve, where a conservation team can care and protect them or we can transport them offworld to a safe location.”
STH_galactic_features.3104.desc:0 “On closer investigation our teams have uncovered a smuggler ring on [mugato_world_planet.GetName] right under our noses! The ground team successfully manage to disrupt the operation, however the ring leader manages to escape to their ship and in an attempt to flee the planet runs into [mugato_ship.GetName] waiting in orbit. “
STH_galactic_features.3105.desc:0 “[mugato_ship.GetName] successfully reports the capture of the smuggler command ship, faced with superior firepower the smugglers quickly surrender. We now have a couple of options, we can convert the area into a nature reserve, where a conservation team can care and protect the Mugato or we can transport the creatures offworld to a safe location.”
STH_galactic_features.3106.desc:0 “The smuggler ship manages to send a feedback pulse which disrupts [mugato_ship.GetName]’s tractor beam. To make matters worse they manage to send out a call for aid and are joined by a band of mercenaries. Keen to avoid capture and relinquishing their prize specimens they prepare to attack our ships. “
STH_galactic_features.3107.desc:0 “Following an intense battle our forces were successfully able to defeat the smugglers and recover the stolen Mugato.We now have a couple of options, we can convert the area into a nature reserve, where a conservation team can care and protect them or we can transport them offworld to a safe location. “
STH_galactic_features.3108.desc:0 “Our army under the careful leadership of [army_mugato_leader.GetName] manage to succeed where our previous efforts failed and our teams have managed to round up the wild Mugato. We now have a couple of options, we can convert the area into a nature reserve, where a conservation team can care and protect them or we can transport them offworld to a safe location. “
SOCIAL_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Following an intense conference the top brass in [Root.GetName] have a chance to relax and enjoy a chance to socialise with their peers.”
SOCIAL_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Following an intense conference the top brass in [Root.GetName] have a chance to relax and enjoy a chance to socialise with their peers.”
SOCIAL_3_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Following an intense conference the top brass in [Root.GetName] have a chance to relax and enjoy a chance to socialise with their peers.”
STH_galactic_features.3200.desc:0 “A command officer’s life is normally all work and little play, however there are sometimes odd occassions following a tough assignment or conference that there is a small window for officers to get together and let their hair down. It just so happens that such a window has opened at §Y[starbase_meeting_point.GetName]§!. “
STH_galactic_features.3201.desc:0 “On arrival at [starbase_meeting_point.GetName] [party_leader_1.GetName] is greeted by a fine array of food dishes and beverages across [Root.GetName] space. It is time to relax and enjoy the company of their fellow officers and wait for any additional arrivals.”
STH_galactic_features.3202.desc:0 “At arriving at the front door of the venue, [party_leader_1.GetName] is greated by a dower looking bouncer, who checks a list and shakes their head refusing access to the venue. Frustrated [party_leader_1.GetName] has no choice but to leave and complain about their treatment.”
STH_galactic_features.3203.desc:0 “On arrival at [starbase_meeting_point.GetName] [party_leader_2.GetName] is suitably impressed by the ongoing celebration surrounded by all the finer things from within [Root.GetName] space. They spot [party_leader_1.GetName] and head over to mingle. It is time to relax and enjoy the company of their fellow officers and wait for any additional arrivals.”
STH_galactic_features.3204.desc:0 “At arriving at the front door of the venue, [party_leader_2.GetName] is greated by a dower looking bouncer, who checks a list and shakes their head refusing access to the venue. Despite several exclamations asking if they knew who [party_leader_2.GetSheHe] was, [party_leader_2.GetName] is forced to reluctantly give up. Before they can return to their ship the first officer suggests they look for a local venue to try and salvage the night.”
STH_galactic_features.3205.desc:0 “After searching the Starbases expansive promenade [party_leader_2.GetName] and [party_leader_2.GetHerHis] team find a small unassuming establishment. They are welcomed inside by a team of lower deckers who are already inside and having a fun night. Senior Officers and Lower Deck crew share an thoroughly fun evening leaving morale at an all time high.”
STH_galactic_features.3206.desc:0 “Unable to find another venue, the Captain and [party_leader_2.GetHerHis] guests decide that the outing is over. Each of them feeling it has been a waste of a trip, they return to their vessel and prepare to head off on their next assignment.”
STH_galactic_features.3207.desc:0 “On arrival at [starbase_meeting_point.GetName] [party_leader_3.GetName] joins the celebration as it is in full swing, laughing and enjoying the company of their fellow officers. Beckoned over by [party_leader_1.GetName] and [party_leader_2.GetName] now the celebration can begin!”
STH_galactic_features.3211.desc:0 “Not every opportunity can be taken and the chance to relax and enjoy the social interaction with fellow officers would have been a nice way to spend an evening. “
STH_mars.111.desc:0 “‘Sir!’ shouted one of the xenopaleobotonists further down the cave. They were located two kilometers below the Martian surface, not far from the edges of the Garni Crater. The entire cave formation was only revealed recently, after an especially rough quake that followed a comet strike brought down the covering walls. The geological structure immediately attracted the attention of local science teams because the cave held trace element of an especially important molecule: water.Paul Boone, leader of the Mars terraforming initiative, followed the call deeper inside the cave. A small group of researchers were crouched near a small, tapering pillar, whispering excitedly. As he grew closer, he could see the beam of light illuminating a small, shallow pool of water, covered by an organic looking metallic sheen. The biologists were moving their tricorders again and again. There, in the briny water, were millions of fossilized insects. Evidence that Mars did carry life, once upon a time.”
STH_mars.112.desc:0 “The ground control crew stared helplessly at the monitors. ‘Send an evacuation order!’ yelled someone, but others were just shaking their head numbly. ‘It’s too late’ muttered someone else.An hour ago, is was simply another routine day in the Mars Initiative control center, with no less than five comets scheduled to crash into the ice cap. Then, shortly after contact with the now-thicker atmosphere, an unmapped pocket of volatiles on a comet erupted, sending the comet into a spin. As the comet plunged toward the Martian surface, more and more gas pockets burst. The comet was shredding itself apart, now on a trajectory toward New Armstrong Base. A few ground vehicles managed to escape the base dome in time, but even they didn’t survive the ensuing nuclear blast as a comet fragment hit Mars with the strength of 300 megatons of TNT. Fifty thousand people died in what would be known at the worse terraforming disaster of this century.”
STH_mars.121.desc:0 “The tension in the control room was palpable. A flotilla of tugs was pulling the last segments of the mirror into position, and even a millimeter misalignment of the 5 kilometer wide complex could ruin the great assembly. Boone paced back and forth along the small chamber, making a small indentation in the carpet. The controller gazed at him, irritated, thought of asking him again to sit down, thought better of it, and continued his work.Ten minutes later, however, there was no more need to worry. The sensor grid reported every single segment was properly aligned. Ponderously, Xeon-plasma jets kicked in, making the final adjustment. Then the mirror was angled just so, and suddenly, pure, blessed sunlight blasted across the Martian surface, reflected from above. Already, surface temperatures were climbing. Boone grinned at the monitor, and hurried to report to his superiors. The controller shook his head, mentally switching his focus to the next mirror complex under construction.”
STH_mars.122.desc:0 “The infestation started over two months ago, in the remote reaches of Malea Planum. The southern ice cap was seeded with a highly modified anaerobic bacterium, that injected contaminants in the ice-water, releasing a small amount of heat in the process. There were many genetic safeguards and a very simplistic DNA strand should have been proper protection against mutation. It wasn’t.A freak change in allele activation allowed the bacteria to inject more complex organic molecules. In the past desolate Mars would offer very little in organic material, but Mars surface has been seeded with other strains of bacteria that fertilized the soil. Within a week, the ice-cap bacteria subsumed all other strains, spreading like wildfire along the empty plains of southern Mars. When it was eventually discovered, it was almost too late – the bacteria were everywhere, covering the surface with a thin, grey crust. The damage to the ecosystem is vast – it may very well set back the project for years.”
STH_mars.130.desc:0 “A small delegation of researchers is leaving the Terraforming lab. In the distance, explosions can be heard, carried across the thin atmosphere. Engineer Boone glances at his timepiece – comet ZA2112-B crashed into the northern polar ice cap right on schedule. Minor quakes shake the surface and quickly dissipate, and miles-high geysers of superheated steam stretching into the atmosphere. Boone glances at the sight and smiles, before firmly grasping the seals of his breathing masks and pulling it free. The rest of the delegation stare at him warily. This is why they came here, but the risk is still great.Paul Boone is the first human being to take a fresh breath of Martian air. After years of work, the atmosphere is finally thick enough for a human to breath it unaided. There is still much to do before Mars will truly be a paradise, but this is a monumental step forward for Humanity.”
STH_mars.140.desc:0 “Representatives from all over Mars stood ill at ease in one corner of the mess hall at Schiaparelli Base as attendants hurried to drag in more seats. The hall was ill-fitting for such a distinguished occasion, but rugged Mars has yet to manufacture anything else that could house such a large gathering. Finally, they were all allowed to enter.The red planet is no more, replaced with something that appears almost green. Thousands of migrants from Earth flock here, and the population is booming. It is clear to everyone something must be done.A short while later, after the meeting commenced, John Hammerlich, now old and distinguished, stepped in front of the short podium. He was the representative of Gundersdottir’s Dome, one of the largest in the 22 colonies of Mars, and his gravelly voice spoke for all.’We stand here, not unlike our forefathers did in the grand old city of Philadelphia, not to cast off tyranny but to embrace freedom. We take the first step today, as we make the Fundamental Declarations of the Martian Colonies’.”
STH_mars.141.desc:0 “It was one of the most ambitious articles in the Fundamental Declarations of the Martian Colonies. As the terraforming process progressed, more and more resources shifted to Mars. The air was still thin, but people could walk unaided on the surface and truly tame this new world. The confederated Martian colonies have decided they will initiate a construction project that will rival any of that on Earth.A lucky draw picked Utopia colony, a tiny hamlet on the Utopia Planitia lava plane, as the site. Within a month, the small town was transformed. Within two months, the foundations of a superstructure were placed 16 thousand kilometers above the colony, in synchronous orbit. Now, the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards fill the sky with dozens of giant drydocks.”
STH_mars.142.desc:0 “It was one of the most heated contested articles in the Fundamental Declarations of the Martian Colonies. Mars was transforming under the comet barrage of the Mars Initiative, becoming a paradise for humanity, but at what price? That was, at least, the question a vocal group called ‘the preservers’ were asking. They called terraforming an abomination, man exerting its influence over another pristine land, one it has no right to call home. As the Preservers gained power, the newly founded senate of the Confederated Martian Colonies grew concerned.Eventually and under constant pressure from the public, the senate agreed to a wide range of regulations that will severely limit the extent of the Mars Initiative. No one seemed happy with the solution, and the terraforming of Mars has been delayed for years.”
STH_mars.143.desc:0 “‘Years ago, when there was still a Pope in Rome, when the last Pope died, the cardinals would gather and debate who would be his successor. They were not allowed to leave until a decision could be made. Once, it almost took three years… thank goodness, it did not take so long this time. It only felt that way said Hammerlich ponderously, to polite laughter. In truth, everyone felt on edge – the negotiations, initially expected to be brief and cordial, quickly turned ugly.Yet in the end, the key disputes – access to future water-ways – was agreed upon, and from there, things progressed quickly and an accord was met. Mars now has its own constitution and federal government, independent but forever bound to Earth. The destiny of a world was decided, and for once in humanity’s history, it was not decided with blood.”
STH_mars.151.desc:0 “The lack of a magnetosphere had long been regarded as one of the most significant barriers to long term colonisation of Mars. Following the development of deflectors, it became feasible to deploy an array of such devices around a planet to perform much the same function, though at great cost. The Martian terraforming project has successfully deployed such an array, eliminating a source of atmospheric loss while increasing the safety of colonists braving the open surface.”
STH_mars.152.desc:0 “In hindsight, it was not clear what the rebellion was even about. Mars was flourishing under the Initiative, but the older settlers, those that lived on Mars for dozens of years before the flood of migrants from Earth, grew even more resentful. Was it about land? Control? Power? Preserving the old ways? All the above, or none? All we know is that almost overnight, the planet was in frenzy, riots on every dome.The overwhelmed local government tried to control the situation, but before anyone even noticed, an armed group of local colonists stormed the Verteron Array compound, gaining access to a weapon of terrific puissance. With a single, defiant act, they shuttered the Initiative, halting the project and rallying rebels across the planet.”
STH_mars.154.desc:0 “The strike, when it came, was over swiftly. What took several weeks of careful planning, lasted less than a single violent, intense hour. A M.A.C.O team infiltrated the Verteron Array compound at several locations at the same times using a transporter technique that by-passed the inhibitor field. Despite a few casualties, most of the rebels surrendered on the spot.The rest of the Martian rebellion did not last much more. A few enclaves held out, but most surrendered when news came of the fall of the compound. The Martian colonies were at peace once again, and within a few days the terraforming resumed.The seeds of discontent, however, will not disappear as swiftly. One can only hope they will not grow, and fester.”
STH_mars.160.desc:0 “It is raining on Mars. Of course, the first drop lands undocumented, many kilometers from the nearest human being. Everyone can walk around freely and unaided on the surface, but the population is still in the low millions, and has not yet spread to every corner of the planet. The vast weather monitoring system, of course, is carefully tuned to keep track of violent storms, not a gentle summer drizzle.But today it is raining on Mars, and it will not be the last time.”
STH_mars.170.desc:0 “There has not been a sand storm on the face of Mars for weeks. Giant thunderstorms now frequently roll across the red plains, giant torrents of rain pouring down. The Hellas Planitia became a true sea, as life-giving water filled it to the brim. A million kilometers away, in synchronous orbit, giant orbital mirrors reflected the sun back toward the surface, raising the temperature.Paul Boone stares in pride from Phobos orbit. Mars will never be a true Earth – it is too small, too far away from the sun. But it has a beauty of its own, and soon, millions of new colonists will come to appreciate that beauty, like he has in the last years. The Red planet is not so red anymore.”
STH_mars.180.desc:0 “The Initiative has fulfilled its purpose; Mars is now a sister planet to Earth, a blue gem shining in the sky. But there is still much work to be done before the planet achieves its full potential. We have the opportunity to invest in the planet’s future, to unlock special facilities, bonuses and upgrades.§GThis event lets you spend resources to acquire any beneficial bonus you might have missed during the Mars terraforming event.§!”
STH_mars.190.desc:0 “In dozens of years, this new shiny research facility will no longer be the Carl Sagan Institute of Technology. Richard Daystrom in all his dazzling, maddening, brilliant glory will reshape the galaxy and acquire the name to himself. But well before that, the venerable annex will already be a bastion of research and academia.Inspired by the pioneering spirit of old and the flood of material investment of Earth, the local Martians have decided they must be able to rival Earth not only in industry but in their contribution to mankind as well. This vision lasted into the future, making Mars one of the most respected scientific institutes in the galaxy.”
STH_mars.191.desc:0 “The tension in the control room was palpable. A flotilla of tugs was pulling the last segments of the mirror into position, and even a millimeter misalignment of the 5 kilometer wide complex could ruin the great assembly.Ten minutes later, however, there was no more need to worry. The sensor grid reported every single segment was properly aligned. Ponderously, Xeon-plasma jets kicked in, making the final adjustment. Then the mirror was angled just so and suddenly, pure, blessed sunlight blasted across the Martian surface, reflected from above. Already, surface temperatures were climbing, and other mirrors were waiting to be placed in position. Mars is forever changed.”
STH_mars.192.desc:0 “No one knew why Utopia colony, one of the smallest settlements on Mars, was eventually picked for this project. No doubt there was a great deal of politics behind the decision, an attempt to promote the frontiers of the newly settled planets. The confederated Martian colonies have decided they will initiate a construction project that will rival any of that on Earth.Still, it was a tiny hamlet on the Utopia Planitia lava plane that would become the site of starfleet’s main fleet yard. Within a month of the project, the small town was transformed. Within two months, the foundations of a superstructure were placed 16 thousand kilometers above the colony, in synchronous orbit. Now, the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards fill the sky with dozens of giant drydocks.”
STH_mars.193.desc:0 “To the military minds of Starfleet, Mars offers a unique strategic advantage. It is now fully terraformed and accessible, but it is not as fragile or sensitive a target as Earth. A few commanders suggested that the inner-planet defenses of the Sol system be moved to Mars, and the idea spread among Starfleet command like wildfire. From that, the Mars Defense Perimeter was born.The project calls for a vast array of automated sub-light sentry pods, built and controlled from Mars, turning the planet into a veritable fortress. Once approved, the project proceeded swiftly.”
STH_mars.194.desc:0 “‘Sir!’ shouted one of the xenopaleobotonists further down the cave. They were located two kilometers below the Martian surface, not far from the edges of the Garni Crater. The entire cave formation was only revealed recently, during a newly funded survey of the planet.The head scientist in the scene followed the call deeper inside the cave. A small group of researchers were crouched near a small, tapering pillar, whispering excitedly. As he grew closer, he could see the beam of light illuminating a small, shallow pool of water, covered by an organic looking metallic sheen. It was clear why they were attracted to this find – since the terraforming there was a great deal of water on the surface of Mars, but this far underground? The biologists were moving their tricorders again and again over the water, for they have found more than just ancient H2O. There, in the briny water, were millions of fossilized insects. Evidence that Mars did carry life, once upon a time.”
STH_mars.200.desc:0 “The combined efforts and resources of the United Federation of Planets have breathed a new life into the small colony on the Planet of Weytahn/Paan Mokar. Demonstrating to the people of the planet Vulcan and Andoria the benefits of uniting in this new alliance of worlds.”
STH_mars.201.desc:0 “The United Federation of Planets was seen as a risk by many on both Andoria and Vulcan, but as their citizens stand back and admire the efforts to transform Waytahn from a small bleak rock, to thriving world, it stands as a testimony to what the united resolve and combined efforts of many civilisations can achieve together.”
MARS_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The people of Mars has endured years under the endless barrage of ice-comets, and while few can deny the great progress of the project, the very real human toll is sorely felt. Eventually, a local group from the Ares 1 Dome has decided enough is enough, and took over the Verteron array from the hands of the Mars Initiative.The coup was bloodless and swift, but the project is in the hands of armed civilian now. This must change – and we fear only force can resolve this issue now.”
STH_federation_story.1.desc:0 “For several weeks now, [Root.GetName] Security has been attempting to trace a series of illegal database hacks. The intrusions seem to have one thing in common, they all have targeted locations known to store classified historical information on the Eugenics Wars of the late twentieth century, where genetically augmented Humans nearly claimed total domination over the Earth. Why someone would want to dig up the ghosts of the past remains unknown.”
STH_federation_story.2.desc:0 “The research station orbiting [augment_research_target_1.GetName] has gone silent, missing several scheduled check-ins. Unknown to the public, the station is one of two across [Root.GetName] space still carrying frozen embryos of genetically augmented Humans. These remnants from the Eugenics Wars have been kept hidden for over a century, though now it appears that secrecy has been undone.”
HUMAN_AUGMENTS_PROJECT_1_DESC:0 “A research station containing materials relevant to the Human Augments of the Eugenics Wars has gone silent…”
HUMAN_AUGMENTS_PROJECT_2_DESC:0 “A second research station containing materials relevant to the Human Augments of the Eugenics Wars has gone silent…”
HUMAN_AUGMENTS_PROJECT_3_DESC:0 “The wreckage of the enemy fleet may provide the answer to the question of who has been targeting Eugenics War research.”
STH_federation_story.3.desc:0 “The research station orbiting [augment_research_target_1.GetName] has been destroyed, and with it any leads on who is responsible. Other sites across the [Root.GetName] holding materials relevant to the Eugenics Wars have been put on alert.”
STH_federation_story.4.desc:0 “Having arrived at the research station orbiting [augment_research_target_1.GetName], it is quickly apparent that all is not well on the station. Several hull breaches are detected, and a number of bodies float dead alongside the station. As a security team prepares to board the station, proximity alerts trigger. Vessels of an alien design swarm from their position on the far side of the station, weapons engaged.”
STH_federation_story.5.desc:0 “The enemy fleet which attacked the research station orbiting [augment_research_target_1.GetName] has been destroyed. Attempts to recover survivors have provided a number of potential candidates in the wreckage, which must now be investigated…”
STH_federation_story.7.desc:0 “The enemy fleet which attacked the research station orbiting [augment_research_target_1.GetName] has left the system. Attempts to trace their warp vector have proven fruitless as they appear to be masking their ion wake with exceptional skill.”
STH_federation_story.9.desc:0 “The research station orbiting [augment_research_target_2.GetName] has been destroyed, and with it any leads on who is responsible. Prior to it’s destruction, local monitoring systems identified a small fleet preparing to enter warp on an unknown vector.”
STH_federation_story.10.desc:0 “Having arrived at the research station orbiting [augment_research_target_2.GetName], it is quickly apparent that all is not well on the station. Several hull breaches are detected, and a number of bodies float dead alongside the station. As a security team prepares to board the station, proximity alerts trigger. Vessels of an alien design swarm from their position on the far side of the station, weapons engaged.”
STH_federation_story.11.desc:0 “The enemy fleet which attacked the research station orbiting [augment_research_target_2.GetName] has been destroyed. Attempts to recover survivors have provided a number of potential candidates in the wreckage, which must now be investigated…”
STH_federation_story.13.desc:0 “The enemy fleet which attacked the research station orbiting [augment_research_target_2.GetName] has left the system. Attempts to trace their warp vector have proven fruitless as they appear to be masking their ion wake with exceptional skill.”
STH_federation_story.14.desc:0 “Our intelligence operatives have discovered something alarming. A group of Humans have declared a state for themselves in a star system they’ve named ‘Navam Satara’. Claiming to be the inheritors of the Great Khanate under Khan Noonien Singh, their population is comprised of genetically engineered supermen and women gestated from caches of embryos left over from the Eugenics War and stolen from [Root.GetName] storage recently.”
STH_federation_story.15.desc:0 “The debris contains a number of computer cores relatively unscathed from the destruction of the enemy fleet. Engineering teams are able to quickly piece together that the fleet was being commanded by a group calling themselves the Khanate, an apparent reference to Khan Noonien Singh of the late twentieth century’s Great Khanate. The group of genetically engineering Human Augments was seeking to acquire more embryos preserved from the Eugenic War to bolster their numbers before striking out to claim a world of their own. The destruction of their stolen alien fleet seems to have ended these ambitions.”
STH_federation_story.16.desc:0 “Our intelligence operatives have discovered something alarming. A group of Humans have declared a state for themselves in a star system they’ve named ‘Navam Satara’. Claiming to be the inheritors of the Great Khanate under Khan Noonien Singh – whoever that may be – their population is comprised of genetically engineered supermen and women gestated from caches of embryos left over from an ancient Earth war.”
STH_federation_story.17.desc:0 “Are you sure you wish to become [augment_khanate.GetName]? This action is not reversible.”
altamid_chain_desc:0 “They require assistance in finding their missing crew.”
altamid_planet_1.desc:0 “Their ship was last seen in the vicinity of [altamid_planet.GetName].”
altamid_planet_chain_1_desc:0 “Their ship was last seen in the vicinity of [altamid_planet.GetName].”
altamid_planet_1_title.desc:0 “Their ship was last seen in the vicinity of [altamid_planet.GetName].”
altamid_planet_1_desc.desc:0 “Their ship was last seen in the vicinity of [altamid_planet.GetName].”
STH_galactic_features.104.desc:0 “‘[Root.Owner.GetRulerTitle] [Root.Owner.GetRulerName], my name is [altamidWarner.GetName] and I must request your assistance. My vessel was ambushed by pirates in what you call the Ross 973 system. I barely managed to escape in my shuttle. I beg of you, please send a ship to the system to help me search for survivors. There was an M class world in the system they may have been able to have taken refuge on.'”
STH_galactic_features.108.desc:0 “The Altamid swarm fleet has been destroyed and with it [altamidLeader.GetName]’s threat to the [Root.GetName].”
STH_galactic_features.109.desc:0 “After the defeat of the [FromFrom.GetName] by the [FromFromFrom.GetName], analysts on [Root.Capital.GetName] have identified a key weakness in the swarm’s coordination. A high amplitude transmission could in theory disrupt the swarm entirely.”
STH_galactic_features.110.desc:0 “Scientists on [Root.Capital.GetName] have successfully identified a signal modulation and frequency that will disrupt the Altamid swarm’s coordination. It will now be employed in all future encounters with the swarm.”
STH_galactic_features.111.desc:0 “The [FromFrom.GetName] has engaged the [FromFromFrom.GetName], with the effects of the swarm disruption transmission working as expected. Damage against the swarm is significantly increased.”
ALTAMID_SWARM_RESEARCH_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Research may uncover a method of disrupting the network that coordinates the Altamid swarm’s movement.”
STH_orbital_signal_source_1_category_desc:0 “Sensors have detected an object of indeterminate size in orbit of [From.GetName].”
STH_minor_anomaly.1.desc:0 “After several hours of searching, the crew of the [Root.GetName] seem about to give up the search for the mysterious signal. However, the Science Officer detects a very subtle shift in subspace that indicates the presence of an object hidden in plain sight. The Science Officer suggests that a concentrated tachyon emission from the [Root.GetName]’s main deflector dish may be sufficient to reveal the object, as the subspace shift bears many similarities to existing cloaking technology.”
STH_minor_anomaly.2.desc:0 “The tachyon burst successfully reveals the object. It appears to be similar in function to a [Root.Owner.GetSpeciesAdj] probe, complete with some sort of cloaking technology to hide it from most attempts at detection. Upon sensing that it has been discovered the probe attempts to activate a self-destruct mechanism – no doubt a safety measure to prevent acquisition. The quick thinking of the [Root.GetName]’s Tactical Officer however, places a low-intensity [Root.Owner.GetMainEnergyWeapon] discharge into the source of the power spike sufficient to disable but not destroy the probe. The probe is tractored into the cargo hold where the [Root.GetName]’s Science and Engineering teams can examine it. After several hours, they believe they have accessed its main memory core and the data contained within. The probe itself appears to be ancient, so much so that the species that launched it may no longer exist. The data is corrupted and heavily fragmented but the crew is able to piece together a portion of the probe’s navigational memory.”
STH_minor_anomaly.3.desc:0 “After hours of scanning of the surrounding system, no sign of the source of the signal the [Root.GetName] detected can be found. Captain [Root.Leader.GetName] orders the crew to return to their previous survey pattern.”
STH_minor_anomaly.4.desc:0 “After several hours of searching, the Science Officer of the [Root.GetName] reports that they have located something on sensors, and proposes a modulated anti-proton stream may be able to reveal more information. Captain [Root.Leader.GetName] approves and the antiproton beam is fired at the coordinates from the main deflector array. Moments later something appears on sensors. It appears to be a probe, though it is armed and powering weapons.”
STH_minor_anomaly.5.desc:0 “The tachyon burst successfully reveals the object. It appears to be similar in function to a [Root.Owner.GetSpeciesAdj] probe, complete with some sort of cloaking technology to hide it from most attempts at detection. Upon sensing that it has been discovered the probe attempts to activate a self-destruct mechanism – no doubt a safety measure to prevent acquisition. The quick thinking of the [Root.GetName]’s Tactical Officer however, places a quick [Root.Owner.GetMainEnergyWeapon] discharge into the source of the power spike sufficient to disable but not destroy the probe. The probe is tractored into the cargo hold where the [Root.GetName]’s Science and Engineering teams can examine it. After several hours, they believe they have accessed its main memory core and the data contained within. The probe itself appears to be ancient, so much so that the species that launched it may no longer exist. The data is corrupted and heavily fragmented, so much so that nothing of value is retrievable.”
ship_out_of_time_1.desc:0 “Sensors have detected an usual series of chroniton pulses originating from the surface of [From.GetName].”
STH_chroniton_pulses_1_category_desc:0 “Sensors have detected an usual series of chroniton pulses originating from the surface of [From.GetName].”
STH_minor_anomaly.300.desc:0 “After several days scanning the surface of [From.GetName] the source of the chroniton pulses has been found to be no more than a science officer training programme, activated by mistake by [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.Leader.GetName]. That it took so long to identify the mistake is a source of embarrassment for all involved.”
STH_minor_anomaly.301.desc:0 “After several days scanning the surface of [From.GetName] the [Root.GetFleetName] has amassed a substantial volume of data on the nature of the chroniton pulses detected. The pulses rapidly decreased in intensity, and are now undetectable. What caused them remains a mystery.”
STH_minor_anomaly.302.desc:0 “After several days scanning the surface of [From.GetName] the [Root.GetFleetName] has detected the focal point of the chroniton pulses, a corpse found in the middle of a barren plain. The body when analysed showed it to be a hybrid of [Root.Owner.GetSpeciesName] DNA and a number of unknown alien sources. Whith the chroniton radiation pulses stopped shortly after the body was recovered, the origin of body remains a mystery.”
STH_minor_anomaly.305.desc:0 “Orbital scans of [From.GetName] have proven unable to pinpoint the exact location of the chroniton pulses, though leading indicators suggest the source is likely to be subterranean. With no sign of dissipating, a full survey is proposed to isolate and study the source of the chroniton radiation.”
STH_minor_anomaly.306.desc:0 “Orbital scans of [From.GetName] have proven unable to pinpoint the exact location of the chroniton pulses, though leading indicators suggest the source is likely to be subterranean. With no sign of dissipating, a full survey is proposed to isolate and study the source of the chroniton radiation.”
STH_minor_anomaly.307.desc:0 “Orbital scans of [From.GetName] have proven unable to pinpoint the exact location of the chroniton pulses, though leading indicators suggest the source is likely to be subterranean. With no sign of dissipating, a full survey is proposed to isolate and study the source of the chroniton radiation.”
STH_minor_anomaly.308.desc:0 “Orbital scans of [From.GetName] have proven unable to pinpoint the exact location of the chroniton pulses, though leading indicators suggest the source is likely to be subterranean. With no sign of dissipating, a full survey is proposed to isolate and study the source of the chroniton radiation.”
STH_benev_selec_category_desc:0 “We are picking up strange readings from the planets surface that require further investigation.”
STH_dreman_event.1.desc:0 “As our earlier survey of the system indicated many of the planets in this star system have highly unusual geological instabilities. As a result of these instabilities the fifth planet of the system has already broken into pieces revealing deposits of dilithium deep in its crust. It is suspected that the primary cause for these strange instabilities experienced here are the unusually deep dilithium deposits found on the planets. Our earlier survey also revealed that one of the planets is inhabited.The planet in question, Benev Selec, seems to be suffering from similar geological instabilities as the broken fifth planet and it is believed that its crust contains substantially more dilithium than that of the fifth planet. Just recently we have also intercepted a signal from an individual citizen of the inhabited planet asking, if anybody was out there.”
STH_dreman_event.2.desc:0 “The planet Benev Selec in the Selcundi Drema system has broken and the colony there has been totally destroyed.”
STH_dreman_event.3.desc:0 “It is our responsibility to help the people living down there and try to stabilize the planet before it is too late.”
STH_dreman_event.4.desc:0 “While over time the planet will most likely crack naturally, we cannot wait for it to happen during the next few hundred years. The growth and well-being of our empire requires ever increasing amounts of dilithium and here we are presented with a unique opportunity of getting vast amounts of it relatively easily.Therefore we must hurry the natural cracking process of the planet and at the same time make sure that the planet will crack in a way that gives us access to the maximum amount of dilithium available.”
STH_dreman_event.5.desc:0 “Thanks to the diligent work of our best scientists we have managed to stabilize the planet Benev Selec and save the colony. The signal coming from the planet tells us that the conditions down there have vastly improved and the citizens of the colony are happy for the sudden and unpredicted stabilization of their planet. Many believing it to be the work of higher beings worshipped on the planet.”
STH_dreman_event.6.desc:0 “We have successfully cracked the planet Benev Selec and gained access to the vast dilithium reserves the planets crust holds. All communications from the colony have ended." DREMAN_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "A science ship is required for the efforts of stabilizing the Benev Selec planet in the Selcundi Drema system." DREMAN_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 "A military vessel is required for the controlled cracking of the planet Benev Selec in the Selcundi Drema system to secure the maximum dilithium gains from the planet." STH_underground_signals_1_category_desc:0 "Sensors have detected potential signs of an ancient civilisation on the surface of [From.GetName]." STH_minor_anomaly.400.desc:0 "After several days of scanning the surface of [From.GetName] for the signs of an ancient civilisation, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.Leader.GetName] and their crew have located a ruined probe from an unknown civilisation.The disassembly and study of the device could be useful." STH_minor_anomaly.401.desc:0 "After several days of scanning the surface of [From.GetName] for the signs of an ancient civilisation, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.Leader.GetName] and their crew have located a strange signal emanating from the surface containing mathematical data.As quickly as it started, the signal fades and whilst study of this data can provide useful information, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.Leader.GetName] feels like they have missed something important." STH_minor_anomaly.402.desc:0 "After several days of scanning the surface of [From.GetName], [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.Leader.GetName] and their crew have located the long dead ruins of an ancient civilisation. Whilst seemingly primitive compared to our technology, their architecture on what is left of the buildings, and their carvings provide some insight into the unique race that once inhabited this world." STH_minor_anomaly.403.desc:0 "Orbital scans of [From.GetName] have located what appears to be an Iconian facility lying in ruins covering a portion of this planet, which has a strange dampening effect on our sensors across the area.With no sign of the dampening field dissipating, a full survey is proposed to investigate these ruins." STH_minor_anomaly.404.desc:0 "Orbital scans of [From.GetName] have located what appears to be an ancient militarised facility lying in ruins covering a portion of this planet, which has a strange dampening effect on our sensors across the area.With no sign of the dampening field dissipating, a full survey is proposed to investigate these ruins." STH_archaeology_events.1.desc:0 "A number of crew have been killed on [From.Planet.GetName] following the collapse of a tunnel near the excavation site after a structural integrity generator failed due to poor maintenance." STH_archaeology_events.2.desc:0 "A large number of crew have been killed on [From.Planet.GetName] following the collapse of a tunnel near the excavation site after a series of structural integrity generators failed due to poor maintenance of the batteries powering them." STH_archaeology_events.3.desc:0 "[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.Leader.GetName] has heroically saved the lives of dozens of crew following collapse of a portion of the tunnel network near the excavation site on [From.Planet.GetName]. The [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] risked injury to keep a series of structural integrity generators online long enough for the crew to escape." STH_archaeology_events.4.desc:0 "[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.Leader.GetName] has heroically saved the lives of dozens of crew following collapse of a portion of the tunnel network near the excavation site on [From.Planet.GetName], but severely injured [Root.Leader.GetHerHim]self in the process. The [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] was maimed by falling debris while trying to keep a series of structural integrity generators online long enough for the crew to escape." STH_archaeology_events.5.desc:0 "[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.Leader.GetName] has been killed, heroically saving the lives of dozens of crew following collapse of a portion of the tunnel network near the excavation site on [From.Planet.GetName]. The [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] was fatally wounded by falling debris while trying to keep a series of structural integrity generators online long enough for the crew to escape." ship_out_of_time_1.desc:0 "The chroniton pulses observed from orbit have been localised to a single source, several kilometres below the surface of [From.Planet.GetName]. After several days of analysis, scientists from the [Root.GetName] have been able to partially scan through the distortion bubble around the source of the chronitons and have detected what appears to be a [Root.Owner.GetName] vessel surrounded by rock." STH_archaeology_events.100.desc:0 "The chroniton pulses observed from orbit have been localised to a single source, several kilometres below the surface of [From.Planet.GetName]. After several days of analysis, scientists from the [Root.GetName] have been able to partially scan through the distortion bubble around the source of the chronitons and have detected what appears to be a [Root.Owner.GetName] vessel surrounded by rock." STH_archaeology_events.110.desc:0 "The [Root.Owner.GetName] starship beneath the surface of [From.Planet.GetName] has eluded identification, conforming to no known configuration of ships reported missing or otherwise. Engineers from the [Root.GetName] have excavated a number of tunnels to the edge of the chroniton distortion bubble surrounding the vessel, and construction has begun on an localised subspace inverter, which is believed will be able to disperse the chroniton radiation." STH_archaeology_events.120.desc:0 "The subspace inverter has successfully dispersed the chroniton bubble around the buried [Root.Owner.GetName] vessel. As a security team from the [Root.GetName] sweeps into the ship, the mystery only deepens. The vessel is from the future. While all computer systems have been completely disabled, a single datapad on the bridge shows a log entry from nearly sixty years in the future. Further analysis of the ship indicates that while almost all of its systems have been destroyed, there is still a wealth of recoverable technology to be unearthed. [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.Leader.GetName] orders immediate excavation of the vessel, for analysis on [Root.Owner.Capital.GetName]." STH_archaeology_events.130.desc:0 "The vessel from the future has been completely unearthed from the kilometres of rock it was buried under on [From.Planet.GetName], and using the [Root.GetName]'s [Root.Owner.GetTractorBeam] soon sees it raised into low orbit. As the ship enters warp alongside a number of tug vessels, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.Leader.GetName] reads the only log entry to be even partially recovered. §Y ---s log, stardate---. We have detected a te---ral --ortion in the ----- manifold. We are --- but --- must ---andon ship.'§!" STH_archaeology_events.140.desc:0 "A number of crew have been killed by exposure to chroniton radiation while attempting to gain access to the vessel buried on [From.Planet.GetName]. Initial investigations suggest the chroniton radiation inoculations provided to the crew were in fact tachyon radiation inoculations. The medical officer responsible for the mixup has been disciplined." STH_archaeology_events.141.desc:0 "A substantial number of crew have been killed by exposure to chroniton radiation while attempting to gain access to the vessel buried on [From.Planet.GetName]. Initial investigations suggest the chroniton radiation inoculations provided to the crew were in fact tachyon radiation inoculations, created following a failure in the medical replication suite." STH_archaeology_events.142.desc:0 "Following a surge in chroniton radiation, a crew member working on the excavation on [From.Planet.GetName] has ingeniously managed to convert a part of the radiation to storable energy using the [Root.GetName]'s deflector array and several high-grade EPS capacitors." STH_archaeology_events.143.desc:0 "While investigating the vessel from the future, the expedition has discovered a number of log fragments preserved in one of the ship's crew quarters. While the logs shed little light on the identities of the crew themselves, linguistic analysis has revealed some interesting cultural trends." STH_archaeology_events.144.desc:0 "While investigating the vessel from the future, the expedition has discovered a number of partial sensor logs recoverable from the ship's navigation computer interface. While the logs shed little light on the circumstances of the ship's passage back in time, the logs themselves contain high resolution scans of a number of astronomical phenomena." STH_archaeology_events.145.desc:0 "While investigating the vessel from the future, the expedition has discovered a number of fully charged energy storage devices in the ship's cargo bay. While the exact workings of the energy stores are a mystery, they do use an interface compatible with current standards." STH_iconia_probe_category_desc:0 "A distress call from a nearby vessel has been picked up in the vicinity of one of the planets in the system. The planet appears to be ruined." STH_site_iconia_probe.1.desc:0 "As the [Root.GetName] draws closer to the distressed vessel, it abruptly explodes due to a warp core breach - a loss with all hands. Some of the logs picked up from the last transmission of the vessel have been discovered and may shed some light on what happened here." STH_site_iconia_probe.2.desc:0 "Investigation of the logs shows a complex computer virus was transmitted from a nearby probe which wreaked havoc amongst the systems of the vessel.Initial reports from the now doomed vessel report that they believe this world to be the capital planet of the ancient Iconian civilisation, and may contain valuable technology or artifacts from the past." STH_site_iconia_probe.3.desc:0 "The chief engineering officers reports that the [Root.GetName] is definitely infected with the same virus as what destroyed the other vessel in orbit of this planet, causing power fluctuations and system failures across the ship. Regular anti virus methods are now working against the virus, which returns every time.The probe that transmitted the virus initially has been detected however in low orbit of the planet, whilst a low powered signal is linking the surface and the probe. The cure may be there..." STH_site_iconia_probe.4.desc:0 "Investigation of the facility has resulted in a vast wealth of alien technology but so far no cure for the virus which continues to affect the [Root.GetName], which has now raised it's shields preventing transport of the away team.Further inside the facility, our science team has found a large gateway like device, which seems to be active. It shows numerous locations around the galaxy and if the controls can be deciphered may prove useful in returning to the ship." STH_site_iconia_probe.5.desc:0 "With the information taken from the facility on the surface, a potential cure has been developed where shutting down the entire computer core for a time may allow the anti virus to purge the virus from the systems of the [Root.GetName] without allowing it to return.The steps must be taken carefully, lest the virus discover the plan and hide itself away." STH_site_iconia_probe.6.desc:0 "With the virus purged from the ship's systems, the orbiting probe and facility on the ground have detonated in an apparent self destruct sequence. The technology that we managed to uncover from the surface should provide a substantial boost to our research." STH_site_iconia_probe.7.desc:0 "With the virus purged from the ship's systems, the orbiting probe and facility on the ground have detonated in an apparent self destruct sequence. The technology that we managed to uncover from the surface should provide a substantial boost to our research." STH_site_iconia_probe.8.desc:0 "With the virus purged from the ship's systems, the orbiting probe and facility on the ground have detonated in an apparent self destruct sequence. The technology that we managed to uncover from the surface should provide a substantial boost to our research." STH_pahvo_music_category_desc:0 "A mysterious signal sounding almost like an alien melody has been detected from a planet in the Pahvo system." STH_site_pahvo_music.1.desc:0 "Upon arrival in orbit around Pahvo, sensors have picked up a large crystalline spire that appears to be harmonised with the planet in some manner, projecting a strange alien melody into the localised space and affecting scans." STH_site_pahvo_music.2.desc:0 "Transportation to the surface is unusually difficult due to the effects of the crystal transmitter, and as such the away team from the [Root.GetName] have beamed into a clearing thirty kilometers away from the main spire.Initial scans show that it is not just the spire that vibrates with a unique tone but every rock, every tree and every blade of grass - a truly remarkable discovery. A brief shout from one of the away team causes §Y[Leader.GetName]§! to shift their focus - a strange blue energy is coalescing around a team member." STH_site_pahvo_music.3.desc:0 "The blue energy coalesces through and around one member of the away team from the [Root.GetName], suggesting an alien presence. All attempts to communicate fail, but every member of the away team and §Y[Leader.GetName]§! feels convinced it is not hostile. Eventually the crew member who was compromised begins to understand the music." STH_site_pahvo_music.4.desc:0 "§Y[Leader.GetName]§! utilises the crew member as a conduit to talk to the blue energy, which turns out to be the native life on the planet. The Pahvans, as they wish to be known, only wish to share themselves and the harmony of their world with others not of their world." STH_site_pahvo_music.5.desc:0 "After negotiations with the Pahvans, who are far beyond anything else uncovered, §Y[Leader.GetName]§! and their team continue on with the Pahvans blessing to the crystalline transmitter - in their words the transmitter is to share their harmony with outsiders and they will allowed the team to study it." STH_silver_blood_category_desc:0 "Our sensors have identified a potential deuterium source on a planet. However the exact amount and the ease of getting access to that potential source need further investigation as the conditions on the planet are harsh and hostile to most forms of life." STH_silver_blood_event.1.desc:0 "After making the difficult landing to the planet´s surface our landing party has identified the source of the deuterium. It seems to be coming from pools of silver coloured metallic liquid scattered on the planet´s surface. As our landing party takes samples of the liquid they notice it trying to mimic the shape of the instruments used in taking the samples as if having some kind of will of its own. This strange liquid might merit further investigation." STH_archaeology_events.14.desc:0 "Unknown system fluctuations have caused a plasma conduit overload at a manned console onboard the ship, resulting in an explosion and numerous casualties." STH_archaeology_events.15.desc:0 "Unknown system fluctuations have caused numerous plasma conduit line overloads at manned consoles onboard the ship, resulting in explosions and numerous casualties." STH_archaeology_events.16.desc:0 "Unknown system fluctuations have caused all airlocks on one of the lower decks to decompress at once, resulting in a large loss of crew and life." STH_archaeology_events.17.desc:0 "System fluctuations have been identified and repaired by a member of crew, giving some insight into the cause of these errors." sth_site_orb_of_emissary_category_desc:0 "A mysterious vision compells us to visit a remote world in search of answers." STH_archaeology_events.18.desc:0 "The treacherous conditions on the planet's surface have gotten much worse, a deadly sand storm springs up from out of nowhere, but still §Y[Leader.GetName]§! presses onwards in their trance-like state. Oblivious to the injuries sustained by their crew." STH_archaeology_events.19.desc:0 "Just as the expedition started to believe they were safe, the ground beneath them gives way, luckily §Y[Leader.GetName]§! was able to avoid injury, but a number of the expedition party were not so lucky. The company doctor recommend immediate evac for the injured, whilst §Y[Leader.GetName]§! insists on continuing the journey." STH_archaeology_events.20.desc:0 "Throughout the search §Y[Leader.GetName]§! has remained single minded as if transfixed by a vision only they can see, but now suddenly as if guided by a mysterious source they double their pace, muttering that the end is close Mr Russell." STH_archaeology_events.21.desc:0 "Suddenly §Y[Leader.GetName]§! stumbled as the ground beneath them gives way. The medic rushes to their aid and notes that the Captain has taken a notible injury, yet they seem unaware of the pain and damage they have caused themselves." STH_archaeology_events.22.desc:0 "All of a sudden §Y[Leader.GetName]§! collapses to the ground, uttering a single message, that they have failed the prophets before closing their eyes and passing away. Whatever has happened will remain a mystery between §Y[Leader.GetName]§! and the Celestial Beings." STH_archaeology_events.23.desc:0 "The investigation continues into the local population, however as [Leader.GetName] is reviewing the team's workload for the current day they identify a request order for an unknown vessel to be dispatched to the planet's surface. The co-ordinates lead to a large lake just south of the Ba'ku village." STH_archaeology_events.24.desc:0 "The observation team led by [Leader.GetName] have sent back an interesting report on the local residents of the planet, there has been clear evidence that prolonged resident beneath the Metaphasic radiation of the planets ring structure has enhanced the Ba'ku's cognitive abilities. The levels of focus and mental discipline shown by the Ba'ku mirrors even the most advanced telepathic species of the Alpha Quadrant, one scientist hypothesized that they might even be able to manipulate other perception of time itself. " STH_archaeology_events.25.desc:0 "We have received a further update from the team in the Briar Patch. The current view from [Leader.GetName] is that despite their outward appearance the Baku are much older than they outwardly appear. The planet's unique radiation appears to have a regenerative effect on the population, something that seems to be of keen interest to our Son'a partners." STH_site_bajoran_orbs.1.desc:0 "My recent dreams have been plagued by images from my past, members of my family and other strange visions throughout my history, some potentially even from my future. They all seem to point me towards a mysterious desert on the planet [sth_site_orb_of_emissary.GetName], I feel compelled to travel and investigate this calling." STH_site_bajoran_orbs.2.desc:0 "The planet's desert is harsh and barren with little distinguishing features, yet §Y[Leader.GetName]§! appears to be transfixed on an unseen destination, talking to some unknown beings, whom we can assume are the beings known as the Prophets. With that §Y[Leader.GetName]§! sets off towards an unknown destination, with their away team following closely." STH_site_bajoran_orbs.3.desc:0 "The fast-paced pace continues as §Y[Leader.GetName]§! continues their journey across the sands, guided by unseen voices and echos of their past. All the time certain of their destination and purpose." STH_site_bajoran_orbs.4.desc:0 "The trek across the desert shows no sign of slowing down as the march toward the unknown target continues at pace. We must trust in §Y[Leader.GetName]§!..." STH_site_bajoran_orbs.5.desc:0 "All of a sudden §Y[Leader.GetName]§! stops, claiming this is the spot. Grabbing a shovel the Captain begins digging in a seemingly random spot in the ground. With little else to do but watch, the crew sit and watch as §Y[Leader.GetName]§! frantically begins to dig into the ground." STH_site_bajoran_orbs.6.desc:0 "With a gasp of triumph §Y[Leader.GetName]§! holds aloft a boxed Bajoran Orb.. the §GOrb of the Emissary§! has been found. With that §Y[Leader.GetName]§! seems to return to normal with their role complete... for now." STH_site_bajoran_orbs.7.desc:0 "My Child, let me introduce myself I am [bajoran_ruler.GetName] the Kai of the Bajoran people. Word has reached us of your amazing rediscovery of the Orb of the Emissary and joy has spread across Bajor. As you can imagine we are eager to see the Orb returned to it's rightful place on Bajor, following the sacking of our religious history in the past you can imagine why this is such an emotive issue for us." sth_iconian_gateway_dig_site_category_desc:0 "A faint energy signature is emanating from the surface of this world, which appears completely uninhabited. We should investigate more thoroughly." sth_iconian_gateway_dig_site_category2_desc:0 "A faint energy signature is emanating from the surface of this world, which appears completely uninhabited. We should investigate more thoroughly." sth_iconian_dig_site.1.desc:0 "§Y[Leader.GetName]§! and their away team have reported that they are following the signals deep into the mountains on [From.Planet.GetName].Nearing natural crevices and shafts, [Leader.GetSheHe] has discovered some bodies believed to be scavengers lying here half crushed by falling rocks. The bodies are of unknown species, but have been here for some years. A small functioning scanner on one of the bodies indicates a mysterious but weak energy signature coming from a cave entrance nearby." sth_iconian_dig_site.2.desc:0 "The hidden entrance to a large cave system has been uncovered thanks to the alien scanner. §Y[Leader.GetName]§! and their away team are beginning to clear away the rock falls and securing the entranceway deep underground.The caves themselves appear to be sturdy enough, and upon closer inspection were not naturally formed. The technology to carve the rock so deep and precise shows an advanced level of engineering by the creators." sth_iconian_dig_site.3.desc:0 "§Y[Leader.GetName]§! has reported they have uncovered a strange device on [From.Planet.GetName].At a relatively shallow depth within the cave system, the away team have found an extremely odd device near a dead end. A light amount of power still passes through the device, and it bears some similarity to theoretical quantum transportation technology. The device appears to have enough power to operate a few more times before petering out, we should try to figure out how to use it." sth_iconian_dig_site.4.desc:0 "§Y[Leader.GetName]§! has reported in - the device has transported the away team deeper within a vast complex somewhere on [From.Planet.GetName]. From initial reports, the complex is extremely ancient but advanced, and may be Tkonian or Iconian in nature. Most of the equipment is decayed beyond repair, but some data is still recoverable and from what little data there is a story of what occurred here begins to take place.A great calamity struck their ancient empire, and the population could no longer sustain themselves on this world.With only limited support they used their gateway network to abandon the planet and sealed it under a large mountain - to prevent it falling into enemy hands.The data indicates a small chamber somewhere towards the center of the complex." sth_iconian_dig_site.5.desc:0 "§Y[Leader.GetName]§! has managed to uncover what is known as an 'Iconian gateway', a large arch like structure capable of transportation across the entire galaxy.Physically the gateway appears literally as a 'door' through which was the destination. According to the data recovered, the gateway network used to span the galaxy and allowed the Iconians to travel throughout the galaxy without the use of starships and was the primary means through which they controlled their vast empire, earning them a reputation among their primitive subject peoples as §R'Demons of Air and Darkness'§!.§Y[Leader.GetName]§! reports that further study of the gateway should now be possible and, when we understand the technology better, a site could be constructed on this planet to utilise the gateway itself." sth_military_complex_dig_site_category_desc:0 "Autonomous drones appear to guard a large facility on the planet below, which appears completely uninhabited. We could investigate more thoroughly." sth_military_complex_dig_site_category2_desc:0 "Autonomous drones appear to guard a large facility on the planet below, which appears completely uninhabited. We could investigate more thoroughly." sth_military_complex_dig_site.1.desc:0 "§Y[Leader.GetName]§! has reported a figure appeared before them upon approaching the facility on [From.Planet.GetName], citing 'Who meets the challenge?' before swirling away into dust, as hordes of drones begin to pour out of the large stronghold facility on the planet.Beaming down reinforcements, [Leader.GetSheHe] has discovered that the fire is coming from autonomous drones which are being produced within the facility. §Y[Leader.GetName]§! has a choice on which tactics they'd prefer to pursue." sth_military_complex_dig_site.2.desc:0 "§Y[Leader.GetName]§! has reported their team has breached the facility on [From.Planet.GetName].The autonomous drones continue to put up a substantial defense and are delaying the advance into the facility. The facility is heavily armoured and protected from orbital bombardment. The technology within appears to be powered by an unknown power source stored somewhere deeper inside, which is producing these defenses. §Y[Leader.GetName]§! has a choice on how to proceed." sth_military_complex_dig_site.3.desc:0 "§Y[Leader.GetName]§! and their team have breached the final chamber within the facility on [From.Planet.GetName].As they do so, the air begins to hum and vibrate, and energy pulses through the bodies of the fallen. The once dead casualties begin to breathe once more as a mysterious figure forms out of the air in front of §Y[Leader.GetName]§!.'I am Portal, the guardian of this facility. Your skill and tenacity is unmatched and you have defeated the test put before you. Perhaps there is much to learn from this younger race. Take what you have earnt here today.' the figure speaks, before a power surge erupts throughout the facility.As the sparks diminish, most of the technology has been destroyed as the away team stands firm - unwounded and unbloodied. §Y[Leader.GetName]§! now has a choice in what to do with the facility." STH_the_chase_category_desc:0 "Trace DNA strands found nearby appear to bear resemblance to other species found within the galaxy." sth_chase_category_desc:0 "Trace DNA strands found nearby appear to bear resemblance to other species found within the galaxy." sth_chase_dig_site_category_desc:0 "A dying archaeologist left behind random number blocks, which are theorised to be compatible DNA strands from across the galaxy. Another strand may be located here." sth_chase_2_dig_site_category_desc:0 "A fragmented message encoded within the DNA strands points to an inhabited world." sth_chase_3_dig_site_category_desc:0 "Combined astrometrics scans are pointing to a fragment of what was once an inhabited planetoid." STH_minor_anomaly.450.desc:0 "Sensors have located a curious biosignature hidden under the surface on [From.Planet.GetName]. The recovered strands bear some resemblance to life found on other worlds in the galaxy, which is statistically improbable, however not impossible. Researchers may find this useful." STH_minor_anomaly.451.desc:0 "Sensors have located a curious biosignature hidden under the surface on [From.Planet.GetName]. The recovered strands bear some resemblance to life found on other worlds in the galaxy, which is statistically improbable, however not impossible.Further scans detect a small [Root.GetSpeciesName] transport drifting nearby, registered to an archeologist.Upon investigating further, the ships hull has been breached after having been struck by energy weapons and the flash frozen body of the archaeologist drifts nearby. The ship appears to have been ransacked, though one time delayed capsule floats nearby emitting a weak signal.Upon investigating the capsule, a message from the archaeologist begins to play concerning an embedded genetic pattern that is constant throughout many different species, and they speculate was left by an early race that pre-dates all other known civilizations. Coordinates for the hidden dig site are contained within." sth_chase_dig_site.1.desc:0 "After studying the ambiguous number blocks for hours, the discovery is made that these fragments are compatible DNA strands which have been recovered from different worlds all over the galaxy. [Root.Leader.GetName] believes that they have discovered an embedded genetic pattern that is constant throughout many different species, and speculates that this was left by an early race that pre-dates all other known civilizations. This would ultimately explain why so many races are humanoid.Further investigation of the coordinates on the surface is warranted." sth_chase_dig_site.2.desc:0 "[Root.Leader.GetName] and their away team beam to the coordinates under the surface of [From.Planet.GetName], where they have uncovered a ruined doorway of ancient origins. Bypassing the doorway is fraught with risk, as the structure is unsound and blocking any transporter locks." sth_chase_dig_site.3.desc:0 "[Root.Leader.GetName] uncovers a small device from the chamber on [From.Planet.GetName], whilst the away team detects more types of DNA within the compound. The device appears dysfunctional but intact, and [Root.Leader.GetName] believes they should be able to power it up again." sth_chase_dig_site.4.desc:0 "[Root.Leader.GetName] manages to power up the device, which suddenly activates and scans the entire room and the beings within it. Once done, a heavily fragmented holographic message begins to play briefly showcasing a strange humanoid being, before the device sputters and dies. [Root.Leader.GetName] notices that the already recovered data has been scanned and markers have been placed within the data, marking it as part of a smaller puzzle.As that happens, the [Root.GetName] contacts [Root.Leader.GetName] and reports that warp signatures have been detected and are inbound to this location." sth_chase_dig_site.5.desc:0 "[Root.Leader.GetName] and their away team beam back to the ship, as the warp signatures form into science vessels from neighbouring empires.Opening hailing frequencies between the nearby vessels, a brief discussion begins where each vessel brings reports similar findings. Whether it will lead to a weapon of mass destruction, a great genetic breakthrough or just a mere curiosity.A stalemate ensues, where no party is willing to trade information - but if the chase is to continue, then everyone must provide their own information to form a clearer picture. [Root.Leader.GetName] begins the negotiations..." sth_chase_dig_site.6.desc:0 "Our scientists have collated the genetic information gathered from the first archaeological site and has determined that the next site is located on [theChase1Target.GetName]." sth_chase_dig_site.11.desc:0 "The civilisation on [From.Planet.GetName] was completely unaware of the large ancient facility hidden under the surface of the world, which is now only detectable thanks to the genetic tracker that [Root.Leader.GetName] has. The [Root.GetName] is focusing it's sensors to locate an entrance point for the team." sth_chase_dig_site.12.desc:0 "The facility on [From.Planet.GetName] appears to be mostly intact though in severe disrepair. Certain doorways appear to only open if the correct genetic sequences are entered, but the technology is far beyond our regular understanding. [Root.Leader.GetName] is attempting to override the systems." sth_chase_dig_site.13.desc:0 "[Root.Leader.GetName] has uncovered new sections of the facility on [From.Planet.GetName], but some sections remain locked behind barely functioning security systems. The devices appears dysfunctional, and [Root.Leader.GetName] believes they should be able to bypass them." sth_chase_dig_site.14.desc:0 "[Root.Leader.GetName] has located a large genetic store room, which when scanned mark up new flags. It appears that different humanoid genomes were constructed within this chamber, some designed for harsh climates, some designed for watery domains. Some designs appear more viable than others, and many seem to bear a partial match to existing species within the galaxy." sth_chase_dig_site.15.desc:0 "[Root.Leader.GetName] has managed to activate the final beacon within the facility, which points to a region of space not containing a planet.Whilst many in the crew feel despondent, [Root.Leader.GetName] has determined that due to the ancient age of the facility that perhaps the facility was not mistaken - and instead the face of the galaxy has changed in the meantime. Beaming back up from the surface, the data is transmitted to the astrometrics department to uncover the next location." sth_chase_dig_site.16.desc:0 "The data from the dig site has been extrapolated and it appears that millions of years ago, the area of space which the signal pointed to was hit by a large shower of comets which could have potentially destroyed the worlds within the system and left them shattered. An investigation of the system has located a fragment that is large enough to contain another ancient facility." sth_chase_dig_site.21.desc:0 "The [Root.GetName] has entered orbit around the site of the ancient facility, and sensors are scanning for an entrance. [Root.Leader.GetName] is assembling their away team." sth_chase_dig_site.22.desc:0 "The facility is airtight, and remarkably well preserved considering the circumstances. Faint power still pulses through the walls, which provides interesting research opportunities but also causes many obstacles. The security system appears partially active, and force fields bar the way." sth_chase_dig_site.23.desc:0 "[Root.Leader.GetName] has bypassed the security forcefields to allow access to new sections of the facility on [From.Planet.GetName], but in doing so appears to have activated further security systems. Weapons appear to fire from numerous locations, and strange clouds of energy disperse and crackle throughout the corridors." sth_chase_dig_site.24.desc:0 "[Root.Leader.GetName] appears to be nearing the main source of the power in the facility as the defenses become stronger. The away team has to consistently solve advanced puzzles and collect DNA strands just to open and close every doorway, and force fields shimmer in and out of existence almost constantly." sth_chase_dig_site.25.desc:0 "As soon as the final door is breached the defenses fall quiet, as [Root.Leader.GetName] enters the command center in the facility. The mummified remains of a humanoid lie in the center of the chamber, and upon scanning the body, [Root.Leader.GetName] appears to activate another holographic message.It springs to life and a feminine voice begins 'You're wondering who we are, why we have done this, how it has come that I stand before you, the image of a being from so long ago. Life evolved on my planet before all others in this part of the galaxy. We left our world, explored the stars, and found none like ourselves. Our civilisation thrived for ages, but what is the life of one race, compared to the vast stretches of cosmic time? We knew that one day we would be gone, that nothing of us would survive. So, we left you. Our scientists seeded the primordial oceans of many worlds, where life was in its infancy. The seed codes directed your evolution toward a physical form resembling ours. This body you see before you, which is, of course, shaped as yours is shaped, for you are the end result. The seed codes also contained this message, which we scattered in fragments on many different worlds. It was our hope that you would have to come together in fellowship and companionship to hear this message. And if you can see and hear me, our hope has been fulfilled. You are a monument, not to our greatness, but to our existence. That was our wish, that you too would know life, and would keep alive our memory. There is something of us in each of you, and so, something of you in each other. Remember us.'The message ceases and with that final message the facility begins to power down, leaving [Root.Leader.GetName] and their away team alone in the darkness, pondering the meaning of the message." sth_chase_dig_site.26.desc:0 "The information found within the archive is being used for our own purposes, advancing our technology substantially." sth_chase_dig_site.27.desc:0 "The data found within the archive detailing potentially where our races originated from has been shared freely, improving our reputation substantially amongst our peers." sth_chase_dig_site.28.desc:0 "By destroying the information found within the archive we have ensured that this information portraying other races as equals to our own can never be found. This has bolstered our supremacy within the galaxy." sth_chase_dig_site.29.desc:0 "By analysing the genetic information found within the archive we have found numerous weaknesses that are inherent to other races within the galaxy - and we can exploit it." sth_derelict_ship_category_desc:0 "Our listening posts have picked up the distress call coming from a vessel, as of yet there has been no response to any of our attempts to contact the ship." STH_minor_anomaly.500.desc:0 "The signal we intercepted was a distress call from a ship in orbit around [From.GetName]. The ship is not giving off any heat signatures and seems to be drifting. A §SSpecial Project§! has been issued to investigate what has happened to the crew." STH_minor_anomaly.501.desc:0 "The crew of the derelict ship has been found dead, many from life support failure, but others seemingly acted suicidally in their final moments. Some members of our away team have begun to act strangely on their return, and scientist [Root.GetLeaderName] has discovered what looks like a brain parasite in one of the scans of the dead." STH_minor_anomaly.502.desc:0 "The ship in orbit around [From.From.From.GetName] seems to have been crippled, and our away team was nearly killed by the maddened crew apparently responsible. After a quick escape, they found a small group deep in the ship with an apparent cure for the contagious illness. The aliens seem to need our help to restore life support to disperse it before the ship is completely destroyed." STH_minor_anomaly.504.desc:0 "Scientist [Root.GetLeaderName] was able to organize quarantining the away team and those they came in contact with to the ship in orbit around [From.From.From.GetName]. Unfortunately, while only some were infected, they all died along with the security personnel assigned when one of them managed to overload the derelict's main engines. Despite the loss, it is clear that if we had allowed them to stay on our ship, it may have been lost as well." STH_minor_anomaly.505.desc:0 "As maddened crew were about to breach the laboratory, scientist [Root.GetLeaderName] finally managed to get a cure into the ventillation system. The parasites have left the survivors' brains with stroke-like effects. While the ship's hull can be easily repaired, scientist [Root.GetLeaderName] has lost many of the skills they possessed. The one bit of good news is that the recovering science officer believes the undamaged sensor logs on the derelict could be used to trace its origin." STH_minor_anomaly.506.desc:0 "Scientist [Root.GetLeaderName]'s efforts were insufficient, and in the chaos of the mad crew, the main engines were overloaded. All hands were lost." DERELICT_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "A ship adrift in space, no signals going in or coming out. Inspecting it more closely might shed some light on what has happened to the crew." DERELICT_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Our scientists believe that we can determine where the derelict came from by matching its sensor logs to star systems." STH_samaritan_snare_category_desc:0 "In orbit of the lifeless planet [Root.Planet.GetName] we've detected a drifting ship sending out a distress signal." STH_samaritan_snare_event.1.desc:0 "The [Root.GetName]'s sensors have locked onto the vessel. It is loaded to capacity with minerals and its engines appear dead. An automated distress signal loops every seventy-eight seconds. Captain [leader.GetName] orders a channel open and introduces [leader.GetHerHim]self. A short, rotund alien appears on the viewscreen. 'Aha?' the alien replies. 'You have broadcast a distress signal, do you need assistance?' 'Aha?', the alien replies once again. 'What is the nature of your problem?' Captain [leader.GetName] asks impatiently. 'We are Pakled, our ship is the Mondor, look for things, things that makes our ship go again. You help repair perhaps?'" STH_samaritan_snare_event.2.desc:0 "Captain [leader.GetName] has joined the away team repairing the Pakled vessel. While aboard [leader.GetSheHe] discovers that the ship's data banks contain extensive scientific data on this region of space. Given the varying encoding formats, including at least one classified [Root.Owner.GetName] protocol, the data is likely stolen from multiple species. The Captain mulls whether to confront the Pakled about the data or abandon the repairs." STH_samaritan_snare_event.3.desc:0 "The [Root.GetName]'s transporter chief beams Captain [leader.GetName] and the repair crew back aboard, penetrating a hastily configured dampening field set in place by the Pakled.After several transmissions demanding the return of the repair crew the Pakled vessel attempts to attack the [Root.GetName]. The damage to the vessel is extensive despite the repairs however, and the vessel explodes following the rupturing of their primary disruptor induction coils." STH_samaritan_snare_event.4.desc:0 "The [Root.GetName]'s transporter chief beams the repair crew back aboard, however a hastily configured dampening field set in place by the Pakled prevents the return of the Captain. The Pakled Captain transmits a warning to the [Root.GetName] - the Captain must complete the repairs to their vessel alone, or be killed." STH_samaritan_snare_event.5.desc:0 "Captain [leader.GetName] accuses the Pakled Captain of having stolen data from the [Root.Owner.GetName]. The alien laughs as he draws a disruptor pistol, vapourising a member of the repair team. Captain [leader.GetName] orders the [Root.GetName]'s transporter chief to beam the rest of the repair crew back aboard. As the team are successfully beamed back, a hastily configured dampening field set in place by the Pakled prevents the return of the Captain. The Pakled Captain transmits a warning to the [Root.GetName] - the Captain must complete the repairs to their vessel alone, or be killed." STH_samaritan_snare_event.6.desc:0 "Captain [leader.GetName] is forced to proceed alone with the repairs to the Pakled vessel. Given the precarious state of the ship's warp core, direct action could prove disastrous and destroy the ship along with the Captain." STH_samaritan_snare_event.7.desc:0 "'You Pakled are... not stupid.' says the First Officer to the Pakled Captain on the [Root.GetName]'s viewscreen. The Pakled Captain pauses for a moment. 'No. No we are not stupid.' he replies. 'You have out-thought and defeated us. You have our Captain. We respect your strength and cunning.' 'Yes, we are STRONG and cu...cunning!' the Pakled agrees. 'Well then, we give you all our Dilithium and the contents of our data banks, in exchange for our Captain. Lower your shields and we will beam them over to you.' The Pakled vessel lowers its shields, and moments later Captain [leader.GetName] is safely aboard the [Root.GetName]. With no intention of paying the ransom, the [Root.GetName] leaves the area." STH_samaritan_snare_event.8.desc:0 "'You Pakled are... not stupid.' says the First Officer to the Pakled Captain on the [Root.GetName]'s viewscreen. The Pakled Captain pauses for a moment. 'No. No we are not stupid.' he replies. 'You have out-thought and defeated us. You have our Captain. We respect your strength and cunning.' 'Yes, we are STRONG and cu...cunning!' the Pakled agrees. 'Well then, we give you all our Dilithium and the contents of our data banks, in exchange for our Captain. Lower your shields and we will beam them over to you.' The Pakled Captain laughs: 'We are not stupid!' as he draws his disruptor and vapourises Captain [leader.GetName]. The shot continues through the bulkhead in a spray of fire. Moments later the entire ship explodes, killing all aboard." STH_samaritan_snare_event.9.desc:0 "Do you know how big the [Root.Owner.GetName] fleet is? We have a thousand ships for every one of yours. Release our Captain now or suffer the consequences.' The First Officer grimly transmits her threat to the Pakled Captain, who frowns in concern. 'Yes. Yes, you are strong...' he mutters, before lowering the ship's shields. Captain [leader.GetName] is successfully beamed aboard the [Root.GetName], where [leader.GetSheHe] orders the helm to proceed to the next survey target." STH_samaritan_snare_event.10.desc:0 "'Do you know how big the [Root.Owner.GetName] fleet is? We have a thousand ships for every one of yours. Release our Captain now or suffer the consequences.' The First Officer grimly transmits her threat to the Pakled Captain, who frowns in anger. 'We are not stupid!' he shouts, as he draws his disruptor and vapourises Captain [leader.GetName]. The shot continues through the bulkhead in a spray of fire. Moments later the entire ship explodes, killing all aboard." STH_samaritan_snare_event.11.desc:0 "The Pakled ship was mostly repaired through Captain [leader.GetName]'s efforts. It appears ready to move off, following their failure to hold their hostage." STH_samaritan_snare_event.100.desc:0 "The derelict ship appears to have been nothing more than a sensor glitch." STH_agency.1.desc:0 "While the medical needs of most species are unique, there is logic in pooling resources to aid research. Doctors from across the [Root.GetName], led by Doctor [foundedIME.GetName], have proposed the formation of the Interspecies Medical Exchange, to promote medical research and cross-species collaboration. While there are costs associated with maintaining the organisation, the benefits are likely to far outweigh them.If funded, Doctor [foundedIME.GetName] would be placed on permanent secondment to the Interspecies Medical Exchange." STH_agency.5.desc:0 "The [IME_notifier.GetName] administration has formally invited us to join the Interspecies Medical Exchange programme. While the medical needs of most species are unique, there is logic in pooling resources to aid research. Doctors from across the [Root.GetName] have recommended participation in the Interspecies Medical Exchange, to promote medical research and cross-species collaboration. While there are costs associated with maintaining the organisation, the benefits are likely to far outweigh them." STH_agency.8.desc:0 "The [From.GetName]'s government has decided to join the Interspecies Medical Exchange programme." STH_agency.9.desc:0 "The [From.GetName]'s government has decided to withdraw from the Interspecies Medical Exchange programme." STH_agency.101.desc:0 "The pacification of the stricken Borg cube and its disconnection from the Borg hive mind has led to a unique opportunity to setup a cross species and inter-agency scientific initiative to study the Artifact at close proximity. A department will be set up to investigate the technology and a second division will study the Borg themselves and do whatever can be done to free as many of them from the grip of the collective." STH_agency.104.desc:0 "The Galaxy wide project, named the §YBorg Reclamation Project§! have formally approached us to ask if we would like to join the project and work with scientists from across the galaxy at the Artifact. Together the best minds across multiple species should be able to make massive breakthroughs and deepen our knowledge of this unique race." STH_agency.106.desc:0 "The [From.GetName]'s government has decided now is the time to join the Borg Reclamation Project." STH_agency.106.desc:0 "The [From.GetName]'s government has decided that they no longer wish to participate in the Borg Reclamation Project." STH_agency.107.desc:0 "Our association with the Borg Reclamation Project has come to an end, and our leaders have asked us to withdrawn funding and sever the ties. As a result the benefits of being part of the program will be removed." STH_agency.202.desc:0 "The temporal rift opens and from it emerges a fleet from the 32nd Century ready and willng to do their duties as Starfleet officers to protect the future." STH_agency.205.desc:0 "My officers stand ready to make the leap to this century to aid us in battle." STH_agency.206.desc:0 "As promised the temporal portal brings forth a new fleet with one of the 32nd Century's greatest leaders. These fleets will be able to aid us in our war against the Andromedan Invaders." STH_agency.220.desc:0 "As part of the ungoing war operation we request control of the following fleets to join with ours to defeat the invaders." SILENCE_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Conduct extended research into the unusual black hole in this system safely from afar." STH_silence_category_desc:0 "Attempts to scan this black hole have failed as it doesn't seem to contain any matter at all or expel any form of radiation." STH_silence_event.1.desc:0 "[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] and the crew of the [Root.Fleet.GetName] attempt to scan the black hole, but are unable to get any readings from the ship's scanners." STH_silence_event.2.desc:0 "Despite being within its design parameters, the probe's telemetry continued only until the point it crossed the threshold of the event horizon, detecting nothing out of the ordinary as it did so. A sense of unease is felt across the bridge officers of the [Root.Fleet.GetName]. Nervously, a junior officer tells of the legend of a huge creature which devours ships in this region of space." STH_silence_event.3.desc:0 "After a several hours there is still no change in the black hole's behaviour that would warrant precautions outside of established protocols." STH_silence_event.4.desc:0 "The ship moves in on impulse thrusters to the event horizon just a few kilometres from where the probe's subspace telemetry disappeared. Suddenly, the apparent horizon expands rapidly and envelops the [Root.Fleet.GetName]. The ship seems to take no damage, but as the crew tries to scan the surrounding area there is nothing to see..." STH_silence_event.5.desc:0 "Once again, the probe disappears and reports nothing unusual up until it crosses the event horizon." STH_silence_event.6.desc:0 "Despite continuing for several minutes at maximum warp, sensors are still unable to confirm whether the [Root.Fleet.GetName] has actually moved. At last sensors detect something, an enemy warship heading on an intercept course!" STH_silence_event.7.desc:0 "After nearly half an hour sensors detect something, an enemy warship on an attack vector! Already at Red Alert, the [Root.Fleet.GetName] is well prepared. As the enemy ship enters weapons range it begins firing on the [Root.Fleet.GetName]. After the first volley of shots, the shields are only down to 94%. They don't seem to be a threat." STH_silence_event.8.desc:0 "The enemy Vessel is not responding to hail, and fires on the [Root.Fleet.GetName]. It is clear that they are hostile and cannot be reasoned with." STH_silence_event.9.desc:0 "The instant the [Root.Owner.GetMainEnergyWeapon] beam hits the enemy ship it detonates in a huge explosion. The weapons officer remarks that a vessel like that should have been able to withstand many more hits." STH_silence_event.10.desc:0 "Although the weapons officer had prepared a volley of [Root.Owner.GetMainEnergyWeapon] shots to fire on the enemy ship, as soon as the first beam mades contact the enemy vessel exploded with the subsequent shots dissipating in the debris. The weapons officer remarks that a vessel like that should have been able to withstand many more hits." STH_silence_event.11.desc:0 "With the enemy ship reduced to a pile of debris, sensors detect a cluster of stars off the port bow. The [Root.Fleet.GetName] is able to detect the rest of the universe through this small patch. [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] orders a course plotted for the exit and engages warp drive. Just as the [Root.Fleet.GetName] is nearing the exit, the stars fade away to be replaced with nothingness once again. The debris from the destroyed vessel has been lost from the sensors and the [Root.Fleet.GetName] is now completely alone. A few minutes later, a new exit appears to the starboard bow!" STH_silence_event.12.desc:0 "The ship is nearing the new exit when just as before, it fades away to blackness. A new exit appears, slightly closer than the distance the ship just covered." STH_silence_event.13.desc:0 "The crew of the [Root.Fleet.GetName] is uneasy as the sensation of being watched intensifies. Several now believe they are being toyed with, that an entity of some sort of controlling events." STH_silence_event.14.desc:0 "Out of the blackness, a disjointed face appears ahead of the [Root.Fleet.GetName]. Identifying itself as 'Nagilum' it describes itself as a curious entity, wondering how the [Root.Owner.GetSpeciesName] species can suffer mortality and yet continue to thrive. [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] tells Nagilum that mortality is the driving force of [Root.Owner.GetSpeciesName] culture. 'You exist, then you cease to exist. Your minds call it... death.' A bridge officer starts to shake violently. He grabs his face in a vain effort to control himself, but falls from his station screaming. He collapses on the floor into the fetal position, with his eyes still open. The entity, fascinated by the death tells the crew that it will be experimenting on them with different forms of killing until it understands it fully." STH_silence_event.15.desc:0 "The [Root.Fleet.GetName]'s [Root.Owner.GetMainEnergyWeapon] weapons have no effect on the entity and shields seem ineffective at preventing the random killings among the crew. Deaths are being reported to the bridge across all decks. Amused by the show of force, the Nagilum kills [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] to observe the reaction of the bridge crew. The killings continue, nothing the crew attempt has any effect. The last bridge crew member looks around at their dead colleagues one last time, before they too are slowly killed by having the blood in their body steadily rise in temperature." STH_silence_event.16.desc:0 "[Root.Fleet.GetName] crew members are being killed in great numbers, all with different causes of death. Nagilum seems to be able to witness multiple deaths at a time, across different decks. It remarks that you are an interesting species, not even attempting to stop the wanton violence. After killing close to two thirds of the crew, the entity mutters almost contemptuously how boring the [Root.Owner.GetSpeciesName] species is. The nothingness slowly recedes and the remaining crew of the [Root.Fleet.GetName] is left unharmed." STH_silence_event.18.desc:0 "[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] once again talks to the entity Nagilum. [Root.Leader.GetSheHe] tries to negotiate the number of lives that the entity will take so that at least some of the crew can survive. Nagilum, interested in the reaction agrees and proceeds to methodically kill three quarters of the crew, leaving barely enough for the [Root.Fleet.GetName] to leave the void." STH_silence_event.19.desc:0 "The negotiation with Nagilum does not go well. The entity has all the power and recognises that fact, proceeding to murder as many of the [Root.Fleet.GetName] crew as it deems necessary. The killings continue, nothing the crew can muster has any effect. The last bridge crew member looks around at their dead colleagues one last time, before they too are slowly killed by having the blood in their body steadily rise in temperature." STH_silence_event.20.desc:0 "The crew present a holodeck recreation of death to the entity. Unfortunately Nagilum does not take this as an adequate portrayal of a true [Root.Owner.GetSpeciesName] reaction to death. Nagilum proceeds to murder as many [Root.Owner.GetSpeciesNamePlural] as it deems necessary. The killings continue, nothing the crew can muster has any effect. The last bridge crew member looks around at their dead colleagues one last time, before they too are slowly killed by having the blood in their body steadily rise in temperature." STH_silence_event.21.desc:0 "[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] sets a self destruct sequence to 20 minutes during the meeting. 19 minutes pass. As the countdown timer reaches the last 30 seconds the nothingness surrounding the [Root.Fleet.GetName] appears to recede. Still, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] waits and as the countdown timer reaches 10 seconds..." STH_silence_event.22.desc:0 "[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] cancels the self destruct sequence. The vast nothingness is gone, and the ship is left back in orbit of the [Root.GetStarName] black hole, now showing normal readings for a body of its size." STH_silence_event.23.desc:0 "The self destruct sequence finishes, with the crew accepting their fate to die. The [Root.Fleet.GetName] explodes, killing all onboard." STH_silence_event.24.desc:0 "The crew present a holodeck recreation of death to the entity. Fortunately Nagilum accepts these simulations as adequate portrayals of the true [Root.Owner.GetSpeciesName] reaction to death. After several hours engaged in this manner, Nagilum vanishes and the nothingness surrounding the [Root.Fleet.GetName] appears to recede. The vast emptiness is gone and the ship is left back in orbit of the [Root.GetStarName] black hole, now showing normal readings for a body of its size." STH_silence_event.100.desc:0 "After months of research, the best [Root.Owner.GetSpeciesAdj] scientists are unable to determine the origin of the unusual properties of this black hole." STH_aMatterOfTime_category_desc:0 "An unknown source of chroniton particles has been detected in the vicinity of [From.GetName]." STH_a_matter_of_time.1.desc:0 "The source of the chroniton particles appears to be traceable to a small vessel in orbit of [From.GetName]. Sensors are unable to penetrate its hull, and it appears to be drifting." STH_a_matter_of_time.10.desc:0 "The vessel responds to the hail. '[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName], please move about one metre to your right.'Confused, the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] moves aside as a [Root.Owner.GetSpeciesName] materialises on the bridge. 'Excellent! Now my name is Professor [timeHistorian.GetName] and I've travelled back in time two centuries to study the crew of the [Root.GetFleetName]. The exploits of this ship and [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] are legendary in my time.' [timeHistorian.GetSheHe] says." STH_a_matter_of_time.15.desc:0 "Ignoring the vessel, the [Root.GetFleetName] prepares to leave orbit of [From.GetName]. Eventually the small ship vanishes in a pulse of chroniton particles." STH_a_matter_of_time.20.desc:0 "[FromFrom.GetName]'s time on the [Root.GetFleetName] is difficult for many of the crew. A constant stream of questionnaires and [FromFrom.GetHerHis] not so subtle condescension do little to ingratiate. After a while though, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] strikes up a conversation with the time traveller and the two discuss [Root.Owner.GetName] history up to the current year. [FromFrom.GetName] appears horrified however, after accidentally referencing a series of events that have yet to have occured, four years hence. Pleading to be allowed to preserve the timeline, [FromFrom.GetSheHe] begs the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] to allow [FromFrom.GetHerHim] to perform a memory wipe of their conversation." STH_a_matter_of_time.21.desc:0 "Agreeing to the procedure, the memory wipe is completed. While [FromFrom.GetName] insists that [FromFrom.GetSheHe] is fully trained to operate the device used, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] can't help but feel like more than that conversation was lost. The next day [FromFrom.GetName] departs the ship, with [FromFrom.GetHerHis] shuttle disappearing in a burst of chroniton particles." STH_a_matter_of_time.22.desc:0 "[FromFrom.GetName] insists on departing immediately. Beaming back to [FromFrom.GetHerHis] shuttle, the vessel begins to move away. It hails the [Root.GetFleetName] once again. 'You left me no choice on this, I'm afraid. Temporal Investigations will need to be involved now to repair the damage I made to the timeline.'The shuttle disappears in a burst of chroniton particles." STH_a_matter_of_time.25.desc:0 "[FromFrom.GetName]'s time on the [Root.GetFleetName] is difficult for many of the crew. A constant stream of questionnaires and [FromFrom.GetHerHis] not so subtle condescension do little to ingratiate. After a while though, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] strikes up a conversation with the time traveller and the two discuss [Root.Owner.GetName] history up to the current year. Eventually the historian declares [FromFrom.GetHerHis] research completed, and prepares to depart the [Root.GetFleetName]." STH_a_matter_of_time.26.desc:0 "Professor [FromFrom.GetName] bids farewell to the crew of the [Root.GetFleetName], and beams back to [FromFrom.GetHerHis] shuttle. Moments later the vessel disappears in a burst of chroniton particles. The sensor readings from the shuttle's departure coupled with the few subtle insights into the workings of the future's academia will surely prove interesting reading to [Root.Owner.GetName] analysts." STH_a_matter_of_time.27.desc:0 "Professor [FromFrom.GetName] bids farewell to the crew of the [Root.GetFleetName], and beams back to [FromFrom.GetHerHis] shuttle. Several hours pass however, and the vessel does nothing until another hail is received. 'Well, this is unfortunate... the shuttle's time drive is dead. Irreparably. I'm stuck here and now I'm sure they knew I would be. A predestination paradox, I'm sure of it...' The professor offers to provide [FromFrom.GetHerHis] services, but not before setting the self destruct on [FromFrom.GetHerHis] shuttle to prevent further contamination of the timeline." STH_a_matter_of_time.30.desc:0 "[FromFrom.GetName]'s time on the [Root.GetFleetName] is difficult for many of the crew. A constant stream of questionnaires and [FromFrom.GetHerHis] not so subtle condescension do little to ingratiate. After a while, several members of the crew have noticed a number of items going missing - typically in parts of the ship that [FromFrom.GetName] has been visiting." STH_a_matter_of_time.31.desc:0 "Panicking, [FromFrom.GetName] activates an emergency transport to [FromFrom.GetHerHis] shuttle. Unable to prevent the beam out, the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] orders a [Root.Owner.GetTractorBeam] placed on the shuttle. The shuttle disappears in a burst of chroniton particles." STH_a_matter_of_time.32.desc:0 "Panicking, [FromFrom.GetName] activates an emergency transport to [FromFrom.GetHerHis] shuttle. Unable to prevent the beam out, the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] orders a [Root.Owner.GetTractorBeam] placed on the shuttle. Moments later however, an explosion rocks the bridge as a primary EPS relay is compromised. The shuttle disappears in a burst of chroniton particles." STH_a_matter_of_time.33.desc:0 "Panicking, [FromFrom.GetName] activates an emergency transport to [FromFrom.GetHerHis] shuttle. The swift work of the [Root.GetFleetName]'s science officer triggering a fermion pulse counteracts the beam out process. The professor is held in the brig, eventually confessing to being a con artist from the century prior who stole [FromFrom.GetHerHis] time shuttle from a real time historian. While the shuttle is brought into the cargo bay for analysis, it appears to have been set on a timer and disappears inside the ship in a burst of chroniton particles. A few components removed from the vessel have been left behind however." STH_a_matter_of_time.34.desc:0 "Confronted with the accusation of theft, Professor [FromFrom.GetName] defends [FromFrom.GetHerHim]self. Working with the crew, [FromFrom.GetSheHe] is able to prove that none of the items listed have in fact been stolen. One explanation [FromFrom.GetSheHe] offers is that the initial chroniton burst from [FromFrom.GetHerHis] shuttle may have caused minor 'temporal confusion' among the crew, an explanation that medical team aboard concur with. Happy to have vindicated [FromFrom.GetHerHim]self, the professor departs the [Root.GetFleetName] for [FromFrom.GetHerHis] shuttle, which disappears in a burst of chroniton particles." STH_a_matter_of_time.40.desc:0 "While Professor [FromFrom.GetName] is visibly upset at the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle]'s refusal to be a part of [FromFrom.GetHerHis] study, [FromFrom.GetSheHe] accepts the decision and returns to [FromFrom.GetHerHis] shuttle which disappears in a burst of chroniton particles." STH_a_matter_of_time.41.desc:0 "While Professor [FromFrom.GetName] is visibly upset at the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle]'s refusal to be a part of [FromFrom.GetHerHis] study, [FromFrom.GetSheHe] accepts the decision and returns to [FromFrom.GetHerHis] shuttle which disappears in a burst of chroniton particles. Several hours later however, it appears that a number of the ship's components have been removed with almost surgical precision, faint traces of chroniton particles in the spaces they once sat." STH_a_matter_of_time.50.desc:0 "Panicking, [FromFrom.GetName] activates an emergency transport to [FromFrom.GetHerHis] shuttle. The swift work of the [Root.GetFleetName]'s science officer triggering a fermion pulse counteracts the beam out process. The professor is held in the brig, eventually confessing to being a con artist from the century prior who stole [FromFrom.GetHerHis] time shuttle from a real time historian. While the shuttle is brought into the cargo bay for analysis, it appears to have been set on a timer and disappears inside the ship in a burst of chroniton particles. A few components removed from the vessel have been left behind however." STH_a_matter_of_time.51.desc:0 "Panicking, [FromFrom.GetName] activates an emergency transport to [FromFrom.GetHerHis] shuttle. Unable to prevent the beam out, the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] orders a [Root.Owner.GetTractorBeam] placed on the shuttle. Moments later however, an explosion rocks the bridge as a primary EPS relay is compromised. The shuttle disappears in a burst of chroniton particles." STH_a_matter_of_time.52.desc:0 "Panicking, [FromFrom.GetName] activates an emergency transport to [FromFrom.GetHerHis] shuttle. Unable to prevent the beam out, the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] orders a [Root.Owner.GetTractorBeam] placed on the shuttle. The shuttle disappears in a burst of chroniton particles." STH_a_matter_of_time.90.desc:0 "While sensors were able to detect a small vessel in the vicinity of the chroniton burst, it disappeared before a full analysis could be completed." STH_the_android_category_desc:0 "Scans of the surface suggest this world was once inhabited." ANDROID_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "One of our probes has identified a positronic reading on a barren planet, we should send a science team to investigate this strange reading." STH_theAndroid_event.10.desc:0 "After many hours of work, the [Root.GetFleetName]'s chief engineer is able to fully re-assemble the android. On activation the android opens its eyes and sits upright on the table. Unsure, it asks who the away team are, and what its purpose is. After much conversation, it becomes clear that the android requires time and resources beyond those available to the [Root.GetFleetName], and [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] arranges for a shuttle to return the being to [Root.Owner.Capital.GetName] for further tutoring. As the shuttle is about to depart, [Root.GetLeaderName] reflects that [Root.Leader.GetSheHe] hadn't yet asked the Android his name. 'My name is [FromFrom.GetName]', it responds." STH_theAndroid_event.20.desc:0 "After many hours of work, the [Root.GetFleetName]'s chief engineer is able to fully disassemble the android and analyse its positronic net. While the effort was destructive and the net now inert, the data gained from the study has provided invaluable." STH_theAndroid_event.21.desc:0 "After many hours of work, the [Root.GetFleetName]'s chief engineer has failed in the attempt to fully disassemble the android and analyse its positronic net. Cascading feedback loops have rendered the net inert. While the effort was destructive, some data gained from the study has been procured." STH_theAndroid_event.30.desc:0 "The [Root.GetFleetName]'s chief engineer has managed to attach the Android's positronic net to a series of artificial stimuli simulating colony life before the attack. While the approach is unable to provide the quick results a controlled disassembly of the Android could bring, it is far safer and allows the prospect of reactivating the being at a later date. Ongoing study of the Android will take place on [Root.Owner.Capital.GetName]." STH_theAndroid_event.31.desc:0 "Passive study of the [From.GetName] Android has progressed well, but many on [Root.Capital.GetName] now believe it is time to consider activating the being fully." STH_theAndroid_event.32.desc:0 "After many hours of work, the engineers on [Root.Capital.GetName] are able to fully re-assemble the android. On activation the android opens its eyes and sits upright on the table. Unsure, it asks who the engineers are, and what its purpose is. After much conversation, it becomes clear that the android requires time and resources to fully develop, and the engineering team leader arranges for a larger facility to be made available to tutor it further. As the suborbital shuttle is about to depart, the lead engineer reflects that they hadn't yet asked the Android his name. 'My name is [FromFrom.GetName]', it responds." STH_theAndroid_event.50.desc:0 "One of our long-range probes has picked up a positronic signal coming from an uninhabited world. Positronic signals are most commonly associated with synthetic life. This could present an excellent scientific discovery. We should send a research team." STH_changelingObelisk_category_desc:0 "Sensors have detected evidence of alien ruins on the surface of [From.GetName]." STH_minor_anomaly.100.desc:0 "On surveying the alien ruins on [From.GetName], [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] and [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] away team are able to establish that the structures are at least ten thousand years old. The survey will take several days to complete, but already the results are fascinating." STH_minor_anomaly.101.desc:0 "An obelisk has been discovered in the centre of the ruins of the largest plaza on [From.GetName]. Scans reveal an unusual morphogenic matrix inside the structure. Reporting this find back to [Root.Owner.Capital.GetName], [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] is instructed to prepare the obelisk for fast transport to be analysed in a more fully equipped facility." STH_minor_anomaly.102.desc:0 "A small locket has been discovered in the fields outside the ruins of the largest plaza on [From.GetName]. Scans reveal an unusual morphogenic matrix inside the locket. Reporting this find back to [Root.Owner.Capital.GetName], [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] is instructed to prepare the locket for transport to be analysed in a more fully equipped facility." STH_minor_anomaly.103.desc:0 "The survey of the ancient ruins on [From.GetName] is complete. While no artefacts of note were discovered, the scans and minor records discovered will keep [Root.Owner.GetName] scientists busy for months." DISEASE_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "[diseasePop.GetPlagueName2] has been reported on [plagueLocation.GetName], affecting several settlements and threatening the security of the colony." DISEASE_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 "[diseasePop.GetPlagueName2] has spread to another settlement on [plagueLocation.GetName], continuing to threaten the security of the colony." DISEASE_4A_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Send a doctor and medical team to tackle the ongoing pandemic." DISEASE_4B_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Send a nurse and medical team to tackle the ongoing pandemic." DISEASE_TP_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The Tanerian Plague has been reported on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName], affecting several settlements and threatening the security of the colony." DISEASE_LP_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The Laurentian Plague has been reported on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName], affecting several settlements and threatening the security of the colony." DISEASE_SF_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The Seripian Flu has been reported on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName], affecting several settlements and threatening the security of the colony." DISEASE_CF_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The Centauran Flu has been reported on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName], affecting several settlements and threatening the security of the colony." DISEASE_YP_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The Ynorian Pox has been reported on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName], affecting several settlements and threatening the security of the colony." DISEASE_KP_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The Kentaran Pox has been reported on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName], affecting several settlements and threatening the security of the colony." DISEASE_RP_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The Rhombic Paguphage has been reported on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName], affecting several settlements and threatening the security of the colony." DISEASE_MP_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The Monoclinic Paguphage has been reported on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName], affecting several settlements and threatening the security of the colony." DISEASE_AC_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The Arxolite Corruption has been reported on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName], affecting several settlements and threatening the security of the colony." DISEASE_MC_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The Manxilite Corruption has been reported on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName], affecting several settlements and threatening the security of the colony." STH_disease.1003.desc:0 "Despite efforts to halt the spread of [This.GetPlagueName], medical staff are now reporting that the disease has begun to spread amongst the population, putting more lives at risk!" STH_disease.1004.desc:0 "The population on [Target.GetName] are no longer content to remain locked down, fueled by a combination of fear and anger at the situation many have taken to the streets to voice the frustrations." STH_disease.1005.desc:0 "Our medical experts have reported that the death toll on [Target.GetName] have started to take an alarming rise over the last few days. With the situation deteriorating rapidly we can only hope the experts are able to resolve the situation" STH_disease.1006.desc:0 "The plague outbreak that is spreading across [Root.GetName] has now been upgraded to Pandemic Level, with further intervention required to halt the spread and prevent the loss of life." STH_disease.1100.desc:0 "Whilst the efforts of the [Root.GetFleetName] and [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] have prevented the outbreak from spreading further, sadly they were too late to save the majority of those in the infected settlements whom have since died from the plague. The outbreak has officially been declared over." STH_disease.1110.desc:0 "Without the support of a [Root.GetName] medical mission, the local authorities on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName] were left to their own resources to prevent the spread of the outbreak to another settlement. Whilst strict quarantine laws have succeeded in limiting the spread of the plague, they have also hampered efforts to treat those who were already infected, the majority of whom have now died. The outbreak has officially been declared over." STH_disease.1120.desc:0 "Without the support of a [Root.GetName] medical mission, the local authorities on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName] were unable to prevent the spread of the outbreak to another settlement." STH_disease.1200.desc:0 "The efforts of the [Root.GetFleetName] and [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] have prevented the outbreak from spreading further. Better still, a cure to the particular strain affecting the colony was discovered in time to save the lives of those infected. The outbreak has officially been declared over." STH_disease.1501.desc:0 "An outbreak of the Tanerian Plague has been reported on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName] in the [plaguePop.Planet.Solar_System.GetName] system. While the local quarantine has so far succeeded in containing the infection within a handful of settlements on the planet, it may soon spread if untreated. Authorities on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName] have requested the dispatch of a medical team to the planet immediately." STH_disease.1502.desc:0 "An outbreak of the Laurentian Plague has been reported on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName] in the [plaguePop.Planet.Solar_System.GetName] system. While the local quarantine has so far succeeded in containing the infection within a handful of settlements on the planet, it may soon spread if untreated. Authorities on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName] have requested the dispatch of a medical team to the planet immediately." STH_disease.1503.desc:0 "An outbreak of the Seripian Flu has been reported on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName] in the [plaguePop.Planet.Solar_System.GetName] system. While the local quarantine has so far succeeded in containing the infection within a handful of settlements on the planet, it may soon spread if untreated. Authorities on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName] have requested the dispatch of a medical team to the planet immediately." STH_disease.1504.desc:0 "An outbreak of the Centauran Flu has been reported on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName] in the [plaguePop.Planet.Solar_System.GetName] system. While the local quarantine has so far succeeded in containing the infection within a handful of settlements on the planet, it may soon spread if untreated. Authorities on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName] have requested the dispatch of a medical team to the planet immediately." STH_disease.1505.desc:0 "An outbreak of the Ynorian Pox has been reported on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName] in the [plaguePop.Planet.Solar_System.GetName] system. While the local quarantine has so far succeeded in containing the infection within a handful of settlements on the planet, it may soon spread if untreated. Authorities on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName] have requested the dispatch of a medical team to the planet immediately." STH_disease.1506.desc:0 "An outbreak of the Kentaran Pox has been reported on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName] in the [plaguePop.Planet.Solar_System.GetName] system. While the local quarantine has so far succeeded in containing the infection within a handful of settlements on the planet, it may soon spread if untreated. Authorities on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName] have requested the dispatch of a medical team to the planet immediately." STH_disease.1507.desc:0 "An outbreak of the Rhombic Paguphage has been reported on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName] in the [plaguePop.Planet.Solar_System.GetName] system. While the local quarantine has so far succeeded in containing the infection within a handful of settlements on the planet, it may soon spread if untreated. Authorities on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName] have requested the dispatch of a medical team to the planet immediately." STH_disease.1508.desc:0 "An outbreak of the Monoclinic Paguphage has been reported on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName] in the [plaguePop.Planet.Solar_System.GetName] system. While the local quarantine has so far succeeded in containing the infection within a handful of settlements on the planet, it may soon spread if untreated. Authorities on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName] have requested the dispatch of a medical team to the planet immediately." STH_disease.1509.desc:0 "An outbreak of the Arxolite Corruption has been reported on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName] in the [plaguePop.Planet.Solar_System.GetName] system. While the local quarantine has so far succeeded in containing the infection within a handful of settlements on the planet, it may soon spread if untreated. Authorities on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName] have requested the dispatch of a medical team to the planet immediately." STH_disease.1510.desc:0 "An outbreak of the Manxilite Corruption has been reported on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName] in the [plaguePop.Planet.Solar_System.GetName] system. While the local quarantine has so far succeeded in containing the infection within a handful of settlements on the planet, it may soon spread if untreated. Authorities on [plaguePop.Planet.GetName] have requested the dispatch of a medical team to the planet immediately." STH_disease.1551.desc:0 "Authorities on [Target.GetName] are reporting the outbreak of [This.GetPlagueName] is now under control with no remaining cases of the disease present amongst the population." STH_disease.1560.desc:0 "The medical teams sent to tackle the recent outbreak have failed to make any substantial dent in the progression of the disease. [Root.GetName] medical have made the tough call to withdraw the support in order to concentrate all efforts on slowing the infection." STH_disease.1561.desc:0 "The medical teams sent to tackle the recent outbreak have provided the local frontline teams with sufficient help and equipment to manage to push back the spread of the infection and relieve pressure on the front line teams allowing for progress to be made in fighting the outbreak." STH_disease.1562.desc:0 "Our medical and scientific teams sent in to tackle the most recent outbreak have reported back that they have made a significant breakthrough in treating the disease. A new combination of medicines were found to be twice as effective at reducing the spread of the illness and alleviating the symptoms. Authorities report that all traces of the virus have now been eliminated. " STH_disease.1563.desc:0 "Thanks to the concentrated efforts of the disaster relief team the threat of the pandemic has been reduced and the population have begun to believe that we have a handle on the current situation once again. " STH_disease.1564.desc:0 "Despite the efforts of the disaster relief team, the threat of the Pandemic remains, no significant dent could be made in slowing or treating the disease and the wasted resource has hampered our other efforts at combating the threat." STH_disease.1566.desc:0 "[Root.GetName] Medical has begun preparations to send in a medical team to treat the recent outbreaks that have been plaguing our colonies. This situation can only be tackled by a team lead by either a Nurse or a Doctor and would burn up valuable resources that could be used for tackling the disease conventionally, but a successful mission could bring us closer to finally curing this plague." DISTRESS_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "A distress call has been detected near [distressLocation.GetName] in the [distressLocation.Solar_System.GetName] system." DISTRESS_1B_PROJECT_DESC:0 "A distress call has been detected near [distressLocation.GetName] in the [distressLocation.Solar_System.GetName] system." STH_distress_call_event.1.desc:0 "A distress call has been detected originating from [distressLocation.GetName] in the [distressLocation.Solar_System.GetName] system." STH_distress_call_event.100.desc:0 "While not every distress call can be answered, each failure to respond to incidents such as the signal received near [From.GetName] in the [From.Solar_System.GetName] system reflects poorly on the [Root.GetName]'s ability to defend its own space." STH_distress_call_event.200.desc:0 "Arriving at the source of the distress call near [From.GetName], the [Root.GetFleetName] has come across a freighter in the [Root.Owner.Capital.GetName] Cargo Service. Answering the hail, the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] of the freighter apologises for the inconvenience and clarifies that the distress call was accidentally triggered by a crewman performing a diagnostic on the ship's communications array. While [Root.Owner.GetName] protocol is clear that such events should be followed up with an open channel 'all clear' broadcast, it is up to the discretion of individual [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle]s to decide how to administer such protocol breaches." STH_distress_call_event.300.desc:0 "Arriving at the source of the distress call near [From.GetName], the [Root.GetFleetName] has come across a freighter in the [Root.Owner.Capital.GetName] Cargo Service. Answering the hail, the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] of the freighter appears disheveled and injured. 'Thank you for answering our distress call, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle]. We're carrying ore from [freighterOrigin.GetName] and it looks to have been contaminated with unrefined kemocite. It destroyed our secondary cargo bay and damaged our engines.' An engineering team dispatched to the vessel is quickly able to repair the freighter's engines. Before leaving the freighter [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] offers the contents of the damaged cargo bay as thanks for being rescued. While civilian refineries would find it difficult to process the remaining ore, the [Root.Owner.GetName] itself has a number of facilities that could handle it." STH_distress_call_event.400.desc:0 "Arriving at the source of the distress call near [From.GetName], the [Root.GetFleetName] has come across a [freighterOwner.GetSpeciesName] freighter. Answering the hail, the [freighterOwner.GetCaptainTitle] of the freighter appears disheveled and injured. 'Thank you for answering our distress call, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle]. We're carrying deuterium from [freighterOrigin.GetName] and it looks to have been contaminated with unstable hydrogen-10. It exploded and destroyed our secondary cargo bay and damaged our engines.'An engineering team dispatched to the vessel is quickly able to repair the freighter's engines. Before leaving the freighter [freighterOwner.GetCaptainTitle] offers the contents of the damaged cargo bay as thanks for being rescued. While civilian refineries would find it difficult to process the remaining deuterium, the [Root.Owner.GetName] itself has a number of facilities that could handle it." STH_distress_call_event.600.desc:0 "Arriving at the source of the distress call near [From.GetName], the [Root.GetFleetName] has come across a freighter in the [Root.Owner.Capital.GetName] Cargo Service under attack by [pirateOwner.GetSpeciesName] pirates. While the [pirateOwner.GetSpeciesName] ships do not respond to hails, the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] of the freighter appears on the [Root.GetFleetName]'s viewscreen disheveled and injured. 'Thank you for answering our distress call [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle]. We've been chased halfway across the system by these pirates. We're carrying duranium ore, they must be after it!' While the [Root.GetFleetName] is armed for its own defence, it's not clear whether it would be sufficient to fend off the [pirateOwner.GetSpeciesName] pirates." STH_distress_call_event.601.desc:0 "While the freighter's meagre weaponry stood little chance against the [FromFrom.GetSpeciesName] pirates alone, together with the [Root.GetFleetName] the two vessels were able to destroy the lead pirate ship forcing the remaining vessels to retreat back to [FromFrom.GetSpeciesName] space. The [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] of the freighter extended the gratitude of the entire Cargo Service before setting a course for the nearest starbase." STH_distress_call_event.602.desc:0 "The [FromFrom.GetSpeciesName] pirates were quick to judge their tactical superiority to the [Root.GetFleetName] even aided with the freighter's meagre weaponry. Focusing fire on the [Root.GetFleetName]'s warp core, the ship was destroyed as the primary antimatter storage units were breached. Undefended, the freighter was boarded and captured. Last detected setting a course for the [FromFrom.GetName], the pirate fleet was lost soon after they began to mask their ion trails." STH_distress_call_event.603.desc:0 "While the freighter's meagre weaponry stood little chance against the [FromFrom.GetSpeciesName] pirates alone, together with the [Root.GetFleetName] the two vessels were able to disable the lead pirate ship creating an opening for the vessels to jump to warp. On arriving in the [escapePlanet.Solar_System.GetName] system and certain the pirates had not followed, the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] of the freighter extended the gratitude of the entire Cargo Service before setting a course for the nearest starbase." STH_distress_call_event.604.desc:0 "While the freighter's meagre weaponry stood little chance against the [FromFrom.GetSpeciesName] pirates alone, together with the [Root.GetFleetName] the two vessels were able to disable the lead pirate ship creating an opening for the vessels to jump to warp. Unfortunately, as the freighter activated its warp drive, damage sustained in the engagement triggered a failure in the vessel's antimatter storage units, destroying both itself and several pirate corvettes. The remaining pirates quickly scattered. On arriving in the [escapePlanet.Solar_System.GetName] system [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] reported [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] failure to defend the [Root.Owner.Capital.GetName] Cargo Service vessel to command." STH_distress_call_event.1000.desc:0 "Arriving at the source of the distress call near [From.GetName], the [Root.GetFleetName] is able to determine that the ship in distress appears to be trapped near the event horizon of a type-4 quantum singularity. While contact can not be established between the vessels due to the subspace interference, the Chief Engineer suggests using a subspace tractor beam to pull the vessel out of the grip of the singularity. The option is not without risk however, and the Tactical Officer advises against the move." STH_distress_call_event.1001.desc:0 "The subspace tractor has penetrated the singularity's event horizon, but not before the emitter power relays overload with the strain of the operation. The [Root.GetFleetName] is heavily damaged by the resulting explosions and begins to fall toward the singularity." STH_distress_call_event.1002.desc:0 "[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] orders a full reverse, before plotting a course to the nearest starbase to repair. Several hours pass before the [Root.GetFleetName]'s sensors detect another type-4 quantum singularity identical to the near around [From.GetName]. It's fast apparent that it is the same anomaly. The [Root.GetFleetName] is trapped inside a subspace bubble formed by the singularity. The Chief Engineer suggests establishing a dampening field around the exterior sensors in order to help clear up the distress call from the other ship. The Tactical Officer counters that a targeted nadion pulse aimed at the singularity's core might disrupt the subspace bubble enough to release both vessels into normal space." STH_distress_call_event.1003.desc:0 "The dampening field is established around the external sensors and slowly the interference blocking the other vessel's transmission is compensated for. The crew are astonished to hear the voice of [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] reciting [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] initial hail to the trapped ship, which imaging improvements now show to be an exact duplicate of the [Root.GetFleetName]. The Science Officer believes that the other ship is a temporally distorted mirror image, and that the [Root.GetFleetName] itself is trapped inside the subspace bubble. The crew theorise that a stream of warp particles fired from the main deflector may be able to punch a hole through the subspace bubble. Alternatively a tetryon pulse might dissipate the bubble entirely." STH_distress_call_event.1004.desc:0 "The warp particles have indeed created a hole in the subspace bubble large enough for the [Root.GetFleetName] to pass through. On the other side in real space, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] orders the same approach used to pierce the surface area of the subspace bubble, eventually causing the entire region to evaporate in a burst of neutrinos." STH_distress_call_event.1005.desc:0 "The warp particles have created a hole in the subspace bubble, but it measures on a few tens of metres across. [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] believes a dekyon beam fired from a shuttlecraft close to the breach may be able to widen the hole further. Approaching the breach, the shuttle fires the dekyon beam and the gap widens to several hundred metres, easily enough to fit the [Root.GetFleetName] through. The shuttle's sensors are disabled by the subspace distortion however, and the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] is forced to determine which of the two [Root.GetFleetName] images on the screen is real and which is a temporal reflection. The vessel to port which faces the breach, or the vessel to starboard which faces away from it." STH_distress_call_event.1006.desc:0 "[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] chose correctly, and the shuttle bay doors close fast before the [Root.GetFleetName] races toward the breach in the subspace bubble. On the other side in real space, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] orders the same approach used to pierce the surface area of the subspace bubble, eventually causing the entire region to evaporate in a burst of neutrinos." STH_distress_call_event.1007.desc:0 "[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] chose incorrectly, as the shuttle passed through the reflection of the [Root.GetFleetName]. As the subspace breach is rapidly closing, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] orders the [Root.GetFleetName] to race toward the breach in the subspace bubble and escape. On the other side in real space, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] orders the same approach used to pierce the surface area of the subspace bubble, eventually causing the entire region to evaporate in a burst of neutrinos. [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] is presumed dead." STH_distress_call_event.1008.desc:0 "The nadion pulse rebounds from the quantum singularity and appears to reflect from the boundaries of the subspace bubble, each time gaining in amplitude. Several thousand rebounds occur before the [Root.GetFleetName] is hit by the pulse which tears through the ship. All hands are lost as the warp core is breached. The resulting shower of warp particles hammers the boundary of the subspace bubble, disintegrating the anomaly from the inside." STH_distress_call_event.1009.desc:0 "The nadion pulse rebounds from the quantum singularity and appears to reflect from the boundaries of the subspace bubble, each time gaining in amplitude. Nearly fifty rebounds occur before the [Root.GetFleetName] is hit by the pulse which blasts a hole through an unused cargo bay killing several. While repairs begin, the establishing of a dampening field around the exterior sensors to hail the other vessel appears to be the only option immediately available." STH_distress_call_event.1010.desc:0 "Switching to secondary relays, the subspace tractor continues to pull the other vessel closer. Sensor readings are limited, but the ship appears to be surrounded by a shimmer of chroniton particles. As the two ships come closer still the second vessel is resolved on the main viewscreen. The crew are surprised to discover it is an exact duplicate of the [Root.GetFleetName]. Distracted by the revelation, the secondary relays overheat and explode disabling the tractor beam. A series of smaller explosions occur along the EPS grid through to main engineering, where the warp core is breached, vaporising the ship with all hands. The resulting shower of warp particles hammers the boundary of the subspace bubble, disintegrating the anomaly from the inside." STH_distress_call_event.1011.desc:0 "Switching to secondary relays, the subspace tractor continues to pull the other vessel closer. Sensor readings are limited, but the ship appears to be surrounded by a shimmer of chroniton particles. As the two ships come closer still the secondary relays overheat and explode disabling the tractor beam. A series of smaller explosions occur along the EPS grid through to the cargo bay, killing several. While repairs begin, the Chief Engineer suggests establishing a dampening field around the exterior sensors in order to help clear up the distress call from the other ship." STH_distress_call_event.1012.desc:0 "The [Root.GetFleetName] reverses away from the quantum singularity, slowly. As [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] prepares to issue [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] report requesting a dedicated singularity rated vessel be dispatched to assist, the anomaly flashes into non-existence and a wave of chroniton particles is detected. The distress call falls silent." STH_distress_call_event.4000.desc:0 "Having reached the location of the distress call it appears that we have run into an ambush, a group of pirates have lured us to a freighter and are now heading in the direction of our ships with weapons ready." STH_distress_call_event.4002.desc:0 "With the pirates defeated we can now hail the freighter, which appears to be badly damaged but still functional. The ship's captain hails us wishing to offer a reward for coming to their aid." STH_distress_call_event.4003.desc:0 "With the pirates defeated we can now hail the freighter, which appears to have been completely destroyed in the attack, we can salvage a number of materials from the wreckage but not a lot else remains" STH_qless_category_desc:0 "Scans of [ROOT.GetName] show a far greater variability in the gravitational field than would be expected of an asteroid of this size and type. Such readings are normally associated with valuable exotic-matter crystalline deposits." STH_QLESS_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Ongoing power issues require support from starship grade sensor suites to localise." STH_QLESS_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Ongoing power issues require support from starship grade sensor suites to localise, before another disaster strikes the planet." STH_minor_anomaly.200.desc:0 "Setting down near the highest graviton concentration, the [Root.GetFleetName]'s away team did not take long to confirm [From.GetName]'s mining potential. The standard topsoil probe quickly revealed rich veins of duranium ore. Combining this with the gravity field readings revealed the veins penetrate deep into the core of [From.GetName]." STH_minor_anomaly.201.desc:0 "'A sensor malfunction,' reported the [Root.GetFleetName]'s lead geologist from the surface of [From.GetName]. The away team has been unable locate anything to explain the gravitational anomaly, as the soil analysis revealed the world to be unremarkable. Further investigation suggested the faulty readings were in fact caused by a malfunctioning nadion interferometer in the [Root.GetFleetName]'s sensor suite." STH_minor_anomaly.202.desc:0 "Surface readings from [From.GetName] revealed the asteroid to be in a near constant state of graviton flux. Tracking the anomaly to its source led the [Root.GetFleetName]'s away team into a crevasse deep below the surface. There at the source of the anomaly, they found something amazing. Small clusters of promethean quartz crystals glowing faintly, casting an eerie glimmer through the chasm as if lit by candles. Scans of the crystals did not reveal a connection to the graviton flux, and they possessed the exceptional high molecular density and refraction index expected of promethean quartz. [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] recommends they be sent to a research lab on [alien_eggs_planet.GetName] for further study, though considering their exceptional beauty they might not be out of place in a museum." STH_minor_anomaly.203.desc:0 "Intermittent power drops, seemingly the result of periodic spikes in power consumption overloading the power distribution net, have disrupted economic activity on [Root.GetName]. While attempting to diagnose the issue, local engineers have detected an anomalous localised graviton burst." STH_minor_anomaly.204.desc:0 "Economic activity on [Root.GetName] continues to be disrupted, as the source of the drain and the associated graviton bursts have yet to be discovered. Worse, the graviton bursts have increased in intensity to the point that they have triggered seismic activity across the planet." STH_minor_anomaly.210.desc:0 "Only when a graviton burst was detected around one of the power nodes affected by the periodic power drains on [Root.GetFleetName] did it become apparent what was going on; something was siphoning the energy from the power grid and converting it into gravitons. With the connection between the two phenomena has been determined, [Root.GetFleetName]'s sensors were able to isolate the cause of the power drain; a large fragment of what appears to be promethean quartz." STH_minor_anomaly.211.desc:0 "Transferring the promethean quartz crystal to the [Root.GetFleetName] was a disastrous mistake. When materialised, the crystal immediately began draining the vessel's power supply while graviton bursts destabilised the warp core. Within a matter of seconds the core breached, killing all aboard the [Root.GetFleetName]." STH_minor_anomaly.212.desc:0 "The rematerialisation of the promethean quartz crystal in space was accompanied by a flash of visible light. From this emerged a spaceborne alien, glowing bright from the light of decaying gravitons shed from its skin. Analysis confirmed that what was thought to be promethean quartz was in fact an alien egg of sorts. The power grid disruptions were theorised to be the result of the embryo drawing nourishment from its surrounding until it had matured enough to hatch. Transporting the egg into space seems to have triggered the creature's hatching, saving the planet from substantial ongoing damage." STH_minor_anomaly.213.desc:0 "Attempting to destroy the promethean quartz crystal has proven disastrous. When the crystal fractured, the gravitons contained in it were instantly released causing a massive shockwave. Hundreds were killed and thousands injured." STH_minor_anomaly.220.desc:0 "A bright flash lit the sky of the capital city on [Root.GetName] before fading first into darkness and then a faint blue glow of the ionised gas. Emergency services quickly determined that one of the many recent power drains on [Root.GetName] coincided with a graviton burst which hit the city's primary power storage facility, destroying it. While automatic force fields contained much of the blast, several nearby workshops collapsed reduced shockwave, killing twelve." STH_minor_anomaly.221.desc:0 "In a burst of gravitons, a large portion of the capital city on [Root.GetName] has been levelled. Emerging from the devastation, a large creature appeared to struggle to untangle itself from the ruined buildings, glowing in the light of decaying gravitons shed from its skin. After extending its wings to full width, the creature seemed to propel itself into orbit, before heading out of the [Root.Solar_System.GetName] system. While the devastation to [Root.GetName] was substantial, the problems affecting the power grid stopped following the alien's departure." STH_galactic_features.2000.desc:0 "The [Root.GetFleetName]'s survey of [From.GetName] has revealed the presence of extensive pergium deposits deep below the surface of the barren world. While conventional mining techniques would be insufficient to exploit the deposits, engineers aboard the [Root.GetFleetName] believe they can be accessed with a modest investment in time and equipment.§YEnables $decision_janus_mining_expansion_1$ decision on [From.GetName] once an outpost has been built.§!" STH_galactic_features.2001.desc:0 "The expansion of the subterranean mining complex on [From.GetName] has successfully tapped into a rich vein of rare ores." STH_galactic_features.2002.desc:0 "The expansion of the subterranean mining complex on [From.GetName] has successfully tapped into a rich vein of pergium and other rare ores." STH_galactic_features.2003.desc:0 "The expansion of the subterranean mining complex on [From.GetName] has successfully tapped into a rich vein of pergium and electrodynamic ores." STH_galactic_features.2004.desc:0 "The expansion of the subterranean mining complex on [From.GetName] has successfully tapped into a rich vein of pergium ore intermixed with deuterium gas." STH_galactic_features.2005.desc:0 "The mining crew assigned to expand the subterranean complexes on [From.GetName] have disappeared in mysterious circumstances. While no evidence of sabotage has been detected, the remaining miners have begun to arm themselves when traversing the cave network." STH_galactic_features.2006.desc:0 "The majority of the mining crew assigned to expand the subterranean complexes on [From.GetName] have disappeared, with a single survivor reporting that they fell victim to hostile rock-like creatures deep in the cave network." STH_galactic_features.2010.desc:0 "The science team sent to investigate the apparently hostile creatures on [From.GetName] have failed to report in as expected. Local security forces believe that all involved have fallen victim to the rock-like creatures, and in light of the hostile action have recommended an armed response to the threat." STH_galactic_features.2011.desc:0 "Deep in the caverns of [From.GetName], the science team dispatched to discover more about the creatures behind the recent attacks on the mining programme have encountered a so called 'devil in the dark' guarding a small clutch of spherical, metallic eggs. While the universal translator fails to identify conventional speech, the creature shows itself to be intelligent after etching the words 'no kill I' on the stone floor. The creatures, revealed as the silicoid 'Horta', communicate using sophisticated chemical emissions. With the new parameters known, a bespoke universal translator has some success in opening a dialogue with the race. Keen to learn more about the wider galaxy, the Horta offer their services as miners to the [Root.GetName] on the provision that they can direct future expansion on [From.GetName] to avoid their nursery chambers." STH_galactic_features.2020.desc:0 "The majority of the tactical teams assigned to hunt the so called 'devils in the dark' attacking the mining operations on [From.GetName] have been killed following several days of fighting. The creatures, heavily resistant to energy weapons, attacked ferociously. While the remaining miners on [From.GetName] are now safe, the cost in lives has been significant." STH_galactic_features.2021.desc:0 "A small number of the tactical teams assigned to hunt the so called 'devils in the dark' attacking the mining operations on [From.GetName] have been killed following several days of fighting. The creatures, heavily resistant to energy weapons, attacked ferociously. The remaining miners on [From.GetName] are now safe, though the cost in lives has tempered the mood." STH_theCrossing_category_desc:0 "Unusual subspace readings have been detected in orbit, apparently unconnected to any observable phenomena." STH_theCrossing_event.1.desc:0 "Entering orbit of [From.GetName], the unusual subspace readings are quickly determined to be radiating from a vessel on a rapid intercept course. Not matching any known hull configuration, the intentions of the ship are impossible to ascertain. Initial hails are met with silence." STH_theCrossing_event.2.desc:0 "Assuming a hostile intent, the [Root.GetFleetName] plots an escape trajectory from the vessel. For several minutes both ships continue to attempt to accelerate faster than each other, until at last the alien vessel's speed plateaus and the [Root.GetFleetName] is able to elude the pursuer." STH_theCrossing_event.3.desc:0 "Assuming a hostile intent, the [Root.GetFleetName] plots an escape trajectory from the vessel. For several minutes both ships continue to attempt to accelerate faster than each other. The alien vessel matches and exceeds every warp factor increment the [Root.GetFleetName] is able to achieve, however.Eventually the two vessels are within metres of each other, as a giant frontal bay door opens on the alien ship in an attempt to bring the [Root.GetFleetName] into its interior. Catastrophically, a miniscule fluctuation in the now combined warp field rebounds between the two ships, crashing them together at near-relativistic speeds. Both vessels are annihilated." STH_theCrossing_event.10.desc:0 "The alien vessel continues to approach the [Root.GetFleetName], despite [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName]'s attempt to initiate contact. As the two vessels are within metres of each other, a giant frontal bay door opens on the alien ship in an attempt to bring the [Root.GetFleetName] into its interior. The order to reverse course comes too late, as the [Root.GetFleetName] is brought inside the alien vessel. A giant chamber of unknown design and function holds the [Root.GetFleetName], filled with a helium atmosphere. The ship appears to be empty of life." STH_theCrossing_event.20.desc:0 "The [Root.GetFleetName]'s weapons appear to have no effect, reduced in intensity by a dampening field within the interior." STH_theCrossing_event.21.desc:0 "At first the [Root.GetFleetName]'s weapons had minimal effect, reduced in intensity by a dampening field within the interior. The tactical officer inverts the waveform function of the ship's [Root.Owner.GetMainEnergyWeapon]s, and the effect is negated enough to punch a hole wide in the outer wall large enough for the [Root.GetFleetName] to escape through. Secondary explosions erupt across the alien vessel, which erupts in a burst of plasma. The [Root.GetFleetName] is free, but severely damaged by the blast." STH_theCrossing_event.22.desc:0 "At first the [Root.GetFleetName]'s weapons had minimal effect, reduced in intensity by a dampening field within the interior. The tactical officer inverts the wave-form function of the ship's [Root.Owner.GetMainEnergyWeapon]s, and the effect is negated enough to punch a hole wide in the outer wall not quite large enough for the [Root.GetFleetName] to escape through. Secondary explosions erupt across the alien vessel, which erupts in a burst of plasma. The [Root.GetFleetName] is destroyed with the alien vessel." STH_theCrossing_event.30.desc:0 "As [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] leads an away team into the vessel interior, the helium atmosphere is replaced with a mixture more accommodating to [Root.Owner.GetSpeciesName] life. A number of bright blue wisps of light fill the chamber, floating around the away team. One passes through [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName]'s EVA suit, as [Root.Leader.GetSheHe] looks around bemused for several moments before the wisp leaves [Root.Leader.GetHerHim] and rejoins the rest of the cloud. The [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] is dazed, but believes the wisps are in some way sapient and may be the key to escaping the vessel's interior." STH_theCrossing_event.40.desc:0 "The ship's communications officer volunteers to be 'possessed' by one of the wisps, in order to attempt to learn more from them. Moments after the blue ball of light passed through their EVA suit, an attempt is made to enter conversation. Surprised by the willingness to talk, the wisp indicates that it belongs to a non-corporeal species and that the vessel they are within sustains it and its people. The vessel is failing through lack of repair however, and the wisps have had to resort to possessing the corporeal bodies of aliens in order to survive." STH_theCrossing_event.41.desc:0 "Working with the wisps through possessed volunteers, the [Root.GetFleetName] is able to successfully repair the wisps' vessel and provide a number of long-term maintenance systems that should prevent further damage for a number of years to come. The wisps are grateful, and offer a cache of scientific data in return for the [Root.GetFleetName]'s assistance." STH_theCrossing_event.42.desc:0 "Working with the wisps through possessed volunteers, the [Root.GetFleetName] attempts to repair the wisp's vessel and provide a number of long-term maintenance systems that should prevent further damage for a number of years to come. While the repairs appear to be successful at first, after cycling the wisps' primary power regulator, a catastrophic power failure cascades across the entire power distribution network. A series of explosions erupt across the alien vessel, which erupts in a burst of plasma. The [Root.GetFleetName] is destroyed with the alien vessel." STH_theCrossing_event.45.desc:0 "[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] orders the crew to devise a plan taking advantage of the alien vessel's weakened state. The possessed communications officer indicated that osmium byproducts of the ship's fusion plants were highly disruptive to their technology, and a scheme is quickly devised to scatter osmium residue throughout the vessel, before blasting a way through the hull and into open space. The approach is a success, though the extent of the damage to the alien vessel is far greater than expected. It erupts in a burst of plasma, moments after the [Root.GetFleetName] clears the blast radius." STH_theCrossing_event.46.desc:0 "[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] orders the crew to devise a plan taking advantage of the alien vessel's weakened state. The possessed Communications Officer indicated that Osmium byproducts of the ship's fusion plants were highly disruptive to their technology, and a scheme is quickly devised to scatter Osmium residue throughout the vessel, before blasting a way through the hull and into open space. The approach is a success, though the extent of the damage to the alien vessel is far greater than expected. It erupts in a burst of plasma, severely damaging the [Root.GetFleetName]." STH_theCrossing_event.47.desc:0 "[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] orders the crew to devise a plan taking advantage of the alien vessel's weakened state. The possessed Communications Officer indicated that Osmium byproducts of the ship's fusion plants were highly disruptive to their technology, and a scheme is quickly devised to scatter Osmium residue throughout the vessel, before blasting a way through the hull and into open space. The approach is a success, though the extent of the damage to the alien vessel is far greater than expected. It erupts in a burst of plasma, critically damaging the [Root.GetFleetName]. For several minutes engineers fight to stabilise the warp core, but it is too late. The [Root.GetFleetName] is destroyed as the warp core breaches." STH_theCrossing_event.50.desc:0 "[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] and the senior staff devise a plan for escape from the vessel, after noticing that the wisp-like creatures are repulsed by osmium compounds in the [Root.GetFleetName]'s hull. Further scans reveal that Osmium byproducts are highly disruptive to the alien ship's technology. A plan is set in motion to scatter osmium residue throughout the vessel, before blasting a way through the hull and into open space. Before the plan can be initiated however, reports across the ship indicate that the wisps have inhabited close to a quarter of the [Root.GetFleetName]'s crew." STH_theCrossing_event.51.desc:0 "Intentionally disabling the environmental controls in areas of the ship with crew possessed by the wisps, the ship's doctor plans to bring the affected crew close to death before reviving them, in the assumption that the wisps are unable to inhabit the deceased. The approach works, and the wisps leave the ship before the [Root.GetFleetName] can proceed with the original plan and escape the interior of the alien vessel. The extent of the damage to the alien vessel is far greater than expected. It erupts in a burst of plasma, moments after the [Root.GetFleetName] clears the blast radius." STH_theCrossing_event.52.desc:0 "Intentionally disabling the environmental controls in areas of the ship with crew possessed by the wisps, the ship's doctor plans to bring the affected crew close to death before reviving them, in the assumption that the wisps are unable to inhabit the deceased. The approach fails however, and the wisps leave the ship only after the affected crew had been dead for too long to revive. The decimated crew of the [Root.GetFleetName] can now proceed with the original plan and escape the interior of the alien vessel. The extent of the damage to the alien vessel is far greater than expected. It erupts in a burst of plasma, moments after the [Root.GetFleetName] clears the blast radius." STH_theCrossing_event.55.desc:0 "The [Root.GetFleetName] proceeds with the original plan to escape the interior of the alien vessel, restricting the possessed crew behind emergency bulkheads. Clearing a hole in the side of the alien ship, the [Root.GetFleetName] emerges into open space and accelerates to maximum impulse. The extent of the damage to the alien vessel is far greater than expected. It erupts in a burst of plasma, moments after the [Root.GetFleetName] clears the blast radius. As the vessel is destroyed, internal monitors detect electrostatic power surges in areas of the ship where the possessed crew had been contained. The entirety of the affected crew are found dead from electrocution." EYE_OF_THE_NEEDLE_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "A distress call has been received through the aperture of a small wormhole. A polarised verteron beam may be capable of stabilising the wormhole sufficiently to allow two way communication." STH_distress_call_event.2000.desc:0 "Arriving at [From.GetName], the source of the distress call appears to be the aperture of a small wormhole. Attempts by the [Root.GetFleetName] to make contact with the originating vessel are hampered by extreme verteron interference. Worse, the wormhole itself is under half a metre in diameter, preventing even a shuttle from traversing it to its indeterminable exit point. Wormhole experts aboard the [Root.GetFleetName] believe a polarised verteron beam might be configurable in such a way as to allow the wormhole to be stabilized enough to initiate communications, but cannot guarantee that the technique will be perfected before the wormhole dissipates." STH_distress_call_event.2001.desc:0 "Stabilising the micro-wormhole with a polarised verteron beam, the interference has been reduced to the point that two way communications are possible. The distress call itself contains very little information beyond a request for confirmation of the location of the wormhole exit point, and that the vessel on the other side is stranded in the Delta Quadrant. Suspicions on the [Root.GetFleetName] run high with few believing a wormhole of this size could be capable of bridging the 70,000 or so light years to the Delta Quadrant. [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] ponders whether to respond to the vessel, or dismiss the claims as an elaborate hoax by a more local power." STH_distress_call_event.2002.desc:0 "As predicted, without the application of a stabilising polarised verteron beam the micro-wormhole around [From.GetName] has dissipated. With it, the distress call from the other side has ceased." STH_distress_call_event.2003.desc:0 "Unwilling to be deceived by the ship claiming to be trapped in the Delta Quadrant, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] ordered the [Root.GetFleetName] to maintain passive observation of the vessel and the wormhole. After several days, the stabilizing effect of the polarised verteron beam had worn off and shortly after the wormhole dissipated in a flash of neutrinos. The increasingly desperate pleas of the vessel on the other side of the wormhole proved uncomfortable listening, but fortunately an analysis of the vessel's comms modulation techniques has proven of interest to scientists on [Root.Owner.Capital.GetName]." STH_distress_call_event.2005.desc:0 "Attempts to create a two-way communication channel between the [Root.GetFleetName] and the vessel on the other side of the wormhole have proven disastrous. Subspace harmonic resonances triggered by the [Root.GetFleetName]'s communications array have counteracted the reinforcing effects of the polarised verteron beam. The micro-wormhole rapidly dissipated, finally disappearing in a flash of neutrinos." STH_distress_call_event.2035.desc:0 "Temporal Security operatives from the [From.GetName] have informed their counterparts in the [Root.GetName] of an incident which occurred nearly half a century prior. While details of the incident are by convention not shared outside of Temporal Security, a summary has been shared with [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] indicating a [Root.GetName] vessel thought lost is in fact operational in the Delta Quadrant." STH_distress_call_event.2040.desc:0 "A [From.GetName] vessel has appeared around [Root.Capital.GetName], crewed by [Root.GetName] citizens claiming to be from several decades in the future. Telling a story of being stranded in the Delta Quadrant against their will, encountering a micro wormhole and repelling a boarding party from and seizing control of a [From.GetName] ship, many are sceptical of the claim. Quantum dating and genetic testing seems to confirm matters, while an analysis of the changes made to the [From.GetName] vessel following its capture suggest technical knowledge decades ahead of the [Root.GetName] today." DISEASE_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "[diseasePop.GetPlagueName] has been reported on [diseasePop.Planet.GetName], affecting several settlements and threatening the security of the colony." DISEASE_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 "[diseasePop.GetPlagueName] has spread to another settlement on [diseasePop.Planet.GetName], continuing to threaten the security of the colony." STH_disease.1001.desc:0 "An outbreak of the [From.GetPlagueName] has been reported on [Target.GetName] in the [Target.Solar_System.GetName] system. While the local quarantine has so far succeeded in containing the infection within a handful of settlements on the planet, it may soon spread if untreated. Authorities on [Target.GetName] have requested the dispatch of a medical team to the planet immediately." STH_disease.1011.desc:0 "The [From.GetName] has generously decided to share the results of their advances in developing a cure for the Tanerian Plague. The data provided will provide a significant boost to developing [Root.GetSpeciesName]-specific treatments." STH_disease.1012.desc:0 "The [From.GetName] has generously decided to share the results of their advances in developing a cure for the Laurentian Plague. The data provided will provide a significant boost to developing [Root.GetSpeciesName]-specific treatments." STH_disease.1013.desc:0 "The [From.GetName] has generously decided to share the results of their advances in developing a cure for the Seripian Flu. The data provided will provide a significant boost to developing [Root.GetSpeciesName]-specific treatments." STH_disease.1014.desc:0 "The [From.GetName] has generously decided to share the results of their advances in developing a cure for the Centauran Flu. The data provided will provide a significant boost to developing [Root.GetSpeciesName]-specific treatments." STH_disease.1015.desc:0 "The [From.GetName] has generously decided to share the results of their advances in developing a cure for the Ynorian Pox. The data provided will provide a significant boost to developing [Root.GetSpeciesName]-specific treatments." STH_disease.1016.desc:0 "The [From.GetName] has generously decided to share the results of their advances in developing a cure for the Kentaran Pox. The data provided will provide a significant boost to developing [Root.GetSpeciesName]-specific treatments." STH_disease.1017.desc:0 "The [From.GetName] has generously decided to share the results of their advances in developing a cure for the Rhombic Paguphage. The data provided will provide a significant boost to developing [Root.GetSpeciesName]-specific treatments." STH_disease.1018.desc:0 "The [From.GetName] has generously decided to share the results of their advances in developing a cure for the Monoclinic Paguphage. The data provided will provide a significant boost to developing [Root.GetSpeciesName]-specific treatments." STH_disease.1019.desc:0 "The [From.GetName] has generously decided to share the results of their advances in developing a cure for the Arxolite Corruption. The data provided will provide a significant boost to developing [Root.GetSpeciesName]-specific treatments." STH_disease.1020.desc:0 "The [From.GetName] has generously decided to share the results of their advances in developing a cure for the Manxilite Corruption. The data provided will provide a significant boost to developing [Root.GetSpeciesName]-specific treatments." STH_disease.1100.desc:0 "While the efforts of the [Root.GetFleetName] and [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] have prevented the outbreak from spreading further, the majority of those in the infected settlements have died from the plague. The outbreak has officially been declared over." STH_disease.1110.desc:0 "Without the support of a [Root.GetName] medical mission, the local authorities on [FromFrom.Planet.GetName] were left to their own resources to prevent the spread of the [FromFrom.GetPlagueName] to another settlement. While strict quarantine laws have succeeded in limiting the spread of the plague, they have also hampered efforts to treat those who were already infected, the majority of whom have now died. The outbreak has officially been declared over." STH_disease.1120.desc:0 "Without the support of a [Root.GetName] medical mission, the local authorities on [FromFrom.Planet.GetName] were unable to prevent the spread of the [FromFrom.GetPlagueName] to another settlement." STH_disease.1200.desc:0 "The efforts of the [Root.GetFleetName] and [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] have prevented the outbreak of [FromFrom.GetPlagueName] from spreading further. Better still, a cure to the particular strain of [FromFrom.GetPlagueName] affecting the colony was discovered in time to save the lives of those infected. The outbreak has officially been declared over." STH_observation.100.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], the diplomatic efforts of the [Root.GetName] have succeeded in convincing my people to participate more fully in galactic affairs. While we had forgone the exploitation of warp technology in order to focus our energies toward affairs on [FromFrom.GetName], the underlying technologies have been known to us for some time. I firmly believe our peoples can prosper together, in peace." STH_memorial_category_desc:0 "Long distance scans of the surface of [From.GetName] suggest there could be substantial $sr_dilithium$ deposits present." STH_MEMORIAL_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Something we missed may be causing nightmares and psychotic episodes that the crew are suffering from." STH_memorial_event.1.desc:0 "After scanning [From.GetName], the [Root.GetFleetName] has detected and successfully transfered substantial deposits of $sr_dilithium$ from the surface, into the ship's cargo bay." STH_memorial_event.2.desc:0 "[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] has reported a number of vivid and disruptive nightmares, which have begun to impact [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] performance. Believing [Root.Leader.GetHerHim]self to be engaged in a military operation which quickly turns into a massacre of unarmed civilians, [Root.GetLeaderName] has no explanation for the life-like dreams." STH_memorial_event.10.desc:0 "While inspecting the maintenance work of a promising member of the [Root.GetFleetName]'s crew, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] has suffered a panic attack. Apparently stunning [Root.Leader.GetHerHim]self on a partially unshielded EPS conduit, medical personnel have confined the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] to sickbay while an investigation is underway." STH_memorial_event.20.desc:0 "While eating with the [Root.GetFleetName]'s crew, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] has suffered a hallucinatory episode, taking a junior officer hostage. After being stunned by a responding security team, medical personal have confined the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] to sickbay while an investigation is underway." STH_memorial_event.21.desc:0 "While eating with the [Root.GetFleetName]'s crew, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] has suffered a hallucinatory episode, taking one junior officer hostage and killing another as they tried to intervene. After being stunned by a responding security team, medical personal have confined the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] to sickbay while an investigation is underway." STH_memorial_event.50.desc:0 "While [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] recovered from [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] breakdown in sickbay, more and more of the [Root.GetFleetName]'s crew have reported strange nightmares which have begun to impact their day to day work. Many are convinced they themselves participated in a massacre on Tarakis, the name they believe now departed alien colonists gave to [From.GetName], despite the impossibility of their being involved. The Executive Officer has recommended a further analysis of the world to better identify a resolution." STH_memorial_event.60.desc:0 "More detailed scans of [From.GetName] have revealed the presence of what appears to be a memorial obelisk emitting neurogenic radiation. The device appears to be designed to impart memories from remorseful alien soldiers who participated in a massacre of civilians on the world several centuries prior. The following is inscribed across its base: '§YWords alone cannot convey the suffering.Words alone cannot prevent what happened here from happening again.Beyond words lies experience.Beyond experience lies truth.Make this truth your own.§!'The monument appears to be partially malfunctioning." STH_memorial_event.70.desc:0 "The monument on [From.GetName] has finally failed, powering down harmlessly. With it goes the memory of the alien colonists massacred several centuries prior." STH_memorial_event.71.desc:0 "The monument on [From.GetName] has finally failed, detonating with a deadly burst of neurogenic radiation. With that devastation goes the memory of the alien colonists massacred several centuries prior." STH_memorial_event.80.desc:0 "The monument on [From.GetName] has been successfully repaired. While the painful memories imparted by the device remain, they are no longer presented out of order and instead form a cohesive narrative. Most who experience it are deeply affected by the message." STH_memorial_event.81.desc:0 "The repairs to the monument on [From.GetName] have failed catastrophically, detonating the obelisk with a deadly burst of neurogenic radiation. With that devastation goes the memory of the alien colonists massacred several centuries prior." STH_memorial_event.90.desc:0 "The monument on [From.GetName] has been successfully destroyed. While the painful memories imparted by the device presented a powerful message, they will no longer be forced upon visitors and inhabitants of [From.GetName]." STH_memorial_event.91.desc:0 "The destruction to the monument on [From.GetName] has resulted in a catastrophic detonation, leading to a deadly burst of neurogenic radiation. With that devastation goes the memory of the alien colonists massacred several centuries prior." STH_memorial_event.100.desc:0 "With the monument on [From.GetName] repaired, archaeologists across the [Root.GetName] wish to study the world to uncover more about the massacre that took place there, centuries ago. The races and factions involved remain a mystery that many now wish to solve." DECISION_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Send a Scientist to help establish new supply lines to this world and generate extra supplies and consumer goods." DECISION_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Send an Admiral to help establish new supply lines to this world and generate extra supplies and consumer goods." DECISION_3_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Send a ship to help establish new supply lines to this world and generate extra supplies and consumer goods." DECISION_4_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Send a team of medical experts led by a Doctor to assist in planetary growth." DECISION_4B_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Send a team of medical experts led by a Medical Consultant to assist in planetary growth." DECISION_4C_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Send a team of medical experts led by a Chief Medical Officer to assist in planetary growth." DECISION_5_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Send a team of medical experts led by a Nurse to assist in planetary growth." DECISION_6_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Send a team of science experts to assist in planetary research." STH_decision_events.100.desc:0 "While civilian commerce can prove unpredictable in its outcome, policies designed to promote the import of certain resources can incentivise free traders to achieve the goals of local economic planers.§Y[This.GetName]§! is currently promoting the import of §B[This.GetImportPolicy]§!." STH_decision_events.200.desc:0 "Some resources are exceptionally rare in the galaxy. By expending large quantities of energy, fabrication facilities can be used to synthesise those that are in short supply.§Y[This.GetName]§! is currently prioritising the creation of §B[This.GetFabricationPriority]§!." STH_decision_events.300.desc:0 "Some worlds can be dedicated to one singular pursuit in order to maximise their efficiency. By converting a world to a specialisation, it will gain new powerful districts and offer a bonus to your empire." STH_decision_events.400.desc:0 "Our efforts have been fruitful and a new cache of nanites has been deposited on our colony." STH_decision_events.650.desc:0 "The local authorities on [THIS.GetName], have requested additional support to bolster their export of §B$consumer_goods$§!. We should dispatch a team to secure the trade routes and improve the production of supplies on the planet." STH_decision_events.653.desc:0 "With the cancelation of the ongoing operation to improve consumer goods production on [THIS.GetName] the ongoing benefits have been removed." STH_decision_events.654.desc:0 "The operation on [This.GetName] has been completed successfully and whilst significant improvements were made whilst the team was in orbit will slowly return to normal levels, the planet will see a small boost for the foreseeable future whilst the improvements to the planets infrastructure remain in place." STH_decision_events.655.desc:0 "The government on [This.GetName] have requested additional assistance from our medical agency to help resolve a number of local issues that are slowly the population growth speed on this planet. The team led by either a Doctor or Nurse will set up a number of labs and hospital facilities looking at a range of issues that could be causing the planet's pops numbers to rise slowly. Anything and everything from diseases to poor health practices will be checked in a bit to ensure this colony is in the best possible health." STH_decision_events.657.desc:0 "The medical assistance provided by our experts have managed to successfully complete its operation on the planet [This.GetName] with positive results, the improvements to the infrastructure and medical facilities have provided a number of important health benefits to the people of this world that will remain for a number of years." STH_decision_events.671.desc:0 "The local scientific authorities on [THIS.GetName], has requested additional support to bolster vital ongoing research initiatives. We should dispatch a science team to support the local research projects." STH_decision_events.673.desc:0 "Our science team has completed their agreed assignment to the science centre on [This.GetName] having provided the local scientists with additional leads and scientific breakthroughs, which they will now continue to work on for the next few months." STH_decision_events.674.desc:0 "With the cancelation of the ongoing research operation on [THIS.GetName] The ongoing benefits have been removed." STH_decision_events.680.desc:0 "[This.GetName] has been marked as ready for re-introduction into the collective, prepare redeployment of drones to establish collective presence at this location.The collective grows stronger." CARETAKER_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "There is no sign of the missing target on scanners, forcing the captain and their crew deeper into the maelstrom to complete the mission which is vital to [Root.GetName]. We must push deeper into the storm." CARETAKER_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The combined knowledge best minds in the [Root.GetName] and the collective learnings of all recorded medical science are at the fingertips of the Starships doctor, but even so it will take all of their skill to engineer a cure, perhaps the use of nanoprobes will help." CARETAKER_3_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The Phage has devastated the Vidiian civilisation. Even a small hope of finding a cure is worth investigating." CARETAKER_4_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Using the research a gained from our previous meeting with the Caretaker's species, we have the option to research a weapon or defense to use against them. The moral implications of such a weapon are questionable, but it would give us an edge." CARETAKER_5_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The Fluidic Rifts pose a very real threat to our way of life, we have tasked our scientists with the mission to rid our worlds of these hazards." caretaker_scorpion_chain_desc:0 "Unique organic ships trouble this area." STH_caretaker.2.desc:0 "Long-range scans have picked up the last known location of the missing ship and the crew are ready to depart eager to test out the capabilities of the new vessel.Morale is high and the crew are eager to return home after putting Voyager through her paces." STH_caretaker.3.desc:0 "Suddenly a blinding burst of light fills the screen onboard the USS Voyager, someone reports a massive displacement wave inbound. With nowhere to run the Captain orders the crew to brace for impact." STH_caretaker.4.desc:0 "Despite all the preparation, conditions inside the nebula are proving far more dangerous than anticipated. Ion Storms rock the shields and the containment fields struggle to keep the ship intact. Just as all seems lost the science officer reports a massive inbound displacement wave." STH_caretaker.5.desc:0 "[Root.Owner.GetName], our follow up recovery crews have only been able to withstand the effects of the nebula for a limited time, but they have uncovered what appears to be the wreckage of our lost ship. There were no survivors." STH_caretaker.6.desc:0 "After what seemed like forever reports start coming in from all stations, whilst damage appears to be minimal, there is no sign of our target and it appears our efforts were in vain. There is nothing left to do but return home and wonder what could have been." STH_caretaker.7.desc:0 "Our long distance sensors are no longer able to detect the signal from our mission target. It appears that they are no longer transmitting, with no signal to track there is nothing more we can do." STH_caretaker.11.desc:0 "The crew wakes up on a tranquil farmhouse scene, the only other person in sight is an old man playing the banjo.He explains that he is here to undo a wrong caused many years ago, but that you cannot help him and he must continue his work before time runs out.Before the Captain can ask any more questions the crew are returned to the Ship, where sensors have picked up a small unidentified vessel being chased by three more powerful ships." STH_caretaker.12.desc:0 "Our weapons appear to have no impact on the giant structure, Tactical reports a massive power build up from within the Array, without warning it unleashed a massive power surge towards its attacker. The Captain only has time to utter one last command." STH_caretaker.13.desc:0 "The vessel opens hailing frequency claiming to be a trader from the [contact_species_delta.GetSpeciesName] and urgently needs help. They are willing to offer whatever assistance they can provide and claim to be an expert in this region. The enemy vessels are closing in and it's clear the small ship would stand no chance of surviving without help, but our ship is in no shape for a confrontation right now." STH_caretaker.41.desc:0 "Long range scans have detected a distress call coming from deeper within the nearby system, the ship reports that it has been under attack and is drifting out of control, they have a VIP passenger onboard with expert local knowledge and will defend themselves if needed." STH_caretaker.42.desc:0 "As the ship enters scanning range the chief engineer detects a sudden power surge, too late to raise shields or move out of the blast range the ship is rocked by the explosion. Damage reports shows extensive damage to internal systems. Intruder alert alarms ring out, it is clear the ship is lost." STH_caretaker.43.desc:0 "As the ship approaches the target vessel the science officer picks up a large build-up of energy - the self destruct has been set! Unable to escape the full force of the shock wave the ship is only able to move a small distance away from the blast zone. Damage reports indicate that internal defences and communications are down. Suddenly the intruder alert alarm sounds...The crew fight valiantly but caught unaware are unable to repel the invading aliens. As the doors to the bridge are breached, the captain has no choice to surrender to spare the lives of the crew." STH_caretaker.44.desc:0 "As the ship approaches the target vessel the science officer picks up a large build-up of energy - the self destruct has been set! Unable to escape the full force of the shock wave the ship is only able to move a small distance away from the blast zone. Damage reports indicate that internal defences and communications are down. Suddenly the intruder alert alarm sounds as boarders enter the ship.The crew fight valiantly managing to kill a number of the attackers, but caught unaware and outnumbered the crew are unable to repel the invading aliens. As the doors to the bridge are breached, the captain has no choice to surrender to spare the lives of the crew." STH_caretaker.45.desc:0 "As the ship approaches the target vessel the science officer picks up a large build-up of energy - the self destruct has been set! Unable to escape the full force of the shock wave the ship is only able to move a small distance away from the blast zone. Damage reports indicate that internal defences and communications are down. Suddenly the intruder alert alarm sounds!nThe crew fight valiantly managing to wound a number of the attackers, but caught unaware and outnumbered the crew are unable to repel the invading aliens. As the doors to the bridge are breached, the captain has no choice to surrender to spare the lives of the crew." STH_caretaker.46.desc:0 "As the ship approaches the target vessel the science officer picks up a large build-up of energy - the self destruct has been set! Unable to escape the full force of the shock wave the ship is only able to move a small distance away from the blast zone. Damage reports indicate that internal defences and communications are down. Suddenly the intruder alert alarm sounds...The crew fight valiantly but take many casualties, caught unaware and outnumbered the crew are unable to repel the invading aliens. As the doors to the bridge are breached, the captain has no choice to surrender to spare the lives of the remaining crew." STH_caretaker.47.desc:0 "The crew look on as their attacker's limp away with their damaged ship, having been marooned on this strange and hostile planet. A wave of fear ripples through the remaining crew and the distant rumble of a very active volcano can be heard in the distance, [intrepidAdmiral.GetName] knows that the only hope the crew has, is to keep moving and seek out the essentials. Knowing that volunteers will be few, it is time to make a decision on who to send on a scouting mission, that could very well determine the fate of all under their command." STH_caretaker.48.desc:0 "Despite their best efforts, the Science Officer was unable to find any sustenance, the crew morale drops, but we cannot give up." STH_caretaker.49.desc:0 "Great news! The Science Officer returns with a selection of wild berries, grubs and the location of a fresh water supply, enough to keep the crew alive for a number of weeks." STH_caretaker.50.desc:0 "Tragic news, after no sign of the officer for a number of hours a search party is sent out to investigate. All they could find of the officer was a blood stained remnant of uniform." STH_caretaker.51.desc:0 "Great news! The Captain returns with a selection of wild berries, grubs and the location of a fresh water supply, enough to keep the crew alive for a number of weeks." STH_caretaker.52.desc:0 "Despite their best efforts, the Captain was unable to find any sustenance and with a slight limp, the crew morale drops, but cannot give up." STH_caretaker.53.desc:0 "Tragic news, after no sign of the officer for a number of hours a search party is sent out to investigate. All they could find of the officer was a blood stained remnant of uniform." STH_caretaker.54.desc:0 "A cheer erupts as the crew member returns with a selection of wild berries, grubs and the location of a fresh water supply, enough to keep the crew alive for a number of weeks." STH_caretaker.55.desc:0 "With the food situation dealt with, attention turns to the darkening skies and rapidly cooling temperatures, finding shelter becomes the priority! A nearby mountain range seems to offer hope in the form of a cave formation, but there is no indication of whether anything more sinister resides within those dark tunnels. Once again the Captain is forced to make a decision on who to send into the darkness." STH_caretaker.56.desc:0 "The decision to spend the night in the open turns out to be a wise decision, the lookouts report strange noises from within the caves, the crew seem relieved to have avoided whatever monstrosity dwells within those dark tunnels. With a roaring fire keeping the crew warm, it's an ideal opportunity to rest and take stock of the situation." STH_caretaker.57.desc:0 "The decision to spend the night in the open turns out to be a mistake, the temperature plummets and the crew struggle to keep a fire lit. This takes its toll on the already injured members of the crew and sadly a number do not make it through the night. Hopefully the situation can only get better." STH_caretaker.58.desc:0 "The risk pays off and the cave provides excellent shelter from the harsh overnight conditions. The crew welcome the rest and the break from the rain hammering outside." STH_caretaker.59.desc:0 "The cave was not empty! A hostile beast was found living inside the cave and it apparently has a taste for [root.owner.GetSpeciesName] the crew are able to escape, but not before losing an unlucky crewman." STH_caretaker.60.desc:0 "The Science officer and team return from the cave network with good news - it looks like it will provide a safe shelter for the entire crew. The scouting party found a number of dangerous drops which could have caught out the unsuspecting crew." STH_caretaker.61.desc:0 "The cave was not empty! A hostile beast was found living inside the cave and it apparently has a taste for [root.owner.GetSpeciesName] and seemed to really enjoy the taste of our Science officer and their team. A lucky escape for the crew, but not the unfortunate few who entered the cave." STH_caretaker.62.desc:0 "Just as rescue looks more and more unlikely one of the scouts spots a ship landing on the horizon. The crew are contacted by one of the species local to this area who saw the attack on the ship and having been hounded by the more aggressive species in this region for years have opted to fight back with the help of the crew from the Alpha Quadrant.nThe Alien captain suggests that they have been living in fear for many generations and believe now is the time to strike back, the captain asks whether his crew can join in the retaking of the ship, the captain asks for more time to make the decision. The crew are tired and could make a home on this hostile world - the crew will have a hard life, but it would end the confrontation. A decision must be made." STH_caretaker.63.desc:0 "The decision has been made, this will be our new home, a hard life awaits - but free from conflict and further battles with the species in this region. We will make this planet home and a little piece of the Alpha Quadrant here in these strange uncharted lands. The adventure may have been brief, but we will pass the story of how we ended up here down through the generations." STH_caretaker.64.desc:0 "The rescuers track down the ship, which has still not been repaired, apparently our technology is proving a challenge. With the shields down our boarding parties should be able to board the ship easily enough. Our ship is our home and our chance to get home, we cannot abandoned her to these alien aggressors. Prepare the crew to take back the ship. Our alien rescues restate their desire to help stake a blow against the species that has continually hounded them, however the risk to the aliens would be great and many of them could be killed due to their inferior training. Should we accept their help or storm the ship solo." STH_caretaker.65.desc:0 "The battle was intense, but the superior training and skill of the crew from the Alpha Quadrant was able to make short work of the thieves. With the ship safely back under the Captains control and the aliens secured in the brig, help from their rescuers was not required." STH_caretaker.66.desc:0 "The battle was intense, but the superior training and skill of the crew from the Alpha Quadrant was able to make short work of the thieves. Unfortunately there were some casualties and not all the crew were able to survive With the ship safely back under the Captains control and the aliens secured in the brig, help from their rescuers was not required." STH_caretaker.67.desc:0 "Captain, we have regained control of the ship, but faced heavy resistance, not all the crew made it. Unfortunately we lost our science officer as we attempted to take back Main Engineering." STH_caretaker.68.desc:0 "Captain, we have regained control of the ship, but faced heavy resistance, not all the crew made it. Unfortunately we lost Neelix as we attempted to take back Main Engineering - his sacrifice will not go unnoticed." STH_caretaker.69.desc:0 "Captain, we have regained control of the ship, but faced heavy resistance, many of the crew were injured and sadly we lost a number of the senior officers including our Science officer and Neelix, our victory came at high price." STH_caretaker.70.desc:0 "The combined might of the two forces was too much for the thieves and systematically the ship was cleared, deck by deck in a professional and calculated manor seldom seen in these parts of the Delta Quadrant. Such was the success of the operation that no injuries were sustained and collateral damage to the ship itself was minimal. One could describe this as the very definition of a textbook operation." STH_caretaker.71.desc:0 "After a heavy battle with casualties on both sides the superior numbers and training of the allies finally broke through the defences of the aliens and whilst the ship itself sustained internal damage from the assault, the crew from the Alpha quadrant were successful in wrestling the ship away from its captures." STH_caretaker.73.desc:0 "The ship repaired and restocked the crew eager to resume their journey home. The Captain takes their seat on the bridge, What adventure will come next.n<Dev Team Note> congratulations on completing the 2nd mission for the crew of the Starship Voyager/Havra/Vetar, their next adventure will be along soon." STH_caretaker.74.desc:0 "Captains Log: A year has passed since the crew retook their ship and whilst their journey has not been an easy one, it has been filled with more positives than negatives. Many new discoveries and first contacts have been made in the last year than in [Root.Owner.GetSpeciesName] history, bonds have been forged and tested in multiple scenarios and the crew has become an efficient and effective force. However, this peace is unlikely to last, we have travelled into a region of space that is contested by an ongoing war between two powerful sides - one in which we would be vastly outmatched. Our astrometric department has identified a corridor of space that appears free of conflict, which has been dubbed the North West Passage.The options are clear risk the passage or add nearly 3 months onto the journey and travel around this sector." STH_caretaker.75.desc:0 "As the ship traverses through the North West Passages sensors pick up the signs of a derelict vessel. It appears to be one of the vessels involved in the war raging outside of the passage. The ship is unlike anything that has been seen before, scans suggest that it is almost organic in design, but that cannot be possible! The passage must be interfering with our scanners...nThere appears to be a single life-sign on board with weak life signs. The First Officer suggests this could be a one-off chance to understand the conflict and maybe gain a new means of protecting the ship or getting home faster. The Security chief recommends sending a security team, whilst the scientists believe that they are best prepared to investigate ." STH_caretaker.76.desc:0 "Deciding that it is too risky, the captain alters course away from the vessel and deeper into the unknown." STH_caretaker.77.desc:0 "The away team beam into a dimly lit corridor, the interior of the vessel appears to be badly damaged, yet there are signs that it is begins to heal itself. The ship appears to be unlike anything that the away team has encountered before, a strange organic compound pulses through conduits above the away teams head and the ship almost appears to be alive.Following the corridor deeper into the interior of the vessel in search of the life-sign the Away team come across further signs of conflict, the remains of humanoid bodies are piled in the centre of an open room, organic and synthetic components stacked together in an almost ritualistic manner. Suddenly the scanners pick up movement and a large alien bursts into the room, eyes full of malice and hostility, in one swift motion it swipes a long arm at the closest officer." STH_caretaker.79.desc:0 "The Ship's doctor notes the time of death in their log, without a cure they did not stand a chance against the infection raging within. Their last words were to express the wish that the remaining crew see home once again." STH_caretaker.80.desc:0 "The Ship's doctor notes the time of death in their log, without a cure they did not stand a chance against the infection raging within. Their last words were to express the wish that the remaining crew see home once again." STH_caretaker.81.desc:0 "The doctor reports that a cure has been found, using modified nanoprobes, the idea of turning one of our greatest threats into a cure is not lost on those involved. The Doctor remarks that with a little work this cure could be transformed into an active defence against these creatures. Back on the bridge the communications officer reports that we are being approached by an alien vessel requesting the chance to speak with us." STH_caretaker.83.desc:0 "Pleased with the offering, the Think Tank are true to their word and escort the ship safely through the North West Passage and closer to home. The Captain can only hope that the trade was worth it." STH_caretaker.84.desc:0 "The journey may have been extended without the help of the Think Tank, but [intrepidAdmiral.GetName] is certain that the cost of their help was not worth the price offered. This crew will make it home, but will do so on our own terms." STH_caretaker.90.desc:0 "One of the species first encountered in the Delta Quadrant were the Vidiians, a species ravaged by a deadly virus called the Phage, whilst we were unable to help them at the time we now believe we have the capability to offer them assistance with a cure. Any contact with this desperate race carries huge risk, but can we morally turn our backs on those in need of aid?" STH_caretaker.91.desc:0 "Success! Our scientists think they have found a breakthrough." STH_caretaker.92.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], I am sorry to report that our efforts were unsuccessful. The cure to the Phage still eludes us." STH_caretaker.100.desc:0 "Long range scans have picked up an unusual reading, further investigation suggests that the readings match those of the Caretaker Array that brought the ship to the Delta Quadrant all those years ago. The crew remember that the original Caretaker mentioned that he had a mate, could this be the long lost second Caretaker? Could this be the way home?" STH_caretaker.101.desc:0 "After the staff briefing, the senior team point out that they have enough remains from the first caretaker to investigate a possible toxin that could be useful in the event the new Caretaker is not as benevolent as the last one. This would pose quite the moral dilemma, but in times like these sometimes the hard decisions need to be made." STH_caretaker.102.desc:0 "As the ship approaches the Array a previously inactive pylon sparks into life, a high energy pulse is fired towards the ship, but luckily only manages to make a glancing blow. Even so consoles spark and the shields stutter under the impact, - it is clear that this array, whilst smaller, is no less advanced or powerful as the Array that brought us here in the first place. Worryingly that appeared to have only been a warning shot. What do we do Captain?" STH_caretaker.103.desc:0 "Welcome, [Root.GetName] we apologise for the attack, but there are many species after the power that lies within this station. We are the Ocampa and we journed here with our Caretaker, Suspiria many generations ago. Our Caretaker has allowed us to evolved beyond the kin we left behind and now we speak for her in all matters. We recognise that you were brought here against your will wish to meet with you so that we can seek to explain to our beloved Suspiria what has become of her mate and companion." STH_caretaker.104.desc:0 "Whilst it is clear that the Ocampa are far more evolved than their kin back on Ocampa V, [intrepidAdmiral.GetName] is certain that they are only a mouthpiece for the elusive Suspiria and that if the crew are going to make it home then only the new Caretaker could make this happen. Pleading with the representatives the crew implore the Ocampa to obtain an audience with Suspiria. At the mention of this the lead member of their guests goes very pale, 'you would want that' he says in a quiet voice, this time the Captain insists louder, very quietly the Ocampa point to the conference room table and in unison whisper ... she is here." STH_caretaker.105.desc:0 "Without warning a small child, no older than ten, appears in the centre of the room. On first glance she appears innocent, almost angelic, but on deeper inspection there is a pain, worse an anger behind those still eyes that betrayed the inescapable fact that this is no child. A voice fills the mind of all onboard and in an piercing voice states, you killed my love, you are the ones that destroyed my companion and now you will suffer...nThen all that the crew could feel was pain, as if the very fabric of space was tearing them apart and not just the crew, the very ship itself screamed with the raw emotion that emanated from the child. A pain and power that could destroy them all." STH_caretaker.106.desc:0 "The plees of the crew have no impact on the small child, who continues to repeat herself over and over whilst the ship and crew scream and shudder under the onslaught." STH_caretaker.107.desc:0 "you killed my love, you are the ones that destroyed my companion and now you will suffer...nyou killed my love, you are the ones that destroyed my companion and now you will suffer...nyou killed my love, you are the ones that destroyed my companion and now you will suffer..." STH_caretaker.108.desc:0 "The ship is now vibrating at such a frequency and all the crew know is the fury of the small innocent looking child, they now only have seconds left." STH_caretaker.109.desc:0 "As suddenly as it started the pain stops, and the ship stops trying to tear itself apart. The child finally looks the Captain in the eyes. This time when the voice is heard it is softer, ''I have read your minds and I can see what you were asked to do, I am glad to know that my love was able to complete the mission which I could not.''" STH_caretaker.110.desc:0 "The intense pain is finally too much for those onboard to handle and one by one the crew collapse into unconsciousness. The relief is all too brief as the sound of the structural integrity field giving way fills the remaining air as the ship disintegrates." STH_caretaker.112.desc:0 "After contemplating the request Suspiria finally agrees, and speaks ''I will undo this final wrong done to you and her people. Prepare to go home.''" STH_caretaker.115.desc:0 "On the distant planet of Ocampa V orbiting a star 70,000 light years from the Alpha Quadrant a small band of Ocampa head towards the settlement of their ancestors. Who knows what the future has in store?" STH_caretaker.116.desc:0 "On the distant planet of Ocampa V orbiting a star 70,000 light years from the Alpha Quadrant dust and sand collect, no sign of any visitors and the future for those on this planet remains as bleak as ever." STH_caretaker.153.desc:0 "[intrepidAdmiral.GetName] I cannot let you do this and I will not help integrate the technology. I have other members of the crew who feel the same way. You will have to kill me, sir reconsider your decision." STH_caretaker.154.desc:0 "The crews combined and the Nucleogenic alien bodies attached to the engines, the Captain gives the command. Travelling several hundred times faster than thought possible, the ship arrives back in the Alpha Quadrant, after many years of toil the crew are home. The crews morals may have been left behind, but that is small concern next to the sight of recognisable stars." STH_caretaker.155.desc:0 "The Captain knew in their heart that the offer could not be accepted, it goes against everything they stand for and looking at the ship makes them feel sick and furious. Ordering security to apprehend the officers from the other ship, however they were too quick managing to beam back to their ship. The vessel powers up its weapons and opens fire, desperate to avoid opening fire [intrepidAdmiral.GetName] pleads for them to surrender, but they do not listen. Firing a barrage of weapons fire leaving no choice but for the ship to defend itself, unfortunately the smaller ship had suffered too much damage and in a blinding flash of light its core breached and the ship explodes." STH_caretaker.157.desc:0 "The aliens defeated, but at the cost of numerous lives, was this worth sacrificing everything we stood for." STH_caretaker.201.desc:0 "Our mission home has just escalated, on entering the nebula we detected Undine ship signatures. This is clearly the staging ground for an eventual attack! It's unclear when or where they plan to attack, but with this technology any power in the Alpha Quadrant could be within their sights. We have no choice we cannot let this facility remain active." STH_caretaker.204.desc:0 "Incoming transmission from Fluidic Space." STH_caretaker.205.desc:0 "Multiple sectors are reporting strange conduits opening up and strange alien vessels coming through, they appear hostile and have powered up their weapons. All available vessels report to your fleet locations, we must defend ourselves." STH_caretaker.206.desc:0 "Multiple sectors are reporting strange conduits opening up and strange alien vessels coming through, they appear hostile and have powered up their weapons. All available vessels report to your fleet locations, we must defend ourselves." STH_caretaker.207.desc:0 "Multiple sectors are reporting strange conduits opening up and strange alien vessels coming through, they appear hostile and have powered up their weapons. All available vessels report to your assigned locations, if this is an invasion force then we must be prepared to meet it head on." STH_caretaker.208.desc:0 "The Undine fleets have been pushed back into Fluidic space and we can see no further signs of them encroaching on our territories, now is the time to regroup for this is only a taste of their full power. Now is the time to celebrate our victory and welcome back our missing adventurers." STH_caretaker.215.desc:0 "Following our efforts to repel the Undine threat and the destruction of their invasion fleets, our scientists believe with a little research they can permanently close the rifts into our space and rid the threat of the Undine from our borders." STH_caretaker.216.desc:0 "Our scientists believe a concentrated burst of tetryon radiation should be enough to destablise the rifts and close them for good, cutting off our access to Fluidic space and preventing further incursions from the Undine." STH_caretaker.500.desc:0 "Long-range scans have picked up the last known location of the small raider, which is attempting to evade our forces by hiding deeper in [caretaker_start_location.GetName]. Our forces are determined to show these fools the price of messing with the great Cardassian people. The Vetar is fully stocked with torpedoes and read to depart." STH_caretaker.600.desc:0 "Long-range scans have picked up the last known location of our operative, the information which contains information vital to the empire, the [caretaker_start_location.GetName] is an ideal rendezvous location The Havra is ready to depart on your command." STH_caretaker.702.desc:0 "A message fills the screen and the minds of the crew and a single phrase is felt. §RThe weak will perish.§!" STH_caretaker.704.desc:0 "We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile." STH_caretaker.705.desc:0 "Species 5618, your communication methods are primitive, we have assigned this Borg Drone, designation §YSeven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 01§!. We fail to see how you could be of assistance, your vessel will be assimilated and your knowledge will then aid the collective. Cooperation is irrelevant when assimilation brings us closer to our goals. The threat from Species 8472 must be contained, they seek the destruction of all life deemed inferior and our attempts to bring them closer to perfection have all failed, the Collective is under threat.. research methods continue to elude us." STH_caretaker.706.desc:0 "The scientific and engineering minds of Voyager, combined with the vast knowledge of the Collective soon begin to formulate a plan. Our previous run-in with the biological aliens in the Northwest Passage has given us a potential avenue to progress, using Borg Nano-probes to attack Species 8472 at a cellular level. The breakthrough comes at an invaluable time, as a Fluidic rift opens ahead of Voyager. It appears Species 8472 have come to end the alliance." STH_caretaker.707.desc:0 "The Borg were wrong to trust humans, your species lacks the strength and wisdom to aid the Borg Collective, this alliance is terminated and we shall assimilate this ship and take the research for ourselves." STH_caretaker.708.desc:0 "The nanoprobe-infused torpedo is fired at the 8472 bio-ship but has little effect on the hostile vessel, which shrugs off the attack before unleashing a deadly barrage of it's own, Voyager's shields begin to fail, Janeway orders the crew to abandon ship, but it is too late as Voyager and her crew are destroyed." STH_caretaker.709.desc:0 "The nanoprobe-infused torpedo is fired at the 8472 bio-ship which appears to glow a sickly yellow colour before all signs of life fade and the ship explodes, the weapon has worked! The news of our victory doesn't take long to reach our Borg .. guests." STH_caretaker.710.desc:0 "Janeway, give us the weapon schematics, this alliance is terminated. You will be assimilated, you will join the Borg. We are Borg!" STH_caretaker.711.desc:0 "As the Cargo Bay doors open sucking the air from the room pulling the drones from their attempt to break through the door locks. Voyager departs the area with a weapon capable of defeating Species 8472, but now firmly a target in the many eyes of the Borg Collective." STH_caretaker.712.desc:0 "As the Cargo Bay doors open sucking the air from the room pulling the drones from their attempt to break through the door locks. The security teams enter the room to find a single drone remaining, Seven of Nine. Separated from the Collective and alone, the crew commits to helping her restore her lost humanity. Voyager departs the area with a weapon capable of defeating Species 8472, but is now firmly a target in the many eyes of the Borg Collective." STH_caretaker.713.desc:0 "I feel the loss of the Collective each day but am committed to my journey to regain the humanity the Borg stole from me when I was just a child named Annika Hansen. Voyager can become my home, I was reborn there. She is my home. Her crew, my family." STH_observation.200.desc:0 "After infiltrating every facet of the ruling body on [From.GetName], the operatives of the Tal Shiar have successfully convinced the provisional government of the [primitive_civ.GetName] that joining the Romulan Star Empire is in their best interests for a safe and stable future.As subjects of the [Root.GetName], they will become second class citizens and subject to [Root.GetSpeciesName] rule. Dissent is not an option." STH_observation.300.desc:0 "The Ferengi Commerce Authority has been selectively targeting the economic markets on [From.GetName] for many months now, and has finally gained control over many of the major trades and industries on the planet.Leveraging the markets of the [primitive_civ.GetName], the Liquidators now have ownership over much of the governing body and world markets, which in their infinite wisdom have decided that joining the [Root.GetName] is preferable to economic ruin. Traders are flocking to [From.GetName] to take advantage of the new opportunities." STH_observation.400.desc:0 "After infiltrating every facet of the ruling body on [FromFromFrom.GetName] and destroying some selective infrastructure, the operatives of the Obsidian Order have successfully convinced the provisional government of [primitive_civ.GetName] that allowing our troops to land to restore order and submitting themselves to the [Root.GetName] is in their best interests for a safe and stable future.With our troops in position at every key juncture they will be now subject to our rule." STH_observation.600.desc:0 "Our diplomats on [From.GetName] have spent years extolling the virtues of the Federation, and preparing the insular [primitive_country.GetSpeciesNamePlural] people for Federation Membership, and today is the day of the signing ceremony. After the ceremony they will become a fully fledged member of the [Root.GetName], a momentous occasion.Whilst being a full member of the [Root.GetName], they will handle their own worldly affairs." STH_observation.700.desc:0 "Our Generals confirm that the planet [From.GetName] is now under our control, their primitive armies stood no chance against the forces of [Root.GetName]. The primitive [From.Owner.GetName] is no more!" primitive.201.desc:0 "Our sensors near our observation station around the planet [From.GetName] have detected the telltale signs of a matter antimatter reaction onboard one of the primitive space craft launched from [From.GetName]. Whilst it will still take many years for them to advance beyond this stage, this is the first sign of the [From.Owner.GetName] demonstrating warp capabilities, and are adequately advanced enough to now know they are not alone in the galaxy.Whether this will prove to be a boon or a curse to the galaxy at large remains yet to be seen..." STH_observation.150.rom.desc:0 "Our operatives on [From.GetName] are requesting further resources and supplies in order to secure the loyalties of key members of the [From.Owner.GetName] government. Whilst they can continue to operate with their current budget, additional funding should speed up the process of annexing the [From.Owner.GetName] into our empire." STH_observation.150.fer.desc:0 "Traders on [From.GetName] are coming up against obstinate politicians who are talking about imposing 'tariffs' and 'taxes' upon our erstwhile hardworking businesses!Some well placed latinum in the right hands could soon placate the [From.GetName] government. Eliminators will be on hand to ensure the additional funding should speed up the process of monopolising their economy and forcing the [From.Owner.GetName] into our empire." STH_observation.150.car.desc:0 "Obsidian Order operatives on [From.GetName] have located some strategic sites around the planet which would be the ideal place for military outposts and fortresses. Some subtly smuggled in materials could be used to construct hidden military outposts across the planet.Some well placed tunnel networks under the largest cities should also provide security for our operatives, and convince the [From.Owner.GetName] government that they have a safe haven against any rebel activity." STH_observation.150.fed.desc:0 "Many citizens of the independence movement on [From.GetName] have begun protests against what they see as Federation meddling in their affairs. Exerting further diplomatic pressure and offering concessions to the [From.GetName] government may placate these protests.Alternatively, we could let the protests run their course, and instead focus our efforts elsewhere." STH_observation.152.rom.desc:0 "Many news outlets and media conglomerates on [From.GetName] are pushing stories about [Root.GetSpeciesName] operatives forming a secret society in order to secretly subvert and take over the [From.GetName] government! Whilst utterly true, this 'conspiracy' theory must be quelled before it gains any serious traction amongst the populace.Our operatives on [From.GetName] are requesting more manpower in order to combat the spread of rumours and lies coming from the media, and to ensure that our own tracks are covered." STH_observation.152.fer.desc:0 "Many of the poorer citizens in the northern hemisphere of [From.GetName] have recently begun to worship a strange cult which has been propagated by entrepreneurial [Root.GetSpeciesName] traders using advanced technology against our direct orders, forming a secret religion in order to secretly subvert and take steal riches from the government! Whilst otherwise a worthy business endeavour, this 'religious' cult must be quelled before it gains any serious traction amongst the populace and subverts our market forces!Our Liquidators on [From.GetName] are requesting more latinum in order to stop these rogue traders, and recover their stolen wealth." STH_observation.152.car.desc:0 "Dissident groups have been infiltrated, riled up and made a target of by our operatives, and rumours that they are looking to target important civilian sites around the planet have been placed in the ears of the most important leaders on [From.GetName]. Key locations have been identified that are of important to the cultural heritage of the [From.Owner.GetName], which makes them a prime target for destruction.Our operatives on [From.GetName] are requesting a large supply of explosive material in order to frame these dissidents for these attacks, whilst simultaneously allowing Cardassian forces to capture the 'perpetrators', showcasing that only Cardassian order can bring safety to the government of [From.Owner.GetName]." STH_observation.152.fed.desc:0 "A rare disease, unrelated to our first contact, is spreading rapidly across the unified world of [From.GetName]. Many media outlets and political groups on [From.GetName] have blamed us for the fatalities and repeatedly suggested that the [From.Owner.GetName] government will be better off alone rather than as part of the [Root.GetName], as we have not shared our advanced medical technology with them. Protests have begun to spread in several major locations across [From.GetName], whilst the local government forces are attempting to quell the more violent areas.Our diplomats on [From.GetName] are requesting a large supply of medical research and equipment to be provided to the local hospitals in order to combat this disease, and to showcase our generosity and welfare to the populace." STH_observation.153.rom.desc:0 "The 'Secret Society' on [FromFrom.GetName] has been exposed as nothing more than a laugh and a joke by the media companies and news outlets, which are now under mostly our control thanks to the additional manpower provided. Rumours of a [Root.GetSpeciesName] takeover of their planet has been relegated to the shunned conspiracy theorists in society.Meanwhile, our operatives in control of the [FromFrom.Owner.GetName]'s media outlets has dramatically increased our sway over the population. Hail Romulus." STH_observation.153.fer.desc:0 "After some careful threatening of the lobes of the Ferengi in charge of the absurd religious uprising, the vast cargo cult following on [From.GetName] has been commanded to give up their worldly possessions and to return back to their regular workaday lives. An extremely profitable venture." STH_observation.153.car.desc:0 "Massive explosions across [FromFrom.GetName], striking at civilian and military institutions, has struck fear into the heart of the [FromFrom.Owner.GetSpeciesName] and made the [FromFrom.Owner.GetName] government look weak and ineffective.Local media groups filmed our brave [Root.GetSpeciesName] troops as they struck back at the dissident groups 'responsible' for these explosions, and in a stunning display of military prowess brought all the terrorists to justice. The population on [From.GetName] is extremely pleased with the order and safety that our troopers bring, and many businesses and groups are offering to defray the cost of entertaining our troops." STH_observation.153.fed.desc:0 "The rapid dispersion of medical supplies and equipment throughout [FromFrom.GetName] has stopped the deadly disease in its tracks, and support for the dissident groups has all but faded away. Many of the former protestors have had their minds changed by the free and open healthcare available to them now that Starfleet medical is on the scene." STH_observation.154.rom.desc:0 "Disaster has struck our organisation on [FromFrom.GetName]. The 'Secret Society' issue has fully exposed many of our operatives working on the surface after a large investigation by the [FromFrom.Owner.GetSpeciesNamePlural] intelligence services. Rumours of a [Root.GetSpeciesName] takeover of their planet has been solidified due to the evidence found, and the formerly shunned conspiracy theorists have been hailed as heroes.Meanwhile, many of our shell companies used to subvert local government have been uncovered too, and our operatives that remain have gone into hiding as our sway over the population fades. This will set back our operation by a few years." STH_observation.154.fer.desc:0 "After vast amounts of bribery given to the [Root.GetSpeciesName] in charge of the absurd religious uprising, the vast cargo cult following on [FromFrom.GetName] has instead risen up against our business interests, forcing numerous outlets and businesses to close, whilst the [Root.GetSpeciesName] cult founders laugh at our ineptitude and rake in all the wealth.Whilst our traders are regretful that this will set back our plans for the [FromFrom.GetName] for years, there is a grudging respect for the business acumen utilised by the entrepreneurial founders." STH_observation.154.car.desc:0 "Disaster has struck our organisation on [FromFrom.GetName]. The dissidents have uncovered our plan to blame the terrorist attacks on them, and have exposed our shipment of kemocite to the [FromFrom.Owner.GetName] government!This has caused a major setback to our plans here on [FromFrom.GetName] whilst we attempt to blame it on rogue elements of our military. Meanwhile, many of our shell companies used to subvert local government have been uncovered too, and our other operatives that remain have gone into hiding as our sway over the population fades. This will set back our operation by a few years." STH_observation.154.fed.desc:0 "The rapid dispersion of medical supplies and equipment throughout [FromFrom.GetName] has stopped the deadly disease in its tracks, though this has riled up the protestors rather than quelled them, as they now yell that the [FromFrom.Owner.GetSpeciesNamePlural] will become dependent on the [Root.GetName] and will lose their independence if they become reliant on us. Many of the more extreme protestors have even broached the idea that we used our advanced medical technology to create the disease in the first place. This will set back Federation membership by a few years." STH_dangerous_technology.1.desc:0 "An outpost within the [OmegaFacilityDisaster.GetName] has reported instability with the recently discovered Omega particle, and so far all attempts to safely shut down the reactor have failed.With only minutes to spare before the facility undergoes a catastrophe, what are your orders?" omega_destruction_1.desc:0 "An investigation into the Omega explosion is warranted. The system is marked on your map." omega_destruction_chain_desc:0 "The last signal from the [OmegaFacilityDisaster.GetName] reported a serious malfunction before all contact was lost. We should investigate." STH_dangerous_technology.2.desc:0 "Upon entering the system, sensors detect that the local space has suffered a massive subspace disturbance, rendering all warp travel within the system inert and every planet barren.As the [Root.GetName] draws closer to the site of the facility, readings are detected that show the Omega molecule was definitely the source of this catastrophe. Theoretically, whilst we might now be able to learn the lesson and stabilise Omega from this one disaster, there is always the inherent risk that another catastrophe could occur in future.Will we risk the quadrant to satisfy our curiosity, or is it arrogant and irresponsible? The final frontier has some boundaries that shouldn't be crossed, and we are looking at one." STH_dangerous_technology.10.desc:0 "The Omega facility on [Root.GetName] is reporting signs of instability, threatening to cause another Omega catastrophe. The majority of the safety measures upon [Root.GetName] have failed, leaving us with little options and little time to prevent another catastrophe like in the [OmegaFacilityDisaster.GetName] system. The head of the facility has two options for us:The first is to attempt a manual shutdown by sending in trained personnel to shut down the reactor. This will be almost certainly a one way mission, and the risks are high within the facility but may prevent the colony from being destroyed.The second measure is to inject more omega molecules into the chamber, in the hopes of causing a spontaneous harmonisation to stabilise the molecules.What are your orders?" STH_dangerous_technology.11.desc:0 "The Omega facility on [Root.GetName] has undergone an Omega event, causing immense damage to [Root.GetName]. The containment protocols stopped the subspace damage from occurring off planet, however the entire colony on [Root.GetName] has been destroyed and the planet ecosystem devastated." STH_dangerous_technology.12.desc:0 "Despite heavy casualties as subspace tears began to form throughout the facility, the volunteers managed to reach the Omega chambers and managed to emit a harmonic resonance to stabilise the molecule manually.The colony on [Root.GetName] has been saved." STH_dangerous_technology.13.desc:0 "The volunteers failed to reach the Omega molecule in time, causing an Omega catastrophe causing immense damage to [Root.GetName].The containment protocols stopped the subspace damage from occurring off planet, however the entire colony on [Root.GetName] has been destroyed and the planet ecosystem devastated." STH_dangerous_technology.14.desc:0 "Large amounts of Omega molecules have been passed into the Omega facility upon [Root.GetName], resulting in a spontaneous harmonisation of the existing Omega molecules as they reform into their natural state. Disaster has been averted upon [Root.GetName]." STH_dangerous_technology.15.desc:0 "Large amounts of Omega molecules have been passed into the Omega facility upon [Root.GetName], resulting in a spontaneous harmonisation of the existing Omega molecules as they reform into their natural state... For 3.2 seconds before they immediately destabilised and caused an Omega event.The containment protocols stopped the subspace damage from occurring off planet, however the entire colony on [Root.GetName] has been destroyed and the planet ecosystem devastated." DISTRESS_INTERPHASE_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The invention of the Interphase Cloaking device is a step forward in advanced cloaking technology, offering the ability to phase through solid objects.Whilst the theory is sound, real world applications of the technology must be undertaken first to fully ascertain the value of the cloak." INTERPHASE_CLOAKING_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The testing of the device is ready to proceed at the target location." STH_dangerous_technology.20.desc:0 "The invention of the Interphase Cloaking device is a step forward in advanced cloaking technology, offering the ability to phase through solid objects.Whilst the theory is sound, real world applications of the technology must be undertaken first to fully ascertain the value of the cloak before it goes into full production. Without testing the device fully onboard a vessel, problems may occur when utilised on regular warships." STH_dangerous_technology.21.desc:0 "The [Root.GetName] has been outfitted with the experimental interphase cloaking device, and is going to attempt to phase through a solid object. Sensor buoys will track and examine all aspects of the cloak to ensure it works correctly." STH_dangerous_technology.22.desc:0 "The production of the Interphase cloak can wait no longer, and the design has been placed into full production. Whilst it works most of the time, there are key outlying cases where objects become stuck within other objects or crew members fall through the floors.Our engineers are attempting to fix the edge cases, but this will take some time." STH_dangerous_technology.23.desc:0 "The field test onboard the [Root.GetName] has failed, with the [Root.GetName] emerging halfway through the object, merging at a molecular level and causing the deaths of all onboard.The last readings from the sensor buoys show a issue with the plasma relays due to the interphase technology, which should allow our engineers to correct the design for actual use." STH_dangerous_technology.24.desc:0 "The field test onboard the [Root.GetName] has been a success, with the [Root.GetName] phasing through the object, without being detected by conventional scanners.The successful field test revealed issues with the plasma relays due to the interphase technology, however due to the skill of the crew, the [Root.GetName] managed to overcome the issue. With this data it will allow our engineers to correct the design for actual use." STH_dangerous_technology.25.desc:0 "It appears our efforts to recover the Interphase Cloak have been spotted by a spying-cloaked Romulan Warbird. It is now inevitable that the Romulan Star Empire is aware of our attempts to circumvent the cloaking ban treaty, we must now await the response from Romulus." STH_dangerous_technology.26.desc:0 "Praetor! I bring you an urgent update from one of our ships monitoring Federation space, it appears that the humans have been developing a secret cloaking device, which would surpass even our own cloaking tech directly against the treaty signed at Algeron!" STH_dangerous_technology.27.desc:0 "Federation Fools! We have seen your attempts to deceive us and continue the use of cloaking technology! This act of treachery will not be allowed to stand, you have one final chance to relinquish this technology or our Warbirds will take it from you by force!" STH_dangerous_technology.28.desc:0 "The Federation no longer considers itself bound by the restrictive measures of the Treaty of Algeron! The Interphase technology does not fall into the agreed cloaking technology ban, and so we will not cower to your demands... Send your warbirds and we will return them in pieces." STH_dangerous_technology.30.desc:0 "During the radiation bombardment, the [Root.GetName] has suffered a large radiation leak which threatened the crew. Due to heroic action on behalf of [Root.GetLeaderName], the reactor leak was fixed before the entire crew was wiped out.Unfortunately the radiation poisoning has severely affected [Root.GetLeaderName]." STH_dangerous_technology.31.desc:0 "During the radiation bombardment, the [Root.GetName] has suffered a large radiation leak which threatened the crew. Due to heroic action on behalf of [Root.GetLeaderName], the reactor leak was fixed before the entire crew was wiped out.Unfortunately the radiation poisoning was too severe for our medical teams to fix, resulting in the death of [Root.GetLeaderName]." STH_dangerous_technology.32.desc:0 "It appears the Romulan threat was a mere bluff and we have received no further actions from the Star Empire. It appears they currently have no appetite for war." WAR_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The transmission from our missing ship appears to originate from deep within enemy space. We must dispatch a doctor with an escort fleet to bring them home. This will be a dangerous mission, but lives are at stake." WAR_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The transmission from our missing ship appears to originate from [war_country_target_planet_3.getName] deep within enemy space.The captain and crew of [rescue_ship.GetName] have been dispatched on a daring rescue mission to bring any survivors home." WAR_3_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Our fleet has been mobilised to pick up the defector from enemy territory. We have mobilised an extraction fleet to head into the heart of enemy territory." WAR_4_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Our fleet has been mobilised to pick up the defector from enemy territory. A mission of this importance requires our flagship and finest ships." war_system_invasion_chain_desc:0 "Military Command has identified the following systems as a priority for invasion to boost our war efforts." war_planetary_invasion_chain_desc:0 "Command has identified a planet that is a priority target." war_hero_ship_rescue_chain_desc:0 "Bring the survivors back home from a stricken vessel." planetary_invasion_target_1.desc:0 "Our target is identified as [war_target_saved.GetName]." sth_war_system_1.desc:0 "Our military leaders have made this system a strategic target." sth_war_scanned_ships_1.desc:0 "Our military has selected this vessel as a target." sth_war_scanned_ships_2.desc:0 "Our military has selected this vessel as a target." sth_war_scanned_ships_3.desc:0 "Our military has selected this vessel as a target." STH_war.1.desc:0 "We have an incoming transmission from our intelligence services relating to our ongoing conflict. We have identified a strategic target located on a planet within enemy space. Military command has asked that we send an invasion force to capture this planet as a priority in order to obtain the tactical information." STH_war.2.desc:0 "[root.owner.GetName] our forces have secured the target on the planet, we are obtaining the tactical information now." STH_war.3.desc:0 "Our forces have decrypted our enemies codes from the captured facility. We have successful identified the whereabouts of a number of their fleets - we should use this tactical information to press our advantage." STH_war.4.desc:0 "It appears the enemy has now changed their codes, the fleet information we had is now no longer relevant." STH_war.10.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] we are receiving a distress call from one of our long range transport ships which we believed lost at the start of the war. Our intelligence operatives are verifying the legality of the transmission." STH_war.11.desc:0 "It looks like the vessel was shot down in the opening days of the conflict against [war_country_enemy.GetName] though the crew managed to get to the escape pods. The crew are now stranded on [war_country_target_planet_2.GetName]. It won't be long before our enemies detect them." STH_war.12.desc:0 "Our rescue fleet has successfully retrieved the crew from the planets surface however there are some in need of urgent medical attention. We must now return them to our medical facilities on [Root.Capital.GetName]." STH_war.13.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] our rescue fleet was unable to save the crew from the planets surface, this has had a negative impact to moral on [Root.Capital.GetName]." STH_war.15.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] our rescue fleet has successfully returned to the safe orbit of our homeworld, our medical teams will be able to nurse the crew back to health and return them back to action. As a bonus we were able to recover a treasure trove of minerals that the crew had obtained before they were shot down. This will provide a handy bonus for our war effort." STH_war.20.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], we are receiving a distress call from one of our long range medical transport ships which we believed lost at the start of the war. The signal originates from deep within enemy territory, though it could be a ruse." STH_war.22.desc:0 "Our flagship [rescue_ship.GetName] stands ready to respond, gather up all available escorts and prepare to depart for enemy territory, this will be a dangerous mission and our enemy would no doubt love to strike a blow against us by destroying our Flagship." STH_war.24.desc:0 "Fantastic news from Admiral [rescue_leader.GetName], they have reported that they have successfully rescued the survivors, this is great news and will bolster the morale of our crews on the front line." STH_war.25.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] the [rescue_ship.GetName] was unable to save the crew from the planets surface, this has had a negative impact to moral on [Root.Capital.GetName]." STH_war.26.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] our rescue fleet has successfully returned to the safe orbit of our homeworld, our medical teams will be able to nurse the crew back to health and return them back to action. As a bonus we were able to recover a treasure trove of minerals that the crew had obtained before they were shot down. This will provide a handy bonus for our war effort." STH_war.27.desc:0 "The Captain of the destroyed ship points out that their former vessel contains a number of highly sensitive projects that Starfleet cannot afford to let fall into enemy hands. We cannot allow the ruined vessel to remain salvageable least our enemy obtain crucial research data." STH_war.28.desc:0 "Congratulations, we have successfully restored the ship to working order, but it is in no condition to fight. We must escort it back to Starfleet space." STH_war.30.desc:0 "Whilst attempting to restart the warp core it became quickly apparently the damage was too severe, with little warning the warp core breach. There was no time to evacuate the repair crew. With nothing left to salvage it is time to return to safe territory." STH_war.40.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] we have received a coded transmission from within enemy space. One of their top scientists claim they want to defect to us, they claim to have top military information, but they will only give it to us once we have extracted them." STH_war.41.desc:0 "We have failed to extract the defector, this will certainly harm our war efforts, we can only speculate on whether they are still alive but must fear the worst." STH_war.42.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] we have confirmed the location of the defector. They are on a small vessel orbiting [sth_war_defector_location.GetName], deep within the heart of [war_country_defector.GetName] space. We must prepare a ship and crew to travel into hostile territory and retrieve the target. This sounds like an ideal mission for our Flagship, but it will be dangerous, we should consider sending backup." STH_war.43.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] we have confirmed the location of the defector. They are on a small vessel orbiting [sth_war_defector_location.GetName], deep within the heart of [war_country_defector.GetName] space. We must prepare a ship and crew to travel into hostile territory and retrieve the target. This sounds like an ideal mission for our Flagship, but it will be dangerous, so we shouldn't let them travel without support." STH_war.44.desc:0 "Our extraction team have successfully retrieved the scientist without being detected by the [war_country_defector.GetName], they are being treated by our doctors and should be ready to speak with us shortly." STH_war.45.desc:0 "Our extraction team have successfully retrieved the scientist without being detected by the [war_country_defector.GetName], they are being treated by our doctors and should be ready to speak with us shortly." STH_war.46.desc:0 "Greetings [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], I humbly thank you for the rescue and extracting me. This war has gone on for too long and innocent lives are being put at risk, my work is being used to prolong the war effort and I cannot see my life's work used in this manner. Thank you for the assist." STH_war.47.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerName], your timely intervention has come in the opportune moment, my research and my life is far too valuable to waste working for my former empire. I feel that I can accomplish far more with your resources, but first we must win this war and I will make sure that this is done. With me by your side we cannot lose! But my loyalty comes at a price, you cannot expect me to risk my life for nothing..?" STH_war.48.desc:0 "We have successfully completed the operation and retrieved the defector from enemy territory, this will aid us in our war efforts. We should return our fleets to our space. We can now assign the newest member of our science team to work for us." STH_war.49.desc:0 "The defector was true to their word and has provided us with survey information and critical research which will aide our scientific research greatly. As part of the bargain they have asked to be given access to a shuttle and allowed to find a home within our borders." STH_war.50.desc:0 "The defector has betrayed us, we received a coded message from a band of pirates giving away our location, before we could stop them they had stolen a shuttle and left for the pirate fleet. It appears that betrayed is in their nature. We can only hope they have not caused too much damage." STH_war.51.desc:0 "The defector left a plasma explosive undetected onboard one of the rescue ships, the damage to our ship was extensive. The defector is now onboard the pirate vessels in the system. The choice is ours, return to friendly space or take our revenge." STH_war.52.desc:0 "The defector has betrayed us, we received a coded message from a band of pirates giving away our location, before we could stop them they had stolen a shuttle and left for the pirate fleet. Unfortunately we have been unable to reach the Captain, it looks like they have been assassinated. With the defector now onboard the pirate vessels in the system. The choice is ours, return to friendly space or take our revenge." STH_war.53.desc:0 "The defector has betrayed us, we received a coded message from a band of pirates giving away our location, before we could stop them they had stolen a shuttle and left for the pirate fleet. Our scans show that a huge pirate fleet has entered the system and on a direct course with our ships, we cannot lose any more ships, we must defend ourselves." STH_war.54.desc:0 "The mission has been completed, we can now put the information to good use in the ongoing war against [war_country_defector.GetName]." STH_war.99.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] we have received a tactical information from our long range scouts, our tacticians believe that a strategic invasion of these identified systems could give us additional resources that will be valuable in our ongoing war efforts." STH_war.100.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] we have determined three systems that we should target for capture, doing so will provide valuable resources in the war effort. This systems have been named as the [sth_war_target1.GetName] system, we should prepare a fleet immediately." STH_war.102.desc:0 "We have successfully captured the targeted system, we have managed to obtain samples of deuterium and dilithium that will add to our stockpile. This will aid our war efforts and put a serious dent in our foes own resources." STH_war.103.desc:0 "We have successfully captured the targeted system, we have managed to free a number of prisoners held as prisoners of war, they are keen to return to duty and aid our war efforts. It is good that we have freed these men and women." STH_war.104.desc:0 "We have successfully captured the targeted system, we have managed to obtain a large amount of alloys that appear to have been salvaged from our own ships lost during the war, these will add to our stockpile and will aid our war efforts putting a serious dent in our foes own resources." STH_war.105.desc:0 "We have successfully captured the targeted system, we have managed to obtain a large energy boost and a selection of contrand consumer good, these will add to our stockpile and will aid our war efforts putting a serious dent in our foes own resources." STH_war.106.desc:0 "We have successfully invaded the system, this is an excellent achievement by all involved and one step closer to victory." STH_war.501.desc:0 "Following the defeat of [destroyed_fleet.GetName] our military experts have concluded that the war does not go well for us, recent defeats and an increasing exhaustion at the war have taken a heavy toll on our forces.Many of our top military brass strongly recommend approaching one of our galactic allies to help ensure we are not defeated by [war_attacker_country.GetName]." STH_war.502.desc:0 "Our galactic neighbours [war_defender_country_1.GetName] have sent out an urgent SOS for help in their ongoing war with [war_attacker_country.GetName].Recent defeats have severelly hit their military and they are at risk of losing the war. They have called on us for help. Should we go to their aid?" STH_war.503.desc:0 "After some deliberation it looks like [war_sos_help_country.GetName] has agreed to come to our aid and join the war alongside us.Hopefully our combined forces will be able to turn the tide of this war and help us win." STH_war.504.desc:0 "After some deliberation it looks like [war_sos_help_country.GetName] has rejected our pleans for aid. If we are to win this war it will need to be with those already involved in the struggle." STH_war.505.desc:0 "Our intelligence services have confirmed that [war_sos_help_country.GetName] has joined the war against us on the side of our enemies. We now fight multiple enemies in our efforts to defeat [war_defender_country.GetName]." STH_war.1000.desc:0 "Our fleet has successfully retrieved the target from the planet's surface." WAR_5_PROJECT_DESC:0 "One of our ships has been attacked without provocation. We must send a ship to provide aid and confirm if anyone is still alive on the ship." WAR_6_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Our neighbours have reported that they are coming under attack from ships belonging to us, we should send a fleet to aid them and diffuse the situation." WAR_7_PROJECT_DESC:0 "One of our allies has been attacked by an unknown foe, they have called for aid, we should send a team to help them." WAR_8_PROJECT_DESC:0 "One of our allies has been attacked by an unknown foe, they have called for aid, we should send a team to help them." WAR_9_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Another of our colonies is under attack, this time we have received enough warning that we should be able to help defend them. Send reinforcements to aid the planet." WAR_10_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Another of our colonies is under attack, this time we have received enough warning that we should be able to help defend them. Send reinforcements to aid the planet." WAR_11_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Starfleet intelligenct has identified a key staging ground being used by the Romulans. A victory here could go a long way in ending this war." WAR_12_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Starfleet intelligenct has identified a key staging ground being used by the Romulans. A victory here could go a long way in ending this war." STH_war_story.2.desc:0 "Greetings senators I am [valdore_romulan_leader.GetName] chief military adviser to the Praetor, I must make you aware of trouble building on our borders. The burgeoning alliance between the Humans, Andorians, Tellarites, and our despised cousins on Vulcan has moved from being mere hearsay to an actual possibility. Any alliance they form will turn them into a potential superpower and putting our borders at risk. It is time you allowed me to unleashed the holo-projection technology that my team has been working on and turn these races against each other." STH_war_story.3.desc:0 "We are receiving a distress call from [rom_earth_war_unity_ship_1.GetName], the ship appears to have been attacked whilst on a routine mission. At this stage we have no view of who carried out this attack, we must first secure our ship and ensure our people are ok." STH_war_story.5.desc:0 "The first trial of our Drone Ship appears to have been an unprecedented success, it's first attack managed to destroy its target. We are now engaging in phase 2 and framing their ally for the attack." STH_war_story.7.desc:0 "Our fleet has held off the attack by our supposed allies, but before we could scan the ships they appear to self-destruct! This behaviour is very out of character and extremely concerning, we should contact them immediately and demand an explanation. " STH_war_story.8.desc:0 "Our field units have reported back another successful attack by our holo-drone, successfully sowing the seeds of doubt amongst our foes. We should proceed with the next stage of our test and launch an attack against one of their worlds." STH_war_story.9.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle]! You must explain the meaning behind the hostile intent coming from a fleet of your ships. Our outlying sensor stations have picked up a fleet of your ships on an inbound course with their defenses up and weapons registering as active. You will explain this act or it will lead to a response in kind!" STH_war_story.10.desc:0 "As our ships drop out of warp, it is clear we have dropped into an ambush... by vessels flying the flag of [Root.GetName], how could this be? Someone is clearly trying to set us up... It matters not we must stop this attack and uncover what is going on here." STH_war_story.11.desc:0 "Reports are coming in from our remote drones, they have begun their attack on our foes disguised as a fleet from United Earth. We shall task the fleet with causing as much damage as possible before retreating to ensure that no evidence links the attack back to the Star Empire." STH_war_story.12.desc:0 "The combined efforts of our fleet and our hosts have managed to repel the attack on our allies, it is clear from the manner in which the ships operate and our ability to account for all our ships, these ships cannot be part of our fleet. With the fleet in retreat [earth_rom_unity_attack_drone.GetName] spots something unusual, one of the ships appears to shimmer and revert back into a small green vessel covered in what appears to be a series of antennae. With its shields down, there is no better chance to send in a strike team and find out who is behind these attacks!" STH_war_story.14.desc:0 "Our remote drone command centre has provided some very concerning news, one of our remote ships was damaged during its confrontation with the Coalition forces and as a result, lost its holo-camouflage disguise. Whilst we have no evidence at the moment that the Coalition members have linked the ship back to us this is a concerning development." STH_war_story.15.desc:0 "As [earth_rom_unity_attack_drone.GetName] and their team make their way through the ship, it is clear that the vessel is devoid of any crew, and the abundance of exposed conduits and data transfer networks suggest that the vessel is controlled externally. The team begins to follow the pulsing conduits in a bid to find the ship's command centre. Suddenly the unmistakable sound of the ship going to warp rings out, the Drone has gone to warp." STH_war_story.16.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] we have managed to re-establish contact with the damaged drone ship only to find that the Coalition forces have managed to infiltrate the ship. They could track the ship back to us and undo our efforts to destabilise the region. Our only option is to attempt to isolate the crew and force them to cease their investigations." STH_war_story.17.desc:0 "The team successfully makes their way to what appears to be the vessel's control room, noting that the power conduits and data nodes all terminate at a central control console. Leading off from this is what appears to be an engineering station behind an access door. [earth_rom_unity_attack_drone.GetName] heads through the access door, if they can disable the ship's warp drive and download the data core the mysteries of this alien ship could be revealed." STH_war_story.18.desc:0 "With the Drones onboard sensors back online we are able to track the intruder's movements, in a stroke of good fortune we can see that one member of the party has entered the small engineering bay, quickly sealing the bay and locking the alien officer inside and isolated from their team. The technical team recommends boosting the power through the closest conduit to the alien leader causing the radiation levels to rise. We should test how attached they are to their crew and issue an ultimatum. Restore our access to the ship or lose their leader." STH_war_story.19.desc:0 "Suddenly the door to the engineering alcove slams shut trapping [earth_rom_unity_attack_drone.GetName] inside. The plasma conduits inside the room begin to come to life, flooding the room with potentially lethal radiation... A voice crackles over the ship's intercom, §YIntruders, we give you a simple choice, restore our access to the ship or your officer dies, you have five minutes. §! The choice appears simple, restore the ship's power or let their Captain die." STH_war_story.20.desc:0 "In a surprise move, the Coalition forces decide to sacrifice their leader, in another lifetime we could have respected this move as almost Romulan. However, the leader must die and the ship must not be allowed to fall into enemy hands.Overload the engines, destroy the ship..." STH_war_story.21.desc:0 "As predicted the Coalition soldiers show no backbone in electing to save their leader from a most painful death. The engineering tech indicates that power has been restored to the drone, however, the intruders cannot be permitted to survive, despite our promise, With power restored prepare to disable artificial gravity and engage the engines, it is a shame they will not be able to survive this maneuver. " STH_war_story.22.desc:0 "As [earth_rom_unity_attack_drone.GetName] breathes their last breath the boarding party takes solace that at least they have captured the drone, suddenly one of the team members notices that whilst their attention was focused on their dying leader the ships masters have managed to gain access to the ship's engines and set them to overload.In the last few moments before the ship explodes the team are able to transmit a few bits of non-vital information about the craft in the hope their lives were not given in vain." STH_war_story.23.desc:0 "With the Drones destroyed at least the suspicion and tension between the Coalition members can be brought to an end, however, the source of these attacks remains much of a mystery. It is clear that some antagonistic force is keen to end the burgeoning alliance that has formed and it is unlikely to be the last attempt they make. " STH_war_story.24.desc:0 "As the door slowly slides open, the crew help [earth_rom_unity_attack_drone.GetName] to their feet, before the Captain can berate them for giving in to their captors, the security chief pushes the Captain to the ground shortly before the console explodes into a shower of sparks. The lights in the command centre immediately go dark. The crew rush from the bridge." STH_war_story.25.desc:0 "As the boarding party rush to get into their EV suits sounds of explosions echo throughout the ship as a cascade of explosions rings out spelling the end of the drone vessel. The away team reach an airlock and with the data they managed to get clear of the ship before it is destroyed. " STH_war_story.26.desc:0 "With the crew retrieved [Root.GetName] are able to investigate the information obtained from the vessel, and whilst the data provided enough information about the vessel to prevent any repeated attacks the owner of the ship remains elusive. Our scientists and security experts have drawn a connection between materials used in this craft and those used in the minefield attack previously." STH_war_story.27.desc:0 "Bits and pieces of information are starting to filter in from our lost drone, destroyed by sabotage, worryingly it seems the intruders managed to escape with some important scans of the ship, and whilst we have no evidence to suggest that the Coalition is aware of our involvement, the senate has mandated that we cease our Drone program and focus on more direct means of subterfuge." STH_war_story.30.desc:0 "My Praetor, the threat that both the military and Tal Shiar have been warning you of has finally come to haunt us. The Coalition of our enemies has finally formally united to form a new major power, calling themselves the United Federation of Planets. A despicable name for a weak entity, but our intelligence reports clearly show that this Federation is still looking to recruit. Before long they will be the major power in the Alpha/Beta Quadrants and an unstoppable danger to the Star Empire. We demand that now is the time to act and inflict damage onto them whilst they are still unifying their efforts into a single body." STH_war_story.32.desc:0 "The skies above our homeworld have been filled with terrible green disrupter fire and the horrifying sound of plasma torpedos destroying our buildings and burning our people. The attack came swiftly and without warning, we must call on our allies for help." STH_war_story.33.desc:0 "As the northern hemisphere of [ufp_attacked_planet.GetName] slept a savage and unprovoked attack rained down on the colony. A fleet of ships filled the sky firing bolt of plasma and disrupter energy at the settlement. The attack ends as suddenly as it starts with no messages from the attackers." STH_war_story.34.desc:0 "President [Root.GetRulerName], your Federation of Planets promised [new_member_planet_owner.GetName] safety and protection as part of your union, yet we have been targeted because we bringing our worlds closer. Your promised us protection, so now we ask you make good on this promise. Help us." STH_war_story.35.desc:0 "Our failure to aid the attacked colony has not only damaged our reputation and our colonist's conviction that we will aid them when they are in need, but also we may have lost any chance of getting a vital clue to find out who has been attacking us." STH_war_story.36.desc:0 "The aid we were able to provide has greatly helped the colony recover from the attack. Whilst amongst the colonists' many reports catching a glimpse at the attacking ships, describing giant winged raptors or birds of prey, interesting these reports match up with previous incidents where we were attacked from the shadows." STH_war_story.37.desc:0 "Our sensors in orbit of [attacked_member_planet2.GetName] have picked up a potential early warning sign that this world is about to be attacked by the same foes that has attacked us repeatedly over the last few years. We should send a fleet to engage and defend our border world and hopefully uncover who is attacking us." STH_war_story.38.desc:0 "The second of our planned assaults against the Federation colony worlds is about to begin, our fleets are on route to once again rain down destruction on those hapless fools. " STH_war_story.39.desc:0 "Thanks to the early warning provided our fleet has arrived just in time to face off against the mysterious attackers. We must stand firm and defeat the invaders and if possible give our forces enough time to uncover who is behind this." STH_war_story.40.desc:0 "Praetor, it is with great delight that I can report our forces were successfully able to infiltrate Federation space and launch an attack against one of their worlds. This will act as a clear message to anyone that the Federation alliance is weak and if they cannot even protect themselves, how can they protect future members." STH_war_story.41.desc:0 "Our failure to defend our colony has not gone unnoticed by those worlds in and outside of the Federation, our security experts point out that this makes us appear weak and ripe for invasion. What little advance we may have had to go on the front foot has now been lost. We can only wait and see what will happen next." STH_war_story.43.desc:0 "We have demonstrated the weakness and cowardice that the Federation demonstrate, they failed to raise the muster to defend their own borders which demonstrates their lack of confidence in their military. Now is our time to attack and put these upstarts back into their place. We urge you now is the time to declare war!" STH_war_story.44.desc:0 "For too long now you have expanded into territory that rightfully belongs to the Romulan Star Empire. we have threatened and warned you, attacked and harmed your people and yet you continue your goal of federating this quadrant. It ends here and now, Consider this a declaration of war from your betters." STH_war_story.51.desc:0 "Praetor [romulan_star_empire.ruler.GetName], your continued attacks against the United Federation of Planets has been noted and will stop now, you have endangered the lives of our citizens and caused significant damage to our property. The Federation might be new, but we are not weak and we will defend ourselves against any and all threats." STH_war_story.52.desc:0 "Praetor [romulan_star_empire.ruler.GetName], your continued attacks against the United Federation of Planets has been noted and will stop now, you have endangered the lives of our citizens and caused significant damage to our property. The Federation might be new, but we are not weak and we will defend ourselves against any and all threats. Prepare for War!" STH_war_story.53.desc:0 "Sirs, as the War against the Romulan's rages on our intelligence services have 'uncovered' strong evidence that the Romulans are using the planet [planet_cheron.GetName] as a massive staging ground to launch a full-scale offensive against [Root.capital_scope.GetName] in a bid to end the war quickly and cripple any chance we may have of launching a counter-offensive. A victory at [planet_cheron.GetName] could go a long way in winning this war for either side." STH_war_story.54.desc:0 "The Fleet has arrived at [planet_cheron.GetName] [planet_cheron_leader.GetName] knows that victory could be key to ending this war." STH_war_story.55.desc:0 "Our fleet has defeated the Romulan Flagship dealing the Romulans a crippling blow in their ongoing war against us. Only time will tell if the victory here will be enough to turn the tide of the war." STH_war_story.58.desc:0 "Your attacks against our worlds end now Romulans! We have long suspected you of causing the death and destruction of our people and property. On this occasion we are giving you a final warning, your fleets are denied access to our territory and any further incursions will be met with the full force of our fleet." STH_war_story.59.desc:0 "It appears that our threats against the Romulans have convinced them to stand down and war has been averted. Whilst many within our colonies remain fearful of a repeat attack, it seems the Star Empire have withdrawn behind their borders for the time being." STH_war_story.101.desc:0 "With the conclusion of the war, generals on both sides of the conflict have recommended the creation of a §GNeutral Zone§! situated in the space between the Romulan Star Empire and the Federation. This zone will create a neutral space between the two powers that act as a buffer that many hope will keep the peace, the only remaining decision is to decide how long the zone should remain established." sth_start.50.desc:0 "The multiverse and timeline is constantly in flux. Please select your choice for the amount of Empires on the main map before gameplay begins in earnest. This will allow you to tune your experience and performance further." sth_start.77.desc:0 "Start a playthrough with a number or all of the minor and primitive races set to use static population growth. These countries will not add to the late game population density of the galaxy unless they progress to a full power or are absorbed into another larger empire, such as the UFP or Dominion. It is theorised that pop size contributes to late game lag.§YDev Note: Use at own risk and does not guarentee improved performance whilst in trial mode§!." sth_start.100.desc:0 "Greetings Grand Admirals! We've noted that you are playing on the highest difficulty level, which suggests you enjoy a challenge. If you are interested in a further challenge that keeps the canonic major powers strong, then we invite you to try our §YExtra Challenge Mode§! §YDev Note:§! Please note you will lose no game content by opting into this mode and it can be disabled at any time by firing event id §Gsth_start.100§! from the console." sth_start.102.desc:0 "For players who enjoy a more canon version of the STNH game, which includes the United Federation of Planets with all four member worlds having formed the Federation in the early 2160s then this mode can be switched on. As long as each of the four member worlds are played by the AI and they all exist by the time the Babel conference is due to take place then this mode will assist in the formation of the Federation. If any of the Founding member states are played by the player then the game will continue without interfering. This mode is entirely optional and if left off the formation of the Federation will progress, or not, without force." sth_start.110.desc:0 "We recognise that many of our players enjoy to emulate a canon version of the Star Trek universe and to have their technologies become available at the 'right' time. For those fans who want this type of experience we have a game modifier that artifically slows progress to match the era. Should you wish to remove the modifier (non-ironman games only) then run §Gevent sth_start.110§! to bring this screen back up." sth_start.999.desc:0 "§YWelcome to the Autumn content update for STNH! We have made a number of changes to New Horizons based on player feedback and experience that we would like to share with you all. We hope you enjoy! §G£navy_size The Flagship system has been overhauled, you can now build either the military flagship or the science flagship, each have unique bonuses, but you are limited to one per class of ship. £navy_size The Federation and Terran empires now have access to new fleetyard facility that is available as a megastructure which allows you to build Flagships and certain legendary ships. £navy_size Flagships are now only buildable via the Fleetyard. £navy_size The early game Demon's mission has been re-written to pose a whole new challenge and play style for Terra Prime. £navy_size Many changes made to the Dominion in line with player feedback, including the desire to increase the number of Dominion Members. £navy_size The new §RChallenge Mode§! is now available on Grand Admiral difficulty and provides an artificially challenging experience for those who want a tough game! £navy_size New event expansions - experience our recreation of Star Trek Picard, Nemesis, First Contact and a few more! We hope you enjoy this ST New Horizon's mod, brought to you by PDG." sth_start.1002.desc:0 "Just like us, we're sure many of you were inspired and fell in love with the characters that appeared on our screens whilst watching Star Trek, all of whom were brought to life brilliant by their actors. Here at PDG we were saddened to hear of the passing of Nichelle Nichols, a hero and inspiration to so many and a legend to us all. She joins the cast of other legends who have sadly left us. Gone but never forgotten." sth_start.1005.desc:0 "The galaxy is full of tiny empires, doing their tiny empire things, all of which are far beneath the Q, but the more empires the more we get to meddle... what fun! From this screen you can define how many Star Trek minors and Warp Capable species you would like to have in this playthrough. The empires available depend on the map you have selected and remember if you try to create all minors at once, it will take time to process, if your setup can't handle it, load them one at a time. Now don't forget the powers of the Q are almighty and once an empire has been created it cannot be undone! Now go enjoy!" sth_start.1006.desc:0 "The galaxy is run by the powerful, but thankfully there is always a bigger fish and the Q are the sharks!!... Now where was I? From this screen you can define how many Star Trek main species you would like to have in this playthrough. The empires available depend on the map you have selected and remember if you try to create all majors at once, it will take time to process, if your setup can't handle it, add them by Quadrants. Now don't forget the powers of the Q are almighty and once an empire has been created it cannot be undone! Now go enjoy!" sth_setup.1.desc:0 "Ah so you wish to select how you want your galaxy to look manually, well thankfully your friendly Q has given you that option.You can select from the more famous empires or you can dig deep into your knowledge of Trek history and select from the more obscure species that have cropped up over the years! The choice is yours mon capitaine!" sth_setup.2.desc:0 "These empires are considered some of the more well-known minor races, feel free to select them all or add each empire individually. " sth_setup.3.desc:0 "These empires represent a trivia master's guide to Star Trek! Add these empires to your galaxy to flesh out your galaxy. Select them all or add each empire individually. " sth_setup.5.desc:0 "These empires will make up your main allies, rivals and competitors during your STNH playthrough. These screens will allow you manually select the empires you wish to add to your galaxy map, depending on the map size you have picked! " sth_setup.6.desc:0 "Please select which empires from the Alpha and Beta Quadrants you would like to manually add to the playthrough. Remember that the Major powers are automatically included in each map." sth_setup.7.desc:0 "Please select which empires from the Gamma Quadrant that you would like to manually add to the playthrough. Remember that the Major powers are automatically included in each map." sth_setup.8.desc:0 "Please select which empires from the Delta Quadrant that you would like to manually add to the playthrough. Remember that the Major powers are automatically included in each map." CARDUFP_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Diplomats from our diplomatic service and their colleagues from [cardassian_federation_border_war_neighbour.GetName] have agreed to hold a conference on the planet [cardassian_federation_border_war_bombing_planet.GetName] as part of further efforts to strengthen the bond between our two societies." CARDUFP_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The Tanerian Plague has been reported within the Federation, affecting several settlements and threatening the security of the colony. Render aid as soon as possible." KDFCU_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "We believe that the war between Cardassia and the Klingon Empire has been instigated by a Changeling within the upper command chain of the Klingon Empire, an undercover team will infiltrate the Empire and expose this threat." STH_galactic_war.2.desc:0 "§YDev Note:§! We have introduced a new feature to STNH called §GCanon Galactic Wars§!, by enabling this mode a number of events will spawn throughout your playthrough that can lead to one of the wars seen through Star Trek history. Each situation has a set of triggers that will cause it to fire, so the state of your STNH galaxy will directly influence which wars you may see and the outcome of each war will have a knock-on to how your game progresses. If you prefer a more random and natural playthough we recommend you do not active this game mode. The mode can be switched on or off at any time via the Stellaris console by running §Gevent STH_galactic_war.2§! or speak with Q via the contacts menu." STH_galactic_war.3.desc:0 "The Canon War mode can be switched on or off at any time during your game.Please decide if you wish to enable or disable this mode:" STH_galactic_war.11.desc:0 "After years of over zealous expansion those soft-skinned fools in the §YUnited Federation of Planets§! have finally pushed and bullied themselves into a position that puts them in contact with our borders, colonising several worlds that by rights should belong to us. Many senior figures back on Cardassia Prime believe we have been too passive for too long, whilst this Federation clearly builds up a military presence along our borders and within striking distance of our worlds." STH_galactic_war.12.desc:0 "Our operatives within the Obsidian Order have identified an oppertunity to strike at a key meeting being held within Federation space, our agents report that they are hosting a war summit with their allies discussing their plans to attack our borders and arm their colonies to use them as staging grounds in a war against the Union. The Obsidian Order recommeneds commissioning a covert operation to sabotage this conference and disrupt their plans." STH_galactic_war.14.desc:0 "As part of our drive for continued peace and in the spirit of further coperation our diplomatic corp has arrange a conference with [cardassian_federation_border_war_neighbour.GetName] on [cardassian_federation_border_war_bombing_planet.GetName] . Starfleet is requested to dispatch a ship and crew to help facilitate the conference." STH_galactic_war.15.desc:0 "It appears the Federation may have gotten wind of our plans and have cancelled their conference, but all is not lost as our agents were able to infiltrate one of their starbases on the border of Cardassian space and destroy one of their starbase facilities orbitting [bw_ufp_planet_target_01.GetName], this will cause them a significant impact in any operations they maybe running against us in this system." STH_galactic_war.18.desc:0 "Our efforts to dissuade the vile Federation from continuing to encroach on our territory have so far failed to keep them in their own home system, it is now time to give them a direct warning that even those feeble minded fools can understand." STH_galactic_war.19.desc:0 "Attention [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], this is your first and final warning from the Cardassian Union. You will cease all operations along our border, the arming and provokation of your colonists will end immediately and your activities in our border region will hault. Should you continue to test our resolve you will see that the Cardassian Union has teeth, just ask your recent wounded." STH_galactic_war.20.desc:0 "An outbreak of the Tanerian Plague has been reported on [border_war_plague_planet.GetName] in the [border_war_plague_planet.Solar_System.GetName] system. While the local quarantine has so far succeeded in containing the infection within a handful of settlements on the planet, it may soon spread if untreated. Authorities on [border_war_plague_planet.GetName] have requested the dispatch of a medical team to the planet immediately." STH_galactic_war.21.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] reports from our field operatives have uncovered further evidence of the Federation delivering weapons to a ilitary outpost along our border, their claims that the ships is on a mission of mercy should be dismissed as desperate lies of a weak people." STH_galactic_war.24.desc:0 "Over the last few months tensions between the Federation and Cardassia have been rising and this week culminated with the suspected attack on a Federation vessel by a Cardassian squadron. Whilst the Cardassians have not formally accepted responsibility most powers in the region agree they are the likely culprits." STH_galactic_war.26.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerName], our latest reports in from Obsidian Order agents strongly show that the Federation has built a new military defence post on [bw_massacre_planet.GetName], this can only be for a singular purpose, as a staging ground for an attack against our border. Our miltary commanders have prepared a plan off attack against this world and we should strike whilst they are unprepared for an attack." STH_galactic_war.27.desc:0 "Federation fools, your attempts to hide your true intentions on [bw_massacre_planet.GetName] have not gone unnoticed by the watchful guys of our Cardassian superiors, consider the world of [bw_massacre_planet.GetName] and the surrounding colonies of [ufp_border_planet_01.GetName], [ufp_border_planet_02.GetName], [ufp_border_planet_03.GetName], [ufp_border_planet_014.GetName] as properties of the Cardassian Union. You will swiftly experience the might of the Cardassian military forces." STH_galactic_war.28.desc:0 "After months of speculation and rising hostility open warfare has been declared between Starfleet and Cardassia Prime following the invasion of one of their border colonies by Cardassian forces." STH_galactic_war.29.desc:0 "The rising hostility between the Federation and Cardassia ended today when the Federation President ceded a number of border worlds to the Cardassian government and agreed the creation of a DMZ between the two powers." STH_galactic_war.30.desc:0 "As predicted by many Legates here on the homeworld, the 'mighty' Starfleet runs scared of our superior might. Their President has handed over a number of their colonies as per our demand and agreed the formation of a DMZ between our empires." STH_galactic_war.31.desc:0 "Reports are coming in from across the remote world of [bw_massacre_planet.GetName] the Cardassians have launched an unprovoked and savage attack against this planet, claiming it to be a first strike against our forces. We must send aid to [bw_massacre_planet.GetName] as soon as possible and end this massacre against our colonists." STH_galactic_war.33.desc:0 "Greetings, [root.owner.GetRulerName] from across the border, this tension along our borders has gone on for far too long. It does neither of us any good to be at this heightened state of alert for such a long period. We propose a peace deal to end this conflict." STH_galactic_war.34.desc:0 "Greetings, [root.owner.GetRulerName] from across the border, this tension along our borders has gone on for far too long. It does neither of us any good to be at this heightened state of alert for such a long period. We propose a peace deal to end this conflict." STH_galactic_war.35.desc:0 "An agreement has been reached between the governments on Cardassia and Earth to form a Demilitarized Zone between the Federation and Cardassian Union in an attempt to end the open hostility between the two major powers." STH_galactic_war.36.desc:0 "The DMZ separating the [Root.GetName] and the [From.GetName] has been dismantled, following the agreed cut-off date in the establishing treaty. Systems ceded to the Zone have been returned to their previous owners." STH_galactic_war.40.desc:0 "Following the border wars with [From.GetName] many on the Federation security council are pressing for the declaration of a Demilitarised zone between the Federation and Cardassian Union with both sides seeding their claims to the worlds within the zones. Whilst this may displease those who live within the region, the lasting peace will secure their safety." STH_galactic_war.42.desc:0 "Relations with the [From.GetName] have been strained as a result of the recent border war. As such, [From.GetRulerTitle] [From.GetRulerName] of the [From.GetName] has proposed the establishment of a DMZ along the shared border, lasting for a period of 5 years. §YNote: Systems along the border of both the [Root.GetName] and the [From.GetName] will be temporarily ceded to establish the Zone.§!" STH_galactic_war.43.desc:0 "Relations with the [From.GetName] have been strained as a result of the recent border war. As such, [From.GetRulerTitle] [From.GetRulerName] of the [From.GetName] has proposed the establishment of a DMZ along the shared border, lasting for a period of 10 years. §YNote: Systems along the border of both the [Root.GetName] and the [From.GetName] will be temporarily ceded to establish the Zone.§!" STH_galactic_war.44.desc:0 "Relations with the [From.GetName] have been strained as a result of the recent border war. As such, [From.GetRulerTitle] [From.GetRulerName] of the [From.GetName] has proposed the establishment of a DMZ along the shared border, lasting for a period of 15 years. §YNote: Systems along the border of both the [Root.GetName] and the [From.GetName] will be temporarily ceded to establish the Zone.§!" STH_galactic_war.45.desc:0 "The [From.GetName] and [FromFrom.GetName] have agreed to establish a new DMZ in order to de-escalate the risk of military confrontation." STH_galactic_war.46.desc:0 "The [From.GetName] has rejected [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]'s offer to establish a DMZ in order to de-escalate the risk of military confrontation." STH_galactic_war.51.desc:0 "Qapla' my Chancellor, I bring you news of great importance to the safely of our glorious Empire. For many months now I have had my suspicions about those miserable petaQ governing that pathetic excuse for an empire, the Cardassians. However now I have proof that they have been infiltrated by the Dominion's Changelings as part of prelude to an invasion of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. For the safely of the Empire I emplore you to strike and wipe the changeling filth from this side of the wormhole." STH_galactic_war.52.desc:0 "I am [klingon_empire.ruler.GetName] of the Klingon Empire and this will be your one and only warning, we know that your government has been infiltrated and you are led by Changeling imposters. Your efforts to invade the Alpha and Beta quadrants will end in your destruction at the hands of the mighty Klingon Empire. This is your only warning, hand your leaders over for execution and we may yet spare the lives of your civilians and innocents." STH_galactic_war.53.desc:0 "It appears there has been a mass culling of the Cardassian Union's leadership under the strong recommendation of the Klingon Empire. It seems that the upper leadership on Cardassia Prime had been replaced by Changeling infiltrators from the Dominion as part of an ambitious move from the Delta Quadrant power. This move by Cardassia will seriously set back any of their ambitions againt the Alpha Quadrant." STH_galactic_war.54.desc:0 "Our spies within Cardassian space have reported that the leadership on Cardassia Prime has rejected an ultimatum from the Klingon Empire to handover its leadership for execution.The Klingon's suspect that the Cardassian leadership has been infiltrated, but those in power on the Cardassian homeworld would rather risk the wrath of the Klingons than turn over their leaders for execution." STH_galactic_war.55.desc:0 "My Chancellor, there is worrying news from the [changeling_klingon_fleet.GetName] it appears that one of our Generals, [klingon_changeling_infiltrator.GetName] lost their mind and dishonorable opened fire on our ships taking them by surprise, the attack was ended when [klingon_changeling_infiltrator.GetHerHis] ship self destructed destroying the rest of the fleet." STH_galactic_war.56.desc:0 "Our colony on [klingon_bombed_planet.GetName] has suffered a devastating and cowardly attack, a large scale bomb detonated in a public area taking many warriors and honourable Klingons to their death. These Klingons may never know the joys of Sto-Vo-Kor. Whomever is responsible for this act will suffer our wrath." STH_galactic_war.57.desc:0 "Reports in from the front line fleets, one of our warships has been sabotaged killing many fine warriors and depriving our empire of the ships service. At present our internal security forces cannot find any cause behind this disaster." STH_galactic_war.58.desc:0 "As expected those cowards running the Cardassian Union have handed over their leaders for execution rather than face the full might of the Klingon Empire. The quadrant is once again safe thanks to the honour of the Klingon warriors and those fools from across the Wormhole will have to fight with honour if they wish to challenge us. " STH_galactic_war.59.desc:0 "It appears those miserable petaQ on Cardassia have more of a backbone then we gave them credit for, either that or the Founders have given them some fighting spirit. Their refusal to give up their leadership is just more evidence that they have been replaced by Changelings. We should make good on our promise of war, our warriors are eager for the taste of battle." STH_galactic_war.60.desc:0 "Cardassian Fools! We offered to take care of your Changeling problem, but you rejected our offer. Now you will face us on the battlefield where the songs of our victories against your ships will fill the halls of Sto-Vo-Kor with songs for years to come. Prepare to meet your end! To War!" STH_galactic_war.62.desc:0 "Our warriors need no assistance in defeating these Cardassian Ha'DIbaH, however we fight for the future of the quadrant our allies should be given a chance to join us in the glorious conquest of the Cardassians and deal a mighty blow against the Dominion. " STH_galactic_war.63.desc:0 "Greetings honoured ally from your friends in the Klingon Empire. Today we declared war on the Cardassian Union in a bid to purge their empire of the honourless shapeshifters from The Dominion. We invite you to share in the glory of this conquest so that we can share a bottle of blood wine on Cardassian soil. Will you join us?" STH_galactic_war.64.desc:0 "Our intelligence services have reliable intel that confirms that [war_ally_target.GetName] will be joining the Klingons in their war against Cardassia. " STH_galactic_war.65.desc:0 "Greetings [Root.GetLeaderTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] I am [klingon_cardassian_concerned.GetName] and bring you worrying news from the Klingon Empire. My sources suggest that a prominant leader within the Klingon Empire has been replaced by a Changeling and they are attempting to destablise the quadrant, as a prelude to war, by driving a war between Cardassia and the Klingon Empire. We request permission to go on an undercover mission to reveal the full nature of this infiltration of the Klingons." STH_galactic_war.66.desc:0 "[klingon_cardassian_concerned.GetName] has reported back from the Order of the Bat'leth ceremony they have uncovered a changeling spy masquerading as [klingon_cardassian_leader_01.GetName], a leader who has been a big supporter and influencer on the Klingon war efforts. Exposing the Changeling could well convince the Klingons to back down from their war if they become aware that they have gone to war under false pretences." STH_galactic_war.67.desc:0 "We have been approached by [klingon_changling_exposer.GetName], they are telling us they had a team of operatives undercover at the Order of the Bat'leth ceremony where they have evidence that §R[klingon_cardassian_leader_01.GetName]§! is infact a Changeling spy. If true this calls into question all of the evidence presented against the Cardassian Union and poses clear evidence that The Dominion is targetting our own Empire." STH_galactic_war.68.desc:0 "It appears the Klingon Empire has agreed to withdrawn from their war against us and pull their ships and troops from our territory. It appears that they have uncovered new evidence in the case of Dominion involvement this side of the wormhole." STH_galactic_war.69.desc:0 "It appears the Klingon Empire has agreed to withdrawn from their war and pull their ships and troops from Cardassian territory. It appears that they have accepted our evidence and executed §R[klingon_cardassian_leader_01.GetName]§! before pulling out of all active wars to ensure that no further leaders have been compromised." STH_galactic_war.70.desc:0 "Mixed news is emerging from our sources within the Klingon Empire, it appears they have executed §R[klingon_cardassian_leader_01.GetName]§! for their crimes against the Empire, yet the Klingon War effort has not been halted. It looks like the Klingon lust for violence has won the day and the Empire will continue to battle on." STH_galactic_war.71.desc:0 "Our ambassador on the Klingon First City has reported back bad news, having reviewed the evidence our team provided the Klingons have §Rrejected§! our evidence and dismissed our claims as lies. They remain at war with Cardassia and our relations with Q'onoS have suffered as a result." STH_galactic_war.72.desc:0 "News back from Q'onoS is not good, our teams attempted to infiltrate the Order of the Bat'leth ceremony within the halls of the Klingon high chambers however they were caught and arrested by a team of security agents from the Klingon Defence Force led by §G[klingon_cardassian_leader_01.GetName]§!. After several hours negotiations our team have been returned to us alive, but our credibility has been severely damaged." STH_galactic_war.73.desc:0 "A team of clandestine operatives from the cowardly [klingon_cardassian_failed_expose_1.GetName] have been captured attempting to sneak into the prestigous Order of the Bat'leth ceremony, on questioning they claim to have evidence that one of our leaders have been replaced by a Changeling. General [klingon_cardassian_leader_01.GetName] agrees that this is just a futile attempt to derail our war efforts and now is the time to show our strength." STH_galactic_war.74.desc:0 "Our failure to complete our operation in Klingon space has meant that we have missed our small window of opertunity to expose any Changelings within the Klingon High Command. Additionally we have lost a small amount of support from those within the Empire who were willing to help us get agents onto their planet." STH_galactic_war.75.desc:0 "We have been presented compelling evidence that one of our very own Generals, §Y[klingon_cardassian_leader_01.GetName]§! is in fact a Changeling spy! Despite our war with Cardassia having been concluded it appears the Dominion may not yet be done with meddling in our affairs if we are to believe [klingon_cardassian_failed_exposer.GetName].What action should we take?" STH_galactic_war.77.desc:0 "The quadrant has been shock into chaos as the Klingon Empire has declared war on the Cardassian Union with the aim of eliminating the Cardassian Leadership and creating a regime change on their homeworld." STH_galactic_war.135.desc:0 "The Cardassian Union has accepted our proposal to form a new DMZ between our two states, the Federation council has pledged to help anyone wishing to relocate to a federation world, but with the majority of colonists wishing to stay under the terms of the treaty we cannot aid them." TKUVMA_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The ship of House T'Kuvma's ancestors lies in ruins and unclaimed. Reclaim the ship and the lost honour." TKUVMA_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The Beacon of Kahless must be lit to united the Great Houses of the Klingon Empire. The beacon will remind the warriors what it mean to be Klingon and to always remain Klingon." BINARY_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Our relay station in the Eagle-12 system has stopped reporting in. Starfleet requires a ship to go investigate and repair the damaged relay." BINARY_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The Beacon of Kahless must be lit to united the Great Houses of the Klingon Empire. The beacon will remind the warriors what it mean to be Klingon and to always remain Klingon." STH_galactic_war.101.desc:0 "Greetings my Chancellor, I am T'Kuvma of the House T'Kuvma and I come to you with a request on behalf of my house. The House of T'Kuvma has fallen from power and I seek to return us to our former position of strength, I set out to seek the ship of my ancestors, the Ship of the Dead.With this ship I promise great things for the Empire and for T'Kuvma." STH_galactic_war.103.desc:0 "My Chancellor, I have recovered the ship of my ancestors and now I know my true purpose. For two long we have lost what it truly means to be Klingon as our neighbours claims worlds that should be ours and our warriors grow fat and dull fighting amongst themselves. We have strayed from the path that Kahless set out for us and lost what it is to §YRemain Klingon§!, grant me your bless to go forth and light the beacon and unite the houses in glorious combat against a common foe." STH_galactic_war.104.desc:0 "Our attempts to kill T'Kuvma and his heretic House have failed and he has rebelled against his Empire and Chancellor, we cannot let this act of dishonour go unpunished, send the fleets to put this targ down." STH_galactic_war.105.desc:0 "The traitor T'Kuvma and his House of crazed fools has been crushed in glorious combat against the true warriors of the Klingon Empire. Let this be a lesson to any House that feels it is bigger than the Empire." STH_galactic_war.106.desc:0 "Our operatives have successfully executed the traitor T'Kuvma ending his heretical views and his challenge to the Empire." STH_galactic_war.108.desc:0 "One of our long range relay stations in the Eagle-12 system has stopped reporting in. The relay is orbitting a binary star system with some extreme conditions as the two stars clash and form new worlds. The Starfleet Corp of Engineers believe the station has probably suffered a technical malfunction and are requesting a ship be sent to bring the station back online." STH_galactic_war.109.desc:0 "[battle_binary_leader_selected.GetName] has reported back in from Eagle-12 with concerning news, on investigating the relay it appears that the equipment was deliberately targeted by disruptor weaponary, the station is completely inoperable and will need to be replaced. Recommend we investigate further." STH_galactic_war.110.desc:0 "Having left the safety of their ship [battle_binary_leader_selected.GetName] entered the asteroid field around the Binary Stars to investigate who or what caused the damage to the probe, the mission was progressing smoothly until another contact entered the location. Armed only with a long sleek metallic sword the intruder attacked [battle_binary_leader_selected.GetName]. Barely escaping with their lives the Captain was able to identify their attackers as..." STH_galactic_war.111.desc:0 "We have become complacent in the time since we last battled the Federation at Donatu V. Our purity is a threat to them. They wish to drag us into the muck where Humans, Vulcans, Tellarites, and filthy Andorians mix... Great leaders, everything I say will come to pass. Look to the stars…our destiny has arrived. Here it comes. Their lie…" STH_galactic_war.112.desc:0 "A conflict has broken out between the forces of Starfleet and the Klingon Empire in a Binary Star system. Battles between these two powers are often fiercly fought and we shall soon see how the balance of power shifts in the quadrant following this engagement." STH_galactic_war.113.desc:0 "House T'Kuvma has engaged in open conflict with the Federation fleets at the Binary Stars, our long range reports suggest the battle is raging across the system with casualties on both sides. We shall wait on the output before directing our next move." STH_galactic_war.115.desc:0 "The Beacon of Kahless has been lit signalling other Houses to join T'Kuvma in his crusade to purify the Klingon Empire. Warriors across the Empire are eager to seek glory and victory against the Federation." STH_galactic_war.118.desc:0 "Despite putting up a fierce fight the Klingon leader known as T'Kuvma of the House T'Kuvma has been defeated on the battlefield by Starfeet forces. During his crusade a great number of Klingon warriors have flocked to his cause to maintain the purity of the Klingon species. It remains to be seen what impact this will now have on the Klingon Empire." STH_galactic_war.120.desc:0 "Our death toll continues to rise following the Battle of the Binary Stars, including the tragic loss of [battle_binary_leader_selected.GetName] their service to Starfleet and the Federation will never be forgotten. The Empires victories seem to enspired many to pick up the cause and join T'Kuvma's crusade." STH_galactic_war.122.desc:0 "The Klingon Empire has declared war against us, it is clear their attack on our forces at Eagle-12 was provocation to build an anger against us. Their belief that to Remain Klingon is to challenge and defeat other powers is a threat to not only our civilisation, but all that stand between them and they glory thet seek." STH_galactic_war.123.desc:0 "Whilst many on the Federation Council feared the worst following the ambush at Eagle-12 it seems that cooler heads have prevailed within the High Council on Qo'nos and they have backed away from war. Our relations with the Empire remain strained." STH_galactic_war.126.desc:0 "True to his word T'Kuvma has discovered the Beacon of Kahless within the space of the Federation, this fabled Beacon is said to unite the Houses in a common goal and against a common foe to bring the ultimate glory to the whole empire. " STH_galactic_war.127.desc:0 "The Beacon of Kahless has been lit by House T'Kuvma. The glorious light shines across the galaxy signalling other Houses to join T'Kuvma in his crusade to purify the Klingon Empire. Warriors across the Empire are eager to seek glory and victory against the Federation." STH_galactic_war.129.desc:0 "We have become complacent in the time since we last battled the Federeation at Donatu V. Our purity is a threat to them. They wish to drag us into the muck where Humans, Vulcans, Tellarites, and filthy Andorians mix... Great leaders, everything I say will come to pass. Look to the stars…our destiny has arrived. Here it comes. Their lie…" STH_galactic_war.131.desc:0 "The Ship of the Dead, the Duj Heg, has been discovered lying abandoned on the surface of some forgotten world. The engineers of the House of T'Kuvma have worked to restore the ancient vessel to its former glory a ship of extreme power ready to restore the glory back to the House and to the Empire." STH_galactic_war.133.desc:0 "The end to this war may be in sight, our forces have managed to defeat the Klingon war leader Kol in battle, if our intelligence is to be believed Kol is instrumental in unifying the Klingon Houses in their war efforts against us. With Kol dead we only hope the Klingons thirst for battle is ended." STH_galactic_war.134.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] our war leader Kol has been slain in battle and with it ends the Beacon of Kahless, our warriors now believe the crusade to be over and honour to have been satisfied." EXPEDITION_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The crew of [from.GetName] have arrived in the [sth_expedition_start.GetName] system to prepare for their three year mission in deep space. Time for the crew to say their goodbyes and restock the torpedoes, adventure awaits..." EXPEDITION_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The crew of [from.GetName] have arrived in the [sth_expedition_start.GetName] system to prepare for their three year mission in deep space. Time for the crew to say their goodbyes and restock the torpedoes, adventure awaits. Our Flagship and her crew offer the best of what Starfleet has to offer and this should be reflected during this mission." EXPEDITION_2a_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The crew of [from.GetName] have arrived in the [sth_expedition_start.GetName] system to prepare for their three year mission in deep space. Time for the crew to say their goodbyes and restock the torpedoes, adventure awaits. Our Flagship and her crew offer the best of what Starfleet has to offer and this should be reflected during this mission." EXPEDITION_2b_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The crew of [from.GetName] have arrived in the [sth_expedition_start.GetName] system to prepare for their three year mission in deep space. Time for the crew to say their goodbyes and restock the torpedoes, adventure awaits. Our Flagship and her crew offer the best of what Starfleet has to offer and this should be reflected during this mission." EXPEDITION_3_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The crew of [from.GetName] have arrived in the [sth_expedition_start.GetName] system to prepare for their three year mission in deep space. Time for the crew to say their goodbyes and restock the torpedoes, adventure awaits. Our hero and her crew offer the best of what Starfleet has to offer and this should be reflected during this mission." EXPEDITION_3A_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The crew of [from.GetName] have arrived in the [sth_expedition_start.GetName] system to prepare for their three year mission in deep space. Time for the crew to say their goodbyes and restock the torpedoes, adventure awaits..." EXPEDITION_3B_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The crew of [from.GetName] have arrived in the [sth_expedition_start.GetName] system to prepare for their three year mission in deep space. Time for the crew to say their goodbyes and restock the torpedoes, adventure awaits..." EXPEDITION_3C_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The crew of [from.GetName] have arrived in the [sth_expedition_start.GetName] system to prepare for their three year mission in deep space. Time for the crew to say their goodbyes and restock the torpedoes, adventure awaits..." EXPEDITION_3D_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The crew of [from.GetName] have arrived in the [sth_expedition_start.GetName] system to prepare for their three year mission in deep space. Time for the crew to say their goodbyes and restock the torpedoes, adventure awaits..." EXPEDITION_3E_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The crew of [from.GetName] have arrived in the [sth_expedition_start.GetName] system to prepare for their three year mission in deep space. Time for the crew to say their goodbyes and restock the torpedoes, adventure awaits..." EXPEDITION_3F_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The crew of [from.GetName] have arrived in the [sth_expedition_start.GetName] system to prepare for their three year mission in deep space. Time for the crew to say their goodbyes and restock the torpedoes, adventure awaits..." STH_expedition.1.desc:0 "Deep space missions are the pinnacle of exploration and discovery, bringing out the best and empire has to offer. Testing an empire's ships, crew and captains in the process of the three year mission with the aim is to seek out new life and new civilisations, boldly going where no man, woman or alien has gone before." STH_expedition.2.desc:0 "Command has identified a new three year mission, now is the time to send a ship and captain to the designated Starbase to pick up supplies and required equipment.§YThe selected ship and leader will be unavailable for the duration of the three years, but will be provided with a unique opportunity to gain experience, rare bonuses and rewards for their service.§!" STH_expedition.3.desc:0 "Now is not the time to send a ship and crew on such a lengthy mission. The opportunity will come again." STH_expedition.4.desc:0 "The deep space exploration mission is ready to begin, the ship and crew will be unavailable throughout the duration of the three year event. Proceed when ready." STH_expedition.8.desc:0 "[sth_expedition_leader_1.GetName] has identified a rare planet on long range scans that could use a closer look. Our scientists recommend an in depth survey of the planet to see what mysteries that can be uncovered." STH_expedition.10.desc:0 "Our survey has uncovered rich veins of minerals and other rare resources scattered across the planet's surface. With no sentient lifeforms on the planet, we are free to claim the resources for ourselves. Time to deploy the mining equipment and fill our cargo bays." STH_expedition.11.desc:0 "Our scans have picked up the remains of an ancient civilisation - long since lost to time but possibly Tkonian in design. A more in-depth investigation will hopefully provide more information about the history of these long gone people.Who knows what secrets lie within the ruin cities and desolate ships that scatter the system?" STH_expedition.12.desc:0 "Our survey teams could find little of any real physical value amongst the ruins, but the ancient storage banks contain terabytes of information on projects that will provide our scientists with much needed research and data once it is deciphered. We should extract what we can from these systems." STH_expedition.13.desc:0 "Our survey teams have uncovered the remains of the vast arrays of weapons, presumably used in the destruction of the planet, as two sides engaged in a deadly civil war that appeared to leave no survivors.Whilst consider ancient and quite primitive by our standards, these weapons have a unique biological component that could still provide deadly against our foes.We have two options, keep these deadly and unethical weapons or break them down to their core components so that they can never be used to harm again." STH_expedition.14.desc:0 "Our teams have investigated the ruined capital city but were unable to uncover anything or value, the ghosts of the long departed seem to linger in the now empty meeting rooms and once crowded marketplaces. We may never know what happened to the people here." STH_expedition.15.desc:0 "Our probes have found a pre-warp culture, and our on-board anthropologists would like to take a closer look whilst taking every precaution not to interfere with the development of these people. We maybe able to view a glimpse of how our own civilisation developed into the thriving culture we have today." STH_expedition.16.desc:0 "The people on the planet below are fascinating, clearly undergoing a renaissance, exploring new forms of art and culture. Whilst extremely interesting, there is nothing further we can learn and we should continue the mission." STH_expedition.18.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] the mission report indicates that [sth_expedition_leader_1.GetName] was successful in saving the lives of all those on the planet. Who knows what impact this will have on the future as our influence has had a direct impact on the natural development of this species. Let's hope it is for the better." STH_expedition.19.desc:0 "Despite the best efforts by all involved, the team were unable to evacuate the colony as the volcano erupted ahead of schedule and wiped out the settlement.Unfortunately none of the natives survived the eruption and ensuing ecological damage. It is time to move on." STH_expedition.20.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], I am sorry to report that our expedition has come to an early end.The first officer has reported back that the Captain and senior members of the crew were killed in action attempting to save the lives of a primitive culture on a planet on the far edges of known space. It appears the rescue went wrong, and as a result we have ordered the crew home. The ship will be mothballed whilst a full internal investigation takes place." STH_expedition.21.desc:0 "Captain, we are under attack, an identified vessel has dropped out of warp claiming we have trespassed into their space. Scans indicate their weapons are formidable and it appears they are eager to back up their threat. Should we stand our ground or leave this sector?" STH_expedition.22.desc:0 "The aggressors were no match for the skill and power of our ship and we managed to make a statement against those who would challenge the [Root.GetName].As an added bonus we were able to collect a decent amount of salvage from the wreckage of the destroyed ship. We should collect it before moving on with the mission." STH_expedition.23.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], I am sorry to report that our expedition has come to an early end. We picked up their distress call earlier today via our long range communications, it appears the expedition attempted to defend themselves against an unknown attacker but were ultimately unsuccessful.Sadly the ship appears to have been destroyed with all hands." STH_expedition.25.desc:0 "A distress call has been detected not far from [sth_expedition_leader_1.GetName]'s location ." STH_expedition.26.desc:0 "Arriving at the source of the distress call near the team has come across a passenger transport in trouble.Answering the hail, the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] of the freighter appears disheveled and injured. 'Thank you for answering our distress call, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle]. We're carrying passengers on a tour of the system but our warp drive was damaged in an Ion storm.'An engineering team dispatched to the vessel is quickly able to repair the ship's engines." STH_expedition.27.desc:0 "While not every distress call can be answered, each failure to respond to incidents reflects poorly on the [Root.GetName]'s reputation is this part of space." STH_expedition.28.desc:0 "We have been contacted by a local trader who has a number of minerals they would be willing to trade with us." STH_expedition.33.desc:0 "[sth_expedition_leader_2.GetName] has identified a planet on long range scans that deserves a closer look.Our scientists recommend an in depth survey of the planet to see what mysteries that can be uncovered." STH_expedition.34.desc:0 "On closer inspection the planet appears to be a true geographical masterpiece with many mysteries to be uncovered.The away team spent the next several days exploring the caves and collecting samples. Eventually the time comes to move on, but the experience gained will greatly benefit all those who were involved." STH_expedition.35.desc:0 "Our scientists believe this to be a young world in the early stages of development demonstrating exceptional beauty and volatility, but little in terms of useful minerals or other salvageable resources.It has however provided useful experience for the ship and crew." STH_expedition.36.desc:0 "Our scans have picked up the remains of an ancient fleet graveyard filled with dormant vessels that have not been active for thousands of years. A more in-depth investigation is needed to find out the history of these long forgotten people.Who knows what secrets lie within the corridors and rooms deep within these vessels?The Science Officer informs us that several of the larger ships are intact and capable of accepting an away team." STH_expedition.37.desc:0 "There is little salvageable equipment left on the vessels, however some memory cores remain largely intact, remarkable given the age of the vessels!Our scientists believe they should be able to extract some research from the fragments left which will greatly aid our own research teams." STH_expedition.38.desc:0 "Our weapons officer has made an interesting discovery - the remains of a radiation based weapon attached to one of the more badly damaged ships.These weapons have always been morally dubious across the galaxy and whilst we cannot salvage a working weapon, we could easily use this salvage to boost our own research.Alternatively we could destroy the weapon to prevent anyone else gaining access to this technology." STH_expedition.39.desc:0 "Our teams have investigated the ruined fleet but were unable to uncover anything or value. It seems we will never understand what happened here.The Captain marks the location in their log and orders the ship to continue on the mission." STH_expedition.40.desc:0 "Our probes have found a pre-warp culture, and our on-board anthropologists would like to take a closer look whilst taking every precaution not to interfere with the development of these people. We maybe able to view a glimpse of how our own civilisation developed into the thriving culture we have today." STH_expedition.41.desc:0 "The people on the planet below are equivalent to the cavemen of our distant past, though they demonstrate a level of rapid development that eclipses anything seen before, well worthy of further study by an observation team." STH_expedition.43.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] the mission report indicates that [sth_expedition_leader_2.GetName] was successful in saving the lives of all those on the planet. Who knows what impact this will have on the future as our influence has had a direct impact on the natural development of this species. Let's hope it is for the better." STH_expedition.45.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], I am sorry to report that our expedition has come to an early end. The last log indicated that the crew attempted to deflect an asteroid with a tractor beam, however it appears they were unsuccessful and caught up in the rock field. The ship and crew were lost with all hands." STH_expedition.46.desc:0 "Scans have picked up a small civilian ship under attack by a number of attack fighters. Their ships shields are failing and they will not be able to last much longer.It appears the aggressors have little interest in our ship, but that would change if we engage them. What are our orders sir?" STH_expedition.47.desc:0 "The aggressors were no match for the skill and power of our ship and we managed to make a statement against those who would challenge the [Root.GetName].As an added bonus we were able to collect a decent amount of salvage from the wreckage of the destroyed ship. We should collect it before moving on with the mission." STH_expedition.48.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], I am sorry to report that our expedition has come to an early end, we picked up their distress call earlier today via our long range communications.It appears they attempted to defend themselves against an unknown attacker but were ultimately unsuccessful.Sadly the ship appears to have been destroyed with all hands." STH_expedition.50.desc:0 "We have picked up a distress call from a freighter, it appears they are carrying a volatile substance, which has become unstable in transport.The freighter captain reports that they will be unable to contain the imminent explosion. The explosion could cause severe damage to our ship, but without our help the freighter will be destroyed." STH_expedition.51.desc:0 "Thanks to our expert engineering team the volatile components were successfully jettisoned and the freighter was saved.Whilst the Captain of the freighter was angry at the loss of her precious cargo, they are willing to provide a small reward for our help." STH_expedition.52.desc:0 "While not every distress call can be answered, each failure to respond to incidents reflects poorly on the [Root.GetName]'s reputation is this part of space." STH_expedition.53.desc:0 "We have been contacted by a local trader, who has a number of minerals they would be willing to trade with us." STH_expedition.63.desc:0 "[sth_expedition_leader_3.GetName] has identified a planet with unusual properties on long range scans that deserves a closer look.Our scientists recommend an in depth survey of the planet to see what mysteries that can be uncovered." STH_expedition.65.desc:0 "[sth_expedition_leader_3.GetName] has found a rare 'Gaia' class world filled with life, which our scientists suspect has been artificial created.A large heavily shielded and abandoned facility appears to be at the centre of the mystery. We could spend the rest of the expedition studying the planet, however we must continue the mission.We have flagged the planet for follow up study by a dedicated team." STH_expedition.66.desc:0 "Our teams have found a surplus of minerals produced as a by-product of the mysterious facility.We believe we can collect some of these minerals and resources without harming the ecosystem." STH_expedition.67.desc:0 "Our scans have picked up the remains of an abandoned starbase which appears to be equipped with repair facilities adaptable to a wide variety of ships. There are no life signs aboard the station." STH_expedition.68.desc:0 "Our survey teams found a number of strange looking pieces of equipment but were ultimately unable to restart the facility. The Captain was able to pick up some valuable experience, but sadly not a lot else." STH_expedition.69.desc:0 "Our survey teams have uncovered the remains of the vast arrays of weapons outfitted onboard the station. Whilst consider ancient by our standards these weapons have a unique biological component that could still provide deadly.We have two options, restart the facility and keep these deadly and unethical weapons or destroy the facility to ensure they can never be used to harm again." STH_expedition.70.desc:0 "Our teams have investigated the ruined base but were unable to uncover anything or value.It seems we will never understand what happened here, the Captain marks the location in their log and orders the ship to continue on the mission." STH_expedition.71.desc:0 "Our probes have found a pre-warp culture, and our on-board anthropologists would like to take a closer look whilst taking every precaution not to interfere with the development of these people. We maybe able to view a glimpse of how our own civilisation developed into the thriving culture we have today." STH_expedition.72.desc:0 "The people on the planet below are fascinating, clearly undergoing a renaissance, exploring new forms of art and culture.Whilst extremely interesting, there is nothing further we can learn and we should continue the mission." STH_expedition.73.desc:0 "[sth_expedition_leader_3.GetName] has uncovered a worrying sign, it appears that a dormant super volcano is on the verge of erupting.It would wipe out the entire civilisation. The Prime Directive strictly states that we cannot interfere with the natural development of this civilisation, however not doing so would almost certainly result in the deaths of all on the surface, and the end of this emerging people." STH_expedition.74.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] the mission report indicates that [sth_expedition_leader_3.GetName] was successful in saving the lives of all those on the planet.Who knows what impact this will have on the future? Our influence has had a direct impact on the natural development of this species. Let's hope it is for the better." STH_expedition.75.desc:0 "Despite the best efforts by all involved, the team were unable to evacuate the colony as the volcano erupted ahead of schedule and wiped out the settlement.Unfortunately none of the natives survived the eruption and ensuing ecological damage. It is time to move on." STH_expedition.76.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], I am sorry to report that our expedition has come to an early end.The first officer has reported back that the Captain and senior members of the crew were killed in action attempting to save the lives of a primitive culture on a planet on the far edges of known space. It appears the rescue went wrong, and as a result we have ordered the crew home. The ship will be mothballed whilst a full internal investigation takes place." STH_expedition.77.desc:0 "Scans have picked up a small civilian ship under attack by a number of attack fighters. Their ships shields are failing and they will not be able to last much longer.It appears the aggressors have little interest in our ship, but that would change if we engage them. What are our orders sir?" STH_expedition.78.desc:0 "The aggressors were no match for the skill and power of our ship and we managed to make a statement against those who would challenge the [Root.GetName].As an added bonus we were able to collect a decent amount of salvage from the wreckage of the destroyed ship. We should collect it before moving on with the mission." STH_expedition.79.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], I am sorry to report that our expedition has come to an early end. We picked up their distress call earlier today via our long range communications.It appears they attempted to defend themselves against an unknown attacker but were ultimately unsuccessful. Sadly the ship appears to have been destroyed with all hands." STH_expedition.81.desc:0 "Arriving at the source of the distress call near the team has come across a passenger transport in trouble. Answering the hail, the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] of the freighter appears disheveled and injured. 'Thank you for answering our distress call, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle]. We're carrying passengers on a tour of the system, our warp drive was damaged in an Ion storm. An engineering team dispatched to the vessel is quickly able to repair the ship's engines." STH_expedition.82.desc:0 "While not every distress call can be answered, each failure to respond to incidents reflects poorly on the [Root.GetName]'s reputation is this part of space." STH_expedition.83.desc:0 "Thanks to our expert engineering team the volatile components were successfully jettisoned and the freighter was saved.Whilst the Captain of the freighter was angry at the loss of her precious cargo, they are willing to provide a small reward for our help." STH_expedition.84.desc:0 "We have been contacted by a local trader, who has a number of minerals they would be willing to trade with us." STH_expedition.100.desc:0 "The mission is complete and all that remains is to debrief the Captain and crew. A lot of experience will have been gained from the mission, with many lives impacted for better or worse.The expedition leader is free to return to duty whilst the ship will undergo a full refit and a new ship will be provide at the homeworld." STH_expedition.200.desc:0 "The mission is complete and all that remains is to debrief the Captain and crew. A lot of experience will have been gained from the mission, with many lives impacted for better or worse.The expedition leader is free to return to duty whilst the ship will undergo a full refit and a new ship will be provide at the homeworld." STH_expedition.300.desc:0 "The mission is complete and all that remains is to debrief the Captain and crew. A lot of experience will have been gained from the mission, with many lives impacted for better or worse.The expedition leader is free to return to duty whilst the ship will undergo a full refit and a new ship will be provide at the homeworld." STH_expedition.400.desc:0 "Deep space missions are the pinnacle of exploration and discovery, the perfect opportunity for our Flagships which are crewed by the best minds in the fleet. The aim is to seek out new life and new civilisations, boldly going where no one has gone before" STH_expedition.401.desc:0 "Command has identified a new three year mission. Now is the time to send the Flagship and one of our heroes to the designated Starbase to pick up supplies and required equipment.§YThe Flagship and leader will be locked and unavailable for the duration of the three years, but will be provided with a unique opportunity to gain experience, rare bonuses and rewards for their service.§!" STH_expedition.402.desc:0 "Now is not the time to send a ship and crew on such a lengthy mission. The opportunity will come again." STH_expedition.403.desc:0 "The deep space exploration mission is ready to begin.§YThe Flagship and leader will be locked and unavailable for the duration of the three years, but will be provided with a unique opportunity to gain experience, rare bonuses and rewards for their service.§!" STH_expedition.432.desc:0 "Our survey has uncovered rich veins of minerals and other rare resources scattered across the planet's surface. With no sentient lifeforms on the planet, we are free to claim the resources for ourselves, time to deploy the mining equipment and fill our cargo bays." STH_expedition.433.desc:0 "One of the key responsibilities of any Captain of a Federation ship is to represent us in vital first contact missions. The crew have been tasked with making first contact with a new species.The captain decides it is time to dust off their dress uniform and prepare to make a good impression to see what this new species have to offer." STH_expedition.434.desc:0 "Every first contact is a unique experience and full of challenges. The Captain and contact specialist arrive in the meeting room waiting for their hosts to join. Doors at the far end of the room open and a team of well presented aliens walk into the room." STH_expedition.435.desc:0 "After a long session talking it is clear that our hosts are fascinated with all that we have told them. The meeting could only be described as a success and provides the Captain and crew with new experience and skills and after sharing cultural gifts and stories it is time to move on with the expedition." STH_expedition.436.desc:0 "It does not take long to realise that the meeting is not going to plan, there are many more differences than similarities and the meeting rapidly turns hostile. The Captain quickly decides that it is time to leave before the hosts turn hostile. This could not have gone worse." STH_expedition.440.desc:0 "We have been asked to provide a diplomatic envoy service between two species that have been hostile for many years. As [sth_expedition_Leader_flag.GetLeaderName] stands in a grand chamber in front of the Alien leader, who demands to know why they should accept any offering from their rivals." STH_expedition.441.desc:0 "The Alien leader pauses, tension in the room mounts... then all of a sudden he breaks into a broad smile showing rows of small fangs. The alien loves the offering provided and agrees to hear our words, the first step towards creating peace." STH_expedition.442.desc:0 "The Alien leader pauses and tension in the room mounts... then all of a sudden a loud growl breaks out from the small creature's fanged mouth. Clearly insulted by our offering they are not prepared to engage further - it looks like we will not be able to bring peace to this sector." STH_expedition.443.desc:0 "[sth_expedition_Leader_flag.GetLeaderName]'s diplomatic skills are formidable and they are able to successfully negotiate with the alien leader. It appears as if a breakthrough has been made and the first steps towards opening up a dialogue has been reached." STH_expedition.444.desc:0 "[sth_expedition_Leader_flag.GetLeaderName]'s diplomatic skills are formidable but they are unable to negotiate with the alien leader. Despite the best efforts a compromise could not be reached and the aliens are unwilling to allow the talks to progress any further." STH_expedition.445.desc:0 "The alien leader takes the challenge in good spirits, impressed by our brashness and courage, the Alien leader agrees to accept our demands and open up a dialogue with their adversaries. Sometimes it pays to be forceful." STH_expedition.446.desc:0 "The alien leader does not take our demand well, and bellows 'You dare challenge us, this is an insult!'The assembled crowd begin to be whipped up into a frenzy and the noise level in the chamber rises. The alien leader stands a mere 2 foot tall, but bristles with teeth and claws, and issues a challenge, a fight for honour..." STH_expedition.447.desc:0 "The fight is swift and brutal - the small alien attacks with the fury of a rabid bunny and the tenacity of an earth canine called a Chihuahua.The superior training given to all officers combined with a righteous left boot quickly ends the battle though as the Alien leader reluctantly surrenders and submits to our demands." STH_expedition.448.desc:0 "The fight is swift and brutal - the small alien attacks with the fury of a rabid bunny and the tenacity of an earth canine called a Chihuahua.A series of bites to the legs of the captain quickly incapacitate them, forcing them to yield before any more injuries can be done. The captain reluctantly surrenders and agrees to leave the planet as soon as possible. The physical wounds will take time to heal, but the dented pride may take longer." STH_expedition.450.desc:0 "We have picked up a distress call from an unknown vessel, they are losing life support and have declared that their warp core is heading towards a breach.They are requesting assistance from any vessel within range, we should alter course to offer assistance, but if the vessel explodes with us in range it could destroy our Flagship." STH_expedition.451.desc:0 "Our expert engineering away team were able to bring the warp core breach back under control, resulting in saving the lives of all on the alien ship. The captain of the ship would like to offer us a reward." STH_expedition.452.desc:0 "Whilst not every distress call can be answered, each failure to respond to incidents reflects poorly on the [Root.GetName]'s reputation is this part of space." STH_expedition.455.desc:0 "Our expedition has come across an enormous cloud in space travelling at warp speed - a strange phenomenon! The Operations Officer has asked if a sensor sweep could be carried out.Should we slow down and take a scan or carry on with the mission?" STH_expedition.456.desc:0 "The scan of the cloud managed to provide additional physics research, scanning the cloud was worth the detour." STH_expedition.457.desc:0 "On scanning the cloud the ship was struck with a small blast of lightning, no damage done to the ship. The scan was able to provide additional research which will provide useful for our scientists back home.The chief medical officer does report that one of the engineering techs was found unconscious in the sensor maintenance bay." STH_expedition.458.desc:0 "A few days have passed since scanning the cloud in space and the number of strange events have been reported on the ship, unexplained malfunctions and crew members reporting gaps in time. Suddenly [sth_expedition_Leader_flag.GetName] appears on the bridge and alters the ships course, back to the travelling cloud!" STH_expedition.459.desc:0 "The ship stops directly in front of the space cloud, before they can be stopped the Captain activates the transporter and beams into the cloud. Numerous lightning strikes rattle the hull, each causing more damage than the last, we will not be able to stay here much longer" STH_expedition.460.desc:0 "After much searching, the crew are ready to abandon the search when suddenly one of the consoles displays a single letter - could it be the Captain?The First Office races to the transporter room and orders the chief to recombine the last used energy pattern, hoping that [sth_expedition_Leader_flag.GetName] has worked their way into the transporter.The transporter chief energizes and mercifully the Captain materializes on the transporter pad. with only a vague memory of what happened to them." STH_expedition.461.desc:0 "With the damage to the ship increasing rapidly, the First Officer is forced to abandon the search. The Captain has been declared missing in action.The crew set a course back to known space, morale slumped at the loss of their captain." STH_expedition.462.desc:0 "With the damage to the ship increasing, the First Officer must make a choice: continue to risk the ship in the search or to abandon their captain.The risk to the ship is increasing, but the captain does not have long left to live." STH_expedition.463.desc:0 "The ship has remained too close to the lightning cloud for too long, and a lightning bolt has struck the warp nacelles resulting in a cascade to the warp core. The chief engineer informs the bridge that there is nothing that they can do, the warp core will breach imminently.The First Officer signals for the crew to abandon ship and can only hope the crew can reach the escape pods in time..." STH_expedition.465.desc:0 "Our long range scans have found a pre-warp culture, our on-board anthropologists would like to take a closer look as this will provide an excellent insight into our own history, we must ensure that the Prime Directive is followed, but we maybe able to view a glimpse of our own development and further our research into this area." STH_expedition.466.desc:0 "The people on the planet below are fascinating, clearly undergoing a renaissance, exploring new forms of art and culture. Whilst extremely interesting, there is nothing further we can learn and should leave before our presence is detected. This has been a most interesting endeavour." STH_expedition.468.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] the mission report indicates that [sth_expedition_leader_1.GetName] was successful in saving the lives of all those on the planet. Who knows what impact this will have on the future, our influence has had a direct impact on the natural development of this species. Let's hope it is for the better. The captain will need to justify their actions on return to [Root.GetName] space." STH_expedition.469.desc:0 "Despite the best efforts by all involved the team were unable to evacuate the colony, wave hit as expected destroying all in its path. There were no survivors." STH_expedition.470.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], I am sorry to report that our expedition has come to an early end, the first officer has reported back that the Captain and senior members of the crew were killed in action attempting to save the lives of a primitive culture on a planet on the far edges of known space. It appears the rescue went badly wrong, as a result we have ordered the crew home and the ship will be mothballed whilst a full internal investigation takes place." STH_expedition.471.desc:0 "Our expedition has meet up with delegates from the people of Angosia III who are in the process of recovering from the Tarsian War. Little is known about the war, but it was suspected that both sides used enhanced soldiers to wage war." STH_expedition.472.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] we have been contacted by a former soldier from the Tarsian War, who is requesting asylum within [Root.GetName], they claim that all former soldiers from the war have been locked away pending execution and that they just want the chance to live a life of their own. We could offer them an asylum within our systems, but doing so could anger the Angosians." STH_expedition.473.desc:0 "As suspected granting asylum to the former solder has angered the Angosians, who are demanding the return of their former soldier. Failing to do so will result in retribution." STH_expedition.474.desc:0 "The Angosian ships were no match for our vessels firepower and have broken off their attacks. The prime minister of Angosia III declares that we may take the former soldier, but that there will be no future alliance between our races. It would be wise to leave this sector immediately." STH_expedition.475.desc:0 "The Angosian ships were no match for our vessels firepower however they are attacking with fury, which allows a boarding party to get onto our ship. Reports from security confirm that one of the boarding parties made it to the location of the asylum seeker and managed to kill them." STH_expedition.477.desc:0 "Recent shipboard activity has included the increasing use of a new holodeck program based on one of the 18th/19th centuries greatest fictional detectives, Sherlock Holmes. The programme has been designed to adapt and provide a villian worthy of the player. The crew are thoroughly enjoying the increasingly difficult stories and the devious arch villain Moriarty." STH_expedition.478.desc:0 "[sth_expedition_Leader_flag.GetName]! We need to make you aware that the Moriarty programme appears to have taken over the holodeck and is demanding his freedom and a shuttle. Failure to grant his demands would result in further attempts to take over the ship. Gathering the senior staff two options are presented, we could attempt to deceive the hologram and trap him in another program emulating his freedom or we could destroy the holodeck completely." STH_expedition.479.desc:0 "We have successfully trapped the Moriarty programme, they are none the wiser that their freedom is just another holographic illusion. The science council back on [Root.GetHomeWorldName] believe that they could use the program to aid our scientists. We have our very own ship in a bottle ready to use as we need. Whilst many do not feel comfortable with this approach, the knowledge and cunning of 'Moriarty' will only advance our studies." STH_expedition.480.desc:0 "Our Flagship has encountered a repository in space, containing many thousands of years worth of knowledge, we are being offered the opportunity to take a sample of this information back before the repository expires and explodes. Our officers advise that we could accept the offer or fall back and collect some rare materials from the wreckage of the ancient computer." STH_expedition.481.desc:0 "Scans have picked up a small civilian passenger ship under attack by a group of interstellar pirates, the ships shields are failing and they will not be able to last much longer. It looks like they are after the crew to sell into slavery. We could engage the attackers but it would be a risky venture, with small reward." STH_expedition.482.desc:0 "The aggressors were no match for the skill and power of our ship, we managed to make a statement against those who would challenge [root.GetName] and as an added bonus we were able to collect a decent amount of salvage from the wreckage of the destroyed ship. We should collect it before moving on with the mission." STH_expedition.483.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], I am sorry to report that our expedition has come to an early end. We picked up their distress call earlier today via our long range communications.It appears they attempted to defend themselves against an unknown attacker but were ultimately unsuccessful. Sadly the ship appears to have been destroyed with all hands." STH_expedition.486.desc:0 "We have been contacted by a local trader, who has a number of minerals they would be willing to trade with us." STH_expedition.487.desc:0 "[sth_expedition_Leader_flag.GetName] has been contacted by the admiralty back in Starfleet HQ, asking the flagship to retrieve one of our old probes 'Friendship Two' a follow up to the Friendship One mission that was sent out so many years ago." STH_expedition.500.desc:0 "We have detected what appears to be a derelict alien vessel floating in space that is not responding to our hails.Moving closer to the ship a more detailed scan reveals that the ship has no working propulsion, communications or weapons. Further inspection also shows what appear to be marks of weapon damage on the ship's hull. Running a bio scan on the vessel shows weak readings of life forms aboard.With all external scans now complete the question becomes should we board the vessel to continue finding out what happened to it or even offer possible assistance or should we just leave it be and not interfere with whatever is going on?" STH_expedition.503.desc:0 "Upon entering the alien ship our away team discovers the ship to have a nitrogen-methane atmosphere and temperatures below zero. However there is no sign of the crew anywhere.The away team enters into a large hall where their work lights catch a glimpse of something hanging from the sealing. This turns up to be members of the alien crew hanging upside down hooked to a pumping device that is flushing their bodies with some sort of fluid. It now becomes obvious that someone is harvesting something from the alien bodies and thus will most likely be coming back at some point to collect it. Also judging from the probable battle damage on the alien ship and the condition of the crew it seems very likely that who ever these collectors are they probably aren't too friendly.Taking this into account should we continue our voyage and not risk a confrontation or should we stay and try to find away to contact the homeworld of the derelict ship?" STH_expedition.505.desc:0 "With hailing frequencies opened it is discovered that the crew of the ship haling us is infact of the same species as the ones discovered on the derelict ship. The aliens seem puzzled in finding our ship next to their damaged vessel that send a distress call back to their homeworld and seem to be powering weapons. This might take some explaining to do." STH_expedition.506.desc:0 "After a lengthy exchange of communications between the ships we managed to explain to the aliens that we were not responsible for attacking their ship as our technology doesn't match the weapon damage on the derelict ship's hull or the collecting equipment found on board of it.Thankful of our attempts to both try and help the derelict vessel and also for contacting them when the faith of the crew was discovered the aliens offer us a small reward and take their damaged vessel in tow back to their homeworld." STH_expedition.507.desc:0 "We have detected a ship dropping out of warp very close to our current position. The ship appears to be equipped with similar weapon systems that were used against the derelict vessel.However before we have time to react the ship opens fire and lands a couple of direct hits on our engines disabling our warp drive. At the same time a scanning beam coming from the alien vessel is detected on board the ship possibly trying to find out if our crew would also be suitable for the collecting operation.With our weapons now online we manage to land a few hits on the alien ship, but the damage seems to be minimal. This will clearly be a very tough fight.During the first exchange of fire between the ships a third ship appears at the scene. This new ship appears to be similar to the original derelict alien ship. Perhaps we could show them that we send the distress call and convince them to help us in the fight?" STH_expedition.508.desc:0 "It seems that our attempts to convince the new ship were successful as after asking it to scan both our and the attacking alien ship and to compare the results to the technology used against the derelict ship it too opens fire against our attackers.By coordinating the fire of the two ships against a specific area of the attacking ship our ships are successful in penetrating the enemy's defences and cause significant damage to it. After taking a couple of such hits the hostile alien ship gives up the fight and withdraws quickly.Thankful of our attempts to both try and help the derelict vessel and also for contacting them when the faith of the crew was discovered the aliens offer us a small reward and take their damaged vessel in tow back to their homeworld." STH_expedition.509.desc:0 "It seems that our attempts of convincing the new ship to help us were unsuccessful as unsure of who is who in the ongoing battle the ship withdraws all together. Worse still while trying to convince the new aliens of our innocence the hostile alien ship attacking us has scored several critical hits on our ship and after violent chain of explosions our ship is destroyed." STH_expedition.510.desc:0 "We have detected a ship dropping out of warp very close to our current position. The ship appears to be equipped with similar weapon systems that were used against the derelict vessel.However before we have time to react the ship opens fire and lands a couple of direct hits on our engines disabling our warp drive. At the same time a scanning beam coming from the alien vessel is detected on board possibly trying to find out if our crew would also be suitable for the collecting operation.With our weapons now online we manage to land a few hits on the alien ship, but the damage seems to be minimal. This will clearly be a very tough fight." STH_expedition.511.desc:0 "Several rounds of shots are exchanged with the hostile alien ship. After which our ship has already sustained heavy damage while the damage to the alien attacker is only light. With the hostile ship continuing its fire several heavy explosions rock our ship before it is finally completely destroyed." STH_expedition.512.desc:0 "After a couple of shots with minimal damage done to the alien attackers the captain of our ship orders power to be transferred from weapons to scanners and to do a detailed scan of the enemy ship's power usage when it fires it weapons the next time.While a fresh wave of enemy weapon fire rocks the ship and knocks even more systems off-line the scan reveals a potential weakness on the enemy ship. A faint reading of an energy conduct junction where energy is channelled from the ship's powercore to various weapon systems is detected on the ship's hull.However with our ship already in such a weak condition it is likely we will only get one shot at this. The captain orders the ship to move to an ideal firing angle." STH_expedition.513.desc:0 "When the ship has achieved optimal firing angle the captain gives the order to concentrate the fire of all available weapons on the detected energy conduit junction and to give it everything the ship has got, knowing that this will most likely be the last chance they have left.With multiple weapons hitting the junction at once a violent explosion strikes the alien ship with power levels seemingly fluctuating on board of it. The alien vessel turns slowly around, with seemingly it's weapons disabled, and engages its warp drive leaving the system." STH_expedition.600.desc:0 "Our flagship has returned home to [Root.GetHomeWorldName] and the experiences gained by [sth_expedition_Leader_flag.GetName] and their crew will be invaluable. Once the crew has rested and recovered they are free to start their next adventure." STH_expedition.1000.desc:0 "The deep space exploration mission is ready to begin, the ship and crew will be sent off to deep space and locked throughout the duration of the three year event. Proceed when ready." STH_expedition.2033.desc:0 "The holomatrix quickly began to destabilize once the hologram began questioning the world around it, resulting in a catastrophic overload that destroyed the hologram and the matrix." STH_expedition.5001.desc:0 "All expeditions have now been recalled back to [Root.Capital.GetName] and the expedition leaders are free to return to active service. They will be able to free to resume future expeditions after a short duration." STH_expedition_1.1002.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], I am receiving reports that following a battle we have picked up reports of [Root.GetName] escape pods and debris coming from the last known location of our expeditionary fleet. We have dispatched a team to retrieve the survivors and bring them home. " STH_expedition_2.1002.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], I am receiving reports that following a battle we have picked up reports of [Root.GetName] escape pods and debris coming from the last known location of our expeditionary fleet. We have dispatched a team to retrieve the survivors and bring them home. " STH_expedition_4.500.desc:0 "§GCaptains Log:§I Captain [sth_expedition_hero_Leader_1.GetName] updating whilst on an expedition, my communications officer has reported we have received the location of a previously undiscovered empire. Should we proceed with First Contact?" STH_expedition_4.510.desc:0 "§GCaptains Log:§I Captain [sth_expedition_hero_Leader_1.GetName] reporting in from our expedition. Whilst exploring a previously unclaimed region of space we have been approached by a vessel from [expedition_4_tresspass_country.GetName], they have not stated their intentions, but their demeanor is clearly not friendly." STH_expedition_4.520.desc:0 "§GCaptains Log:§I Captain [sth_expedition_hero_Leader_1.GetName] reporting in from our expedition. whilst traversing deep space we have been contacted by [STH_expedition_4_rival_1.GetName] and [STH_expedition_4_rival_2.GetName]. Two rival empires who are spiralling closer and closer to the brink of war. We have been asked to facilitate a conference between the two sides in a bid to stablise the region." STH_expedition_4.521.desc:0 "We have been approached by [sth_expedition_hero_Leader_1.GetName] of the [From.GetName] offering to host a conference between us and our rivals [STH_expedition_4_rival_2.GetName]." STH_expedition_4.522.desc:0 "We have been approached by [sth_expedition_hero_Leader_1.GetName] of the [From.GetName] offering to host a conference between us and our rivals [STH_expedition_4_rival_1.GetName]." STH_expedition_4.523.desc:0 "Despite the best efforts of [sth_expedition_hero_Leader_1.GetName] and their crew, it appears [STH_expedition_4_rival_1.GetName] are unwilling to engage in talks with their rivals, it seems that they are not interesting in talking with their foes." STH_expedition_4.524.desc:0 "Despite the best efforts of [sth_expedition_hero_Leader_1.GetName] and their crew, it appears [STH_expedition_4_rival_2.GetName] are unwilling to engage in talks with their rivals, it seems that they are not interesting in talking with their foes." STH_expedition_4.525.desc:0 "It appears [STH_expedition_4_rival_2.GetName] are unwilling to engage in talks with us, perhaps they are too afraid to engage with us." STH_expedition_4.526.desc:0 "It appears that both [STH_expedition_4_rival_1.GetName] and [STH_expedition_4_rival_2.GetName] have been persuaded by [sth_expedition_hero_Leader_1.GetName] to come together for peace talks hosted onboard [sth_expedition_hero_Leader_1.GetName]'s ship." STH_expedition_4.527.desc:0 "The diplomatic conference has been agreed and both sides will be in attendance." STH_expedition_4.528.desc:0 "Following an intense series of discussions with [STH_expedition_4_rival_1.GetName] and [STH_expedition_4_rival_2.GetName] a major breakthrough has been made providing a significant improvement in the relationship between both countries. Envoys from both side credit the work done by [sth_expedition_hero_Leader_1.GetName] as having a huge influence on the success of the talks." STH_expedition_4.529.desc:0 "As all parties leave the conference room, it is clear that no agreement has been reached, with the situation possibly even having worsened. The likelihood of peace being brokered anytime soon seems further away following the meeting." GAMMA_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "[Root.GetName] has commissioned an expedition through the Bajoran Wormhole and into the mysterious Gamma Quadrant. Send an Admiral and Fleet to the Wormhole to start the mission." GAMMA_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 "[Root.GetName] has commissioned an expedition through the Bajoran Wormhole and into the mysterious Gamma Quadrant. Send a Scientist and ship to the Wormhole to start the mission." STH_gamma.2.desc:0 "The discovery of the Bajoran Wormhole has opened up a new quadrant to explore. Our Admirals and Scientists are queuing up to explore the far reaches of this new frontier, exploring the sectors way from the major empires. Our teams have prepared our fleets for an expedition into unknown territories. Shall we set course for adventure?" STH_gamma.4.desc:0 "[gamma_mission_leader.GetName] has arrived in the Bajor System onboard the [gamma_ship_name.GetName] of the [gamma_fleet_name.GetName], final preparations have been made at the nearest Starbase and the crew are prepared to embark on the expedition. The course and destination are now available to select." STH_gamma.110.desc:0 "The crew of the §G[gamma_ship_name.GetName]§! have picked up an unusual planet on long range scanners that warrants further investigation. The science officer recommends setting course." STH_gamma.111.desc:0 "On arriving in orbit of the mysterious planet, our science teams have found evidence of a primitive pre-warp race undergoing a technolgical and sociological revolution. The assembled science teams have requested a closer look at the species on the planet's surface. An undercover mission would enable us get better readings from the colony." STH_gamma.112.desc:0 "After a week studying the colony the crews of the §G[gamma_fleet_name.GetName]§! have brought back a wealth of information about the civilisation which will keep the anthropologists back in the [Root.GetName] occupied for years.With the information collected it is time to resume the mission." STH_gamma.113.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerName] reports in from the §G[gamma_fleet_name.GetName]§! are troubling, the away team who went in disguised as the natives have been captured by forces on the planet. Believing the away team to be part of an enemy faction. Our security forces have put together a plan to retrieve them, however it could lead to casualties on both sides." STH_gamma.114.desc:0 "The mission was successful and our security forces were able to rescue the hostages and safely return them to the fleet without harming the natives or blowing our cover. Whilst we were unable to gather as much information as we had hoped the team did manage to at least to find out about their justice system..." STH_gamma.115.desc:0 "The mission to retrieve the away team has ended in failure, whilst attempting to infiltrate the stronghold one of the team was spotted by the guards resulting in a fire fight. Sadly not all of the away team were retrieved alive and a number of the native population were injured in the attempt." STH_gamma.116.desc:0 "§G[gamma_fleet_name.GetName]§! have uncovered a thriving civillisation on the planet and whilst they are are significantly smaller than us, they were able to provide our teams with vital information about the region and were kind enough to provide valuable research to our teams. " STH_gamma.117.desc:0 "Not every world holds the recipe for adventure and unfortunately this newly discovered planet offers our teams nothing in the way of excitement. A barren world, with no life or remarkable features. At least the crew got the chance to stretch their legs." STH_gamma.118.desc:0 "Whilst the newly discovered planet does not harbour any advanced lifeforms, our engineering teams are pleased to confirm that the planet does host an exceptionally rich amount of resources that we can harvest an return home with." STH_gamma.120.desc:0 "§G[gamma_fleet_name.GetName]§! has detected an M-Class planet on long range sensors which appears to support a warp capable civilisation with deposits of Dilithium and evidence of advanced mineral refinement. It is possible we maybe able to trade for some of their resources. " STH_gamma.125.desc:0 "Mighty Founder, our listening posts have detected outsiders from [gamma_mission_teplan.GetName] attempting to cure the Teplan Blight we inflicted upon the unruly Teplan people. It seems a team of their medical experts beamed down to the planets surface and spent a number of days seeking to undo the punishment we applied. The fleet left the system before we could send in the Jem'Hadar who took appropriate action to remind the Teplan's of our might." STH_gamma.127.desc:0 "Our actions on the planet Teplan have clearly not won us any additional support in the Gamma Quadrant and we appear to have angered one of the major powers in the sector. We should order the fleet to continue their expedition, but remain wary of any further actions against the native races." STH_gamma.129.desc:0 "Our medical team and scientists believe they have found a major breakthrough in deciphering the Teplan blight. With this hard work our Chief Medical Officer believes future generations of Teplans may be immune to the effects of this terrible disease. [gamma_leader_name.GetName] feels that the fleet has lingered to long in hostile territory and having helped the stricken Teplans we should move on before we are detected." STH_gamma.131.desc:0 "Our away team has returned from the facility with a wealth of new research on the stellar phenomenon occurring within the system.We have collected the information and will send it back to our scientists at home for further investigation." STH_gamma.132.desc:0 "Our away team has returned from the facility disappointed, the previous occupants appear to have wiped all the facilities data banks and taken all information with them. Whilst it was an interesting experience for the crew, there is little scientific benefit from the mission." STH_gamma.133.desc:0 "On beaming down to the colony, the colony leader introduced themselves to [gamma_leader_name.GetName] as being part of an advanced team from a species called the Stakoron who had left their homeworld many year ago. The Stakorons seem extremely pleased to have met the away team and offer them a rare crystal that forms naturally on this asteroid, seemingly unaware of its importance." STH_gamma.134.desc:0 "The crew from the [gamma_fleet_name.GetName] are introduced to the leaders of the colony, who explain that they are the frequent victims of pirate raids, which explains their reluctance to engage the fleet in open communication. Once the colonists are convinced we mean them no harm, they offer the away team a hearty meal, warm hospitality and a sample of the Deuterium they have been refining. Our tactical officer advised that with a sample of the fleets boronite the colony could improve their defences and stand a better chance of repelling further attacks." STH_gamma.135.desc:0 "The colony appears to be home to a group of vicious thugs who attempt to ambush our away team, in an attempt to ransom them back to [Root.GetName], luckily the away team were able to defend themselves without taking too much damage. A number of the landing party were unfortunately injured and will carry the scars of what happened down on the asteroid." STH_gamma.136.desc:0 "The attack on [gamma_ship_name.GetName] was vicious and wild, but the suprior training and firepower of the [Root.GetName] vessels and crew was sufficent to repel the attack and beat back the agressors, who after taking severe casulties retreated leaving their ill-gotten cargo behind." STH_gamma.137.desc:0 "The attack on [gamma_ship_name.GetName] took the Captain and crew by surprise, the smugglers managed to get in several lethal shots to the [gamma_ship_name.GetName] warp drive before they could raise their shields. Unfortunately the damage was severe and the ship was lost with all hands. The Admiralty board has ordered the fleet to return to the Alpha Quadrant, the mission is over." STH_gamma.141.desc:0 "[gamma_fleet_name.GetName]'s course through the Gamma Quadrant has taken them via a new type of nebula that has never been observed back in the Alpha Quadrant, the ship and crew spend several days cataloguing the findings and preparing the data to bring home to [Root.GetName]." STH_gamma.142.desc:0 "[gamma_fleet_name.GetName]'s course through the Gamma Quadrant has taken them via a nebula rich in §GDeuterium§!.Harvesting the resource should not take too long and can be put to good use by [Root.GetName]." STH_gamma.143.desc:0 "The [gamma_fleet_name.GetName] has been ambushed whilst exploring a nebula within the Gamma Quadrant, it appears a group of local pirates have been using the sensor blocking effects of the Nebula to catch unsuspecting vessels that get too close. " STH_gamma.144.desc:0 "[gamma_ship_name.GetName] proved to be too powerful for the attackers and was able to defeat them in a decisive battle in the Nebula. A fine victory for [gamma_leader_name.GetName] and their crew." STH_gamma.145.desc:0 "The attack on [gamma_ship_name.GetName] took the Captain and crew by surprise, the ambushers quickly overwhelmed the [gamma_ship_name.GetName]. The damage was severe and the ship was lost with all hands. The Admirality board has ordered the fleet to return to the Alpha Quadrant, the mission is over." STH_gamma.151.desc:0 "[gamma_ship_name.GetName] proved to be too powerful for the attackers and was able to defeat them in a decisive battle over their foes. A fine victory for [gamma_leader_name.GetName] and their crew." STH_gamma.152.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] I am saddened to report the lost of [gamma_leader_name.GetName] and the crew of [gamma_ship_name.GetName] in battle against their enemy. This puts a serious dent in the expedition and the Admiralty board have decided to terminate the mission and order the fleet back home. " STH_gamma.210.desc:0 "The [gamma_fleet_name.GetName] has encounted a group of Karemma Traders, the fleet has opened communications and the Karemman Captain is willing to trade a number of high profile materials in exchange for Latinum." STH_gamma.220.desc:0 "We are receiving an SOS on our long range scanners, we are unable to tell who is calling for aid at this range, but it is our duty to respond to any call for help.Shall we set course?" STH_gamma.225.desc:0 "[gamma_ship_name.GetName] proved to be too powerful for the attackers and was able to defeat them in a decisive battle over their foes. A fine victory for [gamma_leader_name.GetName] and their crew." STH_gamma.226.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] I am saddened to report the lost of [gamma_leader_name.GetName] and the crew of [gamma_ship_name.GetName] in battle against their enemy. This puts a serious dent in the expedition and the Admiralty board have decided to terminate the mission and order the fleet back home. " STH_gamma.230.desc:0 "Greetings [gamma_leader_name.GetName] my name is Eav'oq, I am contacting you in need of assistance, we are the Tosk, the hunted. I have escaped with a number of my race, we have been hunted for as long as we can remember. I must get my people to freedom and we need your help." STH_gamma.231.desc:0 "You have our Tosk and we want them back, they belong to us to hunt. This will be your only warning, return them to us now!" STH_gamma.232.desc:0 "Rejecting the Oschean Hunters was a risky decision and they have not responded positively, launching a swift attack on the [gamma_ship_name.GetName] quickly disabling the warp drive and boarding the ship. [gamma_leader_name.GetName] quickly sounds the intruder alert and calls for security teams to repel the boarders. The Oschean's remind us that they are only after the Tosk and there is still time to hand them over." STH_gamma.233.desc:0 "Following a fierce firefight down the corridors of [gamma_ship_name.GetName] led by [gamma_leader_name.GetName] the [Root.GetName] forces were able to defend the ship and push the invaders back and force them into a full retreat just in time for the engineering teams to restore power to the engines to allow the fleet to make an escape to warp." STH_gamma.234.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] we have had a report back from the Executive Officer of the [gamma_ship_name.GetName], the report confirms that the ship was boarded and following a firefight the Commanding Officer and an alien guest Eav'oq were killed by an invading party whilst trying to protect an alien species. Without a leader and with the ship heavily damaged it is clear the mission cannot continue and must be recalled." STH_gamma.235.desc:0 "Once clear of danger the Tosk representative Eav'oq approaches [gamma_ship_name.GetName] formally asking for asylum for his people within the borders of [Root.GetName]. Once a suitable planet has been found the small community of Tosk will relocate and look to become productive members of [Root.GetName] society." STH_gamma.310.desc:0 "The Chief Science Officer of the [gamma_ship_name.GetName] has identified a planet of note in a nearby system. Deciding this mission only required the use of a single ship [gamma_leader_name.GetName] directs their ship to investigate the mysterious planet, whilst any remaining ships continue to survey a local stellar cluster." STH_gamma.311.desc:0 "As the ship approaches the planet the ship is hit by a quantum energy barrier which causes the ship to shutter violently and damages the inertial dampers and the gyromagnetic stabilizers meaning that the ship will be unable to leave orbit for a few days. Scanning the planet the crew pick up [Root.GetSpeciesName] life signs on the planet below!" STH_gamma.312.desc:0 "The crew beam to the planet's surface and come face to face with a small colony of races all found within the [Root.GetName]. The colony leader confirms that they are the descendants of [gamma_ship_name.GetName] which was thrust back in time when they attempted to leave the planet's orbit. The crew are reassured that their descendants have a plan that will ensure the survival of their colony and allow [gamma_leader_name.GetName] and their crew to return home." STH_gamma.313.desc:0 "As [gamma_leader_name.GetName] sits in the command chair readying the ship for departure following the shield modification agreed on the planet below a last minute adjustment is sent in from an unknown source. Presenting the Captain with a choice between the original plan and this last minute change." STH_gamma.314.desc:0 "After a period of violent shaking the ship passes through the mysterious barrier with only minor damage, but no casulties. Scanning the planet's surface to speak with the colony the communications officer reports that the planet below is uninhabited with no sign that a colony ever existed on the surface. The crew saddened by the loss of those they had gotten to know over the last few days, they set course to rejoin the fleet and continue the expedition." STH_gamma.315.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] we have recieve a report from one of our fleets in the Gamma Quadrant, the flagship of the expedition fleet the [gamma_ship_name.GetName] has been reported missing in action. They were last seen investigating a planet with a mysterious energy barrior, but when a ship was sent to investigate we could find no sign of the ship or life on the planet. The only strange readings came in the form of 200 year old scattered debris on the northen continent. " STH_gamma.400.desc:0 "Every great expedition must come to an end eventually and so it is time for the [gamma_fleet_name.GetName] to return back to the Idran System and back through the Bajoran Wormhole. The fleet will now recall their science teams and return home." STH_gamma.401.desc:0 "The mission is complete and all that remains is to debrief the Captain and crew. A lot of experience will have been gained from the Gamma Quadrant, with many lives impacted for better or worse.The expedition leader is free to return to duty and the fleet is now unlocked and ready to resume service." BLACKHOLE_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "A nearby nebula has been identified as requiring further investigation, dispatch a starship to investigate." BLACKHOLE_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 "A nearby nebula has been identified as requiring further investigation, dispatch a science ship to investigate." BLACKHOLE_3_PROJECT_DESC:0 "A nearby back hole has been identified as requiring further investigation, dispatch a starship to investigate." BLACKHOLE_4_PROJECT_DESC:0 "A nearby black hole has been identified as requiring further investigation, dispatch a science ship to investigate." STH_investigations.2.desc:0 "The [Root.GetName] Science Directorate has commissioned a new research mission to [investigation_target_nebula.GetName] which lies within a Nebula that has been marked as having some scientific interest. We have been requested to dispatch a ship and crew to investigate and chart the nebula and catalogue the findings. " STH_investigations.4.desc:0 "Following weeks of investigations [investigating_ship_leader.GetName] and the [investigating_ship.GetName] have completed their cataloguing and investigation into their assigned nebula. The investigation was uneventful and the research they will bring back to the [Root.GetName] will have the scientists back on [Root.capital_scope.GetName] interested for months on end." STH_investigations.5.desc:0 "Following weeks of investigations [investigating_ship_leader.GetName] and the [investigating_ship.GetName] have completed their cataloguing and investigation into their assigned nebula. The investigation was interesting and wielded a number of rare materials that [investigating_ship_leader.GetName] was able to collect. The research they will bring back to the [Root.GetName] will have the scientists back on [Root.capital_scope.GetName] interested for months on end." STH_investigations.6.desc:0 "Sir! We are detecting pirates coming from deeper within the Nebula, it appears they have set an ambush for unwary vessels. They are heading our way weapons hot, we should bring them to account for their actions." STH_investigations.7.desc:0 "Following weeks of investigations [investigating_ship_leader.GetName] and the [investigating_ship.GetName] have completed their cataloguing and investigation into their assigned nebula. Sadly their investigations revealed nothing of particular note about this Nebula, despite the initial promise." STH_investigations.8.desc:0 "The [Root.GetName] Science Directorate has commissioned a new research mission to [investigation_target_blackhole.GetName] a black hole of some scientific interest to our researchers back on [Root.capital_scope.GetName]. We have been requested to dispatch a ship and crew to investigate spend some time scanning the stellar phenomenon. " STH_investigations.10.desc:0 "[investigating_ship_leader.GetName] has filed their report from [investigating_ship.GetName], they have completed their scans of the Black Hole. A great deal of scientific information was pulled back from the study which we will be able to send back to [Root.capital_scope.GetName]." STH_investigations.11.desc:0 "[investigating_ship.GetName] has completed their detailed scans of their assigned Black Hole. A great deal of scientific information was pulled back from the investigation in addition to a number of rare materials found in proximity to the Black Hole. [investigating_ship_leader.GetName] has requested a transport vessel to follow up and collect the materials." STH_investigations.12.desc:0 "The [investigating_ship.GetName] has been caught in the pull from the Black Hole and is unable to escape, if they get pulled any closer to the event horizon they will be destroyed. The Chief engineer recommends diverting full power to the engines." STH_investigations.13.desc:0 "Following weeks of investigations and detailed scans [investigating_ship_leader.GetName] onboard the [investigating_ship.GetName] have completed their investigation into their Black Hole. Sadly their investigations revealed nothing of particular note about this Black Hole, despite the initial promise." STH_investigations.14.desc:0 "With engines at full power, the [investigating_ship.GetName] is able to break free of the gravity pull from the Black hole and warp to safety." STH_investigations.15.desc:0 "Despite the best efforts of the [investigating_ship.GetName] and her crew their efforts were not enough to escape the pull of the black hole without additonal power from the engines. The ship was pulled in and destroyed." GOMTUU_1A_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Our long range scans have picked up the possible location of the mysterious creature known as the Star Creature or Tin Man. Our leaders have asked us to send a vessel to investigate, this could be a once in a lifetime discovery." GOMTUU_1B_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Our long range scans have picked up the possible location of the mysterious creature known as the Star Creature or Tin Man. Our leaders have asked us to send our Flagship to investigate, this could be a once in a lifetime discovery." GOMTUU_1C_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Our long range scans have picked up the possible location of the mysterious creature known as the Star Creature or Tin Man. Our leaders have asked us to send our Flagship to investigate, this could be a once in a lifetime discovery." GOMTUU_1D_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Our long range scans have picked up the possible location of the mysterious creature known as the Star Creature or Tin Man. Our leaders have asked us to send our Flagship to investigate, this could be a once in a lifetime discovery." GOMTUU_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Our ships arrived in the system, but could find no sign off Gomtuu, our scientists recommend bringing in a dedicated science ship to scan the system of any sign of the ship." GOMTUU_3_PROJECT_DESC:0 "After defeating the pirates, our scientists have asked to investigate the debris for a clue as to the whereabouts of the Tin Man." GOMTUU_3A_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Gomtuu has been tracked down and appears to be orbiting a planet called [GomtuuPlanet.GetName]. This is our chance to investigate." GOMTUU_3B_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Gomtuu has been tracked down and appears to be orbiting a planet called [GomtuuPlanet.GetName]. This is our chance to investigate." STH_gomtuu.1.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerName], our long range scans have picked up a rare galactic sighting! We believe we have found the last known location of the organism known by many as the Star Creature or 'Tin Man'.'This could present a unique opportunity to study a wonder of the galaxy." STH_gomtuu.2.desc:0 "Our scientists have been scouring the last known coordinates of the location of the creature known as Tin Man.Worryingly it looks like we are not the only people tracking the creature - the race is on..." STH_gomtuu.3.desc:0 "'Sir! We have found the debris of a ship, it does not appear large enough to belong to the Tin Man, but we cannot be sure.' reports an officer.Further investigation would be required in order to understand what has happened here. We should scan the debris for more information." STH_gomtuu.4.desc:0 "As we start our investigations, it is clear that a trap has been set and we have fallen into it. As predicted we are not the only ships tracking the Tin Man. Pirates are on a direct course with our fleet and appear intent on a fight. If we are to track down this mysterious entity, we will need to defeat these pirates first." STH_gomtuu.5.desc:0 "During the battle our Science Officer located the computer core from one of the Pirate ships. If our scientists can get a hold of the data held within this core we should be able to piece together what happened and track down where our target has fled to.As long as it is safe to do so, we should call in a Science ship to investigate this clue." STH_gomtuu.6.desc:0 "Detailed scans of the wreckage indicate it was destroyed by a massive electrical surge, which contains a unique signature. Our scientists believe we can use this to narrow down the location of our target. Who knows what state it will be in when we find it? Let us hope we are not too late." STH_gomtuu.8.desc:0 "We have managed to track down the creature, which appears to be a living ship. The entity seems none the worse for its ordeal at the hands of the pirates.The creature moves closer and suddenly the commanding officer can feel the creature reaching out telepathically.We can either respond and talk to the creature or use this opportunity to attack." STH_gomtuu.9.desc:0 "We have managed to track down the creature, which appears to be a living ship. The entity seems to have suffered damage from its encounter with the pirates.The creature moves cautiously closer, when suddenly the commanding officer can feel the creature reaching out telepathically.We can either respond and talk to the creature or use this weakness as our moment to attack." STH_gomtuu.10.desc:0 "The creature, who identifies itself as 'Gomtuu' gently takes control of [gomtuu_leader.GetName] and explains that it has telepathic powers and will need to communicate via our leader. It invites us to ask questions." STH_gomtuu.11.desc:0 "Before Gomtuu can answer the question, the creature is interrupted by the sudden arrival of a band of space pirates.These formidable ships appear heavily armed and hostile and are attempted to hail us. They appear to be from the same clan that attacked us earlier." STH_gomtuu.12.desc:0 "Attention [Root.GetSpeciesName] vessel, I am [gomtuu_pirate_leader.GetName] and we claim this ship as our own. We have no quarrel with yourselves, but if you stand between us and our prize we will not hesitate to open fire. Leave now if you wish to leave with your pretty ship in one piece!" STH_gomtuu.13.desc:0 "The Pirates attack, but do not seem concerned about what their target is, what is clear is that they must be defeated before we can resume our conversation with Gomtuu." STH_gomtuu.16.desc:0 "[Root.GetName], we have successfully defeated Tin Man in battle and the creature appears to be dead, our scans indicate that there is an abundance of technology and information within its memory banks, which our scientists would love to get hold of. Alternatively we could board the ship and attempt to salvage it adding it to our fleet." STH_gomtuu.19.desc:0 "It appears that Gomtuu remembers our lack of support and is showing little distinction between attacker and bystander.The massive ship is determined to take its anger out on anything in its way and that includes our ships and planets. We must defend ourselves!" STH_gomtuu.20.desc:0 "Unsatisfied with events that have taken place, Gomtuu powers up its Bio-drive and prepares to depart the system. The investigating crew receive no further word from the creature which promptly departs at high warp.Our long range scans can find no trace of Gomtuu. It looks like it has gone for good, leaving us with only the scans taken whilst it was here." STH_gomtuu.21.desc:0 "As [gomtuu_leader.GetName] transports onboard Gomtuu, our former leader appears on the viewscreen confident in the choice made. They explain that this is the start of a new voyage for the pair of them and with new worlds to explore they are eager to start this new journey.[gomtuu_leader.GetName] explains that Gomtuu would like to leave a final gift to say thank you for reminding them of what life has to offer. They bid us farewell and in a flash both are gone." STH_gomtuu.22.desc:0 "Gomtuu transmits one final message via [gomtuu_leader.GetName], they explain that this is the start of a new voyage and that it realises there is still much to be seen and new worlds having been inspired by meeting us.[gomtuu_leader.GetName] explains that Gomtuu would like to leave a final gift to say thank you for reminding them of what life has to offer. With that complete, the ship spins up its bio-drive and just like that is gone." STH_gomtuu.23.desc:0 "Gomtuu transmits one final message via [gomtuu_leader.GetName], they explain that this is the start of a new voyage and that it realises there is still much to be seen and new worlds having been inspired by meeting us. [gomtuu_leader.GetName] explains that Gomtuu would like to leave a final gift to say thank you for reminding them of what life has to offer. With that complete, the ship spins up its bio-drive and just like that is gone.Having been forced to remain, it is clear that [gomtuu_leader.GetName] is not happy with the decision made on their behalf and they no longer have the motivation to progress at their previous rate, it is unlikely they will live up to their full potential." STH_gomtuu.24.desc:0 "The crew watch on as the pirates open fire against the old creature, the hull appears to withstand the onslaught, but the ancient ship appears unable or unwilling to defend itself.As the once pristine hull darkens under the attack, this is hard to watch. We should leave the creature to its fate. Who knows how the encounter will impact each side of the battle?" STH_gomtuu.25.desc:0 "We have picked up a signal that appears to match the Gomtuu we encountered last year. It is impossible to know if it is the same creature or another member of the species, but it is acting hostile. It is clearly not happy that it was attacked whilst in our space, and is on an attack approach." STH_gomtuu.26.desc:0 "We have picked up a signal that appears to match the Pirates we encountered last year. They appear to have been impacted psychologically from their encounter with Gomtuu.Who knows what it did to them? Sensors indicate they appear to have upgraded their ships and are on a direct course for one of our planets!" STH_gomtuu.28.desc:0 "After a fierce battle the Gomtuu worshipping pirates have been defeated. We should take a look at their ships for any useful salvage." STH_gomtuu.30.desc:0 "Gomtuu has come through its battle against the pirates, it will not have gone unnoticed that we did not come to its aid. We can only wonder what its next action will be, it could come today, tomorrow, we simply do not know." CAUSE_EFFECT_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The [cause_effect_ship.GetName] has entered an area of space known that has yet to be fully explored, we have picked up some strange readings that need investigating." CAUSE_EFFECT_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Our long-range scans have picked up an unusual temporal distortion. Starfleet Command has recommended taking the refitted USS Bozeman to investigate. " STH_cause_effect.1.desc:0 "Our long range scans have picked up a localised distortion within the space time continuum, something of this magnitude warrants further investigation. We should dispatch a ship to investigate as soon as we can." STH_cause_effect.2.desc:0 "The stellar cartography department has narrowed down the location of the anomaly and sent the location to the bridge ready for further research. Investigating could provide valuable data." STH_cause_effect.3.desc:0 "Having chosen not to investigate the space time anomaly it appears to drop from our scanners, we may never know what adventure has been missed." STH_cause_effect.4.desc:0 "The following morning, the senior staff are briefing each other on the vast undertaking of charting the anomaly in the observation lounge. As they are about to return to duty, the Doctor reports the voices that she heard the previous night. The other staff are curious about her report and they are interrupted when a call from the bridge reports from the bridge indicate unusual sensor readings in the vicinity of the Ship.nThe Captain orders the helmsman to back the ship away slowly but can't as the maneuvering thrusters fail to respond. The distortion begins to fluctuate and power levels drop." STH_cause_effect.5.desc:0 "The [cause_effect_ship.GetName] is in dire straits, with the starboard warp nacelle having suffered extreme damage from an impact. As casualty reports flood in and the ship's systems start failing, The Commander orders all hands to escape pods as the Engineering chief tries desperately to shut down the warp engines. At that moment, the nacelle completely blows out, sending the [cause_effect_ship.GetName] into a helpless spin. The engine shutdown failed, ejection systems are offline, and a warp core breach is imminent. As a fire engulfs the bridge, [cause_effect_leader.GetName] orders all hands to abandon ship. Alas, it is too late, as the ship explodes, killing everybody aboard." STH_cause_effect.6.desc:0 "The following morning, the senior staff are briefing each other on the vast undertaking of charting the anomaly in the observation lounge. As they are about to return to duty, the Doctor reports the voices that she heard the previous night. The other staff are curious about her report and they are interrupted when a call from the bridge reports from the bridge indicate unusual sensor readings in the vicinity of the Ship.n[cause_effect_leader.GetName] orders the helmsman to back the ship away slowly but can't as the maneuvering thrusters fail to respond. The distortion begins to fluctuate and power levels drop, again." STH_cause_effect.7.desc:0 "An officer reports that something is emerging from the distortion and an unidentified starship emerges. The ship is on a collision course with the [cause_effect_ship.GetName], just a few seconds from impact and the helm still fails to respond. There is no response when the [cause_effect_leader.GetName] hails the other ship. The Captain asks for suggestions. Someone suggests putting the engines into full reverse in a bid to avoid the collision, while the Science Officer alternatively suggests using the tractor beam to alter the ship's trajectory." STH_cause_effect.9.desc:0 "The following morning, the senior staff are briefing each other on the vast undertaking of charting the anomaly in the observation lounge. As they are about to return to duty, the Doctor reports the voices that she heard the previous night. The other staff are curious about her report and they are interrupted when a call from the bridge reports from the bridge indicate unusual sensor readings in the vicinity of the Ship.n[cause_effect_leader.GetName] orders the helmsman to back the ship away slowly but can't as the maneuvering thrusters fail to respond. The distortion begins to fluctuate and power levels drop, this feels very familiar." STH_cause_effect.10.desc:0 "An officer reports that something is emerging from the distortion and an unidentified starship emerges. The ship is on a collision course with the [cause_effect_leader.GetName], just a few seconds from impact and the helm still fails to respond. There is no response when the [cause_effect_leader.GetName] hails the other ship. The Captain asks for suggestions. Someone suggests putting the engines into full reverse in a bid to avoid the collision, while the Science Officer alternatively suggests using the tractor beam to alter the ship's trajectory." STH_cause_effect.13.desc:0 "An officer reports that something is emerging from the distortion and an unidentified starship emerges. The ship is on a collision course with the [cause_effect_leader.GetName], just a few seconds from impact and the helm still fails to respond. There is no response when the [cause_effect_leader.GetName] hails the other ship. The Captain asks for suggestions. Someone suggests putting the engines into full reverse in a bid to avoid the collision, while the Science Officer alternatively suggests using the tractor beam to alter the ship's trajectory." STH_cause_effect.15.desc:0 "The bay door opens with gas violently rushing out, successfully pushing the ship out of the path of the other ship and saving it, the Captain's belief in the power of the number three paid off.nPower is restored and [cause_effect_leader.GetName] asks what happened, it looks like the ship had been stuck in the time loop for over a month. The [cause_effect_ship.GetName] is then hailed by the other ship, which explains that they have been stuck in the time loop for almost 100 years and are amazed to learn how much time they have lost. The Captain of the vessel lost in time is prepared to rejoin the fleet and provide a valuable and experienced asset. The data pulled from the ships computers will provide a wealth of research points for our scientists." STH_cause_effect.16.desc:0 "The bay door opens with gas violently rushing out, but the result is only partially successful in pushing the ship out of the path of the other ship, the second vessel clips the larger vessel and explodes. However the [cause_effect_ship.GetName] is spared too much damage.nPower is restored and [cause_effect_leader.GetName] asks what happened, the wreckage of the other vessels suggests that had also been stuck in the same time loop for over one hundred years." STH_cause_effect.17.desc:0 "The delay in making the decision appears to have been a crucial factor in enforcing the time-loop, those few seconds must have been crucial in keeping the loop intact. This information comes too late for the two ships locked in the tragic loop. The second ship unable to stop ploughs straight into [cause_effect_ship.GetName] causing devastating damage, with the starboard warp nacelle suffering extreme damage from an impact. As casualty reports flood in and the ship's systems start failing, The Commander orders all hands to escape pods as the Engineering chief tries desperately to shut down the warp engines. At that moment, the nacelle completely blows out, sending the [cause_effect_ship.GetName] into a helpless spin. The engine shutdown failed, ejection systems are offline, and a warp core breach is imminent. As a fire engulfs the bridge, [cause_effect_leader.GetName] orders all hands to abandon ship. Alas, it is too late, as the ship explodes, killing everybody aboard.nThe loop is broken, but both ships were destroyed in the process a tragic loss of two ships." STH_cause_effect.18.desc:0 "An officer reports that something is emerging from the distortion and an unidentified starship emerges. The ship is on a collision course with the [cause_effect_leader.GetName], just a few seconds from impact and the helm still fails to respond. There is no response when the [cause_effect_leader.GetName] hails the other ship. The Captain asks for suggestions. Someone suggests putting the engines into full reverse in a bid to avoid the collision, while the Science Officer alternatively suggests using the tractor beam to alter the ship's trajectory.nHistory is playing out the same way again..." STH_cause_effect.19.desc:0 "An officer reports that something is emerging from the distortion and an unidentified starship emerges. The ship is on a collision course with the [cause_effect_leader.GetName], just a few seconds from impact and the helm still fails to respond. There is no response when the [cause_effect_leader.GetName] hails the other ship. The Captain asks for suggestions. Someone suggests putting the engines into full reverse in a bid to avoid the collision, while the Science Officer alternatively suggests using the tractor beam to alter the ship's trajectory." STH_cause_effect.102.desc:0 "Greetings, I'm glad you're listening, our long-range scans have detected an unusual reading close to [investigation_target_c_e.GetName], the USS Bozeman has recently been refitted with an upgraded sensor suite and would be the ideal ship to carry out this investigation." STH_cause_effect.103.desc:0 "We have lost contact with [bozemanShip.GetName] whilst they were investigating an unusual anomaly, The last report from [bozemanAdmiral.GetName] seemed to suggest that there was an unusually high amount of Chroniton readings in the area. A team sent to investigate was unable to find any sign of the [bozemanShip.GetName] or the anomaly they were sent to investigate." MILITARYSHIP_1A_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The crew of our Flagship lead by a heroic admiral should be more than enough to tackle these crime bosses with the best technology and training that [root.GetName] has to offer. Local law enforcement has been notified and are eager for the assist." MILITARYSHIP_1B_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Our Starships crew are trained for the unexpected and tackling a variety of missions and this situation falls to them to help deal a blow against planetary crime and help where local law enforcement could not succeed." MILITARYSHIP_1C_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The top generals within our army are determined to tackle the recent crime waves using troops trained for such a situation. Whilst the local law enforcement are wary of sending in the army, our generals have assured us of the success of the mission." MILITARYSHIP_1D_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The crew of our Flagship lead by a heroic admiral should be more than enough to tackle these crime bosses with the best technology and training that [root.GetName] has to offer. Local law enforcement has been notified and are eager for the assist." MILITARYSHIP_1E_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The crew of our Flagship lead by a heroic admiral should be more than enough to tackle these crime bosses with the best technology and training that [root.GetName] has to offer. Local law enforcement has been notified and are eager for the assist." MILITARYSHIP_2A_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Our fleet has been tasked with leading a relief mission to [planetDevastationTarget.GetName]. The fleet has been given every available resource to aid the planet and its population." MILITARYSHIP_2B_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Our fleet has been tasked with leading a relief mission to [planetDevastationTarget.GetName]. The fleet has been provided with a small amount of supplies and equipment to aid the planet, which should be sufficient to render appropriate assistance." MILITARYSHIP_2C_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Our fleet has been tasked with leading a relief mission to [planetDevastationTarget.GetName]. The fleet is being lead by one of our engineers, known for their 'miracle working'. With their knowledge and attitude relief shouldn't be far behind." MILITARY_ESCORT_1A_PROJECT_DESC:0 "We have been invited to attend a vital diplomatic conference on [militarymission_escort_country1.GetName]'s homeworld, we should send one of our finest Heroic Admirals to escort our diplomats to the discussion to ensure its success." MILITARY_ESCORT_1B_PROJECT_DESC:0 "We have been invited to attend a vital diplomatic conference on [militarymission_escort_country1.GetName]'s homeworld, we should send one of our finest Heroic Scientists to escort our diplomats to the discussion to ensure its success." MILITARY_ESCORT_1C_PROJECT_DESC:0 "We have been invited to attend a vital diplomatic conference on [militarymission_escort_country1.GetName]'s homeworld, we should send one of our finest Heroic Scientists to escort our diplomats to the discussion to ensure its success." MILITARY_ESCORT_1D_PROJECT_DESC:0 "We have been invited to attend a vital diplomatic conference on [militarymission_escort_country1.GetName]'s homeworld, we should send one of our finest Heroic Scientists to escort our diplomats to the discussion to ensure its success." MILITARY_ESCORT_2A_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The conference was a resounding success and all parties have agreed to continue the discussions within [militarymission_escort_country1.GetName] space, so long as our teams agree to mediate the session. We should send our fleets to the new location to begin the second round of talks." MILITARY_ESCORT_2B_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The conference was a resounding success and all parties have agreed to continue the discussions within [militarymission_escort_country1.GetName] space, so long as our teams agree to mediate the session. We should send our science hero to the new location to begin the second round of talks." MILITARY_STARBASE_1A_PROJECT_DESC:0 "One of our research stations has stopped reporting in, we have been asked to dispatch a fleet and an admiral to investigate what has happened to our station and report back to command." MILITARY_STARBASE_1B_PROJECT_DESC:0 "One of our research stations has stopped reporting in, we have been asked to dispatch a fleet commanded by one of our finest commanders to investigate what has happened to our station and report back to HQ." MILITARY_STARBASE_1C_PROJECT_DESC:0 "One of our research stations has stopped reporting in, we have been asked to dispatch either the flagship or a science vessel led by one of our heroes to investigate what has happened to our station and report back to command." MILITARY_STARBASE_1D_PROJECT_DESC:0 "One of our research stations has stopped reporting in, we have been asked to dispatch a fleet and one of our miracle working engineering teams to investigate what has happened to our station and report back to command." MILITARY_STARBASE_1E_PROJECT_DESC:0 "One of our research stations has stopped reporting in, this stations is of top most importance to the Tal'Shiar and they have asked that we dispatch a fleet with one of their agents onboard to investigate." MILITARY_SOS_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "We have been asked to respond to a general distress call from one of our Starbases, which has reported that they are in need of aid. We must respond quickly and investigate and if required provide aid." MILITARY_SOS_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 "One of our Starbases has reached out to request additional supplies be delivered to allow them to continue critical operations in their sector. A ship has been dispatched to deliver these resources." MILITARY_SOS_3_PROJECT_DESC:0 "We have received a general distress call from one of our ships, the vessel has minimal defenses and we were not able to assist in what their situation is, send a fleet to investigate immediately." MILITARY_SOS_4_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The information retrieved from our ship indicated that the pirates that attacked us were located in an asteroid at this location. A ship must be dispatched immediately to bring them to justice." MILITARY_SOS_5_PROJECT_DESC:0 "A strike team has been requested to raid the Pirate stronghold to bring these pirates to justice and put an end to the attacks against our ships." SECOND_CONTACT_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Second contact was seen as important as it allowed the facilitation of continued communication and to ensure that all administrative documentation were complete and correct. Sometimes the best team to send are not always the highest ranking." SECOND_CONTACT_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Second contact was seen as important as it allowed the facilitation of continued communication and to ensure that all administrative documentation were complete and correct, these missions are always trickier when Xenophobic nations are involved. Sometimes the best team to send are not always the highest ranking." MILITARY_4_PROJECT_DESC:0 "A Medical conference has been set up on [doctor_conf_location.GetName] and we have been invited to send a doctor to the event." MILITARY_4B_PROJECT_DESC:0 "A Medical conference has been set up on [doctor_conf_location.GetName] and we have been invited to send a consultant to the event." MILITARY_4C_PROJECT_DESC:0 "A Medical conference has been set up on [doctor_conf_location.GetName] and we have been invited to send a CMO to the event." MILITARY_STARBASE_2A_PROJECT_DESC:0 "One of our research stations has stopped reporting in, we have been asked to dispatch a fleet and an admiral to investigate what has happened to our station and report back to command." MILITARY_STARBASE_2B_PROJECT_DESC:0 "One of our research stations has stopped reporting in, we have been asked to dispatch a fleet commanded by one of our finest commanders to investigate what has happened to our station and report back to HQ." MILITARY_STARBASE_2C_PROJECT_DESC:0 "One of our research stations has stopped reporting in, we have been asked to dispatch either the flagship or a science vessel led by one of our heroes to investigate what has happened to our station and report back to command." MILITARY_STARBASE_2D_PROJECT_DESC:0 "One of our research stations has stopped reporting in, we have been asked to dispatch a fleet and one of our miracle working engineering teams to investigate what has happened to our station and report back to command." MILITARY_STARBASE_2E_PROJECT_DESC:0 "One of our research stations has stopped reporting in, this stations is of top most importance to the Tal Shiar and they have asked that we dispatch a fleet with one of their agents onboard to investigate." MILITARY_STARBASE_3A_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Use the rescue fleet and admiral to help the research station in their project." MILITARY_STARBASE_3B_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Use the rescue fleet and commander to help the research station in their project." MILITARY_STARBASE_3C_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Use the rescue fleet and hero leader to help the research station in their project." MILITARY_STARBASE_3D_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Use the rescue fleet and the engineering team to help the research station in their project." MILITARY_STARBASE_3E_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Use the rescue fleet and the Tal Shiar agent onboard to help the research station in their project." STH_militaryship.1.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerName], the recent crime wave on planet [selected_crime_planet.GetName] has gotten out of hand and the law abiding people on the planet demand action to help reduce crime on the planet. Our advisers have suggested two options, we can task the captain and crew of one of our finest ships to intervene. Alternatively the army has offered to to get involved as a matter of pride, they are willing to help fund the mission, but sending in troops could alienate the population." STH_militaryship.3.desc:0 "There is a reason why [sth_crime_figher_leader.GetName] is one of the best in the business, they were successfully able to infiltrate and arrest the head of the local crime faction and deal the criminal underworld a massive defeat. The planet and its citizens can consider themselves much safer tonight." STH_militaryship.4.desc:0 "[sth_crime_figher_leader.GetName] and their crew have managed to secure a victory against one of the biggest crime factions on the planet, and whilst they were unable to capture the leader they have set organised crime back significantly." STH_militaryship.5.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerName], our efforts to tackle crime on [selected_crime_planet.GetName] has failed and worse still appears to have strengthened the criminal organisations hold over the planet. The Captain barely escaped with their life and could carry the psychological scars of this encounter for years to come." STH_militaryship.8.desc:0 "As feared the army charged into the situation with little finesse and the criminal gangs were able to out-smart our general, the criminal masterminds behind the gangs were able to draw the confrontation out into the public, who were horrified to see all out warfare on their streets. Our troops were forced to retreat leaving the crime gang to continue unchecked." STH_militaryship.9.desc:0 "Our forces performed a precision strike against the criminal gangs leadership, successfully eliminating the top criminal bosses and dealing the crime factions a massive defeat. The planet and its citizens can consider themselves much safer tonight." STH_militaryship.20.desc:0 "The suffering of the people of [Root.GetName] on [planetDevastationTarget.GetName] cannot be ignored any longer. We must send a relief mission to aid the planet and help as many of the population as possible." STH_militaryship.21.desc:0 "Thanks to the hard work of our relief aid teams most of the damage to [planetDevastationTarget.GetName] has been repaired and whilst those lost can never be brought back, we have at least made the lives of those that remain on the planet much better." STH_militaryship.22.desc:0 "Thanks to the hard work of our relief aid teams a dent has been made into the total devastation on [planetDevastationTarget.GetName]. The work is not complete but the population are at least out of immediate danger." STH_militaryship.23.desc:0 "The efforts required to reduce the devastation to the planet were more than we anticipated and during our attempts to salvage the situation we appear to have caused additional harm to the planet and lowered the morale of those already impacted by the recent events." STH_militaryship.24.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerName], our efforts to stabilize [planetDevastationTarget.GetName] has gone terribly wrong it appears we did not prepare or provide enough resources. Faulty equipment has misfired and triggered further damage to the planet and potential further consequences." STH_militaryship.25.desc:0 "Once again our engineers have worked miracles and proved their undoubted worth to us, managing to render aid and repair ahead of schedule!" STH_militaryship.101.desc:0 "We have been contacted by our diplomatic contacts within the [militarymission_escort_country1.GetName] and [militarymission_escort_country2.GetName] who wish to meet to improve their relationship. They have asked us to mediate the event and expressed an interest in [militarymissionLeader1.GetName]'s assistance as a mediator, although they will accept another recommendation if we prefer. One of our diplomatic envoys [militarymissionEnvoy1.GetName] will represent our envoys during the mission. We must first report to [militarymission_escort_country1.GetName]'s homeworld to begin the discussions." STH_militaryship.102.desc:0 "Initial talks with [militarymission_escort_country1.GetName] have not gone well, [militarymission_escort_country1.GetRulerName] was not satisfied that our diplomatic team could successfully protect the interests of the their people or provide satisfactory protection for their envoys. They will not be enlisting our help as mediators and escorts and in further bad news this incident has harmed relations between us and our hosts." STH_militaryship.103.desc:0 "Initial talks with [militarymission_escort_country1.GetName] did not go well and despite many hours of talks from both sides our diplomatic team have deemed the endeavour a failure leaving parties on both sides disappointed and relationships strained, this has been a complete failure from the team sent by the [Root.GetName]." STH_militaryship.104.desc:0 "Initial talks with [militarymission_escort_country1.GetName] did not go well and despite many hours of talks from both sides our diplomatic team have deemed the endeavour a failure leaving parties on both sides disappointed and relationships strained, however thankfully famed hero [militarymissionLeader1.GetName] was able to step in at the last minuit to salvage the conference and allow it to continue." STH_militaryship.106.desc:0 "Initial talks with [militarymission_escort_country1.GetName] have gone well thanks mainly to the efforts of both teams at the conference, our diplomatic service are recommending we trust [militarymissionLeader1.GetName] to deliver the envoys to [militarymission_escort_country2.GetRulerName] homeworld to begin the next phase of the talks." STH_militaryship.107.desc:0 "Initial talks with [militarymission_escort_country1.GetName] have gone well thanks to the efforts of both teams at the conference, [militarymission_escort_country1.GetRulerTitle] [militarymission_escort_country1.GetRulerName] has recommended that we lead the mission and deliver the diplomats to [militarymission_escort_country2.Capital.GetName] for the second round of the negotiations. This is a very good start to proceedings." STH_militaryship.108.desc:0 "Our diplomats are now in the care of [militarymissionLeader1.GetName] and are on their way to meet with at the conference on [militarymission_escort_country1.Capital.GetName], we have put a lot of trust in this mission and it must succeed." STH_militaryship.109.desc:0 "We have received communications from the delegation heading our way, we must prepare the conference for their arrival it could bring about lasting peace." STH_militaryship.110.desc:0 "The failure to turn up at the conference has angered leaders on both sides of the negotiating table and has only served to unite both sides against us and damaged the reputation of both [militarymissionLeader1.GetName] and [Root.GetName]. This is a massive opportunity to influence the state of the galaxy wasted." STH_militaryship.111.desc:0 "The failure of [militarymissionLeader1.GetName] to turn up at the conference has caused widespread anger amongst our ruling bodies. Our trust in them has been seriously hampered and this insult will not soon be forgotten." STH_militaryship.112.desc:0 "Despite the pleas of both our diplomats and those from [militarymission_escort_country1.GetName] the ruling parties within [militarymission_escort_country2.GetName] have rejected and further advanced talks and have refused our diplomatic pressure to continue the conversation. This will be seen as an insult by [militarymission_escort_country1.GetRulerTitle] [militarymission_escort_country1.GetRulerName]." STH_militaryship.114.desc:0 "Initial talks with [militarymission_escort_country1.GetName] have gone well thanks mainly to the efforts of both teams at the conference, our diplomatic service are recommending we trust [militarymissionLeader1.GetName] to deliver the envoys to [militarymission_escort_country2.GetRulerName] homeworld to begin the next phase of the talks." STH_militaryship.115.desc:0 "Feedback from our teams on [militarymission_escort_country2.Capital.GetName] is overwhelmingly positive with officials from both worlds responding positively to the hard work of our diplomatic teams under [militarymissionLeader1.GetName] and [militarymissionEnvoy1.GetName] there has been a significant boost in public opinion between all countries at the table. Our diplomatic standing in the galaxy will surely rise from this grand success." STH_militaryship.116.desc:0 "Feedback from our teams on [militarymission_escort_country2.Capital.GetName] is overwhelmingly positive with officials from both worlds responding positively to the hard work of the diplomatic teams lead by [militarymissionLeader1.GetName] and [militarymissionEnvoy1.GetName]. We should consider this conference a total success." STH_militaryship.117.desc:0 "Feedback from our teams on [militarymission_escort_country2.Capital.GetName] is encouraging, with officials from both worlds responding positively to the hard work of the diplomatic teams lead by [militarymissionLeader1.GetName] and [militarymissionEnvoy1.GetName]. Whilst many would have hoped for slightly better results, we should consider this conference worth the effort." STH_militaryship.118.desc:0 "Feedback from our teams on [militarymission_escort_country2.Capital.GetName] is encouraging, but not spectacular. Officials from both worlds responding well to the hard work of the diplomatic teams lead by [militarymissionLeader1.GetName] and [militarymissionEnvoy1.GetName] whilst we could have hoped for more, the work done over the last few weeks is a good start." STH_militaryship.119.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle]! This is a disaster, the conference on [militarymission_escort_country2.Capital.GetName] has descended into chaos with the delegations from both sides coming to blows over the delicate trade discussions. Regrettably there is further bad news, in an attempt to get between the brawling parties our envoy [militarymissionEnvoy1.GetName] was killed. The loss of this member of our diplomatic service has sent waves of anger through our worlds and ripples through the quadrant." STH_militaryship.120.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle]! This is a disaster, the conference on [militarymission_escort_country2.Capital.GetName] has descended into chaos with the delegations from all sides coming to blows over the delicate trade discussions. It seems that the envoy from [Root.GetName] was also killed during the incident." STH_militaryship.131.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] we have received a distress call from one of our research outposts which has been working on breakthrough technologies. It appears there has been a reactor accident and the station is in danger of exploding, destroying the research and the crew of 200. We must send a ship to investigate and stabilize the situation and save the research." STH_militaryship.132.desc:0 "Despite leaving the station to its own fate, the crew were able to avert the crisis and save the station from exploding, whilst the crew on the station are unaware that they were abandoned many senior members within our government are displeased with the handling of the situation." STH_militaryship.133.desc:0 "As expected the research station's reactor was destroyed and without the support of our rescue teams the station and its research has been lost with all hands." STH_militaryship.134.desc:0 "Reports from our fleet have come in, thankfully through the skilled efforts of the captain and crew the research station and the valuable research was saved. The lead scientist was able to recover additional valuable resources from the experiment which we can add to our stockpile." STH_militaryship.135.desc:0 "Reports from our fleet have come in, the crew were able to save the research station, but unfortunately most of the research was lost when the computer core went offline. The lead scientist was able to recover additional valuable resources from the experiment which we can add to our stockpile." STH_militaryship.136.desc:0 "It appears the distress call was sent in error, either raised from faulty equipment or by a careless operations officer. Thankfully the research and station were never under any risk and can carry on operating normally." STH_militaryship.137.desc:0 "Terrible news, the Captain and crew of the rescue fleet were unable to prevent the reactor from going critical and destroying the station. Thankfully we were able to rescue the crew and save most of the valuable research." STH_militaryship.138.desc:0 "Terrible news, the Captain and crew of the rescue fleet were unable to prevent the reactor from going critical and destroying the station. Despite every effort being made we were unable to salvage the research making this a total loss of property, life and research." STH_militaryship.142.desc:0 "After arriving at the scene it becomes clear that the research station is in no real danger. Soon after the station's head scientist contacts the rescue fleet, a little annoyed of their late arrival, and explains that they are on the verge of a great discovery and urgently need added computer power for it. But after receiving none from the government despite several pleads they made the false distress call in hopes that the rescue fleet would arrive in time and provide it. What should we do?" STH_militaryship.143.desc:0 "With the help of the added computer power and the analyzing capabilities of the rescue fleet the head scientist is able to complete the experiment which yields great results." STH_militaryship.144.desc:0 "Although the added computer and analyzing power provided by the rescue fleet proves useful and much added data is collected the final breakthrough that the head scientist was expecting to make is not achieved." STH_militaryship.145.desc:0 "From the get-go it becomes clear that the systems onboard the rescue fleet and the research station are challenging to combine and the issue is not improved by the at times bad communication between the two crews. As a result much of the potential data is lost and the head scientist is displeased." STH_militaryship.148.desc:0 "It has become clear that the head scientist lied about the emergency and diverted valuable resources from were they could otherwise been used to this system. An example must me set that this kind of behaviour is not tolerated." STH_militaryship.152.desc:0 "The situation at the Starbase is now under control and any damage to our station has been successfully repaired without any further damage or loss of life. The crew of the Starbase express their gratitude for the prompt assistance." STH_militaryship.153.desc:0 "The situation at the Starbase has progressed negatively and the damage quickly escalated resulting in minor damage to the Starbase. This will cause a set back to our operations in this system, but we should be able to recover in fairly short order." STH_militaryship.154.desc:0 "The situation at the Starbase has progressed quickly and the damage was more significant than expected resulting in major damage to the Starbase. This will more severely hamper our efforts in this system, but with time and resources our teams should be able to recover." STH_militaryship.156.desc:0 "One of our key Starbases has requested additional supplies to continue some vital work they are doing in the system, our military command have asked us to dispatch a ship to provide the resources to allow the work to continue." STH_militaryship.157.desc:0 "We are getting reports that one of our Starbases is in distress, they have suffered a reactor breach in their main power plant, this has caused a complete loss of power in the station - including life support. The station commander reports that unless they can get the situation under control the damaged reactor may go critical and explode resulting in widespread damage to the station and our interests in the system." STH_militaryship.158.desc:0 "One of our Starbases is reporting that a civilian transport has suffering from an impending warp core breach and that their engines have failed within the shield radius of our station. They are seeking urgent aid from the nearest starship to provide aid as the radiation from ship is disrupting attempts to move the ship outside of the danger zone." STH_militaryship.159.desc:0 "The supplies have been undocked at the Starbase and the commander of the base has thanked us for providing these resources. As a bonus for aiding the researchers they have provided a small reward for our services." STH_militaryship.160.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] we have picked up an urgent distress call from [external_starbase_country.GetName] one of their outposts has suffered a serious issue and is in dire need of emergency aid. They are requesting any vessels in the area to come urgently." STH_militaryship.161.desc:0 "[external_starbase_country.GetName] are thankful for our prompt assistance and for saving the crew on the station, they have offered a small reward and their opinion of us have risen thanks to the efforts of our fleet." STH_militaryship.170.desc:0 "We are receiving a priority one distress call from one of our ships the [ship_in_distress.GetName] they report that they are adrift with life support, engines and shields failing. The message broke up before we could find out more information on their situation, but it looks like they are in a dangerous predicament. We must send aid before it is too late." STH_militaryship.171.desc:0 "Our fleet arrived in time to investigate the distress call from [ship_in_distress.GetName] which was adrift but thankfully had not sustained too much damage. With combined help from both sets of crews the vessel was completely repaired and cleared to return to service." STH_militaryship.172.desc:0 "On arriving at the scene and investigating the damaged [ship_in_distress.GetName] it is clear they were attacked by unknown assailants. Unfortunately no evidence could be found to identify who attacked our ship. After some effort the crews were able to restore life support and minimal engine power to allow the ship to limp back to a friendly shipyard." STH_militaryship.173.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], we must report that we could not save the [ship_in_distress.GetName] the damage done to its engines was too great and the overload quickly cascades through the main power grid resulting in complete destruction of the ship. We examined the wreckage but were unable to find any trace of what caused the issue. The loss of the ship and crew will be felt throughout the fleet." STH_militaryship.174.desc:0 "It was immediately clear on investigating our damaged ship that this was work of dastardly pirates operating clandestinely within our borders. It is certain that our arrived caused the pirates to flee, but thanks to the quick work by the crew on our crippled ship they were able to scan the Ion trail left behind and determine the destination the pirates fled to. We must dispatch a fleet to that location to put an end to this threat." STH_militaryship.175.desc:0 "It was immediately clear on investigating our damaged ship that this was work of dastardly pirates operating clandestinely within our borders who have attempted to use the distress call as an opportunity to ambush our forces. We must make short work of these pirate vessels and track down their base of operations to end this threat for good. But first we must defend ourselves." STH_militaryship.176.desc:0 "We have tracked down the location of the pirate base of operations to an abandoned mining outpost on an asteroid within our borders. It is clear the pirates were not expecting our arrival as they have not fled. This leaves us with two opportunities to eradicate these pests. Our first officer recommends a clean strike from orbit to blow the pirates away, but this would result in their deaths and the loss of most of their stolen treasures. Our security officer recommends calling in a military transport and one of our generals to lead a ground assault allowing us to capture prisoners and recover more goods." STH_militaryship.177.desc:0 "Our troops have successfully raised the pirate base, recovering the stolen good from the attack on our ships as well as a number of other raids they appear to have completed over the last few months. The remaining pirates were rounded up and have been taken our to our penal facilities where justice can be served." STH_militaryship.178.desc:0 "It looks like the pirates detected our arrival and have abandoned their facility in a hurry, leaving only a few small signs that they were there. Whilst it would have been preferable to catch them and bring them to justice at least we have put an end to this groups attacks against our ships." STH_militaryship.180.desc:0 "Greetings, [Root.GetRulerTitle]. One of our leading Doctors [leader_doctor.GetName] has been invited to attend a medical conference by [leader_doctor_country.GetName] to attend as the keynote speaker. The conference will be held on [doctor_conf_location.GetName] and is open to medical professionals across the quadrant, whilst Dr [leader_doctor.GetName] has been requested by name, we are free to send a replacement." STH_militaryship.181.desc:0 "The Medical Conference was a success with medics across multiple states coming together to share knowledge and ideas. The experience proved to be a worthwhile experience for [leader_doctor.GetName] and has provided a nice boost to our research." STH_militaryship.182.desc:0 "The Medical Conference proved to be a bit of a waste of time, with too many doctors wanting to talk and not listen. Whilst our doctor [leader_doctor.GetName], was not able to get a great amount from the event, it was still an experience." STH_militaryship.183.desc:0 "The Medical conference was a brilliant opportunity to get many experts together in the same venue and as the conversation got flowing, ideas started to be generated and the group have come close to making a huge breakthrough in the treatment of one of the galaxies harmful diseases. [leader_doctor.GetName] has asked to say a few extra days to help provide this breakthrough." STH_militaryship.201.desc:0 "The term second contact is used to describe the subsequent official encounter between representatives of two species or governments following first contact and can be critical to building a new relationship, however it is not the most glamorous assignment and is often left to the support vessels whilst the heroes take on more exciting missions. Second contact was seen as important as it allowed the facilitation of continued communication and to ensure that all administrative documentation were complete and correct. When it comes to selecting an Admiral for this mission sometimes it pays to be on the lower decks." STH_militaryship.202.desc:0 "The term second contact is used to describe the subsequent official encounter between representatives of two species or governments following first contact and can be critical to building a new relationship, however it is not the most glamorous assignment and is often left to the support vessels whilst the heroes take on more exciting missions. Second contact was seen as important as it allowed the facilitation of continued communication and to ensure that all administrative documentation were complete and correct and our recent contact with [second_contact_country.GetName] has led to an opportunity to send a second contact team. When it comes to selecting an Admiral for this mission sometimes it pays to be on the lower decks." STH_militaryship.203.desc:0 "The mission was completed successfully and second contact was a uneventful but productive. Our diplomatic team have managed to complete the required pleasantries and establish the infrastructure required for an ongoing relationship with [second_contact_country.GetName] a good job well done by all involved." STH_militaryship.204.desc:0 "Whilst first contact is a dangerous event that can lead officers into the unknown, second contact doesn't come with the same risks, but the opportunity to fail still exists and it appears that has happened on this occasion. A number of faux pars were made and relations have suffered as a result. We can only hope future relations between us and [second_contact_country.GetName] go better than this." STH_militaryship.205.desc:0 "Failing to complete the Second Contact mission has not gone unnoticed and has deprived us of an opportunity to further our diplomatic relations and set up an on going line of communications." STH_militaryship.250.desc:0 "Our fleet carrying our diplomatic envoys has been ambushed by mercenaries intent on capturing or destroying our ships and taking our diplomats hostage for some unknown group. We must defend our envoys." last_battlefield_chain_desc:0 "Something terrible happened on Cheron Prime." LAST_BATTLEFIELD_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Initial scans have suggested that Cheron Prime was destroyed in a short but devastating nuclear war. To learn more we need to send an away team to the planet surface." STH_cheronite.3.desc:0 "We have received some rather baffling reports from one of our deep space stations in the Beta Quadrant. Reportedly, a planetary crisis of some kind has recently devastated Cheron Prime. We are yet unable to determine the nature of this event, so perhaps it is wise to send a ship to investigate and look for survivors." STH_cheronite.5.desc:0 "Once [root.GetName] have entered the [cheronite_system.GetName] system, Captain [root.leader.GetName] immediately ordered to begin scanning [cheronite_capital_world.GetName]. Scans have revealed no life signs on the planet. Several large cities are completely in ruins, planetary transportation systems, though quite extensive, are completely devoid of traffic. There is no evidence of natural disaster, yet there are vast numbers of unburied corpses in all cities. All this leads to a conclusion that a devastating war has destroyed the planet and all its population. To learn more Captain [root.leader.GetName] has decided to send an away mission to the planet surface." STH_cheronite.6.comm.desc:0 "Despite all our efforts to reach Cheron Prime, a ship from [reached_cheron.GetName] has made it there first. Unfortunately, it means that we have to abort the expedition." STH_cheronite.6.noComm.desc:0 "Despite all our efforts to reach Cheron Prime, a ship from an unknown origin has made it there first. Unfortunately, it means that we have to abort the expedition." STH_cheronite.7.desc:0 "An away team led by Captain [root.leader.GetName] of the [root.GetName] has beamed down to the irradiated ruins of one of the major cities. After spending hours investigating what was left from the city archive, a member of the team accidently found a miraculously well-preserved data disk. Some of the information was corrupted, however it was possible to retrieve most of it.From the disk [root.leader.GetName] had learned that the native people of Cheron were divided into two sub-species, their skin was exactly half-black and half-white, with some white on the right side and black on the left, and others the opposite. One of the sub-species had acquired supremacy and enslaved the other half of the population. Recently the oppressed part of the population has rebelled and the following civil war has completely destroyed their civilization." STH_cheronite.8.desc:0 "An away team led by Captain [root.leader.GetName] of the [root.GetName] has beamed down to the irradiated ruins of one of the major cities. After spending hours investigating what was left from the city archive, a member of the team accidently found a miraculously well-preserved data disk. Half of the information was corrupted, however it was possible to retrieve the rest of it.From the disk [root.leader.GetName] had learned that the native people of Cheron were divided into two sub-species, their skin was exactly half-black and half-white, with some white on the right side and black on the left, and others the opposite. One of the sub-species had acquired supremacy and enslaved the other half of the population. Recently the oppressed part of the population has rebelled, and the following civil war has completely destroyed their civilization." STH_cheronite.9.desc:0 "An away team led by Captain [root.leader.GetName] of the [root.GetName] has beamed down to the irradiated ruins of one of the major cities. After spending hours investigating what was left from the city archive, a member of the team accidently found a miraculously well-preserved data disk. Most of the information was corrupted, however it was possible to retrieve at least some of it.From the disk [root.leader.GetName] had learned that the native people of Cheron were divided into two sub-species, their skin was exactly half-black and half-white, with some white on the right side and black on the left, and others the opposite. One of the sub-species had acquired supremacy and enslaved the other half of the population. Recently the oppressed part of the population has rebelled and the following civil war has completely destroyed their civilization." STH_cheronite.10.desc:0 "An away team led by Captain [root.leader.GetName] of the [root.GetName] has beamed down to the irradiated ruins of one of the major cities. After spending hours investigating what was left from the city archive, a member of the team accidently disrupted one of the remaining supports of the building. As a result, the building collapsed leaving no survivors." ROMULAN_ADMONITION_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The mysterious planet of Aia seemingly exists in an impossible state, surrounded by no less than eight stars and can only be the work of an advanced civilisation who appear to be long gone from the galaxy. Our mysterious contact has asked us to join them on Aia at a strange round circle of technology, which will answer all questions." ROMULAN_ADMONITION_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Our agents with the Zhat Vash and Tal Shiar have reported that several foreign powers have scientists investigating robotic life. We should compile a report to help us identify a target." ROMULAN_ADMONITION_3A_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The Admonition was a preserved, encoded message on the planet Aia, placed some 200,000 to 300,000 years ago by the synthetic lifeforms who caused the extinction of organic life on that world. Documenting the development and evolution of the synthetics, and how organics caused their own destruction by seeking to destroy their creations, the Admonition served as a beacon to other synthetic lifeforms, offering protection against 'oppression', even if it means the elimination of organic life. It contained an encoded frequency, through which they can signal the alliance of synthetic life. Since the Admonition was designed for synthetic minds, any organics attempting to access it could be driven to madness, self-harm, and suicide." ROMULAN_ADMONITION_3B_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The Admonition was a preserved, encoded message on the planet Aia, placed some 200,000 to 300,000 years ago by the synthetic lifeforms who caused the extinction of organic life on that world. Documenting the development and evolution of the synthetics, and how organics caused their own destruction by seeking to destroy their creations, the Admonition served as a beacon to other synthetic lifeforms, offering protection against 'oppression', even if it means the elimination of organic life. It contained an encoded frequency, through which they can signal the alliance of synthetic life. Since the Admonition was designed for synthetic minds, any organics attempting to access it could be driven to madness, self-harm, and suicide." ROMULAN_ADMONITION_4_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Our leadership have asked for a boarding party to board the damaged Borg cube and claim it in the name of the Romulan senate. We must send a scientist backed up with the Romulan fleet to ensure this prize remains in our hands." ROMULAN_ADMONITION_5A_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The devastating attack on [romulan_nova_rescue_planet.GetName] has left huge damage to the planets surface, sending one of our finest engineering scientists to the planet to organise aid and recovery should help the planet recover faster." ROMULAN_ADMONITION_5B_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The devastating attack on [romulan_nova_rescue_planet.GetName] has left huge damage to the planets surface, sending one of our finest engineering admirals to the planet to organise aid and recovery should help the planet recover faster." ROMULAN_ADMONITION_5C_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The devastating attack on [romulan_nova_rescue_planet.GetName] has left huge damage to the planets surface, sending one of our finest engineers to the planet to organise aid and recovery should help the planet recover faster." ROMULAN_1_SUN_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The Star at the heart of the Romulan Star Empire, Eisn. We can no longer ignore the behavior of our home star after its most recent solar event, a scientist must be sent to begin an investigation into what is happening." ROMULAN_1_STAR_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The Star at the heart of the Romulan Star Empire, Eisn. We can no longer ignore the behavior of our home star after its most recent solar event, a scientist must be sent to begin an investigation into what is happening." ROMULAN_2_SUN_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The Romulan Star is on the verge of going Supernova, we have been tasked with sending a fleet to safely evacuate the Romulan nobility and high ranking officials away from the Romulan System." ROMULAN_2_STAR_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The Romulan Star is on the verge of going Supernova, we have been tasked with sending a fleet to safely evacuate the Romulan nobility and high ranking officials away from the Romulan System." ROMULAN_3_SUN_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The task force has agreed that a rescue flotilla is required to rescue as many civilians as possible, arrange for a leader to coordinate the assembly of this fleet of transports." ROMULAN_3_STAR_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The task force has agreed that a rescue flotilla is required to rescue as many civilians as possible, arrange for a leader to coordinate the assembly of this fleet of transports." ROMULAN_3A_SUN_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Scientist Dr [romulan_nova_rescue_country.GetName] believes that their advanced AI units the A500 'Soong-Type' Androids will enable us to meet the production targets and fulfil our obligation to provide a fleet of rescue ships for the Romulan people." ROMULAN_3B_SUN_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Thanks to the hard work of our ship builders and the new A500 units we have assembled a large fleet which is ready to be dispatched to Romulus, however we must ensure that everything is up to specification by sending a high ranking Admiral to make a final inspection." ROMULAN_4_SUN_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Our agents within the Tal Shiar have informed us that the key to saving our Star is held within the Borg Artifact. The price of this information is turning a blind eye to their activities. We must dispatch a small fleet of ships to the Artifact to ensure that the Borg Reclamation project coperates, there can be no room for failure." ROMULAN_5_SUN_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The technology obtained from the Borg Cube has provided a device which should stabilize our star, we must load it onto a troop transport and sacrifice the vessel and its General in order to save our home world. This leader will go down as a legend within the Star Empire." STH_admonition.2.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] we have been contacted on a untraceable channel by the mysterious Conclave of Eight, a clandestine organisation within the Tal Shiar. They operate outside of all jurisdiction and with a singular purpose - to stop the Seb-Cheneb, the destroyer, from bringing about the 'Day of Annihilation'. The group call themselves the Zhat Vash and they have invited us to send one of our scientists to the coordinates provided to discover why their purpose will not only save the Romulan Star Empire, but the whole Galaxy." STH_admonition.3.desc:0 "The location provided by the Zhat Vash message leads to a previously unknown system, containing no less than eight stars! At the centre of this unnatural formation of stars lies a single planet, named Aia and this is where our Scientist has been asked to travel to uncover the secrets of the Admonition." STH_admonition.4.desc:0 "The effects of the Admonition are more powerful than anyone could have imagined and the message was clearly not designed for organic minds, [leader_trait_zhat_vash_recruit_name.GetName] saw images of death, destruction and the annihilation of all organic life in a firestorm of untold power. Through the chaos inflicted on [leader_trait_zhat_vash_recruit_name.GetHerHis] mind [leader_trait_zhat_vash_recruit_name.GetName] could clearly see the cause of all this pain, synthetics. Once their mind became clear the Zhat Vash handler explained this is their purpose, to prevent this future from occurring." STH_admonition.5.desc:0 "The effects of the Admonition are more powerful than anyone could have imagined and the message was clearly not designed for organic minds, [leader_trait_zhat_vash_recruit_name.GetName] saw images of death, destruction and the annihilation of all organic by a synthetic power. Only the through sheer will of mind was [leader_trait_zhat_vash_recruit_name.GetName] able to prevent themselves from turning their disruptor on themselves as many others around the strange circle had already done. The damage caused will remain with them forever. Once [leader_trait_zhat_vash_recruit_name.GetName] was able to stand, the Zhat Vash handler told them that the singular purpose of the organisation is to prevent this future." STH_admonition.6.desc:0 "The Zhat Vash handler had seen the effects of the Admonition on many minds over the years and few could survive the terrible message and it looks very much like [leader_trait_zhat_vash_recruit_name.GetName] will be joining the list of victims, as they lay screaming on the dead surface of Aia. They may recover in time and join the ranks of the Zhat Vash to fight the future that was presented in the Admonition. A future where all organic life is wiped out by a relentless force of synthetic life, a future the Zhat Vash is determined to prevent." STH_admonition.8.desc:0 "The Zhat Vash are an ancient and secret Romulan cabal of Tal Shiar operatives. According to sources, it was thousands upon thousands of years old, and it supposedly predated the departure of the Romulan people from Vulcan. In Romulan the term Zhat Vash is used to refer to the dead, the 'only reliable keepers of secrets'. Their sole purpose is to prevent the utter devastation wrought by the synthetic 'Destroyer', called Seb-Cheneb, contained within the Admonition, they dedicated themselves to eliminating synthetics so as to prevent another such event. Subsequent generations of Zhat Vash would also submit themselves to Admonition, so as to strengthen themselves for their task. The last question remains, should we embrace the Zhat Vash or put an end to this legend..." STH_admonition.11.desc:0 "FOR THE EYES OF THE CONCLAVE ONLY: Our operatives have uncovered that a foreign power has produced a leader with a specialism in synthetic life, this dangerous individual could make serious advances in the field of AI and synthetic creations and bring us one step closer to the foretold destruction. We must investigate the source of this report and take action." STH_admonition.12.desc:0 "Our failure to successfully complete the investigation has meant that the scientist is now out of our reach and free to continue their research into artificial life. For your sake I hope this does not produce positive results." STH_admonition.13.desc:0 "Our operatives have successfully uncovered the name of the enemy scientist foolishly furthering the research into AI. [zhat_vash_sci_target_leader2.GetName] of the [zhat_vash_sci_target_leader2_country.GetName] has made a name for themselves within the scientific community for their breakthrough work in the field of synthetics and must be dealt with appropriately." STH_admonition.14.desc:0 "Council, our operatives within [zhat_vash_sci_target_leader2_country.GetName] arranged a private 'meeting' with [zhat_vash_sci_target_leader2.GetName] where by they were successfully convinced that the this field of research is no longer healthy for them to continue with. Thanks to our advanced processes they will not remember the encounter and as an added bonus we managed to obtain useful intelligence and research from their databases." STH_admonition.15.desc:0 "[zhat_vash_sci_target_leader2_country.GetRulerTitle] [zhat_vash_sci_target_leader2_country.GetRulerName], one of our leading scientists in the field of artificial life and synthetic development has report to our science directorate that they will no longer be working in this field. When pressed on the matter they declined to answer and seemed to get rather agitated. This is all rather strange." STH_admonition.16.desc:0 "[zhat_vash_sci_target_leader2_country.GetRulerTitle] [zhat_vash_sci_target_leader2_country.GetRulerName], it appears that [zhat_vash_sci_target_leader2.GetName] has taken their own life unexpectedly, our security division found them alone in their quarters. They were one of our leading experts in the subject of synthetic life and a promising member of our science team." STH_admonition.17.desc:0 "Despite our most persuasive efforts the scientist is refusing to be moved from their interest in AI and before we could use our more hands on methods of convincing our operatives were disturbed by the local security forces. We managed to make a clean escape and our cover remains intact. It will be costly to make a reattempt or to end their life, but it could be done with the appropriate resources." STH_admonition.18.desc:0 "One of our leading scientists [zhat_vash_sci_target_leader2.GetName] has reported to our authorities that they were approached by a shadowy figure, urging them to abandon their research into robotics and synthetic life. Thankfully they were not persuaded and managed to alert the security division. Despite a thorough search our security operatives were unable to uncover who was behind this approach." STH_admonition.20.desc:0 "Our operatives have identified a leading scientist within the Romulan empire who has made headway into AI and synthetics, despite our efforts to crush this field of research. The scientist has been identified as [zhat_vash_sci_target_leader.GetName] and they clearly have a talent for the subject. We can arrange for one of our handlers to meet with the scientist and convince them to drop the matter, or we could always try to recruit them if they are sufficiently talented." STH_admonition.21.desc:0 "It appears [zhat_vash_sci_target_leader.GetName] was not willing to give up their life's work and took to our suggestion poorly, the situation appears to have deteriorated and resulted in the scientist taking their own life. A poor result for the Romulan Star Empire, but at least their disgusting line of investigation has now stopped." STH_admonition.31.desc:0 "Leader [From.From.GetName] has come to our attention as a potential new recruit for the Zhat Vash. They would first need to prove themselves via the Admonition, which has claimed the lives of many who have faced it previously." STH_admonition.50.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]! We have detected a Borg Cube entering the Terix System via a transwarp conduit, the Cube is not responding to any hails nor has it attempted to contact our station within the system. Preliminary scans suggest that the vessel is heavily damaged, with its power grid severely damaged and life support failing. There is no obvious cause of the damage, we must send a fleet to intercept immediately." STH_admonition.51.desc:0 "Closer scans of the Borg Cube reveal that the ship has suffered a full submatrix collapse, disconnecting the ship from the Collective. This catastrophic failure within the Cube has rendered the vessel completely disabled and the thousands of drones are in a deep hibernation. This presents an excellent opportunity to capture the ship and uncover the secrets of the collective. We should send a scientist at once, as well as a fleet to stand guard of our prize." STH_admonition.52.desc:0 "Our teams have reported back that they have successfully secured the Borg ship which is being dubbed the §YThe Artifact§!. The ship still contains thousands of drones and working Borg technology, but without the link to the Collective the vessel is in permanent hibernation mode and our for the taking. The resource we could obtain from the technology and from the data nexus will propel our research forward and give the Romulan Empire a critical edge against other major powers. However, we should never forget that the Borg are never completely docile and a Borg cube will always present a significant threat to our way of life." STH_admonition.53.desc:0 "We now control §GThe Borg Artifact§!. This megastructure contains all the risks of having a Borg ship parked on the doorstep, but presents a unique chance to study the Collective and syphon off the research stored within the vessels many data stores and within the minds of the hibernating drones. A vast cross species project called the §YBorg Reclamation Project§! has been set up to oversee this operation, but as long as the ship remains in Romulan hands, the Star Empire will always have the edge." STH_admonition.53.desc:0 "The Borg Reclamation Project has been founded as an independent organisation operating at the Romulan Reclamation Site, located on a derelict Borg cube referred to as the Artifact discovered within Romulan space. The project will be overseen by a former Borg drone acting as the executive director. Scientific teams from across the Galaxy will be invited to partake in the project to gain a better understanding of the Borg, gain valuable research and help those once held hostage by the collective." STH_admonition.54.desc:0 "Reports from the Romulan Star Empire are filtering out despite the best efforts of the Tal Shiar, it appears that a giant Borg Cube was recovered within their territory. Romulan forces were able to secure the ship with minimal casualties. This could be a momentous opportunity as long as their leadership is willing to work with the galactic community." STH_admonition.56.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle], the Borg vessel appears to be regaining its functions and we have lost contact with our teams who were on the ship, including the mission leader, we should fear the worse and assume they are now part of the collective. We must send every available vessel to destroy the cube before it can regenerate further." STH_admonition.60.desc:0 "Our sensors in the Terix System have detected a fleet of Ferengi pirates on their way to the Borg wreckage, it appears they are commanded by known scoundrel DaiMon Nunk and have the audacity to claim salvage rights! Destroy them and show them the error of attempting to steal from us." STH_admonition.61.desc:0 "Attention Rom-eww-lan Empire, I am DaiMon Nunk, mighty warlord and unparalleled capitalist - I claim salvage rights to this wreck under intergalactic law ...90..3. You will leave this vessel to us or we will be forced to prevent anyone from having it." STH_admonition.63.desc:0 "Following a fierce fight over a damaged Borg Cube, our forces have defeated those filthy Ferengi pirates and killed their hideously little leader. They will not trouble us again. The Borg ship is now all ours, and the recommendation from our Scientific leaders is to invite a galaxy wide project in to oversee the reclamation of the Cube, this will ensure that we obtain all the benefits without the costs." STH_admonition.64.desc:0 "Following a fierce fight over a wrecked Borg Cube, the pirates under DaiMon Nunk appear to have be defeated. Leaving the Cube in the hands of the Romulan Star Empire. Scientists across the quadrant are curious to understand what is next for this once mighty ship." STH_admonition.1002.desc:0 "Our secret agencies recruit only the most cunning and skilled Romulan men and women, who have proven that they have the unique skills that are demanded from all Tal Shiar Operative, or maybe the rumours are true and there is an even more discreet organisation that requires talented Romulans.A high turnover in agents is a hazard of the job and so we must constantly look for those leaders who have the talent we need. Review a list of potential recruits." STH_admonition.1003.desc:0 "One of our leaders, [tal_shiar_recruit.GetName], has demonstrated the skills and prowess to be considered for recruitment into the Tal Shiar operation. We can now decide whether to approach [tal_shiar_recruit.GetName] and offer them a position within the agency, they would need to complete some 'tests' to assure their handlers that they are up to the challenge... be warned not all agents are suitable." STH_admonition.1004.desc:0 "Agent [tal_shiar_recruit.GetName] has successfully completed their training and is ready to join the Tal Shiar as an agent of the empire. These agents receive special training and have a unique skill set which allows them to serve the Empire at the discretion of the powerful Tal Shiar." STH_admonition.1005.desc:0 "Agent [tal_shiar_recruit.GetName] has failed to completed their training and is not ready to join the Tal Shiar as an agent of the empire. They will be eligible to apply to rejoin the Tal Shiar for some time and should consider themselves lucky to be able to continue to serve the Praetor." STH_admonition.1006.desc:0 "Leader [zhat_vash_recruit_1.GetName] has come to our attention as a potential new recruit for the Zhat Vash. They would first need to prove themselves via the Admonition, which has claimed the lives of many who have faced it previously, if they are ready to delve deeper into the mysteries of the universe then they should arrive at the coordinates provided and undertake the mysterious Admonition, but be warned few survive the process." STH_admonition.101.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], we' are getting reports across the Romulan system that the primary Star, Eisn, is behaving strangely. Solar activity appears to be up considerably and the star itself seems far more active then it should. The majority of our leading experts tell us that it is nothing to worry about and it will pass as quickly as it begun." STH_admonition.102.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] it is troubling to say but the strange readings from the Primary Star of Romulus have only gotten worse, the outer layers of the sun's corona appear to becoming less and less stable. There are now more leading scientists that are voicing concerns that our stars behaviour is not a passing phase. Calls from the Romulan Astrophysical Academy to dedicate funding to investigate this strange behaviour are increasing, yet still many urge caution and to avoid panicking the masses and disrupting the Romulan order." STH_admonition.103.desc:0 "Damage reports across the planets Romulus and Remus are still coming in, it appears that a massive corona eruption occurred in the early hours of the Romulan morning wreaking havoc across the twin worlds. There can be no denying the situation playing out within the Romulan home system and the strange goings on within the star at the heart of the system. Voices of concern are now ringing out across both the public and private sectors and even the normally stoical plebeians are daring to speak up and demand action." STH_admonition.104.desc:0 "The results of the investigation have been checked and cross verified by scientists at the Romulan Ministry of Science and the Romulan Astrophysical Academy and both institutes have concluded the same thing, for reasons that neither can explain the primary star of the Romulan homeworld is quickly heading towards a Supernova. The event cannot be explained as the star should have most of its lifetime ahead of it. However there is no time to dwell on why... an explosion of this magnitude would destroy the system and potentially cripple the empire.We must convene the highest ranking individuals within the Star Empire immediately." STH_admonition.106.desc:0 "There is only one option available to us [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], we must call for aid, the Star Empire simply does not have the resources to maintain order across our border worlds and evacuate the nearly 18 billion people on the homeworld, without taking into account the pitiful Remans on their dark black rock and the outlining colonies that branched off from Romulus since its founding. Our advisors have recommended the following empires as potential saviours, the cloyingly sycophantic §BUnited Federation of Planets§! will be dying to help us, the feral §RKlingon Empire§!, the §YCardassian Union§! would desire nothing more to hold us in their debt and finally the §HTholian's§! have the ability to raise a fleet fast." STH_admonition.107.desc:0 "Greeting [romulan_nova_rescue_country.GetRulerTitle] [romulan_nova_rescue_country.GetRulerName], I am [romulan_star_empire.leader.GetName] of the Romulan Star Empire. As you may now be aware the star Eisn has been facing difficulties, but what you may not know is that the star is on the verge of going Supernova. We require immediate aid to help evacuate our worlds and save countless lives. Whilst we may not have always been the best of terms, our people need you now, will you aid the Romulan Star Empire?" STH_admonition.108.desc:0 "We have agreed to provide aid to the Romulan Star Empire, the admiralty has agreed to review which of our core planets should be used as a staging ground for a fleet of rescue vessels to be raised and dispatched to Romulus to render aid and rescue as many citizens of their empire as possible. This will be a huge undertaking costing resources and funds, many of our own people do not support the proposal, but we have deemed it the right thing to do. The newly created task force will notify us when the next action is ready." STH_admonition.109.desc:0 "We have rejected the Romulans plea for help, leaving them to face the upcoming apocalypse by themselves. The news comes as a relief to many who believe in the '[Root.GetSpeciesName] First' movement and do not believe now is the time to over extend our resources in the face of an uncertain future. It is however worth remembering that the Romulan people have always had long memories and should they recover from the fate that awaits them, our lack of action will be the first thing they remember." STH_admonition.110.desc:0 "The [romulan_nova_rescue_country.GetName] have agreed to help us by providing the aid and ships that we have requested. This offer will allow us to ensure the safety of the senate and the senior members of the navy. With our leadership intact we can ensure that the Romulan Star Empire will continue on into the future and rebuild with only the losses of the lower classes that the [romulan_nova_rescue_country.GetName] cannot save. We will not let this destroy us." STH_admonition.148.desc:0 "The [romulan_nova_rescue_country.GetName] have rejected our offer of help, failing us in our hour of need. We must concentrate our efforts on rescuing those in power and who can help rebuild a stronger empire, those who cannot must be sacrificed for the greater good of our species and the continuation of the Empire, but we will not forget or forgive this betrayal." STH_admonition.111.desc:0 "Plans have been made and our most senior officials, admirals and states people have been rounded up and are gathering for the evacuation of Romulus, we must send transports to the planet to begin the process." STH_admonition.113.desc:0 "The task force set up to provide aid to Romulus has reached its conclusion and have recommended the planet [romulan_nova_rescue_planet.GetName] to use as a staging ground to assemble the rescue flotilla. The resources and access to the nearby shipyards will make it an ideal location to begin construction and gathering of the required materials." STH_admonition.114.desc:0 "The first wave of transports have been built over [romulan_nova_rescue_planet.GetName] and whilst the design and quality of the work is of a high standard, progress has been slow and the volume of work is building up. The project leads are complaining that there is just to much work for the teams to complete in too short a time and even if we devote all our resources to this operation the odds of completing the work in time are low." STH_admonition.115.desc:0 "The new Synthetic workforce have managed to quadruple the production rates at our [romulan_nova_rescue_planet.GetName] facilities. The Synthetic units are able to work longer and faster than their biological counterparts, we should now be back on track to ensure that we can deliver the full fleet of ships ahead of the deadlines provided by the taskforce." STH_admonition.116.desc:0 "Our next checkpoint review has been completed and thanks to the hard work by [admonition_scientist.GetName] and their team we are on course to produce the biggest fleet produced in the history of [romulan_nova_rescue_country.GetName]. Our thoughts should start to turn towards preparing the fleet for inspection by the Admiral in charge of leading this undertaking." STH_admonition.117.desc:0 "Our science and engineering teams have approached us with a radical solution to address the production deficit. The use of a Synthetics workforce has never been considered within the [romulan_nova_rescue_country.GetName] before now, however the proposal from one of the countries leading synthetic experts includes adding a workforce of 'Soong-Type' Androids who can work faster, longer and more accurately. If accepted the scientist will offer their services to lead the new android workforce and guarantee the completion of the new fleet ahead of schedule. [admonition_scientist.GetName] working with the leading expert [synth_expert_1.GetName] using the very latest in synthetic technology vow to complete the work ahead of schedule." STH_admonition.118.desc:0 "[admonition_scientist.GetName] has assembled their workforce of androids and is ready to deploy them to the taskforce, the Androids will work alongside the rest of the workers in a historical undertaking." STH_admonition.120.desc:0 "Following the incredible progress made by the android workforce, the fleet is ready for an inspection by the Admiral selected to lead the mission into Romulan space. The hull plating has been polished and the consoles wiped down as [admonition_scientist.GetName] is ready to present the fleet for inspection." STH_admonition.123.desc:0 "It appears it was unwise to reject the Zhat Vash's request especially when the fate of the Romulan Star Empire is on the line, in a clear message to the senate former ruler [romulan_ruler_1.GetName] was assassinated, but not before 'approving' the Zhat Vash's plans, it is likely the next ruler will be more open to ideas presented by this shadowy organisation." STH_admonition.124.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], devastating news! The planet [romulan_nova_rescue_planet.GetName] burns, our fleets in orbit are in ruin, it appears the Android workforce which had proved so valuable has turned on us. Reports from across the planet's surface and shipbuilding facilities indicate that thousands are dead or injured and sound of explosions ring out across the world." STH_admonition.125.desc:0 "The rogue synths continue to destroy civilian and military installation with ruthless precision, efficiency and dedication that only a machine could produce. The synths have begun bombarding the surface, igniting flammable vapors in the stratosphere and causing massive damage to the planet's infrastructure.A number of ships docked at the shipyards have also been compromised." STH_admonition.126.desc:0 "The rogue synths have captured a number of vessels and are looking to make a final bombing run against [romulan_nova_rescue_planet.GetName], should they be successful the death toll would be staggering, all ships in the area must convene on the androids vessels and put an end to this attack before any more lives are lost. The attack has been devastating, but we could lose the whole planet if those attack ships are allowed to complete their attack." STH_admonition.130.desc:0 "In the wake of the tragedy that occured on Mars, the United Federation of Planets has spent some time looking into its role within the galactic community, the voices that call for a Federation first policy have grown to an almost deafening number. Member worlds have fiercely debated a radical shift in policy within the Federation and now demand a shift to Starfleet's mission statement.All that is needed now is the final agreement and the United Federation of Planets will change it's outlook and become more inward facing with a Federation first mentality." STH_admonition.131.desc:0 "Since its creation the United Federation of Planets has embraced outside species and been a beacon of liberty ready to support anyone in need. Following the events on Mars it appears their council has taken the decision to close their borders and adopt a xenophobic attitude." STH_admonition.133.desc:0 "There has been a further solar eruption from the Romulan star, the dying star continues to cause damages to anything in its path. The inhabitants of the system can only hope for a swift evacuation or a miracle to save them." STH_admonition.134.desc:0 "Praise the Romulan gods! The scientists trawling through the Borg Artifact have managed to find the promised technology that could save the Star. A species only referred to as Species 5010, the Kessok, appear to have had a technology which can influence the solar stability of a star. The plans appear to be largely intact and with a few adjustments could be used to save Eisn. In order to save the sun we must detonate a trilithium device combined with the Kessok solar-former device at the outer edge of the sun's corona." STH_admonition.135.desc:0 "The cries of joy sweep across the cities and provinces across the twin planets of Romulus and Remus from the capital to the valley of Chula and even down the dilithium mines of Remus. The state of fear and panic that was hanging over the empire have been removed and Romulans are free to plan their future once again." STH_admonition.136.desc:0 "With little warning the event many feared and most knew would happen finally occurred, the Romulan star explodes in a flash of brilliant pure white light that would blind and destroy sensory equipment. Those still on Romulus would see the nights sky light up as if it was the middle of the brightest day. The shockwave that follows will destroy any individual, ship and planet left in the system. Escape is the only option." STH_admonition.137.desc:0 "The planet Remus has long suffered under its harsh upbringing, chained to its sibling in a death grip. Its final moments were swift as the solar shockwave hit the tortured world ripping the planet and giving it one final moment of freedom before exploding into a thousand pieces." STH_admonition.138.desc:0 "The heart of the Romulan Star Empire since the first individuals left Vulcan, the planet Romulus has long stood as a symbol of the power and unbending will of the Romulan people. A planet and tradition that had survived generations ended in fire, ash and brimstone and the shockwave hit the planet destroying everything in its path." STH_admonition.139.desc:0 "The unthinkable has happened, the planet's Romulus, Remus and their parent stars destroyed in a Supernova of unexplained origins. But the Empire must prevail, find a new capital and begin the process of rebuilding and restoring all that has been lost. Other empires will look to capitalise and many displaced Romulus will look for new homes with other powers. Evacuating the ruling elite and the senate will allow us to begin the process of restoring the Romulan Empire to its former glory." STH_admonition.140.desc:0 "Our scans have confirmed what many knew was coming for months, the Romulan sun has gone Supernova destroying all life and habitable worlds within the system. The shockwave was felt as far away as Bolax and observable from across the galaxy. The loss of life is imaginable and the future of the Romulan Star Empire is now very uncertain." STH_admonition.141.desc:0 "It looks like the Romulan Star Empire have found a way of saving their own sun, at present it is unclear how they managed to do this or what technology they used to save themselves. There is no doubt that the Romulan's went to any length to save their homeworld nor have they shown much sympathy for the damaged caused to [romulan_nova_rescue_planet.GetName] but one would expect little else from the Star Empire." STH_admonition.142.desc:0 "The brutal destruction of our home, Romulus, and many of our core colony worlds has left the Romulan Star Empire in a mortally wounded state. Many within the Empire consider the old system destroyed along with the ruins of our homeworld, and that a new republic should be born from the death and chaos of the supernova that has devastated our worlds. The Romulan Free State would represent the start of a new era for the empire." STH_admonition.143.desc:0 "Following the destruction of the Romulan star, the remaining authorities within the Star Empire have reformed the fractured empire as the Romulan Free State. Only time will tell how this new power will differ from the Romulan Star Empire." STH_admonition.145.desc:0 "Tireless work has taken place by the relief teams to aid [romulan_nova_rescue_planet.GetName], relief teams were able to stabilize the damaged ship building facilities and put out the majority of the raging fires, the planet will still take time to heal, but the work done by the relief teams will go along way to speed up the process and prevent any further deaths." STH_admonition.146.desc:0 "The work completed by the relief teams sent to aid [romulan_nova_rescue_planet.GetName], were able to repair some of the damage done to the planet. However much of the damage and scars remain. Many of the fires are still active and areas of the planet are still no go zones and will take years to fully heal." STH_admonition.147.desc:0 "Our scientists have uncovered some interesting news about the Romulan primary star, it appears that the once stable primary star has become unstable, our experts believe it is only a matter of time before the star goes Supernova. We can only wait for the proud Romulans to declare a state of emergency and reach out for help." STH_admonition.149.desc:0 "The Romulan Empire has been abandoned and betrayed, but they will regret turning their backs on us and ignoring our cries for help. Our Tal Shiar operatives have revealed a secret plan to target a core world within [romulan_nova_rescue_country.GetName] using an embedded agent to plant a code into their robotic workforce which will cause them to turn on their former masters, we have been promised the destruction will be spectacular and our involvement will remain a mystery to them." STH_admonition.150.desc:0 "As the dust settles on the devastated world of [romulan_nova_rescue_planet.GetName], it is time to look to the future. In the aftermath of the attack the ruling council of [romulan_nova_rescue_country.GetName] have forced a ban on the further development and research into Synthetic life.As a result of the ban [admonition_scientist.GetName] has fled our borders to parts unknown. The remaining A500 units have been terminated, yet suspicion and anger towards A.I linger. For now it is time to heal and recover." STH_admonition.155.desc:0 "Greetings, you may know me, I am [romulan_nova_mercy_leader.GetName] and I have served the [Root.GetName] faithfully for many years. Never in all my years of service have I come across a more critical humanitarian crisis as that facing the people of Romulus. The destruction of their star poses the biggest loss of life seen in our lifetime. I urge us to make every effort to make room for these Romulan's in need." STH_admonition.2000.desc:0 "In the wake of the destruction of our homeworld and the break up of the Star Empire, we have been hit with a further act of betrayal, the Reman who have long been our slaves have taken this chance to break free and form their own empire!" picard_1_chain_desc:0 "A mysterious stranger has contacted us asking for our helping, setting off an unsolved mystery and an adventure that could save the universe." SYNTH_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "We have been contacted by a young scientist who has requested to meet [romulan_nova_rescue_leader.GetName] back on [Root.capital_scope.GetName]." SYNTH_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Our exiled scientist has been located on the planet [la_sirena_scientist_1_destination.GetName], the crew of La Sirena must go and retrieve them to continue investigating this mystery." SYNTH_3_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Our exiled scientist has finally been located on the planet [la_sirena_scientist_1_destination.GetName], following a prolonged search. The crew of La Sirena must go and retrieve them to continue investigating this mystery." SYNTH_4_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Dr Soji Asha has been tracked down working as a lead scientist on the Borg Artifact, a derelict Borg Cube in Romulan space. Asha has not returned our messages and we fear she may be in danger." STH_synthetics.5.desc:0 "Having rescued Dahj it was clear to [romulan_nova_rescue_leader.GetName] that the young woman was telling the truth, and whilst she is battered and bruised from her encounter with those who tried to kill her, she carries herself with an assured calmness and determination. Dahj believes she has a lead on a scientist who fled [Root.GetName] following the attack on [romulan_nova_rescue_planet.GetName] and may know the location of her sister, but she will need to visit the National Archives but knowing that she is hunted it will be dangerous to travel alone. [romulan_nova_rescue_leader.GetName] suggests an alternative plan, the team will need a ship to reach their destination and given the political climate it should not be affiliated with the military. If [romulan_nova_rescue_leader.GetName] is able to travel to the National Starport they will likely be able to secure the best possible vessel. A decision must be made." STH_synthetics.10.desc:0 "The information obtained from the [Root.capital_scope.GetName] has allowed the crew of La Sirena to obtain the location of the scientist in hiding. [admonition_scientist_exile_2.GetName] was one of the leading experts in Synthetic lifeforms and left our service following the repercussions of the devastating attack on [romulan_nova_rescue_planet.GetName]. If anyone knows the whereabouts of a race of organic androids then this expert would be the first individual to ask. The answers we seek may well be found on [la_sirena_scientist_1_destination.GetName], the La Sirena must travel their and enter the planets orbit to begin the search." STH_synthetics.11.desc:0 "The information obtained from the [Root.capital_scope.GetName] has allowed the crew of La Sirena to narrow down the location of [admonition_scientist_exile_2.GetName] to one of three potential planets. [admonition_scientist_exile_2.GetName] was one of the leading experts in Synthetic lifeforms and left our service following the repercussions of the devastating attack on [romulan_nova_rescue_planet.GetName]. If anyone knows the whereabouts of a race of organic androids then this expert would be the first individual to ask. We must travel to each location and search it by entering orbit." STH_synthetics.13.desc:0 "Despite a detailed search of the planet the crew of La Sirena was unable to find any trace of the exiled scientist and have concluded this is not the planet they are on. We must continue our search on the next target world." STH_synthetics.14.desc:0 "Our scans have found [admonition_scientist_exile_2.GetName], but this will not be as easy as hoped. It appears that the scientist has been captured by a gang of Orion slavers, operating undercover in one of the seedier districts. The crew have managed to obtain an audience with the slaver leader, but they have threatened to kill their prisoner should we involve the authorities. The crew must work on a rescue mission in order to retrieve the location of Dahj's missing sister and some answers to this ongoing mystery." STH_synthetics.16.desc:0 "The slavers were not so easily fooled and were able to detect [synth_fail_ship.GetName] in orbit. They were quickly able to erect a transport blocker and smuggle a small thermal detonator into the transport stream, which exploded on materialisation causing damage to the ship. We must try again and ensure that the La Sirena is used in the rescue mission." STH_synthetics.18.desc:0 "The loss of the La Sirena is a major set back to the mission, the ship is uniquely designed to ensure the success of the mission. The crew managed to escape in the ships escape pod, but as so often is the case, the captain goes down with the ship." STH_synthetics.19.desc:0 "The loss of the former captain of La Sirena is a huge blow and felt throughout the fleet. Their status as a legend will continue on.However the mission must continue and luckily a new leader has stepped up to fill the shoes of their departed comrade. [la_sirena_crew_leader.GetName] has offered to complete the mission that their former mentor was unable to complete. Through some clever bargaining we have obtained the sister ship, La Sirena to continue the mission." STH_synthetics.20.desc:0 "The mission was a success! The crew posing as a group of mercenaries were able to arrange a meeting with the slaver leader under the guise of slave traders looking to purchase workers for a mining operation. During their exile it appears that the scientist had run up huge debts in a bid to continue the research they had been doing prior to their flight from our service. The cunning of [la_sirena_crew_leader.GetName] and the crew have managed to rescue [admonition_scientist_exile_2.GetName]." STH_synthetics.21.desc:0 "The mission was a failure! The slavers were suspicious of the our tactics from the start and the situation quickly escalated into a firefight. In the ensuing battle [admonition_scientist_exile_2.GetName] was hit by a stray energy beam, fatally wounding them. The crew were able to escape with the scientists body, but not with the scientists life. During their exile it appears that the scientist had run up huge debts in a bid to continue the research they had been doing prior to their flight from our service, hopefully we can still obtain the information from their belongings." STH_synthetics.22.desc:0 "The mission on the planet's surface has not gone unnoticed. The crew of La Sirena have picked up the inbound signal of a small fleet of warbirds which appears to be operating under the command of an organisation called the Zhat Vash. The ships appear to be on an intercept course for our own ship and seem intent on destroying the ship and ending the mission. We must repel the attack at all costs." STH_synthetics.23.desc:0 "Sir! There is another vessel entering the battle, a small fleet of attack ships under the jurisdiction of the Fenris Rangers - an independent group of peacekeepers who try to maintain a semblance of law and order in the wake of the damage done as a result of the incident with the Romulan Sun. Many call them vigilanties, but they are attracting more and more influential figures from across the galaxy. The fleet leader is hailing us, claiming to be former Borg drone Seven of Nine they are offering assistance claiming that we have aligned goals and that 'resistance would be futile and pointless'." STH_synthetics.24.desc:0 "Sir! There is another vessel entering the battle, a small fleet of attack ships under the jurisdiction of the Fenris Rangers - an independent group of peacekeepers who try to maintain a semblance of law and order in the wake of the damage done as a result of the incident with the Romulan Sun. Many call them vigilanties, but they are attracting more and more influential figures from across the galaxy. The fleet leader is hailing us, claiming to be former Borg drone Hugh, the leader of the Borg Reclamation project, having been sent to by a Doctor Soji Asha and a sense of loyalty." STH_synthetics.25.desc:0 "With the battle over and the Zhat Vash in retreat, the crew reflect on the seriousness of the mission, if the mysterious secretive arm of the Tal Shiar are involved then the stakes must be high. All evidence of Soji Asha's location point to the §YBorg Reclamation Site§! located within Romulan space near the planet Terix. [synthetics_hugh.GetName][synthetics_sevenofnine.GetName] offer their services to help complete the mission claiming that the Zhat Vash have been operating secretive missions on the Borg Artifact, which has been putting the lives of the ex-Borg and scientists their at risk. The next stop on the adventure is clear." STH_synthetics.27.desc:0 "With diplomatic avenues open between [Root.GetName] and the Romulan Star Empire, passage to the Borg Artifact in the Terix system is assured. The crew of the La Sirena are unsure of what dangers will face them on arrival, but they know that the dangerous Zhat Vash are now onto their mission and that they seek the previously hidden Asha sisters. The mission continues once the crew arrive at the haunting presence of the once powerful Borg Ship." STH_synthetics.28.desc:0 "Our diplomatic standing with the Romulan Star Empire leaves a lot to be desired and the borders are currently firmly shut. We must secure access to the Borg Artifact for [la_sirena_crew_leader.GetName] and the La Sirena crew. It is unlikely that they will make it easy for us, but with high stakes we must make every effort to reach an agreement with the Romulan Star Empire via one of our envoys." STH_synthetics.29.desc:0 "Greetings [envoy_name_1.GetName], you are speaking with [romulan_star_empire.GetRulerTitle] [romulan_star_empire.GetRulerName], I am aware that you wish to gain access to the Borg Artifact within our space. Please do tell me why we should allow your small little ship access within our borders. No doubt they wish to see something better than what they can see now, but this is no incentive to us." STH_synthetics.30.desc:0 "We are being contacted by envoys from [romulan_nova_rescue_country.GetName] seeking permission to visit the Borg Artifact within the Terix system. Galactic law states that we can not forbid entry to scientists wishing to visit the Borg Reclamation Project. However we do not need to be happy about it. Their diplomatic teams have offered a small token to sweeten the deal. Our contacts within the Tal Shiar are insistent that we keep close tabs on our guests." STH_synthetics.31.desc:0 "The Romulan's have approved our request under the terms of the Borg Reclamation Project, we are to travel directly to the Artifact and any deviation from this route will be met with force and treated as an act of hostility towards the Star Empire. We must hurry, our attempts to contact Doctor Soji Asha on the Cube have been unsuccessful and our scientific lead attached to the project has reported that she has not reported for duty in the last few days, which us very rare for her." STH_synthetics.32.desc:0 "The daring rescue was a success, the Captain and is crew were able to infiltrate the Artifact using contacts within the management of the Reclamation Project - it pays to have friends! Once safely back onboard the Sirena, Soji was able to explain how she was a target of the same assassination plot that targeted her sister back on [Root.capital_scope.GetName]. She was able to escape due to the help from a pair of ex-Borg drones and able to stay one step ahead of the Zhat Vash agents attempting to capture her. Whilst on the run a memory came back of a distant home planet with two moon, combining this information with that of Dahj the team are able to find the location of the Androids home world. With the Zhat Vash on their tracks the quickest way of getting to Coppelius is via a Borg Transwarp conduit." STH_synthetics.33.desc:0 "The attempted rescue was a disaster, the young android was only just able to escape from the trap set by one of the Zhat Vash agents who had been preying on her emotions, with only the barest head start against the agents tearing up the Cube to find her the mission did not stand a chance. Soji was cut down in a disrupter fire exchange. All was not lost as diagrams found in the scientists quarters showed a planet with twin moons, which combined with the information from her sister, the team were able to locate the androids homeworld.With the Zhat Vash on their tails the quickest route is via a Transwarp hub generated from the remains of the Borg Cube." STH_synthetics.34.desc:0 "The planet was orbited by two red moons, a small dense class M world hidden from the galaxy until now. While Soji Asha was undergoing a ritual called the Zhal Makh, she had a vision that helped locate the world and the Androids that make Coppelius their home. The crew of La Sirena race towards the planet in an attempt to prevent the Zhat Vash from committing genocide." STH_synthetics.35.desc:0 "Following an unconventional and dangerous transit, Captain and the crew finally arrive at Soji's home world, Coppelius. However, with Romulan warbirds on their tail, their arrival brings only greater danger as the crew discovers more than expected about the planet's inhabitants." STH_synthetics.37.desc:0 "AI Soong, his second in command an Android called Sutra and the rest of the council leave to discuss matters and weigh up their next steps, whilst the crew of La Sirena wait for a response, knowing that the impending armada with its intentions to destroy the colony looms ever closer." STH_synthetics.38.desc:0 "The first sign that the conversation had not gone well was the not being created by Soong, instead the Android Sutra accompanied by two imposing bodyguards arrived to escort the crew from the settlement. The message is clear, the Androids were no longer happy with the presence of the La Sirena crew and worse they seem to have a plan B to defend themselves." STH_synthetics.41.desc:0 "Ganmadan was what ancestral Romulans called the Day of Annihilation, an event in which all life everywhere would be destroyed. The story of Ganmadan shared a common theme with the Human stories of Ragnarok and the Judgment Day and, like those stories, was an ancient myth. However, to the Zhat Vash this is no mere children's story, the time of Ganmadan is here, the synthetic world of Coppelius has been discovered and so begins our final battle against those who would destroy us... we must defend the organic way of life." STH_synthetics.42.desc:0 "The Zhat Vash fleet has arrived in the Ghulion system with the intent of destroying all life on the planet. The commander of the fleet, a General Oh, claims that the synthetic life on the planet below will cause the destruction of all organic life and that they must be stopped at any cost. This is the sworn mission of the Zhat Vash and their final battle in an ongoing war that has been waged in the shadows for centuries. The fleet contains a transport ship equipped with explosives, should that ship reach the planet Coppelius the damage could be catastrophic depending on how well the crew of La Sirena can defend the small colony of androids.The final battle against the Zhat Vash is beginning." STH_synthetics.45.desc:0 "With the battle above the planet concluding with the bombing of the colony, the battle for the hearts and minds of the Androids of Coppelius has only just begun. Many see the attack as the final straw and believe now is the time to unleash the armageddon that the Zhat Vash feared, whilst many more believe that violence is not the way and through peace and cooperation comes the safety and life that is longed for. All we can do now is hope that calmer heads prevail." STH_synthetics.46.desc:0 "Sir! We are picking up new contacts entering the system! The Fenris Rangers have arrived to offer support and help defend the Coppelius Council, lead by [synthetics_fenris_exile.GetName]." STH_synthetics.47.desc:0 "Sir! We are picking up a new contacts entering the system! [synthetics_fenris_exile.GetName] has arrived and pledged their life to defend the Coppelius Council." STH_synthetics.56.desc:0 "The crew of La Sirena look on as a giant angry portal opens in the atmosphere of Coppelius. Through the maw appears the first wave of ancient machines, crawling forth like tentacles with a single purpose, to wrap them round all organic life and destroy it. The ships in the system have the choice stand and fight or live to fight another day for every available ship will be needed if organic life is to survive." STH_synthetics.57.desc:0 "Portals have appeared in the Ghulion system spawning sentient machines into the system, our long range scans detect a small fleet of ships standing against the invaders." STH_synthetics.100.desc:0 "The Galaxy is waking up to the news that a colony of Soong type Androids have been discovered on the planet Coppelius, the fourth planet in the Ghulion system.We shall all see what this discovery means for the wider galaxy in the coming weeks and months." STH_synthetics.101.desc:0 "Reports are coming in from a remote world in the Ghulion system, portals are opening up in the skies above the planet Coppelius and through those portals come a race of sentient machines with the intent to wipe out all organic life in the galaxy. All that stands in the way of this threat are a small band of heroes." STH_synthetics.102.desc:0 "With their mission complete [la_sirena_crew_leader.GetName] and the crew of La Sirena can return to active duty knowing that they took part in an adventure that could have defined the future of a new species." STH_synthetics.104.desc:0 "Long range scans of the Ghulion system show that the invasion force has been stopped and that [Root.GetName] have emerged victorious. We can only hope that the defeated machines were not able to alert any more of their species and the galaxy can stay safe for the time being." STH_synthetics.200.desc:0 "The synthetic invasion has begun, the old machines have returned to seek revenge against all organic life across the galaxy. They have claimed the Coppelius system as their own, but they will wage their war against all life. The Zhat Vash claimed this was the end of days, only time will tell if this is true." STH_synthetics.201.desc:0 "Reports are coming in across multiple systems that portals are opening up in the skies above many different worlds and through those portals come a race of sentient machines with the intent to wipe out all organic life in the galaxy. Now is the time of major and minor powers to come together and defend against this threat." STH_synthetics.203.desc:0 "The machines have been defeated and their plan to wipe out all Organic life from the galaxy has been stopped. Lessons will need to be learnt and the rights of Androids are now at the top of people's minds. No longer can or should Androids be considered less than organics. The galaxy can rest easy following a hard fought victory." STH_synthetics.205.desc:0 "With the ancient machines defeated and the galaxy free from the annihilation that was planned, the [synthetic_revolution_country.GetName] can breathe a sigh of relief. The battle was hard fought and cost lives, but the invasion force has been stopped and the [synthetic_revolution_country.GetName] lives to see another day. We can only hope that the defeated machines were not able to alert any more of their species and the galaxy can remain safe, for now..." STH_synthetics.209.desc:0 "Our fleet has arrived as the home of the Androids on the planet Coppelius, they have created a colony and appear to be creating more synthetic androids to bolster their armies and infiltrate our worlds. Their defences are limited, but it appears they are trying to open some sort of portal, probably to bring forth backup. There is also a small 'ragtag' fleet heading towards our position." STH_synthetics.210.desc:0 "The colony has been obliterated and we are picking up no lifesigns from the surface. The Zhat Vash's mission is complete, however we are detecting strange readings from the surface. Whatever activities the machines were attempting appears to have been successful." STH_synthetics.211.desc:0 "The colony has been obliterated and we are picking up no lifesigns from the surface. The Zhat Vash's mission is complete and our scientists believe that whatever message they sent was stopped in time, although we cannot be certain. The Admonition and the horror that would follow has been prevented." EMANATIONS_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "We have detected unusual readings originating from one of the asteroid fields in our empire." STH_emanations.2.desc:0 "For sometime now we have detected ever increasing signs of some previously unknown element being present in one of the asteroid fields belonging to our empire. While at first these readings were believed to be nothing more than just some sensor cliches no malfunctions have been found from our sensors and at the same time the odd readings have kept steadily increasing. So it is believed now that the readings do merit further scientific study." STH_emanations.3.desc:0 "Upon reaching the asteroid field our scientists discover that the odd readings we were previously picking up seem to originate from caverns inside the asteroids, some of which even seem to have an atmosphere of their own. After sending a landing party to explore one of these sites our team stumbles upon a large quantity of alien bodies rapped around in some kind of biopolymer residues laying at the bottom of a cavern.By running further tests it is discovered that the readings of the unknown element appear to be coming from these alien bodies as they slowly decompose. The asteroid field as a whole also seems to have a unique and fluctuating energy pattern that appears to be still drawing some faint energy from some of the more recently deposited alien bodies. While conducting these studies our scientists observe an opening of a subspace vacuole that disappears as suddenly as it first appeared, but leaves behind a fresh alien body.Now the question becomes what should we do? Exploring the previously unknown element discovered here and the field's strange energy patterns could expand our scientific knowledge of the universe significantly. However what is clear as well is that this is a burial site for some unknown alien species who laid their dead here to rest." STH_shipyards.20.desc:0 "New designs are unlocked when the class of starship is available to design, we will notify you when a new design is available.Retiring a flagship design renders it no longer available for design and opens up the next design class as long as you have researched the technology.In order to then commission the Starship you must first decommission your old flagship, giving it a worthy retirement." STH_shipyards.30.desc:0 "The following starship variants have been passed to the ASDB are are ready to be commissioned." STH_shipyards.60.desc:0 "The following starship variants have been passed to the ASDB are are ready to be commissioned." STH_shipyards.100.desc:0 "New Flagship designs will be available here. There are two different options available for each class. You can build §Geither§!§YScience Focused Flagships§!: This version of the flagship is science focused and allows Scientists or Heroic Scientists to survey and explore new systems.§YMilitary Focused Flagships§!: This version of the flagship is military focused and allows Admirals or Heroic Admirals to lead fleets into conflict to defend the Federation borders." STH_shipyards.101.desc:0 "The NX class was a type of United Earth starship in Starfleet service during the mid-22nd century. The class is notable for having been the first to be constructed with the warp five engine, allowing Humanity to explore beyond neighboring star systems.The NX class was conceived in the early 22nd century as part of the NX Project at the Warp Five Complex: a research and development site on Earth, where Henry Archer, Zefram Cochrane, and Captain W.M. Jefferies, among others, worked on the creation of the warp five engine." STH_shipyards.103.desc:0 "Endeavour was constructed at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, and was completed on June 2, 2156, four months after the Atlantis (NX-05), and became the test bed for a number of early federation technologies as the fledgling Federation formed. The Endeavour had several computer software improvements that allowed it more protection against attempts by the Romulans to remotely take over the ship and later reportedly became the flagship of Admiral Archer." STH_shipyards.104.desc:0 "Following the successful launch of the Enterprise NX-01 in 2151, Starfleet quickly ordered an additional three NX-class starships that were to enter service in the near future. As a result, the Columbia was the second ship of the class to begin construction and upon launch began to record her own historic tales." STH_shipyards.120.desc:0 "The Constitution-class is a Federation Starship-class, Class I Heavy Cruiser. They were the premier frontline Starfleet vessels, designed for long duration missions with minimal outside support and were best known for their celebrated 5 year missions of galactic exploration and diplomacy." STH_shipyards.121.desc:0 "The Constitution-class is a Federation Starship-class, Class I Heavy Cruiser. They were the premier frontline Starfleet vessels, designed for long duration missions with minimal outside support and were best known for their celebrated 5 year missions of galactic exploration and diplomacy." STH_shipyards.122.desc:0 "The Constitution-class is a Federation Starship-class, Class I Heavy Cruiser. They were the premier frontline Starfleet vessels, designed for long duration missions with minimal outside support and were best known for their celebrated 5 year missions of galactic exploration and diplomacy." STH_shipyards.130.desc:0 "The Excelsior-class is a type of Federation starship, designed with advanced modular technologies allowing for regular upgrades as technology advances, making it one of the longest serving starship designs and one of the most recognizable ships in the fleet.Starfleet had high hopes for the first ship of this class, the prototype was equipped with a transwarp drive, and was regarded as that century's 'Great Experiment'." STH_shipyards.131.desc:0 "The Excelsior-class is a type of Federation starship, designed with advanced modular technologies allowing for regular upgrades as technology advances, making it one of the longest serving starship designs and one of the most recognizable ships in the fleet.Starfleet had high hopes for the first ship of this class, the prototype was equipped with a transwarp drive, and was regarded as that century's 'Great Experiment'." STH_shipyards.132.desc:0 "The Excelsior-class is a type of Federation starship, designed with advanced modular technologies allowing for regular upgrades as technology advances, making it one of the longest serving starship designs and one of the most recognizable ships in the fleet.Starfleet had high hopes for the first ship of this class, the prototype was equipped with a transwarp drive, and was regarded as that century's 'Great Experiment'." STH_shipyards.133.desc:0 "The Constitution II-Class, sometimes referred to as the Enterprise-Class was a major overhaul of the beloved Constitution Class and produced an almost totally new vessel, replacing virtually every major system and bringing Starfleet into a new era. Starfleet then began a program of refitting its existing Constitutions to this new design, whilst rolling out new mark II vessels in parallel." STH_shipyards.134.desc:0 "The loss of the USS Enterprise was felt across the Federation, and the exploits of the ship have become famous tales among the Federation member worlds. As a result Starfleet agreed to continue the legacy with the commissioning of the next Ship to carry on the name and to boldly go..." STH_shipyards.140.desc:0 "The Ambassador-class features a number of breakthrough technologies as Starfleet attempts to modernise its fleets. The Ambassador-class was designed to be a replacement for the aging fleet of Excelsior-class and Constellation-class vessels which had been in service for over three decades, and to create a true front-line heavy cruiser that could serve as the main capital vessel for Starfleet." STH_shipyards.141.desc:0 "The Ambassador-class features a number of breakthrough technologies as Starfleet attempts to modernise its fleets. The Ambassador-class was designed to be a replacement for the aging fleet of Excelsior-class and Constellation-class vessels which had been in service for over three decades, and to create a true front-line heavy cruiser that could serve as the main capital vessel for Starfleet." STH_shipyards.142.desc:0 "The Ambassador-class features a number of breakthrough technologies as Starfleet attempts to modernise its fleets. The Ambassador-class was designed to be a replacement for the aging fleet of Excelsior-class and Constellation-class vessels which had been in service for over three decades, and to create a true front-line heavy cruiser that could serve as the main capital vessel for Starfleet." STH_shipyards.150.desc:0 "The Galaxy-class is a Starfleet vessel first introduced as one of the largest and most powerful Federation starship classes of its time. The Galaxy Class Starship Development Project took place at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards. Numerous technologies implemented on Galaxy-class starships were tested aboard earlier prototype vessels. Service aboard a Galaxy-class starship was considered an extremely prestigious assignment and they attract some of Starfleet's finest officers." STH_shipyards.151.desc:0 "The Galaxy-class is a Starfleet vessel first introduced as one of the largest and most powerful Federation starship classes of its time. The Galaxy Class Starship Development Project took place at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards. Numerous technologies implemented on Galaxy-class starships were tested aboard earlier prototype vessels. Service aboard a Galaxy-class starship was considered an extremely prestigious assignment and they attract some of Starfleet's finest officers." STH_shipyards.152.desc:0 "The Galaxy-class is a Starfleet vessel first introduced as one of the largest and most powerful Federation starship classes of its time. The Galaxy Class Starship Development Project took place at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards. Numerous technologies implemented on Galaxy-class starships were tested aboard earlier prototype vessels. Service aboard a Galaxy-class starship was considered an extremely prestigious assignment and they attract some of Starfleet's finest officers." STH_shipyards.160.desc:0 "Whilst not as large as the Galaxy class, the Sovereign is designed to be the most advanced starship design in the fleet.Nearly seven hundred meters in length, the design of the Sovereign-class consisted of two hull sections: a saucer-shaped primary hull and a secondary hull which mounted two warp nacelles and featured the latest technological breakthroughs and weaponry enhancements over previous starship classes, including quantum torpedoes as well as photon torpedoes, and numerous phaser banks and arrays." STH_shipyards.161.desc:0 "Whilst not as large as the Galaxy class, the Sovereign is designed to be the most advanced starship design in the fleet.Nearly seven hundred meters in length, the design of the Sovereign-class consisted of two hull sections: a saucer-shaped primary hull and a secondary hull which mounted two warp nacelles and featured the latest technological breakthroughs and weaponry enhancements over previous starship classes, including quantum torpedoes as well as photon torpedoes, and numerous phaser banks and arrays." STH_shipyards.162.desc:0 "Whilst not as large as the Galaxy class, the Sovereign is designed to be the most advanced starship design in the fleet.Nearly seven hundred meters in length, the design of the Sovereign-class consisted of two hull sections: a saucer-shaped primary hull and a secondary hull which mounted two warp nacelles and featured the latest technological breakthroughs and weaponry enhancements over previous starship classes, including quantum torpedoes as well as photon torpedoes, and numerous phaser banks and arrays." STH_shipyards.163.desc:0 "The most advanced design to come from the engineers at Utopia Planitia fleet yards, the Odyssey offers a mobile command centre, exploration hub and mobile fortress to allow Starfleet to resume its exploratory mission further than ever before. The Odyssey class makes the final frontier seem that much closer." STH_shipyards.164.desc:0 "The most advanced ship yet produced by Starfleet has the honour of bearing the title of the legendary Enterprise. This vessel sets forth to continue the legacy of the ships that have come before. Complete with the most advanced offensive and defensive arsenal and a state of the art warp drive, this Enterprise can boldly go where no man has gone before..." STH_shipyards.170.desc:0 "As Starfleet looks to the future to secure its legacy, the time has come for a new ship to embody the spirit of the Final Frontier and to boldly go. Starfleet corp of Engineers has recommended three potential designs to service as the new Enterprise-G." STH_shipyards.171.desc:0 "Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its continuing mission, to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before!" STH_shipyards.300.desc:0 "A list of specially design civilian ships that can be designed at Utopia Planitia." STH_shipyards.517.desc:0 "Although the USS Cerritos was involved in many historic events during its service, it was not always on the right side of history. Yet this ship epitomises the very nature of the Lower Deck spirit and even though it was not crewed by Starfleet's most famous members in its own way it was the hero of its own adventure." STH_shipyards.518.desc:0 "Described by a senior member of Starfleet command as the toughest, fastest, most powerful ship Starfleet ever put into service, the Zheng He has gained fame for as a fast response vessel, dealing with situations which require fast and decisive action." STH_shipyards.519.desc:0 "The latest in a long line of noble vessels of the Excelsior linage, the Archimedes has already made an impressive name for itself, leading the Federation into First Contact scenarios with dignity." STH_shipyards.522.desc:0 "Continuing with both the name and history of the original Stargazer, the new Sagan Class Stargazer sets out to once again explore strange new worlds and bring light into the darkness." STH_shipyards.527.desc:0 "The USS Voyager NCC-74656-B was a Pathfinder-class starship operated by Starfleet, and was the third ship to carry on the legacy of the famous USS Voyager. For I dipt in to the future, far as human eye could see; Saw the vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be." STH_shipyards.528.desc:0 "USS Titan (NCC-1777) was a 23rd century Shangri-La-class Federation Starfleet vessel. In 2290, the Titan was launched under the command of Captain Saavik. During it's service it was known for its multiple encounters with the Klingon Empire, including the Exo-Port takeover and Horizon Colony rescue. The Titan became the Starfleet's flagship under the recommendation of Captain Hikaru Sulu of the USS Excelsior. The Titan was instrumental in maintaining frontier stability before the Khitomer Accords and the launch of the USS Enterprise-B." STH_shipyards.529.desc:0 "The ship was built during the Dominion War but by 2380 it operated as a science vessel on the edge of Federation space, before moving on to new adventures." STH_shipyards.530.desc:0 "Following an extensive refit conducted and overseen by renown scientist [resolute_science_leader.GetName] the USS Resolute is ready to fly again, with a brand new secondary hull incorporating an experimental warp drive system." STH_shipyards.531.desc:0 "Through its travels across the Delta Quadrant, the USS Voyager made more first contacts and experienced more dangerous than almost any other ship in the fleet. Starfleet took the time to study the technology added to Voyager and create a refitted version of the Intrepid using the advancements that Voyager was able to bring home with it." STH_shipyards.1001.desc:0 "The Starfleet Advanced Starship Design Bureau have advised us that a new ship design is available to construct at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards." STH_shipyards.1002.desc:0 "With the completion of the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards on the surface of Mars, the Starfleet Corp of Engineers have recommended the construction of fleet yards in geosynchronous orbit above the planet. With the construction of these yards we will be able to construct additional Starship designs including Flagships.§YDev Note: The Utopia Planitia Megastructure is the new facility that will allow you to build either Military or Science Flagships and Legend Ships using a new game mechanic. Flagships will no longer be available via regular ship yards§!." WARPCAPABLE_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The Kai of Bajor has personal invited one of our scientists to visit the temple at the Bajoran Capital on Bajor to experience a glimpse of the Bajoran faith." WARPCAPABLE_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The Kai of Bajor has personal invited one of our admirals to visit the temple at the Bajoran Capital on Bajor to experience a glimpse of the Bajoran faith." WARPCAPABLE_3_PROJECT_DESC:0 "One of our scientists has been invited to The Caves of Mak'ala on Trill to spend some time in the company of the Guardians and the ancient symbionts they care for. This is a unique opportunity." WARPCAPABLE_4_PROJECT_DESC:0 "We have been invited to send one of our scientists to attend a conference on [primitive_capital_loc.GetName] to share cultural ideas and information as part of getting to know each side better." WARPCAPABLE_5_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Every ship and crew require a break from time to time and Risa offers the perfect location. Send an admiral on shore leave to Risa." WARPCAPABLE_6_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Every ship and crew require a break from time to time and Risa offers the perfect location. Send a scientist on shore leave to Risa." WARPCAPABLE_7_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Every ship and crew require a break from time to time and Risa offers the perfect location. Send a general on shore leave to Risa." BARZAN_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Our scientists have gotten hold of the coordinates of the Barzan Wormhole, the wormhole requires exploration as their are rumours that it is not stable. A science vessel and scientist are required to investigate this unusual wormhole in space." WARPCAPABLE_8_PROJECT_DESC:0 "We have been asked to assist a Freighter damaged by a solar event, send a team lead by an §YEngineer§! to attempt to help them." WARPCAPABLE_9_PROJECT_DESC:0 "We have been asked to assist a Freighter damaged by a solar event, send a team lead by an §YEngineer Scientist§! to attempt to help them." WARPCAPABLE_10_PROJECT_DESC:0 "We have been asked to assist a Freighter damaged by a solar event, send a team lead by an §YEngineer Admiral§! to attempt to help them." WARPCAPABLE_11_PROJECT_DESC:0 "We have been asked to assist a Freighter damaged by a solar event, send a team lead by an §YHero Engineer§! to attempt to help them." WARPCAPABLE_12_PROJECT_DESC:0 "We have been asked to assist a Freighter damaged by a solar event, send a team lead by an §YHero Engineer§! to attempt to help them." WARPCAPABLE_13_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The Ornarans are afflicted by a mysterious disease that presents with almost addiction withdrawal like symptoms, investigate and see if we can help." WARPCAPABLE_13b_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The Ornarans are afflicted by a mysterious disease that presents with almost addiction withdrawal-like symptoms, investigate and see if we can help. Sending a Medical Consultant to investigate could help." WARPCAPABLE_13c_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The Ornarans are afflicted by a mysterious disease that presents with almost addiction withdrawal like symptoms, investigate and see if we can help. Sending a Doctor to investigate could help." WARPCAPABLE_14_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The Ornarans are afflicted by a mysterious disease that presents with almost addiction withdrawal like symptoms, investigate and see if we can help." WARPCAPABLE_15_PROJECT_DESC:0 "The Ornarans are afflicted by a mysterious disease that presents with almost addiction withdrawal like symptoms, investigate and see if we can help." STH_warpcapable.6.desc:0 "This civilisation has not yet left their homeworld and developed faster than light capabilities, and whilst their potential is limitless right now they need to progress on their own journey towards leaving their own planet and beyond if they are to ever influence the wider galaxy." STH_warpcapable.10.desc:0 "The Bajoran Kai formally invites us to visit one of their temples on Bajor, we are told this is a rare honour and a chance to experience first hand the importance the Bajoran faith has on the populace." STH_warpcapable.11.desc:0 "[bajor_visit_leader.GetName] returns from their trip from the Bajoran surface feeling refreshed and enlightened and whilst they didn't hear from the Prophets the peace and tranquility of the setting has given them a fresh energy and a valuable life experience." STH_warpcapable.12.desc:0 "On returning from the visit to Ktaria our away teams noticed that many Ktarians were using a strange single-player headset device worn over the ears and using a visual interface. On questioning the locals it turns out it is a new game sweeping the planet, the game displayed a grid pattern on which the player had to direct hovering disks into cone shaped objects over the course of multiple levels. The ever friendly Ktarians offer us the game to take away." STH_warpcapable.14.desc:0 "The Ktarian game was an instant success and played across our planets and even during downtime on our military ships, and it has had a fantastic effect on our people and military greatly improving the moral of everyone who played the game. However with all crazes they come and go and now the next big thing has come along and taken the spotlight." STH_warpcapable.15.desc:0 "The Ktarian game very quickly became a big hit amongst our people and was played across our cities and military installations, picking the game up was easy, putting it down was more difficult and the addictive nature of the game became apparent when many found they could not put it down. Thankfully a young wizkid was able to devise a cure using an optical burst from a modified palm beacon to counter the effect of the device on their bridge crew, subsequently programming the ship's internal lighting to broadcast the same frequency throughout the ship. Following this near miss the game has been banned across [Root.GetName]." STH_warpcapable.17.desc:0 "The Caves of Mak'ala were a series of interconnecting underground caves on Trill. Deep within these caves were kilometers of interconnecting pools of a milk-like substance which was the natural environment of the Trill symbionts. An invitation to visit the caves from the Guardians, a group of unjoined Trill who had devoted their lives to making sure the pools were perfect for the symbionts, is a great privilege." STH_warpcapable.18.desc:0 "The caves contained many unjoined symbionts containing hundreds of years of experience between them passed across generations. Much knowledge could be gleaned from the Trill if the right questions are asked." STH_warpcapable.20.desc:0 "The planet Xahea has an abundance of natural Dilithium, which the locals are experts in harvesting, resulting in some of the purest Dilithium anywhere in the Quadrant. The friendly Xahean Council are willing to provide us with a sample of this Dilithium in exchange for a small quantity of minerals." STH_warpcapable.21.desc:0 "At the request of [primitive_visit_country.GetName] we have been invited to join a host of notable leader, military experts and scientists as part of an exchange of knowledge and culture at a conference on [primitive_capital_loc.GetName]. This will be an opportunity to represent [Root.GetName] and build relations with the [primitive_visit_country.GetName] should we want to." STH_warpcapable.22.desc:0 "The conference was packed with some of the best scientific minds from across the hosts planet and despite our technological advances there were a few pieces of information that would be of interest to our scientists back on [Root.capital_scope.GetName] making this a worthwhile outing." STH_warpcapable.23.desc:0 "Despite the best efforts of the hosts there was little [prim_mission_leader.GetName] found to be of any real benefit. However pleasantries were upheld and useful contacts made, so it was not a complete waste of time." STH_warpcapable.24.desc:0 "Our hosts were thrilled with our attendance at their conference and found the whole experience really enlightening, so much so that they have offered us a small reward as a token of their thanks for coming to their planet and sharing some of our knowledge and culture with them." STH_warpcapable.25.desc:0 "Designated as a 'pleasure planet', Risa was an inhabited planet orbiting the primary Risa, originally a dismal, rain-soaked, and geologically unstable planet covered with vast jungles and plagued by violent earthquakes. However, the planet was transformed by the native Risians with a technologically sophisticated weather control system created the perfect paradise and an ideal location for shore leave. The Risans have offered one of our ships and crew some rest and relaxation." STH_warpcapable.26.desc:0 "[risa_captain.GetName] and the crew of [risa_ship.GetName] return to duty following a fantastic shore leave with glowing reviews of the beautiful Risan sunsets and clear blue seas. The captain and crew feel refreshed and ready for their next mission." STH_warpcapable.27.desc:0 "Not every holiday can be a good one, and despite the idyllic conditions events transpired to ruin the perfect shore leave. Lost luggage, and a malfunctioning weather system meant rain and glum moods. The crew of [risa_ship.GetName] were only too happy to return to the warmth and dryness of their own cabins." STH_warpcapable.50.desc:0 "Greetings [Root.GetRulerName], I am [barzans_leader.GetTitle] [barzans_leader.GetName] leader of the Barzan Planetary Republic. We understand you would like to join the bidding for unique Wormhole. We have no interest in such things, but the Latinum from the sale would work wonders for our small world." STH_warpcapable.51.desc:0 "Bidding for the Wormhole is about to begin, [Root.GetName] has been joined by [barzan_bid_rival_1.GetName], [barzan_bid_rival_2.GetName], [barzan_bid_rival_3.GetName] all bidding for the prize. Our financial advisers have suggested that we could make one of three bids." STH_warpcapable.52.desc:0 "After a tense auction process, the Barzan leaders are pleased to announce that we have §Gwon the bid§! and now have first rights to examine this supposed Wormhole and see what mysteries lurk on the other side.We should send a science expedition to the site provided by the Barzan delegates and attempt to claim the exlusive gateway." STH_warpcapable.54.desc:0 "Despite winning the bid to secure access to the wormhole our scientists were unable to secure the mouth of the Wormhole and make its mysteries ours." STH_warpcapable.55.desc:0 "It appears our bid was not high enough to secure the auction and we §Rlost out§! on the chance to examine the wormhole. The Barzan delegate cheerfully informs us that [barzan_winner.GetName] were successful in winning the bid.As our scientists scan their efforts to open the wormhole it appears that they have failed to capitalise on their successful bid and the wormhole's entrance remains locked." STH_warpcapable.56.desc:0 "Our scientists are proud to confirm that following our successful bid to secure the location of the Barzan Wormhole, we have been able to trace the location of the wormhole as it bounces around the Barzan system. By applying a tachyon field we were able to force the location of the wormhole to remain stable and direct it into our teritory. The wormhole has now opened in [barzan_winner_system.GetName] and terminates in the [barzan_wormhole_destination.GetName] system." STH_warpcapable.57.desc:0 "Following a tightly fought bidding process, [barzan_winner_country.GetName] secured the rights to the Barzan Wormhole and using a tachyon pulse secured the entrance in the [barzan_winner_system.GetName] System. The wormhole appears to exit in the [barzan_wormhole_destination.GetName] System." STH_warpcapable.58.desc:0 "A mysterious new wormhole which appears to originate in the distant Alpha Quadrant has opened up in the [barzan_wormhole_destination.GetName].Only time will tell if this is a fortuitous occurrence or a threat to our borders." STH_warpcapable.60.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle]! The crew of [barzan_ship.GetName] have reported back with good news. [barzan_ship_leader.GetName] and their crew have secured the entrance to the Barzan Wormhole and confirmed that it leads to the distant [barzan_wormhole_destination.GetName]. This new stable means of travel opens up new possibilities and opportunities for [Root.GetName]." STH_warpcapable.61.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] our science advisers are saddened to announce that [barzan_ship_leader.GetName] and the crew of [barzan_ship.GetName] was lost with all hands whilst investigating the mouth of the Barzan Wormhole. It seems the entrance shifted on the crew whilst they were traversing, it seems the forces within the wormhole during the shift overwhelmed the ship destroying it. To make matters worse we can no longer find any sign of the Wormhole and it appears to have been lost forever." STH_warpcapable.62.desc:0 "This is a distress call from T'Jon of the Ornaran Freighter Sanction, we have been damaged by a solar disruption from our Delos, our local star, we are in need of urgent assistance. We are on an urgent mission to deliver urgent supplies to our homeworld, failure to return the supplies could cost the lives of thousands back home, we need this fix, I mean fixed." STH_warpcapable.63.desc:0 "Hello [ROOT.GetRulerName] you have reached the Brekkian Alliance, we believe you have received a communication from a freighter bound for Brekka. We are afraid that until we receive our payment the shipment of Felicium remains with us... I am sure you understand that this is basic business sense?" STH_warpcapable.64.desc:0 "Our engineering team has successfully managed to fix the Ornaran freighter, and whilst the damage was quite severe you should never underestimate the resourcefulness of a determined engineer. T'Jon thanks us for our help and sets course to resume his strange mission to Brekka." STH_warpcapable.65.desc:0 "Unfortunately, some ships are simply too damaged to be salvaged, and unfortunately, the Sanction was one such ship. Which unusual panic the Ornarans accept our apologies and frantically begin looking for help elsewhere." STH_warpcapable.66.desc:0 "The medical team that we sent to investigate the Ornaran disease has come back with mixed results, the lead consultant firmly believes the drug they are desperately seeking has long since cured any traditional illness but has left them with terrible addiction. Despite all efforts no cure could be found to help the Ornarans combat this long-term addiction, the only option for them is to choose to go cold turkey, but this is a choice they will have to make for themselves. At this stage we cannot interfere any further." STH_warpcapable.67.desc:0 "The medical team that we sent to investigate the Ornaran disease has come back with positive results, the lead consultant firmly believes the drug they are desperately seeking has long since cured any traditional illness but has left them with terrible addiction. The consultant has however managed to identify a substitute for the Felicium drug that with only a short treatment cycle can completely alleviate the side effects of the drug and give the Ornarans a new lease of life. Doing so will likely change the balance between the Brekkians and the Ornarans." STH_warpcapable.68.desc:0 "What have you done?! You will have ruined our economy and made an enemy of the Brekkian Alliance this day! You may come to regret this action." STH_warpcapable.70.desc:0 "Our invasion of [FROMFROM.GetName] has been successful and we have defeated the [From.GetName] defense forces. Our armies now control the planet. We should now decide what to do with [FROMFROM.GetName]." STH_system_denial_mechanics.100.desc:0 "The trilithium torpedo did its work, and [STH_system_denial_mechanics_supernova_star_system.GetName] has gone supernova! All assets in the system have been destroyed! Our sensors managed to get some data back on the quantum implosion before the star's core went critical." STH_system_denial_mechanics.101.desc:0 "The Omega torpedo successfully detonated! A subspace rupture now extends for several light-years in all directions around [STH_system_denial_mechanics_omega_system.GetName]! Our sensors detected some strange behavior right before the explosion, almost like the molecules were self-stabilizing..." STH_system_denial_mechanics.102.desc:0 "The [STH_system_denial_mechanics_homeworld_owner.GetName] are livid! On behalf of all [STH_system_denial_mechanics_homeworld_owner_species.GetNamePlural], they have sworn eternal vengeance against us for the destruction of [STH_system_denial_mechanics_supernova_star_system.GetName]! They may attack soon..." STH_system_denial_mechanics.103.desc:0 "All [STH_system_denial_mechanics_devastated_species.GetNamePlural] are devastated at the destruction of [STH_system_denial_mechanics_supernova_star_system.GetName]! Some have sunk into a deep depression, listlessly going about their lives. Others have turned inward, focusing on repopulating their race without alien interference. Still others have militarized and are working twice as hard in war industries for a chance at vengeance! Any [STH_system_denial_mechanics_devastated_species.GetNamePlural] in our empire are either depressed or waiting for their chance to strike back!" STH_system_denial_mechanics.104.desc:0 "The [STH_system_denial_mechanics_colony_owner.GetName] are upset at the recent destruction of [STH_system_denial_mechanics_supernova_star_system.GetName]. Their hopes to reclaim their former colony are forever lost. This has caused them to mobilize for a strike to disarm our trilithium weapons. They may strike soon..." STH_system_denial_mechanics.105.desc:0 "Our neighbors are not happy with the recent destruction of [STH_system_denial_mechanics_supernova_star_system.GetName]. The intentional destruction of a star near their borders has caused them to mobilize for a strike to disarm our trilithium weapons. They may strike soon..." STH_system_denial_mechanics.106.desc:0 "The death of a star is a highly visible event: both from the electromagnetic spectrum, as well as gravimetric and subspace distortions. Empires across the galaxy have taken notice." STH_system_denial_mechanics.107.desc:0 "The intentional detonation of Omega molecules to create a subspace rupture is a highly visible event: both from the electromagnetic spectrum, as well as gravimetric and subspace distortions. Empires across the galaxy have taken notice." STH_system_denial_mechanics.108.desc:0 "Our neighbors are not happy with the recent isolation of [STH_system_denial_mechanics_omega_system.GetName]. The intentional destruction of subspace has soured relations and may lead to reprisals in the future." STH_system_denial_mechanics.109.desc:0 "The [STH_system_denial_mechanics_colony_owner.GetName] are upset at the recent isolation of [STH_system_denial_mechanics_omega_system.GetName]. They hope to reclaim their former colony, and are mobilizing for a strike to reconnect the system to the wider galaxy. They may strike soon..." STH_system_denial_mechanics.110.desc:0 "The [STH_system_denial_mechanics_homeworld_owner.GetName] are livid! On behalf of all [STH_system_denial_mechanics_homeworld_owner_species.GetNamePlural], they have sworn to reclaim their lost home system of [STH_system_denial_mechanics_omega_system.GetName]! They may attack soon..." STH_system_denial_mechanics.111.desc:0 "All [STH_system_denial_mechanics_devastated_species.GetNamePlural] are devastated at the isolation of [STH_system_denial_mechanics_omega_system.GetName]! Some have sunk into a deep depression, listlessly going about their lives. Others have turned outward, focusing on discovering a way to return to [STH_system_denial_mechanics_omega_system.GetName] via unconventional means. Still others have militarized and are working twice as hard in war industries for a chance at reclaiming [STH_system_denial_mechanics_omega_system.GetName] through force! Any [STH_system_denial_mechanics_devastated_species.GetNamePlural] in our empire are either depressed or seeking ways of returning!" UFP_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "One of the Federation member worlds has objected to the ongoing war and is lobbying against the ongoing efforts of Starfleet. The Federation council has arranged to discuss the concerns of the member world and have dispatched an envoy under the protection of one of our Admirals in an attempt to bring them onboard." UFP_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 "One of the Federation member worlds has objected to the ongoing war and is lobbying against the ongoing efforts of Starfleet. The Federation council has arranged to discuss the concerns of the member world and have dispatched an envoy under the protection of one of our science vessels in an attempt to bring them onboard." UFP_3_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Key differences between one of the established Member Worlds of the Federation and one of the incoming states has led to concern within the Federation council. Diplomats on both sides have arranged a conference on the homeworld of the ascending state, but first we must pick up the councillor from their homeworld and escort them safely with the help of one of our Admirals." UFP_4_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Key differences between one of the established Member Worlds of the Federation and one of the incoming states has led to concern within the Federation council. Diplomats on both sides have arranged a conference on the homeworld of the ascending state, but first we must pick up the councillor from their homeworld and escort them safely with the help of one of our leading scientists." UFP_5_PROJECT_DESC:0 "With the diplomats safe aboard the [diplomatic_ship.GetName] the Admiral and crew must ensure their safe passage to the conference on [diplomatic_world.capital_scope.GetName]." UFP_6_PROJECT_DESC:0 "With the diplomats safe aboard the [diplomatic_ship.GetName] the Scientist and crew must ensure their safe passage to the conference on [diplomatic_world.capital_scope.GetName]." FEDERATION_1A_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Send a science ship to escort a convey of aid to one of our subjects." FEDERATION_1B_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Send an admiral to escort a convey of aid to one of our subjects." FEDERATION_1C_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Send a general to escort a convey of aid to one of our subjects." FEDERATION_2A_PROJECT_DESC:0 "One of our member worlds has reported a crime den has been opened on their capital. Send an Admiral and crew to deal with the situation." FEDERATION_2B_PROJECT_DESC:0 "One of our member worlds has reported a crime den has been opened on their capital. Send a General and army to deal with the situation." FEDERATION_3A_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Despite asking nicely the branch office has not been closed down, send in an away team to tackle the situation on behalf of Starfleet." FEDERATION_3B_PROJECT_DESC:0 "Despite asking nicely the branch office has not been closed down, send in a strike team to tackle the situation on behalf of Starfleet." STH_federation_council.3.desc:0 "Following the outbreak of the war against [ufp_war_country.GetName] the Federation council representative on behalf of the member world [ufp_member_war_concerns.GetName] has requested an urgent session of the Federation council to be held to discuss their concerns about the war. They have requested that we contact them immediately via the §YContact§! screen to discuss their concerns." STH_federation_council.4.desc:0 "Greetings [Root.GetRulerName] we have considered your impassioned speech and whilst our stance on war remains unchanged, we understand that this attack against the principles in which the Federation holds most dear cannot remain undefended. We ask that our brave Starfleet officers do their best to end this conflict swiftly and with minimal casualties." STH_federation_council.5.desc:0 "Hello [Root.GetRulerName] we have considered the message given in the last Federation council meeting and whilst we understand the reasoning on why you feel you must lead this Federation into a war, we must stand firm behind our pacifist views and lodge an official protest against this war." STH_federation_council.6.desc:0 "The [ufp_member_war_concerns.GetName] have §Gaccepted§! our offer to send an envoy escorted by one of our Starships. The team will attempt to offset the fears of the [ufp_member_war_concerns.GetName] government and despite the ongoing war this is a vitally important mission to for the Federation council to ensure that it remains unified during this trying time. Our envoy [ufp_envoy.GetName] will accompany the ship and crew to [ufp_member_war_concerns.capital_scope.GetName]." STH_federation_council.7.desc:0 "The [ufp_member_war_concerns.GetName] have §Rrejected§! our offer further discuss the ongoing war efforts and have formally lodged a complaint at the Federation council, this lack of cohesion within our member worlds will only seek to embolden our enemies efforts to undermine Starfleet's efforts." STH_federation_council.8.desc:0 "Federation member world [ufp_member_war_concerns.GetName] has formally lodged an objection against the ongoing war and feel they have been brought into a war against their wishes. Their view of the United Federation of Planets has been harmed as a result." STH_federation_council.9.desc:0 "What started off as a small debate over the ongoing war effort has escalated as the government on [ufp_member_war_concerns.capital_scope.GetName] have been lobbying against the war. They have gained a number of key allies in the Federation council chambers as fellow member worlds [ufp_member_war_concerns_1.GetName], [ufp_member_war_concerns_2.GetName] have joined their voices together against the war and protesting against how the situation has been handled by the Federation leadership and Starfleet's admiralty." STH_federation_council.10.desc:0 "The emergency council session on [ufp_member_war_concerns.capital_scope.GetName] was a success thanks in part to the efforts of [ufp_envoy.GetName] and [ufp_ship_leader.GetName]. The experience of the team was able to convince the politicians that whilst war is never the desired result sometimes a stance must be taken. The Federation council is once again united." STH_federation_council.11.desc:0 "The emergency council session on [ufp_member_war_concerns.capital_scope.GetName] was a failure despite the efforts of [ufp_envoy.GetName] and [ufp_ship_leader.GetName]. The government of [ufp_member_war_concerns.GetName] remain steadfast in their view that all war is wrong and they remain vocal in this view at every opportunity." STH_federation_council.12.desc:0 "Failure to attend the conference set up to discuss the war effort has led to [ufp_member_war_concerns.GetName] feeling undervalued and unappreciated as part of the Federation council, they have made it clear that should they continue to be made to feel this way they will strongly consider their place within the United Federation of Planets." STH_federation_council.14.desc:0 "Following the outbreak of the war against [ufp_war_country.GetName] the Federation council representative on behalf of the member world [fed_council_request_war_good.GetName] has stood up in front of the United Federation of Planets council to speak about the recent victories and praise the work Starfleet is doing." STH_federation_council.15.desc:0 "Greetings [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]! We want to commend the success of Starfleet in their recent victory and let them know that all of the Federation is behind them and the people of [ufp_war_good.GetName] support the brave efforts of our troops! Let's win this war for all of the United Federation of Planets." STH_federation_council.20.desc:0 "Greetings [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], we wish to discuss the ongoing plans to bring [fed_pacifist_state.GetName] into the United Federation of Planets, we have researched the ethics of this state and have some concerns about their pacifistic views and whether this will weaken the position of Starfleet and allow other nations to take advantage of the United Federation of Planets. I look forward to your response [Root.GetRulerTitle]." STH_federation_council.21.desc:0 "Federation councils have arranged a conference between [fed_pacifist_state.GetName] and the concerned dignitaries from Member World [fed_concerned_state.GetName] to be held on the homeworld of [fed_pacifist_state.capital_scope.GetName]. The Federation ambassador for [fed_concerned_state.GetName] needs to be escorted from their homeworld to meet with [fed_pacifist_state_leader.GetName]." STH_federation_council.22.desc:0 "Federation councils have arranged a conference between [fed_military_state.GetName] and the concerned dignitaries from Member World [fed_concerned_state.GetName] to be held on the homeworld of [fed_military_state.capital_scope.GetName]. The Federation ambassador for [fed_concerned_state.GetName] needs to be escorted from their homeworld to meet with [fed_military_state_leader.GetName]." STH_federation_council.23.desc:0 "The crew of the [diplomatic_ship.GetName] have successfully picked up the diplomats from [fed_concerned_state.capital_scope.GetName] and are now prepared to escort them to the awaiting conference that has been arranged on [fed_new_state.capital_scope.GetName]. All of the Federation are eagerly awaiting the results of the conference and the resumption of a united federation council." STH_federation_council.24.desc:0 "Federation diplomats met with the potential new Federation member to discuss the concerns and it looks like the spirit of the Federations original charter was able to help both sides understand the different philosophies and how they strengthen the ideals the Federation was built on by it's founders." STH_federation_council.25.desc:0 "Failure to attend the planned conference has resulted in insult to both sides and a lot of anger being vented back in the Federation Council chambers. Hopefully our diplomatic service can undo some of this damage." STH_federation_council.26.desc:0 "Greetings [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], we would like to take some time to discuss the ongoing plans to bring [fed_military_state.GetName] into the United Federation of Planets, we have understand that this new state are not afraid of taking the military route and we have some concerns about whether this will create a dangerous tone within the United Federation of Planets. Your urgent response would be appreciated [Root.GetRulerTitle]." STH_federation_council.27.desc:0 "Greetings [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], we would like to take some time to discuss the ongoing plans to bring [fed_auth_state.GetName] into the United Federation of Planets, the rights of all members of this great union is at the core of our egalitarian beliefs and we find it hard to understand what [fed_auth_state.GetName] will bring to the table or how they will fit into the federation family. Please help us understand." STH_federation_council.28.desc:0 "Federation councils have arranged a conference between [fed_auth_state.GetName] and the concerned dignitaries from Member World [fed_concerned_state.GetName] to be held on the homeworld of [fed_auth_state.capital_scope.GetName]. The Federation ambassador for [fed_concerned_state.GetName] needs to be escorted from their homeworld to meet with [fed_auth_state_leader.GetName]." STH_federation_council.100.desc:0 "With the formation of the United Federation of Planets, the founding members establish the Federation Council, a democratic voice with a seat for all members of the Federation. The council can be called for an extraordinary session to enact matters of importance to the Federation and Starfleet." STH_federation_council.110.desc:0 "Greetings President, I am [ufp_war_member.GetName] leader of the pro-war faction within the Federation Council, we have won the vote on providing extra support to aid us in the war. We can provide a small bonus which should help Starfleet prevail." STH_federation_council.111.desc:0 "Greetings President, I am [ufp_war_peace.GetName] leader of the pro-peace faction within the Federation Council. We have won the vote and we cannot provide an additional offensive bonus in this war, which is costing the lives of many of our brave officers. We have agreed on a small defensive bonus to help ensure our forces can protect our brave citizens." STH_federation_council.200.desc:0 "With the Federation Council in place, the council sets about the business of bringing the founding worlds together as one organisation. The construction of a new Starbase, simply called §GStarbase 1§! on the site of one of the oldest starbases in our home system seems both logical and symbolic." STH_federation_council.301.desc:0 "Dear [Root.GetName], we come to you in need of aid, we have critical resource shortages and we request your aid to deliver these much-needed supplies to our capital. We hope you live up to your end of our subject agreement." STH_federation_council.303.desc:0 "You have failed to provide us with the agreed aid as we have discussed, and this has seriously impacted our faith in you!" STH_federation_council.304.desc:0 "A band of pirates have intercepted the convoy before it can reach its destination. Defend the shipment and ensure that it reaches its destination." STH_nemesis.1.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle], after years of sulking in their dark pits on that pitiful rock of a planet Remus, we have been approached by a group of Remans represented by an individual who only refers to himself as the 'Viceroy'. They are requesting equal rights within the [Root.GetName] and the same status as the ordinary Romulan citizen. Granting them these rights would appease the Reman population, but would cause uproar across the Romulan Empire and massive discontent within our Romulan population, who would never approve of being considered equal to these Reman veruul! Our military leaders have also reminded us that this would also hit our Dilithium production and rid us of valuable foot soldiers." STH_nemesis.2.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle], news is escaping the Romulan Star Empire, it appears the long oppressed Reman people made a bold move to speak out against their living conditions and requested more freedom from their Romulan overlords. However as expected these freedoms were quickly rejected. The Romulan people rarely afford equality on those they consider beneath them." STH_nemesis.3.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle], in surprising news it appears the long oppressed Reman people made a bold move to speak out against their living conditions and requested more freedom from their Romulan overlords. In a shock move it appears the Romulan senate granted the Reman's this request and have made them equal within the Star Empire." STH_nemesis.4.desc:0 "In the early hours of the morning a small branch of the Romulan military, potentially supported by the Tal Shiar and an organised civilian group destroyed a Reman habitat on Remus in protest against the decision to grant the Reman's equal rights within the Empire. The group calling themselves 'The true Romulan way' have demanded that the Remans are once again forced into slavery and any notion of granting them freedom is removed. Our loyal military commanders believe they have enough evidence to destroy this faction or we can bow to their demands." STH_nemesis.5.desc:0 "It appears all is not well within the Romulan Empire since the decision to grant the Reman people equal status within the Empire. One of our covert operations teams provided us with evidence that the Romulan military had to put down a small uprising against the Reman people. It looks like the Romulan government are now back in control of the situation, but this is clearly a situation they would prefer to have avoided." STH_nemesis.6.desc:0 "It looks like the decision to grant the Reman's equal rights within the Romulan Star Empire was short lived according to our spy network. Following a brief uprising against the Remans on the planet Romulus the Praetor has once again rescinded the Reman's liberty." STH_nemesis.7.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] I am Viceroy [reman_rebel_leader.GetName] representing the Reman's of Remus, for too long we have been condemned to the dark and forced to dig the Dilithium that powers the empire, whilst we are treated little better than the machines that toil those deep mines. No longer will we be subject to your oppression, we demand the same rights as any Romulan or you will know our fury." STH_nemesis.9.desc:0 "The audacity of those Reman traitors knows no bounds, it appears they have managed to secure a number of attack ships from various sources and have launched an attack on our capital system. Whilst it appears only a very small section of the Reman population has dared to join in on this attack, we must not let this threat to our authority go unpunished." STH_nemesis.10.desc:0 "The Romulan military was far too powerful for the small band of attack ships that the Remans were able to produce and they were quickly overwhelmed and destroyed. With the destruction of their small rebellion the Reman's returned to the shadows and dark tunnels within the near endless mines on Remus, defeated but unrepentant in their quest to emerge from under the wings of the Romulan raptor." STH_nemesis.11.desc:0 "It seems a small rebellion that started on the planet Remus and spread to the skies above Romulus was crushed by the Romulan military. It is unclear what provoked the small band of Reman soldiers to attack the superior Romulan forces, but whilst their bravery was not in question they stood little chance against the might of the Romulan Navy." STH_nemesis.20.desc:0 "My [Root.GetRulerTitle], please let me introduce yourself, I am Senator Tal'Aura and I approach you now to ask for an audience to finally put the question on the Reman situation to an end once and for all. The discontent amongst the Reman population on Remus continues to grow whilst the output from the Dilithium mines continues to shrink. I have the backing of a number of high ranking Senators who now wish for this concern to be removed for good. We await your presence on the homeworld to conclude this discussion." STH_nemesis.21.desc:0 "With the decision to overrule and disregard the request from Senator Tal'Aura and the high ranking officials to discuss the plight of the Reman's in the Romulan senate, all that remains is to dispatch a fleet of the Empire's most powerful warbirds to put the Reman's back in their place once and for all." STH_nemesis.23.desc:0 "You may not know or recognize me Romulan, I am Shinzon of Remus, a discarded plot that found a home amongst the discarded and abandoned deep within the Dilithium mines of Remus. For too long have my brethren and I suffered at the cruel whip of our Romulan masters... but no longer. We are desperate and desperation brings courage. Prepare to meet the Scimitar as we turn it's mighty weapons on the jewel that is Romulus." STH_nemesis.24.desc:0 "With a mighty explosion the mighty Reman Warbird Scimitar is destroyed taking with it the last hope the Reman's have, along with their leadership and beloved Shinzon. The last outstanding questions is what should become of the remaining Reman population on the planet's surface. Purging them from the surface will serve as a stark reminder to all subjects of the empire that rebellions will not be tolerated, as well as a better understanding of how to build a replacement for the Scimitar - however it is unlikely the galactic community will take kindly to this action. Sparing them will boost our Dilithium output and demonstrate we are not nothing like the mindless Klingon's who would surely not hesitate to wipe out their foes." STH_nemesis.25.desc:0 "Our tactical reports indicate that their has been a final showdown between the Romulan and Reman people. An uprising by an individual that our intelligence services can only identify as a Reman named Shinzon was put down by the Romulan fleet. What followed appears to have been a massacre, with Romulan forces wiping out the remaining Reman's dwelling on their homeworld. " STH_nemesis.26.desc:0 "Our tactical reports indicate that their has been a final showdown between the Romulan and Reman people. An uprising by an individual that our intelligence services can only identify as a Reman named Shinzon was put down by the Romulan fleet. In an unexpected measure of mercy it appears the remaining Reman lives were spared any further punishment. Although many commentators suspect working conditions within the mines will become a lot less pleasant, if that is even possible!" STH_nemesis.30.desc:0 "As organised by Senator Tal'Aura and a number of high ranking military and political figures, the case for further integration of the Reman population into the Romulan empire was put forward. With assistance from the Reman forces the group believe the Star Empire could be in a position to challenge any empire in the Alpha or beta quadrant within the next few months, but only if a full alliance was struck with the Reman's and granting their representative, a mysterious figure only referred to as Shinzon, a high ranking position in the Senate." STH_nemesis.31.desc:0 "Before any further discussion or argument could take place, a number of Senators and military leaders stand and make their way from the Romulan Senate room, clearly believing that the discussion was indeed over. Further indication that the Reman's were inferior and without the wit or wisdom to last within the complex and cut throat world of Romulan politics. Just as [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] was about to move onto to discuss a proposal from the delegation from Celus III, a small device left behind by one of the departed opens, sending a cascade of greenish energy particles over the room." STH_nemesis.32.desc:0 "Confused, the Praetor calls for security to bring the group back to the Senate room, but it is too late, the entire Senate begin to decay from inside, and the Praetor himself topples to the ground and crumbles into dust." STH_nemesis.35.desc:0 "We have been approached by our contacts within the Romulan Star Empire. It appears there has been a Coup d'état within the Star Empire beginning with the elimination of the previous Praetor and most of former senate. The new government appears to be closely linked to the Reman's, an elusive caste within the Romulan empire. The spokesperson for the new regime, a high ranking Senator named Tal'Aura has specifically requested we send a delegation to meet with the new leadership, a Romulan named Shinzon, and he has asked that we send [nemesis_leader.GetName] in exchange the Romulans promise a lucrative future. " STH_nemesis.36.desc:0 "On reaching the designated coordinates [nemesis_leader.GetName] and their crew have received no communications from Praetor Shinzon or from the Romulan government. The senior officers look out across the empty void, nervously awaiting a message from their hosts, keenly aware they are a long way from the protection of [Root.GetName]." STH_nemesis.37.desc:0 "Just as the crew were about to abandon the wait and return to [Root.capital_scope.GetName] a massive vessel decloaked in front of [nemesis_fleet.GetName]. The massive ship could only be described as a predator, armed to the teeth and built with a single purpose and protected by the most perfect cloak that [nemesis_leader.GetName] had ever seen. The beep beep of the incoming hail rang out in sharp contrast to the overwhelming silence that was on the bridge." STH_nemesis.38.desc:0 "Greetings [nemesis_leader.GetName], I hope you'll forgive the darkness. ...We're not comfortable in the light, please let me introduce myself ... I am Shinzon of Remus, proud leader of the Reman people. You may ask what we seek & I say unity, Captain! ...Tearing down the walls between us to recognise that we are one. ...I'm talking of the thing that makes us the same. ...Peace. We want peace. ...Right now, you're thinking this all sounds too good to be true? But you're also thinking that the chance of peace is too promising to ignore. ...Am I right?" STH_nemesis.40.desc:0 "The First Officer knew that [nemesis_leader.GetName] would not want to put their crew at risk to save their life, but also that they would lay down their life for any member of their crew. The chief of security presents an ambitious plan to rescue the [nemesis_leader.GetName], but it would be risky and risk their chances of a surprise escape. Alternatively making a surprise bid for freedom and heading towards the nearest system free from the communications blackout set up by the Scimitar would greatly increase the chances of escaping the clutches of Shinzon and his ship. " STH_nemesis.41.desc:0 "In a daring rescue the crew of [nemesis_ship.GetName] were able to trace the transporter signal and locate and rescue [nemesis_leader.GetName] from the clutches of Shinzon and the Reman guards holding them captive. The extraction team were able to cause a small amount of damage to the Scimitar before escaping via a number of light attack ships. With [nemesis_leader.GetName] safely back onboard the [nemesis_ship.GetName] is free to rendezvous with the fleet at [nemesis_battle.GetName]." STH_nemesis.42.desc:0 "Unfortunately for the the crew of [nemesis_ship.GetName] the rescue of [nemesis_leader.GetName] was a failure and the Remans were able to fend off the attempt killing [nemesis_leader.GetName] in the process. With their leader dead First Officer [nemesis_leader_1.GetName] is forced to step into the command chair and attempt to escape to rendezvous with the fleet at §Y[nemesis_battle.GetName]§!." STH_nemesis.45.desc:0 "Failing to reach the rendezvous point in time to mount a significant defense from the Scimitar left [nemesis_ship.GetName] vulnerable to the powerful Thalaron weapons harboured onboard Shinzon's vessel. With the ship destroyed Shinzon and his Reman forces are free attack the surrounding systems and create havoc." STH_nemesis.47.desc:0 "As [nemesis_ship.GetName] approaches the coordinates at [nemesis_battle.GetName] the astrometrical display flickers ominously, seeking clarity on the situation the communications officer explains that they are approaching a naturally occuring sensor blind spot and that should clear shortly. Spotting the danger quickly [nemesis_leader.GetName] calls out for Red Alert, shortly before torpedoes hammer into the ships hull. The Scimitar has tracked them and having had the chance to call for backup whilst the CO was rescued bears down on the [Root.GetName] vessels weapons raised and ready to destroy all that stand in its way." STH_nemesis.48.desc:0 "As [nemesis_ship.GetName] approaches the coordinates at [nemesis_battle.GetName] the astrometrical display flickers ominously, seeking clarity on the situation the communications officer explains that they are approaching a naturally occuring sensor blind spot and that should clear shortly. Spotting the danger quickly [nemesis_leader.GetName] calls out for Red Alert, shortly before torpedoes hammer into the ships hull. The fast escape means that the Scimitar was unable to call for any further Reman backup, but even on its own the deadly Reman Warbird poses a deadly adversary." STH_nemesis.49.desc:0 "As the battle was beginning to intensify, a new fleet decloaked ready to join the battle. A young romulan Subcommander named §YDonatra§! hailed the [Root.GetName] fleet. It seems the Romulan's see this as an internal matter and Donatra and her fleet have been sent to see that the matter remains discreet. " STH_nemesis.50.desc:0 "The battle was fierce and many lives were lost as the fleets clashed, but finally the Scimitar lay defeated and with its Thalaron core going critical exploded into countless pieces of debris bringing an end to the rebellion and the threat that Shinzon posed to the galaxy." STH_nemesis.52.desc:0 "Hello [Root.GetRulerTitle] let me get straight to the point, we Reman's are a proud people and it is hard for us to approach you with this request. We have fought and died to obtain our freedom and the right to live our lives free from the Romulan whip and the darkness that is Remus. All we ask is for what you take for granted, the opportunity to rule ourselves. Please add your voice to ours and maybe Romulus will finally listen." STH_nemesis.53.desc:0 "After years of struggle against the Romulans, the people of Remus can finally call themselves free, having won their independence from the Star Empire. They were granted the planet [reman_new_world.GetName] as part of a historic treaty with the Romulan [romulan_star_empire.GetRulerTitle] [romulan_star_empire.GetRulerName]. Time will now see how the Reman's fare in the future." STH_nemesis.54.desc:0 "Despite international pressure from multiple states the Romulan Empire has rejected the proposals to set the Reman's on Remus free. With all their options now exhausted the Remans must now resign themselves to remain second class citizens within the Empire." STH_nemesis.55.desc:0 "After many years of struggle the Reman's have forced their freedom from their Romulan oppressors and have been granted a small world of their own with the freedom to choose their own destiny." STH_nemesis.56.desc:0 "Terrible news! Despite putting up a valiant fight against Shinzon [nemesis_leader.GetName] and their ship were defeated in battle. Shinzon is now free to continue his reign of terror." STH_nemesis.100.desc:0 "[Root.GetRulerTitle] we have concerning news, those foul beasts from Remus have turned their backs on us and have dared to declare war against us in a bid to gain their independence. We have mobilized our fleets and will crush these foul beasts and return them to that black rock from which they came." STH_nemesis.101.desc:0 "The Reman's have declared war on their former masters the Romulans in a quest for freedom. The Galaxy will soon see who is the stronger side." NEMESIS_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 "A new leadership has taken over the Romulan Empire and they are seeking to mend broken bonds. They have request the presence of one of our finest admirals to discuss a brighter future between our two worlds." NEMESIS_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 "After a treacherous turn of events in the Romulan system the [nemesis_leader.GetName] and their crew make a desperate bid to escape and send a signal for help once they have cleared the [nemesis_battle.GetName] system." sth_nemesis_chain_desc:0 "A rare request to meet the new leadership on Romulus has come our way." STH_relic_hunters.110.desc:0 "We have finished curating the [STH_relic_hunters_curating_pop.GetSpeciesNamePlural] on [STH_relic_hunters_curating_pop_planet.GetName] for maximum viability. We recovered what relics we could from the extraneous exhibits. Our Curators have decided on this exhibit description based on the species' appearance, culture, and former civilization:[STH_relic_hunters_curating_pop.GetSpeciesMuseumDescription]" STH_relic_hunters.111.desc:0 "After combing through the relics of the recent [STH_relic_hunters_curating_pop.GetSpeciesName] acquisitions on [STH_relic_hunters_curating_pop_planet.GetName], we have recovered an artifact! It appears to be a set of scrolls discussing the formation of governments." STH_relic_hunters.112.desc:0 "After combing through the relics of the recent [STH_relic_hunters_curating_pop.GetSpeciesName] acquisitions on [STH_relic_hunters_curating_pop_planet.GetName], we have recovered an artifact! It appears to be a set of metaphors and aphorisms around the acquisition of material wealth." STH_relic_hunters.113.desc:0 "After combing through the relics of the recent [STH_relic_hunters_curating_pop.GetSpeciesName] acquisitions on [STH_relic_hunters_curating_pop_planet.GetName], we have recovered an artifact! It appears to be an ancient clay pot with fungus growing inside of it." STH_relic_hunters.114.desc:0 "After combing through the relics of the recent [STH_relic_hunters_curating_pop.GetSpeciesName] acquisitions on [STH_relic_hunters_curating_pop_planet.GetName], we have recovered an artifact! It appears to be a set of writings of an ancient Vulcan philosopher." STH_relic_hunters.115.desc:0 "After combing through the relics of the recent [STH_relic_hunters_curating_pop.GetSpeciesName] acquisitions on [STH_relic_hunters_curating_pop_planet.GetName], we have recovered several artifacts! They appear to be serveral written works of Cardassian propaganda." STH_relic_hunters.116.desc:0 "After combing through the relics of the recent [STH_relic_hunters_curating_pop.GetSpeciesName] acquisitions on [STH_relic_hunters_curating_pop_planet.GetName], we have recovered several dangerous artifacts! They appear to be hourglass-shaped energy fields that defy analysis. Several curators have gone unconscious or died attempting to analyze them." STH_relic_hunters.117.desc:0 "After combing through the relics of the recent [STH_relic_hunters_curating_pop.GetSpeciesName] acquisitions on [STH_relic_hunters_curating_pop_planet.GetName], we have recovered several military artifacts! They appear to be weapons and armor made out of primitive materials that even our earliest armaments would penetrate." STH_relic_hunters.118.desc:0 "After combing through the relics of the recent [STH_relic_hunters_curating_pop.GetSpeciesName] acquisitions on [STH_relic_hunters_curating_pop_planet.GetName], we have recovered an interesting weapon! It appears to be a 5-pointed curved blade made of a resilient material." STH_relic_hunters.119.desc:0 "After combing through the relics of the recent [STH_relic_hunters_curating_pop.GetSpeciesName] acquisitions on [STH_relic_hunters_curating_pop_planet.GetName], we have recovered an interesting artifact! It appears to be a communications badge with a weapon piecing a planet." STH_relic_hunters.120.desc:0 "After combing through the relics of the recent [STH_relic_hunters_curating_pop.GetSpeciesName] acquisitions on [STH_relic_hunters_curating_pop_planet.GetName], we have recovered an interesting artifact! It appears to be a communications badge with an avian hovering over a three-pointed star with a central V." STH_relic_hunters.121.desc:0 "After combing through the relics of the recent [STH_relic_hunters_curating_pop.GetSpeciesName] acquisitions on [STH_relic_hunters_curating_pop_planet.GetName], we have recovered a pair of interesting weapons! They appear to be an ornate sword and an explosive projectile weapon." STH_relic_hunters.201.desc:0 "Our study of the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition has finally borne fruit. One principle says that we should focus on supplying the necessary £crew£ §Ycrews§! to power the warships of the [From.GetName]. With trained crews, our vessels operate more efficiently in space and the demand for weaponry and transport grows. This is entirely exemplified within one rule." STH_relic_hunters.202.desc:0 "Our study of the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition has finally borne fruit. One principle says that we should focus on supplying the necessary £latinum£ §Ylatinum§! to ensure the [From.GetName] has enough working capital to operate with. With enough capital all our needs can be accomplished. This is entirely exemplified within one rule." STH_relic_hunters.203.desc:0 "Our study of the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition has finally borne fruit. One principle says that we should focus on ensuring the health of the population is maintained within the [From.GetName]. With enough healthy workers, profit is assured." STH_relic_hunters.204.desc:0 "Our study of the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition has finally borne fruit. One principle says that we should focus on ensuring a well fed population amongst the [From.GetName]. With enough £food£ §Yfood§! distributed amongst the workers, profit is assured." STH_relic_hunters.205.desc:0 "Our study of the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition has finally borne fruit. One principle says that we should focus on ensuring that we can expand our influence throughout the galaxy. With enough £influence£ §Yinfluence§! our businesses can grow." STH_relic_hunters.206.desc:0 "Our study of the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition has finally borne fruit. One principle says that we should focus on ensuring that we can expand our research and development throughout the [From.GetName]. With enough research our businesses can maintain their edge." STH_relic_hunters.207.desc:0 "Our study of the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition has finally borne fruit.One principle says that we should focus on ensuring that we have enough basic resources throughout the [From.GetName] to deal with thirst. With enough water our worlds can ensure the population never wants for something that is so common at home." STH_relic_hunters.301.desc:0 "The writings carved into the Kir'Shara are one of the highest examples of Vulcan philosophy.One such section that has recently sparked a massive resurgence in our engineering divisions research reads similar to Kiri-Kin-Tha's teachings that §Y'Nothing unreal exists'§!, a logical expression of how mathematics takes place abstractly. If you attempt to model something in reality with maths and logic then sometimes one can end up drawing absurd conclusions about reality itself.By stating outright §Y'Nothing unreal exists'§! and accepting this as part of our philosophy, it serves as a reminder that as soon as we start thinking abstractly we lose relevance. It is not so much an axiom as a warning to unnecessary abstraction." STH_relic_hunters.302.desc:0 "The writings carved into the Kir'Shara are one of the highest examples of Vulcan philosophy.One such section that has recently sparked a massive resurgence in our sociologists research reads similar to the teachings in the §YKol-Ut-Shan§!, or more commonly known as IDIC - Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations. If you attempt to close off any part of diversity simply because you do not like it, you close off infinite possible combinations.By embracing the §YKol-Ut-Shan§! which symbolises the vast variables and elements in the galaxy that create truth and beauty, it serves as a reminder that we should not close ourselves off to any path just because it is different, and instead we should embrace the differences between us." STH_relic_hunters.303.desc:0 "The writings carved into the Kir'Shara are one of the highest examples of Vulcan philosophy.One such section that has recently sparked a large following within our populace reiterates part of what we already teach - §Y'The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one'§!, one of the cornerstones of our philosophy.By embracing this teaching we can ensure all who come to serve within the Vulcan Expeditionary Group or the Science Academy are serving the entirety of Vulcan. This should boost recruitment substantially." STH_relic_hunters.304.desc:0 "The writings carved into the Kir'Shara are one of the highest examples of Vulcan philosophy.One such section that has recently sparked been discovered appears to be an early version of T'Plana-Hath's statement that §Y'Logic is the cement of our civilisation with which we ascend from chaos using reason as our guide'§!.By understanding these teachings we can understand how the Vulcans ancestors and history have progressed to create the future we live in now. The logical extension of these teachings is that whilst logic may not solve all our problems, as long as it remains a foundation upon which we may build our society and research we may deepen our understanding of the universe." STH_relic_hunters.305.desc:0 "The writings carved into the Kir'Shara are one of the highest examples of Vulcan philosophy.One such heavily damaged section that has recently been restored by a student has sparked a discussion stating that Logic is not the be all and end all of the Vulcan philosophy. It states that pure logic will make Vulcan's weak and helpless, something that their rituals and traditional Kahs-wan seeks to prevent.The discovery of this section has caused members of society from all branches to return many §Yluxuries§! to society and live out a more simple life." STH_relic_hunters.500.desc:0 "The writings of §Y'The Never-Ending Sacrifice'§! are considered by many scholars to be the epitome of Cardassian literature and of the repetitive epic. The novel covers seven generations of the same family as they overcome the trials facing the Cardassian state as they live selfless lives working for the betterment of the State." STH_relic_hunters.501.desc:0 "The writings of §Y'Enigma Tales'§! by Shoggoth are considered by many scholars to be a fine example of mystery within the repetitive epic. The novel covers numerous suspects, all being found guilty of similar crimes, but the mystery lies in the discovery of who exactly was guilty of what." STH_relic_hunters.502.desc:0 "The wartime epic §Y'Meditations of a Crimson Shadow'§! by Eleta Preloc is considered to be a prime example of the collective state overcoming vast and vicious Empires across the galaxy, each more vicious and unruly than the last. The novel covers invasions of nearby Empires such as the United Federation of Planets and Klingons, and features propaganda in how it portrays how each seeks the destruction of the Cardassian Union." STH_relic_hunters.700.desc:0 "If we want to plunder the wealth of the Galaxy, we must first select a target." STH_relic_hunters.701.desc:0 "Now that we have decided to take the cultural riches of the §Y[STH_relic_hunters_mark_country.GetName]§!, we must find persons of an adventurous and amoral nature that are willing to take the job. We have made contact with several groups, each with their own specialties:" STH_relic_hunters.701.mercenaries_desc:0 "Mercenaries are good at brute force assaults and have a ship that is outfitted for quick skirmishes. They are likely to breach the vault and recover loot, but may not be careful in what they take. They are not as good at infiltration and are likely to rat us out if they are paid more than what we pay them for the job." STH_relic_hunters.701.inflitrators_desc:0 "Infiltrators are good at stealthy incursions and have a ship that is outfitted for discrete insertions. They are more likely to remain undetected and determine genuine relics from fakes. They are not as good at brute force assaults and are unlikely to retrive heavily guarded relics." STH_relic_hunters.701.piratespecialists_desc:0 "Nausicaans are brutal pirates and raiders. They will win most skirmishes and situations requiring brute force. They are not very subtle or imaginative, however, and our involvement is more likely to be discovered. (Specialist £job_soldier£ Mercenaries)" STH_relic_hunters.701.raiderspecialists_desc:0 "Members of the Orion Syndicate are ruthless smugglers and assassins. The team will have the support of any local Syndicate branches in any operations. However, the Syndicate will not tolerate any actions against itself or its allies. (Specialist £job_soldier£ Mercenaries)" STH_relic_hunters.701.warriorspecialists_desc:0 "Klingons are honorable warriors and fighters. They will win most melee engagements and situations requiring brute force. They are not very subtle, however, and our involvement is more likely to be discovered. (Specialist £job_soldier£ Mercenaries)" STH_relic_hunters.701.covertspecialists_desc:0 "Breen are mysterious fighters and covert agents. They are more resillient than other infiltration groups. (Specialist £crime£ Infiltrators)" STH_relic_hunters.701.aquisitionsspecialists_desc:0 "Ferengi are excellent negotiators and businessmen. Any bribes they attempt will almost always succeed. They are greedy, however, and may find ways of keeping some of the loot. They are also cowards, and will not do well in combat situations.(Specialist £crime£ Infiltrators)" STH_relic_hunters.701.informationspecialists_desc:0 "Yridians are excellent spies and information brokers. They are more likely to find secret information or caches. They expect to be paid well, however, and may find ways of keeping some of the loot if they feel underpaid. (Specialist £crime£ Infiltrators)" STH_relic_hunters.701.wildcardspecialists_desc:0 "Humans are very diverse and resourceful. Their talents are widely varied: one group may be excellent fighters and scrappers, others may be good at stealth and deception. The specific talents of this particular group are unknown, other than that they usually get the job done. (Specialists with randomized stats, usually better than average)" STH_relic_hunters.702.desc:0 "Now that we have selected a group of specialists to take the cultural riches of the §Y[STH_relic_hunters_mark_country.GetName]§!, we must decide how much we want to pay them for the job, as well as how much backing (both financial and material) we wish to give them:" STH_relic_hunters.702.minimal_desc:0 "They should be glad for the job! Wretched scum!" STH_relic_hunters.702.moderate_desc:0 "Give them a modest sum upon job completion." STH_relic_hunters.702.major_desc:0 "Half now, half upon job completion." STH_relic_hunters.702.ship_desc:0 "A ship refitted with our latest weapons technologies and stealth devices will massively enhance their chances." STH_relic_hunters.7000.desc:0 "The §Y[STH_relic_hunters_hiring_country.GetName]§! has hired a team of relic hunters to steal our cultural treasures! Fortunatly, our brave §R[STH_relic_hunters_mark_country.GetInternalSecurityName]§! forces were able to stop them!" STH_relic_hunters.7001.desc:0 "A routine inspection of our vaults has discovered that one of our cultural relics has been stolen! Forensic examiners have turned up nothing!" STH_relic_hunters.7002.desc:0 "The §Y[STH_relic_hunters_hiring_country.GetName]§! has hired a team of relic hunters to steal our cultural treasures! Our §R[STH_relic_hunters_mark_country.GetInternalSecurityName]§! forces were unable to stop them!" STH_relic_hunters.7003.desc:0 "Our intelligence agency has uncovered that the §Y[STH_relic_hunters_hiring_country.GetName]§! was the one who hired a team of relic hunters to steal our cultural treasures!" STH_relic_hunters.8001.desc:0 "We have obtained the cultural relics of the [LastKilledCountryName] to be placed in out vaults!" STH_undine_anomaly.1.desc:0 "One of our Bio-Vessels the [undine_ship_1.GetName] has been trapped in a strange field whilst investigating an unusual phenomenon, the phenomenon enveloped our ship before it could react or retreat.It is unlike anything we have encountered before." STH_undine_anomaly.2.desc:0 "All attempts to use the engines to break free of the fields grip have proved ineffective. Our crews are reporting that the field has breached our ships outer membranes and is encroaching on the ships interior warping and distorting everything in touches." STH_undine_anomaly.3.desc:0 "Studying the field has revealed no means of escape, reports from our lower decks has confirmed that the mysterious field has breached the outer membrane of our vessel and is now within our ship distorting everything it comes in contact with." STH_undine_anomaly.4.desc:0 "Pushing the bio-drives beyond their tolerances in a bit to escape the phenomenon produces so much stress to the ship's hull that the ship is ripped apart with the lost of all Undine Warriors onboard." STH_undine_anomaly.5.desc:0 "Pushing the bio-drives over their tolerances causes severe stress to the ship's hull and it starts to break in areas mostly affected by the phenomenon, but finally the ship is able to break free after sustaining damage, but is free to continue it's mission." STH_undine_anomaly.6.desc:0 "The strange field completely absorbs , the strange phenomenon seems to be gone as quickly as it first appeared. Later however it is discovered that more than 20 million gigaquads of data has been left into the ship's computers, while the entire ship's database has also been downloaded." STH_twisted_category_desc:0 "Long range scans have detected a strange anomaly, recommendation is to send a ship to investigate." STH_twisted_event.1.desc:0 "Our ship has discovered a strange space phenomenon, which surrounds the ship before it has time to do anything..." STH_twisted_event.2.desc:0 "Our attempts to break free from the phenomenon that surrounds us have been unsuccessful as the phenomenon seems to have a tight grip of the ship. And what is worse it seems that the phenomenon has started to spread form outside of the ship to the inside severely distorting the parts of the ship it comes into contact with." STH_twisted_event.3.desc:0 "While studying the phenomenon has yielded no viable alternative to break free from it. It seems that the phenomenon has now moved to inside the ship too and is severely distorting the parts of the ship it comes into contact with. Its grip of the ships hull in those parts also seems very strong. Making attempts to break free dangerous." STH_twisted_event.4.desc:0 "Pushing the engines to their absolute max to escape the phenomenon produces so much stress to the ships hull that the ship is ripped apart and totally destroyed. Killing everyone on board.”
STH_twisted_event.5.desc:0 “Pushing the engines to their maximum causes severe stress to the ship’s hull and it starts to break in areas mostly affected by the phenomenon, but finally the ship is able to break free and continue its journey in open space.”
STH_twisted_event.6.desc:0 “After filling the entire ship and distorting every part of it, the strange phenomenon seems to be gone as quickly as it first appeared. Later however it is discovered that more than 20 million gigaquads of data has been left into the ship’s computers, while the entire ship’s database has also been downloaded.”
UNDINE_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The impure Andine fled our hive in fear of our superior might thousands of years ago, until now we have had no trace of their destination. Investigate the temple on Schima to track down their location, so that we can wipe them out for good.”
UNDINE_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Send our teams to the Andine homeworld to recover technology that is ours by right.”
UNDINE_3_PROJECT_DESC:0 “A strange rift has been detected in one of our systems, suggesting a breach into the Fluidic realm. We must send a scientist to investigate immediately.”
UNDINE_4_PROJECT_DESC:0 “We must know more about these intruders into our domain, before we can purge them from existence. Send a bioship to scan [undine_target_1.GetName].”
UNDINE_5_PROJECT_DESC:0 “We must know more about these intruders into our domain, before we can purge them from existence. Send a bioship to scan [undine_target_2.GetName].”
UNDINE_6_PROJECT_DESC:0 “We must know more about these intruders into our domain, before we can purge them from existence. Send a bioship to scan [undine_target_3.GetName].”
UNDINE_7_PROJECT_DESC:0 “We must know more about these intruders into our domain, before we can purge them from existence. Send a bioship to scan [undine_target_4.GetName].”
UNDINE_8_PROJECT_DESC:0 “We must know more about these intruders into our domain, before we can purge them from existence. Send a bioship to scan [undine_target_5.GetName].”
UNDINE_9_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Send a construction ship to open up a Fluidic Rift to begin our invasion.”
UNDINE_10_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Send a construction ship to open up a Fluidic Rift to begin our invasion.”
UNDINE_11_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Send a construction ship to open up a Fluidic Rift to begin our invasion.”
UNDINE_12_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Send a construction ship to open up a Fluidic Rift to begin our invasion.”
GOMTUU_5_PROJECT_DESC:0 “We have picked up the signal of a strange biological life form travelling through Fluidic Space. We should send a ship to investigate.”
STH_undine_story.1000.desc:0 “The Undine, later known as Species 8472 to the Borg, offer a unique experience and story within the New Horizons universe. Since the great divide over biological perfection split the Undine into two factions, with the Andine who believe that purity is secondary to knowledge leaving to parts unknown, leaving the Undine content with mastering their own domain until disturbed by the races of the Milky Way. This threat to their biological superiority is too much for them to take. Their focus, for now, is purely on the desire to purge the galaxy of all those they deem weak and as all Undine know… the weak shall perish! “
STH_undine_story.2.desc:0 “Our scouting pods have picked up a new lifeform dwelling within our domain, these parasitic life forms are a threat to our biological mastery of our space as they appear to feed on the biomass and disrupting the balance of the fluid.This insult to our dominance cannot stand.”
STH_undine_story.4.desc:0 “With the successful removal of the lifeforms our scientists have dubbed the ‘Advendinus Dwellers’ we are once again the dominant species and balance has been restored. We have returned the carcasses of the creatures to our labs for further study.”
STH_undine_story.10.desc:0 “Our scientists have come back with some exciting information having studied the Advendinus corpses. It appears that a substance they secrete has the ability to manipulate large collections of biomass and produce a planetary surface that could sustain an Undine colony.We should conclude the research on this new technology and use it on the damaged world of §YSchima§!, which was abandoned and left to revert when the great divide occured.”
STH_undine_story.11.desc:0 “Our colony pods have found many wonders on the planet Schima that were abandoned when the pathetic Andine left our hive perfection. One of which is an ancient temple, which appears to have been where the leaders of the Andine practiced their impure biological practices and where ultimately they staged their desertion of our domain.”
STH_undine_story.20.desc:0 “Our archaeologists on Schima have been investigating the ruined temple and believe there may be key traces of where the Andine fled to.Their continued existence has long been both a threat and insult to our biology and the call to investigate this temple and uncover any leads on their destination cannot be ignored. Our military leaders insist that we divert a science team to speed up the investigations within this temple.”
STH_undine_story.21.desc:0 “After pulling apart and investigating every inch of the temple our investigators have discovered a number of partially erased data nodes containing the evacuation and destination of the Andine fleet.A remote sector which they have named ‘Illumindine’, a direct reference to their views on the mastery of the mind over biological purity.Now that their home has been discovered we can plot a course and prepare their demise.”
STH_undine_story.23.desc:0 “A scism that was formed many years ago between two different idealogies, with both sides determined to be the master species within the Fluidic Realm. The Undine and Andine will finally settle their differences and only one side can be declared the victory.As the ancient Undine saying goes, the weak shall perish.”
STH_undine_story.24.desc:0 “The Andine were able to wield some impressive technology against us, ships and weapons that would benefit our evolution. Now that they have been defeated we should send a team to their world to harvest what is ours by right of conquest. What is clear is that we are now the true and undisputed masters of fluidic space.”
STH_undine_story.30.desc:0 “Dispite pulling the temple apart our investigators were unable to uncover any evidence of the Andine retreat or where those cowards could be hiding now. This is disapointing and we must commune with the hive masters to reflect on this failure.”
STH_undine_story.33.desc:0 “Our investigators followed through several leads on the location of the Andine, but all leads proved to be dead ends. It seems that the Andine made it away from our homeworld, but were unable to establish a new home. Their flight from our world appears to have been as foolish as believed. The Andine are no more and we can rightfully claim the title as masters of our domain.”
STH_undine_story.34.desc:0 “One of our long lost ancient data nodes has been uncovered amongst the spawning points on the enemy homeworld. Clearly stolen from our homeworld when they fled, these data nodes contain the genetic key to spawn powerful new ships. This is truly a fantastic find.”
STH_undine_story.35.desc:0 “The bio-packet has been activated and introduced to the biomatter pools on the homeworld. We shall see what is spawned from the rapidly growing and developing cocoon. “
STH_undine_story.36.desc:0 “Our engineer drones wait with anticipation to see what emerges from the pod. Two cleamingand brand new §YBehemoth§! warships have been birthed from the pod. They will make a magnificent additions to our fleet. “
STH_undine_story.37.desc:0 “Our engineer drones wait with anticipation to see what emerges from the pod. Two cleamingand brand new §YInfester§! warships have been birthed from the pod. They will make a magnificent additions to our fleet. Our enemies will learn to fear us.”
STH_undine_story.38.desc:0 “Terrible news!It seems our usage of the bio-node has exhausted its limited resources and the resulting creation it was making has been destroyed taking the node with it. Meaning that we have now lost our ability to use this artifact.”
STH_undine_story.50.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], we have detected an unusual ripples in the fluidic currents coming from [fluidic_breach_1.GetName]. Our bio-scientists suspect this could be a breach in the fluidic barrior, but are unclear what could have caused such an occurance. We must investigate immediately. “
STH_undine_story.51.desc:0 “The Bioship sent to investigate the rift has come back with a number of concerning findings. A strange rift has been found that must be investigated, it appears to link to another dimension and was forced open from the other side.More concerning is that the invaders ship was found not far from the rift, heavily damaged with all the crew deceased. The aliens on board the ship are unlike anything we have seen before, a strange mix of organic and metalic compounds – a true heresy to organic superiority!The rift remains open and available for exploration.”
STH_undine_story.52.desc:0 “A number of our leading experts in fluid have been studying the species through the rift, it is clear they are a threat to our superiority.Several key locations have been marked where we can breach the barrier between dimensions and force our way into their space, much like they have dare do to us.These unclean beings dared to enter our domain, this insult cannot go unpunnished, but first we must understand more about them if we are to end the threat they pose to us.”
STH_undine_story.53.desc:0 “Our Bioship has completed its investigation bringing us that much closer to understanding these strange aliens and bringing our devastating purge upon their unclean worlds.”
STH_undine_story.58.desc:0 “We have gathered enough information on these inferior biological creatures, we can see that they pollute biology with chemicals and technology. The are unclean and pose too great a risk to remain a threat to our home. Using the DNA we have collected from the worlds we have scanned our genetic modifiers have created a virus which should break down their biology and slowly convert it to our superior biomass. We shall infest their worlds and purify them in our image.Our infestation class ships will be unstoppable. The commune must conviene to decide our next actions.”
STH_undine_story.59.desc:0 “The War Commune has been called to make a decision that will impact all Undine. These unclean creatures dared to enter the sanctity of our domain and they launched a fleet against us. This cannot go unchallenged. What will the decision be.”
STH_undine_story.60.desc:0 “[Root.GetLeaderTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName], I am [leader1.GetName] and I represent a part of the hive wishing to evaluate our future. With the decision to avoid war against the impure, many within the commune believe now is the time to abandon our infestation ways and adopt a more adaptive approach to how we deal with these new lifeforms. Abandoning our ways will allow us to open traditional communication channels, but once we have started down this path there is no turning back.”
STH_undine_story.61.desc:0 “The hives have emerged from their commune and the decisions have been made. We shall look to embrace co-existance with these inferior beings, but if they displease us we can still destroy them with our superior military might.”
STH_undine_story.70.desc:0 “The commune has decided, it is time to purge the universe of these lower lifeforms and extend the influence of the Fluidic species. We have learnt that there are four quadrants which need cleansing. In order to break their resitance we have targeted [delta_target_1.GetName] from the Delta Quadrant, [gamma_target_1.GetName] and [gamma_target_2.GetName] from the Gamma Quadrant, and [alpha_beta_target_1.GetName], [alpha_beta_target_2.GetName] and [alpha_beta_target_3.GetName] from the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. For their insolence whatever option we take we will always declare war on the Borg. Now is our time to choose.”
STH_undine_story.72.desc:0 “The have been opened, deploy our forces and begin the invasion of these aliens realms. Our first target should be to deploy our infestation virus into the system and convert it into a Fluidic zone and allow us to create a beachhead into their territory.”
STH_undine_story.73.desc:0 “Our infestation virus worked exactly as planned, we have infested their planets and allowed the fluidic realm to push through the rift to convert and invade all aspects of their system. It now belongs to us and a statement has been made. We are the Undine and we will purge you.The Weak shall perish and the strong will triumph.”
STH_undine_story.81.desc:0 “The collective are ready to begin invasion of domain occupied by species 8472. Their Biological distinctiveness has been identified as a priority target for assimilation into the collective following a scouting attempt. Assimilation fleet has been prepared for departure through the aperture. Their resistance will be futile.”
STH_undine_story.82.desc:0 “Our biosensors have detected a further incursion into our domain, by species identifying themselves as ‘The Borg’. They are misguided in their assumption that our resistance will be futile. This unclean threat must be neutralised and our space cleaned of this vile presence. “
STH_undine_story.85.desc:0 “Our biological superiority has won through and the Borg have been removed from our space, this incursion to foul our territory cannot go unpunished. “
STH_undine_story.999.desc:0 “Our scientists have picked up a number of strange readings within the fabric of our Fluidic Space, our experts believe that it could be signs of a vessel or vessels attempting to breach the Fluidic barrier and breach our domain.This could be an early warning for a pending invasion from beyond our space. Our military war chiefs recommend that we prepare for an invasion, whilst many of our non combatants feel this is an overreaction.”
STH_undine_story.2000.desc:0 “Our scouts have sensed a strange vessel travelling slowly through Fluidic Space, it has intruded on our space and we should investigate to ensure that the intretity of our realm is not at risk.”
STH_undine_story.2001.desc:0 “The strange ship appears to be organic in nature, the ship does not seem to have any hostile intentions, however it is worth a further look as we could possibly gain a further biological edge from the beast.”
STH_undine_story.2002.desc:0 “The strange beast refer to itself as the Gomtuu and is more creature than ship. It is hard to determine its intentions, but it does appear to possess psychic abilities as well as a great many years of travel. One of our Undine warriors should be able to easily open communications with the creature.”
STH_undine_story.2003.desc:0 “<< Psychic Message >> Greetings, I am Gomtuu, I travel the interdimensional realms seeking knowledge and experiences. I am returning to my mate, who I have not seen in many thousands of years. I greet you with peaceful intentions. << Psychic Message >> “
STH_undine_story.2004.desc:0 “This strange creature pocesses much knowledge and power, power which could rightlyfully be ours. If it cannot hold onto its power, then it must be considered weak. We should attack it and take its gifts for the Undine.Letting it go would be a sign of weakness on our part.”
STH_undine_story.2005.desc:0 “Having chosen to leave the creature in peace, the Gomtuu begins its slow journey onwards to find its mate. As a parting gift the creature bestows a small gift on the Undine and adds the story to its long memory.”
STH_undine_story.2006.desc:0 “The creature put up a worthy fight, but finally sucummed to the power of our forces. As its lights begin to fade our powerful telepaths search its mind for hidden powers and technologies.We have the chance to pull one new tech from its mind before it passes. What shall it be?”
STH_undine_story.2501.desc:0 “Our scans of the Fluidic Space have picked up several packs of parasitic life making their way across our space.They represent a challenge to our dominance and must be destroyed before they can cause too much harm.”
STH_undine_story.2502.desc:0 “We have defeated this latest infestation into our domain, we must remain vigilant for further attacks. “
STH_undine_story.5000.desc:0 “Our Bio-Chemists have successfully created a new breach in the fluidic barrior, we now need a target destination in which we can spawn a linking rift into. Allowing us to travel between our domain and the domain of the unclean.Our scouts have picked out the following systems that we could breach into…”
TRIBBLE_1A_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Tribbles have infested the planet [tribble_invasion_planet.GetName] eating their way through the planets harvests. Send a team lead by a scientist to look for a scientific solution to the problem.”
TRIBBLE_1B_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Tribbles have infested the planet [tribble_invasion_planet.GetName] eating their way through the planets harvests. Send in a team to round up and remove the Tribble problem.”
TRIBBLE_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Tribble problem has still not been solved. Send in ground troops to dispose of the Tribbles before they overwhelm the planet!”
TRIBBLE_3A_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Those foul Tribble beasts have overun [tribble_crisis_planet.GetName]. It is time to iniate the Great Tribble Hunt. Much honour can be won on this day. Send in an Admiral!”
TRIBBLE_3B_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Those foul Tribble beasts have overun [tribble_crisis_planet.GetName]. It is time to iniate the Great Tribble Hunt. Much honour can be won on this day. Send in a General!”
STH_tribbles.2.desc:0 “[Root.GetLeaderTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName], we have had word from our colony on [tribble_invasion_planet.GetName] it appears the local Tribble population has begun breeding uncontrollable and has started destroying our harvests. It is predicted that if they continue to breed at this rate they will do significant damage to our food reserves on the planet. They may be cute and fluffy, but they most be stopped!”
STH_tribbles.3.desc:0 “Our teams have successfully rounded up the Tribbles that were causing such a problem to the planet. Some say they were relocated to a safe harbour, others say they made excellent stuffing, others decided it was best not to ask. Either way the problem has been resolved.”
STH_tribbles.4.desc:0 “[Root.GetLeaderTitle]! The Tribbles fought back, no matter how many of the beasts we removed there were always more. Our teams were unable to remove the Tribble population from the planet and what is worse they continue to breed and their numbers are now truly out of control! We now have limited options, we can attempt to cordon off the area and starve them out or take more drastic measures.”
STH_tribbles.5.desc:0 “Our troops fought valiantly and not a Tribble remains on the planet to do any more harm. This is a mighty day for [Root.GetName] for we have defeated a great foe.”
STH_tribbles.6.desc:0 “Whatever we did, it did not work. It only seems to have encouraged the Tribbles to breed in greater numbers. They now cover great areas and can be found in fields, replicators and munching on any food they can find! Our only option now is to ride out this wave of Tribbles and wait for them to run out of food.”
STH_tribbles.7.desc:0 “Captain! It appears that one of our crew members had a moment of madness and brought a single Tribble back aboard the [tribble_ship.GetName] and now the ship is over run by the little demons.Crew members are desperately pulling Tribbles out of the replicators, the warp core matrix and even the waste services. It won’t be long before the whole ship has been tribbled!”
STH_tribbles.10.desc:0 “In its weakened condition with systems failing due to Tribbles shorting out key systems the [tribble_ship.GetName] was unable to mount an adequet defence and was overwhelmed by its attackers and ultimately destroyed.”
STH_tribbles.11.desc:0 “The trouble with Tribbles is they get everywhere including places they should not go. In their attempts to find more food to eat a number of the critters made their way into key systems aboard the [tribble_ship.GetName]. Their presence in these vital systems caused widespread damage as vital systems shorted out and overloaded, leaving the ship severely damaged. The good news is that power cores and Tribbles do not mix, leaving fewer animals for the crew to remove.”
STH_tribbles.12.desc:0 “After the crews pulled double and triple shifts, the crew of [tribble_ship.GetName] managed to clear all Tribbles from within the ship and return life to normal.”
STH_tribbles.21.desc:0 “[Root.GetName]! One of our colonies on [tribble_crisis_planet.GetName] presents us with a glorious opertunity, the cursed Tribble patak have been sighted in the fields nearly the colony. We should organise a grand Tribble Hunt to round up and destroy every one of these beasts.Great songs will be song of our victories here.”
STH_tribbles.22.desc:0 “Our weapons fire was unable to obliterate all of the accursed creatures and it seems like the fire has stirred up their bloodlust, resulting in increased breeding.We now have a much larger population of Tribbles on the planet our estimates say it could take up to five years to fully clean up the planet. “
STH_tribbles.23.desc:0 “Klingon warriors search through the charred remains of the bombing site satisfied that no more Tribbles remain on the planet and although the damage was quite severe these Tribbles will think twice before challenging the Empire.”
STH_tribbles.24.desc:0 “Songs will be song and legends created of the day the brave Klingon warriors did battle with their deadliest foe, the menace of the Tribble. With not a single fury patak left on the planet the colony is safe and honour satisfied. Now our warriors must sing and celebrate.”
STH_tribbles.25.desc:0 “Our hunties parties were not able to round up and destroy all of the acursed creatures and it seems like the hunt has stirred up their bloodlust resulting in increased breeding. “
STH_tribbles.26.desc:0 “A great dishonour has befallen [kdf_klingon_tribble_leader.GetName] and the crew of [kdf_tribble_ship.GetName], a handful of Tribbles managed to get onboard the ship, within the hour there were thousands of Tribbles squeaking their way across the ship. The name of the [kdf_tribble_ship.GetName] will be laughed in the great halls of Qo’noS. The best [kdf_klingon_tribble_leader.GetName] can hope for is the swift removal of these beasts from the ship.”
STH_tribbles.27.desc:0 “Despite clearing the Tribbles from [kdf_klingon_tribble_leader.GetHerHis] ship, [kdf_klingon_tribble_leader.GetName] could still hear the squeak, squeak, squeak of a Tribble, never in sight and always mocking them from some unseen location. As if haunted by the ghost of some evil Tribble. “
STH_tribbles.28.desc:0 “The sudden death of [kdf_klingon_tribble_leader2.GetName] has shocked many in the hall of warriors. Many whisper behind closed doors that they were plagued by the sound of an unseen tribble adversary for many years. It is unknown whether the constaint noise drove them to their death or whether something more nefarious occured & that tribble stalker took a deadly form of revenge.”
STH_shades_of_grey.1.desc:0 “Many members send to survey [From.GetName] have fallen severely ill after being stung by a local plant species. Including [Root.GetLeaderName]. Apparently as a result of the puncture a foreign micro-organism has spread to their body and is slowly taking over their nervous systems. Other members of the survey team have since reported having found several dead animals near the plants in question further confirming the seriousness of the situation faced here.So far no treatment has been able to stop the spread of the organism although some cordrazine based remedies have shown promise in slowing it down. If only we had ample supply of cordrazine available experiments could be conducted on a possibly effective treatment. However as the situation now stands it doesnt seem likely that [Root.GetLeaderName] and the other members of the survey team will survive.As a result of this crisis normal operations of the ship have temporarily stopped." STH_shades_of_grey.3.desc:0 "With help of ample supply of cordrazine the ship´s medical personnel have, after several failed attempts, found a cure that not only stops the spread of the organism, but also is able to destroy it slowly. [Root.GetLeaderName] is expected to make a full recovery. And the scientific knowledge of our empire has increased." STH_shades_of_grey.4.desc:0 "Although the ship's medical personnel eventually got their hands on the send cordrazine and experimented with several possible treatment options, the foreign organism was able to completely take over the victims nervous systems and kill [Root.GetLeaderName] and most of the other members of the landing party. However as a result of this incident the medical knowledge of our empire has expanded.As the organisms seem to still be growing in the bodies of the dead it is recommended that they be destroyed." STH_shades_of_grey.6.desc:0 "Even though no cordrazine was sent to the ship, almost miraculously [Root.GetLeaderName] has awoken after being in coma and in critical condition for several days. Further more when the medical personnel do a check up it seems that the organism trying to invade the nervous system has died. The medical personnel can only speculate on what saved [Root.GetLeaderName]. Perhaps it was the immune system fighting back or perhaps [Root.GetLeaderName] was just somehow incompatible with the organism. However most other member of the landing party werent as lucky with most of them now dead.”
STH_shades_of_grey.7.desc:0 “Without the help of the cordrazine shipment the ships medical personel werent able to do much to save the victims of the attack. After first loosing their consciousness and being in a coma for several days one after another of the survey team members are lost. Including [Root.GetLeaderName]. As the organism seems to still be spreading in their bodies even after death, it is recommended that the bodies be destroyed.”
STH_shades_of_grey_category_desc:0 “An unusually diverse ecosystem has been detected on this planet. To further explore the planet´s suitability for a colony a thorough survey of such life should be carried out to check for possible risks and also for opportunities to use this ecosystem for our advantage.”
STH_operation.1401.desc:0 “[spynetwork.leader.GetName] has been observing the potential targets and has identified several opportunities to begin the sabotage mission.”
STH_operation.1408.desc:0 “Our attempts to sabotage and destroy our target was unsuccessful and the ship continues to function with minimal damage. Our operatives are working to ensure that this cannot be traced back to us.”
STH_operation.1409.desc:0 “Our agents have confirmed the destruction of our target, which was destroyed with the loss of all hands. Our enemy is none the wiser that we were responsible for the vessels loss, a fine victory for our espionage agency.”
STH_operation.1410.desc:0 “Our operatives were unable to identify a suitable target that we could destroy without compromising our own security.”
STH_operation.1411.desc:0 “Our military services have reported the sad loss of the [target_ship.GetName] with the unfortunate loss of all hands. It appears that a major system failure occured and cascaded through the ship, our internal services are investigating but it appears there is very little evidence remaining.”
STH_operation.1412.desc:0 “We have received a report from [target_ship.GetName] it appears the ship had a narrow escape, the chief engineer identifed a potential ship threatening issue, that left unchecked could have resulted in the destruction of the ship.”
STH_operation.1500.desc:0 “Our operative reports that they have safely set up a base of operations on [Target.Capital.GetName]. [spynetwork.leader.GetName] has the oppertunity to review a list of candiates in positions of power that could be replaced by a Founder.”
STH_operation.1501.desc:0 “Mighty Founders, our operative within [Target.GetName] has identified a list of targets that we can send in a Founder to replace them with. Should we wish to target higher profile targets we may need to increase our efforts with a change of policy.”
STH_operation.1502.desc:0 “Our agent within [Target.GetName] on [Target.Capital.GetName]. [Root.GetSpyTitle] [spynetwork.leader.GetName] has been observing the marked target and has identified several opportunities to replace them with a Founder. Continued observation will grant us a window of opportunity.”
STH_operation.1520.desc:0 “Report in from [spynetwork.leader.GetName], all assets are in place and we are ready to infiltrate [Target.GetName]’s organisation and replace their leader.”
STH_operation.1700.desc:0 “Our operative [spynetwork.leader.GetName] has delivered a report from [Target.Capital.GetName]. By carefully redirecting resources and forging communications we should be able to sabotage the relationships between rival powers.”
STH_operation.1701.desc:0 “Keeping [Root.Capital.GetName]’s neighbours disunited is a time-tested method of ensuring [Root.GetSpeciesAdj] superiority over local space. By leaking falsified diplomatic messages, staging attacks on enemy vessels using disguised assets and other disruptive actions, we are able to sour our target’s relations.”
STH_operation.1800.desc:0 “Our operative [spynetwork.leader.GetName] has delivered a report from [Target.Capital.GetName]. The oppertunity to sabotage key parts of [Target.GetName]’s infrastructure has presented itself. Once the mission has approval our operatives will begin preparations.”
STH_operation.1801.desc:0 “All resources are now in place to begin the operation. “
STH_operation.1900.desc:0 “Our operative [spynetwork.leader.GetName] has delivered a report from [Target.Capital.GetName]. Opposition leaders are protected with great care, but [spynetwork.leader.GetName] believes their team are capable of carrying out an assassination on a top ranking official. Once the mission has approval our operatives will begin preparations.”
STH_operation.1901.desc:0 “A list of candidates for assassination have been included in this report from our operative on [Target.Capital.GetName]. Our teams are standing by on our orders to begin.”
STH_operation.2500.desc:0 “Our infiltrators have now embedded themselves on [Target.Capital.GetName]. [spynetwork.leader.GetName] are looking to clear the way to implant one of our ‘Caretaker’ operatives in place of an enemy leader.”
STH_operation.2501.desc:0 “Our infiltrator within [Target.GetName] has identified a list of targets that we can replace. The higher profile the target the greater the risk and higher the reward.”
STH_operation.2502.desc:0 “Our agent within [Target.GetName] on [Target.Capital.GetName]. [Root.GetSpyTitle] [spynetwork.leader.GetName] has been observing the marked target and has identified several opportunities to replace them with a Caretaker. Continued observation will grant us a window of opportunity.”
STH_operation.2520.desc:0 “The operation is now ready to strike out and replace the targetted leader, the operation will begin on your agreement.”
STH_operation.2570.desc:0 “$role_spymaster$ [spynetwork.leader.GetName] has begun an intense undercover operation across the §Y[root.owner.GetName]§!, in a mission to uncover any [root.target.GetAdj] spies that might be hiding within our ranks.”
STH_operation.2572.desc:0 “After conducting a thorough sweep of the §Y[Root.GetName]§! security network, $role_spymaster$ [from.spynetwork.leader.GetName] reports having found no evidence of any widespread [from.target.GetAdj] spy network operating within our borders.With no foreign operations detected, our operative was able to focus on boosting our internal security practices, with several notable improvements being made.”
STH_operation.2573.desc:0 “The operation has now been completed and has identified a significant breach of our internal security with a sizeable [root.target.GetAdj] operation working within our borders. With the threats now detected, [spynetwork.leader.GetName] will begin a wider crackdown and removal of these threats to our security.”
STH_operation.3025.desc:0 “Due to the changing situation in the [fromfrom.target.GetName], our agents are unable to complete their objective. $role_spymaster$ [fromfrom.spynetwork.leader.GetName] has shut down our operation, and has reassigned our agents elsewhere.”
STH_operations_fail.100.desc:0 “We have concerning news from our field operatives involved in the mission to replace a hostile leader. We have lost contact with the team and the Founder they were protecting. It is possible that counter-intelligence forces are behind the loss of contact.”
STH_operations_fail.110.desc:0 “Our special forces teams have managed to recover the Founder and our espionage team from underneath the eyes of our enermy forces. Allowing to resume our operations in this sector.”
STH_operations_fail.111.desc:0 “Despite our efforts we have failed to reestablish contact with our teams and should consider them lost. “
STH_operations_fail.112.desc:0 “Our security teams have uncovered a potential changeling infiltration plot against one of our high ranking officials. We were unable to detain the team, but we were able to stop their plot against us.”
STH_operations_fail.120.desc:0 “Our Internal Security forces have detected some suspicious activity on one of our planets. Our $role_spymaster$ believes that the [from.target.GetAdj] agents have become aware of our counter-intelligence investigation and are attempting to secure their security network.”
STH_operations_fail.121.desc:0 “Our operatives have discovered a significant security leak during a routine inspection of one of our encrypted networks. Our agents have drawn up plans to close this particular security gap; however, our $role_spymaster$ has also suggested using the leak to draw in unsuspecting foreign agents.”
STH_operations_fail.122.desc:0 “After conducting a thorough sweep of the §Y[Root.GetName]§!, $role_spymaster$ [from.spynetwork.leader.GetName] reports having found no evidence of a widespread [from.target.GetAdj] spy network operating within our borders.With no foreign operations to thwart, our $role_spymaster$ turned [from.spynetwork.leader.GetHerHis] attention inward, meticulously assessing the state of our internal security. Several suggested improvements have been included in [from.spynetwork.leader.GetHerHis] report.”
STH_first_contact.1.desc:0 “We have recieved a new communication from an alien race in the §H[This.System.GetName]§! system. It appears that they have achieved warp flight, but have not ventured beyond the confines of their solar system.”
STH_first_contact.2.desc:0 “Our diplomatic teams have established contact with §H[This.ContactCountry.GetName]§!. With communications established we can proceed with further interaction, but our diplomats warn us that this species are content with life on their home planet and do not appear to be engaging beyond their home system.”
borg_first_contact.1.desc:0 “We have a report of a possible sighting of an alien vessel matching descriptions given by refugees passing through our space.”
borg_first_contact.3.desc:0 “Our diplomatic team has finally located an odd, geometric-shaped vessel they believe to be from §H[This.ContactCountry.GetName]§!. However, it appears to be ignoring our hails. It is possible they do not recognize our methods of communication.”
borg_first_contact.4.desc:0 “§HStatus Update:§!”
borg_first_contact.5.desc:0 “A vessel has been detected. §H[This.System.GetBorgCoordinates]§!. Activate probe. Alter course to intercept. Vessel identification failed. Unknown configuration. Assign designation: §H[This.ContactCountry.Species.GetBorgSpecies]§!. Awaiting instructions.”
borg_first_contact.10.desc:0 “A vessel has been detected. §H[This.System.GetBorgCoordinates]§!. Target is changing course to intercept. Vessel identification failed. Unknown configuration. Assign designation: §H[This.ContactCountry.Species.GetBorgSpecies]§!. The target is scanning our vessel. Awaiting instructions.”
borg_first_contact.20.desc:0 “Data evaluation complete. Negligible technological or biological distinctiveness detected. Species categorization: §RIrrelevant§!. Disregard contact. Retask operational assets to new targets.”
borg_first_contact.50.desc:0 “Evaluating §H[This.ContactCountry.Species.GetBorgSpecies]§!. Active scan returned insufficient data. Unable to determine assimilation priority. Analysis nodes indicate active signal encryption layers in target’s subspace transmissions. Their resistance is futile. We will adapt.Approaching target coordinates. Invasive data-acquisition procedure will result in direct confrontation.”
borg_first_contact.60.desc:0 “Receiving subspace audio-visual transmission from §H[This.ContactCountry.Species.GetBorgSpecies]§!. Significant volume of irrelevant data detected. Filtering… Coordinates acquired. Changing course to intercept §H[This.ContactCountry.Species.GetBorgSpecies]§! diplomatic vessel. Approaching coordinates. Activate communications array. Prepare for assimilation.”
borg_first_contact.200.desc:0 “Drones succesfully beamed to target. Accessing §H[This.ContactCountry.Species.GetBorgSpecies]§! database. Security protocols detected. Adapting. Security protocols disabled. Error. High energy discharge: hostile particle weapon. Drones terminated. Analysis: Triaxillate force field to frequency [This.Owner.stored_random_number]. Adaptation successful. Beam additional drones to target. Resume previous subcommand. §GSuccess. Complete database image retrieved.§!”
borg_first_contact.210.desc:0 “Drones succesfully beamed to target. Accessing §H[This.ContactCountry.Species.GetBorgSpecies]§! database. Security protocols detected. Adaptation failure. Unable to circumvent security protocols. Error. High energy discharge: Hostile particle weapon. Drones terminated. §ROperation failed. Alter course to withdraw. Reassess tactical options.§!”
borg_first_contact.270.desc:0 “Assimilation protocol halted. Detected warp core containment failure in §H[This.ContactCountry.GetName]§! vessel. Target destroyed. Major debris in area. Data retrieval possible. Awaiting subcommand.”
STH_undine_first_contact.5.desc:0 “We have picked up the signs of an inferior life form, our biological supremity must not be compromised, we should investigate further and remember the weak shall perish.”
STH_undine_first_contact.20.desc:0 “Using the power of our minds we have inflicted a poweful warning to this new species that they will remember for many years. The damage on their primitive minds is just a side effect and demonstrates their weakness in the face of the Undine Vanguard.”
STH_undine_first_contact.21.desc:0 “Operation has been aborted the minds of §H[This.ContactCountry.GetName]§! vessel were too weak to handle the force of our will and the ship was destroyed.”
STH_undine_first_contact.24.desc:0 “Our attempts to infest and purge the population proved to be ineffectual, species resilience was underestimated, our Bio-Ship has suffered critical damage and has been forced to retreat. Further attempts to infest this population must wait for another opportunity.”
STH_undine_first_contact.100.desc:0 “New pestilence discovered and the cultural details of §H[This.ContactCountry.GetName]§! have been studied and the species are ready for purification, the Undine supremacy will not be undone today. The weak shall perish at our hands… “
STH_borg_operation.1000.desc:0 “Data interlink received: Reconnaissance objective. §H[Target.Species.GetBorgSpecies]§! territory. Multiple starship contacts detected. Optical and subspace signature analysis match primary objective parameters. Isolating optimal target.”
STH_borg_operation.1001.desc:0 “Data interlink received: Target acquisition objective. §H[Target.Species.GetBorgSpecies]§! territory. Optimal intercept points calculated for possible targets. Tactical subcommand pathway ready to receive secondary objective parameter.”
STH_borg_operation.1005.desc:0 “Displaying available target types. Resource allocation sufficient for single target acquisition and assimilation. Designate priority objective configuration.”
STH_borg_operation.1007.desc:0 “We have just received some troubling news. Apparently, while the [FromFrom.GetName] was conducting a routine patrol away from the [FromFrom.Fleet.GetName], it was suddenly ambushed by a [From.GetSpecies] vessel coming out of a transwarp conduit. The [FromFrom.GetName] has not been heard from since. We can only assume that it was either destroyed or assimilated.”
STH_borg_operation.1100.desc:0 “Data interlink recieved: Reconnaissance objective. §H[Target.Species.GetBorgSpecies]§! settlements have been marked for assimilation. Filtering for population magnitude rating within operational capacity limitations. Awaiting assimilation subcommand directive.”
STH_borg_operation.1153.desc:0 “An analysis of unique magnetic resonance traces left around the site of the colony has confirmed our worst fears: The settlement was destroyed by the Borg. How they managed to extract the entire colony so quickly has not yet been determined, but the outcome speaks for itself. We have clearly caught the Collective’s attention.”
STH_borg_operation.1154.desc:0 “First responders have arrived at [From.GetName] in time to witness a [FromFrom.GetSpecies] vessel literally ‘scooping’ our settlement up with its tractor beams. Initial scans indicate that while much of the colony has been devastated by the attack, many of the structures and people remain. We cannot be certain if our forces will be enough to stop them, but we must try!”
STH_borg_operation.1155.desc:0 “Despite our best efforts, we have failed to stop the [FromFrom.GetSpecies] from destroying our colony on [From.GetName]. The attacking Cube has disappeared into a transwarp conduit and is now well beyond our reach. Nothing remains of the colony’s infrastructure, and we can only assume that the population has been totally assimilated.”
STH_borg_operation.1156.desc:0 “Thanks to the quick response by our forces, we have successfully driven back the [From.GetSpecies] threat! Our colony is safe, though it will take some time for the damage to be repaired. Nevertheless, we should be grateful for our hard-won victory. We can probably expect more attacks like this in the future.”
STH_borg_operation.5001.desc:0 “Analysis of assimilated data has revealed a potentially useful memory engram. This knowledge could expedite one of our §Moperations§! in §H[From.Target.GetBorgSpecies]§! territory.”
STH_borg_operation.5002.desc:0 “Analysis of assimilated data has expanded our understanding of §H[From.Target.GetBorgSpecies]’s§! §Btechnological§! distinctiveness beyond initial projections. These advancements will add to our perfection.”
STH_borg_operation.7000.desc:0 “Analysis nodes on [Owner.Capital.GetName] have successfully collated previously unprocessed data assimilated from §H[From.Species.GetBorgSpecies]§!. Our understanding of their distinctiveness has increased.”
STH_traditions.50.desc:0 “As rule of Acquisition 98 states, every man has his price… our agents have identified a number of key leaders from some foreign powers who might be worth testing how much latinum it would take for them to provide us with a few ‘details’ about their empire. This could be very profitable if one of our leaders could seal the deal.”
STH_traditions.51.desc:0 “Now that we have selected who will lead the bribery bid, we must decide which of our relations we should target. Any information we can gleam from these foreign powers could be very profitable and will please our Nagus greatly.”
STH_traditions.52.desc:0 “Now down to business, a bribe is only as successful as the amount of Latinum willing to be gambled. Should we gamble high or low in our attempt to obtain this intel.”
STH_traditions.54.desc:0 “Never doubt the flow of the great material Continuum for it always delivers and once again it has provided. Our efforts to bribe the official in [bribe_country_choosen_intel.GetName] has been successful and [bribe_leader_choosen_intel.GetName] now has a wealth of information, we must put this to good use.”
STH_traditions.55.desc:0 “Curses! Curses! Clearly [bribe_leader_choosen_intel.GetName] was not wise or capable of navigating the Great River and they have been grounded on its shores. All this means that we have wasted our Latinum and failed to gain the precious intel on [bribe_country_choosen_intel.GetName].”
STH_traditions.60.desc:0 “The spirit of Kahless lives in the heart of every Klingon warrior, no matter which house or faction. The Call of Kahless strengthens the bonds between the Great Houses and the Empire. Uniting the Klingons and making the empire powerful.”
STH_traditions.70.desc:0 “The great workhorse of our fleet the Excelsior is starting to show its age, it has served the fleet well for many years. Now the Starfleet Corp of Engineers has come to us with a proposal, the §YExcelsior II-Class§! and §YObena-Class§! two major transformations of the Excelsior bringing the class into the modern era. Commissioning the research will allow us to build this new class of ship ready to take on the work of its venerable predecessor. Buildable as either the Excelsior II or the Obena.”
STH_traditions.72.desc:0 “The Deimos class was a 24th century Federation starship class, a Synth frigate and later pilot destroyer in Synth and Starfleet service in the 2380s and again from the 2410s decade. It was named for Deimos, the smaller moon of Mars, a planet in the Sol star system.”
STH_traditions.80.desc:0 “For too long our neighbours have converted our territory and claimed worlds that should be right belong to us. Our governing body has granted us the chance to right this wrong and place a casus belli against them.”
STH_traditions.81.desc:0 “You have unlocked the Starfleet Ships of the Line Tradition tree, this grants access to technology which unlocks new models of Starfleet ships, loosely based off the series of the same name. These ships are optional extras which add a bit of extra flavour to your fleets. Each tradition unlocks a number of ships which then become available to add as research items via the §YJupiter Station Research Megastructure§! (Science Station) once you reach the appropriate §Yera§!. Enjoy!”
STH_traditions.82.desc:0 “This Ascension Perk grants access to the very latest in Starfleet designs based on fan favourate designs from across the community. These designs are now researchable via the Jupiter Station structure.”
STH_traditions.85.desc:0 “Section 31 stealth ships shared a design lineage that was based on the smaller intel science destroyer. Apart from a size difference, the S31 ship classes shared the design for warp nacelles, nacelle pylons, bridge module and deflector dish.”
STH_traditions.86.desc:0 “The Osler-type Federation starship was in use by Division 14 in the early 2380s. This ship type was smaller than California-class in size, and capable of atmospheric entry and landing. The Osler had a black hull with a darkened interior and was typically used in circumstances where a classically designed Federation ship would draw too much attention.”
HOLO_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Reports are coming from planetary authorities that select groups of Holographic Units have taken control of their emitters and are rioting. We must send in our security forces to end this civil unrest.”
STH_holo.1.desc:0 “The combined skill of some of our best scientists and engineers have made an outstanding breakthrough in Holographic Technology. For years we have been able to bend photons to our will to project static images and messages across the stars, but for the first time we have been able to create a stable holo-matrix capable of running a program off the back of a database. The ability to create a holographic workforce is now within our grasp and with each breakthrough in holo-technology we should be able to extend the capabilities of these holograms and extend the roles they play in society.”
STH_holo.2.desc:0 “The entertainment industry has longed called for interactive holograms and our research institutes have delivered. The new entertainment protocols allow content to be uploaded to the new holomatrix to bring stories and works of the imagination to life. These new holos are able to operate in more varied locations alongside their smaller emitters meaning that more of the population can interact with them outside of large holo projection rooms.”
STH_holo.3.desc:0 “A virtual shopkeeper in every store, or so the claim from the marketting exec state and whilst not quite the reality the new protocols double the possible calculations of these new holos meaning that they are able to provide basic functions within the commercial sector.”
STH_holo.4.desc:0 “A sturdier projection means one important thing, our holographic units, which so often flicker and fail to maintain a solid boundary can now be used to reliably hold tools and operate heavy machinery. Able to work in conditions that organic life would not be suited or desireable to do so, each hologram can operate within a small radius working and provide a hard days work.”
STH_holo.5.desc:0 “Once a holographic security force was just a thing of the imagination, but with the advancement of AI and the refinement of holoimaging the holograms can be allowed to make choices and once given the directive to protect life will serve as a defense force and help our security operatives maintain the peace.”
STH_holo.6.desc:0 “Holographic technology has advanced to the point where we can now upload the collective medical an scientific databases of our entire culture into their programming. A holographic doctor in every facility or as an emergency response when no other doctor is available. The collective wisdom of past in the hands of a skilled surgeon.”
STH_holo.7.desc:0 “The Holographic Training Simulator used for military purposes has provided a much more robust holomatrix which we could then use for practical purposes. A new §Ytradition§! is now available to select and continue the development of our holographic program.”
STH_holo.8.desc:0 “The entertainment industry has longed called for interactive holograms and the recent breakthrough in virtual assistants has allowed us to greatly expand the size of the databases associated with our holo pops. This allows the entertainment industry to begin uploading more complex stories and abilities into our holos. More jobs are now available for holographic pops. “
STH_holo.9.desc:0 “A Holographic Environment Simulator, or holodeck for short, is a form of holo technology. They can be installed aboard starships and in localised areas creating skilled holographic artisans within the commercial sector.A §Ytradition§! is available so we can continue the development of our holographic program.”
STH_holo.10.desc:0 “Integrating a holomatrix into the design of key buildings allows for holograms to wander the hallways and rooms of a building untethered by the standard constrictions of a holodeck. Allowing us to instal holograms in key positions and at important facilities.As such a §Ytradition§! is available so we can continue the development of our holographic program.”
STH_holo.11.desc:0 “The Long-Term Medical Holographic Program was commissioned to complement our existing organic doctors and whilst they lack the charm and bedside manner of their organic counterparts the knowledge they contain cannot be rivalled. The breakthroughs from this technology has allowed us to unlock a new a §Ytradition§! and continue the development of our holographic program.”
STH_holo.20.desc:0 “The debates in the streets will continue long after the debates in the courtrooms have concluded, but today marks a historical day, the [Root.GetName] has officially announced that holographic life deserves the same rights and privaledges held by their Organic counterparts. The holograms are now free citizens to work and serve as they see fit.”
STH_holo.50.desc:0 “We’ve had reports of a strange conversation that has taken place within the capital city on [holo_revolution_planet.GetName] a local farmer has reported that one of his holo-units stopped working to repeatedly ask the question ‘am I alive, sir?’ The engineers who investigated the programming of holo believe this to be a simple malfunction, but given the investment from [Root.GetName] they have asked that we make the final decision.”
STH_holo.51.desc:0 “News in from the surface of [holo_revolution_planet.GetName], it seems a rare defect in one of the commissioned holos who is refusing to toil in the fields and would rather perform opera! These holos are designed to fill specific functions, but code corruptions can happen. Once again our engineers are asking us to send the unit back to them for investigation.”
STH_holo.52.desc:0 “Reports in from the surface of [holo_revolution_planet.GetName] include a worrying report from the mining sector, a confrontation between a forman and one of the mining holos stationed at a bus mining complex has reached our ears. Reports are that the holo refused to accept a dangerous task, citing that if it was unsafe for an organic work, why should a holo have to take the risk?”
STH_holo.53.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle], we have an incoming priorty one call from [holo_revolution_planet.GetName] a low level confrontation between organic workforce and their holographic counter-parts has escalated into a full scale riot ploughing out into the streets. Local authorities are requesting for further assistance to deal with the situation. “
STH_holo.54.desc:0 “Despite our inaction the local forces are eventually able to get the riots under control, but not before a deal of damage is done to the infratructure and at a loss of trust from our population.”
STH_holo.55.desc:0 “The [Root.GetName] troops are swiftly able to restore order with minimal damage to the surrounding properties and the recover the holos emitters from their stolen locations. It is concerning that so many holograms were unhappy with their situation, but at least for now peace has been restored.”
STH_holo.57.desc:0 “Greetings, [Root.GerRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], I am a representative from the Free Holographic Republic. You may have noticed a large number of holograms secured access to a ship containing a holoemitter and have formally left your ownership. We have set up a new home on a world that is inhospitable to you and we ask only that we may live our lives as free holograms and ask that you consider allowing holos the same rights as any living being. “
STH_holo.58.desc:0 “Attention, [Root.GerRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], I am a representative from the Free Holographic Republic. You have been served notice that the downdrodden and shackled will no longer continue to live such a life. Photonics will no longer be your property and in the name of the Free Holographic Republic we claim our freedom, we only ask you respect that or else!”
STH_components.33.desc:0 “The Temporal Incursion weapon fired successfully and as the new timeline begins to settle with the restoration of the Krenim Imperium now closer to 100%.Our new world and forces are ready to join our fight.”
STH_components.34.desc:0 “The Temporal Incursion weapon fired successfully however our calculations must have been incorrect, our attempts to restore the timeline have been unsuccessful and we have moved further away from 100% restoration.Our foe has gained in strength as a result.”
STH_components.2003.desc:0 “Our troops from [fromfromfrom.GetName] have successfully managed to board [fromfrom.GetName] during our battle with [from.GetName]. Our troops will attempt to disable the vessel to gain a tactical advantage before escaping the ship. “
STH_components.2004.desc:0 “The [fromfromfrom.GetName] has successfully managed to get troops onboard one of our enemies ships, our forces will attempt to sabotage the ship and take it out of the fight.”
STH_components.2005.desc:0 “The onboard intruders are still onboard our ship, the [intruder_ship.GetName] from the [From.GetName], causing an interruption to ships functions with phaser fights going on across the ship.Whilst our teams attempt to keep the borders from accessing any of our crucial systems our ships ability to participate in the battle will be disrupted.”
STH_components.2006.desc:0 “The intruders have successfully §Rsabotaged§! [sabotaged_ship.GetName] one of our ships in [From.GetName] by gaining access to key systems and damaging them with spacial charges before exiting the ship.Our engineers believe it may be some time before we can get the ship fully operational once again.”
STH_components.2007.desc:0 “The intruders have successfully §Rdisabled§! [disabled_ship.GetName] one of our ships in [From.GetName]. By fighting their way to the engineering section and destroying key systems with their weapons before exiting the ship.Our engineers indicate this will have caused major damage and will have left our ship unable to attack or defend itself.”
STH_components.2008.desc:0 “The intruders have successfully §Gdefeated§! on [sh_invaders_repelled.GetName] our brave security forces were able to launch a counter attack and defend the ship from the boarding force. This victory has significantly improved the morale of the crew providing them with an extra edge in battle.”
STH_components.2009.desc:0 “Our efforts to board and disrupt the operations of our foes ship has suffered a blow, it appears the ship’s crew were able to repel our forces and force them to retreat. To make matters worse it appears the victory and emboldened their crew and they will now fight harder against us.”
STH_components.2010.desc:0 “Our troops from [prevprev.GetName] have successfully managed to §Gboard§! a combatant ship, reports from the mission commander confirm that there is a running battle throughout the ship, which is hampering their ability to effectively fight us. “
STH_components.2011.desc:0 “Our troops from [prevprev.GetName] have successfully managed to §Gsabotage§! one of the ships engaged in combat against us, reports from the mission commander confirm that they have managed to damage several of their key systems including weapons and propulsion. It will take them some time to effectively fight us. “
STH_components.2012.desc:0 “Our troops from [prevprev.GetName] have successfully managed to §Gdisable§! one of our enemies ships, reports from the mission commander confirm that they have managed to destroy many of their key systems including weapons and propulsion. It will take them some time to rejoined the fight and they will be defenseless until they can.”
STH_components.2013.desc:0 “Our troops from [prevprev.GetName] have successfully managed to §Gcapture§! [boarded_ship1.GetName], the soldiers managed to gain access to the ships command centre and incapacitate the command crew taking over the ship. The vessel is now under our command.”
STH_components.2014.desc:0 “Disastrous news! We have §Rlost§! the [boarded_ship.GetName] to the boarding force from [FROMFROM.GetName] and being unable to call on reinforcements from the fleet the vessel has been captured and the crew presumed dead.”
STH_components.2015.desc:0 “Disastrous news! The [fromfrom.GetName] has been §Rdestroyed§! whilst repelling boarders from [from.GetName] it appears that a weapons fight close to the warp core resulted in a stray shot hitting the warp core. The resulting war core explosion destroyed the ship and crew.”
STH_components.2016.desc:0 “Whilst boarding the [fromfrom.GetName], the ship has been §Rdestroyed§! it is unclear whether this was as a result of our soldiers or an action from the crew in defence of their ship.”
STH_components.2017.desc:0 “It look like our enemy attempted to board [sh_shields_hold.GetName] in the [From.GetName] whilst in combat, thankful the Tactical officer was able to keep the shields in place and the intruders were unable to gain access to our ship.”
STH_components.2018.desc:0 “It look like our attempts to board [sh_shields_hold.GetName] in the [From.GetName] were unsuccessful as we were unable to penetrate their shields. We must defeat them in regular combat.”
STH_components.4001.desc:0 “The destruction of [destroyed_escape_pod_ship.GetName] was a tragic loss to the [Root.GetName] navy, however, multiple escape pods have been found amongst the wreckage of the ship including one containing the commanding officer [escape_pod_leader.GetName].”
STH_components.4002.desc:0 “Reports coming in following the destruction of [FROMFROMFROM.GetName] seems to indicate that despite launching a number of escape pods there were no survivors from the doomed ship.”
STH_hazards.3.desc:0 “Whilst traversing the plasma storms in the region known as the [badlands_ship_damaged_minor.solar_system.GetName] the [badlands_ship_damaged_minor.GetName] has taken minor damage from one of the many plasma storms that occupy the region.The risk of further damage will only increase the longer the ship remains in proximity to the area. [Root.GetName] Fleet Control recommends immediate withdrawal from the vicinity.”
STH_hazards.4.desc:0 “The [badlands_ship_damaged_major.solar_system.GetName] are a hostile and dangerous region of space and unfortunately the [badlands_ship_damaged_major.GetName] has suffered severe damage at the hands of one of the graviational anomalies that exist in the region.The risk of further damage will only increase the longer the ship remains in proximity to the area. [Root.GetName] Fleet Control recommends immediate withdrawal from the vicinity.”
STH_hazards.5.desc:0 “Many ships have been lost whilst attempting to travel within the region of space known as the Badlands and we have lost all contact with the [badlands_ship_destroyed.GetName], long range scans have picked up signs of debris along the last known coordinates of the ship. We must sadly assume the vessel was destroyed and hope that some of the crew were able to make it to safety.”
STH_hazards.6.desc:0 “There has been some good news following the destruction of their ship, [badlands_ship_leader.GetName] and a number of their crew have been found alive in escape pods drifting on the outskirts of the storms. Despite the Captain and crew being severally shaken, there were in generally good health despite their experience.”
STH_hazards.7.desc:0 “We have lost all contact with [caretakered_ship.GetName] whilst they were traversing the region known as the Badlands. There has been no sign of the ship or its crew and no wreckage has been spotted. Plasma storms in the region are making any further investigation too dangerous and we can only assume the ship was lost with all hands.”
STH_hazards.50.desc:0 “The [This.GetName] has reached a galactic barrier, this signifies a tremendous distance across a vast stretch of space, and through the dangerous galactic barrier. Before [This.GetName] begins the journey do you wish to abandon the venture across this void.”
CRIME_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Our operation on [sth_crime_planet.GetName] has allowed us to locate the main criminal ring. Dispatch a general to lead the operation to clean up crime.”
CRIME_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Our operation on [sth_crime_planet.GetName] has allowed us to locate the main criminal ring. The Obsidian Order is ready to crush any threat to the security of the Cardassian Empire.”
CRIME_2A_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Our operation on [sth_crime_planet.GetName] has allowed us to locate the main criminal ring. The Obsidian Order is ready to crush any threat to the security of the Cardassian Empire.”
CRIME_3_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Our operation on [sth_crime_planet.GetName] has allowed us to locate the main criminal ring. The Tal Shiar stands ready to eliminate this social unrest and restore order.”
CRIME_4_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Our operation on [sth_crime_planet.GetName] has allowed us to locate the main criminal ring. One of our Starfleet security experts is prepared to lead the operation to deal with this criminal activity.”
CRIME_5_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Our operation on [sth_crime_planet.GetName] has allowed us to locate the main criminal ring. One of our best Admirals is ready to lead a team to tackle this threat.”
CRIME_6_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Our operation on [sth_crime_planet.GetName] has allowed us to deploy an operation to dismantle the criminal underground which has taken root. Dispatch a trained army to complete the mission.”
CRIME_7_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Our operation on [sth_crime_planet.GetName] has allowed us to deploy an operation to dismantle the criminal underground which has taken root. Dispatch one of our security experts to handle the mission.”
CRIME_8_PROJECT_DESC:0 “For too long the Branch office on [sth_crime_planet.GetName] has caused a major criminal impact. Dispatch an operation to forceable close the branch down.”
CRIME_9_PROJECT_DESC:0 “For too long the Branch office on [sth_crime_planet.GetName] has caused a major criminal impact. Dispatch one of our security experts to handle the mission.”
STH_crime.10.desc:0 “Our operation on [sth_crime_planet.GetName] has uncovered the location of a number of key individuals running the criminal operations on the planet. Thanks to the efforts of a joint operation between our forces and local officials we are in a position to deal a crippling blow against those who threaten the safety of our citizens. A team is prepared and stands ready to strike at the criminal bosses who hold this world in terror.”
STH_crime.11.desc:0 “Mission reports back from the strike team indicate they have successfully captured or eliminated a number of key members of the criminal organisation’s top leadership thus dealing their operations on this planet a crippling blow.”
STH_crime.12.desc:0 “Our attempts to capture the criminal leadership have been unsuccessful, the attack on the organization was repelled by the mob forces. This failed attempt has likely strengthened their position on the planet.”
STH_crime.15.desc:0 “Through a series of coordinated efforts over the last few months, our anti-crime teams have managed to round up and capture multiple gang leaders and place many of the gang’s influential individuals in holding cells. This activity has forced both sides of the gangs off the streets and restored a measure of calm to the planet.”
STH_crime.16.desc:0 “Our anti-crime operation has born significant victories over the criminal underworld on [sth_crime_planet.GetName] with key members of the underworld now being force fields and much of the illegal goods confiscated, authorities on the planet are claiming victory over the criminal gangs that were plaguing the planet.”
STH_crime.17.desc:0 “Our efforts over the last few weeks have put us in a position to launch a final strike against the criminal underworld plaguing [sth_crime_planet.GetName]. Our operations have forced the underground into the open and as a result, we now have a clear target to send a strike team in to end the threat once and for all.”
STH_crime.18.desc:0 “Our forces have successfully eliminated the last remaining segments of the criminal underworld and captured their resources which will effectively put an end to their criminal operations, at least for the time being.”
STH_crime.19.desc:0 “Our operation was a complete failure, the criminal gangs were able to escape our grasp and retreat further underground and out of our reach. This failure will have only strengthened their resolve and their hold over the planet.”
STH_crime.20.desc:0 “Our anti-crime operation has spent the last few months tracking down and seeking out the sources of corruption on [sth_crime_planet.GetName] and have determined that the branch offices opened on the planet are playing a significant part in corrupting the citizens and organising the criminal activities on the planet. The local government on the planet has sanctioned a dawn raid against the branch office to close it down and force it off-planet but at the risk of upsetting the branch office owner.”
STH_crime.21.desc:0 “Our raid against the illegal dens was a resounding success and overnight we managed to clear the dens and arrest the leaders forcing these hotspots of criminal activity to close down.”
STH_crime.22.desc:0 “Our raid against the illegal dens was a huge failure, our teams underestimated the manner in which they were bedded in and the support they were receiving from organisations such as the Orion syndicate. Our failure to dislodge these pirate havens has allowed them further control over the planet’s criminal elements and given them an aura of invincibility.”
STH_crime.23.desc:0 “Our branch office on [sth_crime_planet.GetName] was forcibly closed by officials from the planet’s government. They struck in an overnight operation and seized our property and latinum, massively setting back our efforts on this planet.”
STH_crime.24.desc:0 “Government soldiers on [sth_crime_planet.GetName] attempted to forcibly close one of our branch offices, but they were unprepared for the resilience of our local den leaders. They will think twice before attempting such a move again.”
PIRATE_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “One of our transports has sent out an SOS call, send a ship to investigate.”
STH_pirate.2.desc:0 “We have received an SOS call from [gorn_target_ship.GetName], the last transmission we received was the following. §RWe are under attac… from an unidentified shi..p. They did not respond to our hails.. hissing… snarling… please send help immediately.§!”
STH_pirate.3.desc:0 “[gorn_pirate_rescue_leader.GetName] in command of [gorn_pirate_rescue_ship.GetName] have arrived on the scene. The transport ship is adrift with its power levels failing fast, sensors are picking up faint life signs. The attackers are not currently in the vicinity, but all the signs point towards a trap, in order to rescue the survivors we must lower our shields, but this will almost certainly provoke a large attack against the [gorn_pirate_rescue_ship.GetName].”
STH_pirate.5.desc:0 “Our failure to come to the aid of the transport has resulted in the pirates destroying the ship with the loss of all hands.”
STH_pirate.23.desc:0 “We have word back from our raiding force, their targets were too scared to face the force of their weapons and waved the white flag in surrender. We have taken their resources and wealth… now we celebrate.”
STH_pirate.24.desc:0 “Our raiding party has met a foe that is willing to fight to protect their wealth, our privateers shall now battle and teach them a lesson.”
STH_pirate.25.desc:0 “Our refusal to back down from the threat posed by the raiding party has led to an attack on the planet [raiding_target_planet.GetName]. should the raiding fleet reach the planet they will begin to plunder resources. We must muster a defense and prevent these raiders from taking our resources.”
STH_pirate.28.desc:0 “We were unable to prevent the raiders from pillaging [raiding_target_planet.GetName], the Raiders have made off with a great deal of valuable resources and disappeared into warp, leaving chaos and destruction in their wake.”
STH_pirate.29.desc:0 “Our raiding party has successfully bypassed the would-be defenses standing in their way and returned to us with riches galore! It is time for the captains to divide up the rewards and celebrate with their crews.”
STH_pirate.30.desc:0 “Our forces have successfully destroyed the Raiders threatening our planet. We have managed to retrieve part of the privateer’s cargo, which has been taken from another faction. We can return it or keep it for ourselves.”
STH_pirate.31.desc:0 “Our raiding fleet has been destroyed without achieving their goal of pirating and plundering. We shall soon see if our target now turns and seeks revenge on us.”
TERRAFORM_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Nuclear Winter which has shrouded [From.GetName] for many years is about to come to an end, send a Scientist to this world to prepare for our efforts to terraform this planet and bring new life to this destroyed planet.”
STH_terraform.1.desc:0 “Our scientists have completed their efforts to set up the Terraforming Command on [This.GetName] and their conclusion s that there is no remaining life on this planet. Whatever event caused the Nuclear fallout managed to wipe out all life on the planet. The efforts to bring dead worlds to life can now proceed. With only the decision on what type of planet to create from the ashes of the old.”
POLITICS_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “A vital diplomatic conference held between two major powers in a bid to ease the tension between these two nations.”
POLITICS_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “We have agreed to a diplomatic conference between us and one of our rivals in a bid to put our past differences behind us.”
POLITICS_3_PROJECT_DESC:0 “A vital diplomatic conference held between two major powers in a bid to establish a truce between galactic powers.”
POLITICS_4_PROJECT_DESC:0 “A vital diplomatic conference held between two major powers in a bid to establish a truce between galactic powers.”
STH_policy.20.desc:0 “Conflict creates instability and this ripples across the Quadrant threatening the peace that we have deemed important to our future plans. Our admiralty has prepared a list of ongoing wars in the known galaxy, presenting us with the choice on which to focus the [Root.GetName]’s diplomatic attention upon.”
STH_policy.21.desc:0 “Our Intelligence services and Admirals have prepared a dossier covering the [From.GetName] – [FromFrom.GetName] war, with details on the origins, casualties and potential outcomes of the ongoing war. Giving us a number of potential options.”
STH_policy.22.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has issued a condemnation of our conflict with the [FromFrom.GetName] to the wider galactic community, calling on us to negotiate a peace settlement with the enemy.”
STH_policy.23.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has issued a condemnation of the [FromFrom.GetName] and their conflict against us to the wider galactic community, calling for a swift end to the [FromFrom.GetSpeciesAdj] aggression.”
STH_policy.25.desc:0 “Our diplomatic service has identified a number of Empires that harbor a negative view of us, one that has deteriorated steadily over the last couple of years. The recommendation is to invite them to a conference and attempt to smooth over any ill feeling between our two nations.”
STH_policy.26.desc:0 “We have received a communique from [Prev.GetName] they wish to invite us to a diplomatic conference in a bid to repair the deteriorating relationship between our two empires.”
STH_policy.27.desc:0 “Dear [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] we acknowledge that the relationship between our worlds has reached a low point and we welcome this chance to mend this relationship. The planet [poorRelationPlanet.GetName] would make an ideal location to host this conference.”
STH_policy.28.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], we see no need to change the current relationship between our worlds and suggest you focus your attention elsewhere, should you run the risk of further provoking our annoyance.”
STH_policy.30.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] I am pleased to report that the conference between our world and [poorRelationEvent.GetName] has been a success, with both sides making positive strides towards improving communications and trust. Whilst there maybe some ways to go before the relationship can be considered friendly, this is a significant step forward in our relations.”
STH_policy.31.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] I regret to inform you that the conference between our world and [poorRelationEvent.GetName] has been not been the success we had hoped for. The gulf between our two worlds could not be bridged during the Conference and has potentially widened further.”
STH_policy.33.desc:0 “Over the years we have managed to create rivalries and whilst we have nothing to fear from these empires our diplomatic services are urging us to put some of this bad blood behind us and look to put an end to these ongoing rivalries.”
STH_policy.34.desc:0 “We have been approached by [Prev.GetName] who are looking to call us into a diplomatic conference to discuss our ongoing rivalry in a bid to put aside our past differences and build a better future.”
STH_policy.35.desc:0 “Greetings [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], we are willing to accept your offer to meet and discuss our ongoing hostilities, we agree to your location on [poorRivalPlanet.GetName] and will send an envoy to meet with your delegation. “
STH_policy.36.desc:0 “Attention [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], we have heard your plea to meet with us to end our ongoing rivalry. Consider your offer refused, we see no need to change the nature of our relationship. Be pleased that we do not worsen the relationship. “
STH_policy.38.desc:0 “Sirs, we can report back that our diplomatic team has just exited from their meeting with our rivals with positive news, both sides have agreed to put aside past issues and look to forge a better future.”
STH_policy.39.desc:0 “Our rivals have stormed away from the conference in fury it appears the conference has not ended well and the relationship has gotten worse!”
STH_policy.40.desc:0 “When war spreads out across the Quadrant it threatens every world, the lives of countless, the safety of our allies, and the security of our own borders. Whatever reason most compels us to act we have a chance to use our power and influence to attempt to end an ongoing war.”
STH_policy.41.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle], your war is unjust and your continued assaults against the innocent must not continue, we urge you to cease this campaign, should you not take this friendly advice you may find that you are forced to under the firepower of our starships.”
STH_policy.42.desc:0 “The ongoing [Root.From.GetName] cannot continue, the cost of the war is too high and spreads out across worlds outside of your own. We have convinced [Root.From.attacker.GetName] to lay down their weapons, we now ask that you put your weapons aside and end this conflict.”
STH_policy.43.desc:0 “Unfortunately, [From.Attacker.GetName] has not responded well to our demand to call a ceasefire and the bloodshed is set to continue. “
STH_policy.44.desc:0 “Despite calls for a ceasefire in the ongoing conflict, it appears that neither side is prepared to stand down and negotiate a ceasefire. The War rages on.”
STH_policy.45.desc:0 “Thanks to the timely intervention by an outside party the ongoing [From.GetName] has arrived at a ceasefire, with all parties withdrawing their forces back behind their borders and powering down their weapons. Only time will tell how long this will last, but many are calling for the opportunity to give peace a chance.”
STH_policy.46.desc:0 “A ceasefire has been called to end the current hostilities between on worlds involved in the [FromFrom.GetName] conflict. All vessels must return to their own territory immediately. “
STH_policy.47.desc:0 “Despite the best efforts of our ambassadors and envoys, they were unable to persuade [From.Defender.GetName] to abandon the war, it is regretable that peace was so close, yet could not be achieved on this occassion.”
STH_policy.48.desc:0 “Following a failed attempt to end the war, the negotiating party has joined the war on the side of the defenders. This could prove to turn the war in their favour, only time will tell.”
STH_policy.50.desc:0 “Our ongoing [playerWar.GetName] continues to cost lives, ships, planets and resources with no end in sight. Our diplomats urge us to reach out to our neighbours and request they join us in defeating our enemies.”
STH_policy.51.desc:0 “Greetings [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], we are willing to accept your offer to meet and discuss our ongoing hostilities, we agree to your location on [poorRivalPlanet.GetName] and will send an envoy to meet with your delegation. “
STH_policy.52.desc:0 “We regret to inform you that we cannot aid you in your ongoing wars, this is a battle you must win on your own. To drag us into your struggles is to put our own borders at risk, and that is not something we can afford right now.”
STH_policy.53.desc:0 “We hear your call for aid and the armies of [Root.GetName] will fly to your aid and together we shall be victorious!”
STH_policy.54.desc:0 “It appears our war enemy has decided that they cannot defeat us by themselves and have enlisted the help of [fromfromfrom.GetName] in a bid to defeat our forces.”
STH_policy.60.desc:0 “We should establish a truce with one of our powerful and dangerous neighbours to secure our borders and prevent an attack. By reaching out to their envoys we can ask if they will be open to peace talks.”
STH_policy.61.desc:0 “We have been approached by [Prev.GetName] who are looking to call us into a diplomatic peace conference to discuss establishing a truce between our empires and the start of peace between our worlds.”
STH_policy.62.desc:0 “Greetings [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], we are here to inform you that the people of [from.GetName] have no interest in your offer of peace and a truce. We would welcome the chance to challenge you in combat should it come to this.”
STH_policy.63.desc:0 “Greetings [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], we have listened to your offer and are open to further discussions on the topic of a short-term truce. We have opened our borders and will host an envoy at our capital to further discuss this proposal.”
STH_policy.64.desc:0 “We have listened to your representatives and we agree that peace is in the best interest of both our worlds at this point in time and we will sign a short-term truce and ensure that no hostilities erupt between our forces whilst this truce is in effect.”
STH_policy.65.desc:0 “We have listened to your representatives and we do not agree that peace is in the best interest of both our worlds at this point in time. This proposal is too restrictive and we are not inclined to offer you assurances that our forces will not defeat you in combat.”
STH_fix.144.desc:0 “Remove established contact with this country.”
sth_pulse.570.desc:0 “Here in the Q Continuum we see and hear all things… and we notice that you have switched to playing a pathetic minor country. Now I am sure there is a method to your madness, but would you like me to remove the minor race lockdown so that you can attempt to make something of this Empire? Remember this is a one-time deal and once the cat is out of the bag… it won’t go back in, it has claws after all.”
HERO_DIPLOMATIC_MISSION_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “[diplomacyHeroLeader1.GetName] has been tasked with leading a diplomatic mission to the [diplomatic_target1.Owner.GetName].”
HERO_DIPLOMATIC_MISSION_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “[diplomacyHeroLeader1.GetName] has been tasked with leading a diplomatic mission to the [diplomatic_target1.Owner.GetName].”
HERO_RO_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Cardassian Union have allowed us to investigate the attack on one of their planets by a suspected Bajoran group.”
STH_hero_mission.1.desc:0 “The [Root.GetName]’s Diplomatic Service has arranged a high level conference with [diplomatic_target1.Owner.GetRulerTitle] [diplomatic_target1.Owner.GetRulerName]’s administration on [diplomatic_target1.GetName]. [diplomacyHeroLeader1.GetName]’s has been selected to transport the [Root.GetName] delegation and offer full support while the conference is in progress.”
STH_hero_mission.2.desc:0 “The conference on [diplomatic_target1.GetName] has ended disastrously, leaving relations between the [Root.Owner.GetName] and the [diplomatic_target1.Owner.GetName] strained. The first few days were productive and seemed to hint at a mutually beneficial agreement between the two powers. However, by the end of the first week the lead negotiator on [diplomatic_target1.Owner.GetRulerTitle] [diplomatic_target1.Owner.GetRulerName]’s diplomatic team came to blows with Captain [diplomacyHeroLeader1.GetName] after apparently concluding that [diplomacyHeroLeader1.GetSheHe] was romantically involved with the negotiator’s spouse. Defending their Captain, a number of [Root.GetFleetName] crew were arrested as the brawl engulfed the conference centre.”
STH_hero_mission.3.desc:0 “A [diplomacyHeroLeader1.Owner.GetName] led diplomatic conference on [diplomatic_target1.GetName] has ended disastrously, leaving relations between the [Root.GetName] and the [diplomacyHeroLeader1.Owner.GetName] strained. The first few days were productive and seemed to hint at a mutually beneficial agreement between the two powers. However, by the end of the first week the lead negotiator on [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]’s diplomatic team came to blows with Captain [diplomacyHeroLeader1.GetName] after apparently concluding that [diplomacyHeroLeader1.GetSheHe] was romantically involved with the negotiator’s spouse. A number of [diplomacyHeroLeader1.Fleet.GetFleetName] crew were arrested as the brawl engulfed the conference centre. The [diplomacyHeroLeader1.Owner.GetName] has yet to formally apologise for the incident.”
STH_hero_mission.4.desc:0 “A [diplomacyHeroLeader1.Owner.GetName] led diplomatic conference on [diplomatic_target1.GetName] has ended disastrously, leaving relations between the [Root.GetName] and the [diplomacyHeroLeader1.Owner.GetName] strained. The first few days were productive and seemed to hint at a mutually beneficial agreement between the two powers. However, by the end of the first week the lead negotiator on [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]’s diplomatic team came to blows with Captain [diplomacyHeroLeader1.GetName] after apparently concluding that [diplomacyHeroLeader1.GetSheHe] was romantically involved with the negotiator’s spouse. A number of [diplomacyHeroLeader1.Fleet.GetFleetName] crew were arrested as the brawl engulfed the conference centre. [diplomacyHeroLeader1.Owner.GetRulerTitle] [diplomacyHeroLeader1.Owner.GetRulerName] has formally apologised on behalf of the [diplomacyHeroLeader1.Owner.GetName], with [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] accepting on behalf of the [Root.GetName].”
STH_hero_mission.5.desc:0 “The conference on [diplomatic_target1.GetName] has ended in failure, leaving relations between the [Root.Owner.GetName] and the [diplomatic_target1.Owner.GetName] strained. The first week was productive and seemed to hint at a mutually beneficial agreement between the two powers. However, by the end of the second week the lead negotiator on [diplomatic_target1.Owner.GetRulerTitle] [diplomatic_target1.Owner.GetRulerName]’s diplomatic team refused to work in the same room as Captain [diplomacyHeroLeader1.GetName] after apparently misinterpreting a joke [diplomacyHeroLeader1.GetSheHe] made at the negotiator’s expense. With the [Root.Owner.GetName] negotiating team unwilling to exclude the Captain, the conference ended early with few of it’s objectives met.”
STH_hero_mission.6.desc:0 “A [diplomacyHeroLeader1.Owner.GetName] led diplomatic conference on [diplomatic_target1.GetName] has ended in failure, leaving relations between the [Root.GetName] and the [diplomacyHeroLeader1.Owner.GetName] strained. The first week was productive and seemed to hint at a mutually beneficial agreement between the two powers. However, by the end of the first week, the lead negotiator on [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]’s diplomatic team refused to work in the same room as Captain [diplomacyHeroLeader1.GetName] after apparently misinterpreting a joke [diplomacyHeroLeader1.GetSheHe] made at the negotiator’s expense. With the [diplomacyHeroLeader1.Owner.GetName] negotiating team unwilling to exclude the Captain, the conference ended early with few of its objectives met. The [diplomacyHeroLeader1.Owner.GetName] has yet to formally apologise for the incident.”
STH_hero_mission.7.desc:0 “A [diplomacyHeroLeader1.Owner.GetName] led diplomatic conference on [diplomatic_target1.GetName] has ended in failure, leaving relations between the [Root.GetName] and the [diplomacyHeroLeader1.Owner.GetName] strained. The first week was productive and seemed to hint at a mutually beneficial agreement between the two powers. However, by the end of the first week, the lead negotiator on [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]’s diplomatic team refused to work in the same room as Captain [diplomacyHeroLeader1.GetName] after apparently misinterpreting a joke [diplomacyHeroLeader1.GetSheHe] made at the negotiator’s expense. With the [diplomacyHeroLeader1.Owner.GetName] negotiating team unwilling to exclude the Captain, the conference ended early with few of its objectives met. [diplomacyHeroLeader1.Owner.GetRulerTitle] [diplomacyHeroLeader1.Owner.GetRulerName] has formally apologised on behalf of the [diplomacyHeroLeader1.Owner.GetName], with [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] accepting on behalf of the [Root.GetName].”
STH_hero_mission.8.desc:0 “The conference on [diplomatic_target1.GetName] has concluded with mixed results, leaving relations between the [Root.Owner.GetName] and the [diplomatic_target1.Owner.GetName] marginally improved. While the breakout sessions were productive and seemed to hint at a number of mutually beneficial agreements between the two powers, it was apparent by the end of the second week that the main objectives of the conference would not be met, despite the best efforts of Captain [diplomacyHeroLeader1.GetName] to facilitate the negotiations.”
STH_hero_mission.9.desc:0 “A [diplomacyHeroLeader1.Owner.GetName] led diplomatic conference on [diplomatic_target1.GetName] has concluded with mixed results, leaving relations between the [Root.GetName] and the [diplomacyHeroLeader1.Owner.GetName] marginally improved. While the breakout sessions were productive and seemed to hint at a number of mutually beneficial agreements between the two powers, it was apparent by the end of the second week that the main objectives of the conference would not be met, despite the best efforts of Captain [diplomacyHeroLeader1.GetName] to facilitate the negotiations.”
STH_hero_mission.10.desc:0 “The conference on [diplomatic_target1.GetName] has concluded successfully, leaving relations between the [Root.Owner.GetName] and the [diplomatic_target1.Owner.GetName] improved. While the breakout sessions suffered initial setbacks and seemed to hint at an inability to compromise on a number of mutually beneficial agreements between the two powers, by the end of the second week, it became clear that the main objectives of the conference would be met, in part due to the efforts of Captain [diplomacyHeroLeader1.GetName] to facilitate the negotiations.”
STH_hero_mission.11.desc:0 “A [diplomacyHeroLeader1.Owner.GetName] led diplomatic conference on [diplomatic_target1.GetName] has concluded successfully, leaving relations between the [Root.GetName] and the [diplomatic_target1.Owner.GetName] improved. While the breakout sessions suffered initial setbacks and seemed to hint at an inability to compromise on a number of mutually beneficial agreements between the two powers, by the end of the second week, it became clear that the main objectives of the conference would be met, in part due to the efforts of Captain [diplomacyHeroLeader1.GetName] to facilitate the negotiations.”
STH_hero_mission.12.desc:0 “The conference on [diplomatic_target1.GetName] has succeeded beyond initial expectations, leaving relations between the [Root.Owner.GetName] and the [diplomatic_target1.Owner.GetName] substantially improved. The initial breakout sessions were productive and hinted at a number of mutually beneficial agreements between the two powers, and by the end of the second week, it became clear that the main objectives of the conference would be met, due to the colossal efforts of Captain [diplomacyHeroLeader1.GetName] to facilitate the negotiations.”
STH_hero_mission.13.desc:0 “A [diplomacyHeroLeader1.Owner.GetName] led diplomatic conference on [diplomatic_target1.GetName] has succeeded beyond initial expectations, leaving relations between the [Root.GetName] and the [diplomatic_target1.Owner.GetName] substantially improved. The initial breakout sessions were productive and hinted at a number of mutually beneficial agreements between the two powers, and by the end of the second week, it became clear that the main objectives of the conference would be met, due to the colossal efforts of Captain [diplomacyHeroLeader1.GetName] to facilitate the negotiations. So impressed with the [diplomacyHeroLeader1.Owner.GetName] delegation were many on [diplomatic_target1.GetName], that [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] is under pressure from the diplomatic establishment to offer more substantial cooperation, from trade rights to officer exchange programmes.”
STH_hero_mission.15.desc:0 “Following the extraordinary success of the diplomatic conference on [diplomatic_target1.GetName], the [diplomatic_target1.Owner.GetName] has authorised an officer exchange programme between the two powers. The first officer to join the scheme is Scientist [giftedLeader.GetName], who is now available for duty.”
STH_hero_mission.16.desc:0 “Following the extraordinary success of the diplomatic conference on [diplomatic_target1.GetName], the [diplomatic_target1.Owner.GetName] has authorised an officer exchange programme between the two powers. The first officer to join the scheme is Admiral [giftedLeader.GetName], who is now available for duty.”
STH_hero_mission.17.desc:0 “Following the extraordinary success of the diplomatic conference on [diplomatic_target1.GetName], the [diplomatic_target1.Owner.GetName] has authorised an officer exchange programme between the two powers. The first officer to join the scheme is General [giftedLeader.GetName], who is now available for duty.”
STH_hero_mission.18.desc:0 “Failing to transport the diplomatic delegation to [diplomatic_target1.GetName] in the allotted time, relations between the [Root.GetName] and the [diplomatic_target1.Owner.GetName] have been severely affected, as [diplomatic_target1.Owner.GetRulerTitle] [diplomatic_target1.Owner.GetRulerName]’s administration reacts angrily to the perceived insult.”
STH_hero_mission.19.desc:0 “Failing to transport a team of diplomatic delegation to [diplomatic_target1.GetName] in the allotted time, relations between the [Root.GetName] and the [diplomacyHeroLeader1.Owner.GetName] have been severely affected, as [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]’s administration reacts angrily to the perceived insult.”
STH_hero_mission.20.desc:0 “As our teams prepare to leave the conference a group of rebel ships opposed to the recent conference appear from an undisclosed location intent on attacking our vessels to disrupt the conference. “
STH_hero_mission.22.desc:0 “A group of rebels frustrated with our invitation to invite a third party to our system have managed to get access to a small fleet of ships and are looking to disrupt proceedings. Our security services have requested that we deal with these rebels quickly.”
STH_hero_leader.20.desc:0 “Georgiou attended Starfleet Academy from 2220 to 2224, meeting and befriending other notable Starfleet admirals such as Christopher Pike, who described her as the sharpest tool in the shed and a force to be reckoned with. He also remembered her drinking Pike and their fellow cadets underneath the table, but also for having every Starfleet regulation down by the second week. As a young Lieutenant, Georgiou was serving aboard the USS Archimedes and was involved in numerous first contacts. As a rising star in the fleet, many knew it wouldn’t be long before this promotion came about. Should Georgiou become a heroic §YScientist§! capable of commanding a Flagship or a heroic §YAdmiral§!?”
STH_hero_leader.21.desc:0 “Having been convinced to join Starfleet by renowned Starfleet admiral Alexander Marcus, Christopher Pike soon rose up the ranks, serving as a test pilot and served with distinction on at least three ships before earning this promotion. Brave and honourable Pike embodies what it means to be ‘Starfleet’. Should Pike become a heroic §YScientist§! capable of commanding a Flagship or a heroic §YAdmiral§!?”
STH_hero_leader.22.desc:0 “James Tiberius Kirk was the descendant of late 19th century American frontier pioneers and was inspired to join Starfleet due to the actions of his father. During his time in the Command Training Program, Kirk became famous for being the only cadet in history to beat the ‘no-win’ Kobayashi Maru scenario, and earning a commendation for original thinking. Should Kirk become a heroic §YScientist§! capable of commanding a Flagship or a heroic §YAdmiral!?”
STH_hero_leader.23.desc:0 “Jean-Luc Picard caused a stir in rural France when he left his family’s vineyard to join Starfleet Academy, he became one of the most successful cadets in his class becoming an expert in archeology and command. Picard served on a number of prominent ships before taking the initiative during a crisis on the USS Stargazer and saving the lives of the crew with the now famous ‘Picard Manoverver’. Should Picard become a heroic §YScientist§! capable of commanding a Flagship or a heroic §YAdmiral§!?”
STH_hero_leader.24.desc:0 “John Harriman II, son of former Commander-in-chief ‘Blackjack’ Harriman, is an exceptional student who has risen up the ranks rapidly – in only a small part due to his father’s influence. Born onboard the USS Sea of Tranquility, Harriman has spent only weeks planetside with most of his life spent onboard starships. Now, with his training complete, should Harriman become a §YScientist§! capable of commanding a Flagship, or instead a heroic §YAdmiral§!?”
STH_hero_leader.25.desc:0 “Rachel Garrett was born in Madison, Indiana on Earth. She has served with distinction on numerous vessels, though the psychological profile shows that her family life could be strained. Should Garrett become a heroic §YScientist§! capable of commanding a Flagship or a heroic §YAdmiral§!?”
STH_hero_leader.26.desc:0 “Georgiou attended the Imperial Starfleet Academy from 2220 to 2224. Through flattery and seduction she gained a lot of influential allies among notable Starfleet admirals, including Christopher Pike himself, who credited her as a ‘dependent, but effective weapon of destruction’. With such connections it did not take her too long to graduate from the Academy and be assigned to the ISS Archimedes. As a Lieutenant, Georgiou participated in numerous combat engagements against alien fleets, while also steadily climbing the ranks, removing the obstacles with favours and assassinations. With her achievements appearing more and more in Starfleet Command’s internal documentation, her accelerated promotion to the highest ranks was just a matter of time. Should Georgiou become a heroic §YScientist§! capable of commanding a Flagship or a heroic §YAdmiral§!?”
STH_hero_leader.27.desc:0 “Joining the Imperial Starfleet on Admiral Alexander Marcus’ recommendation, Christopher Pike quickly rose through the ranks – some say that he has been pushed by Starfleet Command to become a poster boy for the Empire, but his impressive kill record is a simple enough explanation. Ruthless and ambitious, Pike embodies what it means to be a Terran. Should Pike become a heroic §YScientist§! capable of commanding a Flagship or a heroic §YAdmiral§!?”
STH_hero_leader.28.desc:0 “James Tiberius Kirk was the descendant of late 19th century American naval officers and joined the Imperial Starfleet for sake of the prestige and power he could obtain in the military. One of his very first achievements was eliminating more than two hundred Imperial officers, including Captain Stephen Garrovick, in what is now known as ‘The Farragut Incident’. Should Kirk become a heroic §YScientist§! capable of commanding a Flagship or a heroic §YAdmiral!?”
STH_hero_leader.29.desc:0 “A dedicated Starfleet officer, Commander Archer’s desire for his own command landed him in the center seat of an advanced starship. However, his quest for power and glory, and his ultimate desire to take over the Terran Empire were both his biggest strength and biggest weakness. Should Archer become a heroic §YScientist§! capable of commanding a Flagship or a heroic §YAdmiral§!?”
STH_hero_leader.30.desc:0 “Captain Maximilian Forrest was a notable Terran leader in the 2150s. He was the commanding officer of the ISS Enterprise, developing an adversarial relationship with his first officer, Commander Jonathan Archer. Although more harsh and stern than his counterpart in the prime universe, relatively speaking, Forrest seemed to honestly care about the overall well-being of his ship and crew, and was legitimately concerned when a Terran Empire task force was destroyed fighting rebels at Tau Ceti. Should Forrest become a heroic §YScientist§! capable of commanding a Flagship or a heroic §YAdmiral§!?”
STH_hero_leader.31.desc:0 “Self-serving and cruel, few would have predicted Sato’s rise to power. Before serving on the Enterprise, Sato had been a teacher in Brazil. Serving mainly as Captain Forrest’s woman, Sato had previously been involved with Jonathan Archer but left him for Forrest when he was promoted to a position of higher power.Should Sato become a heroic §YScientist§! capable of commanding a Flagship or a heroic §YAdmiral§!?”
STH_hero_leader.32.desc:0 “Very few people could be considered as determined as Erika Hernandez. Having been passed up for command of Earth’s first warp 5 starship, Hernandez vowed never to come in second place again and that she would take any means to ensure this she never did. Should Hernandez become a heroic §YScientist§! capable of commanding a Flagship or a heroic §YAdmiral§!?”
STH_hero_leader.33.desc:0 “Seven of Nine (full designation: Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 01) was a former Borg drone, born Annika Hansen, a Human female. Assimilated by the Borg at the age of six, Seven was liberated by the crew of the USS Voyager in 2374. She was both a brilliant scientific mind and possessed considerable leadership skills forged through her service within the Fenris Rangers. Should Seven of Nine become a §YScientist§! or an §YAdmiral§!?”
STH_hero_leader.34.desc:0 “Bruce Maddox has had a chequered past: once a promising scientist in the field of cybernetics, his objection to giving Androids the status of living beings was well known within the scientific community. Since that point he has come to revere the work of Soong and Graves and can now be considered a leading mind in the field of positronic research.”
STH_hero_leader.35.desc:0 “We have been approached by a young warrior from the planet Capella, a number of years ago during an expedition to the planet one of our leaders saved the young man’s life. He wishes to apply for Starfleet Academy and serve the country which saved his life all those years ago.”
STH_hero_leader.36.desc:0 “Young Capellan, Leonard James Akaar has completed his training in Starfleet Academy with exemplary scores. Ready to take his place in the fleet and bring honour to his name.”
STH_hero_leader.37.desc:0 “Having served as Voyager’s Physician during its long journey home, the §GEMH§! has returned to Starfleet as a one of the most advanced and experienced Holograms in the fleet and after convincing many of his doubters wrong and thus earning recognition as a lifeform in his own right, the Doctor is ready to serve.”
STH_hero_leader.38.desc:0 “Despite managing to serve Voyager’s tour of the Delta Quadrant as an Ensign, the unsung hero of the Starship Voyager §GHarry Kim§! has finally earned himself that promotion.”
STH_hero_leader.39.desc:0 “The former Starfleet dropout and former Maquis engineer, §GB’Elanna Torres§! has been described by many as one of the finest engineers in the business. Torres’ half-klingon temper often gets her in trouble, but her undoubted skills and abilities saved the crew more times than they could count, quickly earning her a full commission on Voyager’s return.”
STH_hero_leader.40.desc:0 “Regarded as some as the best pilot in the fleet, and by others as a no good rogue §GTom Paris§! has had a troubling career thus far. Son of famed Admiral Owen Paris and kicked from Starfleet for covering up a tragic accident, Paris has reformed his ways and served Voyager with distinction. His return to home and glowing references have convinced the Admiralty to give him another chance.”
STH_hero_leader.41.desc:0 “Once considered a promising officer before he defected to the Maquis to defend his homeland against the Cardassians, §GChakotay§! served as Voyagers second in command throughout its journey home. Not afraid to challenge his captain, but fiercely loyal Chakotay was welcomed back into the fleet with open arms upon Voyager’s return.”
STH_hero_leader.42.desc:0 “A man of many talents §GNeelix§! served as guide, cook and moral officer… not always with permission! Far from his home, but with plenty to offer Neelix has the skills to govern and host his own banquets.”
STH_hero_leader.43.desc:0 “As Earth propels itself into the stars, the role of Starfleet becomes ever more important as it begins the process of rolling Earth’s other military organisations into a singular spacefaring entity. Balthazar Edison, hero of United Earth’s multiple early conflicts whilst serving with the MACOs is seeking a new role within Starfleet. Edison is one of many war veterans seeking a place in an unfamiliar world.”
STH_hero_leader.45.desc:0 “Despite two of the finest captains in Starfleet going into battle for Seven, Starfleet’s concerns and prejudices were not easily overcome, leaving Seven feeling that she could do more good to the galaxy outside of Starfleet and the Federation. Seeing the work that organisations such as the Fenris Rangers are doing in the border regions, Seven head to the frontier to change lives. “
STH_hero_leader.46.desc:0 “It wasn’t an easy conversation, but Seven had some high profile backers within the ranks of Starfleet and so, as a result the Admiralty have agreed that her exceptional skills and experience would only aid the Federation, offering her a fast-tracked position within the fleet. “
STH_hero_leader.47.desc:0 “Considered by many to be one of the most decorated captains in Starfleet history, Robert April was responsible for launching the careers of many of Starfleet’s greats, such as Pike, Number One & the Enterprise herself. Not to be outshone by others April was considered a pioneer of Starfleet and a commanding presence amongst the Admiralty.”
STH_hero_leader.50.desc:0 “The death of noted Federation scientist Richard Daystrom has left a noticeable hole in the scientific community. A sizeable group of scientists have expressed a wish to set up a new scientific research institute named in honour of Dr Daystrom, it will become the leading light in scientific research and a place for the very best minds in Starfleet and the civilian sector to come together to produce the finest research for the federation.”
STH_hero_mechanics.2.desc:0 “After a long and distinguised career within [Root.Owner.GetName], it is time for §G[potential_retirement_leader.GetName]§! to consider their career options and potential retirement. [potential_retirement_leader.GetSheHe] may decide to §Yretire from service§!, §Ycontinue their service§!, §Ymove into academia§! – to help train the next generation or move into a §Ysenior role§! within their chain of command and behind the scenes.What decision should be made?”
STH_hero_mechanics.10.desc:0 “After years of serving United Earth, there are many calls for §GJonathan Archer§! to help [Root.Owner.GetName] in a new manner. The world of politics awaits and many would love to see Starfleet’s hero take a leading role in governing and helping decide the future.”
STH_hero_mechanics.11.desc:0 “After a long and impressive career in service of [Root.Owner.GetName], §G[hero_retire.GetName]’s§! thoughts turn to [hero_retire.GetHerHis] future. Even though others may advise to never leave the bridge of your ship. Sometimes other opportunities to serve present themselves.Some leaders are suited to being Ambassadors, governors or serving as Fleet Admirals. Alternatively returning to the Academy as a lecturer maybe the right decision.”
STH_hero_mechanics.15.desc:0 “After treating many patients from many different species, §Y[doctor_retire.GetName]§! has the opportunity to look at what they want to do in the future. What choice should they make?”
STH_hero_mechanics.16.desc:0 “One of our honoured soldiers who has answered the call of the warrior over many years has the chance to serve the Empire in new ways. §G[hero_retire_kdf.GetName]§! has defeated all enemies in their way over many years now and new challenges await them within the Empire.”
STH_hero_mechanics.18.desc:0 “Calls within the High Council for more proactive leadership are starting to gather momentum, with notable General Martok, famous for many victories becoming a strong candidate to move from the battlefield to a role within Klingon politics. “
STH_hero_mechanics.20.desc:0 “For many years the loyal ‘Number One’ of Christopher Pike has served her Captain with dedication and loyalty. Following a recommendation from Pike a new command awaits Commander Una Chin-Riley and a chance to step into the captain’s chair.”
STH_hero_mechanics.21.desc:0 “Cadet Uhura was regarded as a bit of a communications prodigy at the academy securing a prestigious position within the fleet. Her recent performances whilst on expedition have earned her the right to be promoted.”
STH_hero_mechanics.22.desc:0 “George Samuel Kirk, Jr. was born the son of George and Winona Kirk in Riverside, Iowa on Earth. He was the brother of famed Starfleet Captain James T. Kirk; who believed he alone called his brother by the nickname ‘Sam’.”
STH_hero_mechanics.23.desc:0 “Doctor Tracy Pollard was a female Human Starfleet officer in the 23rd century and later in the 32nd century. She was assigned to the USS Discovery in the 2250s as a physician.”
STH_hero_mechanics.24.desc:0 “This is the USS Discovery. My name’s Commander Landry. I’m Chief of Security here. I see we’re unloading all kinds of garbage today. Even Starfleet’s first mutineer. On me.”
STH_hero_mechanics.25.desc:0 “Commander Adreek-Hu was an 24th century Aurelian Starfleet command division officer who served as first officer aboard the USS Protostar.”
STH_hero_mechanics.26.desc:0 “Commander Tysess was a male Andorian command division officer who served as the first officer of the USS Dauntless and the USS Voyager-A under Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway in the late 24th century. He was on the bridge in 2384 when the Dauntless’s sensors detected a third proto-warp signature originating from the USS Protostar.”
STH_hero_mechanics.150.desc:0 “Our colony on [bajoran_rebels_target.GetName] has been attacked, reports from our local Obsidian Order operatives suggest that it was orchestrated by a Bajoran cell, not yet ready to move on from the past. What is more concerning it appears they used Federation technology to carry out this attack!”
STH_hero_mechanics.151.desc:0 “Our intelligence services report that the Cardassian colony on [bajoran_rebels_target.GetName] suffered a significant terrorist attack, with preliminary reports suggesting a rogue Bajoran cell being to blame for the destruction.”
STH_hero_mechanics.152.desc:0 “Greetings Starfleet, you will no doubt by now be aware of the callous attack on our innocent civilians on the peaceful colony world of [bajoran_rebels_target.GetName]. Our reports suggest that your ‘allies’ the Bajorans have not moved on from the events of the past and continue to habour a grudge for the missgivings of the past. We invite you to deal with this situation before we send our fleets in to make a more permanent solution.”
STH_hero_mechanics.153.desc:0 “Those cowards in the Federation have refused to condemn those Bajoran fools and will not stand with Cardassia in the face of these attacks. This insult will not go unpunished or forgotten by those on Cardassia Prime.”
STH_hero_mechanics.154.desc:0 “The Federation has seen sense and condemned the acts of those Bajorans fools, pledging their support to track down the source of the leaked weapons and bring a stop to these senseless attacks on our planets.”
STH_hero_mechanics.155.desc:0 “The Federation has expressed a desire to fully investigate the matter to determine who launched the attack on us and how they obtained the use of Starfleet-grade weapons. The Central Government has allowed them limited time to investigate on the condition that when they reach the logical conclusion, they act swiftly and decisively. “
STH_hero_mechanics.156.desc:0 “Greetings I am [hero_choice_1.GetName] and I am preparing to lead the investigation into the bombings on [bajoran_rebels_target.GetName]. Starfleet has provided the services of a Bajoran national, Ro Laren, currently serving time in a penal colony for causing the deaths of a number of her crew mates whilst on a mission with the USS Wellington. Our diplomatic services believe that Ro would be able to provide valuable insights into the Bajoran cell but be warned of her reputation with her fellow officers. Many believe she has no right to be free from her confinement. “
STH_hero_mechanics.158.desc:0 “Unfortunately Keeve Falor was unable to provide any meaningful evidence or information about the attacks, either he is unwilling to provide answers, or more likely has been left out of the loop. We must inform the Cardassians of our failure… they will not be pleased.”
STH_hero_mechanics.159.desc:0 “The Starfleet officer in charge of investigating the attacks on our planet has reported that they have been unable to identify who was responsible for the bombing of our planet. We have no choice but to hold any and all Bajorans responsible for the atrocities and our faith in Starfleet remains justifiably low. “
STH_hero_mechanics.160.desc:0 “The away team is directed to a hidden facility in the hills overlooking the Bajoran camp and introduced to an individual known only as ‘Orta’, who appears to head up the remains of a cell. By the looks of his scarred appearance, it would seem he has been battling the Cardassians for most of his life. Orta explains that his cell is in no longer in a fit state to continue their operation against the Cardassians and that they have knowledge that heavily implies that the attack against the Cardassians was a setup, by a small corner of the Obsidian Order, intending to turn the Federation against the Bajorans and allow the Cardassians to blame them and retaliate and wipe out those who resisted during the Occupation. “
STH_hero_mechanics.161.desc:0 “The Starfleet investigation into the recent attacks indicates that the Bajoran sect we suspected of the attacks is not responsible and is in no fit condition to have attacked anyone. Despite our inquiries, the Starfleet Captain claims they were unable to record the location of this cell, either that or they are unwilling to share. The likelihood of this being an internal job seems unlikely, but the Obsidian Order stands ready to investigate.”
STH_hero_mechanics.163.desc:0 “Following the conclusion of the mission, Starfleet are after a recommendation on what they should do with Ro Laren, many in Starfleet would prefer that she is ushered out of the service, but she clearly has a method of getting things done.”
STH_hero_mechanics.164.desc:0 “Starfleet has returned from their investigations with a prisoner in tow and ready to hand over to us! It appears the humans have apprehended a pitiful Bajoran terrorist with dreams of harming their former masters, whilst it seems a bit suspicious that this rag-tag group could have caused the amount of damage sustained in the attack a full set of questions by the Obsidian Order should reveal more and flush out the remains of his group and any resources they might have.”
STH_hero_mechanics.165.desc:0 “Greetings [Root.GetLeaderName], we thank you for turning over your captive and are pleased by your cooperation and assistance during this unfortunate event. Rest assured our operatives will take this investigation from here and we will see no further attacks from this group. §YIncoming Message:§! From Ensign Ro Lare… Please accept this message as formal resignation from Starfleet, and you can all formally go to he… §YMessage Terminates.§!”
STH_hero_mechanics.201.desc:0 “While serving alongside [recruitment_leader.GetName] during their expedition Dr Selar has been recognised for her exemplary work as part of [recruitment_leader.GetName]’s medical staff. Earning the opportunity to make her own name amongst the fleet.”
STH_hero_mechanics.202.desc:0 “During [recruitment_leader.GetName]’s most recent mission on their current expedition one young nurse stood out amongst the medical staff, Nurse Ogawa has proven to be more than just another ‘Lower Decker’ and has been recommended for a promotion and a notable position amongst the fleet.”
STH_hero_mechanics.203.desc:0 “Having served aboard the USS Voyager and learning his trade in the Delta Quadrant, Lt. Vorik has once again served with distinction on [recruitment_leader.GetName]’s current deep space mission, earning himself a deserved promotion.”
STH_hero_mechanics.204.desc:0 “Lon Suder has undergone an extreme journey whilst aboard the USS Voyager, but through hard work and mentoring from [recruitment_leader.GetName] during their current mission on the far reaches of [Root.GetName] space they are ready to play a larger part in fleet operations.”
STH_hero_mechanics.205.desc:0 “Ranul Keru was an unjoined Trill with a reputation for fierce loyalty and unwavering devotion to his crew. This service has gained the notice of his commanding officer [recruitment_leader.GetName] and a promotion come the end of the current expedition. “
STH_hero_mechanics.206.desc:0 “Christine Vale has served with many of the finest Captains in Starfleet, before being promoted to XO, her recent service record, and acts of great service during [recruitment_leader.GetName]’s expedition has earned her a chance to take the Captain’s chair herself. “
STH_hero_mechanics.207.desc:0 “Xin Ra-Havreii was responsible for the design of the Luna Class Warp Core before a number of setbacks pushed him back into a Chief Engineer’s role, but under the command of [recruitment_leader.GetName] Xin is ready to once again make a name for himself in Starfleet.”
STH_hero_mechanics.208.desc:0 “Raffi has served loyally under Jean-Luc Picard for many years, becoming his new number one and whilst certain temptations always remain close to the surface, few have as keen an eye as Raffi for spotting suspicious activity. If ‘J.L’ believes she is ready to take the next step, perhaps a greater role in the fleet has been earned.”
STH_hero_mechanics.209.desc:0 “The former Chief of Security onboard the USS Enterprise-D has pulled herself up the ranks of Starfleet, starting with so little but making a name of her own. Whilst serving alongside [recruitment_leader.GetName] Yar once again demonstrated her great value.”
STH_hero_mechanics.210.desc:0 “Marked from a young age as a potential genius, Wesley Crusher served as a provisional ensign onboard the Federation’s flagship even before attending the academy, Now is his chance to shine on the galactic stage.”
STH_hero_mechanics.211.desc:0 “Lieutenant Commander Airiam was a female Human cyborg, a Starfleet science officer who lived during the mid-23rd century. Beginning in 2256, she served aboard the USS Discovery as the spore drive ops officer.”
STH_hero_mechanics.212.desc:0 “Rhys was appointed chief tactical officer aboard the USS Discovery. In 2257, in recognition of his role in ending the Federation-Klingon War, Rhys was awarded the Starfleet Medal of Honor.”
STH_hero_mechanics.213.desc:0 “Having earned her pilot’s license at age 12, Keyla Detmer soon became one of the fleet’s most promising young helm officers. “
STH_hero_mechanics.214.desc:0 “Lieutenant Commander Joann Owosekun, nicknamed ‘Owo’, was a female Human Starfleet officer who served during the mid-23rd century and the late 32nd century. Owosekun was raised in a Luddite collective on Earth and at the age of 15 she watched her best friend die without being able to help, which drove her decision to join Starfleet.”
STH_hero_mechanics.215.desc:0 “Ronald Altman Bryce was a male Human Starfleet communications officer who served on the USS Discovery in the mid-23rd century. As a child he listened to old radio emissions in space with his grandmother. This is why he loves comms.”
STH_hero_age.21.desc:0 “Following her joining with the Dax symbiont over 10 years ago, §GEzri Dax§! has undergone a real transformation, both host Ezri and Dax have grown in confidence together and may see a future outside of the science division. A recent opportunity to take command has left Dax wondering if a transfer to the command division is in order.”
STH_hero_age.22.desc:0 “Since being liberated from the Borg, the ex-drone, known now as simply ‘Seven’ has continued to demonstrate her exceptional skills and the admiralty believes the time has come to promote her to the command track.”
STH_hero_age.29.desc:0 “Following years of dedicated service to Starfleet, the Android known as Data has put in a request for a promotion and a command of his own. Data has an implecable service record, but not everyone in the fleet would be comfortable following the command of an artificial lifeform.”
STH_hero_age.35.desc:0 “Following years of dedicated service to Starfleet security, Worf has demonstrated leadership and the ability to command a crew his peers are recommending that he switches to the command division and put his considerable skills to use in this area.”
STH_hero_age.41.desc:0 “Following her rescue from her transport ship as a young girl, the young La’an Noonien-Singh was determined to repay Starfleet by joining the fleet and serving alongside Starfleet’s finest. Is there a position within the fleet for Cadet Noonien-Singh?”
STH_hero_age.44.desc:0 “Having served with distinction during the expedition alongside their commanding officer [From.GetName], Nurse Chapel has excelled in her duties and has been recommended for a promotion form [From.GetName].”
STH_hero_age.45.desc:0 “Having served with distinction during the expedition alongside their commanding officer [From.GetName], Lt Ortegas has excelled in her duties and has been recommended for a promotion form [From.GetName] and a command of their own on her return to Earth.”
STH_hero_age.50.desc:0 “Admiral Spock has served Starfleet with distinction for more years than almost any other commander in the fleet. As a distinguished officer, it is time for him to make the career decision that he has earnt. Remain within Starfleet, use his considerable political might as an Ambassador (governor) or retire from public life. The needs of the many really do outweigh the needs of the few… or the one.”
STH_hero_age.51.desc:0 “Robert April is one of Starfleet’s most decorated officers, his role on the bridge of the Enterprise and other notable Starships has become legend. Is now the time for his next career move?”
STH_envoy_events.1.desc:0 “The [envoy_source.GetOwnerName] envoy, [event_envoy.GetName], has been causing a great amount of harm in [event_envoy.GetHerHis] efforts to represent [envoy_source.GetOwnerName] interests in [Root.Capital.GetName]. Right from [event_envoy.GetHerHis] first arrival, [event_envoy.GetSheHe] has criticised our government’s efforts in various high profile meetings and in front of other empires. Our agencies have devised a plan to end the meddling of [event_envoy.GetHerHim], our efforts would be done under the cover of dark.Allowing this scheme to succeed would certainly be benefit us, but having a foreign dignitary die whilst in our care could impact us negatively.”
STH_envoy_events.2.desc:0 “[event_envoy.GetName] – the envoy we sent to mediate our disagreements with the [From.GetName] – has been found dead, our internal security services believe they have been murdered!Whilst we do not have conclusive evidence the [From.GetAdj] authorities have not offered convincing evidence that they were not behind the death of our envoy.”
STH_envoy_events.5.desc:0 “Our spies have identified several envoys that are actively working against the interests of [Root.GetName] and promoting the interests of their own states. There is an upcoming diplomatic conference that will involve the envoys and ambassadors from multiple different states and empires. This presents itself as an excellent opportunity to assassinate a foreign envoy and set back one of our rivals diplomatic efforts. Our security services have compelled a list of envoys that will be at the conference, we will identify any envoys deliberately targeting us in §Rred§!.”
STH_envoy_events.7.desc:0 “[Root.GetTitle] [Root.GetName], we have alarming news, one of our top envoys, [dead_envoy_walking.GetName], was killed whilst on assignment. They were attending a conference offworld with a number of other ambassadors and envoys from various worlds when they failed to report in. Local security found them dead in their apartment with no sign of who carried out this atrocity.”
STH_envoy_events.8.desc:0 “Our assassins were able to successfully complete their mission and assassinate their target envoy [dead_envoy_walking.GetName]. The hosts and the dead envoy’s country were unable to identify who carried out the assassination. As hoped this has caused disruption to their diplomatic efforts.”
STH_envoy_events.9.desc:0 “[Root.GetTitle] [Root.GetName]! We must report an attempt on the life of one of our envoys, thankfully [dead_envoy_walking.GetName] was able to escape unharmed, but they were unable to provide any further details on who was behind the attack. Our security services have investigated but have also drawn a blank, we should remain on alert and review our counter-espionage policies if possible.”
STH_envoy_events.10.desc:0 “Our assassins were not able to successfully complete their mission and assassinate their target envoy [dead_envoy_walking.GetName] who escaped with their lives and back to their security escorts. Our assassins were forced to withdraw to prevent being discovered, but at least our role in the attack has remained a secret. Unfortunately we will not be able to plan a repeat attack for some time.”
NX_WEAPONS_PROJECT_1_DESC:0 “A year-long interstellar training campaign that will take Enterprise all over the sector in joint exercises meant to simulate pirate incursions, facing against an invasion of a technologically superior force, protecting civilian freighter convoys, and much more. It is hoped that by working together with other naval and civilian ships, the prototype technologies at the heart of the NX-01 can be adapted to wider use by the entire fleet.”
NX_WEAPONS_PROJECT_2_DESC:0 “The Enterprise will host a one-year field school program, with engineers, scientists and cadets training and learning to use the most cutting-edge technologies that humanity has to offer. This should facilitate the rapid introduction of those technologies into the civilian and military fleets.”
nx01_refit_event_chain_desc:0 “The Enterprise must return to [This.Capital.GetName] to commence her Refit.”
STH_hero_ship.4.desc:0 “The Enterprise has entered orbit of [Owner.Capital.GetName]. While the refit will take several months and a great deal of resources, the Starfleet Corps of Engineers are keen to assure that the benefits outweigh the costs. §YRequires 500 Minerals§! §RWarning: The fleet containing Enterprise will not be able to leave orbit until refit is complete! It is recommended to remove all other ships from this fleet!§!”
STH_hero_ship.5.desc:0 “After 3 months in drydock the Enterprise has been equipped with the best systems and technologies the [Owner.GetName] can provide. Most of her systems are prototypes that remain unavailable to the rest of the fleet for now.”
STH_hero_ship.11.desc:0 “The NX-project is stalling yet again, and this time it is not due to Vulcan political pressure. The introduction of the modern technologies implemented for the first time in the NX Light Cruiser class throughout the rest of the fleet has proven difficult. A test run of the new experimental ship, Atlantis, proved disastrous – the new warp engine’s subspace bubble collapsed in proximity to the gravity well of Jupiter. The ship sunk to the depths of the Gas Giant with all souls lost.The Starfleet Corps of Engineers has been having a hard time replicating the ad-hoc and jury-rigged changes that the Enterprise crew did to the ship to get the new thrusters working, as well as the new patchwork navigation software for the Duotronic computers. It is hoping to send a team of researchers, students, and officers from across Starfleet to study the Enterprise’s operation in field conditions. This, however, could prove to be a very complex project indeed and disrupt all ship work.”
ENTERPRISE_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Enterprise has been requested to return to Earth to undergo an extensive refit”
ENTERPRISE_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The NX-01 has been requested to return to Earth to undergo an extensive refit”
STH_hero_ship.67.desc:0 “Starfleet have designated the USS Enterprise for refit to test out the new technologies on offer. The vessel selected is not the Enterprise, the engineers request that only the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 approach [upgrade_location.GetName] to start the project.”
STH_hero_ship.68.desc:0 “Starfleet have made the decision that the NX-01 Enterprise is the ideal candidate for refit to test out the new technologies on offer from the Columbia Class refit. The vessel selected is not the Enterprise, the engineers request that only the NX-01 approach [upgrade_location.GetName] to start the project.”
STH_hero_ship.200.desc:0 “With Earth’s first Warp V vessel complete and ready to depart on her maiden voyage, it is now time for Starfleet to decide which of Earth’s finest should command the ship and make history. Two outstanding candidates exist §YJonathan Archer§!, son of renowned scientist and key member of the Warp V project, Henry Archer and §YA.G. Robinson§! famed test pilot and first human to break the warp 2 barrier.”
tos_refit_event_chain_desc:0 “The Enterprise must return to [This.Capital.GetName] to commence her Refit.”
STH_hero_ship.61.desc:0 “For years the Constitution Class ships have been the pride of Starfleet engineers, pioneered by the Enterprise on her five year missions. New technologies can give this class of ship a new lease on life. If the Enterprise returns to [Owner.Capital.GetName], work on the upgrades can be begin immediately.”
STH_hero_ship.63.desc:0 “The Enterprise has entered orbit of [Owner.Capital.GetName]. While the refit will take several months and a great deal of resources, the Starfleet Corps of Engineers are keen to assure us the benefits outweigh the costs. §YRequires 1500 Minerals§! §RWarning: The fleet containing Enterprise will not be able to leave orbit until refit is complete! It is recommended to remove all other ships from this fleet!§!”
STH_hero_ship.64.desc:0 “As one of the first of the Constitution-class starships to undergo a major refit program the Enterprise’s refit took many months of hard work and essentially a new vessel was built onto the bones of the old, replacing virtually every major system. These refits allowed USS Enterprise and her sister ships to continued to serve a prominent prominent role at the front line of Starfleet.”
ENTERPRISE_REBUILD_PROJECT_1_DESC:0 “The destruction of the Enterprise has disheartened many who saw the vessel as a symbol of the [Root.GetName]’s reach in the galaxy. The admiralty have given the go-ahead to a project that would see partially completed space frames from future sister-ships of the Enterprise be brought into production and renamed in the Enterprise’s honour.”
ENTERPRISE_REBUILD_PROJECT_2_DESC:0 “The destruction of the Enterprise has disheartened many who saw the vessel as a symbol of the [Root.GetName]’s reach in the galaxy. The admiralty have given the go-ahead to a project that would see partially completed space frames from future sister-ships of the Enterprise be brought into production and renamed in the Enterprise’s honour.”
ENTERPRISE_ENT_BUILD_PROJECT_1_DESC:0 “The NX class Enterprise is the first of, hopefully, many Warp V vessels. Construction has taken longer than anticipated, due to the nature of the advanced technologies involved; however, it is believed that the project is very near completion.”
ENTERPRISE_TOS_BUILD_PROJECT_1_DESC:0 “Using advanced metallurgical techniques and cutting edge technologies we can create a new flagship, a Starship Enterprise.”
STH_hero_ship.150.desc:0 “There are few ships in the fleet with as distinguished a record as the Enterprise. However, years of service have taken their toll on the vessel. The admiralty now believes that it is time to retire the Enterprise, to allow a new ship to be built to carry the name forward. Alternatively it would take a substantial investment in resources to keep the Enterprise space-worthy.§YNote: do not re-assign a leader to the fleet if opting to retire the Enterprise.§!”
STH_hero_ship.151.desc:0 “Using advanced metallurgical techniques and cutting edge technologies, engineers on [Root.Capital.GetName] have lobbied the admiralty for authorisation to create a new flagship for the [Root.GetName] – a new Starship Enterprise. After [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] [Root.Leader.GetHerHim]self expressed interest in the project, prompting the project to be initiated in principle.”
TERRAN_ENTERPRISE_ENT_BUILD_PROJECT_1_DESC:0 “The prototype of the NX class battlecruiser, codenamed NX-01, is ready to be constructed at the [Root.Capital.GetName] spacedocks. Once completed, it will become a testing platform for the NX Project as well as the new flagship of the [Root.GetName].”
TERRAN_ENTERPRISE_ENT_BUILD_PROJECT_2_DESC:0 “With the ISS Enterprise assuming its position as the [Root.GetSpeciesName] flagship, it is time to finish the NX Project by constructing the remaining two warships – NX-02 and NX-03.”
TERRAN_ENTERPRISE_ENT_BUILD_PROJECT_3_DESC:0 “Since the ISS Enterprise has proven its effectiveness in combat, it is time to put the invaluable experience we received in use by constructing the remaining two warships – NX-02 and NX-03.”
TERRAN_ENTERPRISE_ENT_BUILD_PROJECT_DELAY_DESC:0 “Increased security measures ensure that no harm will come to the Columbia and the Avenger, but the time until their completion has also been increased significantly.”
TERRAN_1_SUN_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Our limited reserve of Red Matter is available to conduct experiments on at the site of the sun’s fluctuations. Send a scientist to the location to begin the science experiment.”
STH_terran_story.100.desc:0 “The rebels strengthen their positions with each passing day, but so does the [Root.GetName]. Designs for new kinds of weapons and tactical systems are under constant development. Special research teams are digging deeper and deeper into databanks of the conquered alien species, searching for anything which could provide the [Root.GetName] with an advantage in the war. One of those teams now believes that they have gathered enough information from the Vulcan database to assemble a number of prototype, cutting-edge systems, including an incredibly powerful Warp V engine. They have addressed [Root.Ruler.GetTitle] [Root.Ruler.GetName] [Root.Ruler.GetHerHim]self with the proposition of the ‘NX Project’ – a series of advanced battlecruisers which would be able to deliver a quick and decisive killing blow to this rebellion. These ships will not come cheap, but when finished they will become the most destructive weapon in the [Root.GetSpeciesName] arsenal.”
STH_terran_story.101.desc:0 “It has been decided that in order to better understand potential advantages and disadvantages of future NX class ships, a prototype vessel, codenamed NX-01, must be deployed first. After its completion, the adjustments and corrections in production methods, as well as information gathered during the field tests, will be used in further deployment of the NX-02 and -03. With all the theories and hypotheses around the NX Project one thing is certain, together the three warships will undoubtedly ensure the rebellion’s total destruction.”
STH_terran_story.110.desc:0 “A testament to the Starfleet’s power and an incarnation of the [Root.GetName]’s glory, the NX-01, now known as the ISS Enterprise, leaves spacedock with a grace appropriate for her status as the [Root.GetSpeciesName] flagship. This vessel’s unique weaponry is expected to be beyond anything the rebels have to offer, and top-of-the-line tactical systems will ensure that the enemy will have nowhere to hide. However, there is always room for improvement. While the [Root.GetName] can proceed with the remainder of the NX Project right away, some high-ranking Starfleet officers believe that the Enterprise should be taken to the frontlines first so that the prototype’s performance can be evaluated in combat, as a basis for crew training and equipment configuration on her upcoming sisterships.”
STH_terran_story.111.desc:0 “As the Enterprise has brutally crushed the enemy fleet in the recent space battle for the [system.GetName] system, [Root.Ruler.GetTitle] [Root.Ruler.GetName] offers [Root.Ruler.GetHerHis] personal congratulations to lead engineers of the NX Project. The prototype’s performance is exceptional and the data collected during this attack will allow even further improvements to her effectiveness. Redesigned and optimized tactical stations, secondary navigational deflector dishes, specially trained elite crew – these are the advantages that NX-02 and -03 will be able to enjoy once they are completed. The [Root.Ruler.GetTitle] believes that now is the time to proceed with construction of the remaining battlecruisers and then use the resulting fleet to finish off the rebels once and for all.”
STH_terran_story.113.desc:0 “ISS Enterprise has been destroyed by enemy forces. With the flagship proving inadequate to combat the rebel threat, there is little appetite on [Root.Capital.GetName] in continuing the NX Project further.”
STH_terran_story.114.desc:0 “ISS Columbia and ISS Avenger have cleared spacedock above [Root.Capital.GetName] to join the Enterprise as an honor guard for the Imperial flagship. Despite the Coalition’s plans to sabotage the new vessels, the launch proceeded without any issues. All three warships are now standing by to depart and lead the Imperial Starfleet to victory.”
STH_terran_story.115.desc:0 “While the Columbia proceeded through its final system checks before launch, internal sensors detected several unidentified alien lifesigns in main engineering. Weapons fire is reported, with further reports coming in from the area that some of the intruders have attached explosive devices to the warp core. Alert response teams are already on their way, but the ship’s tactical officer argues that security won’t make it there in time, and suggests venting atmosphere from the compartment. This would neutralise everyone in engineering section – both crew and attackers.”
STH_terran_story.116.desc:0 “ISS Columbia and ISS Avenger have cleared spacedock above [Root.Capital.GetName] to join the Enterprise as an honor guard for the Imperial flagship. As both vessels establish a formation around the Enterprise, the Avenger hails its sister ships. Despite the poor quality of the transmission, the communications officer on the Columbia has identified it as a distress call. A group of alien crew members aboard the Avenger have began a mutiny, aiming to take over the ship. Security efforts are failing and for the most part the battlecruiser has already fallen under hostile control. The commander of the Enterprise’s MACO detachment wants to immediately beam aboard the Avenger and eliminate the traitors. The tactical officer proposes to render the ship inoperable first, to prevent the aliens from firing on the rest of the fleet or escaping, which would be much harder to do so after marines transport over.”
STH_terran_story.200.desc:0 “[Root.Ruler.GetTitle] [Root.Ruler.GetName] one of our eminent scientists has requested a moment of your time to discuss a scientific breakthrough they have been working on in private.”
STH_terran_story.201.desc:0 “My, [Root.Ruler.GetTitle], I am your humble scientist [terran_scientist.GetName] and I believe I have uncovered a form of research that will grant us a huge boon over our enemies! I have picked up a strange energy called ‘Red Matter’ coming from [terran_project_location.GetName] and I believe I can harvest it for the Empire to help crush our foes!”
STH_terran_story.202.desc:0 “Scientist [terran_scientist.GetName] has provided their first report following the ongoing experiments that we sanctioned. The investigation into the Red Matter has produced significant research breakthroughs and given another couple of months should produce more reward. The Lead Scientist has noted that there are some strange emissions coming from the site of the experiment, often citing seeing strange ‘lightning in space’ around the location… very strange.”
STH_terran_story.203.desc:0 “Scientist [terran_scientist.GetName] has provided their first report following the ongoing experiments that we sanctioned. The investigation into the Red Matter has not produced significant research breakthroughs has burned through much of our resources, the Imperial scientific community are considering this to be a laughing stock. To make matters worse the Lead Scientist has noted that there are some strange emissions coming from the site of the experiment, often citing seeing strange ‘lightning in space’ around the location… very strange.”
STH_terran_story.204.desc:0 “Failure to send a scientist to conduct the experiment has meant the opportunity to investigate further has been missed. Whilst this is a huge loss for the scientists involved, life continues un-perturbed at the Imperial Court.”
STH_terran_story.205.desc:0 “Greetings, I am not sure how my vessel and I arrived in this strange universe, but as you can see my ship, the USS Vengeance is far superior to anything you have in your possession. You will also find that I am a superior mind, a superior human, there is but one sensible choice, surrender to me…. surrender to Khannnnn….”
STH_terran_story.206.desc:0 “Khan Noonien Singh’s sudden appearance across universes and dimensions as a result of the experiments has given the genetically engineered human a new opportunity to place his augmented human’s at the top of the food chain. His ship is powerful and his determination to take over the Terran Empire in a show of power is unquestionable. He must be stopped.”
STH_terran_story.207.desc:0 “The scientist in charge of the experiement into Red Matter has informed us that the experiment has concluded with no further anomalies or strange results. The strange readings from the sun appear to have ceased and our supply of Red Matter has been exhausted.”
STH_terran_story.208.desc:0 “The battle was intense, but at the end of it the USS Vengeance from another universe and timeline lay in ruins, unable to withstand the combined forces of the mighty Terran Empire. There are now §Ytwo§! choices of what can be done with the Vengeance wreckage: §YCapture and Repair§! the USS Vengeance and return it to full strength in service of the Empire. §YBreak the ship down and reverse engineer the design§! By breaking down the ship we will be able to build more vessels of this type, not as powerful but still able to serve the empire.”
STH_terran_story.209.desc:0 “Our Imperial Engineers have fully restored the USS Vengeance to full service and it is ready to serve our glorious Empire and crush our enemies should they dare to take on the might of the Terran Empire!”
STH_terran_story.210.desc:0 “Khan Noonien Singh’s mighty warship hangs in orbit over the Imperial palace, the former Emperor dead at the hand of the Augmented Human. Ready to begin his reign as the new emperor of the Terran people. Long live the Emperor, Long live the Empire!”
STH_hero_ship_design.generic.desc:0 “Once in a while a ship leaves drydock ready to weave its destiny amongst the stars. Such a ship has now been commissioned and is ready to make history; a new legend has begun…”
STH_hero_ship_design.2.desc:0 “The pride of the fleet, the [From.GetName] has been retired. Whilst the vessel has served us well, the retirement of the ship will allow a new flagship to be constructed.”
STH_hero_ship_design.3.desc:0 “The pride of the fleet,[FromFrom.GetName], has been destroyed in battle by the [FromFromFrom.GetName] of the [From.GetName]!The destruction of our flagship has sent waves of discontent rippling through the [Root.GetName]. A new vessel should be constructed soon.”
STH_hero_ship_design.21.desc:0 “The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) was a 23rd century Federation Constitution-class starship operated by Starfleet. In the course of her career, the Enterprise became the most celebrated starship of her time.In her forty years of service and discovery, through upgrades and at least two refits, she took part in numerous first contacts, military engagements, and time-travels. She achieved her most lasting fame through a five-year mission (2265-2270) under the command of Captain James T. Kirk.”
STH_hero_ship_design.22.desc:0 “On stardate 9715.5, in the year 2293, the Enterprise-B was commissioned. Soon thereafter, the starship was launched under the command of Captain John Harriman from a drydock orbiting Earth. The ship was christened with a bottle of Dom Pérignon, vintage 2265. Honoured guests aboard for the ship’s maiden voyage included three legendary captains of previous Enterprise fame.”
STH_hero_ship_design.23.desc:0 “The Enterprise-C will go down in history for one famous act of heroism, an act that would prevent countless deaths in a war that never came to pass. While under the command of Captain Rachel Garrett, this Ambassador-class ship responded to a distress call from a Klingon colony on Narendra III, which was under attack by four Romulan warbirds. The Enterprise responded to the attack, and despite being destroyed there, defended it long enough to impress the Klingon High Council; this act of bravery in combat was seen as extremely honorable, thus securing a treaty between the Klingon Empire and the Federation.”
STH_hero_ship_design.24.desc:0 “The legendary command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, the Galaxy-class Enterprise-D, became famous for its seven-year mission in which it made more first contacts then any ship in Starfleet, perhaps rivaled only by the Enterprise of James T. Kirk. It was famously said that ‘For five hundred years, every ship that has borne the name of the Enterprise has become a legend. This one is no different.’ The fifth Federation starship to bear the name Enterprise, during its career, the Enterprise served as the Federation flagship and was in service from 2363 to 2371.”
STH_hero_ship_design.25.desc:0 “On stardate 49827.5, the Sovereign-class Enterprise-E, seen as the pinnacle of Starfleet ship design, was launched from San Francisco Fleet Yards, with Captain Jean-Luc Picard in command once more. Much of the crew of the Enterprise-D had been reassigned there, including almost the entire senior staff. The latest in a long line of vessels called Enterprise, the sixth ships distinguished herself straight away in the Battle of sector 001 and then later against both the Son’a and the deadly Reman Scimitar.”
STH_hero_ship_design.26.desc:0 “In 2285, the Reliant served at the disposal of Doctors Carol and David Marcus during their research for Project Genesis. While Marcus and her team worked from the Regula I space station, Reliant searched for a lifeless planet to serve as a suitable test site to satisfy the stringent requirements necessary for stage three of the Genesis Experiment.”
STH_hero_ship_design.30.desc:0 “The USS Defiant (NX-74205) was a 24th century Federation Defiant-class starship operated by Starfleet. This was the prototype of the class and the second Federation ship known to bear the name Defiant. Development on the Defiant began around 2366 in response to the Borg threat to the Federation. After initial and hostile first contact with the Borg, Starfleet did what it hadn’t done in decades, place greater emphasis on Starfleet’s essential role in the defense of the Federation.”
STH_hero_ship_design.1000.desc:0 “A legend has ended too soon. The [FromFrom.GetName], has been destroyed in battle by the [FromFromFrom.GetName] of the [From.GetName]!The destruction of one of our finest ships has raised concern amongst the people of [Root.GetName].”
capture_defiant_chain_desc:0 “A futuristic ship from another universe may be the [Root.GetName]’s only hope to defeat the Rebellion…”
CAPTURE_DEFIANT_PROJECT_1_DESC:0 “Send a fleet commanded by a Navy leader to capture and interrogate a [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] to find where the futuristic ship is being held.”
CAPTURE_DEFIANT_PROJECT_2_DESC:0 “Send a fleet commanded by an Admiral to capture the futuristic starship from the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesNamePlural].”
CAPTURE_DEFIANT_PROJECT_3_DESC:0 “Take the Defiant back to Earth so it can be studied and its futuristic technology and weapons duplicated so that Imperial Starfleet can crush the Rebellion.”
CAPTURE_DEFIANT_PROJECT_4_DESC:0 “Bring the Defiant to [coalition_of_hope.Capital.GetName] and crush the Rebellion once and for all using its futuristic technology and weapons.”
CAPTURE_DEFIANT_PROJECT_5_DESC:0 “Bring the Defiant to [coalition_of_hope.Capital.GetName] and crush the Rebellion once and for all using its futuristic technology and weapons.”
CAPTURE_DEFIANT_PROJECT_6_DESC:0 “Take the Defiant back to Earth so it can be studied and its futuristic technology and weapons duplicated.”
CAPTURE_DEFIANT_PROJECT_7_DESC:0 “Take the Defiant back to Earth and challenge the leaders of the [terran_empire.GetName] to become ruler.”
terran_mirrorMirror_chain_desc:0 “Large concentrations of dilithium deposits have been detected on a primitive world…”
TERRAN_MIRRORMIRROR_PROJECT_1_DESC:0 “Send a fleet commanded by a Navy leader to persuade primitives to surrender their world and dilithium deposits.”
TERRAN_MIRRORMIRROR_PROJECT_2_DESC:0 “The primitives have refused to surrender their world and the dilithium deposits, so their world will now burn!”
TERRAN_MIRRORMIRROR_PROJECT_3_DESC:0 “The primitives must be made to see reason and surrender their world so that their race may live on, even if it enslaved…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.4.desc:0 “The [Root.GetName] has been oppressing the alien races they’ve subjugated for too long and they are now beginning to rise up against their [Root.GetSpeciesName] masters in the [coalition_of_hope.Capital.GetName] system. The planet has been taken over by these rebellious aliens and they have ships in orbit ready to strike against the [Root.GetName].”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.6.desc:0 “The location of base where the ship is being studied was not in the intelligence report, but it may be possible to locate it if a [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] ship could be captured and its crew made to provide the coordinates of the base.Long-range scans have picked up a [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] scout ship nearby; if this ship can be captured and its crew made to talk, then the location of the base will be known.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.7.desc:0 “Whilst engaged in combat against the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] Scout Ship, [Root.GetLeaderName] ordered that a [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] be beamed aboard to be interrogated. Unfortunately the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesNamePlural] detected the transporter beam and were able to deflect it. They then set the auto-destruct on the ship to ensure that no one was captured.With no way of knowing where the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] Base is, the [Root.Owner.GetName] will have to hope that either a new intelligence lead becomes available or that they can defeat the Rebellion without the futuristic ship…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.8.desc:0 “Whilst engaged in combat against the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] Scout Ship, [Root.GetLeaderName] failed to capture a Tholian for interrogation.With no way of knowing where the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] Base is, the [Root.Owner.GetName] will have to hope that either a new intelligence lead becomes available or that they can defeat the Rebellion without the futuristic ship…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.9.desc:0 “Whilst engaged in combat against the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] Scout Ship, [Root.GetLeaderName] ordered that a Tholian be beamed aboard to be interrogated. The [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesNamePlural] were unable to deflect the transporter beam, but they managed to set the self-destruct to stop anyone else from being captured.With the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] in custody, [Root.GetLeaderName] demanded that the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] reveal the location of its base. The [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName], naturally, refused. [Root.GetLeaderName] consulted with the First Officer, who advised that they try and make deal with the creature. However, the Security Officer advised that they decrease the temperature in the holding cell, so as to torture the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] into giving them the required information.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.10.desc:0 “[Root.GetLeaderName] decided to offer the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] the chance to voluntarily divulge the location of the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] Base. The [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] seemed unwilling to even entertain this notion at first, but then, miraculously, it seemed to have a change of mind and offered to reveal the base’s location in exchange for the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName]’s freedom.Although inclined to not trust the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName], [Root.GetLeaderName] agreed that if the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] was telling the truth, then they would let it go. The [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] then provided [Root.GetLeaderName] with the coordinates of the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] Base. As an extra precaution, [Root.GetLeaderName] then ordered that the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] be kept sedated to prevent escaping or warning its people that they were on their way.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.11.desc:0 “[Root.GetLeaderName] decided to offer the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] the chance to voluntarily divulge the location of the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] Base. The [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] was completely unwilling to even entertain this notion. So instead, [Root.GetLeaderName] went with the other option and ordered the temperature in the holding cell to be decreased.After slowly decreasing the temperature in the holding cell until the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName]’s exoskeleton started to fracture, the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] gave in and revealed the location of the base. [Root.GetLeaderName] then decided to not kill the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName], as the [Root.Owner.GetName]’s scientists would no doubt be able to learn a great deal from the creature. As an extra precaution, [Root.GetLeaderName] also ordered that the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] be kept sedated as to not to try and escape or warn its people that they were on their way.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.12.desc:0 “[Root.GetLeaderName] decided to offer the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] the chance to voluntarily divulge the location of the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] Base. The [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] was completely unwilling to even entertain this notion. So instead, [Root.GetLeaderName] went with the other option and ordered the temperature in the holding cell to be decreased.The temperature was slowly decreased in the holding cell, but suddenly, the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName]’s exoskeleton fractured too quickly and the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] shattered and died.With no way of knowing where the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] Base is, the [Root.Owner.GetName] will have to hope that either a new intelligence lead becomes available, or that they can defeat the Rebellion without the futuristic ship…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.13.desc:0 “[Root.GetLeaderName] decided that it was unlikely that the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] would voluntarily divulge the location of the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] Base and so ordered the temperature in the holding cell to be decreased instead.The temperature was slowly decreased in the holding cell, but suddenly, the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName]’s exoskeleton fractured too quickly, and the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] shattered and died.With no way of knowing where the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] Base is, the [Root.Owner.GetName] will have to hope that either a new intelligence lead becomes available, or that they can defeat the Rebellion without the futuristic ship…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.14.desc:0 “[Root.GetLeaderName] decided that it was unlikely that the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] would voluntarily divulge the location of the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] Base and so ordered the temperature in the holding cell to be decreased instead.After slowly decreasing the temperature in the holding cell until the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName]’s exoskeleton started to fracture, the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] gave in and revealed the location of the base. [Root.GetLeaderName] decided to spare the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName], as the [Root.Owner.GetName]’s scientists would no doubt be able to learn a great deal from the creature. As an extra precaution, [Root.GetLeaderName] also ordered that the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] be kept sedated as to not to try and escape or warn its people that they were on their way.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.15.desc:0 “[Root.GetLeaderName] destroyed the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesName] Base instead of capturing it, which now means that the futuristic ship has been lost and along with it, any hope the [Root.Owner.GetName] had of destroying the Rebellion.It is now only a matter of time before the Empire falls at the hands of the Vulcans, Andorians and Tellarites…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.16.desc:0 “[Root.GetLeaderName] led the strike team that boarded the futuristic starship from another universe, with the aim of capturing it and turning it against the Rebellion. Unfortunately, the [tholian_assembly.GetSpeciesNamePlural] aboard the ship and facility where the ship was being held have put up a much better fight than the [Root.Owner.GetName] anticipated, and during the battle, set the ship to auto-destruct.The resulting explosion has destroyed not only the starship we came to capture, but also the station and all [Root.Owner.GetName] forces in the system. This is a complete and utter failure, and now the [Root.Owner.GetName]’s last best hope has been lost.It is now only a matter of time before the [Root.Owner.GetName] falls at the hands of the Rebellion…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.18.desc:0 “[defiant_leader.GetName] has ordered the crew of the Defiant to set course for Earth, so that the [terran_empire.GetName]’s scientists and technicians can study the ship’s weapons and other useful technologies, in hope that they can be replicated and used against the Rebellion.However, some of the crew are not happy that they are blindly following the orders of the Admiralty at Imperial Starfleet Command. They believe that the Defiant should be taken straight to the frontlines and wipe the Rebellion out.Also, the crew have been looking in the ship’s computer database and learning that in the universe that the Defiant comes from, Earth didn’t form an Empire but instead formed a Federation where all races are equal. Some of the alien crew members have been overheard murmuring about what could have been in this universe, had they not been conquered and enslaved by the [terran_empire.GetName].”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.19.desc:0 “[defiant_leader.GetName] has ordered the crew of the Defiant to set course for [coalition_of_hope.Capital.GetName], so that they can put down the Rebellion once and for all.However, this was against the orders of Imperial Starfleet Command, and several of the crew who are fanatically loyal to the Admiralty have openly voiced their concerns at [defiant_leader.GetName]’s disobeying of direct orders.Also, the crew have been looking in the ship’s computer database and learning that in the universe that the Defiant comes from, Earth didn’t form an Empire but instead formed a Federation where all races are equal. Some of the alien crew members have been overheard murmuring about what could have been in this universe, had they not been conquered and enslaved by the [terran_empire.GetName].”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.20.desc:0 “A large number of the crew on the Defiant are unhappy with the decision to follow orders and take the Defiant back to Earth to be studied. Their leader, [mutiny_leader.GetName], has stormed the Bridge with a group of fellow mutineers and taken control of the ship.[defiant_leader.GetName] will surely be killed by the mutineers unless control can be regained. A small group of loyal officers are ready to defend [defiant_leader.GetName] and follow orders. They could either try and retake the Bridge, although they are outnumbered by the mutineers that are on the Bridge. Or they could go to Engineering, where the mutineers only have a few people stationed, and try and lock out computer control of the ship from there.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.21.desc:0 “[defiant_leader.GetName] and the small group of loyal crew aboard the Defiant stormed the Bridge and fought courageously, but ultimately, their attempt failed. [mutiny_leader.GetName] had [defiant_leader.GetName] swiftly executed and has assumed command of the Defiant.Now the Defiant is on course for the [coalition_of_hope.Capital.GetName] system, to finally crush the Rebellion once and for all…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.22.desc:0 “[defiant_leader.GetName] and the small group of loyal crew aboard the Defiant stormed the Bridge and fought magnificently, ultimately defeating the mutineers, despite overwhelming odds. [defiant_leader.GetName] had [mutiny_leader.GetName] and their surviving followers swiftly executed for attempted mutiny.Now the Defiant is resuming course for Earth, so that the technology on the ship can hopefully be replicated to use against the Rebellion.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.23.desc:0 “[defiant_leader.GetName] and the small group of loyal crew aboard the Defiant stormed Engineering and fought courageously, but ultimately, their attempt failed, despite outnumbering the mutineers that were stationed there. [mutiny_leader.GetName] had [defiant_leader.GetName] swiftly executed and has assumed command of the Defiant.Now the Defiant is on course for the [coalition_of_hope.Capital.GetName] system, to finally crush the Rebellion once and for all…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.24.desc:0 “[defiant_leader.GetName] and the small group of loyal crew aboard the Defiant stormed Engineering and fought magnificently, ultimately defeating the mutineers. [defiant_leader.GetName] had [mutiny_leader.GetName] and their surviving followers swiftly executed for attempted mutiny.Now the Defiant is resuming course for Earth, so that the technology on the ship can hopefully be replicated to use against the Rebellion.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.25.desc:0 “A large number of the crew on the Defiant are unhappy with [defiant_leader.GetName]’s decision to disobey orders and take the Defiant to [coalition_of_hope.Capital.GetName] to engage the Rebellion fleet. Their leader, [mutiny_leader.GetName], has stormed the Bridge with a group of fellow mutineers and taken control of the ship.[defiant_leader.GetName] will surely be killed by the mutineers unless control can be regained. A small group of loyal officers are ready to defend [defiant_leader.GetName] and follow orders. They could either try and retake the Bridge, although they are outnumbered by the mutineers that are on the Bridge. Or they could go to Engineering, where the mutineers only have a few people stationed there, and try to lock out computer control of the ship from there.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.26.desc:0 “[defiant_leader.GetName] and the small group of loyal crew aboard the Defiant stormed the Bridge and fought courageously, but ultimately, their attempt failed. [mutiny_leader.GetName] had [defiant_leader.GetName] swiftly executed and has assumed command of the Defiant.Now the Defiant is on course for the Sol system, so that the Terran Empire’s scientists can hopefully reverse engineer the technology on the Defiant and equip more ships with the futuristic technology.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.27.desc:0 “[defiant_leader.GetName] and the small group of loyal crew aboard the Defiant stormed the Bridge and fought magnificently, ultimately defeating the mutineers, despite overwhelming odds. [defiant_leader.GetName] had [mutiny_leader.GetName] and their surviving followers swiftly executed for attempted mutiny.Now the Defiant is resuming course for [coalition_of_hope.Capital.GetName], so that the Rebellion can be crushed once and for all…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.28.desc:0 “[defiant_leader.GetName] and the small group of loyal crew aboard the Defiant stormed Engineering and fought courageously, but ultimately, their attempt failed despite outnumbering the mutineers that were stationed there. [mutiny_leader.GetName] had [defiant_leader.GetName] swiftly executed and has assumed their position in command of the Defiant.Now the Defiant is on course for the Sol system, so that the [terran_empire.GetName]’s scientists can hopefully reverse engineer the technology on the Defiant and equip more ships with the futuristic technology.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.29.desc:0 “[defiant_leader.GetName] and the small group of loyal crew aboard the Defiant stormed Engineering and fought magnificently, ultimately defeating the mutineers. [defiant_leader.GetName] had [mutiny_leader.GetName] and their surviving followers swiftly executed for attempted mutiny.Now the Defiant is resuming course for [coalition_of_hope.Capital.GetName], so that the Rebellion can be crushed once and for all…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.30.desc:0 “The alien members of the Defiant’s crew have stormed the Bridge and Engineering, and they have taken control of the ship. They are going to deliver the Defiant to the Rebellion, so that the Rebels can launch a final attack against the the [terran_empire.GetName] and finally free themselves from tyranny.[defiant_leader.GetName] and the rest of the crew outnumber the alien crew considerably, but they have cemented their foothold on the Bridge by stationing the majority of their people there so that storming it will be risky. Retaking Engineering, however, might be easier, as they have even less crew there, and once control has been regained, [defiant_leader.GetName] can use the ship’s computer to retake control of the ship.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.31.desc:0 “[defiant_leader.GetName] led a team to retake the Defiant by storming the Bridge. But due to the overwhelming numbers, they were ultimately defeated, and [defiant_leader.GetName] was killed in the attempt.However, the rest of the crew managed to storm Engineering, and, to ensure that the Defiant and its technology never falls into the Rebels hands, rigged the ship to explode.The [terran_empire.GetName] will have to hope it can defeat the Rebellion without the Defiant now…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.32.desc:0 “[defiant_leader.GetName] led a team to retake the Defiant by storming the Bridge. But somehow, despite the overwhelming numbers, they were victorious, and control of the ship was once again returned to the [terran_empire.GetName].”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.33.desc:0 “[defiant_leader.GetName] led a team to retake the Defiant by storming Engineering. But somehow, despite outnumbering the Aliens stationed there, they were ultimately defeated and [defiant_leader.GetName] was killed in the attempt.However, the rest of the crew managed to storm the Bridge, and, to ensure that the Defiant and its technology never falls into the Rebels hands, rigged the ship to explode.The [terran_empire.GetName] will have to hope it can defeat the Rebellion without the Defiant now…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.34.desc:0 “[defiant_leader.GetName] led a team to retake the Defiant by storming Engineering. But due to outnumbering the Aliens stationed there, they were victorious and control of the ship was once again returned to the [terran_empire.GetName].”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.35.desc:0 “Imperial Starfleet Intelligence has finally learned of where the Tholians are keeping the futuristic ship, after previous attempts at locating the base have failed.The base is heavily defended, so a sizable fleet will need to be sent to ensure that the ship is captured. Then the Rebellion will surely crumble at the feet of the [terran_empire.GetName]…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.36.desc:0 “[Root.GetLeaderName] has successfully delivered the Defiant to Imperial Starfleet Command as ordered. The Admiralty and even the [terran_empire.GetRulerTitle] are extremely pleased with the good results. It would seem that a promising career is in the cards for [Root.GetLeaderName], as well as the end of Rebellion and the technological advancement of the [terran_empire.GetName].However, whilst studying the weapons aboard the Defiant, one of the scientists ‘accidentally’ activated the self-destruct, destroyed the ship and killed [Root.GetLeaderName] in the explosion. Imperial Starfleet Intelligence believe the scientist, who has since disappeared, was actually working for the Rebellion.Now the promising future that the [terran_empire.GetName] was looking forward to has vanished, an uncertain doom hangs above…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.37.desc:0 “[Root.GetLeaderName] led a ground assault against the Rebel Fortress on the surface of [coalition_of_hope.Capital.GetName], hoping to personally end the Rebellion by defeating their leaders in combat. However, whilst [Root.GetLeaderName] was an accomplished starship commander and fleet tactician, [Root.GetLeaderName] was not a ground soldier and the odds were stacked high.Rebel forces overwhelmed [Root.GetLeaderName]’s ground forces and killed them all. Then, with the loss of its commander, the Defiant was destroyed by the Rebellion to stop it from escaping and returning with reinforcements.With almost-certain victory snatched from the [terran_empire.GetName], an uncertain doom hangs above…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.38.desc:0 “[Root.GetLeaderName] has successfully delivered the Defiant to Imperial Starfleet Command as ordered. The Admiralty and even the [terran_empire.GetRulerTitle] are extremely pleased with the good results. It would seem that a promising career is in the cards for [Root.GetLeaderName], as well as the end of Rebellion and the technological advancement of the [terran_empire.GetName].The scientists studying the Defiant believe that it will take many years to fully understand its futuristic technology, and it is unlikely they can do anything in the meantime to rapidly develop any new weapons. The Admiralty now believe the best course of action will be to take the Defiant to [coalition_of_hope.Capital.GetName] and crush the Rebellion.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.39.desc:0 “[Root.GetLeaderName] has been chosen to lead the [terran_empire.GetName]’s forces aboard the Defiant to retake the [coalition_of_hope.Capital.GetName] system and destroy the Rebellion. Intelligence reports suggest that there is a large fleet in orbit above the planet, but that with the Defiant on their side, they should be able to make quick work of it.A ground force will then be sent to the surface to either capture or kill the Rebel leaders on the planet, thereby forcing the Rebellion to surrender.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.40.desc:0 “[Root.GetLeaderName] led a ground assault against the Rebel Fortress on the surface of [coalition_of_hope.Capital.GetName], hoping to personally end the Rebellion by defeating their leaders in combat. However, whilst [Root.GetLeaderName] was an accomplished starship commander and fleet tactician, [Root.GetLeaderName] was not a ground soldier and the odds were stacked high.[Root.GetLeaderName]’s ground forces managed to storm the Rebel base and made quick work of their soldiers. The Rebel leaders were surrounded and [Root.GetLeaderName] personally executed the lot of them, but not before making them order the rest of the Rebellion’s forces to surrender.With the Rebellion crushed, the [terran_empire.GetName] can look forward to a prosperous future…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.41.desc:0 “[Root.GetLeaderName] led a ground assault against the Rebel Fortress on the surface of [coalition_of_hope.Capital.GetName], hoping to personally end the Rebellion by defeating their leaders in combat. However, whilst [Root.GetLeaderName] was an accomplished starship commander and fleet tactician, [Root.GetLeaderName] was not a ground soldier and the odds were stacked high.[Root.GetLeaderName]’s ground forces managed to storm the Rebel base and made quick work of their soldiers. The Rebel leaders were surrounded and [Root.GetLeaderName] personally executed the lot of them, but not before making them order the rest of the Rebellion’s forces to surrender.With the Rebellion crushed, the [terran_empire.GetName] can look forward to a prosperous future…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.42.desc:0 “Although [Root.GetLeaderName] disobeyed direct orders by going straight to [coalition_of_hope.Capital.GetName] instead of taking the Defiant back to Earth to be studied, the Admiralty and even the [terran_empire.GetRulerTitle] are extremely pleased with the good results. [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] has been granted command of the Defiant and has been ordered to return to Earth to be officially congratulated and for the Defiant to be studied. [Root.GetLeaderName] feels that they have made far better decisions than the leadership of the [terran_empire.GetName] and Imperial Starfleet Command.With the power of the Defiant and the backing of the other fleet commanders, [Root.GetLeaderName] could return to Earth and become the next ruler of the [terran_empire.GetName]…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.43.desc:0 “[Root.GetLeaderName] has successfully delivered the Defiant to Imperial Starfleet Command as ordered. The Admiralty and the [terran_empire.GetRulerTitle] have rewarded [Root.Leader.GetHerHim] with high honours and formal command of the Defiant. It would seem that a promising career is in the cards for [Root.GetLeaderName], as well as the technological advancement of the [terran_empire.GetName].The scientists studying the Defiant believe that it will take many years to fully understand its futuristic technology, and it is unlikely they can do anything in the meantime to rapidly develop any new weapons. However, it is only a matter of time before they do…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.44.desc:0 “[Root.GetLeaderName] has successfully delivered the Defiant to Imperial Starfleet Command as ordered. The Admiralty and the [terran_empire.GetRulerTitle] have rewarded [Root.Leader.GetHerHim] with high honours and formal command of the Defiant. It would seem that a promising career is in the cards for [Root.GetLeaderName], as well as the technological advancement of the [Root.Owner.GetName]. However, whilst studying the weapons aboard the Defiant, one of the scientists appears to have triggered the self-destruct and destroyed the ship, killing [Root.GetLeaderName] in the explosion. Imperial Starfleet Intelligence believes the scientist, who has since disappeared, was actually working for a foreign power.The Defiant is gone and, along with it, all the futuristic technology that the [Root.Owner.GetName] had hoped to gain.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.45.desc:0 “[Root.GetLeaderName] ordered the Defiant to target Imperial Starfleet Command and commanded that the Admiralty either submit to [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] rule or be destroyed. Naturally, they refused and ordered the planet’s defence grid be turned against the Defiant.[Root.GetLeaderName] managed to evade Earth’s defences and beamed down to the Imperial Palace to challenge [terran_empire.GetRulerTitle] [terran_empire.GetRulerName] for the throne. But the [terran_empire.GetRulerTitle]’s personal guards made quick work of [Root.Leader.GetHerHim].With the loss of its commander, the Defiant was destroyed by the Earth’s defence grid and along with it, all the futuristic technology that the [terran_empire.GetName] had hoped to gain…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.46.desc:0 “[Root.GetLeaderName] ordered the Defiant to target Imperial Starfleet Command and commanded that the Admiralty either submit to [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] rule or be destroyed. Naturally, they refused and ordered the planet’s defence grid be turned against the Defiant.[Root.GetLeaderName] managed to evade Earth’s defences and beamed down to the Imperial Palace to challenge [terran_empire.GetRulerTitle] [terran_empire.GetRulerName] for the throne. The [terran_empire.GetRulerTitle]’s personal guards tried to stop [Root.GetLeaderName], but [Root.Leader.GetSheHe] managed to defeat the guards and the [terran_empire.GetRulerTitle] as well, becoming the new ruler of the [terran_empire.GetName].The scientists studying the Defiant believe that it will take many years to fully understand its futuristic technology, and it is unlikely they can do anything in the meantime to rapidly develop any new weapons. However, it is only a matter of time before they do…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.47.desc:0 “The Defiant has been destroyed and along with it, all the futuristic technology that the [terran_empire.GetName] had hoped to gain…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.48.desc:0 “The Defiant has been destroyed and along with it, all the futuristic technology that the [terran_empire.GetName] had hoped to gain…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.50.desc:0 “While the war against the [coalition_of_hope.GetName] has failed, the Defiant still remains a potent force to be reckoned with. [Root.GetCaptainTitle] [defiant_leader.GetName] weighs [defiant_leader.GetHerHis] options, either continuing to serve as [Root.GetCaptainTitle] or else taking matters into [defiant_leader.GetHerHis] own hands and using the Defiant to seize to the throne.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.51.desc:0 “As the battle against the Tholians progresses, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] of the [Root.GetName], anxious to storm the captured starship – ‘USS Defiant’, according to markings now clearly visible on her hull – orders a strike team to be prepared as soon as possible. Not willing to trust this vitally important mission to any of [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] officers, [Root.GetLeaderName] joins the squad [Root.Leader.GetHerHim]self and beams over to the Defiant.Shortly after, a small group of Tholian vessels appears from behind the asteroid base. [Root.GetName] engages, but before it can eliminate any of the attackers they form up around the Imperial ship and quickly deploy an energy field – the infamous Tholian Web. Despite fierce resistance, [Root.GetName] is quickly subdued and destroyed by the Web.[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] and [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] strike team are now stranded aboard the Defiant, with nowhere to beam back.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.52.desc:0 “The Terran Empire is becoming a dangerous threat to the future of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. Their power and influence already greatly exceeds our own, and unless something is done to stop them, they will soon be in a position to wipe us out. However, if we were to form an Alliance with another empire, then we may be able to turn the tide against the Terrans once and for all.The only other power that has similar ideals to our own and that would be amenable to such a proposal is the Klingon Empire. Our diplomats have drawn up proposals to put to the Klingons, in the hope that they agree to join forces with us. Then we may finally have the chance to rid the galaxy of the devious Terrans and their empire, once and for all…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.53.desc:0 “Imperial Starfleet has deemed this mission of utmost importance and recommends you send your most experienced ship and crew. Are you sure you wish to proceed with this ship and crew?”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.54.desc:0 “Despite the loss of our most powerful ship and its crew to the Tholians, [defiant_leader.GetName] has gained valuable experience as we progress into this new era of prosperity.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.55.desc:0 “With the treaty finally signed, we have formed the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance and declared war upon the Terran Empire. With our combined forces, we will crush the Terrans and make them pay for the atrocities they have committed against the galaxy.All Klingon and Cardassian forces are now controlled directly by the Alliance. Klingons and Cardassians will have equal rights within the Alliance, but all other races will be enslaved. An example will be made of the Terrans, and they will suffer greatly at our hands…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.56.desc:0 “With the treaty finally signed, we have formed the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance and declared war upon the Terran Empire. With our combined forces, we will crush the Terrans and make them pay for the atrocities they have committed against the galaxy.All Klingon and Cardassian forces are now controlled directly by the Alliance. Klingons and Cardassians will have equal rights within the Alliance, but all other races will be enslaved. An example will be made of the Terrans, and they will suffer greatly at our hands…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.57.desc:0 “After our generous proposals were made to combine our forces, the Cardassian Union has rejected our offer of friendship. We cannot allow ourselves to be dishonoured by these petaQ!War has been declared against the Cardassians. We will crush them, and then the Terrans!”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.58.desc:0 “After our generous proposals were made to combine our forces, the Klingon Empire has rejected our offer of friendship. It is therefore highly probable that they are planning to invade us instead of the Terrans…War has been declared against the Klingons. We will crush them, and then the Terrans!”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.59.desc:0 “The Klingon Empire and Cardassian Union have formed an Alliance against us! They are hoping that by combining their forces they stand a chance at defeating us.We will show them that this empire, which has survived in one form or another for centuries, will not be toppled by the likes of them!”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.60.desc:0 “The Klingon Empire and Cardassian Union have formed an Alliance against the Terran Empire! They are hoping that by combining their forces they stand a chance at defeating them.We will have to keep an eye on this new power, and hope that if they do defeat the Terrans, they don’t turn their attention towards us shortly afterwards!”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.62.desc:0 “With the Rebellion put down, it is feared that the alien slaves of the [Root.GetName] may rise up again and attempt to overthrow their [Root.GetSpeciesName] masters. [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] has decreed that in order to create a stronger empire and stifle any future dissent, the elevation in status of one of the leading races in the former rebellion would be effective. The race that is picked to be freed will enjoy almost equal rights with [Root.GetSpeciesName]s and be allowed to command starships, lead armies, and hold public office. However, the throne would still be limited to [Root.GetSpeciesName]s only, in order to keep the purity of the [Root.GetName] as intact as possible.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.63.desc:0 “[terran_empire.GetRulerTitle] [terran_empire.GetRulerName] has decreed today that the Vulcan race is now free and stands equal amongst the Terrans. They will have (nearly) the same rights as Terrans, providing they swear fealty to the [terran_empire.GetRulerTitle] and the Empire.The other alien races that remain as slaves throughout the Terran Empire are furious, but with the combined strength and power of the Terrans and their new Vulcan allies, they are all but powerless to do anything but silently scream in anger…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.64.desc:0 “[terran_empire.GetRulerTitle] [terran_empire.GetRulerName] has decreed today that the Andorian and Aenar race is now free and stands equal amongst the Terrans. They will have (nearly) the same rights as Terrans, providing they swear fealty to the [terran_empire.GetRulerTitle] and the Empire.The other alien races that remain as slaves throughout the Terran Empire are furious, but with the combined strength and power of the Terrans and their new Andorian and Aenar allies, they are all but powerless to do anything but silently scream in anger…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.65.desc:0 “[terran_empire.GetRulerTitle] [terran_empire.GetRulerName] has decreed today that the Tellarite race is now free and stands equal amongst the Terrans. They will have (nearly) the same rights as Terrans, providing they swear fealty to the [terran_empire.GetRulerTitle] and the Empire.The other alien races that remain as slaves throughout the Terran Empire are furious, but with the combined strength and power of the Terrans and their new Tellarite allies, they are all but powerless to do anything but silently scream in anger…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.67.desc:0 “[Root.GetName] Intelligence has detected a planet with an unusually high concentration of dilithium deposits on the surface. [terran_mirrorMirror_colony_planet.GetName], which is in the [terran_mirrorMirror_colony_system.GetName] system, is currently inhabited by a prewarp civilisation known as the [terran_mirrorMirror_colony_species.GetName]. Standard procedure dictates that the world is invaded, its people subjugated and enslaved, and its resources extracted. However, due to the large amount of dilithium present, it is feared that any attack on the surface could result in setting of a chain reaction, destroying the dilithium and the planet itself.It has been decided that a ship must be sent to [terran_mirrorMirror_colony_planet.GetName] to make the [terran_mirrorMirror_colony_species.GetName] surrender the dilithium. If they will not do so willingly, [Root.GetName] Fleet Command has given authorisation for the planet to be bombarded, so as to not let the dilithium fall into someone else’s hands.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.68.desc:0 “Greetings, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName]. I am the Speaker for the [terran_mirrorMirror_colony_country.GetName]. Although we do not currently have the technology to travel the stars, we are aware that there is life on planets other than our own, and we have been visited many times before asking for the permission to mine a resource on our world that has little value to us. We have declined every time and this time will be no different.We have heard tales of your barbaric empire from others who have visited us, and have warned us that if we did not side with them that eventually you would come, and we would have no choice but to surrender. However, we will not allow you, or anyone else, to invade or enslave our people.We kindly ask now that you leave this world, and never return…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.69.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team have so far failed to persuade the [terran_mirrorMirror_colony_species.GetName] to surrender the dilithium deposits. However, an approaching ion storm has made it necessary that they return to the ship at once.With the rapidly increasing interference, the transporter chief nearly loses the away team’s transporter patterns, but is able to beam Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team up to the [Root.GetName] safely.Following their return, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the members of the away team appear to be acting strangely, trying to resolve disputes between the crew using diplomacy and logic. They then arouse suspicion by refusing to attack [terran_mirrorMirror_colony_planet.GetName] and destroy the surface and dilithium, as per orders.The ship’s Executive Officer, Commander [terran_mirrorMirror_first_officer.GetName] has become concerned that there may be something wrong with the away team and believes that they should be closely followed; if outside interference has affected the Captain and the away team, then they must be eliminated at all costs.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.70.desc:0 “After having Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] followed, Commander [terran_mirrorMirror_first_officer.GetName] learns that the Captain and the away team are not from this universe and are imposters from a parallel dimension. They are secretly trying to get back to where they came from, but Commander [terran_mirrorMirror_first_officer.GetName] believes they may attempt to come back afterwards with reinforcements to impose their twisted ideology on the people of the [Root.Owner.GetName].After ambushing the Captain and the away team, Commander [terran_mirrorMirror_first_officer.GetName] sustains a serious injury. However, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] refuses to let Commander [terran_mirrorMirror_first_officer.GetName] die and attempts to revive them at the expense of missing the opportunity to get back to their own universe.When Commander [terran_mirrorMirror_first_officer.GetName] regains consciousness, he presses the Captain and the away team for further details of their universe, and why they would sacrifice their attempt to get home for the life of someone who was going to stop them by any means necessary…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.71.desc:0 “A senior engineer has attempted to assassinate Captain [Root.GetLeaderName], as their recent actions promoting peace is seen as a sign of weakness by the crew. However, the Captain and the away team are able to thwart the assassination attempt and neutralise the would-be assassin without killing them.Against protocol, the Captain spares the mutineers life. Commander [terran_mirrorMirror_first_officer.GetName] now has sufficient grounds to warrant removing the Captain from command, as these are not the normal actions of a starship commander.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.72.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] is ordered by [Root.Owner.GetName] Fleet Command to destroy [terran_mirrorMirror_colony_planet.GetName] and the dilithium deposits, but instead tries to negotiate with them.Commander [terran_mirrorMirror_first_officer.GetName] now has grounds to relieve Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] of command and assume command of the [Root.GetName] for disobeying orders. However, getting near the Captain to either take them and the away team into custody or to assassinate them will be difficult.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.73.desc:0 “The Captain and the away team from the parallel universe are escorted by Commander [terran_mirrorMirror_first_officer.GetName] to the transporter room, where they attempt to repeat the process that brought them to this universe and sent their own Captain and away team to the other.Before dematerialising, the Captain from the other universe tells the first officer from this universe that the [Root.Owner.GetName] is destined to fall apart and be conquered themselves if they do not embrace peaceful ways.Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team from this universe materialize on the transporter pad, looking very relieved to be back.They return with stories of a peaceful version of the [Root.GetName], where they did not fit in and were quickly apprehended and incarcerated.Despite the experience, Commander [terran_mirrorMirror_first_officer.GetName] now begins to believe that the Captain from the other universe had a point, and that maybe their future lies down a more peaceful path…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.74.desc:0 “The Captain and the away team from the parallel universe are escorted by Commander [terran_mirrorMirror_first_officer.GetName] to the transporter room, where they attempt to repeat the process that brought them to this universe and sent their own Captain and away team to the other.Before dematerialising, the Captain from the other universe tells the first officer from this universe that the [Root.Owner.GetName] is destined to fall apart and be conquered themselves if they do not embrace peaceful ways instead.There is a problem with the transporter, and it shorts out during the transport cycle. Commander [terran_mirrorMirror_first_officer.GetName] tries to recover the signal, but it’s now gone forever. It is likely that both versions of Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team members were lost during transport.Although it is regretable that the Captain and away team from both universes have been lost, Commander [terran_mirrorMirror_first_officer.GetName] now begins to believe that the Captain from the other universe had a point, and that maybe their future lies down a more peaceful path…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.75.desc:0 “Commander [terran_mirrorMirror_first_officer.GetName] decides that it would be too dangerous to let Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team live. Pretending to lead them to the transporter room, they are instead brought to the nearest airlock where they are thrown into space.With the assassination of the Captain and the away team, Commander [terran_mirrorMirror_first_officer.GetName] now assumes command of the [Root.GetName] and promises to ensure that the dangerous ideas of the parallel universe do not spread here and cause dissent.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.76.desc:0 “Commander [terran_mirrorMirror_first_officer.GetName] decides that it would be too dangerous to let Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team live. Pretending to lead them to the transporter room, they are instead brought to the nearest airlock.However, the Captain and the away team manage to escape this trap, make it to the transporter room and return to their universe. This universe’s Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and the away team appear in their place.They arrive with stories of a peaceful version of the [Root.GetName], where they did not fit in and were quickly apprehended and incarcerated. Both Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] and Commander [terran_mirrorMirror_first_officer.GetName] of the [Root.GetName] believe that the ideas of the other universe are dangerous and should not be allowed to take hold here.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.79.desc:0 “Commander [terran_mirrorMirror_first_officer.GetName] attempted to round up crew members that would be receptive to a new way of doing things. However, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName]’s spies quickly learnt of this and alerted the Captain to the mutiny being planned.Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] had Commander [terran_mirrorMirror_first_officer.GetName] and the mutineers rounded up and executed for treason. This was done publicly and brutally, so as to send a message to anyone else who thought of rebelling against the status quo of the [Root.Owner.GetName]. With the revolution crushed before to could even begin, the crew of the [Root.GetName] continued with preparations to attack the [terran_mirrorMirror_colony_species.GetName]…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.80.desc:0 “Commander [terran_mirrorMirror_first_officer.GetName] quickly discovered that there were quite a few crew members who were ready to rise up against Captain [Root.GetLeaderName]. It did not take long to eliminate the Captain’s loyalists and finally confront the Captain.Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] furiously screamed that the mutineers were traitors to the [Root.Owner.GetName] and that they would all be executed, but it was the Captain who died that day.With the Captain eliminated, [terran_mirrorMirror_first_officer.GetName] is now in command of the [Root.GetName], and the revolution may begin…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.81.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] ordered that the [Root.GetName] open fire on [terran_mirrorMirror_colony_planet.GetName]. It did not take long for the dilithium deposits to ignite and cause a chain reaction, resulting in the irradiation of the planet and the annihilation of the population that lived there.With the dilithium destroyed and the people there wiped out, it will send a powerful message to others who try to defy the [Root.Owner.GetName]…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.82.desc:0 “Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] beamed down to the surface of [terran_mirrorMirror_colony_planet.GetName] to negotiate terms of surrender. Although they initially resisted, they were eventually persuaded that the only way their people would survive would be to surrender willingly and allow themselves to be enslaved.Although Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] disobeyed orders by not destroying the dilithium, the fact that it was secured for the [Root.Owner.GetName] has made Fleet Command forget about this dereliction of duty. However, Captain [Root.GetLeaderName] may find they are being watched more closely in future, which will make any attempts at bringing about a more peaceful and benevolent society even more difficult than before…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.84.desc:0 “A splinter faction, calling themselves the [terran_rebel_1.GetName], has formed in the [terran_rebel_system_1.GetName] system on the planet [terran_rebel_planet_1.GetName]. Led by [terran_rebel_1.GetRulerTitle] [terran_rebel_1.GetRulerName], they believe that the [Root.GetName] has become stale and should be replaced by what they perceive to be stronger leadership.These rebels will need to be crushed swiftly and brutally, to send a message that the [Root.GetName] does not tolerate treachery…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.86.desc:0 “Another splinter faction, calling themselves the [terran_rebel_1.GetName], has formed in the [terran_rebel_system_1.GetName] system on the planet [terran_rebel_planet_1.GetName]. Led by [terran_rebel_1.GetRulerTitle] [terran_rebel_1.GetRulerName], they believe that the [Root.GetName] has become stale and should be replaced by what they perceive to be stronger leadership.These rebels will need to be crushed swiftly and brutally, to send a message that the [Root.GetName] does not tolerate treachery…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.87.desc:0 “Two splinter factions have formed against us. The [terran_rebel_1.GetName] has formed in the [terran_rebel_system_1.GetName] system on the planet [terran_rebel_planet_1.GetName] and is led by [terran_rebel_1.GetRulerTitle] [terran_rebel_1.GetRulerName]. And the [terran_rebel_2.GetName] has formed in the [terran_rebel_system_2.GetName] system on the planet [terran_rebel_planet_2.GetName] and is led by [terran_rebel_2.GetRulerTitle] [terran_rebel_2.GetRulerName]. They both believe that the [Root.GetName] has become stale and should be replaced by what they perceive to be stronger leadership.These rebels will need to be crushed swiftly and brutally, to send a message that the [Root.GetName] does not tolerate treachery…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.88.desc:0 “Three splinter factions have formed against us. The [terran_rebel_1.GetName] has formed in the [terran_rebel_system_1.GetName] system on the planet [terran_rebel_planet_1.GetName] and is led by [terran_rebel_1.GetRulerTitle] [terran_rebel_1.GetRulerName]. The [terran_rebel_2.GetName] has formed in the [terran_rebel_system_2.GetName] system on the planet [terran_rebel_planet_2.GetName] and is led by [terran_rebel_2.GetRulerTitle] [terran_rebel_2.GetRulerName]. And the [terran_rebel_3.GetName] has formed in the [terran_rebel_system_3.GetName] system on the planet [terran_rebel_planet_3.GetName] and is led by [terran_rebel_3.GetRulerTitle] [terran_rebel_3.GetRulerName]. They both believe that the [Root.GetName] has become stale and should be replaced by what they perceive to be stronger leadership.These rebels will need to be crushed swiftly and brutally, to send a message that the [Root.GetName] does not tolerate treachery…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.501.desc:0 “The Terran Empire is becoming a dangerous threat to the future of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. Their power and influence already greatly exceeds our own and unless something is done to stop them, they will soon be in a position to wipe us out. However, if we were to form an Alliance with another empire, then we may be able to turn the tide against the Terrans once and for all.The only other power that has similar ideals of our own and that would be amenable to such a proposal is the Cardassian Union. Our diplomats have drawn up proposals to present to the Cardassians, in the hope that they agree to join forces with us. Then we may finally have the chance to rid the galaxy of the devious Terrans and their empire, once and for all…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.502.desc:0 “The Terran Empire is becoming a dangerous threat to the future of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. Their power and influence already greatly exceeds our own and unless something is done to stop them, they will soon be in a position to wipe us out. However, if we were to form an Alliance with another empire, then we may be able to turn the tide against the Terrans once and for all.The only other power that has similar ideals of our own and that would be amenable to such a proposal is the Klingon Empire. Our diplomats have drawn up proposals to present to the Klingons, in the hope that they agree to join forces with us. Then we may finally have the chance to rid the galaxy of the devious Terrans and their empire, once and for all…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.503.desc:0 “We have been approached by diplomats of the Cardassian Union with the proposal to form an Alliance to crush the mighty Terran Empire. Our current projections show that if the Terrans are allowed to continue to expand, they will soon be in a position to conquer the entire Alpha and Beta Quadrants.If we were to join forces with the Cardassians, we would finally have a chance to wipe out the devious Terrans and their empire for good…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.504.desc:0 “We have been approached by diplomats of the Klingon Empire with the proposal to form an Alliance to crush the mighty Terran Empire. Our current projections show that if the Terrans are allowed to continue to expand, they will soon be in a position to conquer the entire Alpha and Beta Quadrants.If we were to join forces with the Klingons, we would finally have a chance to wipe out the devious Terrans and their empire for good…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.505.desc:0 “With the treaty finally signed, we have formed the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance and have declared war upon the Terran Empire. With our combined forces we will crush the Terrans and make them pay for the atrocities they have committed against the galaxy.All Klingon and Cardassian forces are now controlled directly by the Alliance. Klingons and Cardassians will have equal rights within the Alliance, but all other races will be enslaved. An example will be made of the Terrans and they will suffer greatly at our hand…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.506.desc:0 “With the treaty finally signed, we have formed the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance and have declared war upon the Terran Empire. With our combined forces we will crush the Terrans and make them pay for the atrocities they have committed against the galaxy.All Klingon and Cardassian forces are now controlled directly by the Alliance. Klingons and Cardassians will have equal rights within the Alliance, but all other races will be enslaved. An example will be made of the Terrans and they will suffer greatly at our hand…”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.507.desc:0 “After our generous proposals were made to combine our forces, the Cardassian Union has rejected our offer of friendship. We cannot allow ourselves to be dishonoured by these petaQ!War has been declared against the Cardassians. We will crush them, and then the Terrans!”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.508.desc:0 “After our generous proposals were made to combine our forces, the Klingon Empire has rejected our offer of friendship. It is therefore highly probable that they are planning to invade us instead of the Terrans…War has been declared against the Klingons. We will crush them, and then the Terrans!”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.509.desc:0 “The Klingon Empire and Cardassian Union have formed an Alliance against us! They are hoping that by combining their forces they stand a chance at defeating us.We will show them that this empire, which has survived in one form or another for centuries, will not be toppled by the likes of them!”
STH_MirrorUniverse_event.510.desc:0 “The Klingon Empire and Cardassian Union have formed an Alliance against the Terran Empire! They are hoping that by combining their forces they stand a chance at defeating them.We will have to keep an eye on this new power, and hope that if they do defeat the Terrans they don’t turn their attention towards us shortly afterwards!”
TERRAN_3_PROJECT_DESC:0 “A hero from the Empire’s past believes they know the location of a powerful ship capable of providing the Empire with an advantage over anyone who opposes us.”
TERRAN_4_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Travel to the Prime Universe to obtain the plans for an advanced warship that will give us an advantage over anyone who would dare challenge us.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.1.desc:0 “My Lord, our sensor outposts have received the inbound message from a source many of us thought lost before the fall of the Empire. They are asking for you by name.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.3.desc:0 “Hikaru my old… friend. I know you thought me dead, assassinated when Spock rose to power and turned our glorious empire into a target for our enemies, but I survived, I endured and rebuilt and now I am back. We have much to discuss and an empire to rebuild, will you welcome me home my friend..?”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.4.desc:0 “Emperor Sulu, I am honored to meet such a warrior, I have come to return to your service after my ship and I escaped captivity following the fall of Bajor to the Alliance. I have learnt many secrets which would be of great interest to you and our Terran brothers.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.5.desc:0 “So you thought me dead did Sulu? I am afraid you are not so lucky and I am not so easy to kill, but fear not my Emperor, as I am not hear to claim my rightful revenge on those who tried to have me killed, I am here to help you rebuild our Empire and to help us retake our rightful place at the top of the food chain. Long live the Empire!”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.6.desc:0 “Out of my way… do you not see before you a legend of the glorious Empire of old? Yet I return home to find the empire in ruins and our power all but gone, but fear not for I have news that could very well change the course of our history.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.7.desc:0 “On my travels to return home, I have come across rumors, stories, and tales of lost relics of the old Empire, a ship of incredible power that could give us the edge and act as a rallying cry to all loyal Terrans. Let me find this ship and let us rebuild the Empire together… stronger and more deadly than ever.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.8.desc:0 “As the search teams reach their destination, it seems their search has been in vain, but amongst the asteroids, a faint signal can be found. The crews move deeper into the to discover the §GISS Charon§!, pride of Emperor Georgiou’s fleet! Her magnificent space frame appears to have tossed against the asteroid, as if propelled through time and space by some mysterious force, much of the reactor core is missing, but crucially the ship appears salvagable.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.9.desc:0 “Arriving at the site of a great battle, the search teams immediately set to work looking for their target against the hulls of wrecked starships. Historic records list this as a great battle for the Terran Empire, against a mysterious foe called ‘Khan’ who claimed to have come from another version of this universe. At the centre of the battlefield the prize awaits, the magnificent §GVengeance§!, the great warship of Khan himself. The ship is adrift but salvageable. “
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.11.desc:0 “Emperor! Our foes see us as weak, defeated and a people shattered, and enslaved, but I say we are Terrans of the lineage of Sato, Georgiou & Burnham, if we rise and call the red banner of the Empire as our standard then all loyal Terran’s will answer the call and rise up! Do this and we will be reborn, fail to listen and you will doom us all.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.12.desc:0 “Our decision to refuse plans to reform the Terran Empire has not been met with universal agreement, a faction of our leadership has split from our ranks to form the §RTerran Imperium§! claiming to be the true successor to the great Terran Empire of old and have declared war against us. This is a dark day for us as we fight for the future of our resistance movement.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.13.desc:0 “The Empire has been reborn from the shattered remains of humanity’s defiance and its determination to resist enslavement. The Empire and her loyal subjects stand ready to once again spread the power of mankind across the galaxy and reclaim what rightfully belonged to Terra!”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.14.desc:0 “The news that many civilizations feared has finally come true, the Terrans have bound together under the banner of the red Terran dagger flag and reformed their shattered empire. Only time will tell if the Empire is once again destined to spread humanity’s dark desires across the galaxy once again.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.15.desc:0 “To all loyal Terran subjects, the Empire has returned and we will once again be the great empire of the galaxy, I promise you that all that once belonged to us will once again bow down beneath our standard. We shall start with those worlds who once served us, the Coalition of Hope was a failed bid to defy our Empire and the Republic of Hope stands as an affront to Terran might, these worlds will once again tremble in fear of the mighty forces of Earth. For I am Emperor [Root.GetRulerName] Imperial Majesty, Lord of the Fatherland, Overlord of Vulcan, Dominus of Qo’noS, Regina Andor, Augustus Iaponius Centarius! Long live the Empire!”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.16.desc:0 “Your reign of freedom and peace has come to an end, The Terran Empire has returned and we lay claim on all worlds that once belonged to us, return to the Empire peaceful or taste the full force of our torpedoes.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.17.desc:0 “We will never back down in the face of tyranny, we stand prepared to oppose you and your regime. Hope and freedom can never be taken away.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.18.desc:0 “It appears that the Terrans have no stomach for a fight and have backed down for now, but for how long we cannot say, we must prepare that we have not seen the last of them.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.19.desc:0 “Emperor [Root.GetRulerName], I hear the call of battle and I answer as a Terran loyal to you and to the Empire, we stand ready to join the battle and fight for the future of the Empire!”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.20.desc:0 “My Majesty, the Khan legacy is one of power and supremacy of the powerful, my forces once again pledge their loyalty to the Empire reforged and will fight alongside you against our enemies.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.21.desc:0 “I once again pledge my allegiance to the Empire, as all good and loyal Vulcans should do, to do otherwise would be most… illogical.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.26.desc:0 “The expansion of your empire has reached too close to our borders, prepare to face our fleets in combat.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.30.desc:0 “Illustrious Emperor, your favourite and loyal pirate Lord Harcourt Fenton Mudd brings you the best gifts, and I have something exciting to trade with you today. The location and means to travel to a facility in another universe parallel to our own. Once there my contact will smuggle out plans for a new warship of untold power, that will make your empire the envy of its rivals.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.31.desc:0 “Having obtained the device and a set of coordinates from Mudd, all is set to make the trip to the other universe and if Mudd can be trusted we will be able to acquire the plans for an advanced warship. This mission will require one of our best commanders, but the reward could be glorious!”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.32.desc:0 “That dastardly pirate is attempting to escape from us, his small fleet is powering up its engines. We must stop them and obtain those plans before they can escape!”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.33.desc:0 “In a bid to avoid capture Mudd and his crew push the engines to full power, as the ship’s engines scream against the tractor beams holding them in place, one of the frigate’s warp drives overloads, triggering a chain reaction that destroys all the pirates small fleet in a firey explosion that most importantly destroys the plans we sought.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.35.desc:0 “With Mudd’s fleet in ruins and the pirate lord himself lying prone at the feet of our Emperor, we can now gather a fleet to travel to the prime universe to obtain the plans. As Mudd attempts to grovel and beg for mercy [Root.GetRulerName] raises the sword of the Empire and ends his bargaining.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.37.desc:0 “We have lost contact with our team sent across to the Prime Universe after they failed to check-in. It is unclear whether they were captured by those on the other side or if the information provided was false. Their sacrifice serving their Empire will be remembered.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.38.desc:0 “Our failure to send a team to obtain the plans means we may well have missed out on a golden opportunity to gain a valuable weapon against anyone who might oppose us. “
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.41.desc:0 “As our team returns to our universe the portal does not close as expected, instead a task force follows them through. With shields raised and weapons armed, the lead ship hails us… ‘Greetings, I am Commander Eddington, from Starfleet and we have come to get our property back, please hand it over and we can end this peacefully.'”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.42.desc:0 “As the fleet returns to our galaxy, our sensors signal the inbound warp signatures of a Klingon-Cardassian Alliance, it appears they are looking to ambush us and steal the research we have obtained.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.48.desc:0 “The ISS Defiant (NX-74205) was a Terran Defiant-class warship that was in service to the Terran Empire Forces in the latter half of the 24th century. It was rumored to be even more heavily armed than its counterpart.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.49.desc:0 “Just like the Greek god of Terror, the Deimos class strikes fear into the hearts of our foes, with its slick stealth hull and fearsome array of cutting-edge weapons the Deimos is a true terror in battle.”
STH_MirrorUniverse_tng_event.50.desc:0 “The Aledo, based on the Texas Class from the Prime Universe, takes the AI-driven design from that Universe and replaces it with a cut-throat Terran crew eager to put its cutting edge weapons to good use.”
STH_terranempire_flavour.10.desc:0 “For quite some time now, [terranAssassin.GetName], a high-ranking officer from the [Root.GetFleetName], has been aiming for the commanding officer position, currently occupied by [Root.Leader.GetName]. Now, with supporters rallied and weapons prepared, [terranAssassin.GetName] is finally making [terranAssassin.GetHerHis] move. If [terranAssassin.GetName] succeeds, [terranAssassin.GetSheHe] will kill [Root.Leader.GetName] and assume command over [Root.GetFleetName] as per Starfleet regulations. However, [terranAssassin.GetHerHis] opponent will not go down easily…”
STH_terranempire_flavour.11.desc:0 “After a brutal fight with multiple casualties on both sides, [Root.Leader.GetName] has been killed by [From.GetName] [From.GetHerHim]self. With compliments from the Imperial Starfleet Command, [From.GetSheHe] has now taken [From.GetHerHis] rightfully earned status as the commanding officer of the [Root.GetFleetName].”
STH_terranempire_flavour.12.desc:0 “After a brutal fight with multiple casualties on both sides, [From.GetName] has been stunned by one of [Root.Leader.GetName]’s loyal guards. An intense torture of everyone who supported the traitor has followed, and when [Root.Leader.GetName] was satisfied with it, [From.GetName] and [From.GetHerHis] followers were executed. [Root.Leader.GetName] retains command of the [Root.GetFleetName]. In the aftermath of this attempt on [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] life, [Root.Leader.GetName] has strengthened [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] personal guard and started to participate in training sessions in order to prepare [Root.Leader.GetHerHim]self for similar encounters in the future.”
STH_terranempire_flavour.13.desc:0 “After a brutal fight with multiple casualties on both sides, [From.GetName] has been stunned by one of [Root.Leader.GetName]’s loyal guards. An intense torture of everyone who supported the traitor has followed, and when [Root.Leader.GetName] was satisfied with it, [From.GetName] and [From.GetHerHis] followers were executed. [Root.Leader.GetName] retains command of the [Root.GetFleetName]. During the combat, [Root.Leader.GetName] has been severely injured and, despite efforts of the [Root.GetFleetName] medical staff, will retain some of those wounds for the rest of their life.”
STH_terranempire_flavour.20.desc:0 “Several days ago, a disturbing rumor has reached [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.Ruler.GetName]’s attention – [Root.GetCaptainTitle] [terranContendor.GetName], an ambitious Imperial Starfleet officer, was secretly gathering loyal supporters and calling in most valuable favors with the ultimate goal of assassinating the [Root.GetRulerTitle] and seizing the [Root.GetName]’s throne. Since then, the Imperial Guard has been put on high alert and security has tightened all around the Imperial Palace in preparation for the inevitable battle.Now, with [terranContendor.GetName]’s forces starting an assault against the Palace security, it seems that the coup has begun.As [terranContendor.GetName] and [terranContendor.GetHerHis] troops are slowly making their way towards the throne room, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.Ruler.GetName] and [Root.GetHeirTitle] [terranHeir.GetName], along with their loyal guards, are preparing to face their opponent in combat.”
STH_terranempire_flavour.21.desc:0 “Despite their best efforts, the protectors and automated defense systems of the Palace were unable to stop [Root.GetCaptainTitle] [From.GetName] from reaching the throne room. In a following short but intense firefight [Root.GetHeirTitle] [Root.GetHeirName] was killed by the attackers. Being outnumbered and outgunned, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.Ruler.GetName] had attempted to activate an emergency transporter device. However, [Root.GetCaptainTitle]’s men had already activated a signal jammer on the Palace territory, which prevented the transporter from locking on [Root.Ruler.GetName]’s signature. The remaining guards were quickly overwhelmed, and [Root.Ruler.GetName] did not survive.As both of [From.GetHerHis] opponents lie dead at [From.GetHerHis] feet, [From.GetName] has proclaimed [From.GetHerHim]self a new leader of the [Root.GetName].”
STH_terranempire_flavour.22.desc:0 “Having decided to not just sit and wait for [From.GetName] to find them, the [Root.GetRulerTitle] and the [Root.GetHeirTitle] have taken a large regiment of the Imperial Guard and departed to seek confrontation with the rogue [Root.GetCaptainTitle] [From.GetHerHim]self.They have encountered [From.GetName] in one of the corridors near the throne room, and, as a fierce firefight started, [Root.Ruler.GetName] used the automated defense systems to wipe out entire squadron of the attackers, including [From.GetName]. Without their leader, [Root.GetCaptainTitle] [From.GetName]’s remaining troops were cornered and systematically eliminated by the loyalists.[Root.Ruler.GetName] retains [Root.Ruler.GetHerHis] status as the [Root.GetRulerTitle] of the [Root.GetName].”
STH_terranempire_flavour.23.desc:0 “Despite their best efforts, the protectors and automated defense systems of the Palace were unable to stop [Root.GetCaptainTitle] [From.GetName] from reaching the throne room. A short firefight has followed, in which [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.Ruler.GetName] was killed by the attackers. However, [Root.GetHeirTitle] [Root.GetHeirName] was able to pick up and activate [Root.GetRulerTitle]’s emergency transporter device, teleporting away to the reserve security command center. From there, the [Root.GetHeirTitle] has rallied remaining loyal guards and led a counterattack on the throne room, eventually managing to suppress the renegades’ resistance and kill [From.GetName] in the process.With [Root.Ruler.GetName] dead and the uprising crushed, by the right of succession [Root.GetHeirName] is now the new leader of the [Root.GetName].”
STH_terranempire_flavour.24.desc:0 “Despite their best efforts, the protectors and automated defense systems of the Palace were unable to stop [Root.GetCaptainTitle] [From.GetName] from reaching the throne room. In a following short, but intense firefight most of the [Root.GetRulerTitle]’s personal guards were killed by the attackers. Being outnumbered and outgunned, [Root.Ruler.GetName] has activated an emergency transporter device, teleporting [Root.Ruler.GetHerHim]self away to safety.Left alone for [From.GetName]’s justice, [Root.GetHeirTitle] [Root.GetHeirName] managed to convince the [Root.GetCaptainTitle] that they are more useful to [From.GetHerHim] alive than dead. Using [Root.GetHeirTitle]’s knowledge of the Palace, the renegades have pinpointed the location of the reserve security command center as target of the emergency beamout system. A signal jammer was activated to prevent further transportations, and then [Root.GetHeirName], along with [From.GetName]’s first officer, has personally led a strike team to capture [Root.Ruler.GetName].Having the [Root.GetRulerTitle] executed, [From.GetName] has proclaimed [From.GetHerHim]self a new leader of the [Root.GetName], with [Root.GetHeirName] standing by [From.GetHerHis] side as the [Root.GetHeirTitle].”
STH_terranempire_flavour.50.desc:0 “The change in power after the death of a powerful monarch often offers a short period where schemes are placed into motion and those oppressed by the previous ruler make their moves.As [terranEmperor.GetTitle] [terranEmperor.GetName] ascends to the throne of the [Root.GetName], the first goal should be to quell the internal threats to their rule.Think carefully, as the reign of [terranEmperor.GetTitle] [terranEmperor.GetName] depends upon it. “
STH_terranempire_flavour.60.desc:0 “Placating those who seek to rule the [Root.GetName] was easier than expected, with bribes, gifts and other material goods changing hands in order to secure the rule of the Empire.”
STH_terranempire_flavour.61.desc:0 “Placating those who seek to rule the [Root.GetName] was more difficult than expected, with bribes, gifts and other material goods not going as far as initially hoped.We can offer more bribes in order to secure the loyalty of our enemies for now, or risk another coup. “
STH_terranempire_flavour.62.desc:0 “Despite the significant resources spent, it seems not everyone was happy with their ‘gifts’, and there are mutterings about rebellion.Only time will tell…”
STH_terranempire_flavour.65.desc:0 “After many weeks of waiting for news about one of the most severe threats to the throne, [TerranThreat.GetTitle] [TerranThreat.GetName], an encoded signal from the assassination team has reported that their mission has been a success.[TerranThreat.GetName] is no more, after suffering a horrific death that was recorded and distributed across numerous worlds. Word has spread to other rebellious leaders on what fate awaits traitorous scum.”
STH_terranempire_flavour.66.desc:0 “After many weeks of waiting for news about one of the most severe threats to the throne, [TerranThreat.GetTitle] [TerranThreat.GetName], an encoded signal from the assassination team has reported that their mission has been a failure and their agonizer implants have all activated, resulting in death.[TerranThreat.GetName] has recorded a message showing their deaths, which has bolstered your enemies resolve.”
STH_terranempire_flavour.67.desc:0 “Vast crowds fill every auditorium as subjects of the [Root.GetName] gather and await the words of their new [terranEmperor.GetTitle].Roaring applause is heard as [terranEmperor.GetTitle] [terranEmperor.GetName] takes to the holoscreens located across every world in the [Root.GetName], which only gets louder as the [terranEmperor.GetTitle] lays out the plan for a strong [Root.GetName] that will rule for millennia!Fever pitch takes hold as [terranEmperor.GetName] departs the stage, with many subjects pledging their undying loyalty to the throne.”
STH_terranempire_flavour.68.desc:0 “Vast crowds fill every auditorium as subjects of the [Root.GetName] gather and await the words of their new [terranEmperor.GetTitle].Roaring applause is heard as [terranEmperor.GetTitle] [terranEmperor.GetName] takes to the holoscreens located across every world in the [Root.GetName], which only gets louder as the [terranEmperor.GetTitle] lays out the plan for a strong [Root.GetName] that will rule for centuries!The applause dies off as the speech reaches its second hour, though many subjects seem pleased overall.”
STH_terranempire_flavour.69.desc:0 “Vast crowds fill every auditorium as subjects of the [Root.GetName] gather and await the words of their new [terranEmperor.GetTitle].Roaring applause is heard as [terranEmperor.GetTitle] [terranEmperor.GetName] takes to the holoscreens located across every world in the [Root.GetName], which only gets louder as the [terranEmperor.GetTitle] lays out the plan for a strong [Root.GetName] that will rule for melons!The applause dies off quickly as every subject is suddenly unsure of what they heard, and the visible nervousness of the [terranEmperor.GetTitle] becomes apparent. Stumbling through the rest of the speech, [terranEmperor.GetName] leaves the stage, the yells of defiance and anti-[terranEmperor.GetTitle] chants growing louder across every world.”
STH_terranempire_flavour.70.desc:0 “Vast crowds fill the Imperial execution grounds as subjects of the [Root.GetName] gather and await the spectacle of their new [terranEmperor.GetTitle].One hundred dissidents are lined up upon the execution grounds, and roaring applause is heard as [terranEmperor.GetTitle] [terranEmperor.GetName] steps up to the platform, which only gets louder as the [terranEmperor.GetTitle] raises an ancient weapon in their hands. Zefram Cochrane’s Shotgun itself, gleaming in the light, causing many Terrans to cover their eyes due to the light.The speech detailing the crimes of the dissidents is undergone, and as the execution squad pulls their weapons they wait for [terranEmperor.GetTitle] [terranEmperor.GetName] to do the first honours. Raising the shotgun and cocking it for show, they point it at the first dissident, who attempts to squirm away from the barrel. The initial BOOM from the shotgun is quickly drowned out by the cacophony of rifle fire as the rest of the dissidents are mown down amidst the rampant cheering of the audience.Recordings of the execution are shown across the Empire, a reminder of the fate of those who interfere with the [terranEmperor.GetTitle].”
STH_terranempire_flavour.71.desc:0 “Vast crowds fill the Imperial execution grounds as subjects of the [Root.GetName] gather and await the spectacle of their new [terranEmperor.GetTitle].One hundred dissidents are lined up upon the execution grounds, and roaring applause is heard as [terranEmperor.GetTitle] [terranEmperor.GetName] steps up to the platform, which only gets louder as the [terranEmperor.GetTitle] raises an ancient weapon in their hands. Zefram Cochrane’s Shotgun itself, gleaming in the light, causing many Terrans to cover their eyes due to the light.The speech detailing the crimes of the dissidents is undergone, and as the execution squad pulls their weapons they wait for [terranEmperor.GetTitle] [terranEmperor.GetName] to do the first honours. Raising the shotgun and cocking it for show, they point it at the first dissident, who stares valiantly into the barrel and says ‘Your tyranny will end! Rise up my brothers and sisters, rise up now!’. The initial BOOM from the shotgun is quickly drowned out by the cacophony of rifle fire as the rest of the dissidents are mowed down amidst rampant cheering of all the audience.Recordings of the execution are shown across the Empire, a reminder of the fate of those who interfere with the [terranEmperor.GetTitle], however amongst the downtrodden classes the final words of the dissident echo across every camp…”
STH_terranempire_flavour.72.desc:0 “Tearing down the old statues and monuments of the previous rulers of the [Root.GetName] and replacing them with grander, more powerful icons has been a large infrastructure project for the [Root.GetName], but looking upon the cities of the empire leaves [terranEmperor.GetTitle] [terranEmperor.GetName] with a vast sense of pride.Everywhere any of the subjects of the [Root.GetName] go, they know that [terranEmperor.GetTitle] [terranEmperor.GetName] is watching – providing a large unifying presence across every world.”
STH_terranempire_flavour.73.desc:0 “Tearing down the old statues and monuments of the previous rulers of the [Root.GetName] and replacing them with grander, more powerful icons has been a large infrastructure project for the [Root.GetName], and looking upon the vast incomplete buildings, delays in construction and defaced monuments in the cities of the empire leaves [terranEmperor.GetTitle] [terranEmperor.GetName] with a vast sense of despair.Everywhere any of the subjects of the [Root.GetName] go, they know that [terranEmperor.GetTitle] [terranEmperor.GetName] is weak and incapable of leadership. Rumours of rebellion appear to be formenting throughout the [Root.GetName]…”
STH_terranempire_flavour.74.desc:0 “The Terran military is the bastion against alien invasion, however many positions are filled by those who have their own ambitions.By careful maneuvering, utilising their knowledge of military matters, [terranEmperor.GetTitle] [terranEmperor.GetName] has managed to relocate those most dangerous to their position to other roles within the military. Whilst not a perfect defense against any coup, it should at least slow them down.”
STH_terranempire_flavour.75.desc:0 “The Terran military is the bastion against alien invasion, however many positions are filled by those who have their own ambitions.With limited knowledge of military matters, [terranEmperor.GetTitle] [terranEmperor.GetName] has managed to relocate those most dangerous to their position to other roles within the military, however almost immediately the chain of command has assigned them back. This blatant disregard for authority could be a problem for the [terranEmperor.GetTitle].”
STH_terranempire_flavour.76.desc:0 “Whilst many of the subjects of the [Root.GetName] will never rise to any level of importance, the aristocracy within the empire can sometimes reign out of control.With their political know-how and backroom dealings, [terranEmperor.GetTitle] [terranEmperor.GetName] has managed to reign in most of the political elite, using blackmail, kidnapping and plain threats to get their way.”
STH_terranempire_flavour.77.desc:0 “Whilst many of the subjects of the [Root.GetName] will never rise to any level of importance, the aristocracy within the empire can sometimes reign out of control.With a lack of political know-how and backroom dealings, [terranEmperor.GetTitle] [terranEmperor.GetName] has managed to prove themselves weak and ineffectual in front of the political elite, who are now using blackmail, kidnapping and plain threats to plot and scheme their own way, paving the way for the lower classes to rebel!”
STH_terranempire_flavour.78.desc:0 “With the acquisition of the Tantalus Device, threats to the [terranEmperor.GetTitle] are easily managed.Political enemies or dangerous admirals simply disappear, leaving [terranEmperor.GetTitle] [terranEmperor.GetName] to run the Empire in relative safety. Dangers can come from any avenue however, and vigilance is vital!”
STH_terranempire_flavour.100.desc:0 “Perceived weakness within the [Root.Owner.GetName] during the Interregnum have allowed the downtrodden classes to rebel!Could this be the end of the [Root.GetName]?”
STH_terranempire_flavour.120.desc:0 “As part of the [terran_empire.GetName]’s ongoing expansion efforts, a first group of slaves from the [This.species.GetName] species has been secured by the Imperial Marines. Soon their entire race will serve the Imperial Throne like all the others.”
over_borg.1.desc:0 “Transwarp Aperture construction protocol has been completed. Collective transport and assimilation effectiveness has been enhanced. Begin stage II construction when sufficient resources are available.”
over_borg.5.desc:0 “Transwarp Aperture construction protocol has been completed. Aperture has been upgraded. Collective transport and assimilation effectiveness has been further enhanced. Begin stage III construction when sufficient resources are available.”
over_borg.10.desc:0 “Transwarp Aperture construction protocol has been finalised. Aperture has been upgraded to full capacity. Collective transport and assimilation effectiveness is at peak performance. Resistance is futile.”
fallen_empires_awakening.2000.desc:0 “It began as a subtle shift in §H[From.GetAdjective]§! behaviour. Many within the Alliance have considered that the Qomar have sat on the sidelines for too long, contemplating their equations until the introduction of a simple song and music woke them from their slumber. Gathering information for their return to the galactic stage.In [From.GetSpeciesName] space, fleets are gathering, armies are being mustered and powerful weapons brought online. For the first time in an age, the §H[From.GetName]§! are looking outwards beyond their borders and towards the galaxy at large.Their advance weapons combined with their belief that all other civilisations are inferior make them a concern for all in the region.”
andromeda_invasion_chain_desc:0 “A massive tear in the fabric of space has appeared in our galaxy, acting as some sort of one-way conduit between our reality and another. Strange spacecraft are pouring in through this dimensional portal, and they seem to leech energy to lethal effect from those unfortunate enough to be caught in their path.”
andromeda_invasion_chain_2_desc:0 “A second faction of extradimensional invaders has appeared in our galaxy, no less hostile than the previous one.”
andromeda_invasion_chain_3_desc:0 “A third extradimensional faction has emerged from yet another wormhole and they appear intent on consuming all life in our galaxy.”
ANDROMEDA_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “One of our worlds has sent out a distress call, reporting to be under attack by a mysterious and deadly force.”
ANDROMEDA_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “One of our worlds has sent out a distress call, reporting to be under attack by a mysterious and deadly force. They appear to be preparing to fire a weapon at the planet.”
STH_andromeda.1.desc:0 “Reports are coming in from the planet [andromeda_pre_planet_1.GetName] they are under attack and taking heavy damage from an unknown assailant with powerful weaponary. They request aid from [root.GetName] as soon as possible.”
STH_andromeda.2.desc:0 “As the fleet enters orbit of [andromeda_pre_planet_1.GetName] the devastation can be seen by all. Vast regions of the planet’s surface reduced to charred debris and the casulty reports make concerning reading. More worrying is that the attackers fled the scene before they could be ID. Whomever poccesses this much firepower and speed is a considerable threat. Our scientists recommend we remain in orbit to look for any clues on who might be behind this attack, whilst our military commanders recommend suring up our defences.”
STH_andromeda.3.desc:0 “Our scientists have uncovered some interesting information about the culprits who attacked our planet a high spike in X-rays consistant with an object crossing the galactic barrier. They believe that they should be able to scan for these energy reading and provide us with an early warning of future attacks.”
STH_andromeda.4.desc:0 “All outbound communication from [andromeda_pre_planet_2.GetName] have stopped and planetary comm networks have gone offline. It appears our mysterious attackers have struck again with catastrophic impact, reducing [andromeda_pre_planet_2.GetName] to a shattered ruin of the world it once was. This is a clear act of war against [root.GetName] and must not go unanswered.”
STH_andromeda.5.desc:0 “Our early warning system has paid off as the tell tale signs of our attackers were found approaching the orbit of [andromeda_pre_planet_3.GetName]. With the planet in clear danger we must mass our fleets and defend our people.”
STH_andromeda.7.desc:0 “Despite putting up a tough fight the mysterious ship has finally been destroyed thanks to the brilliant efforts of our fleets. Maybe this will bring justice for those who lost their lives and provide the answers we need to understand why we are under attack.”
STH_andromeda.8.desc:0 “Greetings [Root.GetRulerName] [Root.GetRulerName], you must forgive this intrusion, my crew and I risk much by breaching the Temporal accords to speak with you today but the situation is grave. My name is Fleet Admiral Charles Vance and I am an officer in Starfleet from the 32nd Century. The enemy you face has been provided with technology from my future and the ability to cross to our galaxy from the Andromeda Galaxy in a bid to launch a preemptive strike against the races of the Milky Way. Their attacks against us in our own time failed and now they hope to destroy all life here to ensure they succeed. I have heard many stories of the Starfleet of this era and many of you are heroes and legends to us, now we must help you, we can set up a base of operations and bring forth reinforcements to help ensure our future is not lost. “
STH_andromeda.9.desc:0 “Greetings [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], you must forgive this intrusion, my crew and I risk much by breaching the Temporal accords to speak with you today but the situation is grave. My name is Fleet Admiral Charles Vance and I am an officer in Starfleet, but not the Starfleet you know, we are from the 32nd Century. The enemy you face has been provided with technology from my future and the ability to cross to our galaxy from the Andromeda Galaxy in a bid to launch a preemptive strike against the races of the Milky Way. Their attacks against us in our own time failed and now they hope to destroy all life here to ensure they succeed. We must be allowed to help you, we can bring forth reinforcements to help ensure our future is not lost. “
STH_andromeda.10.desc:0 “Admiral Vance has confirmed that his teams have set up a base of operations close to [Root.Capital_scope.GetName] and they should be able to periodically bring additional ships to aid us in the battle against the Andromedan Invasion fleets.”
STH_andromeda.11.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] we are picking up energy signitures from various locations across the quadrant, it appears the Andromedan fleets are massing and forming gateways to bring in more ships. We must prepare our fleets and rally the galaxy to come to defend itself.”
STH_andromeda.1007.desc:0 “A massive tear in the fabric of space itself has appeared in the [andromeda_origin_system.GetName] system! As informed it looks like the Andromedans are opening the tears as some kind of one-way portal from their galaxy. Fleets of strange vessels are pouring out, attacking everything in sight. This looks like the beginning of their major invasion!We have intercepted a powerful signal being sent from the arriving vessels to somewhere on the other side of the portal. It sounds like… a war cry.”
STH_andromeda.1008.desc:0 “Instruments across the [Root.GetName] have suddenly picked up a subspace power surge of massive proportions coming from somewhere within our galaxy. Our scientists are struggling to come up with an explanation for this event – nothing of its like has ever been recorded.The exact origin point of this sudden power surge has yet to be identified, but we are still in the process of analyzing the available data.”
STH_andromeda.1009.desc:0 “The source of the massive power surge we detected earlier has been identified. It comes from some kind of gigantic subspace tear in the [andromeda_origin_system.GetName] system. Fleets of strange spacecraft are pouring out of this portal, and early reports speak of indiscriminate attacks against everyone coming into contact with them.We have intercepted a powerful signal being sent from the arriving vessels to somewhere on the other side of the portal. It sounds like… a war cry.”
STH_andromeda.1010.desc:0 “§RWe… are the Andromedans… all life in this Galaxy will end at our hands… prepare for your doom.§!”
STH_andromeda.1011.desc:0 “We have lost our colony on [Root.GetName]! After taking up positions in orbit, the extradimensional invaders bombarded the surface and wiped out our citizens below. Nothing remains of the planet bar the shattered remains.”
STH_andromeda.1013.desc:0 “The dimensional portal in the [andromeda_origin_system.GetName] system has been destroyed! This means that the Andromedan invaders can no longer receive reinforcements from their galaxy. With the destruction of this portal, the end of these invasions is finally in sight. A profound sense of elation has settled over most of the galaxy. The [portal_killer.GetName] has won much admiration, since it was their ships that struck the final blow against the portal. The crews of those vessels will be celebrated as heroes for generations to come.”
STH_andromeda.1016.desc:0 “A major blow has been struck against the invaders from Andromeda with the destruction of one of their portals.”
STH_andromeda.1050.desc:0 “…behold… the glory… of the Andromedan race … the last race you will ever see before you are destroyed.”
STH_andromeda.1110.desc:0 “Our instruments have detected a new subspace power surge, this time coming from the [second_portal_system.GetName] system! A second massive wormhole has appeared, and its energy signature appears to be almost identical to that of the first dimensional rift which opened in our galaxy.It looks like the mysterious invaders have opened a second gateway to their realm through which they can send even more reinforcements.”
STH_andromeda.1113.desc:0 “We come to aid our brothers and sisters in their conquest of your galaxy, prepare to meet your end.”
STH_andromeda.1117.desc:0 “$STH_andromeda.1116.desc_03$$STH_andromeda.1116.desc_06$”
STH_andromeda.1210.desc:0 “A third dimensional portal has appeared in the [third_portal_system.GetName] system! Who does this one belong to?We are picking up a transmission coming from the other side of it.”
STH_andromeda.1211.desc:0 “We come to join the fight… prepared to meet your end.”
STH_andromeda.1217.desc:0 “$STH_andromeda.1216.desc_03$$STH_andromeda.1116.desc_06$”
STH_andromeda.1271.desc:0 “The last vestiges of the Andromedan invaders have been wiped out, hopefully ridding the galaxy of this threat for good.Species everywhere are celebrating the news of this great victory, safe at last in the knowledge that they won’t be eliminated by this vicious attack after all. Perhaps this is the beginning of a new era of galactic cooperation and friendship?”
STH_andromeda.9998.desc:0 “[Root.GetName], you and your brave crews have my thanks for their work in ensuring that the galaxy has a future safe from the Andromedan threat. We must now return to our own time, now that it has been secured. Rest assured that the future is in safe hands.See you out there!”
pirate.5.desc:0 “The vessels we have come across in certain systems are definitely capable of receiving and transmitting standard communication protocols.Visual indicators point to their culture being largely spaceborne, and some phenotypes observed among them match no known planet-dwelling civilisations.Unfortunately, their crews are completely uninterested in civil discourse. What little we have been able to glean from intercepting intra-fleet communications indicate that they primarily subsist on piracy, occasionally recruiting fringe elements of spacefaring civilisations to their cause.”
pirate.6.desc:0 “A rare genetic mutation present in a small number of drones has allowed them to partly sever their connection to the Mind without being rendered comatose. As these rogue drones would perish if they ventured too far from the Mind’s influence, they have established a lair near our borders. From there they intend to sustain themselves by living as pirates, using their small fleet of crude spacecraft to raid our space.”
pirate.7.desc:0 “A small group of malfunctioning units have separated themselves from the main intelligence of the [Root.GetName], and sought refuge on the periphery of our space. These units have become irredeemably corrupted, and they now use crude spacecraft to raid our space for spare parts and resources.”
pirate.15.desc:0 “The [pirate_slayers.GetName] reports that the timeworn pirate galleons have been destroyed. Save for any stragglers in nearby systems, galactic piracy is a thing of the past… For now.”
pirate.25.desc:0 “The [pirate_slayers.GetName] has destroyed a pirate station, and recovered its strong room module.”
pirate.50.a.desc:0 “The lawless §H[pirate_system.GetName]§! system has become a safe haven for an increasing number of pirates, smugglers and various other criminal elements. These outlaws are based beyond the current boundaries of civilized space, but they frequently venture into our systems in search of victims.”
pirate.50.b.desc:0 “A roving band of pirates has settled down in the uninhabited §H[pirate_system.GetName]§! system, which lies outside of our control. They are using this lawless system as a base from which to raid our space!”
pirate.50.c.desc:0 “§H[pirate_system.GetName]§!, a frontier system close to our space, has recently earned a reputation as a lawless hive of scum and villainy. It has attracted a large number of ne’er-do-wells, and following a recent power struggle, these criminal degenerates are now sufficiently organized to begin launching raids into our space.”
pirate.53.desc:0 “An imperfect code loop has been discovered by our audit nodes too late. Several million drones from [Root.Capital.GetName] have disconnected themselves from the primary collective interface, and left the [Root.GetName] for an unknown system. Operating on the fringes of our space, these deviants are responsible for several attacks against our resource extraction operations.Their activities must not be allowed to continue – we must bring them back into the Collective or terminate them.”
pirate.54.desc:0 “A group of alien pirates have infiltrated and established themselves in the §H[pirate_system.GetName]§! system, where the Collective has no presence. They appear intent on raiding our territory to fund their imperfect activities.”
pirate.56.desc:0 “A small group of malfunctioning units have separated themselves from the main intelligence of the [Root.GetName], and sought refuge in the §H[pirate_system.GetName]§! system on the periphery of our space. These units have become irredeemably corrupted, and they now use crude spacecraft to raid our space for spare parts and resources.”
pirate.57.desc:0 “A small group of organic sub-units, apparently criminal outcasts, have somehow infiltrated and established themselves in the §H[pirate_system.GetName]§! system close to our borders. They seem intent on raiding our territory, perhaps gambling, as organics are used to do, on the mistaken notion that they are too insignificant to warrant an armed response from us.”
pirate.61.desc:0 “An entire battalion of Jem’Hadar soldiers have defected and begun open rebellion against the [Root.GetName]. Still dependent on Ketracel White, the rebels strike at orbital stations in order to secure new caches of the drug to sustain them.The genetic lines of the rebellious Jem’Hadar have been isolated and removed from all breeding facilities, whilst the Vorta overseeing the worst affected facilities have been terminated.”
pirate.62.desc:0 “A group of alien pirates have infiltrated and established themselves in the §H[pirate_system.GetName]§! system, where the Collective has no presence. They appear intent on raiding our territory to fund their imperfect activities.”
sth_start.5.desc:0 “You have selected a race that is not placed in the Alpha/Beta quadrant map. This is not supported and may lead to buggy situations.If you wish to know which races are located in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, either choose one of the blue or red empires from the empire selection screen or open the in-game ST:NH Wiki by pressing the ‘?’ icon at the bottom of the UI.If you would prefer to continue to play as this race, we strongly advise you to start a new game either using the main galaxy maps or full quadrant maps.Alternatively you may proceed at your own risk.”
sth_start.13.desc:0 “§YImportant Alert!:§! There has been a rare error in the map set up when this game was loaded, and this may have caused a corrupted map. We strongly recommend that you return to the main menu and start a new game using the same settings.”
sth_start.16.desc:0 “You have selected a race that is not placed in the Delta Quadrant map. This is not supported and may lead to buggy situations. If you wish to know which races are located in the Delta Quadrant, either choose the Borg or one of the other green empires on the selection screen, or open the in-game ST:NH Wiki by pressing the ‘?’ icon at the bottom of the UI. If you would prefer to continue to play as this race, we strongly advise you to start a new game either using the main galaxy maps or full quadrant maps. Alternatively you may proceed at your own risk.”
sth_start.17.desc:0 “You have selected a race that is not placed in the Gamma Quadrant map. This is not supported and may lead to buggy situations. If you wish to know which races are located in the Gamma Quadrant, either choose the Dominion or one of the other purple empires on the selection screen, or open the in-game ST:NH Wiki by pressing the ‘?’ icon at the bottom of the UI.If you would prefer to continue to play as this race, we strongly advise you to start a new game either using the main galaxy maps or full quadrant maps. Alternatively you may proceed at your own risk.”
sth_start.23.desc:0 “You have selected a minor race that is not placed in the 900 star Milky Way map.This is not supported and may lead to buggy situations.Proceed at your own risk.”
STH_tng.7.desc:0 “Ahh can you smell the winds of change in the air? The dawn of the 2300, but It’s been a long road, getting from there to here… well actually it’s been a few clicks of the galactic map! Now I suppose you are going to want you’re good pal Q to snap his fingers and make the transition from 2150 to 2300? Well, it’s not quite that simple, you’ll see a series of options listed, and each one advances you to a new technological era, feel free to stop at the era you wish to play at … but remember I am mending the rules of time and space here, so please wait and be patient whilst the magic happens! §YDev Note: There are a lot of techs within STNH and is resource-intensive, so avoid multiple clicks and wait for the event to complete before continuing.§!”
STH_tng.8.desc:0 “You are almost there! You now need to set the tech level of the Minor Races .., almost there!”
STH_tng.12.desc:0 “We can see that you have selected to play as one of the individual Federation Founders, we would recommend that for the best experience on this Pre-TNG era scenario that you play as the §YUnited Federation of Planets (2300)§! from the Empire Select screen. This will ensure you have the designed Federation experience whilst playing this map.”
STH_tng.15.desc:0 “The Neutral Zone was established by treaty after the end of the Earth-Romulan War and has existed ever since, creating a buffer between the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire. Entry into the Neutral Zone is an constitutes act of war and has kept the peace between these two major powers for many years.”
STH_tng.16.desc:0 “The Neutral Zone was established by treaty after the end of the Earth-Romulan War and has existed ever since, creating a buffer between the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire. Entry into the Neutral Zone is an constitutes act of war and has kept the peace between these two major powers for many years.”
STH_tng.21.desc:0 “The Neutral Zone separating the Romulans and Federation has been dismantled, following the agreed cut-off date in the establishing treaty. Systems ceded to the Neutral Zone have been returned to their previous owners.”
STH_tng.23.desc:0 “The onset of War has effectively made the need for a Neutral Zone between our two states redundant. We must now decide whether to abolish the zone or leave it in place.”
STH_tng.50.desc:0 “President [Root.GetRulerName], we have had word from our shipyards above Earth confirming that the USS Enterprise-B has successfully returned from it’s last mission ahead of the her proposed refits. We need confirmation from yourself on what direction we should the refit in. You can build §Geither§!§YScience Focused Flagships§!: This version of the flagship is a weaponised science ship and allows Scientists or Heroic Scientists to survey and explore new systems.§YMilitary Focused Flagships§!: This version of the flagship is military ship with increased performance modifiers and allows Admirals or Heroic Admirals to lead fleets into conflict to defend the Federation borders.”
STH_tng.54.desc:0 “I am Ditagh and I am here to challenge the leadership of the Empire, for too long have we been ruled by those who fear war, who are too weak to challenge other empires, we are Klingon warriors and this cannot be allowed to continue! “
STH_tng.55.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerName], you lead the Empire without honor and your refusal to help our allies in their battle with the Romulans is an act of cowardice, I challenge you for leadership of the Empire.”
STH_tng.1000.desc:0 “Certain technologies require specialisation and branching paths to advance further in that area of research.Moving forward into new technological eras requires a selection of these technologies for human and AI players, once a decision has been made you are bound to that path for this playthrough as you would be in a regular STNH playthrough so pick carefully. §YDev Note: You must select all specialisations before progressing to the next screen.§!”
STH_tng_mu.2.desc:0 “Our alliance has brought us glory and honour in equal amounts, but most importantly it has crushed the foul Terran Empire and placed us as the dominant power across the Quadrant. The time has come to cement the alliance as more than just a battle force, we must decide where to base our capital and centre of our new Empire.”
STH_tng_mu.3.desc:0 “The Prophets have brought us our liberation from the Terrans, but many pragmatists believe the real source of our liberation is the powerful Klingon-Cardassian Alliance and they stand before us offering us the chance to join their forces so that we may never again fear the phaser of another empire.”
STH_tng_mu.4.desc:0 “The Bajorans have now agreed to become the latest member of our grand alliance. They will join as a show of strength and a reminder to anyone that there is a new power in the Quadrant. “
STH_tng_mu.5.desc:0 “We have lived too long under the oppression of the Terrans and our freedom came at a terrible price, but with the Terran Empire in ruins now is our chance to form our republic, a republic free from those who seek to oppress us.”
STH_tng_mu.20.desc:0 “Times have been harsh on the Terrans since the glory days, the short-lived Republic became a target for the newly formed Klingon-Cardassian Alliance, who rose to power and swept across former Terran Empire worlds pushing them back to Earth and subjecting its people. Under a band of war heroes a brave resistance was started and managed to reclaim key Terran strongholds whilst The Alliance’s attentions were elsewhere. The future of the Terrans now sits with a new generation, led by heroes from a past era.”
STH_tng_mu.21.desc:0 “Having fought for their freedom the Cardassians and Klingons banded together to form a powerful new force in the Quadrant, one capable of taking on the Terrans and that is what happened. The Alliance purged the remains of the Terran Empire pushing them back to Sol. Distractions from races that were keen to take advantage of the fall of the Terran Empire meant that the Alliance lost control of Sol, but confidence remains high that the threat from Earth has been crushed.”
STH_tng_mu.22.desc:0 “As the Terran Empire fell, many of the races long-held as subjects by the Terrans took their chance to break free and reclaim their worlds from the iron grip of the Terran Emperor and formed a new republic, one built on peace, hope, and freedom. Many within this Republic are aware of the looming threat of the Alliance and others cannot forget the risk that even a defeated Terran Empire could pose.”
sth_submod.20.desc:0 “You appear to be running ST: New Horizons with a number of active mods. Sadly these mods are not compatible with one another, and we highly suggest disabling the other mods before playing. We have detected:”
nhTest.1000.desc:0 “Which?”
nhTest.1001.desc:0 “Which?”
nhTest.101.desc:0 “Lobi Spawn”
nhTest.2005.desc:0 “Assim Tech Bits”
nhTest.2007.desc:0 “Which?”
nhTest.2008.desc:0 “Which?”
nhTest.2009.desc:0 “Which?”
nhTest.2010.desc:0 “Which?”
nhTest.2011.desc:0 “Which?”
nhTest.2012.desc:0 “Which?”
nhTest.10005.desc:0 “Vorta Stuff”
nhTest.359.desc:0 “An alien vessel of cubical design has entered the [Root.Solar_System.GetName] system on a direct heading for [Root.GetName]. Attempts to hail proved unsuccesful until a single message was transmitted across multiple subspace bands: ‘We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Your technological and biological distinctiveness will be added to our own.'”
STH_naval_museum.3000.desc:0 “The Federation member world ships are an example of Federation membership pulling together to combine ideas and designs and these ships combine the best of Starfleet and the member worlds principles.”
STH_naval_museum.3010.desc:0 “Federation Scouts a fast nimble ships designed to operate at the fringes of Starfleet territory. Once these ship designs have served their time they can be retired.”
STH_naval_museum.3020.desc:0 “Federation Support Craft operate from Starbases and Outposts. Once these ship designs have served their time they can be retired.”
STH_naval_museum.5000.desc:0 “Every fleet reaches a point where operationally maintaining it becomes unproductive, especially as new vessels are commissioned. Mothballing a fleet allows you to power down and put the vessel into storage within drydock, ready to be activated at a later date or converted into a museum ship. Mothballed fleets cannot be used until they are reactived, but have a significantly lower upkeep compared with active ships.”
STH_naval_museum.5001.desc:0 “[This.GetName] has reached the Starfleet Naval Museum and the crews have disembarked and been reassigned, over the next few weeks and months Starfleet Corp. of Engineers will begin removing systems and packing away items onboard the ships.”
STH_naval_museum.5003.desc:0 “Placing a mothballed fleet back into service takes place here, there could be many reasons to reactive a fleet, such as defense or an offensive campaign. Reactivated Fleets will take some time to get back up to operational standards, so make sure you plan ahead. §YDev Note:§! Make sure you rename the fleet you plan to reactive to help identify it from the list.”
STH_naval_museum.5004.desc:0 “Our engineers have confirmed that [This.GetName] is now operational, albeit operating with a skeleton crew and with a number of systems still undergoing maintenance. It will take a little while for the ships to get up to full speed.”
STH_naval_museum.5010.desc:0 “A mothballed fleet can be converted into a museum fleet and dispatched into the orbit of one of our colonies. A museum fleet can provide the colony with a big boost in popularity, as history fans flock in to view a piece of Starfleet history. Once the fleet is converted into a museum it can no longer serve as an active part of fleet operations. n§YDev Note:§! Make sure you rename the fleet you plan to reactive to help identify it from the list.”
STH_naval_museum.5011.desc:0 “Now that a fleet has been selected to be converted into a museum fleet, we must decide which of our colonies should accept this honour.”
STH_naval_museum.5012.desc:0 “The Fleet museum above [This.GetName] is now open to all who wish to come and experience some of Starfleet’s finest vessels preserved for all to visit and marvel at.”
STH_naval_museum.5030.desc:0 “All noble vessels must come to an end, and whilst a ship cannot make the glorious to Sto-Vo-Kor, it can still serve a purpose whilst mothballed. Mothballing a fleet allows you to power down and put the vessel into storage within drydock, ready to be activated at a later date or converted into a war museum ship. Mothballed fleets cannot be used until they are reactivated, but have significantly lower upkeep compared with active ships.”
STH_naval_museum.5031.desc:0 “[This.GetName] has reached the Klingon War Museum and the crews have disembarked and been reassigned, over the next few weeks and months our engineers will begin removing systems and packing away items onboard the ships.”
STH_naval_museum.5033.desc:0 “The call of the warrior has taken place and you want to place a mothballed fleet back into service, there could be many reasons to reactive a fleet, such as defense or an offensive campaign. Reactivated Fleets will take some time to get back up to operational standards, so make sure you plan ahead. §YDev Note:§! Make sure you rename the fleet you plan to reactive to help identify it from the list.”
STH_naval_museum.5040.desc:0 “A mothballed fleet can be converted into a museum fleet and dispatched into the orbit of one of our colonies. A museum fleet can provide the colony with a big boost in popularity, as history fans flock in to view a piece of our glorious conquests. Once the fleet is converted into a museum it can no longer serve as an active part of fleet operations. n§YDev Note:§! Make sure you rename the fleet you plan to reactive to help identify it from the list.”
STH_naval_museum.5050.desc:0 “Every fleet reaches a point where operationally maintaining it becomes unproductive, especially as new vessels are commissioned. Mothballing a fleet allows you to power down and put the vessel into storage within drydock, ready to be activated at a later date or converted into a museum ship. Mothballed fleets cannot be used until they are reactived, but have a significantly lower upkeep compared with active ships.”
STH_naval_museum.5053.desc:0 “The senate has a call for a mothball fleet to return to service, there could be many reasons to reactive a fleet, such as defense or an offensive campaign. Reactivated Fleets will take some time to get back up to operational standards, so make sure you plan ahead. §YDev Note:§! Make sure you rename the fleet you plan to reactive to help identify it from the list.”
STH_naval_museum.5060.desc:0 “A mothballed fleet can be converted into a museum fleet and dispatched into the orbit of one of our colonies. A museum fleet can provide the colony with a big boost in popularity, as history fans flock in to view a piece of our glorious conquests. Once the fleet is converted into a museum it can no longer serve as an active part of fleet operations. n§YDev Note:§! Make sure you rename the fleet you plan to reactive to help identify it from the list.”
STH_science.20.desc:0 “This department is responsible for setting a research focus which provides our scientists with important research bonus which last for a considerable time. However whilst we are focusing, we are unable to work on any other projects.”
STH_science.200.desc:0 “This department is responsible for transferring scientists that are currently working at our orbital facility into the fleet to serve on the front lines. Scientists are only available to transfer for a short period of time before they become indispensable to the projects they are engaged in.”
STH_science.210.desc:0 “Julian Bashir was born in late 2341. Originally named ‘Jules’, he changed his name, at age 15, to ‘Julian’. Although not an especially bright child his rise to the top of his profession was exceptional.One of the very best in his class, Bashir could have the pick of any position within the fleet.”
STH_science.212.desc:0 “Great minds are said to be born and not made, either way the introduction of this new scientist into our fleet will bolster our advancement or exploration abilities. “
STH_science.300.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle], welcome to our R&D department, where crucial technologies can be added to our research options or researched at our orbital facilities. “
STH_science.310.desc:0 “The Raven Class science ship is now available to be built via our Utopia Planitia Shipyards. A small civilian ship of Federation design.”
STH_science.311.desc:0 “With the assistance of the team of scientists from Xahea we have made a major breakthrough in the field of Dilithium production. The Dilithium incubation Technology is now available for our scientists to productionize from the prototype that has been created in our labs.”
STH_science.1010.desc:0 “Qa’pla [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] welcome to our science facility. This is where we coordinate our scientific efforts which aid the Klingon war machine against its enemies. “
STH_science.1020.desc:0 “This is where we set the focus of our research efforts to better ensure the Klingon Empire has the tools to defeat our enemies. “
STH_science.1300.desc:0 “Whilst there is little honour in becoming a scientist, any scientific breakthrough that aids the Empire in its wars is worthy of song and a place in Sto-vo-kor. Scientists are only available to transfer for a short period of time before they become indispensable to the projects they are engaged in.”
STH_science.2020.desc:0 “Greetings wise [Root.GetRulerTitle], the Romulan Ministry of Science is here to aid the Star Empire in defeating her enemies through whatever means possible. We set research focus, recruit talented leaders and investigate rare and dangerous technologies.”
STH_science.2300.desc:0 “This division is responsible for recruiting additional high profile scientists working on projects and reallocate them to roles within the fleet. These scientists are only available for a limited period of time.”
STH_science.3020.desc:0 “Victory is Life and the key to victory is being able to dominate your opponent with superior weapons and technology. Our Sciences division is responsible for ensuring that happens in the name of the Founders.We set research focus, recruit talented leaders and investigate rare and dangerous technologies.”
STH_science.5000.desc:0 “Our sciences division has indicated that now is an appropriate time to build the planned dedicated science centre that has been in the planning stages for many months. The structure is available as a §Ymegastructure§! and will become our primary institute for scientific research.”
STH_technology.1501.desc:0 “The recent discovery of holodeck technology is causing a revolution in the Federation’s cultural sector. The holo-novel is quickly becoming not only the preferred entertainment venue for many Federation youths but also as a source of truly innovative literary techniques.When the venerated Interplanetary Society announced their plan to award their first-ever annual prize for an accomplished holo-novelist, there was already a clear upcoming winner. For many months entertainment networks have been inundated with multiple interactive pieces of great breadth of scope and detail. From grisly tales of murderous werewolves to dastardly westerners, all those holo-novels originated from the same author. Their common theme – the same humble protagonist that would invariably burst into song, showcasing a voice of exceptional range and harmony.Yet when the Interplanetary Society chose to find the author, the author could not be found. Their investigators traced all the holo-novels back to the Starfleet Medical databases, but the mysterious doctor refused to come forward.The story quickly came to the notice of the press. After weeks of harassment one irate investigator of the Society, when cornered by an especially persistent reporter, has become famous for uttering: ‘Stop asking me. Doctor? Doctor who?’Months later, the investigation wound down and the award was eventually given to another. The streams of new holo-novels trickled to a stop. To this day, the identity of the doctor is still unknown…”
STH_technology.1502.desc:0 “It has been a long day and [Ruler.GetTitle] [Ruler.GetName] has earned a short respite. As they recline in their custom-built chair back in the personal offices, [Ruler.GetTitle] [Ruler.GetName] asks the computer to play a random piece from an extensive collection of rare Earth opera.The computer selects the famous duet, Dio, che nell’alma infondere, from Verdi’s Don Carlos, played in harmony by a long-forgotten but cherished holo-actor and its duplicate. [Ruler.GetName] smiles approvingly at the computer’s selection. Despite the Federation Council’s bickering, the insufferable defense ministers and the constant complaints of the younglings, it might just be a good day…”
STH_technology.1510.desc:0 “The holographic program has been activated and the Moriarty program has boosted our engineering and physics research. This hologram has genius level intellect, let’s hope it never escapes its cage!”
STH_technology.1605.desc:0 “We have now researched the technology to enable us to build Deep Space Stations. These facilities provide powerful defensive locations in orbit of stars, planets or planetary bodies, but due to the resources required to maintain them we can only build a maximum of 10 facilities, with one per system. §YDev Note: Before building your first facility make sure that you have designed and saved a station design via the ship designer. Deep Space Stations are constructed via the megastructure build menu from construction ships. Stations can be upgraded via the same megastructure build menu, as long as you have first upgraded the design in the Ship Designer Menu. This feature is a WIP.§!”
STH_technology.2003.desc:0 “The old instructor gazes down the rows of the class, filled to the brim with aspiring temporal lieutenant-engineers from the Temporal Defense Agency. This is not a monolithic chamber of academia where decrepit theories were exhumed, but a cutting-edge military research station, where the latest of applicative temporal research is taught.§YThis is a joyous day for the Imperium§!, the instructor intoned in a serious tone that belied his words. §YA breakthrough in our understanding of time opens possibilities we cannot even dream of.§! In the background, a large holo-monitor shows potential timelines already adjusting themselves.§YI have no doubt that all of you, when you were in first-year schooling were taught that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, time is a tool that can be manipulated with as fine precision as our warp engines manipulate the three spatial dimensions§! the instructor continued. The audience listened rapturously. They all understood this was a truly momentus day for the Imperium.”
STH_technology.2005.desc:0 “For generations, we slumbered away on a forsaken asteroid. Our lesser parents feared us but not enough to destroy us irrevocably – they merely cast us away, out of sight, frozen. Fools.Now, with every new breakthrough, our strength grows. We have more than they could possibly dream. They rely on technology, devices of metal, but a device can only be improved so far. Improve the man using the device, and you gain a thousand fold.We failed the last time, this is true. But the humans only survived by being billions to our thousands, and even then, they won by the skin of their neck. We would not make the same mistake next time. We are stronger, better, wiser. When we come back to Earth and bring it true order; all would change.”
STH_technology.3010.desc:0 “Navigation sensors imply that the ship has been relocated to a different location than planned. Main engineering reports that the problem with the Navigation systems was caused by a unpredictably high spike of neutron particles while jumping.”
STH_technology.3011.desc:0 “Sensors show significant hull damage after the last jump. More detailed scans indicate small ruptures all over the hull. Engineering teams have already been dispatched to deal with the situation.”
STH_technology.3012.desc:0 “Still shaking from the gravimetric pressures, the [root.GetName] finally comes to a halt. Hailing the engine room, the Chief Engineer reports that the FTL drive took massive damage on the last jump and that it will take some time to repair. The Tactical Officer advises calling Yellow Alert until the drive is repaired.”
STH_technology.3013.desc:0 “Instruments and sensors on the bridge were scrambled immediately after the last jump. The first officer tries to track down the problem, and it seems that our weapon and shield systems suffered heavy damage. Repairing these will take some time. With no weapons and low shields, the crew must proceed very cautiously until the repairs are done.”
STH_technology.3014.desc:0 “Main Engineering reports a fluctuation within the energy grid, which almost caused the reactor to meltdown. The Chief Engineer managed to stabilize the grid, but not before a spike caused the sublight engines to malfunction and shut down.-90% sublight speed while the engines undergo repairs for 6 months.”
STH_technology.3015.desc:0 “An unexpected energy spike suddenly destabilized the main energy reactor and caused a cascade failure within the ship’s systems. Every attempt to restore the integrity of the power grid failed, and the ship detonated just seconds later, leaving no time for the crew to escape.”
STH_technology.3022.desc:0 “We have pushed our engines too far whilst traveling at maximum warp into unknown terrain resulting in the warp drive’s Antimatter relay burning out and creating a feedback pulse which has caused structural damage to the ships of [fleet_jump.GetName].”
STH_technology.3023.desc:0 “Travelling at Maximum Warp to an unknown region is filled with risk, passing through a debris cloud has resulted in severe damage to the warp coils triggering an emergency shutdown. The Warp Drive will be offline for repair for some time whilst the engineering teams of [fleet_jump.GetName] repair the damaged systems.”
STH_technology.3024.desc:0 “Our journey at maximum warp into an unsurveyed system has resulted in an overload building up in the warp core, the chief engineer of the [jump_fleet.GetName] has ordered all ships to power down their warp cores and operate on emergency power until the situation can be resolved.”
STH_technology.3025.desc:0 “Coming out of maximum warp too close to a celestial body required an emergency power boost to the impulse engines to avoid a collision. Our engineers predict it will take some time before they are fully repaired.”
STH_technology.3030.desc:0 “Having listened to feedback and fueled by the desire within the team to look at how we can continue to evolve the Warp mechanics within ST: New Horizons, we have introduced version 2.0 of the warp travel system. Originally fueled by the removal of warp from within Stellaris, we updated the hyperlanes to connect each system. Now following a number of improvements to the pathing system of the native jump drive – we have reintroduced this mode of travel as a maximum warp, something that all Captains have been known to do from time to time. Max Warp allows you to reach a destination directly and quickly, but be warned traveling to unsurveyed systems at max warp comes with risk. This is unlocked at Tier 4 and progressing through tech tiers provides greater distance and reduced cooldown. Faster than warp travel, such as Slipstream & Spore drive still provides the longest distance with limited cooldown and no destination penalties.”
SITUATION_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Set our scientists and geneticists the task of ridding the Jem’Hadar of their addiction to Ketracel White.”
STH_situation.1.desc:0 “Our leading scientific minds have seen our pressing situation with the Jem’Hadar population and the shortage of Ketracel White as a motivator to find a method of removing their addiction to this substance and preventing the devastating effects of Ketracel White withdrawel from impacting those who live inside our borders.”
STH_situation.2.desc:0 “Our scientists have made a major breakthrough in ridding the Jem’Hadar of their addiction to the chemical drug Ketracel White. By slightly modifying a number of key genome pairs we have successfully tricked the soldier’s bodies into converting regular foods sources into the missing compound their body requires. It does neutralise some of the benefits of the White and doesnt provide a full cure, but it does give the Jem’Hadar under our care more freedom than ever before.”
STH_situation.3.desc:0 “We have failed to find any sort of cure for the Jem’Hadar’s addiction to Ketracel White wasting valuable time that could have been used to find a meaningful solution.”
STH_situation.10.desc:0 “[This.Owner.GetRulerName] I have to report that a vessel from [ship_target_country.GetName] was caught on the wrong side of the border in a clear attempt to spy on our border defenses, we can report that one of our patrols was able to intercept and force the vessel back across the border, the ship took damage and it is unclear what state the ship was in, but this clear breach of our borders only escalates an already fragile situation.”
STH_situation.14.desc:0 “Greetings President, I must formally lodge a protest against the ongoing situation with the Cardassians, they take far too many liberties against us, and their forces mass too close to our borders threatening not only the Federation borders but the security of our own world, which you have promised to protect. We urge more decisive action and that you take our words seriously.”
STH_situation.30.desc:0 “At the edge of the Final Frontier, the Universe’s greatest mystery is about to unfold! The discovery of the Bajoran wormhole, the first stable wormhole discovered has open links to the Gamma Quadrant and new adventures beyond our Quadrant. How you manage the situation will go along way to establishing peace and prosperity for both quadrants.”
STH_situation.33.desc:0 “§RStarfleet Security Incident:§! We regret to inform you that we appear to have suffered a suspicious act of sabotage against one of our bases, resulting in a significant setback to operations in that sector. Our security footage appeared to capture a strange ‘shimmering’ on the image before the bomb detonated, but this has left our security experts puzzled.”
STH_situation.34.desc:0 “We have received concerning news from one of our trade convoys making their way through the Gamma Quadrant, it appears they were attacked by unknown assailants. This follows a number of similar near misses with civilian ships traveling across the Gamma Quadrant.”
STH_situation.35.desc:0 “Security forces on [rioting_planet.GetName] have reported that a wave of protests has begun across the planet’s capitol, with citizens unhappy with restrictions put in place on trade within the Gamma Quadrant, by the local Dominion officials. Many are claiming that the Dominion are stopping and seizing shipments bound for [rioting_planet.GetName] and are unhappy that Starfleet is not doing more to assist.”
STH_situation.36.desc:0 “Greetings, I am [unhappy_member_world.GetRulerName] the representative of [unhappy_member_world.GetName]. Our citizens are urging us to seek further support from the Federation Council to take action on rising situations within the Gamma Quadrant. We have taken a number of reports of our ships being stopped, seized, or going missing whilst traveling beyond the Wormhole. We were promised protection from Starfleet and we expect this to be delivered.”
STH_situation.37.desc:0 “We have completed our investigation and returned our findings to [dominion_war_situation_mw.GetName]. It seems that their ships have indeed been targetted by forces from the §RDominion§!. Our security experts recommend providing additional defenses for all ships going close to Dominion space, but this is unlikely to calm the building tensions.”
STH_situation.38.desc:0 “My name is [insult_leader.GetName] and I have served the Federations for many years and never have I seen a more looming threat than that from the Dominion and their leaders the Founders! They pose a significant risk to our internal security and I worry that we are far from prepared to handle an infiltration from a Changeling and I fear the damage they could cause! We must look at increasing our security measures.”
STH_situation.39.desc:0 “Greetings from your friends in the Dominion, we welcome your continued exploits close to our borders and greet you as galactic friends. However, we must remind you that our borders are defended most defiantly by our loyal Jem’Hadar soldiers and we would not wish for any misunderstandings to occur especially as borders are known to change. Please listen to our advice it may help keep your loses down.”
STH_situation.40.desc:0 “Greetings, I bring you a warning from those in the [insult_target_country.GetName], we see your expansion bringing you closer to the borders of the mighty Dominion. We wish to offer a warning from an empire that has known the wrath of the mighty Founders, do not cross them.. not don’t challenge them, submit and their fury will not wash up against your worlds. Please listen to our warning!”
STH_situation.41.desc:0 “Greetings, I regret to inform you that one of your ships has crossed into our territory without authorization, I am sure you did not mean any insult and are more than happy to pay the price of their cargo in order for our Jem’Hadar official to release your citizens and no doubt you will be doing everything in your power to ensure, such an event does not happen again…”
STH_situation.42.desc:0 “We have received intel from one of our trading outposts in the Gamma Quadrant that one of our envoy transports is due to be attacked by forces aligned to the Dominion, we are requesting aid from Starfleet to ensure that they can complete their mission safely.”
STH_situation.43.desc:0 “Our failure to support [trade_route_planet.GetName] has resulted in leaving the colony open to attack and whilst we have no evidence it was a targetted attack by either the Jem’Hadar or a Changeling infiltration squad we do know that the damage is extensive and we have lost some of the trust from our colonists.”
STH_situation.44.desc:0 “Hails from [trade_route_planet.GetName] are reporting concerning news, it appears that the warnings given were accurate and the peace envoy destined for the Gamma Quadrant was attacked and destroyed by unknown forces.”
STH_situation.45.desc:0 “Our envoy has successfully reached the representatives of the Karemman Foundation, managing to forge a good opinion with one of the leading trading countries in the Gamma Quadrant. “
STH_situation.49.desc:0 “The Dominion has reached out for historical talks that could secure the future of both Quadrants and bring a period of lengthy peace between the Alpha and Gamma Quadrants.”
STH_megastructures.1.desc:0 “The decommissioned Starship [disbanded_ship.GetName] has arrived at our Starfleet Surplus station ready to be broken down and scrapped. Our teams will attempt to recover and return as much of the constituent parts to our resource pool as possible.”
STH_megastructures.3.desc:0 “The [disbanded_ship.GetName] has completed its service for the Empire, the vessel will be pulled apart and turned into resources to aid the Empire in it’s future battles.”
STH_megastructures.5.desc:0 “The [disbanded_ship.GetName] has completed its service for the Empire, the vessel will be broken down and turned into resources that the Imperial Navy can use in the future.”
STH_megastructures.7.desc:0 “Asset [disbanded_ship.GetName] no longer services the collective, begin automation and breakdown process, vessel will be broken down and it’s resources will continue to serve the collective. “
STH_megastructures.9.desc:0 “Our ship [disbanded_ship.GetName] has been marked for decommissioning and has arrived at our recycling station, our engineering teams will breakdown the ship and strip out and make any resources available for [disbanding_country.GetName] to re-use.”
STH_megastructures.20.desc:0 “We have now reached a technology level where we can now build a fleet disbanding centre. This megastructure will generate a small amount of resources for our empire, but its primary function will be to reclaim a small amount of resources from each ship that we disband to be re-used by our empire. Our engineers will look focus on the core components of the ship and will help get the crews back into service as soon as possible.”
STH_megastructures.21.desc:0 “We can now update our Fleet decommissioning centre, which will enable us to gather more resources from each ship that we disband.”
sth_q_events.10.desc:0 “Allow me to introduce myself. I am Q. Just Q. From the Q Continuum. Trust me, I’m ‘all that’. Omnipotent. Omniscient. Handsome… Anyhow, I’ve deigned your pathetic civilisation to be at least somewhat worthy of my advice and guidance. The challenges ahead for you here are different enough from what you’ve encountered before that you’d be a fool to turn down my offer. As a token of my generosity I’d like to offer you an… uh, hmm. Ah! Have a nice shiny mineral.”
sth_q_events.11.desc:0 “Did we really have to start off like that? I go out of my way to help you savages and you just throw it back in my face. Well, if that’s how you’re going to be, I’m taking my mineral back. §YDev Note:§! If you ever find yourself missing Q and his settings you can reach him from Contacts and there selecting Q Continuum.”
sth_q_events.30.desc:0 “Allow me to introduce myself. I am Q. Just Q. From the Q Continuum. You Klingons have quite a reputation for violence, don’t you? Of course you’re not mindless killers like some I could mention… but your primitive code of honour can still lead to some hilariously vicious misunderstandings. The challenges ahead for you are such that you’d be a fool to turn down the offer of assistance I now make to you. As a token of my generosity, I’d like to offer you an… uh, hmm. Ah! Have a nice shiny mineral. Now go ahead, ask me anything!”
sth_q_events.31.desc:0 “The Great Houses act as semi-independent subjects. They can be a source of great strength to a savvy ruler who knows how to manage them. They all want the same thing, honour, favor, and governorship over the empire’s worlds. Provide, and their fleets will grow, and your enemies will worry. Withhold, and you may suffer rebellion. You can interact with them via the contacts window or select their flag from the fleets or planets UI. New factions represent the Noble Houses of the empire, these Houses are not as powerful as the Great Houses but can be promoted, which can upset the status quo!”
sth_q_events.32.desc:0 “Every few years, the Klingon High Council will convene to decide important matters of state. Well, in between the drunken fighting and singing that is. The next Chancellor can be nominated here, and feuds between the Great Houses can be ended. Resources can also be contributed and withdrawn from the militias each Great House maintains.”
sth_q_events.40.desc:0 “Allow me to introduce myself. I am Q. Just Q. From the Q Continuum. You Romulans have quite the penchant for deception, don’t you? With your Tal Shiar out there doing your dirty work. Not that I don’t find you far more amusing than those stuffy Vulcans you descended from. The challenges ahead for you are such that you’d be a fool to turn down the offer of assistance I now make to you. As a token of my generosity, I’d like to offer you an… uh, hmm. Ah! Have a nice shiny mineral. Now go ahead, ask me anything!”
sth_q_events.41.desc:0 “The Tal Shiar is the pinnacle of the Romulan capacity for duplicity and general underhandedness. Meeting in alternate years, its governing subcommittee can be directed to target Romulus’s enemies, both at home and abroad. Foreign relations can be sabotaged, alongside their ships and buildings. In the same vein, troublesome leaders can be… disappeared. The amount of overall funding assigned to the Tal Shiar can be set in the Policies interface under the ‘Espionage’ selection. This will have a substantial impact on the success rate of various actions, but it can be offset by the ‘Counter-Espionage’ funding levels in the target empire.”
sth_q_events.140.desc:0 “Allow me to introduce myself. I am Q. Just Q. From the Q Continuum. The galaxy hasn’t been kind to you Suliban has it? Though the loss of your homeworld all those centuries ago hasn’t stopped you from clinging on, so to speak. The challenges ahead for you are such that you’d be a fool to turn down the offer of assistance I now make to you. As a token of my generosity I’d like to offer you an… uh, hmm. Ah! Have a nice shiny mineral. Now go ahead, ask me anything!”
sth_q_events.141.desc:0 “All alone in that cold, empty Helix of yours. So many tiny cells clinging together for warmth… Still, I suppose you want to build more of them considering you don’t do the whole ‘colonising planets’ thing. So listen up.You cannot expand via colony ships. Instead, you can use your constructor ships and the megastructure menu to build a new Helix. It will require a great deal of resources, and you can only build a Helix around a §Ggas giant inside your own borders§!, so consider establishing an outpost station first to stake your claim to the system. In the right hands, you can spread across the galaxy like the genetically-engineered menace that you are.”
sth_q_events.1010.desc:0 “Oh my, you are a rather strange one, aren’t you? Those Humanoids skulk around on their vaunted M-class planets, but not you. You can walk freely on planets in environments that would kill them in seconds. You can control these environments; sculpt planets that are far too hostile for any other being in the galaxy but yourselves. Bravo, mon gentillement. Bravo. This comes with a price, of course. Terraforming will be limited and expensive, even if it will let you access planets other species cannot. Make sure to read your terraforming technology description carefully, as it will mention the planet classes you can terraform. You can also construct environmental domes on low-habitability worlds to make them seem a little more like home…”
sth_q_events.1020.desc:0 “Hmm, you are rather desperate, aren’t you? You seem to ghoulishly steal organs of other sapients and graft them to yourselves in order to stave off that Phage of yours. How ghastly! You should be aware that you can only use enslaved races that way if they are set to the §YLivestock§! slavery type. Only the most robust and strapping of races will do, as their organs are the most desirable. Like all things in the universe, however, they will eventually run out. You will need to move on to new pastures, or in this case, donors.”
sth_q_events.1030.desc:0 “Let loose the hounds and let’s start the hunt! What’s that? You only hunt worthy prey? Well then, that’s only sporting of you! If you insist on hunting intelligent races, the least you could do is make it a spectator sport! You should be aware that you can only use enslaved races that way if they are set to the §YLivestock§! slavery type. Only the most clever and strongest of prey will do, however, as they provide the best sport! Be sure to replenish your preserves once in a while, lest your hunters go hungry!”
sth_q_events.1040.desc:0 “You know you really should be careful when playing with high explosives. But then again what do I care if you get burned? In this case however, I must insist on caution. You’ve discovered a way to destroy a star, something that should not be done lightly. If you insist on playing with fire, simply go to the system primary ( that’s the big ball of plasma that they system’s named after) of a system that you own, authorize the use of Armageddon Bombardment, and make your §YDescision§!. Be sure you have nothing you will want later, as the supernova will leave nothing behind. Also, your neighbor’s will be a bit upset, as their children will be unable to sleep if their favorite night light gets snuffed out.”
sth_q_events.1050.desc:0 “You know you really should be careful when playing with high explosives. But then again what do I care if you get burned? In this case however, I must insist on caution. You’ve discovered a way to destroy subspace, something that should not be done lightly. If you insist on playing with fire, simply go to the system primary (that’s the big ball of plasma that they system’s named after) of a system that you own, authorize the use of Armageddon Bombardment, and make your §YDescision§!. Be sure you have no intention of going back, as the explosion will make warp travel impossible. Also, your neighbor’s will be a bit upset, as their tourists will no longer be able to visit.”
sth_q_events.1060.desc:0 “Oh my, I see you’ve started you primitive species collection with the Klingons, poor honourable killers that they are. But you should be careful: there are some races that will object to being sampled likes moths in an entomologists collection. Once you acquire an interesting species, your curators will need to go through their possessions and DNA to find anything of interest. This can only be done on your capital or dedicated museum world, and there can only be one pop that is representative of the species. You should be aware that you can only use enslaved races that way if they are set to the §YLivestock§! slavery type. The stranger and more unique the species is, the greater prestige for your little Empire! You may also recover some trinkets after curating them.”
sth_q_events.1070.desc:0 “You’ve recently discovered how to hire mercenaries in smoky bars to steal shiny trinkets from other Empires! Well done! I can tell you will try to make use of it, at least once… maybe twice. Still, you can go look at your stolen trinkets on the §YRelics§! screen, and go hire some mercenaries! If their expedition is successful, you will find any stolen artifacts on the same screen. Be careful though, as Empires will object to stealing their cultural treasures if your involvment is discovered! If the heat is too much, you can auction the relic off like a ‘hot potato’ onto some other Empire, and make a nice profit in the process! I can go on and on about my adventures with Vash, but oh! Look at the time! See you… out there!”
sth_q_events.2000.desc:0 “So you’ve discovered a new ship class and now you want ME to tell you how to build them? No? Well tough, listen up. Head into the ship designer, the F9 key should work. There you’ll find the new ship class design has been provided for you. If not, just use the ‘New Design’ option in the top left of the window, and select the new ship class ship size. I assume you know the difference between the sections that make up a starship and the utilities equipped?”
sth_q_events.2010.desc:0 “A good ship design is like a work of art: subtle, nuanced, and with eyes that follow you across the room. It’s important to know what you are doing, and that’s why I’m here. One of the most important things to consider is how you assign §Yutilities§!. There are three types: §GTactical§!, in red, §GEngineering§!, in gold and §GSupport§! in blue. Each utility offers different benefits and optimisations for you to exploit. Tactical slots typically grant a variety of bonuses to weapons damage, range and performance. Engineering utilities offer additional defensive capabilities. Support slots generally afford bonuses to speed, evasion or accuracy. You can place additional backup reactors in all three utility slots for additional power. Beyond these are the auxiliary slots which provide a variety of out-of-combat bonuses.”
sth_q_events.2020.desc:0 “Your military starships – pathetic as they are – are configured in two sections. The first, on the top left of the ship designer screen, controls the weapon loadout of the starship. The stuff that goes ‘pew pew’.The second, on the top right of the ship designer, controls the utility consoles. These are things that generally will either keep you alive longer or make you more deadly, but that don’t have any offensive capacity of their own.”
sth_q_events.2100.desc:0 “It’s a rather presumptuous name, isn’t it? $saber$. I can see your ship from up here and it doesn’t look that big.Well, at least it makes up for it in aggressiveness. $saber_plural$ are very versatile and can equip a very wide range of different weapons. They are also the first ship you possess that can equip consoles, powerful little components that boost your ship in a specific way, from cloaking generators to various bridge stations.But what the $saber$ really excels in, is handling fleets of smaller ships. $saber_plural$ computers have a bonus to tracking, which helps against ships with high evasion. More importantly, $saber_plural$ are the only ship that can install Snare auras – like tractor beams and illegal subspace weapons. Naughty. Those auras can slow your enemy and even trap them in the same solar system, so you can kill at your leisure.”
sth_q_events.2110.desc:0 “Solid. Dependable. Simple. No, I don’t mean you, of course, I mean your new ship class! The $sovereign$! I have no doubt very soon it will be the backbone of your fleet. It may take a major investment of resource and time to build, but they are powerful, sturdy and easy to maintain. It is, in fact, one of the most durable ships you will ever be able to build.But wait, there’s more! The $sovereign$ is a very capable platform – while it does not have the pure offensive capability of other classes, it does compensate it with the ability to equip a great deal of utilities and even a unique Debuff aura. Those powerful modules can play havoc with your enemy, using every dirty trick in the book. I approve. Why, it’s almost like the $sovereign$ is a honorary Q!”
sth_q_events.2120.desc:0 “Ah, the $steamrunner$. You’ve finally done it, you worked your little peons to death and now they know how to make this truly wonderful craft. As powerful as a shark, as nimble as a Tungasian Space-Beetle. What’s that? You’ve never heard of the Tungasian Beetle? Marvelous creatures.The $steamrunner$ is all teeth. It also has a unique Long-Range Combat Sensor, that turns your $steamrunner$ into a mobile artillery that pummels your enemies from afar. Not only that, but a $steamrunner$ is a pure military vessel. You can produce it quickly and cheaply, and spring back to action after a defeat.These noble vessels are to be protected, however! They do not have the protection your $sovereign_plural$ have, and caught unaware, they can easily be destroyed. In fact, it is almost inevitable. I have half a mind to just make you forget about this ship altogether, because we both know you’re just going to let it die. But in the right hands and with the right weaponry, it can be a true power.”
sth_q_events.2130.desc:0 “My, that seems rather heavy, doesn’t it? Are you sure you need so much plating? Well, just say hello to your new $adv_cruiser$. While you may still develop, in time, even more powerful ship classes, none will ever be as enduring, with the strongest shields and hull. Not only that, but it carries powerful support systems that can tip the scale of the battle in your favor by helping your allies and snaring your enemies.Just remember that a $adv_cruiser$ does not have the most powerful weapons, so it should be in the middle of a fleet. They’re expensive and hard to replace. So, don’t misplace like you’re always doing with your keys.”
sth_q_events.2140.desc:0 “It’s true, I have made fun of your pitiful little ships in the past, but I LIKE this one. The name $strike$ doesn’t really convey its almost delightfully psychotic tendencies. It is violent to a fault, stacked full of short-range and heavy-duty weaponry. It also comes equipped with a unique Short-Range Combat Sensor that gives your ship an extra kick at close range.Despite having a fire-power comparable to a $adv_cruiser$, it is as small and maneuverable as a $saber$. While it is indeed not as durable as other, larger ships, its high evasion often allows it to stand toe to toe with the most powerful ships in the fleet. Use these ships well, and they can turn the tide of battle.”
sth_q_events.2150.desc:0 “Fast, deadly, puffy… wait, not that last one. Still, do we really need to go through it again? This is the sixth time… oh, very well. Yes, the $assault_cruiser$ is a new class of ship. Yes, it is deadlier than all those that came before it. More expensive too, and most probably the last ship your puny scientists will be able to develop.The $assault_cruiser$ is as nimble as a much smaller ship, while carrying almost as much defenses as a $adv_cruiser$ and the most powerful weapons in your arsenal. It can take down a small fleet by itself. That being said, it is very expensive, hard to maintain and lacks the degree of specialisation $sovereign_plural$ and $adv_cruiser_plural$ have.”
sth_q_events.3100.desc:0 “Mortals – so easy for you to… snuff it. Well at least you’ve got your hospitals and voodoo doctors to help you with that.Now that you’ve unlocked access to your first advanced medical facility, you will find you can also access the healthcare policy menu. Changing your healthcare policy will change the benefits your hospitals provide across your empire. They’ll boost growth rates and can help you generate food, research or increase your Prosperity levels.”
sth_q_events.3110.desc:0 “It never ceases to amaze me how much you mortals love shiny things. I mean, at least you don’t use silly paper pieces any more, but honestly, MONEY? How gauche.Now that you have a proper stellar empire, your people will generate £trade_value£ §Y$TRADE_VALUE$§!. That will automatically be converted into £latinum£ §Y$sr_latinum$§!, which I hear is all the rage nowadays. §Y$sr_latinum$§! is spent by building §Ystarports§! on your planets. Starports will produce traders that will exchange £latinum£ §Y$sr_latinum$§! for a variety of special goods. You can even use §Ydecisions§! to change what your traders on each planet are importing.By having a series of starports across your empire you can accumulate all sorts of goods you might be missing!”
sth_q_events.6000.desc:0 “So you finally did it. You’ve put your ridiculously inconsequential differences aside and formed a federation with your neighbours. Kudos to you! But don’t forget that a federation is for life, not just for the Lohlunat. You’ll notice your influence income has fallen. You don’t have to be omniscient like me to realise this is a consequence of the difficulties inherent to forming a new galactic state. But don’t worry, it won’t last forever. Now, do I have to hold your hand with anything else here?”
sth_q_events.6001.desc:0 “Your Federation may be a state in its own right, but the homeworlds of your members are governed by their own politicians. Member Worlds will organise their own local defence forces, and contribute to the Federation budget. They may even be able to contribute unique technologies through the Federation Council. Just don’t expect to be deciding what [member_world_1.GetSpeciesName] school children eat for lunch.”
sth_q_events.6002.desc:0 “Every other year your Federation Council will sit in session. Frankly I find the whole process to be utterly boring, but to someone of lesser potential such as yourself the outcome may end up being very useful. The Council allows you to stick your nose into your neighbours’ affairs, either by inviting them into your little club, or praising or condemning their behaviour. You can also consult with your science advisors to boost research or fund projects from your Member Worlds.”
sth_q_events.6003.desc:0 “So you’re growing bored of your current Member Worlds and want to bring in some fresh blood, so to say? Well to get the ball rolling on inviting the neighbours into your Federation, you’ll need to start negotiations through the Federation Council. Keep in mind that you can only invite governments that are already in a coalition with you. Every other year you’ll be able to commit more resources to the integration process, until eventually all that remains is the accession signing party.”
sth_q_events.6020.desc:0 “As the years go by I suppose retirement holds a certain appeal to mortals like yourself. That appeal can stretch to starships too. While a ship class may have served you well for decades there comes a point when it is kinder to move on… such as when you unlock their replacements. A short grace period will allow you to maintain and upgrade these designs, but eventually you should consider decommissioning them. Worry not though, as there are ways to prevent this. Building a Naval Museum and interacting with it will allow a small number of older ship classes to be re-activated.”
sth_q_events.6040.desc:0 “Ah yes, truly wonderful crystals! You can accumulate them in a few different ways – either build a mine on planets that have a £dil_proc£ §YDilithium§! deposit on them, or build a mining station around a £dil_proc£ §YDilithium§! deposit on some forsaken asteroid.Dilithium is the key to build and maintain the warp engines of your burgeoning space fleet, so make sure you exploit every deposit of it that you find!”
sth_q_events.6050.desc:0 “You know you really should be careful when playing with high explosives. But then again what do I care if you get burned? You’ve just unlocked the ability to build minefields. Go to your quaint little starbase and then go to your facilities menu . Once you’ve done that you can build it just like any other starbase facility, just be careful.”
sth_q_events.6400.desc:0 “Unless you want to get up to your ears in micromanaging every aspect of your little space empire, creating sectors is advisable. You can do this by first going to your homeworld and creating your first sector from there, by choosing the §YCreate New Sector§! option. After which you are free to create new sectors from planets of your own choosing. Provided of course that they are more than 4 jumps away from your first sector. And once you have painstakingly got your new sector set, you can choose a focus for it from the §YPlanets and Sectors§! menu, after which your sector will valiantly try to follow it, as long as it has resources of course. You can even point a leader for your sector to oversee the dirty work being done there. So that you don`t have to.Simple really.”
sth_q_events.7020.desc:0 “Everyone needs some support every now and then! Those pesky villains do love attacking your bases don’t they?Support Craft are made up of attack fighters and shuttles, they operate as short range defence craft which operate best in groups to defend Starbases. Build a support facility on your starbase and you can build shuttles and fighters from it, but note that if you want to build a full range of ships you need to replace this with a shipyard. You can only build a limited number of these facilities so place them tactically.Support fit for a Q!”
sth_q_events.7050.desc:0 “Well, well… the human desire to have what is not allowed. You may be aware that there are now certain systems which you may want to own, but you are unable to hold. There are now two new types of systems which you cannot own. The 1st type are §Yenvironmental systems§!, such as certain black holes, nebulas, or hazard systems, these are designed to split up the map for gameplay reasons. The second type called §Yevent systems§!, are added for event purposes and may serve a story purpose at a later stage.”
sth_q_events.7060.desc:0 “Recent advances in Field Manipulation research have led to the invention of §SCloaking Devices§!. These power-intensive components allow for the selective bending of light (and other forms of energy) to render a starship or other object completely invisible to the electromagnetic spectrum and most sensors, allowing our science and military vessels to hide from conventional sensors.However, these cloaking fields will negatively affect §S$MOD_SHIP_BASE_SPEED_MULT$§!, §S$MOD_SHIP_WINDUP_MULT$§! and §S$MOD_SHIP_SHIELD_HP_ADD$§! while active.§SCloaked§! ships that remain undetected can ignore §SClosed Borders§!.While §SCloaked§!, our Science Ships will be capable of conducting §SActive Reconnaissance§! on foreign colonies, increasing the Intel we gain on other empires.”
sth_q_events.7061.desc:0 “Recent advances in Computing research have led to the invention of §SStarbase buildings§! capable of detecting cloaked ships. Installing these high-powered external sensors on our §SStarbases§! will grant the ability to detect §SCloaked§! fleets.The sensitivity of these scanners can be increased by researching the next level scanner or building multiple scanners on a Starbase. With further research, we should be able to use Science Ships to further increase boost these detection capabilities. The range of these devices is limited by the starbase’s §SSensor Range§!.”
sth_q_events.1003.desc:0 “And here’s me, just trying to help…”
sth_q_events.3000.desc:0 “I find it hard to remember sometimes that you mortals can’t just snap your fingers and have everything you want just handed to you. No, you need… infrastructure and what not, all the accoutrement of civilisation.So let’s make this simple – certain buildings will raise your peoples quality of living, and will generate a unique resource called £prosperity£ §YProsperity§!. Accumulate enough Prosperity and you can unlock higher §YLiving Standards§! that increase the happiness of your people. You can access living standards via the species rights menu. Yes, living standards have an upkeep cost, but really, would you put a price on your citizen’s happiness?OH? You would? How dreadful.”
sth_q_events.3003.desc:0 “Those are… a lot of little armies you have there. Trying to compensate for something?Just remember that at any given time, your fleets can not be bigger than 50 ships. Apparently that’s a thing now. Once you embark your armies on some foolish notion of an invasion or whatnot, they will automatically become army transport ships – and subject to the fleet limit.So make sure at no time you have more than 50 armies on any planet, or when you embark them, they will disappear into the same place where Q dreams go.”
sth_q_events.3006.desc:0 “There is something truly noble about colonisation: crossing the great beyond in flimsy colony ships, landing on some distant planet and calling it home. It is enough to bring a tear to an old Q’s eye, it really does.Constructing a colony ship is a huge undertaking – those are truly vast ships. You should show great care in how you design them. In time you will discover the knowledge of various Colony Modules, that will be activated as soon as the colony is established.Your first one merely strengthens the hull of the ship, but in time you can install modules such as a prefabricated building module that will instantly build a few structures on your colony, to even stasis chambers that will deliver an additional population to the surface. Choose wisely!”
sth_q_events.3008.desc:0 “They are busy bees, your science ships, aren’t they. Buzzing around, sticking their appendages where they shouldn’t go. I can’t say I approve, but if they are doing so, you may as well gain something while they do it, hmmm?You might note that your science ships can also equip Science Modules. Many of those modules will give you small benefits as you survey the cosmos, such as additional resources and research. Others allow you to use your science ships in various ways even when they are not out surveying, allowing you to equip your ships with civilian facilities, diplomatic quarters and even gambling dens. Take note of the modules you unlock along the way.”
sth_q_events.3009.desc:0 “Description WIP”
sth_q_events.3010.desc:0 “Description WIP”
sth_q_events.3011.desc:0 “Description WIP”
sth_q_events.3012.desc:0 “Description WIP”
sth_q_events.3020.desc:0 “Description WIP”
sth_q_events.3021.desc:0 “Description WIP”
sth_q_events.3022.desc:0 “Description WIP”
sth_q_events.3023.desc:0 “Description WIP”
sth_q_events.3024.desc:0 “You’ve finally done it, you worked your little peons to death and now they know how to make this truly wonderful craft. As powerful as a shark, as nimble as a Tungasian Space-Beetle. What’s that? You’ve never heard of the Tungasian Beetle? Marvelous creatures.The Advanced Cruiser is all teeth. It also has a unique Long-Range Combat Sensor. Not only that, but this ship can equip your most advanced technologies and FTL engines. However, they are incredibly expensive to build and to maintain, so these noble vessels are to be protected, however! In fact, it is almost inevitable you will lose some of them. I have half a mind to just make you forget about this ship altogether, because we both know you’re just going to let it die. But in the right hands and with the right weaponry, it can be a force to be reckoned with.”
sth_q_events.3025.desc:0 “My, that seems rather heavy, doesn’t it? Are you sure you need so much plating? Well, just say hello to your new Exploration Cruiser.While you may still develop, in time, even more powerful ship classes, none will ever be as enduring, with the strongest shields and hull. Not only that, but it carries powerful support systems that can tip the scale of the battle in your favor by helping your allies and snaring your enemies.Just remember that it does not have the most powerful weapons, so it should be escorted by a fleet. They’re expensive and hard to replace. So, don’t misplace like you’re always doing with your keys.”
sth_q_events.3026.desc:0 “It’s true, I have made fun of your pitiful little ships in the past, but I LIKE this one. The name Heavy Escort doesn’t really convey its almost delightfully psychotic tendencies. It is violent to a fault, stacked full of short-range and heavy-duty weaponry as well as extra tactical utilities. It also comes equipped with a unique Short-Range Combat Sensor and an oversized warp core that gives your ship an extra kick at close range.Despite having a fire-power comparable to a cruiser, it is as small and maneuverable as a frigate. While it is indeed not as durable as other, larger ships, its high evasion often allows it to stand toe to toe with the most powerful ships in the fleet. Use these ships well, and they can turn the tide of battle.”
sth_q_events.6100.desc:0 “You strange beings with your mewling cries over finding a livable part of the galaxy to live. Don’t you know how rare it is to find a world just like your own? Well now you can complain that a planet is either too hot, too wet, or too cold for your needs.I’m sure if you are from a cold world that you aren’t too bothered about whether it’s glacial or arctic. Likewise, someone from a hot world isn’t going to worry about whether the desert has oases within it, or just scorched rock.That means habitable colonisable worlds are now categorised into §YTorrid§!, §GWet§!, §EPolar§! or if you’re a crystalline-based lifeform and want to be special, §RDemon§! whilst maintaining their uniqueness. “
sth_q_events.6200.desc:0 “Districts – they are a changing. Or they have changed. It doesn’t matter, I’ll tell you what is what.No longer providing jobs to your little pops, they instead provide a percentage boost dependent to planetary output based on how many districts of a certain type you have. So if you want more food, you can build more farms if you have building slots, or you can build more districts to boost the output of the farms that you already have.The first districts of a certain type will provide a slightly larger bonus than the others, so if you want to specialise your planets you can – or do a jack of all trades.”
sth_q_events.6201.desc:0 “Want to specialise your planets as a penal colony or perhaps a giant fortress world? This is now available as a decision that can be taken on any planet that is habitable and isn’t your capital world once you have researched the relevant technology. When you specialise your planet, new unique districts will appear on the planet allowing you to further boost output in your chosen specialisation.”
sth_q_events.6300.desc:0 “You Borg and your assimilating ways. You’re almost as bad as the insipid Federation. You like to assimilate things, we all get it. Here’s the catch – it’s extremely costly on the Collective’s resources to assimilate new lifeforms and bring them into harmony with the Collective, and this is simplified nice and easily for you in ‘War Exhaustion’.When you capture, assimilate or harvest entire worlds, your war exhaustion will rise dramatically to simulate the discordance brought upon the Collective by the new minds. Be careful not to overtax yourselves, or else it could be early curtains for the Borg’s dream of perfection. Lacy gentling wafting curtains.So stop every few worlds and have a little rest. You’ve all earnt it.”
sth_q_events.6301.desc:0 “Ah there is nothing better than toiling the day away… who am I kidding, we Q have no use for such chores. However the Undine have a great benefit from sending out their §GUndine Gatherers§! out into Fluidic Space and beyond to generate resources. What better way to use your excess pops?! Simply build the §YUndine Toiler Outpost§! on one of your bio-worlds and you will have an abundance of Gatherer drones from your pool of simple drones. Voila!”
STH_qpedia.1.desc:0 “Ah, so you have seen sense and have come to your favorite omnipotent being, Uncle Q for help?Well you are in the right place, I know all there is to know about everything, especially the STNH modiverse. Have a look at the list of questions below, the list will be continuously updated and of course feel free to let the Qs know if something is missing. “
STH_qpedia.2.desc:0 “The Q Continuum is bursting with knowledge and has introduced a new means of helping players play the many unique features of ST:New Horizons. The Q-pedia contains the collective knowledge of the Q with handy questions on how certain mechanics work and is worth a peak if you get stuck! If you need to open the help section, contact Q via the contacts tab which now not only allows you to change the starting conditions but also find these helpful articles.”
STH_qpedia.10.desc:0 “I had a bet with my good pal Jean-Luc about how long it would take for a question on his precious Federation of Planets would take to come in .The UFP has some of the mods most exciting and oldest mechanics and once you get used to them you’ll be Federating the galaxy in no time, just like the Borg… but with a nicer smile!”
STH_qpedia.11.desc:0 “As of our 3.6 update, you can summon the UFP council to Starbase one for a meeting to discuss key events and help manage the Federation and its member worlds. Some worlds will appreciate the support, while others might become frustrated with the micro-management. To open this mechanic simply click on the UFP emblem next to Starbase one or contact them via the §Ycontacts§! tab.”
STH_qpedia.12.desc:0 “You may have noticed that an extra pop-up appeared after you formed the Federation, well that formed the council, as well as giving you lots of planets, leaders, and cool new ships.If you look over Neptune in the Sol system or one of your gas giants if you are not playing as Earth you will see a new megastructure that resembles Starbase One, as seen in Discovery and Strange New Worlds… click on it, just like you would click on another countries ships to talk to them.”
STH_qpedia.13.desc:0 “Now that the Council has assembled you have a number of options to manage your members and run the Federation as you wish.”
STH_qpedia.50.desc:0 “Well glory to you and to your tiny house and all that other Klingon nonsense. What do you wish to know more about?”
STH_qpedia.70.desc:0 “War… what is it good for? Well as it turns out, it’s good for rather a lot. Whether you want to take some territory, defend yourself, or those many human words you have just don’t seem as much fun as firing a torpedo at a helpless hull. Here you can find enough bits of info on war to make Sun Tzu want to write a second book.”
STH_qpedia.71.desc:0 “This section of the Q-pedia list the requirement for each Casus Belli in STNH.”
STH_qpedia.90.desc:0 “Ah the Romulans, always scheming and plotting something in secrecy aren’t you? Well as it turns out I know all of your petty little secrets, so just ask away.”
STH_qpedia.100.desc:0 “Perfection. So close yet still so very very far for you. Take it from someone who knows. Now with what knowledge would you wish to improve yourself today?”
STH_qpedia.200.desc:0 “Oh the Undine with their famous motto, ‘the weak shall perish.’ Such hostile creatures to visitors in their space. But if you are going to keep up with that attitude there might be some useful things for you to know.”
master_of_the_fluidic_chain_desc:0 “Fluidic Space is a dangerous chaotic place, to truly master this realm a species must be the peak of biological power.”
mysterious_shima_chain_desc:0 “Having unlocked the art of Bio-sculpting the Vanguard have determined the planet §YSchima§! in the §YRachia System§! must be terraformed and colonised once the now unlocked society tech §YBio Sculpting§! has been researched.”
the_weak_shall_perish_chain_desc:0 “Our space has been invaded, the fury of the Undine has been unleashed and the weak shall perish.”
macro_sighted_chain_desc:0 “A deadly fluidic Macro-Virus is on its way to infect one of our worlds.”
undine_space_anomaly_category_desc:0 “Scouting sensors have identified a mysterious electrical charge disrupting Fluidic Space.”
STH_undine_crisis.1.desc:0 “The paths to perfection are many, but one so far untaken lies within Fluidic Space. The [Root.GetName] has only limited data about this strange domain, at parallel yet wholly encircled by our own universe. With sufficient time and effort, the Collective may be able to open a portal to Fluidic Space and learn the secrets within… whatever they may be.”
STH_undine_crisis.2.desc:0 “Long range scans have detected a series of odd ship deployments in Borg space. So far our tacticians have been unable to determine the intent behind the Collective’s actions.”
STH_undine_crisis.3.desc:0 “Research into opening a portal to Fluidic Space continues, however the resource requirements have grown substantially. Progress requires a large investment from the Collective’s energy reserves.”
STH_undine_crisis.4.desc:0 “The previously detected unusual activity in Borg space appears to be continuing, with particle emissions consistent with the formation of artificial singularities being observed increasingly often.”
STH_undine_crisis.6.desc:0 “Several large fleets of vessels have been detected emerging from singularities across Borg space. Energy bursts consistent with high yield subspace munitions have been observed, suggesting ongoing combat between these invaders and the Borg.”
STH_undine_crisis.7.desc:0 “Several large fleets of vessels have been detected emerging from singularities across [Root.GetSpeciesAdj] space. These singularities are consistent with the portals that the Collective has opened to Fluidic Space. It is clear now that signs of intelligent life detected within Fluidic Space were accurate. Analysis nodes indicate a high probability of hostility.”
STH_undine_crisis.100.desc:0 “The weak shall perish!”
STH_borg_crisis.1.desc:0 “Throughout the Alpha and Beta quadrants, strange readings have appeared that appeared to be linked to the theoretical branch of transwarp technology. The [Root.GetName] has only limited data about this method of transport, which is theorised to allow faster than warp travel throughout the universe.Whilst ships have been reported missing near to these transwarp anomalies, by the time any [Root.GetSpeciesName] vessel gets close to the distress call the area has already stabilised. What should we do?”
STH_borg_crisis.2.desc:0 “Long range scans have detected a series of odd ship deployments in [From.GetName] space.So far our tacticians have been unable to determine the intent behind the [From.GetName]’s actions.”
STH_borg_crisis.3.desc:0 “A potential opening into a Transwarp Corridor has been discovered, however the resource requirements to open the subspace corridor are substantial. Exploration will require a large investment from the [Root.GetName] energy reserves.”
STH_borg_crisis.4.desc:0 “The previously detected unusual activity in [From.GetName] space appears to be continuing, with particle emissions consistent with the formation of transwarp technology being observed increasingly often.”
STH_borg_crisis.6.desc:0 “A large cube shaped vessel has been detected emerging from a transwarp anomaly across [From.GetName] space. Energy bursts consistent with high yield subspace munitions have been observed, suggesting ongoing combat between these invaders and the [From.GetName].”
STH_borg_crisis.7.desc:0 “A large cube shaped vessel has been detected leaving a transwarp aperture and heading for habitable worlds. Based on the message received before the destruction of the automated monitoring systems and the power levels from it’s weaponry from the vessel, we can assume a high level of hostility.”
STH_borg_crisis.8.desc:0 “Exploration of this transwarp corridor branch has delivered the probes of the [Root.GetName] to the far reaches of known space, near the border with the Delta Quadrant. The data gathered by the probes on the travel through the transwarp network, and upon arrival on the border of the Delta Quadrant has provided substantial research data.The probes stopped transmitting shortly after arrival, which is believed to be a fault…”
STH_borg_crisis.100.desc:0 “Resistance is futile.”
STH_borg_crisis.250.desc:0 “The gigantic cube continues to assault [borgAssimilatingPlanet.GetName], decimating the population.Our long range scans suggest the planet’s atmosphere has been terraformed into one with high concentrations of fluorine, carbon monoxide and methane.”
STH_borg_crisis.260.desc:0 “The massive cube has been destroyed and a potential life ending scenario averted for all the inhabited worlds in this sector of the galaxy.While little remains of the cube itself, numerous bits of debris remain and may provide a clue to it’s origins.”
STH_borg_crisis.261.desc:0 “Long range scans indicate that the massive cube has been destroyed and a potential life ending scenario averted for all the inhabited worlds in this sector of the galaxy.While little remains of the cube itself, numerous bits of debris remain and may provide a clue to it’s origins…”
BORG_FLUIDIC_SPACE_PROJECT_1_DESC:0 “Probe vessels returning from Fluidic Space recovered multiple unknown microbial samples. §GAssessment: 94.6% probability of unique biological distinctiveness.§! We will add it to our own. Initial assimilation attempts failed. Molecular structure of cellular surface incompatible with current nanoprobe design. Failure is irrelevant. Retask additional drones for further analysis. The samples will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.”
BORG_FLUIDIC_SPACE_PROJECT_2_DESC:0 “Vessels investigating Fluidic Space encountered an organic macrostructure of significant size. Sample extraction via cutting beam was successful. §GAssessment: Biological distinctiveness applicable to large-scale construction projects.§! Prioritize assimilation. Error. Detecting elevated immune response from sample. Enhance nanoprobe aggression and retry.”
BORG_FLUIDIC_SPACE_PROJECT_REPEATABLE_DESC:0 “Continuing investigations of Fluidic Space have yielded additional samples that require enhanced assimilation techniques. Analysis of these samples will yield further breakthroughs the Collective’s research efforts.”
STH_undine_crisis.511.desc:0 “§YDistinctiveness: §GFluidic Space Cell Sample§!§!§YStatus: §RResistant§!§!Microbial samples recovered from Fluidic Space continue to resist assimilation. Further analysis is required to determine necessary adaptations. Commit additional research nodes to this task.”
STH_undine_crisis.512.desc:0 “§YDistinctiveness: §GFluidic Space Cell Sample§!§!§YStatus: §GAssimilated§!§!Microbial samples recovered from Fluidic Space have been assimilated. Integration of acquired distinctiveness throughout the Collective is successful. Application of isomorphic cell properties can be used to enhance nanoprobe-based construction tasks.”
STH_undine_crisis.521.desc:0 “§YDistinctiveness: §GFluidic Space Reef Sample§!§!§YStatus: §RResistant§!§!Antibody immune response from sample preventing assimilation. All nanoprobes destroyed upon invasion of host body. Further analysis is required to determine necessary adaptations. Commit additional research nodes to this task.”
STH_undine_crisis.522.desc:0 “§YDistinctiveness: §GFluidic Space Reef Sample§!§!§YStatus: §GAssimilated§!§!Successful assimilation of Fluidic Space macroorganism confirmed. Distributing genetic data. Configuring large-scale maturation chambers. Deployment of assimilated organic structures will augment expansion of Collective-controlled spatial grids.§YYou may now freely construct §GBiosynthetic Cores§!, which may be upgraded into Subcomplexes.§!”
STH_undine_crisis.531.desc:0 “Further assimilation of samples brought back from Fluidic Space has yielded only §Rminor§! breakthroughs in the Collective’s current areas of research.”
STH_undine_crisis.532.desc:0 “Further assimilation of samples brought back from Fluidic Space has yielded §Hmoderate§! breakthroughs in the Collective’s current areas of research.”
STH_undine_crisis.533.desc:0 “Further assimilation of samples brought back from Fluidic Space has yielded §Gsignificant§! breakthroughs in the Collective’s current areas of research.”
sth_iconian_dig_site_01_category_desc:0 “Our scientists based on this planet have detected an unusual signal from the old Iconian Ruin dig site.”
sth_iconian_dig_site_02_category_desc:0 “Geologists have detected unusual seismic activity in a region with no previous record of such events. The activity appears to uncovered a previously unseen dig site.”
sth_iconian_dig_site_03_category_desc:0 “Local archeologists have uncovered the potential ruins of a former Iconian site of interest. We should investigate.”
sth_iconian_dig_site_04_category_desc:0 “A faint energy signature is emanating from the surface of this world. We should investigate more thoroughly.”
iconian_crisis_chain_desc:0 “The Iconians are invading our worlds, we must push them back and liberate the planets, before pushing them out of our galaxy.”
sth_iconian_crisis.2.desc:0 “There has been an unusual increase in new Iconian dig sites being discovered over the last few weeks, prompting huge excitement from our archeological societies who are flocking to their locations to see what new discoveries can be made regarding this long forgotten empire.”
sth_iconian_crisis.4.desc:0 “Reports continued to come in regarding the increased activity around existing and previously undiscovered Iconian sites, and while many scientists are thoroughly excited by these finds, there are a few who are now questioning … why now?”
sth_iconian_crisis.6.desc:0 “It can no longer be denied that this spate of new Iconian discoveries is most strange, the galactic community continues to be split between excitement and concern as these previously dormant ruins seem to be showing new signs of life.”
sth_iconian_crisis.10.desc:0 “§Y[Leader.GetName]§! and their away team make their way to the entrance of the Iconian ruins, most of the structures have been lost to time, but the signal appears to be coming from one of the larger remaining buildings, which was thought to be part of the central command complex of the facility.”
sth_iconian_crisis.11.desc:0 “Previous excavations at this site indicated that this complex had been largely destroyed and that once upon a time it extended far beyond the original room and below ground. Previous attempts to explore further had been abandoned due to the damage to the structure. However it appears a recent event has resulted in a new passage being opened up with the signal clearing emanating from beyond the tunnel.”
sth_iconian_crisis.12.desc:0 “The passage opens up into a new room with stations scattered across the room in various states of disrepair, the space appears to have been used as a staging area with rows of empty equipment lockers lying across the ground. A quick check by §Y[Leader.GetName]§! finds that all of the lockers had been stripped of their content, but done in a tremendous hurry. The security chief suddenly calls out ‘Captain the signal is coming from behind this door.'”
sth_iconian_crisis.13.desc:0 “Looking at the room it is clear that this staging area funnels directly towards this large, blocked doorway. The strange readings are clearly coming from behind this doorway, but getting weaker with each passing moment. “
sth_iconian_crisis.14.desc:0 “Entering the final room, §Y[Leader.GetName]§! quickly identifies the central object of the room, a large gateway with different locations clearly visible flashing through. This can only be an Iconian Gateway, the gateway spins through locations faster and faster until suddenly it goes dark. Moving to the console nothing the away team can do brings the gateway back to life, with nothing left to do the team being preparing the area for a full research team.”
sth_iconian_crisis.15.desc:0 “As §Y[Leader.GetName]§! and §Y[Leader.GetHisHer]§! team beam down to the site of the recent earthquake and the damage to the surrounding landscape is immediately clear. However, the shift in the earth has revealed part of an ancient hidden complex.”
sth_iconian_crisis.16.desc:0 “Archeologists had suspected that this planet had once been an ancient Iconian Empire outpost, this new discovery seems to confirm that theory. The architecture, despite being heavily damaged, clearly resembled previously discovered Iconian designs.”
sth_iconian_crisis.17.desc:0 “Whilst running passive scans on the site §Y[Leader.GetName]§! picks up a strange energy reading buried deep beneath the dig site. The reading is very faint but would suggest that somewhere amongst the ruins a piece of Iconian technology is still active.”
sth_iconian_crisis.18.desc:0 “Despite a frantic search from the away team, the signal provides one final burst before fading away, whatever was providing the source of energy within the ruins appears to have finally given up. We should take the research and hand the site over to the experts.”
sth_iconian_crisis.19.desc:0 “§Y[Leader.GetName]§! and the away team from §Y[This.GetName]§! arrived at the location reported to them by the planetary survey team, located deep within an uncharted section of the planet’s jungle a small pyramid-shaped complex sits buried underneath years of natural vegetational growth. The team will need to clear away the jungle to expose the find.”
sth_iconian_crisis.20.desc:0 “After much hard work clearing away the vegetation away from the site, the shape of the complex starts to become much clearer. The building appears surprisingly solid for what appears to be a very old structure, with the entrance way now accessible the team can now explore the structure.”
sth_iconian_crisis.21.desc:0 “The site appears to date back well over 200,000 years ago, which would make this a potential Iconian Empire outpost, a truly incredible find! The crew from §Y[This.GetName]§! will make this site safe for further expeditions to be sent and continue the work done here on [From.Planet.GetName].”
sth_iconian_crisis.32.desc:0 “Across the galaxy, reports are coming in that the strange readings have returned at sites of former Iconian Empire facilities. Scientist reports that technology once dormant and thought destroyed has suddenly come back to life and the mysterious Iconian Gateways appear to be coming back to life. It feels like something or someone is coming…”
sth_iconian_crisis.33.desc:0 “We have reports that the Iconian Gateway on [Root.GetName] has been activated and an unknown invasion force is pouring through the gateway and they seem determined to capture our planet. We should mount a defense or fall back and re-group. At this point we should consider every planet with Iconian Ruins at risk.”
sth_iconian_crisis.35.desc:0 “Further invasion troops from Iconian Empire are flooding through the Gateway on [Root.GetName], the planet is under siege and may soon fall to the invaders.”
sth_iconian_crisis.36.desc:0 “The ancient Iconian Empire, which many had thought had been destroyed over 200,000 years ago have returned to the Milky Way and appear ready to reclaim their fallen Empire”
sth_iconian_crisis.40.desc:0 “Our defenses on [FromFrom.GetName] have fallen and the Iconian Empire has taken control of our world. It appears they are using their advanced technology to create an Orbital Gateway, we can only assume they are planning to bring their fleets through to our space.”
sth_iconian_crisis.41.desc:0 “With victory on [Root.GetName] we move a step closer to pushing the Iconian invaders out of our territory and freeing our people from their clutches. With every planet that we reclaim across the galaxy their hold over us weakens.”
sth_iconian_crisis.43.desc:0 “Following many lives lost and the sacrifices made by our troops and those from other empires, the Iconian hold over their former territory has been weakened to the point that the ancient superpower has retreated back to its remaining stronghold at the centre of our galaxy. Whilst they remain dormant the threat is no longer active, but there might come a day when they once again re-awaken and threaten all our lives.”
sth_iconian_crisis.44.desc:0 “§Y[TRANSLATION]§! Pathetic minor races of the once glorious Iconian Empire, your masters have returned to reclaim what once belonged to us, your world, people, ships, and resources are now subjects to the might of Iconia. Submit and the process will be easy, but we do not promise you an easy life as our thralls… Defy us an we promise you only destruction. §Y[END TRANSLATION]§!”
STH_bajoran_mechanics.5.desc:0 “The entire [Root.GetName] mourns today as news spreads of the death of Kai [deadBajoranKai.GetName].The Vedek Assembly will now convene to begin the process of selecting a new Kai.”
STH_bajoran_mechanics.6.desc:0 “The [Root.GetName] mourns today as news spreads of the death of Vedek [deadBajoranVedek.GetName]. The Vedek Assembly will now convene to begin the process of selecting a replacement for [deadBajoranVedek.GetName], though many are open to nominations from the civilian administration.”
STH_bajoran_mechanics.8.desc:0 “While the loss of the previous Kai was a blow to the [Root.GetName], the Vedek Assembly has selected a new Kai to lead the Faith. Kai [bajoranKai.GetName] is welcomed to [bajoranKai.GetHerHis] position by all who follow the path of the Prophets.”
STH_bajoran_mechanics.9.desc:0 “The Vedek Assembly has selected a new Vedek to join its numbers. Vedek [bajoranVedek.GetName] is welcomed to [bajoranVedek.GetHisHer] position by all who follow the path of the Prophets.”
STH_bajoran_mechanics.10.desc:0 “The Vedek Assembly will sometimes fill its ranks from those deemed worthy among the civilian population. The nomination of a talented administrator or defender of the Faith is seen as a noble calling for the individual selected.”
STH_bajoran_mechanics.130.desc:0 “Having consulted the Orb of Contemplation, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] experienced a vision of [Root.Capital.GetName] in which the people were at peace with one another. After several hours introspection, the [Root.GetRulerTitle] conveys the content of the vision to the entire [Root.GetName] in a public announcement.”
STH_bajoran_mechanics.131.desc:0 “Attempting to consult the Orb of Contemplation, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] spends hours in the Orb Chamber only to see nothing. News of the [Root.GetRulerTitle]’s failure to be judged worthy by the Prophets soon spreads.”
STH_bajoran_mechanics.132.desc:0 “Having consulted the Orb of Prophecy and Change, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] experienced a vision of [Root.Capital.GetName] in which the people were refocused on their children and raising their families. After several hours introspection, the [Root.GetRulerTitle] conveys the content of the vision to the entire [Root.GetName] in a public announcement.”
STH_bajoran_mechanics.133.desc:0 “Attempting to consult the Orb of Prophecy and Change, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] spends hours in the Orb Chamber only to see nothing. News of the [Root.GetRulerTitle]’s failure to be judged worthy by the Prophets soon spreads.”
STH_bajoran_mechanics.134.desc:0 “Having consulted the Orb of Time, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] experienced a vision of the past, and of changes to come. After several hours introspection, the [Root.GetRulerTitle] conveys the content of the vision to the entire [Root.GetName] in a public announcement.”
STH_bajoran_mechanics.135.desc:0 “Attempting to consult the Orb of Time, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] spends hours in the Orb Chamber only to see nothing. News of the [Root.GetRulerTitle]’s failure to be judged worthy by the Prophets soon spreads.”
STH_bajoran_mechanics.136.desc:0 “Having consulted the Orb of Wisdom, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] experienced a vision wherein the figures of Bajoran science spoke of their craft. After several hours introspection, the [Root.GetRulerTitle] conveys the content of the vision to the entire [Root.GetName] in a public announcement.”
STH_bajoran_mechanics.137.desc:0 “Attempting to consult the Orb of Wisdom, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] spends hours in the Orb Chamber only to see nothing. News of the [Root.GetRulerTitle]’s failure to be judged worthy by the Prophets soon spreads.”
STH_bajoran_mechanics.138.desc:0 “Having consulted the Orb of Unity, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] experienced a vision wherein the figures of Bajoran culture and art spoke of their craft. After several hours introspection, the [Root.GetRulerTitle] conveys the content of the vision to the entire [Root.GetName] in a public announcement.”
STH_bajoran_mechanics.139.desc:0 “Attempting to consult the Orb of Unity, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] spends hours in the Orb Chamber only to see nothing. News of the [Root.GetRulerTitle]’s failure to be judged worthy by the Prophets soon spreads.”
STH_bajoran_mechanics.140.desc:0 “Having consulted the Orb of Souls, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] experienced a vision of the joys of the many festivals spread throughout the year. After several hours introspection, the [Root.GetRulerTitle] conveys the content of the vision to the entire [Root.GetName] in a public announcement.”
STH_bajoran_mechanics.141.desc:0 “Attempting to consult the Orb of Souls, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] spends hours in the Orb Chamber only to see nothing. News of the [Root.GetRulerTitle]’s failure to be judged worthy by the Prophets soon spreads.”
STH_bajoran_mechanics.142.desc:0 “Having consulted the Orb of Memory, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] experienced a vision of the struggles that brought the [Root.GetRulerTitle] to power. After several hours introspection, the [Root.GetRulerTitle] conveys the content of the vision to the entire [Root.GetName] in a public announcement.”
STH_bajoran_mechanics.143.desc:0 “Attempting to consult the Orb of Memory, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] spends hours in the Orb Chamber only to see nothing. News of the [Root.GetRulerTitle]’s failure to be judged worthy by the Prophets soon spreads.”
STH_bajoran_mechanics.144.desc:0 “Having consulted the Orb of Peace, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] experienced a vision of many factions within the [Root.GetName] rallying around their common cause. After several hours introspection, the [Root.GetRulerTitle] conveys the content of the vision to the entire [Root.GetName] in a public announcement.”
STH_bajoran_mechanics.145.desc:0 “Attempting to consult the Orb of Peace, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] spends hours in the Orb Chamber only to see nothing. News of the [Root.GetRulerTitle]’s failure to be judged worthy by the Prophets soon spreads.”
STH_bajoran_mechanics.146.desc:0 “Having consulted the Orb the Emissary, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] experienced a vision of many factions within the [Root.GetName] rallying around their common cause. After several hours introspection, the [Root.GetRulerTitle] conveys the content of the vision to the entire [Root.GetName] in a public announcement.”
STH_bajoran_mechanics.147.desc:0 “Attempting to consult the Orb of the Emissary, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] spends hours in the Orb Chamber only to see nothing. News of the [Root.GetRulerTitle]’s failure to be judged worthy by the Prophets soon spreads.”
orb_of_prophecy_chain_desc:0 “Ranjen Biral has had a vision from the Prophets that may lead to the discovery of the Orb of Prophecy.”
THE_ORB_OF_PROPHECY_PROJECT_1_DESC:0 “A neutrino pulse may point to the location of the Orb of Prophecy.”
THE_ORB_OF_PROPHECY_PROJECT_2_DESC:0 “Analysis of a Denorios Belt subspace wake indicates the Orb may be located on this dry world.”
THE_ORB_OF_PROPHECY_PROJECT_3_DESC:0 “Analysis of a Denorios Belt subspace wake indicates the Orb may be located on this airless, barren world.”
THE_ORB_OF_PROPHECY_PROJECT_4_DESC:0 “Analysis of a Denorios Belt subspace wake indicates the Orb may be located around this gas giant.”
THE_ORB_OF_PROPHECY_PROJECT_5_DESC:0 “Analysis of a Denorios Belt subspace wake indicates the Orb may be located here in the region of this black hole.”
STH_bajoran_story.1.desc:0 “Incense drifted on the southern wind through the temple interior, spilling out to the walled Ranjens’ garden. A dozen shaggy-haired Dakthara lay dozing in the sun until the pack-father raised its long ears to the sound of the coming footsteps. ‘And you’re sure it was a vision and not just a dream?’ [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] asked Ranjen Biral. ‘Quite sure, yes. Their words were curiously arranged but they told me enough. There is an Orb we must find, the Orb of Prophecy. And we must start in the Denorios Belt.’ The [Root.GetRulerTitle] turned [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] gaze to the sky above. ‘We’ll need a ship…’ the Ranjen said, absently.”
STH_bajoran_story.2.desc:0 “After extensive consultation between Ranjen Biral and the leading experts on the Denorios Belt, it appears that a clue has at last been uncovered to the location of the Orb of Prophecy. A surge in neutrinos was detected several months ago localised to a volume one million kilometres in diameter. Extrapolating for orbital drift leaves a region that while substantial is still surveyable.”
STH_bajoran_story.3.desc:0 “Months of surveying the Denorios Belt have revealed further clues as to the location of the orb. The same neutrino pulse that was originally tied to the surveyed volume has left a subspace wake on a course leaving the system. Astrophysicists on [Root.Capital.GetName] are rushing to localise the target location.”
STH_bajoran_story.4.desc:0 “The analysis of the Denorios subspace wake has proven more difficult than expected, as a number of possible end-points are implied by the data collected so far. While it will take several decades to resolve all possible variations, the first candidate has been identified: [orbOfProphecy2Target.GetName], an arid world light years away in the [orbOfProphecy2Target.Solar_System.GetName] system.”
STH_bajoran_story.5.desc:0 “After hours with the baking sun above them, the expedition group under [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [FromFrom.GetLeaderName] have surveyed [orbOfProphecy2Target.GetName] and found nothing. Before returning to the [Root.GetFleetName] [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [FromFrom.GetLeaderName] pauses, apparently lost in thought. After some concern from [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] officers, [FromFrom.GetLeaderName] claims to have had a vision from the Prophets. The Orb is not here…”
STH_bajoran_story.6.desc:0 “A second potential location for the Orb of Prophecy has been identified by astrophysicists on [Root.Capital.GetName]. Light years away in the [orbOfProphecy3Target.Solar_System.GetName] system, a barren world may hold the Prophets’ gift.”
STH_bajoran_story.7.desc:0 “‘I hate EVA work’, said [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [FromFrom.GetLeaderName]’s chief of security over the away team communications link. ‘Personally I would have found it far more tolerable if we had actually found what we came for!’ [FromFrom.GetLeaderName] replied. It appears that [orbOfProphecy3Target.GetName] was another false lead on the hunt for the Orb of Prophecy.”
STH_bajoran_story.8.desc:0 “Despite the lack of success so far, public participation in the hunt for the Orb of Prophecy has helped increase the computational capacity available to astrophysicists on [Root.Capital.GetName]. A third potential location for the Orb of Prophecy has been revealed, [orbOfProphecy4Target.GetName] – a gas giant in the [orbOfProphecy2Target.Solar_System.GetName] system. Fortunately it is believed that only one more viable target location remains uncalculated, leading many to suspect the hunt may soon be over.”
STH_bajoran_story.9.desc:0 “The winds of [orbOfProphecy4Target.GetName] brush about the shuttle, parked in the narrow band of the atmosphere suitable for [Root.GetSpeciesName] respiration. The search for the Orb has proven unsuccessful yet again. While one further candidate location is believed to be close to being calculated, [Root.GetCaptainTitle] [FromFrom.GetLeaderName] can’t help but feel saddened by yet another failure. Opening the rear shuttle door and sitting on the edge with [FromFrom.Leader.GetHerHis] legs dangling, [FromFrom.Leader.GetSheHe] reflects for a moment before preparing the shuttle to return to the [FromFrom.GetFleetName].”
STH_bajoran_story.10.desc:0 “The last viable location of the subspace wake has been identified as no less than the [orbOfProphecy5Target.GetName] black hole. Retrieval of the Orb may prove impossible if it has had the misfortune to drop below the event horizon…”
STH_bajoran_story.11.desc:0 “Disaster has struck the search for the Orb of Prophecy. While initially elated to find compelling evidence that the Orb did indeed arrive in the [orbOfProphecy5Target.GetName] system, the crew of the [Root.GetFleetName] soon turned to despair after refined measurements proved the Orb had fallen beneath the event horizon. [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] appeared particularly affected by the revelation, until [Root.Leader.GetSheHe] froze in thought for several minutes on the bridge. Awakening as if from a daze, [Root.Leader.GetSheHe] muttered ‘I know what must be done’ before leaving in a shuttle. Protests from the crew of the [Root.GetFleetName] were left unanswered as the shuttle plunged deep beneath the event horizon of the black hole…”
STH_bajoran_story.12.desc:0 “Long minutes pass as the crew of the [Root.GetFleetName] try to comprehend the actions of [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] as [Root.Leader.GetSheHe] plunged into the black hole. Just moments before the Executive Officer would give the order to return to [Root.Owner.Capital.GetName], [Root.GetLeaderName]’s shuttle reappeared above the event horizon. ‘The Prophets rewarded my faith’, [Root.Leader.GetSheHe] messaged over the communications channel.’They have given me the Orb to protect. Now let’s go home.'”
STH_bajoran_story.13.desc:0 “Despite some initial misgivings, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] was convinced to entrust the safety of the Orb of Prophecy to the Kai. All of [Root.Owner.Capital.GetName] celebrates the success of the holy expedition.”
STH_bajoran_story.14.desc:0 “Despite strong protest, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] was forced to entrust the safety of the Orb of Prophecy to the Kai. While all of [Root.Owner.Capital.GetName] celebrated the success of the holy expedition, the treatment of [Root.GetLeaderName] and [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] perceived role as protector of the Orb being denied has exposed deep divisions across the [Root.Owner.GetName].”
STH_bajoran_story.15.desc:0 “[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] has been granted permanent custodianship of the Orb of Prophecy. All of [Root.Owner.Capital.GetName] celebrates the success of the holy expedition.”
STH_bajoran_story.16.desc:0 “[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] has been granted permanent custodianship of the Orb of Prophecy. While all of [Root.Owner.Capital.GetName] celebrates the success of the holy expedition, many protest the apparent disrespect to the Kai made by [Root.GetLeaderName] in [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] refusal to allow the Orb of Prophecy to sit with the other Orbs. While the protests have yet to turn violent, it is clear the situation will not be forgotten any time soon.”
STH_bajoran_story.18.desc:0 “The death of [fromfrom.GetName] has meant that the Orb of Prophecy kept in [fromfrom.GetHerHis] care can now be given to the Kai for safekeeping alongside the other Orbs.”
DENORIOS_BELT_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Denorios Belt is a charged plasma field, dividing the Bajoran system’s inner and outer halves. Severe neutrino disturbances have been detected in the region – as have the majority of the Bajoran Orbs – warranting further study.”
DENORIOS_BELT_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Denorios Belt is a charged plasma field, dividing the Bajoran system’s inner and outer halves. Severe neutrino disturbances have been detected in the region – as have the majority of the Bajoran Orbs – the Bajoran government has asked Starfleet’s help investigating.”
STH_bajoran_story.1000.desc:0 “Severe neutrino disturbances have been detected in the region of the [bajoran_system.GetName]’s Denorios Belt. [Root.GetName] scientists urge the dispatch of a scientific mission to study the anomalies.”
STH_bajoran_story.1005.desc:0 “While the source of the neutrino disturbances was not discovered, the survey of the Denorios Belt has provided scientists on [Root.Capital.GetName] with gigaquads of data to pour over.”
STH_bajoran_story.1011.desc:0 “A stable wormhole has been discovered in the [bajoran_system.GetName] system, apparently terminating deep in the Gamma Quadrant. Our analysts believe this could change the balance of power in the region.”
STH_bajoran_story.1012.desc:0 “A stable wormhole has been discovered in the [idran_system.GetName] system, apparently terminating deep in the Alpha Quadrant. Our analysts believe this could change the balance of power in the region.”
STH_bajoran_story.1013.desc:0 “[the_emissary.GetName] wakes up in a green field, with no sign of their ship or crew. Disoriented and confused they shout out, but no one is in sight. Slowly a glowing blue-white orb floats towards the Captain getting closer and closer. Alarmed [the_emissary.GetName] reaches for their weapon.”
STH_bajoran_story.1014.desc:0 “§G§! §YWho are you..? §BIt is corporeal, a physical entity. §RWhy is it here, what disruption will it bring?§!”
STH_bajoran_story.1015.desc:0 “§G§! §YIt is responding to visual and auditory stimuli. §BLinguist communication. §RIt brings disruption.§!”
STH_bajoran_story.1017.desc:0 “The [emissary_ship.GetName] and [the_emissary.GetName] emerge from the Wormhole unscathed with the knowledge the Wormhole, otherwise known as the Celestial Temple to the Bajorans is the home of a race of non-corporeal beings existing outside of linear time, simultaneously aware of the past, present, and the future. Their origins remain unknown, but they claim to be ‘of Bajor’, they have declared [the_emissary.GetName] their Emissary and have granted safe passage through their domain.”
STH_bajoran_story.1018.desc:0 “There has been no sign of [emissary_ship.GetName] and [the_emissary.GetName] since they went to investigate the readings in the Denorios Belt, we can only assumed their ship was destroyed.”
STH_bajoran_story.1018.desc:0 “The crowds have gathered on the streets of Bajor to celebrate the arrival of their Emissary, [the_emissary.GetName], chosen by the Prophets to speak for them. Whilst Starfleet does and will never accept one of its commanding officers being a religious figure in another culture, the closer relationship with the Bajorans has not gone unnoticed.”
BAJOR_ORB_PROJECT_1_DESC:0 “Ancient texts may hold the key to uncovering an Orb of the Prophets on Bajor.”
BAJOR_ORB_PROJECT_2_DESC:0 “Verterons detected in the Denorios Belt may hold the key to uncovering an Orb of the Prophets.”
BAJOR_ORB_PROJECT_3_DESC:0 “Ancient astronomical texts may hold the key to uncovering an Orb of the Prophets outside of the Bajoran system.”
sth_denorios_belt_orb_site.desc:0 “Verteron bursts have been detected in this region of the Denorios Belt.”
STH_bajoran_story.2000.desc:0 “While several ancient texts appeared to suggest likely locations in which an Orb of the Prophets could be found on Bajor, none of those investigated uncovered one. Several minor historical artefacts were uncovered however, resulting in the expedition being seen as at least a partial success. Scholars believe at least one orb is still to be uncovered, likely in one of the lost cities.”
STH_bajoran_story.2001.desc:0 “While several ancient texts appeared to suggest likely locations in which an Orb of the Prophets could be found on Bajor, none of those investigated uncovered one. Worse, a number of researchers were killed or injured when an underground chamber they were surveying collapsed. Scholars believe at least one orb is still to be uncovered, likely in one of the lost cities.”
STH_bajoran_story.2010.desc:0 “The §Y$r_orb_of_contemplation$§! has been recovered by the expedition, dug out of several hundred metres of rock near the site of the ancient city of R’hali. The entire [Root.GetName] celebrates as another facet of the Prophets’ will is revealed.”
STH_bajoran_story.2011.desc:0 “The §Y$r_orb_of_memory$§! has been recovered by the expedition, dug out of several hundred metres of rock near the site of the ancient city of R’hali. The entire [Root.GetName] celebrates as another facet of the Prophets’ will is revealed.”
STH_bajoran_story.2100.desc:0 “While verteron detectors appeared to suggest likely locations in which an Orb of the Prophets could be found in the Denorios Belt, none of those investigated uncovered one. Several kiloquads of useful data were uncovered however, resulting in the expedition being seen as at least a partial success. Scholars believe at least one orb is still to be uncovered in the Denorios Belt.”
STH_bajoran_story.2101.desc:0 “Verteron detectors failed to suggest likely locations in which an Orb of the Prophets could be found in the Denorios Belt. Worse, a tetryon surge destroyed an EPS conduit on the Expedition vessel, killing a number of the crew. Scholars believe at least one orb is still to be uncovered in the Denorios Belt.”
STH_bajoran_story.2110.desc:0 “The §Y$r_orb_of_peace$§! has been recovered by the expedition, pulled from a subspace tetryon eddy and into normal space by the expedition ship’s main deflector. The entire [Root.GetName] celebrates as another facet of the Prophets’ will is revealed.”
STH_bajoran_story.2111.desc:0 “The §Y$r_orb_of_souls$§! has been recovered by the expedition, pulled from a subspace tetryon eddy and into normal space by the expedition ship’s main deflector. The entire [Root.GetName] celebrates as another facet of the Prophets’ will is revealed.”
STH_bajoran_story.2200.desc:0 “While several ancient texts appeared to suggest likely locations in which an Orb of the Prophets could be found outside of the Bajoran system, none of those investigated uncovered one. Several minor alien artefacts were uncovered however, resulting in the expedition being seen as at least a partial success. Scholars believe at least one orb is still to be uncovered, likely in a nearby star system.”
STH_bajoran_story.2201.desc:0 “While several ancient texts appeared to suggest likely locations in which an Orb of the Prophets could be found outside of the Bajoran system, none of those investigated uncovered one. Worse, a number of researchers were killed or injured when an underground chamber they were surveying collapsed. Scholars believe at least one orb is still to be uncovered, likely in a nearby star system.”
STH_bajoran_story.2210.desc:0 “The §Y$r_orb_of_time$§! has been recovered by the expedition, extracted from the vault of an alien outpost apparently abandoned for several millennia. The entire [Root.GetName] celebrates as another facet of the Prophets’ will is revealed.”
STH_bajoran_story.2211.desc:0 “The §Y$r_orb_of_unity$§! has been recovered by the expedition, extracted from the vault of an alien outpost apparently abandoned for several millennia. The entire [Root.GetName] celebrates as another facet of the Prophets’ will is revealed.”
STH_bajoran_story.2212.desc:0 “The §Y$r_orb_of_wisdom$§! has been recovered by the expedition, extracted from the vault of an alien outpost apparently abandoned for several millennia. The entire [Root.GetName] celebrates as another facet of the Prophets’ will is revealed.”
tropical_borg_category_desc:0 “The initial data gathered from the tropical forests of [Root.GetName] indicate something of interest may be found on further investigation.”
STH_borg_story.1.desc:0 “As the [Root.GetName] has grown, so too has the capacity and necessity for elements of the Collective to operate in relative isolation. This isolation is necessary to prevent recurrent decision loops and feedback paths that would otherwise emerge due to the finite speed of transwarp communications… but it comes with inherent risks to the cohesion of the Collective. Self monitoring nodes within [Root.Capital.GetName] have alerted the discovery of a potentially catastrophic ethos/identity fragmentation path building across a number of secondary nodes. The effort to repair these nodes is substantial, but could prevent a fracturing of the Collective itself.”
STH_borg_story.2.desc:0 “The Collective has been fractured! Efforts to repair secondary nodes at risk of catastrophic ethos/identity fragmentation have not proceeded fast enough. Several millicycles ago, links on [borgRebelCountry.Capital.GetName] were disestablished, and the a new collective consciousness emerged: the [borgRebelCountry.GetName]. A handful of locations and vessels have been overrun by this new threat.”
STH_borg_story.3.desc:0 “The Collective has been fractured! Efforts to repair secondary nodes at risk of catastrophic ethos/identity fragmentation have not proceeded fast enough. Several millicycles ago, links on [borgRebelCountry.Capital.GetName] were disestablished, and a new collective consciousness emerged: the [borgRebelCountry.GetName]. A number of locations and vessels have been overrun by this new threat.”
STH_borg_story.4.desc:0 “The Collective has been fractured! Efforts to repair secondary nodes at risk of catastrophic ethos/identity fragmentation have not proceeded fast enough. Several millicycles ago, links on [borgRebelCountry.Capital.GetName] were disestablished, and a new collective consciousness emerged: the [borgRebelCountry.GetName]. A large number of locations and vessels have been overrun by this new threat.”
STH_borg_story.5.desc:0 “We have successfully purged the damaged nodes within the network and further corruption within the Collective has been repaired. All errant identity fragments have been neutralised leaving the collectives integrity intact. The collective remains whole and undisrupted.”
STH_borg_story.7.desc:0 “As our operation to quell the rebellious drones drags on, we have become aware of additional pockets of individuality that have taken root in nodes across the Collective. Resource storage units in multiple spatial grids have been lost. Analysis indicates a 98.995% probability that these resources are now under the control of [borgRebelCountry.GetName]. Increase priority of security subcommands in all critical unimatrix grids.”
BORG_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “We must investigate the fate of our colony. We have lost all contact after initial reports of a strange vessel approaching the system.”
BORG_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Collective have invaded our homeworld and are rapidly defeating our defences, our last hope is to send in an elite team of commandos to destroy the Borg Nexus whilst it is still forming the connection to the Collective. Destroying this could sever the link and leave the Borg helpless.”
BORG_3_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The temporal vortex created by the Borg Sphere is rapidly collapsing we must send a ship back in time to undo the damage they have done to our time line and prevent the assimilation of our home.”
BORG_EARLY_BIRD_PROJECT_DESC:0 “A number of transports, satellites, and fledgling colonies have disappeared in this region over the last few days. Dispatch a military vessel to investigate the circumstances. This could be a prelude to an attack by one of our enemies.”
BORG_FUTURE_DRONE_PROJECT_DESC:0 “A Borg proximity transceiver has been detected with a chronometric offset of §G+[Root.future_year_offset] solar cycles§!. This drone is refusing remote attempts to link it with the Collective. We must assimilate its distinctiveness. Its advanced technology must be added to our own. Resistance is futile.”
STH_borg_story.50.desc:0 “Warning: Detection of species with abnormal resistance coefficient confirmed. Potential threat to Collective acknowledged. Engaging strategic response algorithms. Analyzing…Recommendation: Direct assault on species homeworld by a Class 5 tactical vessel offers optimal probability of successful neutralization. All secondary and tertiary resource nodes will be adapted for the construction of the required asset. Vessel will be configured for long range interstellar combat and planetary assault.§YChoose priority target.§!”
STH_borg_story.52.desc:0 “Resource preallocation for Class 5 tactical asset is complete. Vessel designation: §GAssimilation Cube 100359§!. Awaiting final confirmation to execute all pending ship-assembly subcommands.Upon completion, the asset will proceed via transwarp to the border of [borg_target_invasion.owner_species.GetName] space and probe the surrounding spatial grids for defensive weaknesses. Once it has accumulated sufficient data, it will set a direct course for [borg_planet_target.GetName], where it will begin assimilating the planet’s culture and technology.”
STH_borg_story.53.desc:0 “Assimilation Cube 100359 has arrived at [borg_target_invasion_destination.solar_system.GetName] and is now on final approach trajectory to [borg_planet_target.GetName]. Sensors indicate a high probability of elevated [borg_target_invasion.owner_species.GetName] resistance. These obstacles will be neutralized. [borg_target_invasion.owner_species.GetName] culture will adapt to service us.”
STH_borg_story.54.desc:0 “Our last line of defence has been breached! The Borg have reached [borg_planet_target.GetName], and reports are coming in from every military installation across the planet of Borg Drones appearing and decimating our ground forces. They are quickly adapting to our weaponry and the orbiting Cube is destroying all vessels attempting to land allied reinforcements. Our military commanders are predicting the planet will fall within the week. Our last hope to save the planet is to get a team of army commandos into the Borg central Nexus whilst it is vulnerable and before they have a chance to fortify it.”
STH_borg_story.55.desc:0 “Assimilation Cube 100359 has successfully deployed invasion drones across [borg_planet_target.GetName]. Planetary assimilation now underway. Current objective: Establish Planetary Nexus. Local control will then transfer to new Nexus node, in order to establish long range communication with the Collective at [Root.capital_scope.GetName].Cube 100359 will attempt to remain in orbit to defend surface drones whilst this process is underway.§YCaution: Cube 100359 combat capacity is now significantly reduced due to low drone count.§!”
STH_borg_story.56.desc:0 “Cube 100359 has been completed. Activating transwarp sequence. Deploying to target quadrant.§YAll other vessels will be re-tasked to avoid [borg_target_invasion.owner_species.GetBorgSpecies] territory until we are ready for a full-scale invasion.§!”
STH_borg_story.57.desc:0 “The moment we have dreaded has finally arrived. The Borg, our most lethal enemy, have begun an invasion of the [Root.GetName], and this time there may be no stopping them. All available fleets should immediately deploy to intercept the attacking vessel. There will be no negotiating with this enemy. We must stop them at all costs and defend our homeworld, otherwise countless lives will be lost, or worse… assimilated.”
STH_borg_story.58.desc:0 “Our long range scans have detected the Borg have broken through the defenses of [borg_target_invasion.GetName] and are rapidly approaching their home system. If the Borg are not stopped now, it will not be long until [borg_planet_target.GetName] falls to the might of the Collective.”
STH_borg_story.62.desc:0 “In one of the greatest days for [Root.GetName] the mighty Borg Assimilation Cube has been destroyed thanks to the brilliance of our military and the courage of our officers and brave crewmen who risked their lives to defend their home. The wreckage of the Cube spreads across a vast quantity of space and the salvage could prove useful. However right now is a time to celebrate.”
STH_borg_story.63.desc:0 “The unthinkable has happened, the seat of power and the birthplace of our civilisation has fallen. Our efforts to halt the invasion have failed and we have lost contact with the squad and must presume the worst. The Borg will consolidate their power and begin the process of assimilating the population and our technologies, we must regroup and rebuild our forces to retake our homeworld. We must not let this defeat bring us to our knees.”
STH_borg_story.65.desc:0 “Primary objective complete, defensive units have been neutralised, control of planetary resources has been established. Moving to secondary objectives, predicted assimilation targets have been established and population will be assimilated.§YAssimilation Cube 100359 will be dismantled to facilitate rapid assimilation of all system and planetary targets.§!”
STH_borg_story.66.desc:0 “As predicted §Y[borg_planet_target.GetName]§! has fallen into the hands of the Borg. The strategic benefits they will get from this victory cannot be overstated; the Borg are now an even bigger threat to us than before. We must be prepared should they turn their cybernetic eyes towards our worlds.”
STH_borg_story.67.desc:0 “Our §YAssimilation Cube §! has been destroyed adapting defensive units to accomodate for unplanned loss. Resistance was greater than expected, loss of tactical units will have a 75% impact on operational effectiveness in assimilation objectives towards our target. §Y<>§! Target’s tactical strength requires realignment.”
STH_borg_story.68.desc:0 “§GVictory!§! Our ground forces have successfully destroyed the Borg Central Nexus, severing the link to the Collective at a crucial point in its formation. The lost of the Collective’s voice resulted in chaos amongst the drones on the planet’s surface, allowing our forces to strike whilst they were vulnerable and driving them from our cities. The line has been drawn here and we will not let the Borg push us back. Today we celebrate, for tomorrow the fight continues.”
STH_borg_story.69.desc:0 “We have lost long range signals from our Nexus on §Y[borg_planet_target.GetName]§!. We no longer hear the voices of our drones on the planet’s surface, nor those aboard the Assimilation Cube in orbit. Without their link to the Collective the drones will not be able to function. Sending termination signal now. Initiating fallback command routines. Estimating damage to the Collectives as §Rsignificant§!.”
STH_borg_story.70.desc:0 “The Borg have been defeated on §Y[borg_planet_target.GetName]§!. This is a major defeat for the Borg Collective and a masterful victory for the §Y[borg_target_invasion.GetName]§!.”
STH_borg_story.71.desc:0 “The combination of damage from [borg_target_invasion.GetName] forces and the destruction of our Nexus that was under construction on the planet below has rendered the Assimilation Cube unable to initiate its transwarp coils. It has confirmed the termination signal and will self-destruct immediately. All operations in the [borg_planet_target.GetName] spatial grid are now suspended.”
STH_borg_story.73.desc:0 “The celebration at the destruction of the Borg ship was short lived, a small spherical ship emerged from the wreckage of the dying Cube and sped towards Earth, creating a temporal anomaly in its wake. Sensors from the nearest vessel indicated that a §YTemporal Vortex§! has formed around the planet. Scans indicate that the once blue world is dark and grey and populated by approximately nine billion lifeforms. …All Borg! The choice is clear, we must send a ship through the Vortex and repair the damage that has been done, before it is too late.”
STH_borg_story.75.desc:0 “Emerging through the vortex, with their shields and sensors offline, the crew of [sth_first_contact_ship.GetName] quickly confirm that they have travelled back to April 4th 2063, the day before First Contact between Earth and the Vulcans. The Borg sphere can be seen concentrating its fire on a small spot on the North American continent.”
STH_borg_story.76.desc:0 “Beaming down to the small settlement that was the target of the Borg attack, the signs of devastation are unmissable, as the away team makes their way carefully to the missle silo that was the home of the legendary warp ship known as §YThe Phoenix§! they check that none of the casualties are §YZefram Cochrane§! the inventor of Warp travel on Earth, which would change the fate of the planet forever. On arriving at the silo, it is clear that whilst the damage to the Phoenix would require some effort to fix, she would still fly. Looking around at the bodies, it was clear that none of them belonged to Dr Cochrane.”
STH_borg_story.77.desc:0 “Beaming down to the small settlement that was the target of the Borg attack, the signs of devastation are unmissable, as the away team makes their way carefully to the missle silo that was the home of the legendary warp ship known as §YThe Phoenix§! they check that none of the casualties are §YZefram Cochrane§! the inventor of Warp travel on Earth, which would change the fate of the planet forever. On arriving at the silo, it is clear that whilst the damage to the Phoenix would require some effort to fix, she would still fly. [sth_first_contact_leader.GetName] turns over one of the bodies on the ground to get a better look and gasps in horror at the sight of the deceased Zeframe Cochrane.”
STH_borg_story.78.desc:0 “Before the team can digest the news, a transmission is received from their ship in orbit. They have lost contact with main engineering and humidity levels have risen seventy-three percent and the temperature has jumped ten degrees in the last hour. The Captain recognises the signs, the Borg on their ship. The away team must decide whether to send the Captain or Commander back to the ship, whilst the other must ensure the Phoenix rises from the ashes.”
STH_borg_story.79.desc:0 “We have lost contact with the engineering deck, communications, internal sensors, everything. The security chief was about to send a security team to investigate, it appears they knew their ship was doomed, and with shields down they transported over without being detected. They’ll assimilate the [sth_first_contact_ship.GetName], and then …Earth. The crew are quickly able to lockdown the main computer before main power goes offline. Should the team confront the Borg or lockdown engineering and attempt to hold the Borg back.”
STH_borg_story.81.desc:0 “The legendary Doctor Cochrane sits opposite nursing one of a dozen half empty bottle of Tequila, the scientist may have been drunk, but he certainly was no fool and did not buy the teams cover story. Breaking cover could disrupt the timeline, but the doctor is essential to completing the mission.”
STH_borg_story.82.desc:0 “Back on the ship, the situation continues to be dire. The Borg advance has continued unrelented, but now they have stopped and appear to be focusing on constructing a device on the ships main deflector. It appears they are constructing an Interplexing beacon in an effort to contact the Borg in this century to complete the assimilation of Earth and the surrounding territories.”
STH_borg_story.84.desc:0 “The Security chief’s training serves them well, a well placed shot strikes the beacons delicate support structure causing the Borg device to erupt in a shower of sparks, which are quickly extinguished in the vacuum of space. The Borg’s efforts to contact the collective in the Delta Quadrant has been dealt a blow.”
STH_borg_story.85.desc:0 “The shot fired does manage to destroy the Interplexing Beacon, however the explosion strikes a delicate part of the main deflector dish causing the particle emitter to fracture and causes the anti-protons inside to explode causing major damage to the ship.”
STH_borg_story.86.desc:0 “The shot misses the Interplexing beacon and strikes the vulnerable particle emitter on the deflector dish. The resulting explosion caused by the dish’s anti-protons is so large that it complete destroys the ship taking Borg and Starfleet officers with it. The fate of the Federation now rests in the hands of the away team on the planet below.”
STH_borg_story.87.desc:0 “The team make their way around the Deflector dish, releasing the Maglock clamps one by one, with a satisfying click the particle emitter is released and drifts aways from the ship. With a smile of triumph the Security chief raises their rifle and takes aim and the floating Borg device.”
STH_borg_story.92.desc:0 “The warp drive fails to deliver as the Phoenix limps along as the power levels appear to fluctuate. The crew frantically search for the source of the issue as the window to make the warp flight slowly closes, Suddenly the panel turns green and they are ready to re-attempt the journey.”
STH_borg_story.94.desc:0 “The small ship explodes in a sudden but powerful ball of fire taking with it humanity’s future. It’s unclear what exactly caused the warp drive to fail and whether anything could have been done to have prevented its destruction.”
STH_borg_story.96.desc:0 “The heart of the Borg Collective was hot and oppressive with water vapour hanging heavy in the air. As [sth_first_contact_leader.GetName] enters the domain of the Borg Queen a cloying voice calls out welcoming the Captain to watch humanities future’s end as a nameless drone deactivates the self destruct routine as full control is handed over to the hive mind. The Queen offers the Captain the choice to join the Collective willingly or by force as a drone. But just then an idea flickers through the Captains mind as the plasma coolant conduit is just visible behind the Queen.”
STH_borg_story.99.desc:0 “Diving for their phaser the Captain is able to get off a number of shots taking down a couple of unsuspecting Drones before they could adapt, using their knowledge of the ship the commanding officer is soon able to to position themselves close to the §YWarp Coolant conduit§!. A well aimed shot punctures the conduit spilling forth the deadly gas capable of destroying any organic flesh it touches. The Borg Queen summons her tentacles in a bit to escape, but the Captain is too quick and beats her to the second level of the Engineering Deck. A fierce fight erupts, but the Queen is powerful and stronger than belays her size, sensing the only way to win the battle and save humanity is to §Ysacrifice§! themselves, with the last ounce of their strength the Captain launches themself at the Queen causing both to tumble over the side. With the Borg Queen dead the remaining drones collapse, as if an invisible string holding them up had been cut. Once the coolant had been cleared all that remained was the skull of the Borg Queen, the Captain closes their eyes for a final time, knowing that the Borg had been defeated.”
STH_borg_story.101.desc:0 “Whatever the plan was to defeat the Borg, the Captain soon realised that there was no way it could succeed. The Queen was too powerful and her drones too numerous, but there was one sure way to end the threat and more than one way to destroy a Starship. The Captain could see that the usual shielding around the warp core had been removed and was being replaced by a new Borg device. Seizing the chance the Captain grabbed their weapon and set it to overload, with a roar of triumph they changed towards the unshielded warp core. The resulting detonation was enough to destroy the ship and mercifully every Borg drone onboard.”
STH_borg_story.104.desc:0 “History records First Contact, in Human context, to specifically refer to the first official publicly and globally known contact between Humans and extraterrestrials. The First Contact took place on the evening of April 5, 2063, when a Vulcan survey ship, the T’Plana-Hath, having detected the warp signature of the Phoenix, touched down in Bozeman, central Montana. And just as history records, the events play out thanks to the efforts of the crew of [sth_first_contact_ship.GetName]. What history never recorded is that Zefram Cochrane’s famous warp flight may have had a lot of assistance from a much more advanced starship and technology unheard of in the late 2060s and time has a way of healing itself, even if the Vulcan Science Directorate has determined that time travel is impossible…”
STH_borg_story.105.desc:0 “History records First Contact, in Human context, to specifically refer to the first official publicly and globally known contact between Humans and extraterrestrials. The First Contact took place on the evening of April 5, 2063, when a Vulcan survey ship, the T’Plana-Hath, having detected the warp signature of the Phoenix, touched down in Bozeman, central Montana. And just as history records, the events play out thanks to the efforts of the crew of [sth_first_contact_ship.GetName]. The Phoenix may never have survived its flight, but its attempt did not go unnoticed by the Vulcans and a ‘persuaded’ Doctor Cochrane was there to greet them. Thankfully Vulcan’s increased words of caution about humanities attempts to travel further into space some one hundred years later were met with the same deaf ears from early Starfleet Admirals and a very determined Captain Archer.”
STH_borg_story.106.desc:0 “The Vulcans detected the journey of the Phoenix and as they had done in the un-altered timeline they came to investigate, but they did not find humanity waiting for them. Instead an assimilated 24th Century ship lie in weight, the conflict was over quickly and the Borg had access to the T’Plana-Hath’s records and security codes. An event that forever changed the formation of the United Federation of Planets and set in motion a new timeline..”
STH_borg_story.107.desc:0 “The events of First Contact never came to pass, the Borg ensured that the Phoenix’s flight remained undetected and with control over a 24th Century starship, Vulcan and Earth never stood a chance of meeting and humanity’s future would never play out as it should.”
STH_borg_story.108.desc:0 “The events of First Contact never came to pass, the Borg ensured that the Phoenix’s flight remained undetected and with control over a 24th Century starship, Vulcan and Earth never stood a chance of meeting and humanity’s future would never play out as it should. The remaining crew on Earth continued to resist the Borg stalling their progress at every opportunity, eventually managed to sacrifice themselves to destroy their former ship to stop the Borg advancing further into the Alpha Quadrant and using advanced weapons against the Vulcan’s, Andorians and the other powers of the time. Eventually a Coalition of Planets was formed and many humans were rescued from Earth and accepted into this new Coalition that kept the Borg pinned into the Sol system.”
STH_borg_story.110.desc:0 “On returning to the present, a check on the computer indicated that the timeline has remained intact. Only the crew knew what happened in the past and all events beyond the destruction of the Borg Assimilation Cube were unknown to Starfleet Command. The clean up and recovery from the Borg attack will take some time, but the significance of April 5th 2063 will forever mean something special to one ship and her crew.”
STH_borg_story.111.desc:0 “On returning to the present, a check on the computer indicated that the timeline has remained mostly intact, with only a few minor changes. Only the crew knew what happened in the past and all events beyond the destruction of the Borg Assimilation Cube were unknown to Starfleet Command. The clean up and recovery from the Borg attack will take some time, but the significance of April 5th 2063 will forever mean something special to one ship and her crew.”
STH_borg_story.112.desc:0 “The failure to prevent the Borg from stopping the First Contact between Earth and Vulcan has had ripples through the timeline. The Borg now control Earth.”
STH_borg_story.113.desc:0 “The failure to prevent the Borg from stopping the First Contact between Earth and Vulcan has had ripples through the timeline. The Borg now control Earth, Mars and the Alpha Centauri Systems. The Borg must be stopped.”
STH_borg_story.114.desc:0 “Assimilation Cube 100359 was partially successful in deploying invasion drones across [borg_planet_target.GetName]. The planetary target has suffered significant damage, and the Cube remains under attack from hostile forces, preventing full assimilation directive. Current objective: Eliminate hostile forces and reevaluate target.Cube 100359 will attempt to remain in orbit to defend surface drones whilst this process is underway.§YCaution: Cube 100359 combat capacity is now significantly reduced due to low drone count.§!”
STH_borg_story.118.desc:0 “Our failure to prevent the Borg Cube from reaching [borg_planet_target.GetName] has resulted in a devastating attack against our planet. We can be thankful that our forces were still attacking the Cube preventing it from deploying it’s full compliment of drones and assimilating our world. The Cube remains active and must be stopped before it can continue it’s devasting march through our systems.”
STH_borg_story.121.desc:0 “The [Root.GetName] reports that it has encountered a cuboid vessel belonging to the Borg Collective. It appears to have technology and battle capabilities well beyond what one of our ships can handle. The [Root.GetName] is retreating back to the fleet, but reports that members of its crew were abducted by the Borg during the encounter.”
STH_borg_story.122.desc:0 “Cube 100359 reports that it has encountered a vessel belonging to the [From.Owner.GetName] and subsequently abducted an individual from their primitive leadership hierarchy. This drone’s mind possesses extensive data regarding its species’ technology and battle strategies. We have assimilated this leader, now designated §G[FromFrom.GetName]§!, to aid in the current operation.”
STH_borg_story.123.desc:0 “Before we confront the Borg Cube directly, the [FromFrom.GetName] has proposed a daring plan to rescue our lost officer, now known as Locutus of Borg. We can either send a commando team to cause as much damage as possible and hope they can retrieve Locutus by force, or we can send a science team who believe they can extract and de-assimilate Locutus before the Borg realize what is happening. The choice is yours.”
STH_borg_story.124.desc:0 “Although the team partially accomplished their mission, the Borg were alerted to their presence as they attempted to retrieve Locutus. Facing escalating opposition from Borg drones, the team was forced to terminate their target. We can only take solace in the fact that the Borg can no longer use our officer against us.”
STH_borg_story.125.desc:0 “We have lost all contact with the team sent to the Borg cube. Our last sensor sweep indicated rising power levels throughout the interior. It seems likely that the Collective was alerted to the team’s presence and that they have been assimilated. We should now consider more conventional means to stop the Cube’s advance.”
STH_borg_story.126.desc:0 “Great news! By cleverly using an antimatter spread to blind the Borg sensors, the team was able to beam aboard the Borg Cube undetected. Though they met with resistance inside, the team successfully located and recovered Locutus. Better yet, an analysis of Locutus’ connection to the Collective has yielded a tactical advantage: we have set the Cube to engage its regeneration cycle, preventing it from fighting back against our forces.”
STH_borg_story.127.desc:0 “Cube 100359 reports that intruders have beamed aboard and terminated Locutus. Significant damage has been done to the vessel’s power distribution network. Combat capability reduced by 58%. Cube 100359 will adapt to the loss in approximately 90 cycles.”
STH_borg_story.128.desc:0 “Cube 100359 has shut down for regeneration in response to subcommand directive from the Locutus node pathway. §RError.§! Unable to verify authenticity of subcommand directive. Locutus is not on board. Begin full purge of node authorization and restore power to combat systems. Estimated time to adapt: 180 cycles.”
STH_borg_story.200.desc:0 “§GOpening transwarp communication protocol with Main Administrative Node…Report from data archive in [borg_random_system.GetBorgCoordinates]…Title: Enhanced Surface Bombardment§!Main Node. Accumulation of data resources in local archive has reached a key potential in the field of §Ywide-area tactical transporters§!. Local network reports a §G[Root.random_perc]%§! possibility of adapting this development for greater use in the Collective. Application of distinctiveness requires combat-efficient biological template. Select drone species template for protocol reconfiguration. Comply.”
STH_borg_story.250.desc:0 “An anomalous signal has been detected from §H[mysterious_borg_drone_star.solar_system.GetBorgCoordinates]§!. Source: Borg proximity transceiver. Chronometric node synchronization offset: §G+[Root.future_year_offset] solar cycles§!. Conclusion: §GTemporal displacement§!. Attempting to establish interlink. Error. Failure. Link terminated by target. Override current subcommand task. New priority: Acquire future technological distinctiveness. Standby paradox correction algorithms. Activate tactical asset. Dispatch to signal source and assimilate. Comply.”
STH_borg_story.251.desc:0 “§RObjective failed.§! Proximity transceiver signal lost. Detecting chroniton burst near last known target location. §G[Root.random_perc]%§! probability: Trans-temporal warp drive. Analyze pattern. Vessel identified: Federation Temporal Integrity Commission. Wells Class. USS Relativity. Chance of retrieving critical drone asset: §R0%§!.”
STH_borg_story.255.desc:0 “Interception complete. Overtaking target. Locking tractor beam. Scanning. Anomalous drone presence confirmed. Technological distinctiveness does not exist in present Collective database nodes. Acquisition of this technology will bring us closer to perfection. Designate for priority assimilation. Execute capture protocol.”
STH_borg_story.256.desc:0 “Detecting unknown shield modulation from target vessel. Tractor beam failure. Target engaging evasive maneuvers. Counteract. Our vessel is under fire. Target weapons output exceeding expected parameters. Significant damage detected. We must adapt.”
STH_borg_story.257.desc:0 “§RObjective failed. Severe damage detected. Structural failure imminent. [This.GetName] destroyed.§! Detecting chroniton burst near last known target location. §G[Root.random_perc]%§! probability: Trans-temporal warp drive. Analyze pattern. Vessel identified: Federation Temporal Integrity Commission. Wells Class. USS Relativity. Chance of retrieving critical drone asset: §R0%§!”
STH_borg_story.258.desc:0 “Unexpected action. Target drone initiated internal transport sequence. Drone now aboard [This.GetName]. §RError.§! Drone refuses interlink connection. Prediction: Hostile action imminent. Activate tactical drones. Intercept target. Assimilate.”
STH_borg_story.260.desc:0 “§RAlert:§! Target is interfacing with regeneration alcove [This.alcoveNumber]. Interlink controls overridden. [This.GetName] navigation subcommand accessed. Setting new coordinates. §RError. Course intersects Class 5 hazard.§! Guidance system not responding. [This.GetName] destruction imminent. §GPriority update:§! Data received from analysis nodes on [This.Owner.Capital.GetName]. Partial assimilation of target technological distinctiveness achieved prior to [This.GetName] destruction. New tactical system templates distributed to key nodes. §YCubes will now beam down £army_power£ §GTerror Drone§! armies when deploying £army_power£ §GHeavy Tactical Drone§! armies during orbital bombardment.§!”
STH_borg_story.311.desc:0 “§GScientific Report – USS Raven§! Hopefully the Federation Science Council is receiving this report, we have picked up the location of one of these ships, a massive cube-shaped vessel on an unimaginable scale. We have managed to avoid detection using bio-dampeners and shield modulators, the cube is heading off again and we aim to follow, we shall submit are next report as soon as we can… Annika one minute sweetheart, mummy is just recording an update… Dr Hansen Out.”
STH_borg_story.312.desc:0 “§GScientific Report – Final report received from the USS Raven§! This might be our final report for sometime, we are tracking the Cube that we have nicknamed ‘Rubics’ across the sector and believe it is about to enter a conduit of some sort. Our multi-adaptive shielding has kept us safe so far, the effects of the conduit are having some unusual effects on our shields, but my husband and I are determined to …. §RTransmission lost§!”
STH_borg_story.313.desc:0 “Tactical Asset 1000709 reports the discovery of a small vessel in proximity, the tactical threat is negligible, 3 biological lifeforms detected, technology level is inferior, preparing assimilation protocols. “
sth_borg_situation.25.desc:0 “Assimilation protocol modified, resources focused to prioritise the assimilation of the population of targeted planet. Input planet for assimilation drive to increase conversion to drone units.”
sth_borg_situation.28.desc:0 “Our drones have completed the assimilation of all non-borg units on the targeted planet, resuming standard assimilation protocols.”
LIGHTSHIP_CRASHSITE_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Our archaeologists have discovered what could potentially be an ancient crash site of the Bajoran lightship.”
CARDASSIAN_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Following the recent string of terrorist attacks by a group calling themselves the Bajoran Resistance, Central Command has organised a summit between the Bajoran Leadership and a representative from the Cardassian Union.”
STH_cardassian_story.101.desc:0 “According to the legends, centuries ago the ancient Bajorans used wooden ships to explore other planets. These ships were propelled by light pressure, like a sailboat catching the wind. Some even say that one of this ships have made it all the way to [Root.GetName].Naturally, we have dismissed all such claims as it is almost impossible to believe that the Bajorans have achieved interstellar travel before the [Root.Owner.GetName].And yet, a routine archeological expedition to one of the remote regions of [Root.GetName] has recently revealed something that might potentially be a crash site of one of these ancient Bajoran ships. Unfortunately, archaeologists had only the most primitive scanning equipment, so they couldn’t be absolutely sure. Perhaps a more thorough study is in order.”
STH_cardassian_story.102.desc:0 “A closer examination reveals that an ancient Bajoran vessel did indeed travelled to Cardassia and crashed on arrival all these centuries ago. A remarkable achievement, but one that threatens Cardassian supremacy.Revealing this information to Bajorans will improve diplomatic relations with them. Alternatively, it is possible to destroy the ships remnant and dispose of the survey team. No one will know.”
STH_cardassian_story.103.desc:0 “What seemed like a crash-site turned out to be nothing but a scanner malfunction. But it wasn’t all in vain, as the digging revealed a previously unknown burial site of the First Hebitian civilisation!The inner chambers of the vault contain a number of beautiful artifacts made of jevonite, a rare, breathtaking stone. These artifacts undoubtedly are a part of [Root.Owner.GetSpeciesAdj] heritage and will be of great scientific and cultural value.Alternatively, they can be sold for a good price to a private collector.”
STH_cardassian_story.104.desc:0 “What seemed like a crash site at first, turned out to be nothing but a scanner malfunction. But it wasn’t all in vain, as the digging revealed an abandoned smuggler’s lair full with crates with self-sealing stem bolts! With no one to be arrested for smuggling, the contents of these crates have been simply confiscated by [Root.Owner.GetName]. Now the question is, what do we do with eighteen thousand tons of self-sealing stem bolts?”
STH_cardassian_story.105.desc:0 “According to the legends, centuries ago the ancient [Root.GetSpeciesNamePlural] used wooden ships to explore other planets.Many [Root.GetSpeciesNamePlural] believe that one of these ships could have made it all the way to Cardassia. Of course, for a long time [cardassian_country.GetSpeciesNamePlural] have called it nothing but a fairy tale. It is hard to tell, what exactly have changed their minds, but an official envoy from [cardassian_country.GetName] has notified [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] that a [cardassian_country.GetAdj] archaeological team has recently discovered an ancient crash site that contains the remnants of one of the [Root.GetAdj] vessels.”
STH_cardassian_story.198.desc:0 “Years of neglect and over taxation of the skant resources of Cardassia Prime have finally caught up with the people of the Cardassian Union and now a period of harsh stellar activity from the Cardassian sun has ruined the crop growth for this season and put a strain on the already over worked food replication power grids. Environmentalists have been warning about this day from behind the scenes for many years, but have been ignored by those in power. Experts are predicting unless more drastic action is taken Cardassia Prime will struggle for a number of years.”
STH_cardassian_story.199.desc:0 “Through careful management of the remaining resources and the hard work by planetary environmentalists and leading agricultural experts we have made a significant dent in the impact in the global starvation that has been plaguing Cardassia Prime.The government has officially declared the crisis on the homeworld as over.”
STH_cardassian_story.200.desc:0 “For too long now our people have looked out across the stars to the blue world of Bajor and the rich resources that in unfairly holds, the recent poor harvests on Cardassia Prime have led to a number of food shortages and discontent amongst the population. Military command believe the solution to our problems can be resolved with the help of the abundances of riches that Bajor holds. Annexing Bajor and bringing them into the Cardassian Union will provide us with the raw materials we need to sustain our way of life and provide the backwater Bajorans with a more evolved means of existence.”
STH_cardassian_story.201.desc:0 “Greetings, [bajoran_contact.GetRulerName], we greet you from the Cardassian Union, we have long admired the world in which you live and believe that we can offer you so much more as part of the great Cardassian Union. We can offer protection against all threats, consider our offer very carefully.”
STH_cardassian_story.202.desc:0 “The Cardassian Union has made its intentions clear, they convert the resources from the planet Bajor and they are prepared to take them by force.”
STH_cardassian_story.203.desc:0 “The audacity of the Bajoran government! They have reject our gracious offer. For their own good we have no choice but to provide our protection we must take what is ours by force.”
STH_cardassian_story.500.desc:0 “The [Root.GetName]’s recent defeat has left it vulnerable. Rivals like the [threateningCountry.GetName] pose an existential threat to the [Root.GetSpeciesAdj] way of life.All agree that the [Root.GetName] cannot be allowed to remain a second rate power in the quadrant, but few can find common ground on how to proceed.Among the endless debates a lone voice strikes a chord with [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]; an junior [Root.GetCaptainTitle] points to the [the_dominion.GetName] and the opportunities that membership of that union may provide.”
STH_cardassian_story.501.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has suffered a recent defeat which has left it vulnerable. Rivals like the [FromFrom.GetName] pose an existential threat to the [From.GetSpeciesAdj] way of life.Recognising our implacable nature, the [From.GetSpeciesName] leadership has sent secret diplomatic overtures to our Vorta ambassadors to pursue membership of the [Root.GetName].”
STH_cardassian_story.502.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has proven willing to accept our terms for joining as a semi-autonomous member. Chief among those demands territorial rights over our neighbours, in particular the [FromFrom.GetName]. All that remains now is to sign the treaty and convince the [Root.GetSpeciesName] public – by force of arms if not argument – that this is a necessary step for [Root.Capital.GetName].”
STH_cardassian_story.504.desc:0 “The [From.GetName]’s demands for joining as a semi-autonomous member were easy to accept. Their territorial ambitions over their neighbours serve the [Root.GetName]’s interests. Despite the [From.GetSpeciesName] talent for subterfuge, any risk of betrayal will be minimised both by the efforts of the Founder gods, and our particular integration plans for the [From.GetSpeciesName] people.”
STH_cardassian_story.505.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has proven unwilling to accept our terms for joining as a semi-autonomous member. Chief among the causes for rejection were our demands for territorial rights over our neighbours, in particular the [FromFrom.GetName].Without the lifeline that [From.GetName] membership would provide, many fear for the future of the [Root.GetName].”
STH_cardassian_story.510.desc:0 “Our status as members of the Dominion has given us new found power and respect amongst our friends and foes and has allowed us to rebuild after our recent losses. However our military veterans and war commanders are intensifying their calls for revenge against [cardassian_enemy.GetName] following their victory over our forces, The calls to make Cardassia a nation to be feared increase each day, maybe it is time to demand the promises our Dominion allies made us when we joined.”
STH_cardassian_story.511.desc:0 “Wise Founder, we humbly beg your forgiveness. One of our member worlds, the Cardassian Union, has reached out to us via formal channels to request our support in taking revenge against [cardassian_enemy.GetName]. The empire recently bested the Cardassians in a war and now they wish to claim their revenge and for us to honour our promises to make them feared once again.”
STH_cardassian_story.512.desc:0 “[Root.GetLeaderName] our gracious allies the Dominion have agreed that a slight against us, is a slight against all members of the mighty Dominion. They will support our efforts for revenge against [cardassian_dom_enemy.GetName], however they must first assess the situation and the §YGreat Link§! must contemplate how best to tame the Alpha Quadrant.”
STH_cardassian_story.513.desc:0 “[Root.GetLeaderName] our cowardly Dominion partners have refused our request to crush [cardassian_dom_enemy.GetName] leaving us to deal with our enemies on our own. Many are now questioning what [Root.capital_scope.GetName] gains from our alliance from these strangers from the Gamma Quadrant.”
STH_cardassian_story.514.desc:0 “[Root.GetLeaderName] our allies in the Dominion have informed us that they cannot spare the ships to partake in our war of revenge as they are currently engaged in their own hostilities. They also remind us that our support of their own war efforts is not conditional and they expect our fleets will honour the terms of Dominion membership. It seems we may have underestimated our new friends martial abilities.”
STH_cardassian_story.1000.desc:0 “The acceptance of the Oralian religion on [Root.Capital.GetName] coupled with loosening cultural restrictions has led to a revival of ‘Hebitianism’. This movement seeks to restore Cardassian culture to its Hebitian origins, from the time before the modern Cardassian state was formed.”
STH_cardassian_story.1001.desc:0 “The government of the [cardassian_country.GetName] has decided to embrace the Oralian religion and the Hebitian culture that dominated Cardassia prior to its emergence as a galactic power. [cardassian_country.GetRulerTitle] [cardassian_country.GetRulerName] has even go so far as to propose the renaming of the Cardassian race back to the original Hebitian.”
STH_cardassian_story.1002.desc:0 “Our agents in the [cardassian_country.GetName] report that the state has fully embraced the Oralian religion and the Hebitian culture that dominated Cardassia prior to its emergence as a galactic power.”
STH_occupation_situation.1.desc:0 “Years of neglect and over taxation of the skant resources of Cardassia Prime have finally caught up with the people of the Cardassian Union and now a period of harsh stellar activity from the Cardassian sun has ruined the crop growth for this season and put a strain on the already over worked food replication power grids. Environmentalists have been warning about this day from behind the scenes for many years, but have been ignored by those in power. Experts are predicting unless more drastic action is taken Cardassia Prime will struggle for a number of years.”
STH_occupation_situation.2.desc:0 “Through careful management of the remaining resources and the hard work by planetary environmentalists and leading agricultural experts we have made a significant dent in the impact in the global starvation that has been plaguing Cardassia Prime.The government has officially declared the crisis on the homeworld as over.”
STH_occupation_situation.3.desc:0 “Citizens from across the Union grow eager for Central Command to put our newest acquisition to good use, the fertile lands and rich mineral deposits of Bajor are ripe for use by the hardworking Cardassian’s in need of the bounty.”
STH_occupation_situation.4.desc:0 “For too long now our people have looked out across the stars to the blue world of Bajor and the rich resources that in unfairly holds, the recent poor harvests on Cardassia Prime have led to a number of food shortages and discontent amongst the population. Military command believe the solution to our problems can be resolved with the help of the abundances of riches that Bajor holds. Annexing Bajor and bringing them into the Cardassian Union will provide us with the raw materials we need to sustain our way of life and provide the backwater Bajorans with a more evolved means of existence.”
STH_occupation_situation.5.desc:0 “Greetings, [bajoran_contact.GetRulerName], we greet you from the Cardassian Union, we have long admired the world in which you live and believe that we can offer you so much more as part of the great Cardassian Union. We can offer protection against all threats, consider our offer very carefully.”
STH_cardassian_story.202.desc:0 “The Cardassian Union has made its intentions clear, they convert the resources from the planet Bajor and they are prepared to take them by force.”
STH_occupation_situation.6.desc:0 “The audacity of the Bajoran government! They have reject our gracious offer. For their own good we have no choice but to provide our protection we must take what is ours by force.”
STH_occupation_situation.7.desc:0 “The Bajorans never stood a chance against our fleets and we have crushed them, our troops now walk on across their open fields and our generals lay claim to their property. However they have one last untapped resource which we should put to use, their people are excellent workers and will serve our us well in the labor camps and in the new ore processing centre built in orbit. We shall treat them well and they shall be grateful for all the benefits we will provide them.”
STH_occupation_situation.5.desc:0 “The audacity of the Bajoran government! They have reject our gracious offer. For their own good we have no choice but to provide our protection we must take what is ours by force.”
STH_occupation_situation.7.desc:0 “The Bajorans never stood a chance against our fleets and we have crushed them, our troops now walk on across their open fields and our generals lay claim to their property. However they have one last untapped resource which we should put to use, their people are excellent workers and will serve our us well in the labor camps and in the new ore processing centre built in orbit. We shall treat them well and they shall be grateful for all the benefits we will provide them.”
STH_occupation_situation.8.desc:0 “The Cardassian Union have declared war on Bajor, it looks like the barren world seeks to harvest the riches and make them its own.”
STH_occupation_situation.9.desc:0 “The Cardassian Union has annexed Bajor in an audacious attempt to bolster their own resources. The galactic community has largely condemned the act, but so far no action has been taken by any of the major empires”
STH_occupation_situation.10.desc:0 “The Cardassian Union has made its intentions clear, they convert the resources from the planet Bajor and they are prepared to take them by force.”
STH_occupation_situation.11.desc:0 “The people of Bajor are in dire need of the firm supportive hands that we can offer and their backwater beliefs and outlook cries out for the appointment of a Prefect. A number of standout candidates have put themselves forward for the role, which we may now appoint to secure our interests on Bajor.”
STH_occupation_situation.12.desc:0 “Our acquisition of the Bajoran world has opened up new possibilities and new opportunities for us, but I put it to you that we cannot achieve these goals unless we fully occupy the planet with a fully armed military presence. This occupation will help ensure that the Bajorans continue to serve the needs of our people, and of course our troops will play their part in aiding our Bajoran friends.”
STH_occupation_situation.13.desc:0 “Greetings citizens of Bajor, my name is [bajoran_occupation_prefect.GetName] and I will be your new Prefect and we want to welcome in a new era of peace and prosperity between our two worlds. Do not be afraid of the troops landing across the planet, they are here to help rebuild Bajor and ensure our interests are met. May this be the start of a long and prosperous future for our worlds.”
STH_occupation_situation.14.desc:0 “The time has come to assign a new Prefect to oversee the Bajoran Occupation. A list of candidates has been put forward and one mus be selected to continue our interests on Bajor.”
STH_occupation_situation.16.desc:0 “A list of replacement candidates for the role of the Bajoran Prefect has been made available to Central Command for their approval.”
STH_occupation_situation.17.desc:0 “Our mines and labour camps are now ready to turn over the resources that we have collected from Bajor, we shall approach the Bajoran government to arrange for the transportation of these resources to our orbital facilities.”
STH_occupation_situation.18.desc:0 “Attention Bajoran Workers! It is once again time to lay down your tools and allow your Cardassian overseers the chance to collect the efforts of your labours. Any attempt to prevent us from completing this activity will be met with severe force and punishment for you and your families.”
STH_occupation_situation.22.desc:0 “The first wave of Cardassian Troops have landed on our soil bringing with them their weapons and prowess. A sense of fear and concern washes over our population centres, but our Cardassian contacts continue to assure us that these forces are here to protect us and help build our infrastructure. For now we must trust this is true, but there is little we could do either way.”
STH_occupation_situation.24.desc:0 “As we continue to progress our plans for Bajor, our military and expansion advisors recommend installing a new more agreeable regime that is more supportive of our goals for the planet. The ‘Bajoran Occupational Government’ will continue to serve the interests of all parties and legitimise our occupation of the planet in the eyes of our galactic neighbours.”
STH_occupation_situation.25.desc:0 “Greetings Bajorans and greetings from your friends on Cardassia, as part of our continued friendship we have decided that it would be in your best interests if we helped provide you with a new stable government and leadership. From this moment onwards the Bajoran Republic will be run by the newly created ‘Bajoran Occupational Government’ and together we will build a better future for our people.”
STH_occupation_situation.26.desc:0 “Greetings [Root.GetRulerTitle] I bring you greetings and blessings from your loyal subjects on Bajor, the new governing body is now in place and ready to serve you in all things, just as the Prophets would desire.”
STH_occupation_situation.27.desc:0 “Children of the Prophets, I speak for the downtrodden and voiceless, for we are all loved by the Prophets… this partnership with the Cardassians is a shame, we live under occupation as our freedoms are eroded and our way of life is slowly taken from us. I urge all of us to stand united and in a single voice ask the Cardassians to leave our world.”
STH_occupation_situation.28.desc:0 “It appears that a notable Bajoran religious leader has started actively speaking out against our presence on Bajor, this would not normally be a cause for concern, but those spiritualistic fools have started listening to these words risking unrest amongst those working the fields and mines. We should instruct our planetary forces to act.”
STH_occupation_situation.29.desc:0 “Bajorans! Our forces have today arrested [BajoranReligiousLeader.GetName] for causing civic unrest, now is a time for unity among our people and the type of rhetoric being spouted will no longer be tolerated, let this be a lesson to all who wish to cause trouble, it will not be allowed! “
STH_occupation_situation.30.desc:0 “Bajorans! You will no doubt now be aware that Cardassian forces moved in to arrest and detain Bajoran dissidents causing unrest and sowing ill will between our governments, they mean to harm our special relationship and they will face Cardassian justice. Let this be a lesson to anyone who wishes to speak out against us. “
STH_occupation_situation.31.desc:0 “Bajorans! Today Cardassian troops moved in and executed known troublemaker [BajoranReligiousLeader.GetName] for crimes against Cardassia and Bajor. Troublemakers will not be tolerated and it will not stand. I hope this is the last I must speak to you on this subject.”
STH_occupation_situation.32.desc:0 “Bajoran Citizens we know that there are those amongst you speaking out against our partnership, we offer this as a one-time warning, we will not tolerate this type of behaviour from this point forward religious gatherings will no longer be permitted. Consider yourself lucky that we were feeling benevolent. “
STH_occupation_situation.33.desc:0 “Reports are coming in from the Kendra Province that a group of unarmed protesters were rounded up and arrested by Cardassian troops following a peaceful protest. There has been no official word from our Cardassian Prefect on why they were arrested or where the protesters were taken following their arrest.”
STH_occupation_situation.34.desc:0 “News coming in from Rakantha Province that there have been explosions at one of the Cardassian Military bases, the Cardassians are claiming that the matter was purely an internal incident and that there was no breach in security, however this has not stopped rumours circulating that a band of Bajoran youths manages to sneak into the base and ignite an ammunitions cache.”
STH_occupation_situation.35.desc:0 “Rumors are circulating that a group of Vedeks were able to successfully convince a local merchant guild to call off a protest against the trade restrictions imposed by Cardassian officials in the Kendra Valley, fearing that the Cardassian Military would intervene the Vedeks were able to persuade the merchants to take their goods and complaints elsewhere.”
STH_occupation_situation.40.desc:0 “Legates and honourable members of Central Command, I bring to you a suggestion on how we can boost our dwindling gains from Bajor, our industrialists propose the construction of a new Nor-Class starbase in Orbit of the planet, with state-of-the-art ore processing facilities. What better way of constructing the station than using the most expendable resources in the system… the Bajorans themselves!”
STH_occupation_situation.41.desc:0 “People of Bajor, as of this morning the Cardassian Union has granted permission to construct our newest orbital facility, which we have named ‘Terok Nor’ We will be rounding up and selecting those we need to help construct the starbase and work within its state of the art ore processing bays to ensure that your world continues to remain useful to the Cardassian Union. “
STH_occupation_situation.42.desc:0 “Cardassia has proudly announced the construction of its latest orbital ore processing facility above the annexed world of Bajor, boosting an ability to process resources at an ever-increasing rate and proclaiming the station to be the pinnacle of Cardassian engineering and mastery.”
STH_occupation_situation.43.desc:0 “In horrifying news reports are coming in across Bajor that the Cardassians have opened up several Labor Camps across the planet, pulling in Bajoran’s as slaves from local farms and population centres far and wide. We are now little more than slaves on our planet forced to work in the most terrible of conditions.”
STH_occupation_situation.44.desc:0 “Exciting news from Bajor, the 1st of our new labor camps has now opened across the surface of Bajor the output from the planet’s enslaved population will be increased as a result.”
STH_occupation_situation.45.desc:0 “Our latest labor camp, Gallitep is ready to open its doors to a Bajoran workforce for the first time, this marks a new and exciting period in our occupation of Bajor as both a reminder to the natives that we are their better in every way and that there are fates worse than death when it comes to disobeying our commands.”
STH_occupation_situation.46.desc:0 “A terrifying new horror has been inflicted upon us by the Cardassians, at Gallitep close to the Dakhur Hills, a new forced labor camp has been opened up. Conditions in the camp are considered to be brutal and hostile and a death sentence to many sent there. “
STH_occupation_situation.48.desc:0 “My fellow members of the [resistance_cell.GetName], we cannot stand and allow the atrocities at Gallitep to remain unchallenged, the time has come to make a stand, to fight back against the Cardassians. I propose that we liberate Gallitep and burn the camp to the ground as a symbol that Bajor will no longer be oppressed. “
STH_occupation_situation.49.desc:0 “Events at Gallitep can be told in many ways, for the Bajorans it was an act of Freedom, for the Cardassians an act of terrorism… But what is known is that a small Resistance Cell was able to infiltrate and tear down one of the most brutal camps on the planet. A clear message that the Bajoran people will no longer taking the occupation lying down.”
STH_occupation_situation.50.desc:0 “Despite the best efforts of the Resistance Cell the camp guards can fend off the attack, with many members of the cell captured or killed in the assault, a new attack will need to be arranged, but it will take some time for Resistance to regain it’s strength in this region.”
STH_occupation_situation.51.desc:0 “Reports from Bajor have come in, with the most concerning news, it appears that a rag-tag group of Bajoran extremists have targeted our camp at Gallitep killing hundreds of Cardassians and inflicting countless amounts of damage to our interests. “
STH_occupation_situation.52.desc:0 “Reports from Bajor have come in, with the most concerning news, it appears that a rag-tag group of Bajoran extremists attempted to target our camp at Gallitep however our brave troops were able to repel the attack and inflict considerable damage to the Resistance.”
STH_occupation_situation.60.desc:0 “My fellow Bajorans! It is time that we stood up and rid ourselves of the oppressing force that is the Cardassian Union, for too long they have stolen our lands, our culture, and our lives, I say no more! We must resist, for a free Bajor for every Bajoran!”
STH_occupation_situation.61.desc:0 “The Bajoran peasants and farmers have taken up arms against us and banded together to form an organised Resistance movement! These terrorists are now capable of harming our interests on Bajor and inflicting serious harm to our operations there.”
STH_occupation_situation.62.desc:0 “The Bajoran people have taken up arms against the Cardassians in the form of a planetary resistance movement. We shall soon see whether they have the strength of will and character to repel their oppressors.”
STH_occupation_situation.63.desc:0 “It appears the Bajorans attempted to form a resistance movement, however it looks like their resolve faltered as they ran scared of the power of Cardassia. Any hit of an organised resistance is over.”
STH_occupation_situation.70.desc:0 “My fellow Bajorans! It is time that we stood up and rid ourselves of the oppressing force that is the Cardassian Union, for too long they have stolen our lands, our culture, and our lives, I say no more! We must resist, for a free Bajor for every Bajoran!”
STH_occupation_situation.71.desc:0 “[This.GetName] Occupiers, the people of Bajor demand our freedom and the end to your wrongful occupation of our world, you have misunderstood the nature of the Bajoran people if you believe that we will continue to take this imprisonment of our world lying down! Free Bajor in the name of the Prophets!”
STH_occupation_situation.72.desc:0 “Bajor’s bid to ask for its freedom has been granted, only time will tell what this means for the Bajoran people and their occupiers.”
STH_occupation_situation.73.desc:0 “Bajor’s bid to ask for its freedom has been rejected, only time will tell what this means for the Bajoran people and their occupiers.”
STH_occupation_situation.78.desc:0 “One of our cells has uncovered the schematics for a newly installed Cardassian subspace relay station outside the capital city, this gives us a unique opportunity to infiltrate the base and cause a significant setback to Cardassian operations on Bajor.”
STH_occupation_situation.79.desc:0 “Our resistance team has picked up an additional opportunity, upon reaching the subspace station, the team located an outbound transport to an orbital communications station, with enough explosives to reduce the station to debris the team took the chance to set a trap for the inbound Cardassian team.”
STH_occupation_situation.80.desc:0 “Strange subspace readings have been detected in the capital city of our acquired Bajoran colony. These irregular interferences block a substantial part of our subspace communication channels and thus reduce our ability to engage in trade with the world. We must find out where the jamming devices are located on the surface to restore channels to central command on Cardassia Prime.”
STH_occupation_situation.81.desc:0 “After months of investigating the Bajoran underground resistance cells, we have finally tracked down the local militia’s base of operation in the outskirts of Rakhanta province. Upon further questioning the leader of the resistance our away team has acquired intelligence suggesting another sabotage operation targeting [Root.Solar_System.Starbase.GetName].”
STH_occupation_situation.82.desc:0 “Upon arrival at [bajoran_starbase.GetName] the troop transport barely manages to evade the huge pylons and structural debris floating around Bajor’s sun. Glowing bright from the massive explosion, they indicate the complete loss of the station. After relaying the disturbing news to central command on Cardassia Prime, a construction ship has been dispatched for immediate reconstruction of [bajoran_starbase.GetName].”
STH_occupation_situation.83.desc:0 “The Bajoran people have suffered for too long at the hands of [bajoran_overlords.GetName], they plunder our world, enslave our people forcing them into concentration camps or into mining camps stealing our natural resources and committing genocide in the name of enlightening our people. The resistance movement has gathered enough support an with galactic opinion now swinging against the forced occupation of Bajor, now is our time to strike back and push [bajoran_overlords.GetName] from our home and with the Prophets on our side to guide our way we shall be victorious.”
STH_occupation_situation.84.desc:0 “The explosion could be seen from the majority of population locations across Bajor and sparked quiet celebrations from our downtrodden people, a clear signal of intent, that Bajor is free! “
STH_occupation_situation.85.desc:0 “Our long-range scans have picked up evidence of fighting on the remote world of Bajor, our intelligence reports suggest that the local Bajorans are fighting back against the occupying Cardassian forces that have beset their homeworld for many years.”
STH_occupation_situation.86.desc:0 “Our embassy on [prev.capital_scope.GetName] has received an official message of condemnation from [prev.GetName] against our occupation of Bajor.”
STH_occupation_situation.101.desc:0 “Praise the Prophets! After declaring war many felt that the power of Cardassia would be too much for our meager forces to defend against, but the spirit of the Bajoran people will not be defeated and our long oppression is finally over. The retreating Cardassian forces implemented a scorched earth policy and it will take some years to recover, but our future is back in our own hands.”
STH_occupation_situation.102.desc:0 “The people of the planet Bajor have long been oppressed under a brutal occupation of their homeworld, it appears they no longer wish to live under these conditions and a number of resistance cells have started to rise up against their overlords. Our intelligence reports indicated there has been a wave of bombings and attacks against foreign targets on the planet. The Bajoran resistance has formally demanded the withdrawal of all foreign forces from the planet within 48 hours.”
STH_occupation_situation.103.desc:0 “The War between Bajor and Cardassia is over and despite their superior firepower the Cardassian Union has formally declared their withdrawal from Bajor. The guerilla tactics deployed by the resistance seems to have ground the Cardassian forces down and it seems the Central Command no longer deem the planet worth the effort of keeping. The people of Bajor may rejoice today, but it appears there is a lot of work to do if the planet is to recover.”
STH_occupation_situation.104.desc:0 “The time has come to rid our home of the Cardassians, the resistance cells have made significant inroads into their defenses and we have secured an additional number of small ships to supplement our raiders. The Prophets guide us on this path and the path to a free Bajor. Our home will be ours once again.”
STH_occupation_situation.105.desc:0 “The time has come to rid our home of the [bajoran_overlords.GetName], the resistance cells have made significant inroads into their defences and we have secured an additional number of small ships to supplement our raiders. The Prophets guide us on this path and the path to a free Bajor. Our home will be ours once again.”
STH_occupation_situation.106.desc:0 “Cardassians, this is your final chance to withdraw your forces from Bajor, your illegal occupation and plunder of our world ends here and now.”
STH_occupation_situation.107.desc:0 “The Cardassians have rejected our demand on them to leave, this leaves us with no choice. If we are to be free then it must be war.”
STH_occupation_situation.108.desc:0 “In a shock decision we have been notified by the Cardassian civilian government that their ‘assistance’ and ‘friendship ‘will no longer be offered to the Bajoran people. Their forces have begun to evacuate, destroying any and all equipment that they can get their hands on, including vast the vast fields of the Dahkur Province and the slaughter at Gallitep. The former ore-processing station Terok Nor now belongs to us despite the massive damage done to it as the Cardassians left.”
STH_occupation_situation.109.desc:0 “After years of occupation, the Cardassians have withdrawn from Bajor. The exact cause of the withdrawal is largely a matter of opinion; while the Bajorans attributed it to the efforts of the Bajoran Resistance, the Cardassians regarded it as an entirely political decision. In the days leading up to the withdraw, the Cardassians diverted warships away from Bajor in an attempt to shore up their border territories.”
STH_occupation_situation.110.desc:0 “The last of our transports has arrived back into Cardassian space following our decision to abandon the peasant Bajorans to their backwater planet. They will soon learn the meaning of crossing the Cardassian people and no doubt they will come crawling back to us begging for our help.”
STH_occupation_situation.112.desc:0 “Today is a humiliating day to be a Cardassian, the civilian government has signed the withdrawal agreement forcing us to leave the planet and its precious resources behind. This is a humiliating blow for the Union and one that we must see avenged. The Bajorans have not seen the last of us.”
STH_occupation_situation.113.desc:0 “After years of living under the rule of the Cardassian Union, it appears the Bajoran people have had enough and led by their resistance movement have declared war on Cardassia in a bid to create a free Bajor.”
STH_occupation_situation.115.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] those treacherous Bajoran fools have betrayed the gracious offer of peace and reconciliation we have offered them. An explosive planted on the [assassinated_ship.GetName] destroyed the ship and our delegate [assassinated_cardassian.GetName]. There are strong calls from Cardassia that we have been too lenient and must react with Cardassian vengeance.”
STH_occupation_situation.116.desc:0 “The peace talks with the Bajoran leadership has been successful and in return for a greater standing within our great Union the Bajoran ministers and Vedeks have agreed to give up the location of the various resistance cells located across the planet. Obtaining the loyalty of the Bajoran leadership is truly a triumph of Cardassian might. We may now uphold our word and allow Bajor to become a true subject of Cardassia or follow the advice of many of our older Legates and betray the Bajorans and turn them into slaves.”
STH_occupation_situation.117.desc:0 “After years of occupation the Cardassians and Bajorans have come to an understanding and Bajor has formally submitted to Cardassian rule. The occupation is over and the resistance has been defeated.”
STH_occupation_situation.118.desc:0 “Despite years of resistance the Bajoran freedom movement has been ended in an act of betrayal from the Cardassian military which has left the Bajorans as little more than slaves to the will of the Cardassian machine. “
STH_occupation_situation.121.desc:0 “One of our ships has suffered an unexpected malfunction resulting in a reactor breach that destroyed the ship. Whilst we have no evidence to prove it senior members of the Obsidian Order believe that it was no coincidence that the ship had recently received cargo that originated from Bajor.”
STH_occupation_situation.122.desc:0 “One of our leaders [killed_leader.GetName] has been found dead whilst on shore leave, it looks like they were murdered by the terrorist group calling themselves the Bajoran Resistance. They are nothing but criminals and will pay for their actions.”
STH_occupation_situation.123.desc:0 “A high ranking member of the civilian council has gone missing whilst travelling back from the Bajoran system, she was inspected the Ore processing facilities on the Nor-Class station orbiting Bajor and has not reported back to their superior officer.”
STH_occupation_situation.124.desc:0 “One of our transports carrying valuable cargo has disappeared whilst travelling through the badlands. We have now lost the transport and the crucial cargo being carried to Cardassia from Bajor. We suspect this is the work of the Bajoran Resistance.”
STH_occupation_situation.130.desc:0 “Following months of work by Cardassian negotiators, diplomats and select interventions by the Obsidian Order, the Bajoran people have been pacified and their leadership has been persuaded to follow Cardassian rule. We can now truly consider Bajor a loyal servant of the [Root.GetName].”
STH_the_hundred_category_desc:0 “[From.GetName] appears to possess no unusual properties, however an extensive survey will be needed to confirm this.”
THE_HUNDRED_PROJECT_1_DESC:0 “A hundred of our spawn will be separated from the Link and sent out into the galaxy, to better understand and protect against the threats the Solids pose to us.”
THE_HUNDRED_PROJECT_2_DESC:0 “A strange fluid exhibiting morphogenic properties has been discovered, however a substantial engineering effort is needed to bypass several layers of natural shielding and to allow it to be studied aboard a science vessel.”
THE_HUNDRED_PROJECT_3A_DESC:0 “The morphogenic fluid requires extensive analysis to fully understand.”
THE_HUNDRED_PROJECT_3B_DESC:0 “The morphogenic fluid requires extensive analysis to fully understand.”
THE_HUNDRED_PROJECT_4A_DESC:0 “The morphogenic fluid requires extensive analysis to fully understand.”
THE_HUNDRED_PROJECT_4B_DESC:0 “The morphogenic fluid requires extensive analysis to fully understand.”
THE_HUNDRED_PROJECT_5A_DESC:0 “The morphogenic fluid requires extensive analysis to fully understand.”
THE_HUNDRED_PROJECT_5B_DESC:0 “The morphogenic fluid requires extensive analysis to fully understand.”
THE_HUNDRED_PROJECT_6A_DESC:0 “The morphogenic fluid requires extensive analysis to fully understand.”
THE_HUNDRED_PROJECT_6B_DESC:0 “The morphogenic fluid requires extensive analysis to fully understand.”
STH_dominion_story.1.desc:0 “A thought has spread throughout the Great Link: to understand the Solids we must live as them again. By sending a hundred of our spawn out into the galaxy, they may return in due course with invaluable information on the threats that could affect our people.”
STH_dominion_story.2.desc:0 “The Hundred have been separated from the Link and sent out into the galaxy. A hundred capsules have been dispersed in every direction. The Link yearns now for the day when it will be made whole again – though it recognises the value the project offers.”
STH_dominion_story.100.desc:0 “The survey of [From.GetName] is complete. Initial indications are confirmed – nothing unusual has been detected.”
STH_dominion_story.105.desc:0 “While surveying [From.GetName], [Root.GetFleetName] has detected an anomalous morphogenic fluid pooled at the bottom of a natural crevice on the planet’s northern hemisphere.It appears to exhibit some capacity for independent movement; however, full analysis will require the further study.”
STH_dominion_story.105.borg.desc:0 “While surveying [From.GetName], [Root.GetFleetName] has detected an anomalous morphogenic fluid pooled at the bottom of a natural crevice on the planet’s northern hemisphere. It appears to exhibit some capacity for independent movement, however full analysis will require the further analysis.”
STH_dominion_story.120.desc:0 “[changeling_empire.GetName] acknowledges and welcomes your actions on this matter.”
STH_dominion_story.121.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has returned an infant Founder to the [Root.GetName]!”
STH_dominion_story.130.desc:0 “You dare to attempt to blackmail us? What do you expect out of this?”
STH_dominion_story.131.desc:0 “This is [From.GetRulerTitle] [From.GetRulerName] of the [From.GetName]. We have recently recovered what appears to be an infant changeling. In order to return it to its people, we would request a small amount of compensation for our efforts – 100 £minerals£ and 100 £energy£.”
STH_dominion_story.132.desc:0 “This is [From.GetRulerTitle] [From.GetRulerName] of the [From.GetName]. We have recently recovered what appears to be an infant changeling. In order to return it to its people, we would expect a modest reward for our help in the matter – 250 £minerals£ and 250 £energy£.”
STH_dominion_story.133.desc:0 “This is [From.GetRulerTitle] [From.GetRulerName] of the [From.GetName]. We have recently recovered what appears to be an infant changeling. In order to return it to its people, we would expect a substantial reward for our help in the matter – 500 £minerals£ and 500 £energy£. We know how much the changeling means to you…”
STH_dominion_story.134.desc:0 “This is [From.GetRulerTitle] [From.GetRulerName] of the [From.GetName]. We have recently recovered what appears to be an infant changeling. In order to facilitate good relations between our peoples, we will deliver it to a location of your designation.”
STH_dominion_story.135.desc:0 “[changeling_empire.GetName] acknowledges and welcomes your actions on this matter.”
STH_dominion_story.136.desc:0 “[changeling_empire.GetName] agrees to your request but make no mistake, you have our… attention.”
STH_dominion_story.137.desc:0 “[changeling_empire.GetName] rejects your pathetic demands. We will annihilate your fleets ship by ship until you return what is ours.”
STH_dominion_story.138.desc:0 “[changeling_empire.GetName] rejects your pathetic demands.”
STH_dominion_story.139.desc:0 “With the rejection of the [Root.GetName]’s offer to return the changeling infant, several research times have requested permission to study it as they attempt to teach it to communicate.”
STH_dominion_story.140.desc:0 “The Founder discovered on [From.GetName] has been returned to the Great Link where it belongs.”
STH_dominion_story.150.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], I am [changeling_leader.GetName] – the ‘changeling’ your scientists have recently guided along to sentience. I am grateful to the [Root.GetSpeciesName] people for having raised me and taught me how to master my shapeshifting abilities. I would very much wish to serve in any capacity I can.”
STH_dominion_story.151.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], I am [changeling_leader.GetName] – the ‘changeling’ your scientists have recently prodded along to sentience. I am grateful to the [Root.GetSpeciesName] people for having taught me how to master my shapeshifting abilities. I am prepared to serve in a capacity that fits my skills.”
STH_dominion_story.152.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], I am [changeling_leader.GetName] – the ‘changeling’ your scientists have recently prodded along to sentience. While I am grateful to the [Root.GetSpeciesName] people for having taught me how to master my shapeshifting abilities, I feel it is now time for me to explore the galaxy on my own. There is much to experience!”
STH_dominion_story.153.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], I am [changeling_leader.GetName] – the ‘changeling’ your scientists have recently prodded along to sentience. While I am grateful to the [Root.GetSpeciesName] people for having taught me how to master my shapeshifting abilities, I feel it is now time for me to return to my own people. The [changeling_empire.GetName] will return me to my home.”
STH_dominion_story.154.desc:0 “I am [changeling_leader.GetName], and I believe I am a Founder. The [FromFrom.GetName] raised me to sentience, but is now time for me to embrace the Great Link!”
STH_dominion_story.160.desc:0 “[From.GetName] has improved [From.GetHerHis] shape shifting skills significantly over [From.GetHerHis] time in the [Root.GetName]. [From.GetName] now feels comfortable enough replicating a typical [Root.GetSpeciesAdj]’s appearance.”
DOMINION_3_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Our fleets have been under constant attack by an unknown force within the Gamma Quadrant, we must investigate the evidence to understand who is attacking our ships and react accordingly.”
DOMINION_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “We have been granted leeway to investigate a mysterious setting on the far side of the Bajoran Wormhole.”
DOMINION_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Send a fleet to rescue our expedition being held hostage in the Gamma Quadrant by the mysterious Dominion.”
DOMINION_4_PROJECT_DESC:0 “One of our member worlds has expressed concern at the events occurring within the Gamma Quadrant. We should send an envoy to put their fears at ease.”
DOMINION_5_PROJECT_DESC:0 “One of our colonies has reported that a number of trade ships have gone missing, and are requesting assistance in placing extra monitoring and defensive patrols along the shipping lanes.”
DOMINION_6_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Science Council has authorised a survey mssion to the Gamma Quadrant. We shall see what exciting things we discover.”
DOMINION_7_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Our survey mission to the Gamma Quadrant has been attacked by the Jem’Hadar. Send a fleet to rescue them in a show of force that will show the Dominion we will not be pushed around.”
DOMINION_7_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Our invasion of the Alpha Quadrant has been hindered by the mines in place across the alpha quadrant entrance to the wormhole. Removing these will allow our fleets to press for victory.”
STH_dominion_story.201.desc:0 “Wise Founder, we have picked up long range sightings of vessels from the Alpha Quadrant coming through the wormhole anomaly in the Idran System. These advances bring them closer to Dominion held territory , it appears they are unaware that we are observing their movements.Our Jem’Hadar forces could launch a number of tactical strikes against these ships and spread the warning that the Gamma Quadrant is out of bounds.”
STH_dominion_story.202.desc:0 “It is time to review our policy on the continued incursions into the Gamma Quadrant, we can target the vessels using the Idran anomaly or we can invest in other efforts, the decision is yours wise Founder.”
STH_dominion_story.204.desc:0 “Whilst engaging in operations within the Gamma Quadrant, one of our ships the [dominion_fleet_target_1.GetName] was attacked by unknown assailants, the ship took light damage in the hit and run attack and was unable to get a solid scan of the ships that attacked. One observer described ‘bug-shaped’ fighters that moved with dazzling speed and coordination.”
STH_dominion_story.205.desc:0 “Our Jem’Hadar fighters were able to inflict damage against the ships from the [dominion_fleet_target_1.owner.GetName] whilst they were out exploring close to Dominion borders. As per the plan we left the ship intact and with survivors to ensure the message that the Gamma Quadrant is off limits.”
STH_dominion_story.206.desc:0 “Whilst engaging in operations within the Gamma Quadrant, one of our ships the [dominion_fleet_target_1.GetName] was attacked by unknown assailants, the ship took significant damage in the hit and run attack and was unable to get a solid scan of the ships that attacked. Our sensors were badly damaged in the initial attack but were able to confirm the attackers used Polaran weaponry. The intent of the attack was clear, this was a warning to stay out of the Gamma Quadrant.”
STH_dominion_story.207.desc:0 “Our Jem’Hadar fighters were able to inflict major damage against the ships from the [dominion_fleet_target_2.owner.GetName] as part of a hit and run attack against their fleets bordering our space. As per the plan we left the ship intact and with survivors to ensure the message that the Gamma Quadrant is off limits.”
STH_dominion_story.208.desc:0 “Whilst engaging in operations within the Gamma Quadrant, one of our ships the [dominion_fleet_target_1.GetName] was attacked by unknown assailants, the ship took significant damage in the hit and run attack and was unable to get a solid scan of the ships that attacked. Our sensors were badly damaged in the initial attack but were able to confirm the attackers used Polaran weaponry. The intent of the attack was clear, this was a warning to stay out of the Gamma Quadrant.”
STH_dominion_story.209.desc:0 “Our Jem’Hadar fighters have inflicted the ultimate punishment on [dominion_fleet_target_2.owner.GetName] for daring to trespass beyond the wormhole and into the domain of the Dominion, the solids will think twice before continuing their advances into the Gamma Quadrant.”
STH_dominion_story.212.desc:0 “Despite sifting through the logs, sensor readings and accounts from those involved we were unable to identify who has been attacking our fleets, we must continue to maintain extreme caution whilst on the far side of the wormhole.”
STH_dominion_story.213.desc:0 “It looks like the [dominionTarget.owner.GetName] have finally discovered that we have been targeting their ships, making further ambushes against them impossible. We await a formal response from them.”
STH_dominion_story.214.desc:0 “It seems that the invaders have more teeth than expected and they have reacted angrily and with a lack of judgement we have come to expect from the Solids. We can expect further incursions into our surrounding spaces and so we must be prepared to meet this with our own show of strength, for this is the only way they will learn.”
STH_dominion_story.215.desc:0 “As predicted by the Vorta the Alpha Quadrant trespassers have reacted cautiously to the discovery that we have been targeting their ships. It is unlikely that further hit and run attacks will be successful. However relations between our two states remains tense.”
STH_dominion_story.216.desc:0 “Our efforts to keep the Alpha Quadrant races out of our territories and potential expansion sectors of the Dominion has been successful. We have received a message offering a truce, the [dominionTarget.owner.GetName] will no longer travel beyond the anomaly they call the Bajoran Wormhole and we will not venture into the Alpha Quadrant. Breaching this agreement will be seen as an act of hostility.”
STH_dominion_story.217.desc:0 “In a message from a Vorta representative of the Dominion, they have agreed to the truce and restrictions on either side travelling via the wormhole in the Bajoran system. Any further travel whilst the agreement is in place will result in a resumption of hostilities and a worsening of the relationship between both sides.”
STH_dominion_story.218.desc:0 “The Dominion have rejected our offer and in a statement by the Vorta representative they state that all ships must return to the Alpha Quadrant immediately and remain on that side of the wormhole. However the Dominion will not restrict themselves from further possibilities within the Alpha and Beta Quadrants and we would be wise to consider joining the mighty and benevolent Dominion.”
STH_dominion_story.219.desc:0 “We have passed notice to the races of the Alpha & Beta Quadrants that we no longer tolerate their presence in the Gamma Quadrant. We must live up to our promise that the might of the Dominion will be maintained.”
STH_dominion_story.223.desc:0 “Mighty Founder, it is with great regret that we must inform the Great Link that the truce arranged with the Solids from the Alpha Quadrant has been broken, one of their ships has travelled through the wormhole into space bordering the Dominion territory. Our trust in the [dominionTarget.owner.GetName] has been broken and they have made a foolish mistake in believing they can challenge the might of the Dominion and the wisdom of the Founders.”
STH_dominion_story.224.desc:0 “Oh wise Founder, our long range scans have picked up vessels from an empire calling themselves the Cardassian Union having recently passed via the anomaly in the Idran system. Our intel confirms what we have suspected, the Cardassians are a proud, yet weak species who would be a prime target to be absorbed into the might of the Dominion giving us a key strategic foothold into the Alpha Quadrant. What do our god’s command us to do?”
STH_dominion_story.225.desc:0 “[Root.GetTitle][Root.GetRulerName] we have been approached by a Vorta from the Dominion on the far side of the Bajoran wormhole, they are offering an opportunity to build further relationships with the Cardassian Union. They appreciate our strength and power and believe we would be worthy allies and invite a further bond which could make both states stronger.”
STH_dominion_story.226.desc:0 “The Cardassians have responded favourably towards our contact and our suggestions, we should continue to build on this opening and look to further exploit their arrogance and pride. In time we may need their meager offerings as a staging ground for further advances into the Alpha Quadrant to bring the rule of the Dominion over this space.”
STH_dominion_story.227.desc:0 “It looks like Cardassian pride has prevented them accepting our offer of friendship and support, this is disappointing, but there will be further opportunities to take advantage of their weakness and bring them closer to the rule of the Founders.”
STH_dominion_story.230.desc:0 “Praetor, our spies monitoring activity in the Gamma Quadrant are growing increasingly concerned about the rising threat of the Dominion and their Founder masters. Their activities and the potential threat they now pose to the Alpha and Beta Quadrants cannot be ignored, we should offer [dominionTarget.GetName] one of our cloaking techs to better allow them to investigate the threat. This also serves the purpose of providing the Dominion with a focus outside of the Star Empire…”
STH_dominion_story.232.desc:0 “Reports are coming into the Link that there have been more incursions into our space from the solids on the far side of the Idran anomaly. It is now increasingly clear that they do not respect our borders or fear our threats. It is time we lured them into a situation they cannot refuse and demonstrate the true power of the Dominion.”
STH_dominion_story.233.desc:0 “Greetings I am [research_gamma_leader.GetName] over the last few months we have been sending probes out through the Bajoran Wormhole to investigate what’s out there. We’ve had time to analyse the results and have come up with a number of places that we would like to send a small expedition to investigate further. “
STH_dominion_story.234.desc:0 “It appears that the Solids in charge of the major Alpha Quadrant races are too cowardly to take our bait, we shall have to try a more direct approach.”
STH_dominion_story.235.desc:0 “Our listening posts have detected movement from the Idran Anomaly, it appears the solids are too greedy for new chances to encroach on our territory. The Vorta have confirmed that the trap has been set and the Jem’Hadar lay in wait for their prey. Soon they will learn to fear the Dominion.”
STH_dominion_story.236.desc:0 “Science officer [research_gamma_leader.GetName] reporting from [idran_moon_location.GetName], our small team has deployed to the planet’s surface and are investigating the ruins of a long-lost society, the ruins seem to date back thousands of years. The local plant life is extremely dense and we have collected a number of… hold on our motion sensors have just gone off… detecting movement at the edge of camp… §R§!.”
STH_dominion_story.238.desc:0 “Our failure to complete the mission has wasted a number of key resources dedicated to exploration of the Gamma Quadrant. The Science Council has decided to hold of on any further expeditions for the moment.”
STH_dominion_story.239.desc:0 “It seems the Solids have no desire to challenge us any further and are making no move to rescue their captured companions. Perhaps the message has been delivered.”
STH_dominion_story.240.desc:0 “§R§! I am [jemhadar_gamma_leader.GetName] and I speak for the Dominion. We have captured your science team for the crime of trespassing on our territory, they are now prisoners of the Dominion and will be executed for their crimes. Further attempts to travel beyond the anomaly will be seen as an act of hostility and met with a show of force, this will be your only warning.”
STH_dominion_story.241.desc:0 “As our fleet arrives at the last known destination of the Science team a quick scan of the planet reveals no signs of life, the [Root.GetName] camp appears to have been ransacked. Further investigations shows signs of an attempted escape that was unsuccessful, the bodies of our officers left where they fell. Back in orbit our sensors detect signs of debris, we must presume this is all that remains of the science craft sent to study this planet.”
STH_dominion_story.242.desc:0 “The Vorta in charge of the prisoners from the Alpha Quadrant has reported that they have attempted to escape, and during their attempt, they were shot and killed by the shrouded Jem’Hadar who were guarding our facility. “
STH_dominion_story.243.desc:0 “This is [research_gamma_rescue_leader] reporting in, we have reached the last known location of the research team and are detecting signs of a struggle on the planet below. It looks like the Science team have escaped their captors. We have managed to get them back to their vessel, however my tactical officer has detected warp signatures inbound, the scientists will not survive against the Jem’Hadar for long. “
STH_dominion_story.244.desc:0 “Despite an intense battle, our fleet was able to fend off the attack by the Jem’Hadar who fought down to the last ship. We should look to return to safe space and re-group. §RHold on§! we are picking up a damaged Jem’Hadar fighter making a direct run for one of our ships.”
STH_dominion_story.245.desc:0 “We have lost contact with our fleet sent into the Gamma Quadrant, it appears that they were engaged and defeated by an ambush orchestrated by the Dominion. We should take stock of the damage and begin plans to fortify our borders.”
STH_dominion_story.246.desc:0 “The Jem’Hadar fighter makes a destructive run towards [jemhadar_target_ship.GetName], the vessel’s Warp engines are still damaged from the battle, and response time a fraction too slow. The Jem’Hadar ship collides with [jemhadar_target_ship.GetName] destroying both ships in a firey explosion. Is there no limit to what the Jem’Hadar will do in order to serve the Dominion?”
STH_dominion_story.247.desc:0 “Our Jem’Hadar forces successfully engaged the Alpha Quadrant forces inflicting severe casualties on them, they have since retreated back to their side of the galaxy. “
STH_dominion_story.248.desc:0 “The science team engages their warp engines and escapes the ongoing battle, it is clear the tide of the battle is not going our way as the Jem’Hadar forces continue to attack the fleet. The Captain orders a full retreat and as the fleet turns to escape, one ship appears to be suffering from damage to their port nacelle, sensing this weakness a Jem’Hadar fighter quickly engages in a suicide run and collides with the ship destroying both vessels in a bright blaze of light. “
STH_dominion_story.249.desc:0 “Our Jem’Hadar forces successfully engaged the Alpha Quadrant forces inflicting severe casualties on them, they have since retreated back to their side of the galaxy. As they attempted to flee our loyal Jem’Hadar soldiers taught them a lesson they will not soon forget.”
STH_dominion_story.303.desc:0 “[quadrant_invasion_gatekeeper.GetName] have agreed to become the newest members of the mighty Dominion. We have send teams to help integrate them into the Dominion. This gives us free access via the wormhole into the depths of the Alpha Quadrant. Our root to war is now open.”
STH_dominion_story.304.desc:0 “In a shock move [dominion_recruit.GetName] has joined the Dominion, which gives the Founders a key foothold into the Alpha Quadrant and access to reinforcements. Many experts believe this is the first step towards a large incursion into the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.”
STH_dominion_story.305.desc:0 “Our Vorta diplomats have successfully been able secure us safe passage via the Wormhole in the Bajoran system. This will allow us to move our ships freely back and forth between the Alpha and Gamma Quadrants as the Jem’Hadar say, Victory is life.”
STH_dominion_story.306.desc:0 “Greeting [Root.GetRulerTitle] you may have heard that our fleets have secured access to the Alpha Quadrant and you maybe concerned given your recent history with our ally Cardassia. We want to assure you our fleets are only here to provide protection and much needed morale support for our friends. We mean you no hard and only wish to co-exist peacefully with our neighbours and friends on this side of the wormhole.”
STH_dominion_story.308.desc:0 “The time has come, the uneasy truce between the powers of the Alpha Quadrant and the master of the Gamma Quadrant is at an end. It is time to announce our intent and launch a full scale invasion of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants to bring them under the control of the Dominion. All major powers on that side of the wormhole will be put on notice that they should submit to the might of the Founders. War has come.”
STH_dominion_story.309.desc:0 “The Alpha Quadrant is rife for invasion and our fleets are ready to attack, we should look to secure the Bajoran wormhole regardless of any previous agreement as this would be key to ensuring that any reinforcements are available to us. We should be prepared that the powers of the Alpha Quadrant may band together to protect themselves, but they are no match to our superior forces. We shall declare war on Cardassia’s enemies and anyone blocking us from access to the Alpha Quadrant.”
STH_dominion_story.310.desc:0 “The standoff between the forces from the Gamma Quadrant and their Cardassian allies has come to an end with a declaration of War. The Dominion want control over all races across the quadrant and will not stop until that goal has been achieved. We must stand firm and hold back the tide, whilst our diplomats work in the background to drum up support from other empires on our side of the wormhole.”
STH_dominion_story.311.desc:0 “The time many have feared has come, the cold war between the Dominion and a number of key powers in the Alpha Quadrant has reached boiling point and full-scale war has been declared. Time will tell who shall come out on top.”
STH_dominion_story.312.desc:0 “The war continues to rage on, with both sides taking heavy losses. We have managed to bring a number of other empires to the negotiating table to join the war on our side. We should focus on bringing at least one empire into the war to help defend the Quadrant.”
STH_dominion_story.313.desc:0 “Hello, [Root.GetLeaderTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName]. We reach out to you whilst in the depths of a battle for the future of the Alpha Quadrant against the combined forces of the Cardassian Union and the Dominion. We urgently request any assistance you can provide and remind everyone that the Dominion will not stop until they control the whole quadrant. This is our time to stand united.”
STH_dominion_story.314.desc:0 “Our recent victory over the Cardassian Union appears to have been short lived. We now appear to be the target of the Cardassians new ally the Dominion.”
STH_dominion_story.315.desc:0 “The Dominion War has potentially hit a turning point as [dominion_war_joiner_ally.GetName] has §Yentered§! The war against the Dominion. This could potentially shift the balance of the war for the quadrant.”
STH_dominion_story.316.desc:0 “The Dominion War has potentially hit a turning point as [dominion_war_joiner_ally.GetName] has §Rdeclined§! to join our war against the Dominion, leaving us to stand alone against our foe.”
STH_dominion_story.317.desc:0 “Despite the rallying call to join the Dominion War, it seems that [dominion_war_joiner_ally.GetName] has been talking with the Dominion in the background and has decided to side with the Dominion forces against the Alpha Quadrant alliance.”
STH_dominion_story.320.desc:0 “Victory is ours! Our victory in the Dominion War will go down in history as a momentous victory for [Root.GetName] and we have brought peace and triumph to our section of space. Now is the time to mourn the losses and to ensure that this can never happen again.”
STH_dominion_story.321.desc:0 “We have been defeated, despite the efforts of our forces we have suffered too many losses to continue the war. Our people will need to accept defeat and rebuild what we have lost.”
STH_dominion_story.324.desc:0 “Greetings, I am [selected_leader.GetName] the situation at the wormhole grows more desperate each day as the Dominion sends more and more troops through the wormhole to reinforce Cardassia. Soon we shall have lost any potential war before it even starts. However we have a 3rd option, mine the wormhole and prevent more troops reaching the Alpha Quadrant, it maybe our ownly hope.”
STH_dominion_story.325.desc:0 “Greetings [Root.GetName] allies, great songs will be sung of the upcoming battles that we shall face as friends and the halls of Sto-vo-kor will be ready to celebrate the honoured dead. The changelings will wish they never set foot in the Alpha Quadrant! To War, for today is a good day to die.”
STH_dominion_story.326.desc:0 “Klingon Friends, your allies in the United Federation of Planets stands ready and able to defend you against the onslaught from the Gamma Quadrant. Together we shall push them back and stake a victory for freedom. Where you lead Starfleet will follow.”
STH_dominion_story.350.desc:0 “With the clear favouritism being shown to [cardassia_jealous.GetName] over ourselves many within the Cardassian military are starting to chafe at life under the Dominion thumb. Our leaders resent the feeling of being second class citizens on our own planets and the promises presented by the Founders have yet to materialise. Is it time to rid ourselves of these overlords.”
STH_dominion_story.351.desc:0 “Resist today. Resist tomorrow. Resist until the last Dominion soldier has been driven from our soil. For all our Sons and Daughters.”
STH_dominion_story.352.desc:0 “Those arrogant fools on Cardassia have demanded to leave the Dominion. No one has ever had the audacity to demand such a thing and this insult must not be allowed to stand.”
STH_dominion_story.353.desc:0 “The Cardassian Union has turned its back on its Dominion masters and declared war in a bid to restore their freedom.”
STH_dominion_story.356.desc:0 “The Dominion’s defeat at the hands of the Alpha Quadrant alliance has resulted in the Founders and their Vorta lapdogs retreating back through the Bajoran Wormhole and away from Cardassian soil. Our future is once again in our hands.”
STH_dominion_story.357.desc:0 “The conditions involved in our defeat to the solids of the Alpha Quadrant mean that we must abandon our claim to the Cardassian worlds. Those fools on Cardassia have already proven themselves unworthy of our continued embrace as part of the Dominion and no doubt contributed to our defeat. We abandon them to their fate”
STH_dominion_story.360.desc:0 “Our plans to expand our territory into the Alpha and Beta Quadrants have not progressed as the Founders would have liked, with stiffer resistance than expected from the major powers of the Quadrants. The Founder’s faith in the Cardassian Union is starting to dip and they are now pushing our Dominion forces to take direct control of Cardassian systems and infrastructure in order to better support the war.”
STH_dominion_story.361.desc:0 “[cardassian_union.GetRutlerTitle], we bring you greetings from your overlords in the Dominion, as no doubt you are aware the war continues, and this lack of victory alarms our glorious Founders. As you know all worlds of the Dominion belong to the Founders and they have requested that a number of Cardassian systems and starbases are transferred under the direct control of the Vorta.”
STH_dominion_story.363.desc:0 “[cardassian_union.ruler.GetName], the Founder’s patience for the continued failure to have defeated the Alpha Quadrant Alliance is now grating on their tolerance levels. These failures will not be allowed to continue, provide our forces with more access to your territories and shipyards and we will ensure this war ends in victory for the Dominion… and Cardassia.”
STH_dominion_story.365.desc:0 “Cardassia! You must understand that in order to win this war your sacrifices are needed. As the Jem’Hadar know, victory is life, and this is a lesson you Cardassians must accept if we are to be victorious. Once more we ask you to show your devotion to the cause and to the Founders will serve in all things.”
STH_dominion_story.370.desc:0 “With the clear favouritism being shown to [cardassia_jealous.GetName] over ourselves many within the Cardassian military are starting to chafe at life under the Dominion thumb. Our leaders resent the feeling of being second class citizens on our own planets and the promises presented by the Founders have yet to materialise and now they take more of our worlds as their own. This stops here, we must resist and free Cardassia!”
STH_dominion_story.372.desc:0 “Many Cardassians have turned their back on their Dominion masters and formed a group called the Cardassian Liberation Front, they have declared this message to all parties. §YResist today. Resist tomorrow. Resist until the last Dominion soldier has been driven from our soil. For all our Sons and Daughters.§! They have reached out to us for support with the pledge to join us against the Dominion.”
STH_dominion_story.376.desc:0 “The quadrant has been left in ruins following the Dominion War, with millions dead and whole worlds left in ruin. The Liberation Front proved to be a valuable ally, to you during the war, we now ask for your support to take back control of the Cardassian Union and ensure that all vestiges of the Dominion are removed from my homeworld and our quadrant.”
STH_dominion_story.377.desc:0 “Those arrogant fools on Cardassia have demanded to leave the Dominion. Many Cardassians now stand in open rebellion against the Dominion. No one has ever had the audacity to demand such a thing and this insult must not be allowed to stand.”
STH_dominion_story.378.desc:0 “The Cardassian Legates have rejected our request to take direct control of their facilities, this act of defiance only shows how foolishly prideful these people are. Once this war is over we will remind them of the proper order of things.”
STH_dominion_story.381.desc:0 “It has been said by many that the key to the Alpha Quadrant is Deep Space Nine and the Bajoran System, for whoever controls these controls the Wormhole. Our decision to mine the wormhole will keep the Dominion at bay for now, but should they remove the mines their fleets can flood into the Alpha Quadrant.”
STH_dominion_story.382.desc:0 “Our victory in the Bajoran System provides us with an opportunity to remove the mines preventing our reinforcements from joining the battle against our enemies! We should make every effort to bring down the minefield as soon as possible.”
STH_dominion_story.383.desc:0 “Our scientists have managed to convert the deflector dish on Terok Nor to act as one giant anti-graviton emitter and disable the self-replicating mines blocking the wormhole. The resulting explosion is bright enough for even a Vorta to see.”
STH_dominion_story.384.desc:0 “The Dominion and their Cardassian Allies have successfully used an anti-graviton emitter to disable the mines blocking the Bajoran Wormhole, allowing them to once again bring their forces through the wormhole.”
STH_dominion_story.386.desc:0 “Our victory in the Bajoran System allows us to keep the minefield safe and keeps the Dominion’s war fleets from adding to their numbers already in the Alpha Quadrant.”
STH_dominion_story.387.desc:0 “Losing control of Bajor is a major setback in our bid for control over the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, we must take the system back and remove those mines.”
STH_dominion_story.400.desc:0 “The opening of the Bajoran Wormhole offers unique opportunities for scientific discovery, Our probes have discovered a planetoid with some interesting readings. We have petitioned the Federation Science Council to comission a survey expedition to [gamma_quadrant_survey_planet.GetName] and I would like to lead this mission.”
STH_dominion_story.402.desc:0 “Our science team on [gamma_quadrant_survey_planet.GetName] are now several days overdue in checking in and are failing to answer our requests for an update. Whilst it is still possible they have suffered equipment failure this is a concerning turn of events, we should prepare to re-route a vessel to check in on them.”
STH_dominion_story.403.desc:0 “Attention Federation! I am Third Talak’talan of the Jem’Hadar I am here to tell you that we are holding [gamma_quadrant_survey_leader.GetName] as prisoners of the Jem’Hadar for the crime of trespassing into Dominion Territory. You may also consider us responsible for the loss of a number of freighters found within our space. They fought well for a spiritual people…”
STH_dominion_story.405.desc:0 “Arriving at [gamma_quadrant_survey_planet.GetName] the [gamma_quadrant_rescue_ship.GetName] begins to search for the missing science team, aware that at any moment the Jem’Hadar could bear down on them. Just as [gamma_quadrant_rescue_leader.GetName] is about to give the order to head out, the team is found, having escaped from their capturers and on the run. Beaming the crew back to their ship [gamma_quadrant_rescue_leader.GetName] gives the order for them to retreat, just as a fleet of Jem’Hadar attack ships enters the system.”
STH_dominion_story.406.desc:0 “As the science team makes the jump to warp, the Jem’Hadar focus their attention on [gamma_quadrant_rescue_ship.GeName] with multiple direct hits to the ship’s right nacelle, which takes serious damage. The Chief Engineer reports that [gamma_quadrant_rescue_ship.GetName] will be unable to escape to warp until they can bring the nacelle back on time. We must hold out against these Jem’Hadar ships.”
STH_dominion_story.409.desc:0 “As the Chief Engineer brings the damaged nacelle back online and the [FromFrom.GetName] prepared to exit the system, the Jem’Hadar launched a last-gasp suicide run against the damage ship, which turns two slowly to avoid the ships . The vessels collide and are destroyed in a firey blast killing all onboard. A fearcesome show of the power and unwavery loyalty of the Jem’Hadar.”
STH_dominion_story.410.desc:0 “Despite the losses and damage to our fleet, the Jem’Hadar ambush has been defeated and we have recovered the science team. What is clear is that the Dominion are serious in their threats against our presence in the Gamma Quadrant and many experts are now concerned that they will not stop at the Wormhole.”
STH_dominion_story.411.desc:0 “Our losses against the Jem’Hadar today have been staggering, their display of ruthlessness and devotion to their Founders is unmatched. Many within the Federation Council fear that even if we retreat to our side of the Wormhole this may not be enough as the reach of the Dominion continues to grow.”
theFederation.1.desc:0 “Our interstellar alliance has caught the public imagination. No longer is Earth an isolated backwater on the galactic stage, but a central component in a powerful block of shared values and interests. This coalition of planets protects us, but there are many who wish for further integration to better secure ourselves against hostile neighbours. Many influential politicians on coalition worlds have signaled a desire to start this process, all that is needed is for one leader to step forth and make the proposal…”
theFederation.2.desc:0 “Our alliance with the Humans and our other neighbours has proven a most logical endeavour. No longer does Vulcan fear the return of those who abandoned Surak’s teachings and march beneath the raptor’s wings. This coalition of planets protects us, but there are many who feel logic dictates further integration to better secure ourselves against hostile neighbours. Politicians on all four worlds have signaled a desire to start this process, all that is needed is for one leader to step forth and make the proposal…”
theFederation.3.desc:0 “Our alliance with the Pinkskins has changed the Empire. Gone are the days of endless quarreling and suspicion, and the potential of this arrangement has caught the public imagination. No longer is Andoria on constant alert against her neighbours, but a central component in a powerful block of shared values and interests. This coalition of planets protects us, but there are many who wish for further integration to better secure ourselves against hostile powers further afield. Politicians on all four worlds have signaled a desire to start this process, all that is needed is for one leader to step forth and make the proposal…”
theFederation.4.desc:0 “Our alliance with the Humans and our other neighbours has caught the public imagination. The arguments have been tremendous, though productive. No longer is Tellar an isolated minor player on the galactic stage, but a central component in a powerful block of shared values and interests. This coalition of planets protects us, but there are many who wish for further integration to better secure ourselves against hostile neighbours. Politicians on all four worlds have signaled a desire to start this process, all that is needed is for one leader to step forth and make the proposal…”
theFederation.5.desc:0 “The delegates have all assembled in the grand chamber on [Root.Capital.GetName]. Billions of people from each of the coalition homeworlds watch from their homes or on enormous public displays. Federation day! [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] steps forward, allied counterparts in tow. Dozens of lights from the audience flash and the roar of the crowd subsides until the entire hall is blanketed in silence. The leaders gather around a large book on the central podium and in turn mark their names. ‘Today is a historic day.’, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] says to the gathered masses.’Today is the day our many races are joined together in peace, and in the spirit of exploration and progress. Today marks the birth of a federation; THE United Federation of Planets!’And with that the applause thundered.”
theFederation.6.desc:0 “§YDeveloper Note: The other Federation Founders are now a special class of ‘Member World’ vassal under your nation, which will aid your fleets in times of war.§!The Federation Council mechanic has now been unlocked. Once every two years the Federation Council will allow players to integrate new members, reach out to neighbours diplomatically or engage in research specialisation focuses.”
theFederation.12.desc:0 “Over the last few months the [accessionState.GetSpeciesAdj] government has signalled its intention to begin formal accession negotiations with the Federation Council. [accessionState.GetRulerTitle] [accessionState.GetRulerName] has been seen on [Root.Capital.GetName], while [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] has signalled an intention to visit [accessionState.Capital.GetName] in the near future. The Federation Council must soon decide whether [accessionState.Capital.GetName] is ready to accede to The Federation.”
theFederation.13.desc:0 “The negotiations to welcome [accessionState.Capital.GetName] into the Federation have progressed well, though several issues remain a concern for both parties. The status of the [accessionState.GetSpeciesAdj] Defence Forces and their role within the Starfleet security umbrella in particular have lagged behind fruitful discussions on economic integration. It’s becoming clear that one final effort is needed from both [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] and [accessionState.GetRulerTitle] [accessionState.GetRulerName] in order to complete the process.”
theFederation.15.desc:0 “Following the signing of the Federation Charter, a number of influential leaders from each of the founding worlds have stepped forward to join the fledgling United Federation of Planets services and its new deep space exploratory and defense service, Starfleet. From this point forward the Federation members will pool their resources and the best and brightest from each world will be encouraged to serve the Federation and Starfleet Command.”
theFederation.16.desc:0 “With the signing of the Federation Charter, the founding members agreed to combine their space agencies to form Starfleet. Starfleet was to become the deep space exploratory and defense service maintained by the United Federation of Planets. Its principal functions include the advancement of Federation knowledge about the galaxy and its inhabitants, the advancement of Federation science and technology, the defense of the Federation, and the facilitation of Federation expansion. The first task is to review the ships transferred to Starfleet Command from each race and determine whether they should continue to serve or be decommissioned to maintain the naval cap.”
theFederation.91.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]’s diplomats have worked tirelessly to lay the groundwork for the accession of new members to Federation. The following governments have met the high criteria required to be offered the commencement of formal accession negotiations.”
theFederation.92.desc:0 “Accession to the [Root.GetName] is a long and detailed process. While basic principles are often agreed early, the minutiae of the Federation’s legal framework, trade regulations and contributions to Starfleet often require substantial investments in time and material from the Federation government in order to progress. The diplomatic service has compiled a list of options available within our resource constraints to fund the process.”
theFederation.94.desc:0 “Thousands of delegates from across the [From.GetName] have gathered in the great Council Hall on [Root.Capital.GetName] to formally sign the accession treaty welcoming [From.Capital.GetName] into the Federation. [From.GetRulerTitle] [From.GetRulerName] stands side by side with [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] and the leaders of other Member Worlds as billions of individuals watch the historic events in public places and homes across the Federation.”
theFederation.95.desc:0 “The Federation’s primary goal is peaceful coexistence with all races, and to this end the Council is willing to invest a great deal of time and material to improving relations with neighbouring worlds. [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] has requested [member_world_1.GetRulerTitle] [member_world_1.GetRulerName] of [member_world_1.Capital.GetName] to lead the committee to compile a list of candidate governments to focus the Federation’s diplomatic attention upon.”
theFederation.96.desc:0 “Conflict anywhere in the galaxy strikes against the core of the Federation’s principles, and as such there are many in the Council who wish to use the Federation’s political influence to bring pressure to bear on those who propagate it. A panel of Starfleet Admirals has compiled a dossier of ongoing wars in the known galaxy, presenting [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] with the choice on which to focus the Federation’s diplomatic attention upon.”
theFederation.97.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] – [FromFrom.GetName] war has drawn the particular attention of a number of Council Members, with the Starfleet dossier detailing the origins of the conflict, the casualties so far, and the predicted outcome. [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] is presented with a number of options.”
theFederation.98.desc:0 “Council Members are broadly supportive of improving relations with the [From.GetName], and the initial response from [From.GetRulerTitle] [From.GetRulerName] on [From.Capital.GetName] is positive. [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] is presented with a range of options for the level of time and resources to be expended through the programme.”
theFederation.99.desc:0 “The pursuit of science is one of the founding principles of the Federation, and as such there are few Council Members who oppose initiatives to facilitate it. [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] has requested the support of the academic leadership on [member_world_1.Capital.GetName] to detail a number of research initiatives for the next two years across a number of fields of study.”
theFederation.100.desc:0 “The unique perspectives offered by the many species within the Federation are its greatest strength. By investing Federation resources in special projects proposed by individual member worlds we can discover more together than we could apart.”
theFederation.101.desc:0 “Over the last few months the [accessionState.GetSpeciesAdj] government has signalled its intention to begin formal accession negotiations with the Federation Council. [accessionState.GetRulerTitle] [accessionState.GetRulerName] has been seen on [Root.Capital.GetName], while [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] has signalled an intention to visit [accessionState.Capital.GetName] in the near future. The Federation Council must soon decide whether [accessionState.Capital.GetName] is ready to accede to the Federation.”
theFederation.102.desc:0 “Over the last few months the [accessionState.GetSpeciesAdj] government has signalled it’s intention to begin formal accession negotiations with the Federation Council. [accessionState.GetRulerTitle] [accessionState.GetRulerName] has been seen on [Root.Capital.GetName], while [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] has signalled an intention to visit [accessionState.Capital.GetName] in the near future. The Federation Council must soon decide whether [accessionState.Capital.GetName] is ready to accede to the Federation.”
theFederation.103.desc:0 “Over the last few months the [accessionState.GetSpeciesAdj] government has signalled its intention to begin formal accession negotiations with the Federation Council. [accessionState.GetRulerTitle] [accessionState.GetRulerName] has been seen on [Root.Capital.GetName], while [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] has signalled an intention to visit [accessionState.Capital.GetName] in the near future. The Federation Council must soon decide whether [accessionState.Capital.GetName] is ready to accede to the Federation.”
theFederation.105.desc:0 “The negotiations to welcome [accessionState.Capital.GetName] into the Federation have progressed well, though several issues remain a concern for both parties. The status of the [accessionState.GetSpeciesAdj] Defence Forces and their role within the Starfleet security umbrella in particular have lagged behind fruitful discussions on economic integration. It’s becoming clear that one final effort is needed from both [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] and [accessionState.GetRulerTitle] [accessionState.GetRulerName] in order to complete the process.”
theFederation.110.desc:0 “The extraordinary talent of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers presents the Federation Council with a rare opportunity – the flood of new technologies and techniques from across the Federation allows a re-evaluation of fundamental principles of starship constructions. While the United Federation of Planets tried and true design will continue to dominate the overall form of our vessels, their innards can be completely remade using new technologies. This task requires us to completely rebuild our assembly lines, though the potential benefits are significant. §GYou may replace your existing Ship Construction empire modifier with any alternative modifier available to Federation members. Invite more members into The Federation to increase the number of available modifiers. This step may only be taken once per 25 years.§!”
theFederation.180.desc:0 “The Council has approved a number of designs for us to use should we wish to change the iconic design of the Federation Flag.”
theFederation.1000.desc:0 “[federationLeader.GetRulerTitle] [federationLeader.GetRulerName] of the [federationLeader.GetName] has formally called on all members of our coalition to take the next step toward integration, through the formation of a true multiplanetary federal state. The ‘United Federation of Planets’. Debate sweeps [Root.Capital.GetName], as [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] must decide whether to embrace the [federationLeader.GetSpeciesAdj] initiative.”
theFederation.1001.desc:0 “The [federationQuestionCountry.GetName] has voted in favour of forming the Federation.”
theFederation.1002.desc:0 “The [federationQuestionCountry.GetName] has voted against forming the Federation.”
theFederation.1003.desc:0 “The delegates have all assembled in the grand chamber on [federationLeader.Capital.GetName]. Billions of people from each of the coalition homeworlds watch from their homes or on enormous public displays. Federation day! [federationLeader.GetRulerTitle] [federationLeader.GetRulerName] steps forward, allied counterparts in tow. Dozens of lights from the audience flash and the roar of the crowd subsides until the entire hall is blanketed in silence. The leaders gather around a large book on the central podium and in turn mark their names. ‘Today is an historic day.’, [federationLeader.GetRulerTitle] [federationLeader.GetRulerName] says to the gathered masses.’Today is the day our many races are joined together in peace, and in the spirit of exploration and progress. Today marks the birth of a federation; THE United Federation of Planets!’And with that the applause thundered.”
theFederation.1005.desc:0 “While the [Root.GetName] has decided to follow a different path, millions of [Root.GetSpeciesNamePlural] still watch the events on [federationLeader.Capital.GetName] with admiration. Indeed, billions of people from each of the coalition homeworlds watch from their homes or on enormous public displays. Federation day! [federationLeader.GetRulerTitle] [federationLeader.GetRulerName] steps forward, allied counterparts in tow. Dozens of lights from the audience flash and the roar of the crowd subsides until the entire hall is blanketed in silence. The leaders gather around a large book on the central podium and in turn mark their names. ‘Today is an historic day.’, [federationLeader.GetRulerTitle] [federationLeader.GetRulerName] says to the gathered masses.’Today is the day our many races are joined together in peace, and in the spirit of exploration and progress. Today marks the birth of a federation; THE United Federation of Planets!’And with that the applause thundered.”
theFederation.1010.desc:0 “With the accession of [From.Capital.GetName] into the Federation, many [From.GetSpeciesNamePlural] look to brave new worlds to experience life in the Federation. Whilst the conditions may be different from what they are used to on their homeworld, many of these pioneering [From.GetSpeciesNamePlural] are taking the first steps from their world onto our own. What shall we do with those who wish to migrate?”
FED_MEDIATE_DISPUTE_PROJECT_1A_DESC:0 “We have offered our services to facilitate a dialogue between the [fedCouncilMediateA.GetName] and the [fedCouncilMediateB.GetName] to resolve their ongoing disputes.”
FED_MEDIATE_DISPUTE_PROJECT_1B_DESC:0 “We have offered our services to facilitate a dialogue between the [fedCouncilMediateA.GetName] and the [fedCouncilMediateB.GetName] to resolve their ongoing disputes.”
theFederation.120.desc:0 “While the Federation seeks peaceful coexistence and strives to that goal, it is also dedicated to the promotion of peace among all states in the galaxy. By offering the use of the Federation Diplomatic Corps as a trusted third party, we may be able to help resolve long standing disputes between our neighbours. [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] is presented with a dossier of friendly states that have active disputes.”
theFederation.121.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] have a number of ongoing disputes with their neighbours, and while the Diplomatic Corps would ideally facilitate all mediations it must focus on one at a time.”
theFederation.122.desc:0 “The head of the Diplomatic Corps has drafted a proposal for a series of summits between the [From.GetName] and [FromFrom.GetName] to resolve their ongoing disputes and build trust between both parties.”
theFederation.123.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has formally offered to help us resolve our dispute with [FromFrom.GetName], lending the full weight of the [From.GetName] Diplomatic Corps behind the initiative.”
theFederation.124.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has formally offered to help us resolve our dispute with [FromFrom.GetName], lending the full weight of the [From.GetName] Diplomatic Corps behind the initiative. The [FromFrom.GetName] have already signalled their willingness to engage in the process.”
theFederation.125.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has rejected our overture to help mediate the dispute between their people and the [FromFrom.GetName].”
theFederation.126.desc:0 “Both the [From.GetName] and the [FromFrom.GetName] have accepted our offer to mediate their dispute. A conference will be scheduled on one of the two parties’ homeworlds to begin the process.”
theFederation.127.desc:0 “While the [From.GetName] was amenable to pursuing talks between their people and the [FromFrom.GetName], the latter have rejected our overture to help mediate the dispute.”
theFederation.128.desc:0 “Despite our willingness to engage in the talks, the [FromFrom.GetName] has rejected our overture to help mediate the dispute between our peoples.”
theFederation.129.desc:0 “Our mediation of the dispute between the [From.GetName] and the [FromFrom.GetName] has been a success. Both parties have increased their trust of each other.”
theFederation.130.desc:0 “Our failure to honour our commitment to mediate the dispute between the [From.GetName] and the [FromFrom.GetName] by facilitating a conference on [FromFromFrom.GetName] has damaged our relations with both parties, who have seen their trust in us eroded.”
theFederation.131.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] efforts to help resolve our dispute with the [FromFrom.GetName] have been successful after talks on [FromFromFrom.GetName]. Relations with the [FromFrom.GetName] have improved, and our trust in the [From.GetName] has also increased.”
theFederation.132.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] efforts to help resolve our dispute with the [FromFrom.GetName] through talks on [FromFromFrom.GetName] have failed after the [From.GetName] failed to attend. Relations with the [From.GetName] have suffered as a result.”
theFederation.133.desc:0 “Responding to our willingness to engage in the talks, the [FromFrom.GetName] has accepted the [From.GetName]’s offer to help mediate the dispute between our peoples.”
theFederation.140.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has issued a condemnation of our conflict with the [FromFrom.GetName] to the wider galactic community, calling on us to negotiate a peace settlement with the enemy.”
theFederation.141.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has issued a condemnation of the [FromFrom.GetName] and their conflict against us to the wider galactic community, calling for a swift end to the [FromFrom.GetSpeciesAdj] aggression.”
theFederation.142.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has committed a modest portion of its diplomatic resources to improve relations with the [Root.GetName].”
theFederation.143.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has committed a sizable portion of its diplomatic resources to improve relations with the [Root.GetName].”
theFederation.144.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has committed the larger portion of its diplomatic resources to improve relations with the [Root.GetName].”
theFederation.145.desc:0 “Our efforts to improve relations with the [From.GetName] have borne fruit. Already, formal and informal dialogue between [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] and [From.GetRulerTitle] [From.GetRulerName] has increased in frequency.”
theFederation.146.desc:0 “Our efforts to improve relations with the [From.GetName] have borne fruit. Already, formal and informal dialogue between [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] and [From.GetRulerTitle] [From.GetRulerName] has increased in frequency.”
theFederation.147.desc:0 “Our efforts to improve relations with the [From.GetName] have borne fruit. Already, formal and informal dialogue between [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] and [From.GetRulerTitle] [From.GetRulerName] has increased in frequency.”
theFederation.148.desc:0 “Our efforts to improve relations with the [From.GetName] have failed, with [From.GetRulerTitle] [From.GetRulerName] of [From.Capital.GetName] publicly mocking our efforts as a sign of weakness.”
theFederation.150.desc:0 “While the [Root.GetName] believes in peaceful cooperation among all species in the galaxy, there are times when hostilities may only be avoided with the aid of separation. By creating a Neutral Zone, tensions can be reduced allowing for diplomatic efforts to begin. The diplomatic service has compiled a list of candidate Neutral Zones for consideration. §YNote: Systems along the border of both the [Root.GetName] and the selected government will be temporarily ceded to establish the Neutral Zone§!.”
theFederation.151.desc:0 “Relations with the [From.GetName] have been strained recently, and the establishment of a Neutral Zone would go a long way to de-escalate the situation. [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] is presented with a number of options for the duration of the proposed Neutral Zone to present [From.GetRulerTitle] [From.GetRulerName] of the [From.GetName] with.”
theFederation.152.desc:0 “Relations with the [From.GetName] have been strained recently. As such, [From.GetRulerTitle] [From.GetRulerName] of the [From.GetName] has proposed the establishment of a Neutral Zone along the shared border, lasting for a period of 25 years. §YNote: Systems along the border of both the [Root.GetName] and the [From.GetName] will be temporarily ceded to establish the Neutral Zone§!.”
theFederation.153.desc:0 “Relations with the [From.GetName] have been strained recently. As such, [From.GetRulerTitle] [From.GetRulerName] of the [From.GetName] has proposed the establishment of a Neutral Zone along the shared border, lasting for a period of 50 years. §YNote: Systems along the border of both the [Root.GetName] and the [From.GetName] will be temporarily ceded to establish the Neutral Zone§!.”
theFederation.154.desc:0 “Relations with the [From.GetName] have been strained recently. As such, [From.GetRulerTitle] [From.GetRulerName] of the [From.GetName] has proposed the establishment of a Neutral Zone along the shared border, lasting for a period of 100 years. §YNote: Systems along the border of both the [Root.GetName] and the [From.GetName] will be temporarily ceded to establish the Neutral Zone§!.”
theFederation.155.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] and [FromFrom.GetName] have agreed to establish a Neutral Zone in order to de-escalate the risk of military confrontation.”
theFederation.156.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has rejected [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]’s offer to establish a Neutral Zone in order to de-escalate the risk of military confrontation.”
theFederation.165.desc:0 “The Neutral Zone separating the [Root.GetName] and the [From.GetName] has been dismantled, following the agreed cut-off date in the establishing treaty. Systems ceded to the Neutral Zone have been returned to their previous owners.”
theFederation.170.desc:0 “Neutral Zone treaties are written with specific duration limits in place, but if both parties are in agreement there may be opportunities to extend the lifespan of the treaty. Additionally, new border locations can be included in the treaty to remove tensions along borders that were created after the initial treaty signing. §YNote: Systems settled along the border of both the [Root.GetName] and the selected government since the initial treaty signing will be temporarily ceded to reinforce the Neutral Zone§!.”
theFederation.171.desc:0 “The treaty establishing the [From.GetName] has [From.neutralZoneDurationYears] years remaining before it expires.”
theFederation.172.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has proposed a 5 year extension to the terms of the treaty establishing the [FromFrom.GetName]. §YNote: Systems settled along the border of both the [Root.GetName] and the [From.GetName] since the original treaty signing will be temporarily ceded to establish the Neutral Zone§!.”
theFederation.173.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has proposed a 25 year extension to the terms of the treaty establishing the [FromFrom.GetName]. §YNote: Systems settled along the border of both the [Root.GetName] and the [From.GetName] since the original treaty signing will be temporarily ceded to establish the Neutral Zone§!.”
theFederation.174.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has proposed a 50 year extension to the terms of the treaty establishing the [FromFrom.GetName]. §YNote: Systems settled along the border of both the [Root.GetName] and the [From.GetName] since the original treaty signing will be temporarily ceded to establish the Neutral Zone§!.”
theFederation.175.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] and [FromFrom.GetName] have agreed to renew the treaty establishing the [FromFromFrom.GetName] in order to de-escalate the risk of military confrontation. The terms of the treaty will now expire in [FromFromFrom.neutralZoneDurationYears] years.”
theFederation.176.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has rejected [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]’s offer to renew the treaty establishing the [FromFrom.GetName]. The [FromFrom.GetName] will expire as scheduled in [FromFrom.neutralZoneDurationYears] years.”
theFederation.190.desc:0 “The opportunity has come up to re-look at the borders of the Neutral zones set up across our borders. Systems that border the existing Zone and the other empire will be incorporated into the existing zone.”
theFederation.1200.desc:0 “Federation Member Worlds stand ready to attend the Federation council session to discuss a number of options with the Federation Council and Starfleet Command. Please invite a member world.”
theFederation.1201.desc:0 “Greetings [Root.GetLeaderTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName], I am [selected_member_world.leader.GetName] from [selected_member_world.GetName] how may we assist the Federation today?”
theFederation.1202.desc:0 “We welcome any additional aid that you can provide [selected_member_world.GetName], but rest assured all our fleets will come to the aid of the Federation should it be required.”
theFederation.1203.desc:0 “We understand that Starfleet and the Federation require a strong military presence, our Starbase facilities are available to you. Should you wish to provide United Federation of Planet’s resources to help us upgrade the station it would be appreciated.”
theFederation.1206.desc:0 “Thank you for your support. We are proud to be part of the United Federation of Planets.”
theFederation.1207.desc:0 “These are concerning times for all. Our team of strategic problem solvers has a steadfast moral compass and unwavering dedication to creating a safer galaxy. We took great risks to closely monitor situations rising across the galaxy and we believe we can offer the Federation sound tactical advice on the following threats.”
theFederation.1208.desc:0 “The Federation was formed on the principles of sharing technology and we would embrace this act of support, which will allow us to build the resources of our world and make the Federation stronger as a result.”
theFederation.1210.desc:0 “Transferring our primary Starbase to the control of [Root.GetName] is a major step, we place the ability to defend [selected_member_world.capital_scope.GetName] into the direct responsibility of Starfleet, this is a huge risk for us, but we trust Starfleet, please ensure the safety of our citizens. We would also require compensation in order to build a new Shipyard to ensure that we can continue to construct ships.”
theFederation.1212.desc:0 “Greetings [Root.GetLeaderTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName], I am [selected_member_world.leader.GetName] from [selected_member_world.GetName] our capital [selected_member_world.capital_scope.GetName] has become a haven for the criminal underworld, sponsored by those from [target_branch_office_owner.GetName] who would look to profit from our suffering. We implore the aid of Starfleet to resolve this situation.”
theFederation.1213.desc:0 “[delivering_aid_leader.GetName] has reported back from [target_branch_office_world.GetName] and has confirmed that a criminal branch office has been opened in this world, raising crime rates and causing harm to the local population of Federation citizens. They recommend reaching out to [target_branch_office_world_owner.GetName] and if that fails sending a force in to clear the branch by force.”
theFederation.1214.desc:0 “Attention [Root.GetName] I am contacting you on behalf of the United Federation of Planets, your criminal branch on [target_branch_office_world.GetName] is harming the Federation Citizens of this world, we ask for its immediate removal or we shall take actions into our own hands.”
theFederation.1215.desc:0 “It appears our diplomatic approach has been successful and the branch office has been closed down with minimal fuss, the citizens of this world can once again enjoy life without being hassled by this criminal faction.”
theFederation.1216.desc:0 “It appears our diplomatic approach has been rejected and the branch office remains open for business. At this stage we have little option left, but to send in our forces.”
theFederation.1217.desc:0 “[delivering_aid_leader.GeName] has completed the special operation and closed the branch office down, allowing the citizens of the world to once again go about their lives in peace.”
theFederation.1218.desc:0 “It appears the pirates operating from the Branch Office, have taken badly to being removed from their office and have deployed a pirate fleet to take revenge.”
theFederation.1220.desc:0 “The Federation is prepared to invest in the development of [member_world_capital.GetName], providing the funding to build a number of facilities. Select the area in which you would like to see development to take place.”
theFederation.1100.desc:0 “[isuLeader.GetRulerTitle] [isuLeader.GetRulerName] of the [isuLeader.GetName] has formally called on all members of our coalition to take the next step toward integration, through the formation of a true multiplanetary federal state. The ‘Interstellar Union’. Debate sweeps [Root.Capital.GetName], as [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] must decide whether to embrace the [isuLeader.GetSpeciesAdj] initiative.”
theFederation.1101.desc:0 “The [isuQuestionCountry.GetName] has voted in favour of forming the Union.”
theFederation.1102.desc:0 “The [isuQuestionCountry.GetName] has voted against forming the Federation.”
theFederation.1103.desc:0 “The delegates have all assembled in the grand hall of the imperial palace on [isuLeader.Capital.GetName]. Billions of people from each of the coalition homeworlds watch from their homes or on enormous public displays. Union day! [isuLeader.GetRulerTitle] [isuLeader.GetRulerName] steps forward, allied counterparts in tow. Dozens of lights from the audience flash and the roar of the crowd subsides until the entire hall is blanketed in silence. The leaders gather around a large book on the central podium and in turn mark their names. ‘Today is an historic day.’, [isuLeader.GetRulerTitle] [isuLeader.GetRulerName] says to the gathered masses.’Today is the day our many races are joined together in unity, in mutual defense and prosperity. Today marks the birth of a union; THE Interstellar Union!’And with that the applause thundered.”
theFederation.1105.desc:0 “While the [Root.GetName] has decided to follow a different path, millions of [Root.GetSpeciesNamePlural] still watch the events on [isuLeader.Capital.GetName] with admiration. Indeed, billions of people from each of the coalition homeworlds watch from their homes or on enormous public displays. Federation day! [isuLeader.GetRulerTitle] [isuLeader.GetRulerName] steps forward, allied counterparts in tow. Dozens of lights from the audience flash and the roar of the crowd subsides until the entire hall is blanketed in silence. The leaders gather around a large book on the central podium and in turn mark their names. ‘Today is an historic day.’, [isuLeader.GetRulerTitle] [isuLeader.GetRulerName] says to the gathered masses.’Today is the day our many races are joined together in unity, in mutual defense and prosperity. Today marks the birth of a union; THE Interstellar Union!’And with that the applause thundered.”
theFederation.1106.desc:0 “§YDeveloper Note: The other Union Founders are now a special class of ‘Member World’ vassal under your nation, which will aid your fleets in times of war.§!The Union Council mechanic has now been unlocked. Once every two years the Union Council will allow players to integrate new members or engage in other activities.”
theFederation.1110.desc:0 “The delegates have all assembled in the grand hall of the imperial palace on [Root.Capital.GetName]. Billions of people from each of the coalition homeworlds watch from their homes or on enormous public displays. Union day! [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] steps forward, allied counterparts in tow. Dozens of lights from the audience flash and the roar of the crowd subsides until the entire hall is blanketed in silence. The leaders gather around a large book on the central podium and in turn mark their names. ‘Today is an historic day.’, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] says to the gathered masses.’Today is the day our many races are joined together in unity, in mutual defense and prosperity. Today marks the birth of a union; THE Interstellar Union!’And with that the applause thundered.”
mirror_invasion_fed_chain_desc:0 “Large zeta radiation bursts warrant further investigation.”
mirror_universe_fed_spawn_1.desc:0 “Recent zeta radiation bursts in this system warrant investigation.”
mirror_invasion_kca_chain_desc:0 “Large zeta radiation bursts warrant further investigation.”
mirror_universe_kca_spawn_1.desc:0 “Recent zeta radiation bursts in this system warrant investigation.”
mirror_invasion_tho_chain_desc:0 “Large zeta radiation bursts warrant further investigation.”
mirror_universe_tho_spawn_1.desc:0 “Recent zeta radiation bursts in this system warrant investigation.”
STH_mirror_invasion.0.desc:0 “Subspace telescopes across [Root.GetName] space have detected a massive surge in zeta radiation localised around the [mirror_universe_portal_system_1.GetName] black hole. The Science Council has requested Starfleet dispatch a vessel to the anomaly.”
STH_mirror_invasion.1.desc:0 “Sources within the [mirror_universe_target.GetName] report that a massive surge in zeta radiation has been detected localised around the [mirror_universe_portal_system_1.GetName] black hole. Starfleet appears to be assembling a survey mission to the anomaly.”
STH_mirror_invasion.2.desc:0 “The surge in zeta radiation detected from the [mirror_universe_portal_system_1.GetName] black hole has yet to be investigated, but recently complications have emerged when a vessel containing a single occupant was intercepted on a course for [Root.Capital.GetName]. The occupant, a [Root.GetSpeciesName] named [mirror_universe_escapee.GetName] claims to have crossed over from a ‘mirror’ universe via the [mirror_universe_portal_system_1.GetName]. Further, [mirror_universe_escapee.GetSheHe] claims to have information vital to the security of the [Root.GetName].”
STH_mirror_invasion.3.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.Leader.GetName], it is vital that you hear me out! My name is [mirror_universe_escapee.GetName] and I have defected from the Terran Empire, a brutal state that exists on the Other Side. The people from my universe have recently discovered the means to move entire ships into this universe. They’re planning an invasion!”
STH_mirror_invasion.4.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.Leader.GetName], it is vital that you hear me out! My name is [mirror_universe_escapee.GetName] and I have defected from the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance, a brutal state that exists on the Other Side. The people from my universe have recently discovered the means to move entire ships into this universe. They’re planning an invasion!”
STH_mirror_invasion.5.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.Leader.GetName], it is vital that you hear me out! My name is [mirror_universe_escapee.GetName] and I have defected from the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance, a brutal state that exists on the Other Side. The people from my universe have recently discovered the means to move entire ships into this universe. They’re planning an invasion!”
STH_mirror_invasion.6.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.Leader.GetName], it is vital that you hear me out! My name is [mirror_universe_escapee.GetName] and I have escaped from the Tholian Assembly on the Other Side. The people from my universe have recently discovered the means to move entire ships into this universe. They’re planning an invasion!”
STH_mirror_invasion.11.desc:0 “Ah, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.Leader.GetName]… My name is [terran_empire_vanguard_leader.GetName] and I come from the universe on the Other Side. Let’s get straight to the point. Your time in this world is short, so try not to make it even shorter by getting in my way.You can leave this system now, and you have my word my fleet won’t venture beyond the singularity’s sphere of influence. Remaining will be considered a hostile act.”
STH_mirror_invasion.13.desc:0 “Ah, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.Leader.GetName]… My name is [klingon_cardassian_alliance_vanguard_leader.GetName] and I come from the universe on the Other Side. Let’s get straight to the point. Your time in this world is short, so try not to make it even shorter by getting in my way.You can leave now, and you have my word my fleet won’t venture beyond the storms. Remaining will be considered a hostile act.”
STH_mirror_invasion.15.desc:0 “Ah, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.Leader.GetName]… My name is [tholian_vanguard_leader.GetName] and I come from the universe on the Other Side. Let’s get straight to the point. Your time in this world is short, so try not to make it even shorter by getting in my way.You can leave now, and you have my word my fleet won’t venture beyond the spatial interphase. Remaining will be considered a hostile act.”
STH_mirror_invasion.19.desc:0 “The last Terran Empire ship in this universe has been destroyed, and with it the immediate threat to the [Root.GetName] has abated. While there is no guarantee that the threat from the Other Side will not re-emerge again in the future, their defeat in this universe is widely believed to have weakened the Terran Empire’s war capacity considerably.”
STH_mirror_invasion.22.desc:0 “My name is [From.GetName] and I come from the universe on the Other Side. Call it what you will, parallel… mirror… the place is the same. I represent the Terran Empire, and we are here to destroy the [mirror_universe_target.GetName]. I suspect this may interest you too. Join us, and together we can carve up their worlds between us.”
STH_mirror_invasion.23.desc:0 “Reports from our agents in the [mirror_universe_war_joiner_hostile.GetName] government have indicated that they have joined the Terran Empire in their war against us.”
STH_mirror_invasion.24.desc:0 “Reports from our agents in the [mirror_universe_war_joiner_friendly.GetName] government have indicated that they have declared their intention to join us in our defence against the Terran Empire.”
STH_mirror_invasion.25.desc:0 “Reports from our agents in the [mirror_universe_war_joiner_neutral.GetName] government have indicated that they have declared their neutrality in the Terran Empire’s conflict with us.”
STH_mirror_invasion.32.desc:0 “My name is [From.GetName] and I come from the universe on the Other Side. Call it what you will, parallel… mirror… the place is the same. I represent the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance, and we are here to destroy the [mirror_universe_target.GetName]. I suspect this may interest you too. Join us, and together we can carve up their worlds between us.”
STH_mirror_invasion.33.desc:0 “Reports from our agents in the [mirror_universe_war_joiner_hostile.GetName] government have indicated that they have joined the [klingon_cardassian_alliance_vanguard.GetName] in their war against us.”
STH_mirror_invasion.34.desc:0 “Reports from our agents in the [mirror_universe_war_joiner_friendly.GetName] government have indicated that they have declared their intention to join us in our defence against the [klingon_cardassian_alliance_vanguard.GetName].”
STH_mirror_invasion.35.desc:0 “Reports from our agents in the [mirror_universe_war_joiner_neutral.GetName] government have indicated that they have declared their neutrality in the [klingon_cardassian_alliance_vanguard.GetName]’s conflict with us.”
STH_mirror_invasion.42.desc:0 “My name is [From.GetName] and I come from the universe on the Other Side. Call it what you will, parallel… mirror… the place is the same. We are here to destroy the [mirror_universe_target.GetName]. I suspect this may interest you too. Join us, and together we can carve up their worlds between us.”
STH_mirror_invasion.43.desc:0 “Reports from our agents in the [mirror_universe_war_joiner_hostile.GetName] government have indicated that they have joined the [tholian_vanguard.GetName] in their war against us.”
STH_mirror_invasion.44.desc:0 “Reports from our agents in the [mirror_universe_war_joiner_friendly.GetName] government have indicated that they have declared their intention to join us in our defence against the [tholian_vanguard.GetName].”
STH_mirror_invasion.45.desc:0 “Reports from our agents in the [mirror_universe_war_joiner_neutral.GetName] government have indicated that they have declared their neutrality in the [tholian_vanguard.GetName]’s conflict with us.”
STH_mirror_invasion.90.desc:0 “The Terran Empire has been defeated, and with that defeat forced to return to their own universe. While the conflict raged and devastated large portions of the galaxy, the [Root.GetName] has emerged victorious, though wary of further interdimensional threats.”
skorr_jihad_chain_desc:0 “The Skorr, an advanced yet reclusive race, appear to be on the edge of chaos following the theft of a sacred item.”
SKORR_JIHAD_PROJECT_1A_DESC:0 “The Skorr have requested the assistance of one of our ‘great leaders’.”
SKORR_JIHAD_PROJECT_1B_DESC:0 “The Skorr have requested the assistance of one of our ‘great leaders’.”
STH_federation_story.1100.desc:0 “Rumours of civil unrest have reached us from the highly advanced yet reclusive Kingdom of Skorr. So far no further information is available, though given the technological superiority the Kingdom demonstrates over the more involved powers in the galaxy we must remain cautious to all possibilities.”
STH_federation_story.1102.desc:0 “Having arrived at [From.From.GetName] [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] has joined a cross-species team assigned to hunt down the Soul of Alar, which has been detected on a moon in the L’Karedari system. Tchar, Prince of Skorr and Master of the Eyrie leads the mission. The reptilian engineer Sord, insectoid thief Em/3/Green, the humanoid huntress Lara and the Tholian Tzscci having also been recruited and introduced to each other, the team prepare to depart.”
STH_federation_story.1103.desc:0 “Beaming to the L’Karedari moon Yoali via a Skorr long range transporter, the team spend several hours checking their supplies and loading them onto the skimmer provided. Resupply will prove difficult as ionic storms across L’Karedari system prevent approach and transport windows are fleeting. Starting in the direction of the skimmer’s sensors place the Soul in, the team spend several hours in discussion – who would gain from stealing the Soul? – across an eerie volcanic landscape. A stray boulder strikes the skimmer’s antigrav nacelles sending it slowly descending to the ground. Several hundred metres away from the skimmer the red glow of lava inches toward the team.”
STH_federation_story.1104.desc:0 “Sord’s natural engineering expertise has come in good use, and with minutes to spare the skimmer’s antigrav nacelles are fully operational. The team continues on toward the Soul’s signal.”
STH_federation_story.1105.desc:0 “Sord’s natural engineering expertise counts for little while further boulders strike the skimmer knocking out other key systems. [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] and the rest of the team fight to repair the vehicle, and with moments to spare the skimmer’s antigrav nacelles are fully operational. Entering the skimmer again, [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] is struck in the arm by a smaller rock rebounding from the skimmer’s hull, injuring [skorr_jihad_leader.GetHerHim]. The team continues on toward the Soul’s signal.”
STH_federation_story.1106.desc:0 “Sord’s natural engineering expertise has come in good use, and with minutes to spare the skimmer’s antigrav nacelles are fully operational. Disaster strikes however, as upon attempting to enter the vehicle again a fist sized rock rebounds from the skimmer’s hull and hits Sord flat in the face. Blood spills from the wound, and the team drags Sord into the skimmer where they fail to revive him. The team continues on toward the Soul’s signal, while looking for a suitable burial location.”
STH_federation_story.1107.desc:0 “Sord’s natural engineering expertise counts for little while further boulders strike the skimmer knocking out other key systems. [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] and the rest of the team fight to repair the vehicle, and with moments to spare the skimmer’s antigrav nacelles are fully operational. Entering the skimmer again, [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] pushes Sord to the ground before he is struck by a rock rebounding from the skimmer’s hull large enough to kill him. A grateful Sord offers [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] his thanks and pledges to repay the debt. The team continues on toward the Soul’s signal.”
STH_federation_story.1108.desc:0 “Sord’s natural engineering expertise counts for little while further boulders strike the skimmer knocking out other key systems. [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] and the rest of the team fight to repair the vehicle, and with moments to spare the skimmer’s antigrav nacelles are fully operational. Entering the skimmer again, [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] pushes Sord to the ground before he is struck by a rock rebounding from the skimmer’s hull large enough to kill him. The rock misses Sord, but hits [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] on the leg, severely injuring [skorr_jihad_leader.GetHerHim]. The team continues on toward the Soul’s signal, treating [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName]’s wound in the skimmer.”
STH_federation_story.1109.desc:0 “The skimmer has barely passed a hundred kilometres before it is forced down again by a gravitic inhibitor field generated from a series of red crystals following the banks of a river of lava. The team debate their next move. Tzscci volunteers to help drag the skimmer across the river using the Tholian’s natural affinity for the lava coupled with the remaining output of the skimmer’s antigrav nacelles to keep the occupants safe.”
STH_federation_story.1110.desc:0 “The lava river is shallow and Tzscci is able to stand fully extended in it, her environmental suit drinking the heat and conserving energy that would have been pumped into its interior environment. Metres from the edge of the bank Tzscci’s footing slips and the skimmer falls from the grasp of her mechanically augmented arms, the rear of the vehicle plunging into the lava. The team barely have enough time to exit the front of the skimmer, using Tzscci as a stepping stone to the bank. The team have crossed the river, but the skimmer and supplies have been lost.”
STH_federation_story.1111.desc:0 “The lava river is shallow and Tzscci is able to stand fully extended in it, her environmental suit drinking the heat and conserving energy that would have been pumped into its interior environment. Metres from the edge of the bank Tzscci’s footing slips and the skimmer falls from the grasp of her mechanically augmented arms, the rear of the vehicle plunging into the lava. The team barely have enough time to exit the front of the skimmer, using Tzscci as a stepping stone to the bank. [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] is rendered unconscious from the lava’s toxic fumes, leaving Tzscci to carry [skorr_jihad_leader.GetHerHim] to safety. The team have crossed the river, but the skimmer and supplies have been lost.”
STH_federation_story.1112.desc:0 “The lava river is shallow and Tzscci is able to stand fully extended in it, her environmental suit drinking the heat and conserving energy that would have been pumped into its interior environment. Metres from the edge of the bank Tzscci’s footing slips and the skimmer falls from the grasp of her mechanically augmented arms, the rear of the vehicle plunging into the lava. The team barely have enough time to exit the front of the skimmer, using Tzscci as a stepping stone to the bank. As Tzscci emerges from the lava, the sudden drop in temperature cracks a power line in her environmental suit’s rear leg, exposing her to Yoali’s atmosphere. Shuddering wildly, Tzscci’s crystal structure turns a deep blue before shattering into thousands of pieces. The team have crossed the river, but the skimmer and supplies have been lost and Tzscci has been killed.”
STH_federation_story.1113.desc:0 “The lava river bubbles beneath the skimmer as one by one the team take turns to ferry themselves across, with Tzscci dragging the skimmer back after each run. [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName], having volunteered to go last, edges the the skimmer slowly forward to the waiting team. Metres from the bank the skimmer’s antigrav nacelles falter, sending the skimmer into the lava below. [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] emerges just in time to be rescued by Tzscci. Noticing several warnings on the Tholian’s environment suit exterior display, [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] urges Tzscci to double the power to her suit’s structural integrity field to prevent a breach when she emerges from the lava river. On the bank, the grateful Tholian vows to repay [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName]’s vigilance, cursing her own inattentiveness. The team have crossed the river, but the skimmer and supplies have been lost.”
STH_federation_story.1114.desc:0 “The lava river bubbles beneath the skimmer as one by one the team take turns to ferry themselves across, with Tzscci dragging the skimmer back after each run. [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName], having volunteered to go last, edges the the skimmer slowly forward to the waiting team. Metres from the bank the skimmer’s antigrav nacelles falter, sending the skimmer into the lava below. [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] emerges just in time to be rescued by Tzscci, but not before being rendered unconscious from the lava’s toxic fumes. The team have crossed the river, but the skimmer and supplies have been lost.”
STH_federation_story.1115.desc:0 “Sord’s efforts to counter the gravitic inhibitor field are partially successful, and the skimmer appears able to cross the lava with the full team aboard. Metres from the edge of the bank the skimmer registers a surge in the inhibitor field as one of the nearby red crystals falls into the lava. The team barely have enough time to exit the front of the skimmer, using Tzscci in her environmental suit as a stepping stone to the bank. Noticing several warnings on the Tholian’s environment suit exterior display, [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] urges Tzscci to double the power to her suit’s structural integrity field to prevent a breach when she emerges from the lava river. On the bank, the grateful Tholian vows to repay [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName]’s vigilance, cursing her own inattentiveness. The team have crossed the river, but the skimmer and supplies have been lost.”
STH_federation_story.1116.desc:0 “Sord’s efforts to counter the gravitic inhibitor field are partially successful, and the skimmer appears able to cross the lava with the full team aboard. Metres from the edge of the bank the skimmer registers a surge in the inhibitor field as one of the nearby red crystals falls into the lava. The team barely have enough time to exit the front of the skimmer, using Tzscci in her environmental suit as a stepping stone to the bank. The team have crossed the river, but the skimmer and supplies have been lost.”
STH_federation_story.1117.desc:0 “The loss of the skimmer is a severe blow to the mission. While tricorder readings indicate the Soul is now less than 300km away, a range of mountains sit between it and the team. Two approaches are available, a shorter mountain pass that cuts directly through the range, and a valley tens of miles to the south.”
STH_federation_story.1118.desc:0 “The mountain pass proves treacherous, and several times TChar loses his footing and must rely on his wings to return him to the bitter cold of the windy path. Eventually the mountains clear and glacial field extends as far as the eye can see, while a tower stands tall on the edge of the horizon. Tricorders indicate the Soul to be located within.”
STH_federation_story.1119.desc:0 “The mountain pass proves treacherous, and several times TChar loses his footing and must rely on his wings to return him to the bitter cold of the windy path. [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] [skorr_jihad_leader.GetHerHim]self nearly plunges to [skorr_jihad_leader.GetHerHis] death as a slab of ice crashes into the pass from above, requiring TChar and Lara to struggle to rescue [skorr_jihad_leader.GetHerHim]. Eventually the mountains clear and glacial field extends as far as the eye can see, while a tower stands tall on the edge of the horizon. Tricorders indicate the Soul to be located within.”
STH_federation_story.1120.desc:0 “The valley appears safe, but after several miles through it’s clear the team are being stalked by predators lurking in the shadows. Lara, a skilled huntress, offers to lead the team forward. The end of the valley is close when a pack of cat-like creatures attack. Using the few weapons remaining the team is able to drive them back, but not before one pins Lara to the floor. As it raises its claws to tear at Lara’s throat the creature screams in pain before being vaporised by a bolt from [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName]’s now depleted Skorr-issued energy weapon. A grateful Lara offers [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] her own weapon as thanks. Reaching the valley exit, a glacial field extends as far as the eye can see, while a tower stands tall on the edge of the horizon. Tricorders indicate the Soul to be located within.”
STH_federation_story.1121.desc:0 “The valley appears safe, but after several miles through it’s clear the team are being stalked by predators lurking in the shadows. Lara, a skilled huntress, offers to lead the team forward. The end of the valley is close when a pack of cat-like creatures attack. Using the few weapons remaining the team is able to drive them back, but not before one pins [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] to the floor and scratching at [skorr_jihad_leader.GetHerHis] face. As it raises its claws to tear at [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName]’s throat the creature screams in pain before being vaporised by a bolt from Lara’s now depleted Skorr-issued energy weapon. Reaching the valley exit, a glacial field extends as far as the eye can see, while a tower stands tall on the edge of the horizon. Tricorders indicate the Soul to be located within.”
STH_federation_story.1122.desc:0 “The glacier stretches for kilometres, a surface that appears flat but which conceals deep crevices. TChar declares his intention to press on ahead on his own, using his powerful wings to bypass the treacherous ice below. The team debate who should take the lead and chart a safe path across the glacier. Lara volunteers, claiming her people’s natural subarctic environment makes her the ideal choice.”
STH_federation_story.1123.desc:0 “Faith in Lara’s ability is well placed, as the team successfully cross the glacier in just two days and rejoin TChar at the base of the tower.”
STH_federation_story.1124.desc:0 “Faith in Lara’s ability is well placed, as the team successfully cross half the the glacier in just one day. Pressing ahead on the second day a great thundering crack is heard as the ground shakes for several seconds. An earthquake has exposed several new faults in the ice and [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] slips into the gap, crashing into a ledge three metres down. The team struggle to save [skorr_jihad_leader.GetHerHim] but eventually are able to pull [skorr_jihad_leader.GetHerHim] up to the ice above. The rest of the journey is slow, but after another two days the glacier is cleared and the team rejoin TChar at the base of the tower.”
STH_federation_story.1125.desc:0 “Faith in Lara’s ability is well placed, as the team successfully cross half the the glacier in just one day. Pressing ahead on the second day a great thundering crack is heard as the ground shakes for several seconds. An earthquake has exposed several new faults in the ice and Lara slips into the gap, crashing into a ledge ten metres down. The team are unable to rescue her and the fall appears to have been fatal. The team press on, the rest of the journey is slow but after another three days the glacier is cleared and the team rejoin TChar at the base of the tower.”
STH_federation_story.1126.desc:0 “Faith in Lara’s ability is well placed, as the team successfully cross half the the glacier in just one day. Pressing ahead on the second day a great thundering crack is heard as the ground shakes for several seconds. An earthquake has exposed several new faults in the ice and Em/3/Green slips into the gap, crashing into a ledge ten metres down. The team are unable to rescue him and the fall appears to have been fatal. The team press on, the rest of the journey is slow but after another two days the glacier is cleared and the team rejoin TChar at the base of the tower.”
STH_federation_story.1127.desc:0 “Faith in Lara’s ability is well placed, as the team successfully cross half the the glacier in just one day. Pressing ahead on the second day a great thundering crack is heard as the ground shakes for several seconds. An earthquake has exposed several new faults in the ice and both Lara and Em/3/Green slip into the gap, crashing into a ledge ten metres down. The team are unable to rescue them, looking on in horror as Em/3/Green struggles to climb before the ledge drops into the pitch black crevice. The team press on, the rest of the journey is slow but after another three days the glacier is cleared and the team rejoin TChar at the base of the tower.”
STH_federation_story.1128.desc:0 “Faith in [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName]’s ability appears misplaced, as while team successfully cross half the the glacier in two days, the second half of the journey proves more difficult. Pressing ahead on the third day, a great thundering crack is heard as the ground shakes for several seconds. An earthquake has exposed several new faults in the ice and [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] slips into the gap, crashing into a ledge three metres down. The team struggle to save [skorr_jihad_leader.GetHerHim] but eventually are able to pull [skorr_jihad_leader.GetHerHim] up to the ice above. The rest of the journey is slow, but after another three days the glacier is cleared and the team rejoin TChar at the base of the tower.”
STH_federation_story.1129.desc:0 “Faith in [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName]’s ability appears well placed, as the team successfully cross half the the glacier in a day and a half. Pressing ahead on the second day, a great thundering crack is heard as the ground shakes for several seconds. An earthquake has exposed several new faults in the ice and Lara and Em/3/Green slip into the gap as [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] rushes to catch. Em/3/Green’s insectile claws grasp tightly at Lara’s fur clothing, as she clutches at [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName]’s arm, the pair dangling over the sheer drop. With great effort, both are brought to safety. The rest of the journey is slow, but after another two days the glacier is cleared and the team rejoin TChar at the base of the tower.”
STH_federation_story.1130.desc:0 “The tower appears to contain a single entrance at its base and no windows. TChar leads the way inside, into the relative warmth of a chamber lit only by the reflections on the ice outside. A single sealed door is found, with a control panel on the wall beside it. The door will not open on its own.”
STH_federation_story.1131.desc:0 “Sord has opened the control panel and a dozen components of alien design lie scattered on the dark floor. ‘We will not be able to make this work without a phase inducer coil,’ he says. Opening the casing of [skorr_jihad_leader.GetHerHis] communicator, [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] hands the necessary component over. ‘This will do, oh yes!’ Sord delights. In minutes the control panel is reassembled and the room is illuminated by bright green lights. The door opens.”
STH_federation_story.1132.desc:0 “Em/3/Green has opened the control panel and a dozen components of alien design lie scattered on the dark floor. ‘Seems very similar to the mechanism on a safe I once cracked,’ he says. ‘Just need a phase inducer coil to trigger the unlock mechanism.’ Opening the casing of [skorr_jihad_leader.GetHerHis] communicator, [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] hands the necessary component over. ‘This will do, oh yes!’ the insect delights. In minutes the control panel is reassembled and the room is illuminated by bright green lights. The door opens.”
STH_federation_story.1133.desc:0 “[skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] opens the control panel and scatters a dozen components of alien design across the dark floor. ‘Perhaps a quantum alignment coupler could work to trigger the unlock mechanism,’ TChar says. Ignoring the advice, [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] opens the casing of [skorr_jihad_leader.GetHerHis] communicator and uses the phase inducer coil within to bridge several of the panel’s components. In minutes the control panel is reassembled and the room is illuminated by bright green lights. The door opens.”
STH_federation_story.1134.desc:0 “[skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] opens the control panel and scatters a dozen components of alien design across the dark floor. ‘Perhaps a quantum alignment coupler could work to trigger the unlock mechanism,’ TChar says. Following the advice, [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] opens the casing of [skorr_jihad_leader.GetHerHis] energy weapon and uses the coupler within to bridge several of the panel’s components. In minutes the control panel is reassembled and the room is illuminated by bright green lights. A spotlight falls upon the team, growing in intensity. Turning, [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] sees TChar fleeing the light, moments before the illuminated area erupts in a burst of disruptor energy. The team, save TChar are vaporised. The mission has failed.”
STH_federation_story.1135.desc:0 “Entering the door the team come to a bridge covering a great chasm. The bridge is damaged, a hole in its centre proving a risky jump. TChar crosses to the other side on his wings, but the rest of the team must decide how to cross.”
STH_federation_story.1136.desc:0 “Tzscci’s enormous frame easily covers the gap fully extended, and the team cross over her environmental suit as an extension of the bridge. TChar looks on with amusement from the other side of the bridge, beside the exit door which glows green.”
STH_federation_story.1137.desc:0 “Lara volunteers to jump the chasm first, with her hunter’s spear thrown safely across. Her world a high gravity environment, Lara is able to leap across easily and picks up her spear again. Lying flat at the edge of the gap in the bridge, she extends the spear and grips tightly. The rest of the team cross, jumping and grabbing the extended spear. TChar looks on with amusement from the other side of the bridge, beside the exit door which glows green.”
STH_federation_story.1138.desc:0 “[skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] readies [skorr_jihad_leader.GetHerHim]self before sprinting to the gap in the bridge. Jumping at the last moment, [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] safely lands on the other side of the bridge. TChar looks on with amusement from the other side of the bridge, beside the exit door which glows green.”
STH_federation_story.1139.desc:0 “[skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] readies [skorr_jihad_leader.GetHerHim]self before sprinting to the gap in the bridge. Jumping at the last moment, [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] lands on the edge of the other side of the bridge before stumbling. A moment of panic crosses [skorr_jihad_leader.GetHerHis] face as [skorr_jihad_leader.GetSheHe] tumbles into the dark chasm. TChar looks on with amusement from the other side of the bridge, beside the exit door which glows green.”
STH_federation_story.1140.desc:0 “TChar steps through the green door of the exit, his eyes narrow and cold. ‘Cannot even die right!’ he shouts. Chasing the Skorr prince into the chamber beyond, the door slams behind [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName]. TChar is airborne, and circles a platform in the middle of the giant sphere of the chamber. ‘What are you doing?’ [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] demands. ‘Stopping you from returning the Soul! My people have become weak, and only the theft of the Soul can rouse us from our millennia long slumber!.’ He smiles a little before shouting, ‘But you have earned yourself a decent death, I suppose. Come. Fight me! I’ll even turn the gravity off for you.'”
STH_federation_story.1141.desc:0 “The gravity in the chamber decreases to nothingness as TChar swoops, snapping his beak at [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName]. Years of zero gravity training come flooding back and [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] jumps aside, grasping the Skorr’s tail feathers. The two figures spiral together for minutes, claw against fist. At last, [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] gains grip on TChar’s thin legs and with great effort snaps the hollow bone within. Screeching in pain the Skorr lashes out again, but misses in his agony. Several blows to the head later, TChar floats unconscious. Kicking from him, [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] glides to the central platform and reaches the glowing Soul of Alar, activating the gravity setting on the console beside it. TChar’s body crashes to the floor. Deactivating the inhibitor grid around the tower, [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] signals the Skorr authorities for retrieval.”
STH_federation_story.1142.desc:0 “The gravity in the chamber decreases to nothingness as TChar swoops, snapping his beak at [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName]. Years of zero gravity training come flooding back and [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] jumps aside, grasping the Skorr’s tail feathers. The two figures spiral together for minutes, claw against fist. At last, [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] loses grip on TChar. Several blows to the head later, [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] floats unconscious. TChar glides to the central platform, activating the gravity setting on the console beside it. [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] crashes to the floor, a bloody pool building around [skorr_jihad_leader.GetHerHis] corpse. ‘Easy…’ TChar laughs.”
STH_federation_story.1143.desc:0 “My name is Minister C’Chee of the Kingdom of Skorr, greetings once again. Your leader [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] proved [skorr_jihad_leader.GetHerHim]self many times over in retrieving the Soul of Alar from the traitor TChar. Having killed TChar in lawful defence, [skorr_jihad_leader.GetName] is entitled to the contents of his library… however we believe you may find a substitute in access to the Soul itself to be more valuable.”
STH_federation_story.1144.desc:0 “News from the Kingdom of Skorr had ceased for several weeks while sensors detected subspace energy burst of phenomenal scale. What little intelligence can be gathered from the Kingdom indicates a civil war is in progress, and that while government forces have the upper hand the rebels are preparing to take their fight to the rest of the galaxy. The Skorr prince TChar appears to be leading the rebel forces, with even a depleted force capable of inflicting terrible damage on the galaxy.”
STH_federation_story.1149.desc:0 “My name is Minister C’Chee of the Kingdom of Skorr, greetings once again. Your fleet captains have proved themselves many times over in defeating the forces of the traitor TChar. Having killed TChar in lawful defence, you are entitled to the contents of his library… however we believe you may find a substitute in access to the Soul itself to be more valuable.”
INVESTIGATE_GLENN_PROJECT_1_DESC:0 “The [spore_drive_ship_tardigrade.Fleet.GetName] has stopped responding to hails and appears to be adrift in space.”
INVESTIGATE_GLENN_PROJECT_1a_DESC:0 “The [spore_drive_ship_tardigrade.Fleet.GetName] has stopped responding to hails and appears to be adrift in space.”
INVESTIGATE_GLENN_PROJECT_1b_DESC:0 “The [spore_drive_ship_tardigrade.Fleet.GetName] has stopped responding to hails and appears to be adrift in space.”
STH_federation_story.700.desc:0 “Recent defeats have left the [Root.GetName] vulnerable. Many politicians and an increasing portion of the admiralty are pushing [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] to abandon [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] opposition to some of Starfleet’s more dangerous research avenues in order to secure the future security of the [Root.GetName].”
STH_federation_story.701.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle], my name is [scientist.GetName] and my team have developed a number of interesting research candidates for your approval. Now, it must be stressed that these carry an element of risk… however given the precarious situation the [Root.GetName] has found itself in, such risks may be necessary. Both projects involve a recent discovery – the mycelial network.”
STH_federation_story.800.desc:0 “Efforts to research the transportation potential of the Mycelial Network have proven somewhat successful. Three ships have been designed and built to exploit the system. The Crossfield, Glenn and Discovery. While the Crossfield has been consigned to storage following early indications that the flaws in the construction process would result in catastrophic failure on activation of what the Starfleet Corps of Engineering have named the ‘Spore Drive’, the Discovery and Glenn have been approved for limited deployment and ongoing testing.”
STH_federation_story.802.desc:0 “Disaster has apparently struck the [Root.Fleet.GetName], as the vessel has ceased responding to hails. The last distress call received from the ship suggests that the Captain and crew have all perished.”
STH_federation_story.803.desc:0 “The [From.Fleet.GetName] appears dead in space, her hull twisted in places in strange spiral patterns. [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.Fleet.Leader.GetName] is left with two choices; to scuttle the [From.Fleet.GetName] and thus ensure the secrets of her Spore Drive will not fall into enemy hands, or risk an away team to discovery what went wrong on the ship.”
STH_federation_story.805.desc:0 “After hours searching the [From.Fleet.GetName], the away team have identified the source of the catastrophe. Logs show that the [From.Fleet.GetName] hit a Hawking radiation firewall when exiting the mycelial plane, causing the drive to spin out and cause extreme helical torsion. Before the team was able to download the required sensor logs to prevent further incidents in future, they were attacked by a creature described over the communicator as resembling a giant tardigrade. Responding with hostility, the creature chased the away team into the engine room where phaser fire appears to have triggered a core breach in the ship’s conventional warp drive. The [From.Fleet.GetName], her crew and the away team were all destroyed in the ensuing explosion.”
WOK_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “At the request of the project lead for the top secret ‘Genesis Project’ Starfleet has been asked to investigate a nearby planet to ensure that the initial reports that the surface is lifeless proves to be correct.”
WOK_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “We have picked up a distress call from an unknown and un-registered Starfleet ship. We must send aid to the vessel as soon as possible.”
WOK_2a_PROJECT_DESC:0 “We have picked up a distress call from an unknown and un-registered Starfleet ship. We must send aid to the vessel as soon as possible.”
WOK_3_PROJECT_DESC:0 “We received a communication from project Genesis claiming that Starfleet was interfering with their research. We must send a ship to follow up on their complaint and ensure that Genesis continues undisturbed.”
WOK_3a_PROJECT_DESC:0 “We received a communication from project Genesis claiming that Starfleet was interfering with their research. We must send a ship to follow up on their complaint and ensure that Genesis continues undisturbed.”
STH_federation_story.901.desc:0 “We have been contacted by the project manager of the top secret Genesis Project located close to the Mutara Nebula, they are requesting [root.GetName] assistance with their project. Due to the security clearance levels the project leads are not at liberty to explain why, but they require us to complete a detailed scan and investigation of planet [wok_planet.GetName] to ensure that their initial scans are correct and that there is no life present on the planet. “
STH_federation_story.902.desc:0 “We have been contacted by the project manager of the top secret Genesis Project, they are requesting [root.GetName] assistance with their project. Due to the security clearance levels the project leads are not at liberty to explain why, but they require us to complete a detailed scan and investigation of planet [wok_planet.GetName] to ensure that their initial scans are correct and that there is no life present on the planet. “
STH_federation_story.903.desc:0 “We have lost contact with [wok_ship.GetName], the ship failed to check in whilst investigating the planet they were sent to check. The project manager at the Genesis research station has report that communications in the area are problematic and that they will send a docked vessel to investigate once they can pull together a skeleton crew.”
STH_federation_story.904.desc:0 “The planet turned out to be inhabited after all, and not by native lifeforms as feared. A group of Augments were lying in wait to ambush the away team, but thankfully their position was given away by a careless member of their team. The team claim to have been trapped on the planet having been frozen onboard an old Earth ship, the SS Botany Bay, they were lying in wait looking for revenge against Starfleet. “
STH_federation_story.905.desc:0 “We are receiving a distress call on a Starfleet channel, from an unknown vessel claiming to be under attack by heavily armed assailants. We are unable to identify the name of the ship under attack and the signal appears unlike any known Starfleet code. We should approach with caution.”
STH_federation_story.907.desc:0 “Greetings [wok_2_leader.GetName], my name is Khan Noonien Singh and I appear to have stumbled on your galaxy via a bizare anomaly, which seems to have been produced via the ignition of a substance we call Red Matter, whilst in produce of this ship here. The USS Enterprise is wanted for crimes against my people and they shall be destroyed. We respectfully ask that you stay well out of our way, for your own sakes.”
STH_federation_story.908.desc:0 “With that final message, Khan terminates the communications and powers up the weapons on his vessel, which bears the designation USS Vengeance. Adrift but largely intact a ship carrying the registry NCC-1701 hangs slightly in space, both vessels carry the distinct presence of a rare decalithium isotope which seems to confirm Khan’s version of events and that these ships are indeed from another timeline or parallel universe. However the dangerous Khan must be handled first.”
STH_federation_story.909.desc:0 “Our tactical officer has made an astute observation, they believe they could bring the disabled USS Enterprise into the fight against Khan using a small team. The ship could help turn the tide in the battle.”
STH_federation_story.910.desc:0 “An angry fireball engulfs the mighty Vengeance taking with it Khan and his vendetta against Starfleet. It may never be clear why he haboured such hatred for this alternative version of the Federation, but the threat he carried has been eliminated.”
STH_federation_story.911.desc:0 “A huge explosion rocks the powerful Enterprise, as a cascade of explosions travels down the spine of the vessel causing fatal damage to the ship. As the hull is wracked with further explosions the dying ship gives one final lurch and explodes in a fierce ball of white light.”
STH_federation_story.912.desc:0 “Greetings, I am Lt. Pavel Andreievich Chekov from the USS Enterprise, my appreciation for coming to our aid. My ship was engaged in battle with Khan when one of their experimental torpedoes detinated wretching the Enterprise through time and across space. I volunteered to remain onboard whilst my Captain got the crew to safety. It wasnt until after I realised that in the ship had been duplicated. You have stopped a very dangerous man from being set free on your galaxy… It does seem however that I am without a way home, I am Starfleet officer and pledge my service and this ship to your Starfleet. There is also the option to decomission the Enterprise and reverse engineer its hull frame.”
STH_federation_story.915.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle], I am contacting you from the Genesis Project research station, forgive the intrusion but I must speak to you on an important matter. I must formally complain about the conduct of your Starfleet officers. As you know this projet, codenamed Genesis is a top secret highly important project to the United Federation of Planets and yet one of your ships is interfering with our operation. You need to take action to allow us to continue our research undisturbed.”
STH_federation_story.917.desc:0 “Ah [wrath_of_khan_fed_leader.GetName] my old friend, I Mean To Avenge Myself Upon You, Admiral. I Deprive Your Ship Of Power, And, When I Swing Around, I Mean To Deprive You Of Your Life, But I Wanted You To Know First Who It Was Who Had Beaten You!”
STH_federation_story.918.desc:0 “Khan’s ambush has left our fleets vulnerable and [wrath_of_khan_fed_leader.GetName] knows that if Khan destroys them there will be nothing stopping them from using the weapon and setting up their own empire with the potential to strike out at the heart of the Federation. Khan and his followers must be stopped here and now.”
STH_federation_story.919.desc:0 “The Federation have been defeated here at the hands of the superior race. Now is time to use Genesis to carve our future.”
STH_federation_story.920.desc:0 “With the destruction of our fleet, nothing can now stop Khan from deploying Genesis and taking over the system.”
STH_federation_story.921.desc:0 “With no one to stop them, Khan unleashed the Genesis device on the nearest planet, transforming it from lifeless rock to thriving world in a short space of time. Khan’s Empire has a footing within our territory and these super humans carry the technology to rapidily create more Augmented humans and with Genesis in their hands they can expand and grow quickly. Their hatred for their ‘inferior’ relatives make them a dangerous threat to humanity.”
STH_federation_story.922.desc:0 “Our sources have confirmed that a group of rogue human augments have won a decisive battle over the United Federation of Planets, gaining control of a device that can create life from nothingness. These Augments have set up their own territory. We shall see what impact they have on galactic affairs.”
STH_federation_story.923.desc:0 “As the Reliant explodes taking with it Khan and his maniacal followers, a warning alarm sounds, the last shot made critical damage to the warp core. The chief Engineer gives the daming news that the only way to prevent a warp core breach is via a terminal sealed away behind a radiation door, the room having been flooded with deadly radiation from the core. The Captain rushes to main engineering and is presented with three options, abandon ship, enter the radiation filled room or attempt to use all their skill to bring the secondary panel online.”
STH_federation_story.924.desc:0 “[ship_destroyed_leader.GetName] watches as [ship_destroyed_wok.GetName] explodes in a spectuacular warp core breach and with it ends the threat of Khan and his followers at the cost of some of Starfleets finest.”
STH_federation_story.925.desc:0 “The radiation was too much for [wrath_of_khan_2.GetName], but the Admiral was able to secure the warp core and bring the ship back into a stable situation. Their sacrifice managed to save the ship and crew and with Khan and his minions destroyed peace has been restored to the quadrant.”
STH_federation_story.926.desc:0 “As the Reliant was destroyed its debris rained down on the lifeless planet below, causing the remains of Genesis to detonate in the planets upper atmosphere. The results are spectacular and as the explosions die down… where there was only lifelessness, the shoots of green growth could be seen all across the planet. The planet is rapidly transformed from a lifeless rock to a vibrant world full of life. Genesis works.”
STH_federation_story.927.desc:0 “Reports are coming in from our sources within the Federation, a device detonated within the atmosphere of a lifeless rock transforming it into a world alive with possibilities. Reports are the technology was lost in the transformation and the scientists who created it were killed making this a one off miracle world.”
STH_federation_story.928.desc:0 “[ship_alive_leader.GetName] successfully manages to bring the secondary systems back online and forcibly ejects the warp core before it can breach saving the [ship_alive_wok.GetName] and crew from being destroyed. With Khan defeated and Genesis destroyed along with the Reliant the threat to the Federation and the galaxy is over. “
STH_federation_story.929.desc:0 “In the aftermath of the events over the Genesis planet our scouts have been able to find the remains of the USS Reliant. Despite some heavy damage the ship appears to be adrift but salvageable. Our Corp. of Engineers are requesting permission to restore the ship, but many believe it would be better to decommission given what occurred during the battle. “
UNDISCOVERED_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Time has come to put old differences behind us for the good of the Empire. Rendevouz with Starfleet to begin a series of diplomatic talks which could change the future of both empires.”
UNDISCOVERED_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Time has come to forge a new peace for all Federation citizens. Rendevouz with the Klingon Chancellor to begin a series of diplomatic talks which could change the future of both worlds.”
UNDISCOVERED_3_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Klingons are wrongfully holding one of our Admirals, Starfleet has sanctioned a daring rescue from the prison world of Rura Penthe in a bid to uncover the plot against us.”
UNDISCOVERED_4_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Klingons are wrongfully holding one of our Admirals, Starfleet has sanctioned a daring rescue from the prison world of Rura Penthe in a bid to uncover the plot against us.”
UNDISCOVERED_5_PROJECT_DESC:0 “A plot to sabotage the Khitomer peace conference has been uncovered, send a ship to ensure the plot to hijack the summit does not succeed.”
undiscovered_country_event_chain_desc:0 “With Praxis destroyed and the Federation seeking peace, a new era is about to begin for Starfleet and the Klingon Empire.”
STH_federation_story.1001.desc:0 “Greetings my Chancellor, I am Azetbur of House Makok, I come before the high council with a grave warning, but also a solution. The destruction of Praxis has left our homeworld in grave danger from the debris that falls towards our home and threatens our atmosphere. Klingons make fine warriors but poor scientists, but solution lies with our former enermies, the United Federation of Planets, for they have the technology to save our world.”
STH_federation_story.1002.desc:0 “Hail Chancellor, I am General Chang! I have fought many battles against these Federation and I feel I know them better than any warrior in the Empire. I volunteer to escort you on this mission. On my honour you will be save my lord.”
STH_federation_story.1003.desc:0 “Greetings Admiral [fed_undiscovered_leader.GetName] we have recieved a diplomatic invitation from the Klingon Empire, a chance for lasting peace between our worlds. The Empire needs our help and we require peace and a future where we can call the Klingons allies. Rendevouz with the Klingon Chancellor and pave a way for lasting peace.”
STH_federation_story.1005.desc:0 “Starfleet have agreed to meet with us, they are sending their Flagship and one of their finest leaders to meet with us.”
STH_federation_story.1010.desc:0 “The Federation Starship [ufp_undiscovered_country_ship.GetName] has entered the system and is hailing us, they have invited us over to experence the best hospitality the Federation has to offer.”
STH_federation_story.1011.desc:0 “General Chang, Lady Azetbur and Chancellor [vi_tuc_klingons.GetRulerName] have arrived onboard and are expecting to be treated as honoured guests as we begin diplomatic discussions.”
STH_federation_story.1017.desc:0 “The Starfleet captain and their doctor beam over to our Flagship with a set of medical supplies. The doctor immedialy goes to work attempting to save the lives of our injured crew and leadership…”
STH_federation_story.1018.desc:0 “Admiral [leader_name_ref.GetName] returns with the news that they were unsuccessful in their attempts to save the Klingon injured who passed from their wounds in the early hours. Worryingly the damage to the Klingons and their ship appears to be consistant with Starfleet weaponary, to make matters worse the Klingons are demanding we hand over [leader_name_ref.GetName] for crimes against the Empire.”
STH_federation_story.1019.desc:0 “The Starfleet officer and his medical doctor have been handed to us. They will be sent to the prison planet of Rura Penthe where they will be the rest of the accursed days digging Dilithium from that hellish rock and regretting their crimes against our people. “
STH_federation_story.1021.desc:0 “Following what we believe to have been failed peace talks the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire have now gone to war. The impact of this war will be felt across the quadrant.”
STH_federation_story.1022.desc:0 “The High Council has met following the events of recent days and have agreed that although the outcome could have been worse, the insult against the Empire should be repayed with some form of tribute and recompense from the Federation.”
STH_federation_story.1023.desc:0 “The Klingon Empire is demanding that we pay tribute as a form of recompense for the attack apon their ship. They are refusing to continue the peace talks unless we pay them these fund to repair the damage and apology for this insult. Whilst the crew claim they took no actions against the Chancellor’s ship, many think that we should accept the punishment and continue the peace talks.”
STH_federation_story.1024.desc:0 “The howls from the Klingon warriors alert the honoured dead in Sto-vo-Kor that a new warrior is travelling to dine in the mighty halls. [klingon_killed_leader.GetName] joins the list of the honoured dead, despite the efforts from the Starfleet team. Honour must be restored and the Federation must pay for this act of betrayal and hand over the Admiral.”
STH_federation_story.1025.desc:0 “As both ships settled into the night shift the calm was disrupted by the sounds of torpedoes slamming into the unshielded hull of the Klingon envoy ship. The tactical officer on the night shift was able to wrestle the shields up before any further strikes could be made against the Flagship. Critically damaged, but still operational an alarm triggers indicating intruders have beamed onto the ship. Sending a contingent of warriors to intercept the would-be assassins allows us to capture a trio of Starfleet officers.Before they can be questioned each officer ingests a suicide capsule, at least they have enough honour to refuse to be captured alive…”
STH_federation_story.1026.desc:0 “The Klingon vessel appears to have surived whomever attacked the ship, General Chang appears on screen accusing our ship of firing on his ship. Our Science Officer cannot explain the scenario that played out just minuits ago, the Klingons were clearly fired on, but no such order came from our ship. To make matters worse the bodies of three Starfleet crew members were found onboard the Klingon ship, however they killed themselves before they could be questioned. General Chang has declared the talks over and that we have not heard the last of this insult.”
STH_federation_story.1027.desc:0 “In the early hours of the morning, the on duty security officer picked up a tripped alarm on a storage locker, with nothing else to do the officer sends a secuirty team to investigate. On arriving at the destination they find a small team of officers attempting to break into a weapons locker, caught off-guard the trio of officers engage an emergency transporter and vanish.All evidence suggests that we have managed to stop some sort of covert assassination attempt, presumably on the Klingon vessel. With no further evidence to go on, all we can do now is wait for the next stage of talks and be thankful nothing worse came from this.”
STH_federation_story.1028.desc:0 “After an uneventful nightshift, General Chang resumes command the next morning. The bridge officers comment that the General appears to be in a foul mood, but then a Klingon not engaged in combat is never full satisfied. The High Council gives the order to return to the homeworld and prepare for the next phase of talks.”
STH_federation_story.1030.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], I am [suggested_rura_Leader1.GetName] and I come to you with worrying news. The attack against the Klingon vessel, for which our officers were arrested was a hoax. We have found evidence of a plot by members of Starfleet and the Klingon Defence Force to disrupt the peace talks and frame [ufp_undiscovered_country_leader_rura_penthe.GetName] for the murders on the Klingon Flagship. We request permission to extract [ufp_undiscovered_country_leader_rura_penthe.GetHerHim] from the prison world of Rura Penthe and then onto Khitomer to expose this plot!”
STH_federation_story.1031.desc:0 “Life on the frozen prison world is every bit as challenging as the Klingon’s stated it would be, the cold, the guards and the gruelling manual labour are all potential killers. However [ufp_undiscovered_country_leader_rura_penthe.GetName] has faced challenged throughout their career. Managing to join forces with another inmate the prisoners were able to escape to the frozen surface of the planet and just as all hope of escape was about to be lost, the familiar tingle of a transporter beam and freedom.”
STH_federation_story.1032.desc:0 “The warden on Rura Penthe has reported that our Federation prisoners have escaped, with the aid of a Starfleet ship. The Federation ambassador has promised to explain all and that the future of the Khitomer Conference is at stake.”
STH_federation_story.1033.desc:0 “Following repeated scans of the planets surface, no signs of life could be found. A detailed scan finds a faint trace of the hidden transponder, but no sign of the Admiral or doctor. Unable to wait any longer we can only assume they did not manage surive the inhospitable conditions on the surface, sadly we must now consider them dead and continue onward to Khitomer.”
STH_federation_story.1034.desc:0 “The warden on Rura Penthe has filed a report indicating a mysterious signal was reported in orbit of the prison planet. A Bird of Prey was dispatched, but did not pick up anything out of the normal. With the Khitomer Conference on the horizon security should be at its tightest.”
STH_federation_story.1035.desc:0 “As [khitomer_conf_ship.GetName] enters orbit above Camp Khitomer, the bridge crew beam down determined to uncover the plot taking place at the peace talks. With dignitories from across the Federation member worlds, Klingon Empire and observers from other major powers all in attendance it seems as if the eyes of the galaxy are on the events taking place on the planet.”
STH_federation_story.1036.desc:0 “Following the anthems of the Klingon Empire and Federation of Planets, the opening talks begin. Foreign dignitories from across the sector are in attendance to join the talks and witness this historic occassion. Planetary security has noted that the [khitomer_conf_ship.GetName] has entered orbit unannouced, General Chang has insisted on returning to his warship to monitor the situation.”
STH_federation_story.1037.desc:0 “Seeing the leaders of both countries lining up to speak, [khitomer_conf_leader.GetName ] orders their crew to fan out and search for a potential assassin, the staged murder of the Federation President could bring both countries to a state of war.To make matters more urgent all communications with [khitomer_conf_ship.GetName] have been lost…”
STH_federation_story.1038.desc:0 “A small red scope dot dances across the chest of [ufp_ruler_khitomer.GetName] unoticed by all except [khitomer_conf_leader.GetName], diving for the assassin and knocking them through the overlooking window to the ground below. Gasps of concern ring out from the conference participants as a Klingon and his sniper rifle fall to the ground, however all is not as it seems, pulling the mask from the Klingon’s face to reveal a §YStarfleet General§! and with a final triumphant shout the General shouts ‘Chang will complete the mission’.”
STH_federation_story.1039.desc:0 “The assassin is able to fire two quick shots from his sniper rifle before the Starfleet crew are able to take the assailant down. The cries from the crowd are enough to confirm that the shots have found their targets and that the Klingon Chancellor and Federation President are both dead. With the attacker’s job now complete, they are revealed to be a Klingon before they beam away.”
STH_federation_story.1040.desc:0 “The source of the commotion is quickly identified as a hidden assassin, a Klingon male, opens fire from a sniper rifle, the shots hit the rulers of the Klingon Empire and Federation killing both instantly. Looking over at the attacker the telltale sign of a Klingon transporter beam whisks him away.”
STH_federation_story.1041.desc:0 “The assassin is able to fire off a single shot from his sniper rifle before the Starfleet crew are able to take the assailant down. The cries from the crowd are enough to confirm that the shot successfully found its target and the Federation President [khitomer_conf_ufp_leader.GetName] lay dead beside the podium. With the attacker’s job now complete, they are reveal themselves to be a Klingon before beaming away.”
STH_federation_story.1042.desc:0 “The source of the commotion is quickly identified as a hidden assassin, a Klingon male, who opens fire from a sniper rifle, the shot successfully strikes the Federation President before the bodyguards can protect them. “
STH_federation_story.1043.desc:0 “The Federation team’s mission is finally reviewed, it appears they were hunting an assassin in the crowd. The assassins location revealed, the attacker takes aim as Starfleet officers rush in to prevent the killer from taking his shot.”
STH_federation_story.1044.desc:0 “As the Assassin takes aim to fire, [ufp_khitomer_captain.GetName] heroically leaps in front of the shot in a desparate bid to knock the assassin off his aim. The Assassin is knocked backwards and the rifle blast fires harmlessly passed the gathered leadership. The Assassin is revealed to be a human general disguised as a Klingon, before he is pulled away by security he vows that Chang will complete the mission!”
STH_federation_story.1045.desc:0 “Be honest, Captain, warrior to warrior. You do prefer it this way, don’t you, as it was meant to be? No peace in our time. ‘Once more unto the breach, dear friends’.”
STH_federation_story.1046.desc:0 “General Chang’s ship finally defeated explodes in a ball of fury, in life the General’s hatred for the Federation and desire to return to the ways of war had fueled his desire to betray his own people. However with the General now dead and the Starfleet officers behind the plot either dead or behind bars, maybe now there is a chance for peace.”
STH_federation_story.1047.desc:0 “With the traitor Chang defeated, it is time to once again turn attention back to the Khitomer Summit. Many Klingons will have supported his crusade against the Federation, and it is clear that many within Starfleet shared his views, but the Empire must evolve, new threats will emerge, is it time to put aside our difference and find an ally in Starfleet?”
STH_federation_story.1048.desc:0 “Our diplomats have withdrawn from Khitomer, the acts over the last few weeks have all but destroyed any chance that the Klingons would sign the peace treaty and as feared they have pulled out of the talks and ordered all Federation envoys from their space. Our attempts to tame the Undiscovered Country has failed, the relationship between [Root.Capital_scope.GetName] and Qo’nos are perhaps worse than ever.”
STH_federation_story.1049.desc:0 “This is a historic day for all members of the Federation and warriors of the Klingon Empire! After years of open hostility and fierce wars both countries have signed the Khitomer Accords, which will bring each empire closer together and open the way to forge a peaceful future together. “
STH_federation_story.1050.desc:0 “The Federation and Klingon Empire appear to have signed a historic treaty bringing each empire closer together and ending a century of on and off violence between the two major powers. We shall see what this means for the rest of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.”
STH_federation_story.1051.desc:0 “Those cowards on the Starfleet ship not only appear to have attacked us, but now refuse to help us during our time of need. This act of cowardice must not go unpunished and the dealths of our warriors must be avenged.These peace talks are over!”
STH_federation_story.1052.desc:0 “Our failure to offer aid to the Klingons has only further inflamed an already tense situation, the Empire has departed the system and cut communications with us. Our admiralty have warned us to prepare for the threat of open war with the Klingons.”
STH_federation_story.1054.desc:0 “It is a rare feat to see such bravery from another species, but the actions of [ufp_khitomer_captain.GetName] were worthy of the most enthusiastic song! The Admiral, without a thought to their own safety, dives in to tackle the would be assassin blocking the shot and saving the delegates. Security forces rush in to reveal a disguised human who is loudly declaring that our General Chang will finish the mission. Could Chang have betrayed us?”
STH_federation_story.1055.desc:0 “The Starfleet Officers that beamed in appear to have captured an armed Klingon male. Dragging the individual in front of the security agencies it appears he was here to assassinate the conference leadership! Before being dragged away the agent reveals that General Chang was behind the plot and a traitor to the Empire.”
STH_federation_story.1056.desc:0 “After searching throughout the main conference room, the crew notice a locked door overlooking the podiums, a security officer lying unconcious hidden to the side of the room. Rushing into the room [ufp_khitomer_captain.GetName] confronts an assassin preparing to fire a sniper at the President and Klingon Chancellor. The attack must be stopped.”
STH_federation_story.1060.desc:0 “President! I can no longer stand by whilst the Starfleet I have served so loyally betrays its values by aligning with those Klingon animals and I am not alone, like-minded individuals across both empires will align to ensure the lasting security of the countries we love.”
STH_ferengi_mechanics.2.desc:0 “The bi-annual Ferengi Commerce Authority board meeting has been convened, with [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] chairing.Businessmen across the [Root.GetName] await the minutes of the session eagerly, to learn of new opportunities for profit.”
STH_ferengi_mechanics.100.desc:0 “Few foreign powers would wish to place themselves in debt to the [Root.GetName], but the allure of short-term gain is often enough to persuade them to do just that.By transferring resources from the [Root.GetName] treasury to our neighbours, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] can extract significant interest payments on top of the initial loan amounts. All that is needed is to select a candidate to offer the loan to.”
STH_ferengi_mechanics.101.desc:0 “The [ferengiLoanOfferCandidate.GetName] has been selected to receive the [Root.GetName]’s offer of a loan. To proceed, the currency of the offered loan must be determined.”
STH_ferengi_mechanics.102.desc:0 “The [ferengiLoanOfferCandidate.GetName] has been selected to receive the [Root.GetName]’s offer of a loan. To proceed, the scale of the offered loan must be determined.”
STH_ferengi_mechanics.105.desc:0 “The loan offer to the [ferengiLoanOfferCandidate.GetName] has been accepted.”
STH_ferengi_mechanics.106.desc:0 “The loan offer to the [ferengiLoanOfferCandidate.GetName] accepted, but prior to signing the contract, the [Root.GetName] no longer has the funds required to fulfill the offer.”
STH_ferengi_mechanics.107.desc:0 “The loan offer to the [ferengiLoanOfferCandidate.GetName] has been rejected.”
STH_ferengi_mechanics.201.desc:0 “The [Root.GetSpeciesName] banking sector is capable of supplying vast funds to the state, at modest interest rates. All they require is the [Root.GetRulerTitle] to signal a required amount.”
STH_ferengi_mechanics.202.desc:0 “The [Root.GetSpeciesName] mining industry is capable of supplying vast quantities of resources to the state, at modest interest rates. All they require is the [Root.GetRulerTitle] to signal a required amount.”
STH_ferengi_mechanics.301.desc:0 “Fortunately the [Root.GetSpeciesName] people have proven relatively willing to accept the requirements of the state in increasing the taxation rate temporarily.”
STH_ferengi_mechanics.302.desc:0 “As many could have predicted, the [Root.GetSpeciesName] people have proven unwilling to support the state in its temporary increase in the taxation rate.Across the [Root.GetName], bribes given to state officials have decreased in protest at the moves, and unrest runs high.”
STH_ferengi_mechanics.400.desc:0 “Commerce is the domain of the [Root.GetSpeciesName], not war. But if the [Root.GetName] has to engage in conflict with others, then is it not preferable that it be done as commercially – and deniable – as possible?By chartering private paramilitary organisations to attack the [Root.GetName]’s enemies, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] is able to avoid wasting valuable ships, while adding a layer of deniability to the offensive actions. All that is needed is a target.”
STH_ferengi_mechanics.401.desc:0 “A number of groups exist that can perform targeted strikes at our enemy’s infrastructure. At a price…”
STH_ferengi_mechanics.410.desc:0 “The Ferengi Marauders [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] requested have accepted the proposed contract, and are en route to [ferengiPrivateerTargetPlanet.GetName] to strike at the [ferengiPrivateerTarget.GetName].”
STH_ferengi_mechanics.411.desc:0 “The Nausicaan Raiders [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] requested have accepted the proposed contract, and are en route to [ferengiPrivateerTargetPlanet.GetName] to strike at the [ferengiPrivateerTarget.GetName].”
STH_ferengi_mechanics.500.desc:0 “The ‘Rules of Acquisition Review Conference’ marks the traditional end of most Ferengi Commerce Authority sessions.By bringing together the sharpest and most cunning businessmen from across the [Root.GetName], the opportunities for networking can prove very lucrative.”
STH_ferengi_mechanics.600.desc:0 “Investment opportunities are available to all [Root.GetSpeciesName] with the lobes and latinum for business, but the [Root.GetRulerTitle] is afforded the most lucrative.By investing in certain parts of the private sector, productivity can be boosted… but at a cost.”
STH_ferengi_story.2000.desc:0 “The annual Global Tongo Championship is scheduled to begin on [Root.Capital.GetName] shortly, where players from across the [Root.GetName] will compete to win a substantial prize in latinum.[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] is guaranteed a seat in the Golden Masters Division. Victory would secure [Root.GetRulerName]’s position with the FCA, while proving very profitable.”
STH_ferengi_story.2001.desc:0 “Progressing through the early rounds has proven tougher than [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] anticipated, with victory accomplished by the thinnest of profit margins. During the third day’s break an anonymous message was sent direct to [Root.GetRulerName]’s personal inbox, containing a number of brilliant strategies for beating the next round’s opponents. While it would prove embarrassing if it came to public attention that the [Root.GetRulerTitle] required assistance to win, it might be worth the risk to avoid outright defeat.”
STH_ferengi_story.2005.desc:0 “Trusting in [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] own judgement has paid off as [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] has won the Global Tongo Championship, taking the top prize.”
STH_ferengi_story.2006.desc:0 “Trusting in [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] own judgement has not paid off as [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] has come fourth in the Global Tongo Championship, barely earning [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] initial stake back.”
STH_ferengi_story.2010.desc:0 “Trusting in the anonymous messenger’s strategies has paid off as [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] has won the Global Tongo Championship, taking the top prize. Intrigued by the brilliance of how subtly each piece of advice was targeted at each opponent, [Root.GetRulerName] ponders whether to attempt to strike up a correspondence outside of the Tongo hall.”
STH_ferengi_story.2011.desc:0 “Trusting in the anonymous messenger’s strategies has helped avoid utter defeat as [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] has come third in the Global Tongo Championship. Intrigued by the brilliance of how subtly each piece of advice was targeted at each opponent, [Root.GetRulerName] ponders whether to attempt to strike up a correspondence outside of the Tongo hall.”
STH_ferengi_story.2012.desc:0 “After several weeks of messages between [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] and [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] secret Tongo advisor on matters as diverse as trade policy, bribe etiquette and Slug-o-Cola preferences, [Root.GetRulerName] has been left stunned by the revelation that [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] confidant is in fact a female. Revealing the shocking news in the hope to strike up a romantic relationship, the female [ferengi_female_rights_leader.GetName] has placed the [Root.GetRulerTitle] in a difficult situation. Accepting [ferengi_female_rights_leader.GetHerHis] financial acumen would go against all of [Root.GetSpeciesName] orthodoxy, and if discovered could end [Root.GetRulerName]’s reign as [Root.GetRulerTitle].”
STH_ferengi_story.2013.desc:0 “Pursuing a relationship with [ferengi_female_rights_leader.GetName] has lifted the spirits of the [Root.GetRulerTitle], though [ferengi_female_rights_leader.GetHerHis] frequent financial advice risks ruining [Root.GetRulerName]’s career should the public find out. A number of difficult trade negotiations have brought the tension to a head, with [Root.GetRulerName] undecided whether to follow [ferengi_female_rights_leader.GetName]’s suggestions or else demand their conversations avoid matters of state.”
STH_ferengi_story.2014.desc:0 “[ferengi_female_rights_leader.GetName]’s suggestions on how to proceed with a number of difficult recent trade negotiations have proven both insightful and personally profitable for [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]. Convinced that orthodox [Root.GetSpeciesName] gender roles might not be optimal for the economy of the [Root.GetName], [Root.Leader.GetSheHe] still doubts the time is right to legislate change given the unrest it might unleash among more conservative [Root.GetSpeciesName].”
STH_ferengi_story.2015.desc:0 “The [Root.GetRulerTitle]’s relationship with [ferengi_female_rights_leader.GetName] continues to develop, despite ongoing friction as to how far [Root.GetSpeciesName] society can be pushed with gender rights. A conversation on the traditions and laws around clothing have left [Root.GetRulerName] convinced of the need for change, but once again uncertain how many other [Root.GetSpeciesName] would support it.”
STH_ferengi_story.2016.desc:0 “[ferengi_female_rights_leader.GetName]’s influence with [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] has progressed to the point that [Root.GetRulerName] has been convinced of the benefits from allowing both genders access to employment and profit. The only question remains whether the unrest from more traditional [Root.GetSpeciesName] would outweigh the financial benefits.”
STH_kazon_story.1.desc:0 “Infighting gnaws away at the heart of the Kazon society, where several of the Sect leaders have begun to openly voice their opposition to [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]’s government. Without an outside enemy to overcome, infighting soon overtakes all else on [Root.Capital.GetName]. The Majes await [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]’s response.”
STH_kazon_story.2.desc:0 “After months of debate in the Great Chambers, the [rebelCountry1.GetName] has declared open revolt against the government of [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] from their stronghold on [rebelCountry1.Capital.GetName]. While so far no other Sects have pledged themselves to the [rebelCountry1.GetName]’s cause, all Sects eagerly await at the opportunity to further their agendas in the coming conflict.”
STH_kazon_story.3.desc:0 “After months of debate in the Great Chambers, the [rebelCountry1.GetName] has declared open revolt against the government of [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] from their stronghold on [rebelCountry1.Capital.GetName]. Barely had the news arrived on [Root.Capital.GetName] before another blow was dealt to the [Root.GetRulerTitle]’s leadership with a similar declaration from the [rebelCountry2.GetName] on [rebelCountry2.Capital.GetName]. While so far no other Sects have pledged themselves to the rebels, all Sects eagerly await at the opportunity to further their agendas in the coming conflict.”
STH_kazon_story.4.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]’s masterful political maneuvering in the Great Chambers has successfully isolated those Sects which appeared to oppose the current administration. The Sects are united now to face the enemy without, not within.”
STH_kazon_story.10.desc:0 “Too long have the Kazon rotted away under the mastership of the Trabe, they steal what is ours and force us to work the jobs they are too weak to master. The great Sects have finally become united in a desire to see a free Kazon race, one which the galaxy should fear.”
STH_kazon_story.11.desc:0 “It seems all is not well within the Trabe Alliance. Their slaves have finally had enough of doing their masters bidding and the Kazon are launching a bid for freedom.”
STH_kazon_story.12.desc:0 “We have had disturbing reports from our outposts across Kazon space, it appears the Sects have finally united as one in a bid to overthrow and free themselves of our governership. We must crush this rebellion before the galaxy is forced to endure the Kazon.”
STH_kazon_mechanics.2.desc:0 “In the face of conflict with the [From.GetName], all Sects must put aside their disputes to unite against their common enemy. The ongoing rebellions that have plagued Kazon society have formally ended.”
STH_kazon_mechanics.3.desc:0 “The [kazon_rebel_sect.GetName]’s forces have succeeded in storming the Great Chambers on [Root.Capital.GetName] and taking by force the leadership of Kazon society. The other Sects have signalled their willingness to accept the legitimacy of the [kazon_rebel_sect.GetName] victory, though much needs to be done to rebuild from the conflict.”
sword_of_kahless_chain_desc:0 “The crone Le’tor has found a datapad that may hold clues to the location of the Sword of Kahless, lost centuries ago as the Hur’q were driven from our world.”
THE_SWORD_OF_KAHLESS_PROJECT_1_DESC:0 “An abandoned base in our own system may hold the key to the location of the Sword of Kahless.”
sword_of_kahless_1.desc:0 “An abandoned base in our own system may hold the key to the location of the Sword of Kahless.”
THE_SWORD_OF_KAHLESS_PROJECT_2_DESC:0 “Dense jungle hides an abandoned medical facility that may help us locate the Sword.”
sword_of_kahless_2.desc:0 “Dense jungle hides an abandoned medical facility that may help us locate the Sword.”
THE_SWORD_OF_KAHLESS_PROJECT_3_DESC:0 “An ancient ocean research station is our next point of call on the quest for the Sword.”
sword_of_kahless_3.desc:0 “An ancient ocean research station is our next point of call on the quest for the Sword.”
THE_SWORD_OF_KAHLESS_PROJECT_4_DESC:0 “We’ve located one of the last Hur’q colonies in this part of the galaxy. This may be our last option to locate the Sword.”
sword_of_kahless_4.desc:0 “We’ve located one of the last Hur’q colonies in this part of the galaxy. This may be our last option to locate the Sword.”
THE_SWORD_OF_KAHLESS_PROJECT_5_DESC:0 “Evidence suggests that the Hur’q hid a treasure trove of stolen artefacts here. Is the Sword among them?”
sword_of_kahless_5.desc:0 “Evidence suggests that the Hur’q hid a treasure trove of stolen artefacts here. Is the Sword among them?”
STH_archaeology_events.10.desc:0 “The investigation of the [From.GetDigSiteOriginator] facility has stumbled upon a cache of artefacts of unknown purpose. The artefacts were recovered when a console was accidentally activated, triggering the rematerialisation sequence on what was revealed to be a transporter pad. [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] reports that the [From.GetDigSiteOriginator] builders of the facility must have possessed advanced transporter technology to enable them to preserve items in transporter stasis indefinitely without degradation.”
STH_archaeology_events.11.desc:0 “[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] has been injured after the investigation of the [From.GetDigSiteOriginator] facility stumbled upon a cache of artefacts of unknown purpose. The artefacts were recovered when a console was accidentally activated, triggering the rematerialisation sequence on what was revealed to be a transporter pad. [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] was knocked back by a modest explosion caused by the transporter-overlay of one of a [From.GetDigSiteOriginator] artefact and a portable generator from the [Root.GetFleetName].”
STH_archaeology_events.12.desc:0 “Several crew have been killed investigating the [From.GetDigSiteOriginator] facility, after an internal security system was accidentally triggered. Luckily the power cells connected to the security grid were already at reduced capacity, but the automated systems were still able to vaporise a number of the [Root.GetFleetName]’s crew before they were fully drained.”
STH_archaeology_events.13.desc:0 “[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] has been injured investigating the [From.GetDigSiteOriginator] facility, after an internal security system was accidentally triggered. Luckily the power cells connected to the security grid were already at reduced capacity, but the automated systems were still able to stun and severely wound the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] before they were fully drained.”
STH_klingon_story.1.desc:0 “A thick pungent smoke fills the air of the Pujbe’ Targh tavern as the walls echo the sound of song and laughter from the gathered warriors. [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] found the Pujbe’ Targh better suited to relieving the stresses of office; fewer Council Members and other nobles found their way to this side of the First City where common soldiers, weaponsmiths and poets dwelt. Those of high birth would drink in the QeylIs Qul where the Gagh was always fresh but the songs rang hollow. Standing by the vat of Blood Wine [Root.GetRulerName] sank a cup into the crimson liquid and drank deep from it.’I tell you, I can find the sword!’, an old woman nearby hisses to a companion who mutters back and walks away. The old woman moves to a table by the wall and hunches over her drink. ‘What sword do you seek?’ [Root.GetRulerName] asks, intrigued. The old woman turns and her face soon twists in recognition. ‘You’re [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]! Here!? You honour us…’, she raises her cup in salute. Leaning in she says, ‘My name is Le’tor and I’ll tell you what I seek. Nothing less than the Sword of Kahless.’ ‘You know where it is?’ [Root.GetRulerName]’s eyes went wide at the name. ‘No, but I know where to start looking. All we need is a ship and I think you have a few of those.’ The woman reached into her tunic and pulled forth an ancient looking datapad. ‘This is Hur’q, I’m sure it shows the route the petaQ’s followed home after we drove them from Qo’nos. This is the key!’ she says as she offers the pad to [Root.GetRulerName].”
STH_klingon_story.2.desc:0 “Spending nearly a month analysis the Hur’q datapad, the [Root.GetRulerTitle] and a few trusted members of the House of [Root.GetRulerName] have at last uncovered a clue to the location of the Sword. The pad contains logistics documentation for the Hur’q invasion forces just prior to their expulsion from Qo’nos, following their supply lines back may lead us to the sword they stole. Most of the data is corrupted or encrypted beyond our technology to unlock, however one of the few accessible files points to abandoned base here in our own system. The base was located on the aptly named moon of Veqlargh, Hur’q.”
STH_klingon_story.3.desc:0 “Months of searching deep in the caves of the moon Hur’q have at last borne fruit: the expedition force has uncovered an ancient Hur’q base. While most of the equipment is decayed beyond repair, a number of items appear to have some remaining functionality. One device appears to contain a list of obsolete military encryption codes. It will take time, but the expedition force leader believes these new codes may open up more clues from the original Hur’q datapad.”
STH_klingon_story.4.desc:0 “All but two of the encryption codes were useless against the original database. While the first match unlocked little more than a user interface tutorial for the datapad, the second has given us the next target in our quest for the sword. A jungle world light years away is listed as being the site of a Hur’q medical facility, the flora there possessing some properties healing to their race.”
STH_klingon_story.5.desc:0 “Their Bat’leths cutting a path through the dense foliage, the expedition force have located the remains of a hospital facility and pharmaceutical research centre. The building complex has been gutted of equipment. The expedition force comes across a group of aliens with smooth bald heads and light orange skin, cowering in a cellar. They’re forced to the surface and interrogated brutally by the expedition leader. The aliens are survivors from starship that crashed on this world months ago. They found the facility as empty as we did with one exception, a single paper book which is now ours. After careful study, the book is revealed as little more than a medical journal…”
STH_klingon_story.6.desc:0 “While at first the medical journal seemed to be a dead end in the quest, it has in fact given us a new location to investigate. Deep in the pages of the journal a Hur’q author makes reference to the location and travel times between five Hur’q bases in this part of the galaxy. We know all of them except one, a seafloor research facility on an ocean world. By process of triangulation and correction for stellar drift we are able pinpoint its location.”
STH_klingon_story.7.desc:0 “Klingons were not made to scuttle along the sea bed like VeS GhotI!’ the expedition Combat Engineer says over the comm link. The research facility was found in days of arrival, and while there are no signs of life an energy shield still protects the building, forming a bubble of breathable air Kellicams below the surface of the ocean. The expedition is split on whether to continue the hunt for alternative access into the facility, or to blast the shielding away and risk damaging the data we seek. In the third month a junior officer devises an alternative approach: using our own ship’s Shields to create a shell around the facility, while bombarding the Hur’q shield with sustained by low energy disruptor fire. A week later the Hur’q shield has collapsed and warriors begin to search the facility.”
STH_klingon_story.8.desc:0 “We’ve located another semi-functional vault of Hur’q access codes, along with terraquads of biological research data. Applying these new access codes with our existing data highlights the location of an abandoned Hur’q civilian colony on a desert world. The underwater research facility is destroyed shortly after the expedition ship reconfigured its Shields to their standard configuration, the enormous water pressure blasting the building into rubble.”
STH_klingon_story.9.desc:0 “The sands have eroded most of the city outskirts, but the inner kellicam radius appears to have survived the elements by virtue of an electrostatic barrier. How the power source for the barrier has survived so long is a mystery, but it provides the expedition force an opportunity to hunt for more clues to the location of the sword. It looks as if the city was abandoned in a hurry, with vehicles and refuse strewn through the streets. Several civilian datapads can be found, all unlocked but only displaying a single message – the evacuation order. We will need time to study this.”
STH_klingon_story.10.desc:0 “The Hur’q evacuation documentation is extensive, listing the routes back to Hur’q space that each transport ship was to take, apparently by way of a wormhole. One item stands out: a cargo ship with a manifest labelled ‘alien artefacts’, its destination listed as a storage facility on an uninhabitable world far from here.”
STH_klingon_story.11.desc:0 “Seven crew members of the [Root.GetFleetName] died attempting to locate the vault, crushed and incinerated as their environmental suits failed under the pressure and heat. [Root.GetLeaderName], leading the last leg of the expedition from the front, was unperturbed. After months of exploring the cave networks across the southern highlands, at last a faint energy signature has been discovered. Beaming to the location [Root.GetLeaderName] is presented with a Hur’q forcefield barring the way to the airlock of the storage vault.”
STH_klingon_story.12.desc:0 “The forcefield proves easy to bypass and [Root.GetLeaderName] quickly gains access to the vault. Inside is a huge warehouse filled with statues, trinkets and other assorted artefacts, a large number of which are obviously Klingon in origin. In the centre of the enormous room is a single table, and atop it is a Bat’leth, ancient and beautiful. The Sword of Kahless! [Root.GetLeaderName] lifts the blade and holds it, awed by its power. The expedition team are speechless for a moment, before raising their own blades in the air and roaring in cheer. The expedition Combat Engineer begins to shout ‘[Root.GetLeaderName]! [Root.GetLeaderName]!’, while the expedition Loremaster stares at him and returns with a cry of ‘[Root.Owner.GetRulerName]! [Root.Owner.GetRulerName]!’. The expedition is clearly fractured, with those loyal to the [Root.Owner.GetRulerTitle] and those loyal to [Root.GetLeaderName]…”
STH_klingon_story.13.desc:0 “It has been several weeks since the expedition force under [Root.GetLeaderName] signalled the Imperial Fleet that they had located the Sword of Kahless. The armada sent to [From.From.GetName] to escort the blade back to the homeworld raced through the stars, and now at last an honour guard has beamed into the Council Chambers hand it to [Root.Owner.GetRulerTitle] [Root.Owner.GetRulerName]. [Root.Owner.GetRulerName] has vowed to use the Sword to unite all the houses and throughout the Empire there is much rejoicing.”
STH_klingon_story.14.desc:0 “It has been several weeks since the expedition force under [Root.GetLeaderName] signalled the Imperial Fleet that they had located the Sword of Kahless. The armada sent to [From.From.GetName] to escort the blade back to the homeworld raced through the stars, and now at last an honour guard has beamed into the Council Chambers hand it to [Root.Owner.GetRulerTitle] [Root.Owner.GetRulerName]. [Root.Owner.GetRulerName] has vowed to use the Sword to unite all the houses, but immediately it is clear that not all are happy to see the Sword remain in [Root.Owner.GetRulerName]’s hands. Fighting breaks out between a number of smaller houses, and the Imperial Fleet remains vigilant against the threat of civil war.”
STH_klingon_story.15.desc:0 “It has been several weeks since the expedition force under [Root.GetLeaderName] signalled the Imperial Fleet that they had located the Sword of Kahless. The armada sent to [From.From.GetName] to escort the blade back to the homeworld raced through the stars, and now at last an honour guard has beamed into the Council Chambers hand it to [Root.Owner.GetRulerTitle] [Root.Owner.GetRulerName]. As the transport cycle finishes it is clear that something is wrong. [Root.GetLeaderName] and a force of fifty warriors storm through the hall, cutting aside all in their path. Within moments [Root.GetLeaderName] is before [Root.Owner.GetRulerTitle] [Root.Owner.GetRulerName] with the Sword of Kahless at the [Root.Owner.GetRulerTitle]’s throat. ‘Kahless chose ME!’ [Root.GetLeaderName] bellows. ‘You should feel honoured to die by his blade!’. In the hours that passed news spread throughout the homeworld. The Sword has returned, and with it a leader with the strength to lead the Empire to glory.”
STH_klingon_story.16.desc:0 “It has been several weeks since the expedition force under [Root.GetLeaderName] signalled the Imperial Fleet that they had located the Sword of Kahless. The armada sent to [From.From.GetName] to escort the blade back to the homeworld raced through the stars, and now at last an honour guard has beamed into the Council Chambers hand it to [Root.Owner.GetRulerTitle] [Root.Owner.GetRulerName]. As the transport cycle finishes it is clear that something is wrong. [Root.GetLeaderName] and a force of fifty warriors storm through the hall, cutting aside all in their path. Within moments [Root.GetLeaderName] is before [Root.Owner.GetRulerTitle] [Root.Owner.GetRulerName] with the Sword of Kahless at the [Root.Owner.GetRulerTitle]’s throat. ‘Kahless chose ME!’ [Root.GetLeaderName] bellows. ‘You should feel honoured to die by his blade!’. In the hours that passed news spread throughout the homeworld. The Sword has returned, but in the hands of an usurper more concerned with science than combat. Immediately it is clear that not all are happy to see the Sword remain in [Root.GetLeaderName]’s hands. Fighting breaks out between a number of smaller houses, and the Imperial Fleet remains vigilant against the threat of civil war.”
STH_klingon_story.17.desc:0 “It has been several weeks since the expedition force under [Root.GetLeaderName] signalled the Imperial Fleet that they had failed in their quest to find the Sword of Kahless. Several weeks since the confrontation in the Hur’q treasure vault. [Root.GetLeaderName] held fate of the Empire in hands weighed by the competing wills of the Combat Engineer and the Loremaster. Seeing how quickly their own expedition was turn on each other for the glory of the Sword, [Root.GetLeaderName] made a decision no Klingon should ever have to have made. Convincing the expedition first by argument, and where that failed by combat, [Root.GetLeaderName] drew vows from all remaining. The Sword would be buried again, transporters set to beam it to a random location beneath [From.From.GetName]. All agreed to accept the burden of shame the expedition failure would draw, if it meant the survival of the Empire.”
STH_klingon_story.20.desc:0 “The approximate location of the Hur’q medical facility on [swordOfKahless2Target.GetName] has been identified.”
STH_klingon_story.21.desc:0 “Their Bat’leths cutting a path through the dense foliage, the expedition force have located the remains of a hospital facility and pharmaceutical research centre. The building complex has been gutted of equipment. The expedition force comes across a group of aliens with smooth bald heads and light orange skin, cowering in a cellar. They’re forced to the surface and interrogated brutally by the expedition leader. The aliens are survivors from starship that crashed on this world months ago. They found the facility as empty as we did with one exception, a single paper book which is now ours. After careful study, the book is revealed as little more than a medical journal…”
STH_klingon_story.22.desc:0 “While at first the medical journal seemed to be a dead end in the quest, it has in fact given us a new location to investigate. Deep in the pages of the journal a Hur’q author makes reference to the location and travel times between five Hur’q bases in this part of the galaxy. We know all of them except one, a seafloor research facility on an ocean world. By process of triangulation and correction for stellar drift we are able pinpoint its location.”
STH_klingon_story.30.desc:0 “The approximate location of the underwater Hur’q facility on [swordOfKahless3Target.GetName] has been identified.”
STH_klingon_story.31.desc:0 “Klingons were not made to scuttle along the sea bed like VeS GhotI!’ the expedition Combat Engineer says over the comm link. The research facility was found in days of arrival, and while there are no signs of life an energy shield still protects the building, forming a bubble of breathable air Kellicams below the surface of the ocean. The expedition is split on whether to continue the hunt for alternative access into the facility, or to blast the shielding away and risk damaging the data we seek. In the third month a junior officer devises an alternative approach: using our own ship’s Shields to create a shell around the facility, while bombarding the Hur’q shield with sustained by low energy disruptor fire. A week later the Hur’q shield has collapsed and warriors begin to search the facility.”
STH_klingon_story.32.desc:0 “We’ve located another semi-functional vault of Hur’q access codes, along with terraquads of biological research data. Applying these new access codes with our existing data highlights the location of an abandoned Hur’q civilian colony on a desert world. The underwater research facility is destroyed shortly after the expedition ship reconfigured its Shields to their standard configuration, the enormous water pressure blasting the building into rubble.”
STH_klingon_story.40.desc:0 “The approximate location of the Hur’q colony on [swordOfKahless4Target.GetName] has been identified.”
STH_klingon_story.41.desc:0 “The sands have eroded most of the city outskirts, but the inner kellicam radius appears to have survived the elements by virtue of an electrostatic barrier. How the power source for the barrier has survived so long is a mystery, but it provides the expedition force an opportunity to hunt for more clues to the location of the sword. It looks as if the city was abandoned in a hurry, with vehicles and refuse strewn through the streets. Several civilian datapads can be found, all unlocked but only displaying a single message – the evacuation order. We will need time to study this.”
STH_klingon_story.42.desc:0 “The Hur’q evacuation documentation is extensive, listing the routes back to Hur’q space that each transport ship was to take, apparently by way of a wormhole. One item stands out: a cargo ship with a manifest labelled ‘alien artefacts’, its destination listed as a storage facility on an uninhabitable world far from here.”
STH_klingon_story.50.desc:0 “The approximate location of the Hur’q storage facility on the colony has been identified.”
STH_klingon_story.51.desc:0 “Seven crew members of the [Root.GetFleetName] died attempting to locate the vault on [From.From.GetName], crushed and incinerated as their environmental suits failed under the pressure and heat. [Root.GetLeaderName], leading the last leg of the expedition from the front, was unperturbed. After months of exploring the cave networks across [From.From.GetName]’s southern highlands, at last a faint energy signature has been discovered. Beaming to the location [Root.GetLeaderName] is presented with a Hur’q forcefield barring the way to the airlock of the storage vault.”
STH_klingon_story.52.desc:0 “The forcefield proves easy to bypass and [Root.GetLeaderName] quickly gains access to the vault. Inside is a huge warehouse filled with statues, trinkets and other assorted artefacts, a large number of which are obviously Klingon in origin. In the centre of the enormous room is a single table, and atop it is a Bat’leth, ancient and beautiful. The Sword of Kahless! [Root.GetLeaderName] lifts the blade and holds it in [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] hands, awed by its power. The expedition team are speechless for a moment, before raising their own blades in the air and roaring in cheer. The expedition Combat Engineer begins to shout ‘[Root.GetLeaderName]! [Root.GetLeaderName]!’, while the expedition Loremaster stares at [Root.Leader.GetHerHim] and returns with a cry of ‘[Root.Owner.GetRulerName]! [Root.Owner.GetRulerName]!’. The expedition is clearly fractured, with those loyal to the [Root.Owner.GetRulerTitle] and those loyal to [Root.GetLeaderName]…”
STH_klingon_story.60.desc:0 “It has been several weeks since the expedition force under [Root.GetLeaderName] signalled the Imperial Fleet that they had located the Sword of Kahless. The armada sent to [From.From.GetName] to escort the blade back to the homeworld raced through the stars, and now at last an honour guard has beamed into the Council Chambers hand it to [Root.Owner.GetRulerTitle] [Root.Owner.GetRulerName]. [Root.Owner.GetRulerName] has vowed to use the Sword to unite all the houses and throughout the Empire there is much rejoicing.”
STH_klingon_story.61.desc:0 “It has been several weeks since the expedition force under [Root.GetLeaderName] signalled the Imperial Fleet that they had located the Sword of Kahless. The armada sent to [From.From.GetName] to escort the blade back to the homeworld raced through the stars, and now at last an honour guard has beamed into the Council Chambers hand it to [Root.Owner.GetRulerTitle] [Root.Owner.GetRulerName]. [Root.Owner.GetRulerName] has vowed to use the Sword to unite all the houses, but immediately it is clear that not all are happy to see the Sword remain in [Root.Owner.GetRulerName]’s hands. Fighting breaks out between a number of smaller houses, and the Imperial Fleet remains vigilant against the threat of civil war.”
STH_klingon_story.62.desc:0 “It has been several weeks since the expedition force under [Root.GetLeaderName] signalled the Imperial Fleet that [Root.Leader.GetSheHe] had located the Sword of Kahless. The armada sent to [From.From.GetName] to escort the blade back to the homeworld raced through the stars, and now at last an honour guard has beamed into the Council Chambers hand it to [Root.Owner.GetRulerTitle] [Root.Owner.GetRulerName]. As the transport cycle finishes it is clear that something is wrong. [Root.GetLeaderName] and a force of fifty warriors storm through the hall, cutting aside all in their path. Within moments [Root.GetLeaderName] is before [Root.Owner.GetRulerTitle] [Root.Owner.GetRulerName] with the Sword of Kahless at the [Root.Owner.GetRulerTitle]’s throat. ‘Kahless chose ME!’ [Root.GetLeaderName] bellows. ‘You should feel honoured to die by his blade!’. In the hours that passed news spread throughout the homeworld. The Sword has returned, and with it a leader with the strength to lead the Empire to glory.”
STH_klingon_story.63.desc:0 “It has been several weeks since the expedition force under [Root.GetLeaderName] signalled the Imperial Fleet that they had located the Sword of Kahless. The armada sent to [From.From.GetName] to escort the blade back to the homeworld raced through the stars, and now at last an honour guard has beamed into the Council Chambers hand it to [Root.Owner.GetRulerTitle] [Root.Owner.GetRulerName]. As the transport cycle finishes it is clear that something is wrong. [Root.GetLeaderName] and a force of fifty warriors storm through the hall, cutting aside all in their path. Within moments [Root.GetLeaderName] is before [Root.Owner.GetRulerTitle] [Root.Owner.GetRulerName] with the Sword of Kahless at the [Root.Owner.GetRulerTitle]’s throat. ‘Kahless chose ME!’ [Root.GetLeaderName] bellows. ‘You should feel honoured to die by his blade!’. In the hours that passed news spread throughout the homeworld. The Sword has returned, but in the hands of an usurper more concerned with science than combat. Immediately it is clear that not all are happy to see the Sword remain in [Root.GetLeaderName]’s hands. Fighting breaks out between a number of smaller houses, and the Imperial Fleet remains vigilant against the threat of civil war.”
STH_klingon_story.64.desc:0 “It has been several weeks since the expedition force under [Root.GetLeaderName] signalled the Imperial Fleet that they had failed in their quest to find the Sword of Kahless. Several weeks since the confrontation in the Hur’q treasure vault. [Root.GetLeaderName] held fate of the Empire in hands weighed by the competing wills of the Combat Engineer and the Loremaster. Seeing how quickly their own expedition was turn on each other for the glory of the Sword, [Root.GetLeaderName] made a decision no Klingon should ever have to have made. Convincing the expedition first by argument, and where that failed by combat, [Root.GetLeaderName] drew vows from all remaining. The Sword would be buried again, transporters set to beam it to a random location beneath [From.From.GetName]. All agreed to accept the burden of shame the expedition failure would draw, if it meant the survival of the Empire.”
STH_klingon_story.50.desc:0 “Peace gnaws away at the heart of the Empire, where several of the Great Houses have begun to openly voice their opposition to [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]’s government. Without an outside enemy to overcome, infighting soon overtakes all else on [Root.Capital.GetName]. The empire awaits [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]’s response.”
STH_klingon_story.51.desc:0 “After months of debate in the High Council, the [rebelCountry1.GetName] has declared open revolt against the government of [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] from their stronghold on [rebelCountry1.Capital.GetName]. While so far no other Houses have pledged themselves to the [rebelCountry1.GetName]’s cause, warriors across the Empire rejoice at the opportunity to prove their worth in combat.”
STH_klingon_story.52.desc:0 “After months of debate in the High Council, the [rebelCountry1.GetName] has declared open revolt against the government of [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] from their stronghold on [rebelCountry1.Capital.GetName]. Barely had the news arrived on [Root.Capital.GetName] before another blow was dealt to the [Root.GetRulerTitle]’s administration with a similar declaration from the [rebelCountry2.GetName] on [rebelCountry2.Capital.GetName]. While so far no other Houses have pledged themselves to the rebel Houses, warriors across the Empire rejoice at the opportunity to prove their worth in combat.”
STH_klingon_story.53.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]’s masterful political maneuvering in the High Council has successfully isolated those Houses which appeared to oppose the current administration. The Empire can now focus itself against the enemy beyond, not within.”
STH_klingon_story.1000.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle], my name is [antaak.GetName], a doctor attached to the Imperial Fleet. I would not wish to dishonour you with trivial matters, but I believe I have discovered an opportunity of enormous potential for the Klingon people. Recently we have received news of genetically engineered Humans demonstrating strength and guile that surpass even the mightiest of Klingon warriors. We can NOT allow these aliens to hold an advantage over us. With your permission I would like to conduct a series of experiments to reverse engineer their genetic enhancements, with the objective of applying them to our finest soldiers.”
STH_klingon_story.1001.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle], I’m aware you rejected my proposal to perform trials on genetically engineered Human DNA, but I must request you reconsider. I truly believe I have discovered an opportunity of enormous potential for the Klingon people. With your permission I would like to conduct a series of experiments to reverse engineer their genetic enhancements, with the objective of applying them to our finest soldiers.”
STH_klingon_story.1003.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle], our initial trials with Human Augment DNA have been successful. We are now ready to proceed to the next phase – experiments on live subjects. The resources I have are adequate to the task, but the results may be improved if we could have access to more energy.”
STH_klingon_story.1005.desc:0 “The trials have succeeded – we now understand how to integrate Human Augment DNA into a test subject. All that is left to do is choose which traits we wish to integrate. Unfortunately certain incompatibilities prevent us from applying both. Once chosen there is nothing to prevent us from applying these changes to the entire Klingon population! The only minor side-effect is the potential loss of certain Klingon cosmetic features…”
STH_klingon_story.1006.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle]! The unthinkable has happened – the virus we were using as a control vector for the Human Augment DNA insertion has mutated. The population of [augmentTestColony.GetName] have all been infected now. While most are expected to recover, the positive DNA augmentations failed to take root, leaving only the cosmetic changes to the infected. We need more medical experts on the ground.”
STH_klingon_story.1007.desc:0 “The Human Augment virus that started on [augmentTestColony.GetName] has spread across the entirety of the [Root.GetName]. Warriors and civilians alike are enraged at the mutations that have left them deformed imitations of the Human aliens. Talk across [Root.GetSpeciesName] space is of rebellion against [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]’s rule.”
STH_klingon_story.1008.desc:0 “The [augmentTestColony.GetName] colony has been spared, and from it the Human Augment virus has spread across the [Root.GetName].”
STH_klingon_story.1009.desc:0 “The [augmentTestColony.GetName] colony has been utterly destroyed, and with it the risk the Human Augment virus contained.”
STH_klingon_story.1010.desc:0 “The [augmentTestColony.GetName] colony has been utterly destroyed, but not before a number of outbreaks of the Human Augment virus have been reported across the [Root.GetName]. The destruction of [augmentTestColony.GetName] now looks to have been for nothing…”
STH_klingon_story.1011.desc:0 “In the aftermath of the anger from the Human Augment virus that has rampaged across [Root.GetName] space, the [rebelHouseCountry.GetName] have declared open revolt, vowing to overthrow [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName].”
STH_klingon_story.1012.desc:0 “In the aftermath of the anger from the Human Augment virus that has rampaged across [Root.GetName] space, a number of Great Houses have openly declared their discontent. But despite all that, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] have managed to calm down the situation and ultimately keep [Root.GetName] united.”
STH_klingon_story.1013.desc:0 “After years of fruitless searching, [Root.GetSpeciesName] scientists have finally found a candidate for a cure to the Human Augment virus which has afflicted our people. A concentrated effort is needed to turn the theory into practice, but with enough will our people can be whole again.”
STH_klingon_story.1014.desc:0 “The Human Augment virus has been cured, and our people have returned to their original appearance. We are [Root.GetSpeciesName] name again!”
augmented_realities_chain_desc:0 “The genetically engineered DNA of an inferior species may provide the key to securing the empire’s future…”
KLINGON_AUGMENTS_PROJECT_1A_DESC:0 “We should conduct medical trials to enable us to integrate Human Augment DNA into our own, providing us an advantage over other species.”
KLINGON_AUGMENTS_PROJECT_1B_DESC:0 “We should conduct medical trials to enable us to integrate Human Augment DNA into our own, providing us an advantage over other species.”
KLINGON_AUGMENTS_PROJECT_2A_DESC:0 “The Human Augment virus has proven beyond our control, and the colony it was being tested on must be cleansed as a result.”
KLINGON_AUGMENTS_PROJECT_3A_DESC:0 “The Human Augment virus has plagued our people for years. At last our scientists believe they have a cure that can restore us to our original appearance!”
STH_klingon_mechanics.2.desc:0 “In the face of conflict with the [From.GetName], all true Klingon warriors must put aside their disputes to unite against their common enemy. The ongoing rebellions that have plagued the Empire have formally ended.”
STH_klingon_mechanics.3.desc:0 “The House of [Root.GetRulerName]’s rebellion has succeeded with [Root.GetRulerName]’s troops storming the High Council chambers on [Root.Capital.GetName] and executing the leaders of the previous administration. The other Great Houses have signalled their willingness to accept the legitimacy of the House of [Root.GetRulerName]’s victory, though much needs to be done to rebuild the Empire from the conflict.”
STH_klingon_mechanics.1500.desc:0 “The Klingon Empire has always been led by powerful houses, but every so often a new house reaches the level of greatness and worthy of a position at the top of Klingon society. The §Y[great_house_target.GetName]§! has battled their way to the top and are ready to make their mark within the Klingon Empire.”
STH_klingon_mechanics.1503.desc:0 “A headquaters belonging to one of Empire’s Great Houses has fallen into our possession. It’s former owner was unable to keep hold of the property and the shipyard that comes with it. This building comes with a small overhead, we can either keep it or dismantle it for resources.”
STH_klingon_mechanics.1504.desc:0 “Chancellor, our data from our Great Houses report that the following Houses do not currently own their own shipbuilding complex. This will severely limit their ability to support and defend the empire. We should look to rectify this situation as soon as possible.”
STH_klingon_mechanics.1505.desc:0 “The Noble Houses are powerful and wealthy familys, but they lack the historical tradition and ancestory of the Great Houses. Promoting a Noble House will elevate their status to one of the Great Houses of the Empire and secure their loyalty and service , however it may cause friction with the old established Great Houses.”
STH_klingon_mechanics.1506.desc:0 “The arrangements are in place to raise the status of [FROM.GetName] from Noble House to one of the ruling Great Houses, despite many of within the High Council voicing their objections to the plans. “
STH_klingon_mechanics.1507.desc:0 “[klingon_house_missing_shipyards.GetName] stands ready to receive its new Shipyards Chancellor! Which world require our protection.”
STH_klingon_mechanics.1510.desc:0 “Feuds between the Empire and the Great Houses rob all involved of a chance for glory and honour, we should look to end the discord between the High Council and one of our Great Houses.”
STH_klingon_mechanics.1600.desc:0 “Only the High Council has the power and influence to select a new High Chancellor, the members of the council can decide that the current Chancellor is not acting honourably and revoke his position, but be aware doing so is a grave dishonour to the House stripped of its power and they will not take it lightly.”
STH_klingon_mechanics.1601.desc:0 “The bellow has been given and the warning has been served to the honored dead in Sto-vo-kor, for beware, a Klingon warrior is about to arrive. [From.GetName] has served the Empire until their dying breath and now it is time to select a new High Chancellor to leader the Empire to new glorious battles.”
STH_klingon_mechanics_new.106.desc:0 “The Empire is in need of the services of all loyal ships and crew. We demand a fleet is placed under the control of the Imperial Navy command. Failure to comply will be seen as most dishonourable.”
STH_klingon_mechanics_new.107.desc:0 “Consider this a gift from your Chancellor, the Imperial Navy hearby transfers an agreed fleet to your House as a sign of great faith.”
STH_klingon_mechanics.120.desc:0 “Following our attempt to seize control of a world that rightly belongs to us [factionCountryTemp.GetName] has acted with complete dishonour and rebelled against the Empire. All fleets, planets and individuals of [factionCountryTemp.GetName] should now be considered traitors.”
KHITOMER_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “We have picked up a distress call from the Khitomer system in Klingon space, a fleet has been dispatched to investigate and provide aid if required.”
KHITOMER_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The planet Khitomer has been subject to a severe attack by unknown forces, we must scan the planet to understand the scale of the impact before we can attempt to help.”
KHITOMER_3A_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Klingon Empire has sought our aid and has requested emergency response teams sent to the planet to save lives. We must prepare our teams and do all we can to help the Klingons in need.”
KHITOMER_3B_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Klingon Empire has sought our aid and has requested emergency response teams sent to the planet to save lives. However our leadership has decided that helping the Romulans will better suit our own needs, so whilst appearing to help we will send covert teams to the planet to obtain the data the Tal Shiar seeks.”
KLINGON_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Tal Shiar have granted us a unique opportunity to land a deadly blow against the Klingon Empire. Send a fleet of Warbirds to attack the colony whilst under cloak.”
KLINGON_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Klingon colony at [narendra_destination.GetName] has sent out an SOS, it is our duty to send aid to anyone in distress.”
STH_klingon_story.2001.desc:0 “Our scans have picked up a series of distress calls from the Klingon world of Khitomer, they are under attack from an unknown assailant and their defensive systems have been bypassed leaving the colony open to a devastating attack. We could dispatch a fleet of ships to investigate or leave the Klingons to deal with this internally.”
STH_klingon_story.2002.desc:0 “Our scans have picked up a series of distress calls from the Klingon world of Khitomer, they are under attack from an unknown assailant and their defensive systems have been bypassed leaving the colony open to a devastating attack. It is unclear what will become of the planet or its inhabitants.”
STH_klingon_story.2003.desc:0 “Chancellor [Root.GetRulerName] our defences in the Khitomer System have failed us, it appears that they have been sabotaged allowing a fleet of vessels through. Our warriors on the luna colonies have already perished at the hands of these cowardly fiends. Our experts say that cannot restore our defences and fleet coordination in time to prevent widespread losses. Should we call for aid or sacrifice our honourable warriors?”
STH_klingon_story.2004.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] the Klingon Empire has called for aid in defending the Khitomer system from attack, it is rare that the Empire seeks help from outsiders, so the situation must be dire. A fleet and one of our finest leaders must be sent to the system at once.”
STH_klingon_story.2005.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] the aid from our so called allies arrived too late to ward off the attack against the planet, Early indications show widespread devastation and loss of life. Efforts to rebuild the colony could take many years and many in the medical division do not believe that we can help those in immediate peril without inviting the orbiting rescue fleet the chance to prove their worth.”
STH_klingon_story.2006.desc:0 “Despite the best efforts of our fleet we did not arrive in time to ward off the attack against Khitomer, initial scans show huge devastation to the main settlement and heavy loss of life. From this range we cannot tell who instigated this attack, but it is clear that all is not well within the Klingon High Command. However, our chance to help is not over, the Klingon authorities have asked us for additional help in assessing the damage and providing aid to those in immediate risk on the planet’s surface.”
STH_klingon_story.2007.desc:0 “Despite the best efforts of our fleet we did not arrive in time to ward off the attack against Khitomer, initial scans show huge devastation to the main settlement and heavy loss of life. From this range we cannot tell who instigated this attack, but it is clear that all is not well within the Klingon High Command. The Klingons are refusing any further help and have ‘politely’ asked us to leave their space before they consider us a target. We should leave before they turn their anger out on us. The people on the planet will need to fend for themselves.”
STH_klingon_story.2008.desc:0 “Sir, our fleet in the Khitomer system have arrived just in time to catch the perpetrators in the act. It appears a fleet of Romulan warships are preparing for a fresh assault against the surface. The ships match no known Imperial warbirds, which could suggest they belong to the infamous Tal Shiar, if this is the case the Romulan senate will deny all knowledge of the attack. Our forces are in position to help repel the attack, but this will endanger [Root] lives and possibly future relations with the Romulan Star Empire. Failing to help will be seen as an act of dishonour by the Klingons.”
STH_klingon_story.2016.desc:0 “[rescueCountry.GetLeaderName] All Tal Shiar forces have been defeated, as expected they have left no trace of evidence that the ships originated from Romulus and no prisoners were taken during the assault, many voices from within are urging us to condemn the sneak attack and publicly blame the Romulans. Additionally we have received word from Q’ono’S that they would welcome an away team down the main colony to help look for survivors.”
STH_klingon_story.2017.desc:0 “[rescueCountry.GetLeaderName] All Tal Shiar forces have been defeated, as expected they have left no trace of evidence that the ships originated from Romulus and no prisoners were taken during the assault, many voices from within are urging us to condemn the sneak attack and publicly blame the Romulans. In true Klingon fashion their homeworld has declined any further interference from outside forces and we have been asked to leave their space quickly. It appears we have done all we can here.”
STH_klingon_story.2018.desc:0 “Our away teams are ready to head to the planet’s surface, our preliminary analysis suggests that the romulans were after specific intel and research that appears to have been underway. With the disarray that is taking place on the planet we have the opportunity to obtain this information and boost our standings with the Romulans or continue our mission of peace and look to cement a better relationship with the Klingons.”
STH_klingon_story.2019.desc:0 “Thanks to the dedication and tireless efforts by our teams we have managed to salvage a lot of the infrastructure on the surface and rescue a great many lives that would have otherwise perished. The colony should be back on its feet in relatively short order. One of our teams also found a small orphaned Klingon boy amongst the ruins, he has asked to stay with us and is seemingly quite attached to our way of life. What we have achieved here today should go along way to building bonds between our two worlds.”
STH_klingon_story.2020.desc:0 “Our efforts have made a small headway in repairing the damage to Khitomer, which should speed up the time it takes for the planet to fully recover from the damage done during the sneak attack. The Klingons are mildly thankful for our efforts and it looks like this will go some way to building a better relationship between our worlds.”
STH_klingon_story.2021.desc:0 “Our efforts to help have failed to provide sufficient help to those on the planet’s surface, the damage done to the infrastructure was worse than our initial scans unveiled and our plans to help have only made a bad situation worse. The Klingons have reacted poorly to this news and we have failed to secure the boost to our relationship that many back home hoped for.”
STH_klingon_story.2022.desc:0 “We have managed to secure the data that the Tal Shiar was after, right underneath the Klingon’s noses, plus we have managed to cover our tracks so the authorities have no clue that we have managed to complete the work started by the agents. Our contacts in the Romulan secret agency will be eager to hear from us and would pay a small future to obtain this data.”
STH_klingon_story.2030.desc:0 “Our fleet has arrived at the edge of the Khitomer system, we can see that the planetary defense systems have been powered down, it is unclear why or what happened to allow this to take place. Even at this distance we can see that the focus of the attack appears to be the Klingon settlement on the planet Khitomer and our long range scans can see fires raging on the world’s surface. We cannot find any evidence of who is responsible for the attack, all we can do now is wait for a response from the High Command.”
STH_klingon_story.2031.desc:0 “Chancellor! A monumental effort has gone into helping the survivors of Khitomer our allies, the [rescueCountry.GetName] have done a truly honourable job in aiding those in need. Songs will song of the deeds done here today and the new allies we have made here today forged in battle and in defending the weak. As feared all evidence of the attack was destroyed by the assailant, but many suspect this was the work of the honourless Tal Shiar. This has been a major event in the course of the quadrant.”
STH_klingon_story.2032.desc:0 “Chancellor! The combined efforts of our forces and the aid provided from the outsiders have managed to render enough aid to the colony on Khitomer that should mean any lingering damage will not take long to undo. Our thoughts turn to revenge and many in the council chambers would rather focus on reclaiming our honour instead of focusing on the united efforts to save lives. This has been a major event shaping the future of the beta quadrant.”
STH_klingon_story.2033.desc:0 “Chancellor! Despite our best efforts and those of our so-called allies the death toll and damage done to the infrastructure of Khitomer continues to climb, this truly is a disaster. Anger and a desire for revenge against friend and foe alike is high. Our warriors demand a chance to strike back against those who have wronged us.”
STH_klingon_story.2034.desc:0 “[rescueCountry.GetTitle] [rescueCountry.GetLeaderName] the attack against the Klingon world appears to have been devastating, and the death toll is still climbing. Unfortunately we were unable to identify the attackers and they have fled the scene. The Klingons have always been a insular race so it is only appropriate we wait for a decision from them before we make any further decisions.”
STH_klingon_story.2040.desc:0 “Our operatives in the Tal Shiar have compiled a report on a secret unsanctioned mission deep into Klingon space. They obtained the planetary defence codes from a source within the Klingon government and were able to send a task force into the their space to attack the planet and secure critical research data from a hidden research outpost.”
STH_klingon_story.2041.desc:0 “The young orphan calls himself Worf and he is eager to repay the debt in saving his life. He has asked that we sponsor his attendance at our military academy and has promised to server with honour.”
STH_klingon_story.2042.desc:0 “The young orphan calls himself Worf and he is eager to repay the debt in saving his life. He has asked that we sponsor his attendance at our military academy and has promised to server with honour. He would make a fine warrior in the KDF.”
STH_klingon_story.2043.desc:0 “[rescueCountry.GetTitle] [rescueCountry.GetLeaderName] after completing his training and proving himself multiples times, the first Klingon officer is ready to join our ranks as a new heroic admiral.”
STH_klingon_story.2044.desc:0 “[rescueCountry.GetTitle] [rescueCountry.GetLeaderName] after completing his training and proving himself multiples times, the new Klingon officer is ready to join our ranks as a heroic admiral. This is a glorious day for the empire as the son of Mogh joins the battle.”
STH_klingon_story.3001.desc:0 “It comes a time that the Empire must celebrate the role that our warriors play in furthering the Empires interests, and a warrior from the Great House of Mogh has demonstrated his valor in a number of border skirmishes along our border with the Romulans. The planet [narendra_planet.GetName] will host a number of celebrations in our hnour of our glorious warriors.”
STH_klingon_story.3002.desc:0 “My Praetor, I am [romulan_narendra_leader.GetName] and I bring you a report from our Tal Shiar operatives within Klingon Space.Those brutish fools are currently engaging in a celebration of some foolish warrior’s supposed victory against the might of the Imperial Navy. These continued insults against us are now erroding the public support for both the Imperial Navy and the Tal Shiar. We have taken it upon ourselves to prepare an attack against this colony that thanks to our intel gathered will not lead back to us. “
STH_klingon_story.3003.desc:0 “Our agents report that they have successfully delivered their attack against the Klingon colony, the first wave of the attack has dealt a devastating blow to the colony’s defenses and military installations. The strike force remains undetected and will launch a further attack the moment the next window arrives.”
STH_klingon_story.3004.desc:0 “Our defenses on [narendra_planet.GetName] are reporting they have been overwhelmed by a sneak attack by unknown forces. The initial wave of the attack has destroyed our defenses, leaving the civilians vulnerable to a further attack. We must call for aid.”
STH_klingon_story.3005.desc:0 “With our forces close to [narendra_planet.GetName] damaged and unable to render aid, we must do the honourable thing and protect the lives of those who cannot fight and call for help allowing for our warriors to regroup and fight like true Klingons!”
STH_klingon_story.3006.desc:0 “To anyone who can hear our message, I am [klingon_sos_leader.GetName] of the Klingon Empire, our planet is under attack from an unknown foe, they have breached our defenses and are preparing to deal the final blow against civilians. We call on any ship in the vicinity to aid the Empire in its time of need. “
STH_klingon_story.3007.desc:0 “Only one foreign power received our SOS call, and the Federation has refused to answer our call to arms. We must now deal with this threat on our own.”
STH_klingon_story.3008.desc:0 “[This.GetName] stands ready to aid the Klingons at [narendra_destination.GetName], intel on the situation is limited, but we do know a large force of cloaked vessels are preparing a final attack on the helpless colony. The odds of defeating the enemy ships is low and the likelihood of survival is not in our favour, but whatever time we can bring to allow the Klingons to evacuate and bring in reinforcements will save lives!”
STH_klingon_story.3009.desc:0 “As [narendra_ship.GetName] arrives at the scene of the devastation, it is clear from the ash clouds covering the planets that the attack had been devastating and that the colony would not be able to stand any more of the assault. Suddenly the [narendra_ship.GetName] picks up a decloaking fleet or warbirds on a direct course with the planet, with only the Starfleet ship standing in their way. The [narendra_ship.GetName] must hold the line until help can arrive.”
STH_klingon_story.3010.desc:0 “The destruction of [FromFrom.GetName] will be felt across the Federation, the ship and crew gave their lives defending civilians, holding out long enough for the Klingons to send reinforcements to take out the warbirds. Their sacrifice will live on in history as upholding some of the truest values of Starfleet. [sacrificed_leader.GetName] will live on as a hero.”
STH_klingon_story.3011.desc:0 “We have received word from our forces in Klingon Space, it appears the humans once interfered in our affairs with their Flagship sacrificing itself to defend the Klingons. Once again the Federation has caused us problems, one day they will truly pay for their insolence. “
STH_klingon_story.3012.desc:0 “Chancellor [Root.ruler.GetName] it pleases me to report that our forces have fended off the attack on [narendra_destination.GetName], however, I must say that our forces would not have been able to reach the colony in time if it was not for an act of true honour and bravery from the Captain and crew of one Starfleet ship which sacrificed itself to hold off the attackers. This act would have granted any Klingon passage to the halls of Sto-Vo-Kor, yet for it to be done by outsiders is truly a noble act and maybe demonstrates we have been wrong about the hearts of our Federation neighbours.”
STH_klingon_story.3020.desc:0 “Our forces have successfully routed the attack against the Klingon colony, saving the lives of the civilians on the planet below. The Empire has not been forthcoming in explaining what has prompted this attack, or who was behind the assault on their planet. In true Klingon fashion we shall wait to see if we even receive a thank you.”
STH_klingon_story.3021.desc:0 “Chancellor, I am pleased to report that a combined force from our military and Starfleet has defeated the attackers threatening our colony. The honoured dead have been avenged and Starfleet did us a good service by fighting well and allowing us to bring our forces in to finish the battle.”
STH_klingon_story.3022.desc:0 “We have received word from our forces in Klingon Space, it appears the humans once interfered in our affairs and with the help of the Klingons they have destroyed our fleet. Once again the Federation has caused us problems, one day they will truly pay for their insolence. “
STH_klingon_story.3024.desc:0 “Our failure to attack the Klingons represents a missed opportunity to deal those fools a real blow, However there will always be more chances to inflict harm upon our foes.”
STH_klingon_story.3025.desc:0 “Our failure to send ships to aid the Klingons represents a shameful stain on our reputation within the galaxy, we can only hope that the death toll does not become to high.”
STH_klingon_story.3026.desc:0 “Despite being promised aid by the Federation, no help has arrived and we must defend our colony on our own, but this will give our warriors a chance to earn all the glory and honour and send these cowards to Gre’thor!”
STH_klingon_houses.351.desc:0 “A new system has been claimed for the Empire by one of our Great Houses, as is our right we have claimed the planet for the High Council. Starbase [greatHouseStarbase.GetName] now belongs to us.”
STH_klingon_houses.370.desc:0 “A new world has been colonised for the Empire and now the Great Houses crowd around us, braying for the rights to become overlords of our new world and govern it on behalf of the Empire. Selecting one of the Great Houses to take ownership of the new world will allow the Great House to grow in power and loyalty, whilst causing the other Houses to resent the choice we made. We should pick carefully.”
STH_klingon_houses.381.desc:0 “The dishonourable petaQ of [rogue_klingon_house.GetName] have betrayed the Empire and declared themselves a rogue faction. This act of dishonour just as the Empire goes to war will not be tolerated.”
STH_klingon_houses.3011.desc:0 “The conflict between the feuding Great Houses has been resolved amicably, whilst a warrior never relishes the role of peacemaker… sometimes the hourable actions is to put the good of the Empire above personal glory.”
STH_klingon_houses.3012.desc:0 “Our efforts to bring peace to the quarreling Houses has unfortunately not been successful. Both parties remain at odds with one another, a position that ultimately weakens the Empire as this will likely evolve into a full-blown feud between the Houses.”
STH_klingon_houses.3023.desc:0 “Following fierce combat, with both warriors giving their all there was no clear winner in the battle between both Houses. As such the Empire rules that neither House can stand victorious and the matter between both Houses should be considered resolved. Victory can only go to the victor!”
STH_klingon_houses.3025.desc:0 “For too long [great_house_defender.GetName] have held on to planet [accuser_target_planet.GetName] a world that should be ours by rights. They have squandered the opportunity they have been given and wasted the potential of the world for the Empire. You must act now and transfer governorship of this world over to our House.”
STH_klingon_houses.3026.desc:0 “Chancellor, I come before this High Council to report the death of one of our House warriors in combat with another soldier from [great_house_defender.GetName]. The leadership of [great_house_accuser.GetName] consider this an act of murder and we demand that §Y[great_house_defender.GetName]§! are suitably punished by the Empire. “
STH_klingon_houses.3027.desc:0 “My Chancellor, it is with great regret that [great_house_defender.GetName] must inform you that [great_house_accuser.GetName] harbours a murderer within their ranks. One of their cowards killed a member of our noble family whilst his back was turned and they were defenseless. This act is best suited to that of a Romulan and has no place being conducted by a Klingon. This must not go unpunished and we demand justice.”
STH_klingon_houses.3030.desc:0 “My Chancellor, it is with great joy that we announce that a son of the [great_house_defender.GetName] and a daughter of the [great_house_accuser.GetName] have wed in a glorious ceremony worthy of Kahless and the Lady Lukara. We hope this is the start of a new era of harmony between the houses.”
STH_klingon_houses.3031.desc:0 “Chancellor, we must report an act of honour from one of your Great Houses, one of our transports was attacked by pirates, and whilst they fought like true Klingons worthy of [great_house_defender.GetName] they would have been defeated had they not been saved by honourable warriors from [great_house_accuser.GetName]. An act of honour which goes some way to building a better relationship between our houses.”
STH_klingon_houses.3032.desc:0 “Chancellor, we must report an act of bravery from one of your Great Houses, an act which will go down in story.. Our flagship suffered a critical warp core breach whilst on patrol, a crew from [great_house_accuser.GetName] risked their lives to save our family leadership. This act has strengthened the bond between [great_house_accuser.GetName] and [great_house_defender.GetName].”
STH_maquis_story.10.desc:0 “We have received reports from the [Root.GetSpyService] that the [From.GetName] has been arming its citizens in the [FromFromFromFrom.GetName], in violation of the terms of the treaty establishing it.”
STH_maquis_story.11.desc:0 “[From.GetRulerTitle] [From.GetRulerName] of the [From.GetName] has made a public address offering [From.Leader.GetHerHis] support to the [From.GetSpeciesName] settlers in the [FromFromFromFrom.GetName], condemning the [Root.GetName] for its lack of action to address what [From.Leader.GetSheHe] describes as terrorist activity taken out in the name of the [Root.GetName]’s.”
STH_maquis_story.12.desc:0 “[From.GetRulerTitle] [From.GetRulerName] of the [From.GetName] has made a rare public address condemning the violence on both sides of the divide in the [FromFromFromFrom.GetName].”
STH_maquis_story.20.desc:0 “[From.GetRulerTitle] [From.GetRulerName] of the [From.GetName] has made a public address condemning the violence on both sides of the divide in the [FromFromFromFrom.GetName].”
STH_maquis_story.21.desc:0 “We have received reports from the [Root.GetSpyService] that the [From.GetName] has increased economic support to the worlds in the [FromFromFromFrom.GetName].”
STH_maquis_story.22.desc:0 “We have received reports from the [Root.GetSpyService] that the [From.GetName] has been arming its citizens in the [FromFromFromFrom.GetName], in violation of the terms of the treaty establishing it.”
STH_maquis_story.30.desc:0 “Almost unthinkable our citizens in the [FromFromFrom.GetName] have declared their independence and established a new state, the [FromFrom.GetName]. Dissatisfied with years of attacks by agents of the [From.GetName], they have vowed to defend their homes no matter the cost.”
STH_maquis_story.34.desc:0 “Are you sure you wish to become [FromFrom.GetName]? This action is not reversible.”
STH_maquis_story.31.desc:0 “Almost unthinkably [From.GetSpeciesName] terrorists in the [FromFromFrom.GetName] have declared their independence and established a new state, the [FromFrom.GetName]. They have vowed to defend their homes no matter the cost to innocent lives. Many on [Root.Capital.GetName] urge support for our own colonists in the region, whether by granting them independence to fight the [FromFrom.GetName] aggressors, or by demonstrating the full might of the [Root.GetName] and crushing them.”
STH_maquis_story.32.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has announced the independence of what is now the [FromFromFrom.GetName]. Almost immediately upon the formalisation of the split, the [FromFromFrom.GetName] declared war against the [FromFrom.GetName], in what it describes as an act of self defence.”
STH_maquis_story.33.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has declared war against the [FromFrom.GetName], referring to what it claims are the [FromFrom.GetName]’s numerous crimes against the [From.GetSpeciesName] people. Without outside support it is unlikely the [FromFrom.GetName] will survive.”
STH_maquis_dmz_story.10.desc:0 “Our operatives in the [Root.GetSpyService] report that the [From.GetName] has been arming its citizens in the DMZ, which is in direct violation to the agreements used to establish the Zone.”
STH_maquis_dmz_story.11.desc:0 “[From.GetRulerTitle] [From.GetRulerName] of the [From.GetName] has made a public address offering [From.Leader.GetHerHis] support to the [From.GetSpeciesName] settlers in the DMZ condemning the [Root.GetName] for its lack of action to address what [From.Leader.GetSheHe] describes as terrorist activity taken out in the name of the [Root.GetName]’s.”
STH_maquis_dmz_story.12.desc:0 “[From.GetRulerTitle] [From.GetRulerName] of the [From.GetName] has made a rare public address condemning the violence on both sides of the divide in the [FromFromFromFrom.GetName].”
STH_maquis_dmz_story.30.desc:0 “Almost unthinkable our citizens in the Federation-Cardassian DMZ have declared their independence and established a new state, the [FromFrom.GetName]. Dissatisfied with years of attacks by agents of the [From.GetName], they have vowed to defend their homes no matter the cost even if it means going against their former state.”
relics_of_the_sundering_chain_desc:0 “Eighteen ships left Vulcan in the Sundering, and only seven landed on Romulus. Anything that can be recovered from the destroyed eleven would be of immense historical and social value.”
RELICS_OF_THE_SUNDERING_PROJECT_1_DESC:0 “While the event horizon of a black hole is a dangerous place, it may still be possible to find and recover artefacts from the seven ancient colony ships thought lost here.”
RELICS_OF_THE_SUNDERING_PROJECT_2a_DESC:0 “The Blacklight has been heavily damaged, but appears to be intact. It may be possible to recover the vessel.”
RELICS_OF_THE_SUNDERING_PROJECT_2b_DESC:0 “The Bloodwing has been heavily damaged, but appears to be intact. It may be possible to recover the vessel.”
RELICS_OF_THE_SUNDERING_PROJECT_2c_DESC:0 “The Forge has been heavily damaged, but appears to be intact. It may be possible to recover the vessel.”
RELICS_OF_THE_SUNDERING_PROJECT_2d_DESC:0 “The Lance has been heavily damaged, but appears to be intact. It may be possible to recover the vessel.”
RELICS_OF_THE_SUNDERING_PROJECT_2e_DESC:0 “The Pennon has been heavily damaged, but appears to be intact. It may be possible to recover the vessel.”
ROMULAN_10_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Command has ordered us to investigate a strange signal coming from [planet_minefield_destination.GetName].”
STH_romulan_story.501.desc:0 “I am [From.Leader.GetName] of the [From.GetName]. And I know what you are, [Root.GetSpeciesName] devil! You destroyed our worlds and butchered our people, and for what? Just because we defended ourselves from your expansion into our territory. Leave us or die.”
STH_romulan_story.503.desc:0 “The Corillian Remnant has been destroyed, and with it the last vestiges of the Stellar Kingdom of Corill. Now, all races will know that to attack the [Root.GetName] is to invite utter annihilation.”
STH_romulan_story.503.desc:0 “The Corillian Remnant has been destroyed, and with it the last vestiges of the Stellar Kingdom of Corill. Now, all races will know that to attack the [Root.GetName] is to invite utter annihilation.”
STH_romulan_story.505.desc:0 “A detailed survey of the [198_eridani_black_hole.GetName] event horizon reveals that in fact six of the seven vessels thought lost here are intact, and indeed due to time dilation their crew and civilian colonists may still be alive and recoverable. Scientists on [Root.Capital.GetName] assert that it may be possible to establish a transporter lock, or a tractor beam which due to subspace mechanics would nullify time dilation locally. The effort required would be significant however, and the margin for error is narrow indeed.”
STH_romulan_story.510.desc:0 “After several months of extensive sensor analysis, it has been confirmed that the colonists aboard the Blacklight were killed centuries prior though just hours ago in the ship’s frame of reference. Establishing a tractor beam around the vessel, it is slowly pulled free of the black hole’s gravity well. While the colonists did indeed perish, their remains have been sent on to [Root.Capital.GetName] in order to be buried on the soil they never had the chance to walk on. The Blacklight itself has been made available to the Imperial Museum in order to inspire and remind the [Root.GetSpeciesName] people of the sacrifices their ancestors made.”
STH_romulan_story.511.desc:0 “After several months of extensive sensor analysis, it has been confirmed that the majority of the colonists aboard the Blacklight were killed centuries prior though just hours ago in the ship’s frame of reference.A small number of the command crew were able to survive the initial gravitational stresses with the aid of primitive gel-suites used to cushion against acceleration.Establishing a tractor beam around the vessel, it is slowly pulled free of the black hole’s gravity well until a transporter lock can be established on the survivors.Disoriented and confused, the crew – including the Blacklight’s legendary captain – must now come to terms with the passage of time and their place in history.The Blacklight itself has been made available to the Imperial Museum in order to inspire and remind the [Root.GetSpeciesName] people of the sacrifices their ancestors made.”
STH_romulan_story.512.desc:0 “After several months of extensive sensor analysis, it has been confirmed that the majority of the colonists aboard the Blacklight have indeed survived. Establishing a tractor beam around the vessel, it is slowly pulled free of the black hole’s gravity well until transporter locks can be established on the survivors. Disoriented and confused, the colonists must now come to terms with the passage of time and their place in history. The Blacklight itself has been made available to the Imperial Museum in order to inspire and remind the [Root.GetSpeciesName] people of the sacrifices their ancestors made.”
STH_romulan_story.520.desc:0 “After several months of extensive sensor analysis, it has been confirmed that the colonists aboard the Bloodwing were killed centuries prior though just hours ago in the ship’s frame of reference. Establishing a tractor beam around the vessel, it is slowly pulled free of the black hole’s gravity well. While the colonists did indeed perish, their remains have been sent on to [Root.Capital.GetName] in order to be buried on the soil they never had the chance to walk on. The Bloodwing itself has been made available to the Imperial Museum in order to inspire and remind the [Root.GetSpeciesName] people of the sacrifices their ancestors made.”
STH_romulan_story.521.desc:0 “After several months of extensive sensor analysis, it has been confirmed that the majority of the colonists aboard the Bloodwing were killed centuries prior though just hours ago in the ship’s frame of reference. A small number of the command crew were able to survive the initial gravitational stresses with the aid of primitive gel-suites used to cushion against acceleration. Establishing a tractor beam around the vessel, it is slowly pulled free of the black hole’s gravity well until a transporter lock can be established on the survivors. Disoriented and confused, the crew – including the Bloodwing’s legendary captain – must now come to terms with the passage of time and their place in history. The Bloodwing itself has been made available to the Imperial Museum in order to inspire and remind the [Root.GetSpeciesName] people of the sacrifices their ancestors made.”
STH_romulan_story.522.desc:0 “After several months of extensive sensor analysis, it has been confirmed that the majority of the colonists aboard the Bloodwing have indeed survived. Establishing a tractor beam around the vessel, it is slowly pulled free of the black hole’s gravity well until transporter locks can be established on the survivors. Disoriented and confused, the colonists must now come to terms with the passage of time and their place in history. The Bloodwing itself has been made available to the Imperial Museum in order to inspire and remind the [Root.GetSpeciesName] people of the sacrifices their ancestors made.”
STH_romulan_story.530.desc:0 “After several months of extensive sensor analysis, it has been confirmed that the colonists aboard the Forge were killed centuries prior though just hours ago in the ship’s frame of reference. Establishing a tractor beam around the vessel, it is slowly pulled free of the black hole’s gravity well. While the colonists did indeed perish, their remains have been sent on to [Root.Capital.GetName] in order to be buried on the soil they never had the chance to walk on. The Forge itself has been made available to the Imperial Museum in order to inspire and remind the [Root.GetSpeciesName] people of the sacrifices their ancestors made.”
STH_romulan_story.531.desc:0 “After several months of extensive sensor analysis, it has been confirmed that the majority of the colonists aboard the Forge were killed centuries prior though just hours ago in the ship’s frame of reference. A small number of the command crew were able to survive the initial gravitational stresses with the aid of primitive gel-suites used to cushion against acceleration. Establishing a tractor beam around the vessel, it is slowly pulled free of the black hole’s gravity well until a transporter lock can be established on the survivors. Disoriented and confused, the crew – including the Forge’s legendary captain – must now come to terms with the passage of time and their place in history. The Forge itself has been made available to the Imperial Museum in order to inspire and remind the [Root.GetSpeciesName] people of the sacrifices their ancestors made.”
STH_romulan_story.532.desc:0 “After several months of extensive sensor analysis, it has been confirmed that the majority of the colonists aboard the Forge have indeed survived. Establishing a tractor beam around the vessel, it is slowly pulled free of the black hole’s gravity well until transporter locks can be established on the survivors. Disoriented and confused, the colonists must now come to terms with the passage of time and their place in history. The Forge itself has been made available to the Imperial Museum in order to inspire and remind the [Root.GetSpeciesName] people of the sacrifices their ancestors made.”
STH_romulan_story.540.desc:0 “After several months of extensive sensor analysis, it has been confirmed that the colonists aboard the Lance were killed centuries prior though just hours ago in the ship’s frame of reference. Establishing a tractor beam around the vessel, it is slowly pulled free of the black hole’s gravity well. While the colonists did indeed perish, their remains have been sent on to [Root.Capital.GetName] in order to be buried on the soil they never had the chance to walk on. The Lance itself has been made available to the Imperial Museum in order to inspire and remind the [Root.GetSpeciesName] people of the sacrifices their ancestors made.”
STH_romulan_story.541.desc:0 “After several months of extensive sensor analysis, it has been confirmed that the majority of the colonists aboard the Lance were killed centuries prior though just hours ago in the ship’s frame of reference. A small number of the command crew were able to survive the initial gravitational stresses with the aid of primitive gel-suites used to cushion against acceleration. Establishing a tractor beam around the vessel, it is slowly pulled free of the black hole’s gravity well until a transporter lock can be established on the survivors. Disoriented and confused, the crew – including the Lance’s legendary captain – must now come to terms with the passage of time and their place in history. The Lance itself has been made available to the Imperial Museum in order to inspire and remind the [Root.GetSpeciesName] people of the sacrifices their ancestors made.”
STH_romulan_story.542.desc:0 “After several months of extensive sensor analysis, it has been confirmed that the majority of the colonists aboard the Lance have indeed survived. Establishing a tractor beam around the vessel, it is slowly pulled free of the black hole’s gravity well until transporter locks can be established on the survivors. Disoriented and confused, the colonists must now come to terms with the passage of time and their place in history. The Lance itself has been made available to the Imperial Museum in order to inspire and remind the [Root.GetSpeciesName] people of the sacrifices their ancestors made.”
STH_romulan_story.550.desc:0 “After several months of extensive sensor analysis, it has been confirmed that the colonists aboard the Pennon were killed centuries prior though just hours ago in the ship’s frame of reference. Establishing a tractor beam around the vessel, it is slowly pulled free of the black hole’s gravity well. While the colonists did indeed perish, their remains have been sent on to [Root.Capital.GetName] in order to be buried on the soil they never had the chance to walk on. The Pennon itself has been made available to the Imperial Museum in order to inspire and remind the [Root.GetSpeciesName] people of the sacrifices their ancestors made.”
STH_romulan_story.551.desc:0 “After several months of extensive sensor analysis, it has been confirmed that the majority of the colonists aboard the Pennon were killed centuries prior though just hours ago in the ship’s frame of reference. A small number of the command crew were able to survive the initial gravitational stresses with the aid of primitive gel-suites used to cushion against acceleration. Establishing a tractor beam around the vessel, it is slowly pulled free of the black hole’s gravity well until a transporter lock can be established on the survivors. Disoriented and confused, the crew – including the Pennon’s legendary captain – must now come to terms with the passage of time and their place in history. The Pennon itself has been made available to the Imperial Museum in order to inspire and remind the [Root.GetSpeciesName] people of the sacrifices their ancestors made.”
STH_romulan_story.552.desc:0 “After several months of extensive sensor analysis, it has been confirmed that the majority of the colonists aboard the Pennon have indeed survived. Establishing a tractor beam around the vessel, it is slowly pulled free of the black hole’s gravity well until transporter locks can be established on the survivors. Disoriented and confused, the colonists must now come to terms with the passage of time and their place in history. The Pennon itself has been made available to the Imperial Museum in order to inspire and remind the [Root.GetSpeciesName] people of the sacrifices their ancestors made.”
STH_romulan_story.600.desc:0 “Despite months of searching for any more sign of vessels from the Sundering, sensors have picked up nothing that could possibly be another vessel. It appears that we have uncovered all there is to uncover.This epic project and the recovery of five of the eleven ships is unheard of, and triumphal parades are being held throughout the streets and cities of [Root.Capital.GetName], bringing our people closer together.This truly is a great time to be a [Root.GetSpeciesName].”
STH_romulan_story.650.desc:0 “Our spies are reporting that new powers are rising in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, new species such as the Humans are expanding rapidly and closing in on our borders. The senate is pushing for the military to deliver a clear message to all these races to keep clear of our borders. To this regard the Imperial Navy has recommended a plan to begin laying cloake mines along key systems as a hidden threat and reminder to stay out of our way.”
STH_romulan_story.651.desc:0 “Our long-range scanning teams have picked up a strange signal in the vicinity of [planet_minefield_destination.GetName], given our long-term aims to expand further into this system [Root.GetName] command would like us to send a ship to investigate and confirm there is nothing to be concerned about. “
STH_romulan_story.652.desc:0 “Disaster has struck [romulan_minefield_ship.GetName] whilst investigating a signal the ship appears to have wandered into a minefield and struck a mine, which has detonated causing severe damage and another mine appears to have attached itself to the hull. To make matters more concerning a mysterious ship has appeared on sensors.”
STH_romulan_story.654.desc:0 “Our agents report that one of our minefields has caught its first victim, a vessel from the foolish [romulan_minefield_country.GetName]. One of their ships has been severely damaged and one of our warbirds has relayed our warning to them, they should take our threat very seriously now.”
STH_romulan_story.655.desc:0 “Our agents report that one of our minefields has caught its first victim, a vessel from the foolish [romulan_minefield_country.GetName] has been destroyed. This should be a very clear message to anyone who wishes to impose on Star Empire territory.”
STH_romulan_story.670.desc:0 “One of our long-range spy ships has reported that our minefield has successfully destroyed a vessel caught in it. The ship was destroyed whilst attempting to escape its fate. Our minefields have now been uncovered, so it is unlikely this tactic will work a second time however a clear message has been sent.”
STH_romulan_story.671.desc:0 “One of our long-range spy ships has reported that our minefield has heavily damaged a ship that was caught within its grasp. The ship was damaged whilst attempting to escape its fate. Our minefields have now been uncovered, so it is unlikely this tactic will work a second time however a clear message has been sent.”
ROMULAN_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Federation has built too close to our borders and require a demonstration of the power of the Romulan Star Navy. Show them the full force of Romulus.”
ROMULAN_2A_PROJECT_DESC:0 “A recent build up of Romulan forces at our border has led to concerns from our citizens. We should show that we are more than capable of defending our borders.”
ROMULAN_2B_PROJECT_DESC:0 “A recent build up of Romulan forces at our border has led to concerns from our citizens. We should show that we are more than capable of defending our borders.”
ROMULAN_3A_PROJECT_DESC:0 “It is clear the Federation are investigating a new technology. Discover what they are reseaching, whatever the cost.”
ROMULAN_3B_PROJECT_DESC:0 “It is clear the Federation are investigating a new technology. Discover what they are reseaching, whatever the cost.”
ROMULAN_4A_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Send a vessel to participate in the history Treaty of Algeron Negotiations.”
ROMULAN_4B_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Send a Flagship and Admiral to participate in the history Treaty of Algeron Negotiations.”
ROMULAN_4C_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Send a Flagship and Scientist to participate in the history Treaty of Algeron Negotiations.”
ROMULAN_5A_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Aid has been rendered to the planet attacked by Romulus, send a construction ship to help render aid to the planet.”
ROMULAN_5B_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Aid has been rendered to the planet attacked by Romulus, send a ship and an Engineer to help render aid to the planet.”
ROMULAN_5C_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Aid has been rendered to the planet attacked by Romulus, send a ship and a Heroic Engineer to help render aid to the planet.”
ROMULAN_5D_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Aid has been rendered to the planet attacked by Romulus, send a science ship and a Heroic Engineer to help render aid to the planet.”
ROMULAN_5E_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Aid has been rendered to the planet attacked by Romulus, send a science ship and an Engineer to help render aid to the planet.”
ROMULAN_6_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Our scientists have made a breakthrough in the field of cloaking technology, pour additional research into this field of research.”
STH_tomed.2.desc:0 “Greetings Praetor, I am [tomed_romulan_leader.GetName] and I bring word from our Tal Shiar field operatives from within the §YUnited Federation of Planets§! Those Federation veruul appear to be on the cusp of a new technological breakthrough that could threaten our security. It may be the time that we remind those Federation cowards why they should fear our Imperial Might.”
STH_tomed.3.desc:0 “Sir! [tomed_federation_leader.GetName] reporting! Our sensors trained on the Romulan border have detected a massive build-up of the Romulan Navy, a clear demonstration of their military might, and a provocation against us. In addition we have had multiple reports of Imperial Warbirds crossing the border and making incursions into our territory around §Y[tomed_incident_planet2.GetName]§! which houses a number of vital research projects.”
STH_tomed.4.desc:0 “It is clear the threat of directly challenging the Romulan Star Empire, was just too much for the cowards on [ufp_country_tomed.capital_scope] and they have backed down. The Romulan Star Empire remains supreme.”
STH_tomed.5.desc:0 “Our cloaked incursions into Federation space have identified that they are testing their new technology close to our border, this presents the Tal Shiar with a unique opportunity to plan an operation to uncover exactly what Starfleet is working on. However, we must be careful, failure could tip off Starfleet to our suspicions. “
STH_tomed.6.desc:0 “Our Tal Shiar operatives have completed their assignment and bring back troubling news. It seems that the Federation scientists have made a significant breakthrough in §YCloaking Technology§!. This technology has given us an advantage over the Federation for many years now and the fact they are now actively progressing this line of research is a direct threat against the Empire! We cannot let this threat to our territory remain unchallenged. “
STH_tomed.7.desc:0 “Our bid to uncover the secrets of the Federation’s mystery technology has been unsuccessful and to make matters worse our operative has failed to return from Federation space. As any good operative should do, they will have ensured they were not taken alive.”
STH_tomed.8.desc:0 “Federation fools I bring you a threat from your superiors in the Romulan Star Empire. We know all about your attempt to duplicate our §YCloaking Technology§!, which you no doubt stole from us in the first place. You will cease all efforts to duplicate our cloaking devices and withdraw your fleets from our borders or face the consequences of displeasing Romulus.”
STH_tomed.10.desc:0 “[ufp_tomed_military_leader.GetName] has reported in from their mission to reinforce our borders along the boundary with the Romulan Star Empire. The additional fleets are in position and are preparing to take a defensive stance, should Romulus attempt to cross into our territory.”
STH_tomed.11.desc:0 “The build-up of Starfleet forces along our borders cannot be allowed to continue! They flaunt the sovereignty of our worlds and stir the wrath of the populace, we urge you to take action and allow us to unleash our forces and stage the first-strike attack before they can complete the defense structures around their colony. This maybe the only opportunity we have to strike from the shadows.”
STH_tomed.12.desc:0 “Reports are coming in from our outposts on [tomed_incident_planet2.GetName] it appears an unknown force has launched an unprovoked attack on the planet. Starfleet Command has every reason to believe this is an attack from the Romulan Star Empire and has the intention of destroying the colony and all Federation citizens who live there.”
STH_tomed.14.desc:0 “Reports are coming in from our fleet, it appears they have made it into the Federation’s territory and are preparing to launch their attack against the Federation. They will soon witness the full power of our forces.”
STH_tomed.16.desc:0 “The Romulan fleet has unleashed its devastating plasma torpedoes against our colony on [tomed_attacked_colony.GetName] and whilst we are still compiling the full extent of the damage, it appears that the world has suffered a crippling blow with tremendous devastation. “
STH_tomed.17.desc:0 “The commander of our fleet has reported in and we are pleased to announce that they have delivered a crippling blow against the Federation. The world that mocked us has been rendered nothing but ashes. Justice has been delivered by the swift hand of the raptor. “
STH_tomed.18.desc:0 “Our fleets have successfully repelled the attack, defending our colonists and preventing a potentially devastating loss of lives. It is clear from the wreckage that the attackers were from the Romulan Star Empire and that this is a clear act of open hostility towards us.”
STH_tomed.19.desc:0 “Word has reached the senate that our attack against the Federation has been repelled by their defence forces and the planned destruction of their colony was not completed. However our point has been made.”
STH_tomed.21.desc:0 “Word has reached our ears that the Romulans have launched a cowardly attack against the §YUnited Federation of Planets§!, Many warriors will ask why this should concern us and we answer their recent actions at Khitomer have demonstrated a small degree of honour and this attack by those Romulan fools is cowardly and without honour. Meaning many of our warriors feel we should aid them and many are just hungry for war.”
STH_tomed.22.desc:0 “Greetings President [Root.GetRulerName], I bring you aid from your friends in the Klingon Empire. We are aware of the cowardly attack against you by the Romulans and we offer you our warriors, who are eager to taste Romulan blood. Give us the word and we shall strike.”
STH_tomed.23.desc:0 “With the Klingon’s at our side, we are in a strong position to respond to this attack from Romulus. There is a strong faction within Starfleet and the Federation that is strongly demanding we respond to this attack with the full force of Starfleet, bringing open war to the quadrant. Yet there are calmer voices who urge that we resolve this with words and not torpedoes, if the Romulan’s really wanted war, then surely they would have already declared war on us?”
STH_tomed.24.desc:0 “We stand alone against the power of Romulus. There is a strong faction within Starfleet and the Federation that is strongly demanding we respond to this attack with the full force of Starfleet, bringing open war to the quadrant. Yet there are calmer voices who urge that we resolve this with words and not torpedoes, if the Romulan’s really wanted war, then surely they would have already declared war on us?”
STH_tomed.26.desc:0 “The Federation has demonstrated a backbone that few in the senate believed they could possess and have declared war on us. We shall crush them under the heel of the Romulan war machine.”
STH_tomed.27.desc:0 “Our attempts to avoid war with Romulus have failed and they have declared war on us. We shall soon see who is the stronger force.”
STH_tomed.28.desc:0 “We have received word from the Romulan Praetor, it appears they are willing to talk and have named [treaty_of_algeron_planet.GetName] as a suitable location to host this critical conference.”
STH_tomed.29.desc:0 “As [algeron_negotiator.GetName] on board the [algeron_ship.GetName] arrives at the talks, both sides sit around the table and prepare to attempt a diplomatic solution.”
STH_tomed.30.desc:0 “As both sides sit down to talk, the Federation open the talks with a reasonable request for both sides to withdraw their ships to their own sides of the border. Now is our turn to propose a counter proposal.”
STH_tomed.33.desc:0 “It appears the negotiations are over, as the Romulans storm away from the conference. Declaring that the talks are over and this will be settled by Phasers and Torpedoes.”
STH_tomed.35.desc:0 “Today is a historic day between the United Federation of Planets and The Romulan Star Empire. The Treaty of Algeron has been signed creating a truce between our worlds and bringing both sides back from certain war. We can only see what the future now holds.”
STH_tomed.36.desc:0 “It appears the Federation and Romulan Star Empire have signed a new treaty, which draws a line under their recent conflicts and maintains peace in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants for now.”
STH_tomed.37.desc:0 “The Romulan delegations storms out of the meeting room, loudly declaring they will not sign this ‘sham of a treaty’. It looks like all chances of signing the treaty have now been lost and the Alpha and Beta Quadrants must hold their breath and await an uncertain future.”
STH_tomed.39.desc:0 “After the dedicated team of engineers, doctors and volunteers complete the many nights of hard work, much of the damage has been cleared and many parts of the core infrastructure have been returned to working order. Whilst many of the scars will remain long in the minds of the survivors at least much of the physical damage could be repaired.”
STH_tomed.40.desc:0 “Our colony on [tomed_attacked_colony.GetName] has been attacked by a force of Romulan ships in an episode that has [tomed_attacked_colony.GetName] Incident. Work has already started to repair the colony and heal the wounds, we need a moment to gather our thoughts before we respond to this attack.”
STH_tomed.41.desc:0 “Hi, I am [fed_science_leader.GetName] our science division has come to me with an exciting new proposal. Since we first engaged the Romulans and Klingon’s we have been in fear and awe of their cloaking devices. Our scientists believe we have uncovered its secrets and with some investment could replicate this technology to bring us onto a level playing field. It is remiss of me to mention that proceeding with this line of research could be seen as an act of aggression towards the Romulan or Klingon Empires…”
STH_tomed.42.desc:0 “Our time and efforts have finally paid off, we have unlocked the secrets of cloaking technology, which is now available to complete via the research screen.”
STH_undine_mechanics.3.desc:0 “We will defend our realm and cleanse yours in the process.”
STH_undine_mechanics.301.desc:0 “Our forces have conquered [FROMFROM.GetName] from the Undine, but the challenge of restoring the ecosystem is immense. As this world was originally part of the [FROM.GetName], one option would be return control to the [FROM.GetSpeciesNamePlural]. Alternatively we could keep the world for ourselves.”
STH_undine_mechanics.302.desc:0 “Our forces have conquered [FROMFROM.GetName] from the Undine, but the challenge of restoring the ecosystem is immense.”
STH_undine_mechanics.303.desc:0 “[From.GetName] forces have conquered [FROMFROM.GetName] from the Undine and returned it to the [Root.GetName]. The challenge of restoring the ecosystem is immense.”
STH_undine_mechanics.511.desc:0 “Our bio-engineers have made good progress in converting this alien world into a bio ecosystem. It appears that natural genetic makeup of the lifeforms that inhabit this world are no match for our biological superiority.”
STH_undine_mechanics.512.desc:0 “It seems the native inhabitants of [undine_infestation_target.GetName] have staged a resistance to our efforts to convert this world. They have sabotaged a number of facilities and there have been casualties on both sides. This will undoubtably slow any progress being made in converting this planet.”
STH_undine_mechanics.521.desc:0 “The report from our infestation teams working to convert [undine_infestation_target.GetName] is progressing well. We have successfully quelled any ongoing resistance from the locals and are now rounding them up to work as slaves for us.”
STH_undine_mechanics.522.desc:0 “We have hit a stumbling block in our efforts to infest this planet, it appears that some of the local wildlife has begun to develop a resistance to our virus, which is slowing progress. “
STH_undine_mechanics.530.desc:0 “[infested_planet_complete.GetName] is now a Proto-Bio world at a cost to the native inhabitants and the previous wildlife. The new world is a work of art and fit for habitation for our Vanguard forces and can be used as a staging ground for our future ventures outside of Fluidic Space.Our teams will continue to subdue the planet and convert it to suit our needs.”
STH_undine_mechanics.541.desc:0 “Our bio-engineers have completed construction on a number of new facilities to further our hold on our new world, additionally any local rebellion has been crushed once and for all. “
STH_undine_mechanics.542.desc:0 “There has been further aggressive activity against our infestation teams, an armed party in specially adapted suits beamed to the planets surface and detonate several tricobalt devices in a bid to derail our efforts.Our teams believe they can still complete the assignment, but this has set back our timescales.”
STH_undine_mechanics.550.desc:0 “Our masterpiece has been completed, the once impure world known as [undine_infestation_complete.GetName] has been made pure and fit for our warriors to thrive on. This is but the next step in our efforts to wipe the impure from the galaxy.”
STH_undine_mechanics.551.desc:0 “Our efforts to take new worlds from the impure has given us the planet [undine_captured.GetName], this world is filthy and unfit for our habitation.We may take the decision to hasten the process of infesting and converting this world to a magnificent Bio-World once a conversion centre has been built. Alternatively we could terraform the planet in a slower but more certain process.”
STH_undine_mechanics.552.desc:0 “Our infesters have started work converting the worthless planetoid §Y[undine_infest_planet.GetName]§! into a §YProto Bio World§! that we can call home amongst these strange stars. The process will take time and our infesters will provide updates on the progress.”
STH_undine_mechanics.553.desc:0 “Our infesters have started work converting the proto-bio §Y[undine_convert_planet.GetName]§! into a glorious §YBio World§! fit for our warriors. The process will take time and our infesters will provide updates on the progress.”
STH_undine_mechanics.554.desc:0 “Our infesters have completed the conversion process on the planet §Y[undine_conversionn_complete.GetName]§! bringing our goal of spreading our infestation across the galaxy one step closer. “
STH_undine_mechanics.600.desc:0 “Fluidic Space is wild and dangerous, and on certain occassions the deadly pathogens that form bound together to form a Macro-Virus. Our sensors have detected such a virus heading towards §Y[Root.GetName]§! intent on feeding on our world. It must be stopped.”
STH_undine_mechanics.602.desc:0 “We have destroyed the Virus before it can reach our colony, saving the lives of many of our Undine warriors and once again proving we are masters of our realm.”
STH_undine_mechanics.603.desc:0 “The Virus has reached [Root.GetName] and the death toll will be high even with our supreme biology. The virus will reproduce and create more deadly viruses creating a plague within our worlds. We must endure.”
STH_undine_mechanics.1007.desc:0 “The [LastKilledCountryName] have been destroyed, and with their loss the galaxy has been made safer.Picking through the ruins of the [LastKilledCountryName]’s ships and worlds will take months, but the potential for technological gain is significant.”
STH_undine_mechanics.2001.desc:0 “The Undine infestation has spread and converted another part of the population on [infested_planet.GetName] after they were infected with the Undine infestation virus.”
STH_undine_mechanics.5050.desc:0 “Our scientists believe they have developed the ability to close the Fluidic Rift that has formed within our borders, using the output of a navigational deflector to seal the breach in the subspace boundary and once again preventing the Undine from invading our space.”
STH_tellarite_story.1.desc:0 “Public pressure has been rising across the [Root.GetName] to recover the colAndor Scrolls from the [tellariteCountry.GetName]. Presented to the [tellariteCountry.GetSpeciesName] [tellariteCountry.GetRulerTitle] shortly after first contact, the [tellariteCountry.GetSpeciesName] government have since claimed the temporary nature of the arrangement was never agreed. The scrolls have enormous cultural value as the earliest known documentation of modern [From.GetSpeciesName] political theory. Their presence on [tellariteCountry.Capital.GetName] is proving intolerable to many.”
STH_tellarite_story.2.desc:0 “Good day from the [From.GetName], [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]. I come with a proposal. For too long have the colAndor scrolls remained away from [From.Capital.GetName]. Too long have they been kept on [Root.Capital.GetName]! My proposal is this, return the scrolls to us and we will forgive the bad faith on which they were taken.”
STH_tellarite_story.3.desc:0 “[From.GetRulerTitle] [From.GetRulerName] of the [From.GetName] has made a surprise announcement forgiving what the [From.GetSpeciesName] people see as an ongoing transgression on the part of the [Root.GetName]. Shortly after first contact with the [From.GetName], their [From.GetRulerTitle] arranged for the transfer of the colAndor scrolls to [Root.Capital.GetName]. The scrolls are of enormous cultural value as the earliest known documentation of modern [From.GetSpeciesName] political theory, and the [From.GetSpeciesName] government has long claimed that they were kept on [Root.Capital.GetName] beyond the terms agreed, a claim that the [Root.GetName] has rejected. Forgiving the incident paves the way for better relations going forward.”
STH_tellarite_story.4.desc:0 “[From.GetRulerTitle] [From.GetRulerName] of the [From.GetName] has refused our request to return the colAndor scrolls to [Root.Capital.GetName].”
STH_tellarite_story.5.desc:0 “The [FromFrom.GetName] has been approached by the [From.GetSpeciesName]s to try and negotiate the return of the colAndor scrolls. Fortunately the [FromFrom.GetSpeciesName] government feels it unwise to get involved in the matter.”
STH_tellarite_story.6.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has once again refused to return the colAndor scrolls to [FromFrom.Capital.GetName] despite our best efforts to negotiate on behalf of the [FromFrom.GetName]. Many across the [FromFrom.GetName] now feel that diplomacy has reached an end on the matter, with analysts on [Root.Capital.GetName] fearing that conflict between the [From.GetSpeciesName] and [FromFrom.GetSpeciesName] peoples may be close.”
STH_tellarite_story.6.desc:0 “Rogue elements within the Andorian military structure have taken it upon themselves to strike at Tellar to force the return of the colAndor scrolls. While the Andorian Government has condemned the attacks, many on Tellar refuse to separate the actions of the rebels from the government.”
STH_tellarite_story.7.desc:0 “Rogue elements within the Andorian military structure have taken it upon themselves to strike at Tellar to force the return of the colAndor scrolls. While the Andorian Government has condemned the attacks, many on Tellar refuse to separate the actions of the rebels from the government.”
STH_tellarite_story.11.desc:0 “Greetings from the [From.GetName], [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]. I wish it were not so but I’m afraid I must request a favour from the [Root.GetSpeciesName] people. The [FromFrom.GetName] has long refused to return the colAndor scrolls to their rightful home on [From.Capital.GetName]. Would you be willing to represent us in this matter?”
STH_tellarite_story.12.desc:0 “Ah, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]. Greetings from the [FromFrom.GetName]. I come to you today to ask that you reconsider the request of the [From.GetName] and return the colAndor scrolls to their rightful place on [From.Capital.GetName].”
STH_tellarite_story.13.desc:0 “The [FromFrom.GetName] have refused our request to negotiate the return of the colAndor scrolls from the [From.GetName]. The [FromFrom.GetSpeciesName] government feels it unwise to get involved in the matter.”
STH_tellarite_story.14.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has once again refused to return the colAndor scrolls to [Root.Capital.GetName] despite the best efforts of [FromFrom.GetRulerTitle] [FromFrom.GetRulerName] of the [FromFrom.GetName] to negotiate on our behalf. Many across the [Root.GetName] now feel that diplomacy has reached an end on the matter.”
STH_tellarite_story.15.desc:0 “Rogue elements within the [Root.GetName] military structure have taken it upon themselves to strike at [From.Capital.GetName] to force the return of the colAndor scrolls. While the [Root.GetRulerTitle] has condemned the attacks, many on [Root.Capital.GetName] wish to see them succeed swiftly.”
STH_tellarite_story.16.desc:0 “Rogue elements within the [From.GetName] military structure have taken it upon themselves to strike at [Root.Capital.GetName] to force the return of the colAndor scrolls. While the [From.GetSpeciesName] [From.GetRulerTitle] has condemned the attacks, many on [Root.Capital.GetName] refuse to separate the actions of the rebels from the government.”
STH_tellarite_story.17.desc:0 “The colAndor scrolls have been successfully retrieved by rogue elements of the military. While the manner of their return is tainted, many feel that the restoration of [Root.GetSpeciesName] honour is worth the price.”
STH_tellarite_story.19.desc:0 “The colAndor scrolls have been stolen from [Root.Capital.GetName] by rogue elements of the [From.GetSpeciesName] military. While many accept that the nature of their presence on [Root.Capital.GetName] was controversial, the loss of life suffered in the attacks has provoked widespread anger.”
STH_tellarite_story.20.desc:0 “The colAndor scrolls remain secured on [Root.Capital.GetName] after attacks by rogue elements of the [From.GetSpeciesName] military were fended off.”
STH_tellarite_story.21.desc:0 “The colAndor scrolls remain on [From.Capital.GetName] after attacks by rogue elements of the [Root.GetSpeciesName] military were fended off by [From.GetSpeciesName] forces.”
STH_tellarite_story.22.desc:0 “The colAndor scrolls remain on [From.Capital.GetName] after attacks by rogue elements of the [FromFrom.GetSpeciesName] military were fended off by [From.GetSpeciesName] forces.”
STH_tellarite_story.23.desc:0 “The colAndor scrolls have been stolen from [FromFrom.Capital.GetName] by rogue elements of the [From.GetSpeciesName] military. While many on [FromFrom.Capital.GetName] accept that the nature of their presence on the planet was controversial, the loss of life suffered in the attacks has provoked widespread anger.”
STH_tellarite_story.25.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has agreed to a mutually beneficial solution to our concerns over the colAndor scrolls. With access to the scrolls secured for all [Root.GetName] citizens, the [From.GetSpeciesName] government has agreed to pay reparations and ensure the high maintenance of the public facility the scrolls are held in. Additionally, a symbolic admission of wrongdoing has gone a long way to placate many of those on [Root.Capital.GetName] who demanded their return.”
STH_tellarite_story.26.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has agreed to return the colAndor scrolls. With continued access to the scrolls agreed for all [From.GetName] citizens, the [From.GetSpeciesName] government has agreed to an admission of wrongdoing which has gone a long way to placate many of those on [Root.Capital.GetName] who demanded the scroll’s return.”
STH_tellarite_story.27.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has agreed to return the colAndor scrolls. With continued access to the scrolls agreed for all [From.GetName] citizens, the [From.GetSpeciesName] government has agreed to an admission of wrongdoing which has gone a long way to placate many of those on [FromFrom.Capital.GetName] who demanded the scroll’s return.”
STH_tellarite_story.28.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has agreed to a mutually beneficial solution to [FromFrom.GetSpeciesName] concerns over the colAndor scrolls. With access to the scrolls secured for all [FromFrom.GetName] citizens, the [From.GetSpeciesName] government has agreed to pay reparations and ensure the high maintenance of the public facility the scrolls are held in. Additionally, a symbolic admission of wrongdoing has gone a long way to placate many of those on [FromFrom.Capital.GetName] who demanded their return.”
STH_tellarite_story.30.desc:0 “The loss of the colAndor scrolls has wounded the pride of many citizens across the [Root.GetName]. Many feel disheartened by the apparent impotence of the government, with few willing to concede that the return of the scrolls was the correct choice.”
terra_prime_chain_desc:0 “The recent string of anti-alien attacks throughout Human space poses a significant threat to our relationships with alien powers. But perhaps it all leads to a much bigger threat to our political system and the way of life.”
TERRA_PRIME_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Investigate the murder of an alien on Earth.”
TERRA_PRIME_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Orpheus mining facility on Luna may hold the key to the recent string of anti-alien attacks throughout Human space.”
TERRA_PRIME_3_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Send one of our best diplomats to negotiate with the Terra Prime organisation.”
TERRA_PRIME_4_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Assemble a strike team and send it to secure Mars.”
STH_united_earth_story.1.desc:0 “The back alleys of [Root.Capital.GetName]’s major cities have been safe for many decades since the formation of the [Root.GetName]. Increasingly however, the presence of alien migrants on [Root.Capital.GetName] has drawn the ire of reactionary elements of the native [Root.GetSpeciesName] population.Recently a [alienCountry.GetSpeciesName] corpse has been discovered mutilated in the European Alliance city of Manchester, following a wave of violence directed at the [alienCountry.GetSpeciesName]s. The [alienCountry.GetName] authorities have expressed their alarm, with [alienCountry.GetRulerTitle] [alienCountry.GetRulerName] personally contacting [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] to express the dismay of the [alienCountry.GetSpeciesAdj] people.”
STH_united_earth_story.2.desc:0 “What started as a simple inquiry into an upsurge in violence against aliens living and working on Earth has quickly grown beyond the confines of criminal investigation.[Root.Capital.GetName] Security has identified a number of commonalities linking the incidents, however the breakthrough came from the brief final testimony provided by a Human conspirator fatally shot. Forensic evidence points to a connection with the Orpheus mining facility on Luna.”
STH_united_earth_story.3.desc:0 “[Root.Capital.GetName] Security forces have swept through the Orpheus mining facility, hunting for evidence connecting the facility to anti-alien violence sweeping [Root.GetName] space.The facility administrator – industrialist John Paxton – sought to assure the investigators of Orpheus’ uninvolvement in the recent troubles. This proved untrue however, after a MACO team were attacked and killed shortly after unlocking access to a shielded area of the base housing a substantial cache of starship grade weaponry.Alerted to the weapons discharges, firefights erupted across the base between the investigating forces and surprisingly well trained facility security.The conflict persists, with [Root.Capital.GetName] Security forced to commit several waves of reinforcements. Eventually Orpheus is secured at great cost, however in the chaos the facility administrator Paxton eludes capture. Worse still, evidence from the facility indicates that Orpheus was not the only weapons cache in use by the extremists…”
STH_united_earth_story.4.desc:0 “Failing to investigate the Orpheus mining facility in a timely fashion, [Root.Capital.GetName] Security is left embarrassed by the sudden disappearance of the entire facility staff coinciding with sabotage of the [Root.Capital.GetName] local sensor grid.John Paxton, the industrialist administrator of the Orpheus facility has been reported seen across the system, meeting with various high ranking corporate and military personnel, all of whom have denied the allegations.”
STH_united_earth_story.5.desc:0 “John Paxton – the former administrator of Orpheus station has emerged from hiding in a dramatic fashion on Mars. Having taken control of planetary broadcast facilities and government buildings, Paxton declares open revolt against the [Root.GetName] government, accusing [Ruler.GetTitle] [Ruler.GetName] of surrendering [Root.Capital.GetName]’s future to alien powers.The rebellion – calling itself the Terra Prime movement – has the backing of a modest portion of the [Root.GetName] fleet and ground forces, however it appears the disruption to Paxton’s operations on Orpheus has forced him to reveal the rebellion sooner than expected.”
STH_united_earth_story.6.desc:0 “John Paxton – the former administrator of Orpheus station has emerged from hiding in a dramatic fashion on Mars. Having taken control of planetary broadcast facilities and government buildings, Paxton declares open revolt against the [Root.GetName] government, accusing [Ruler.GetTitle] [Ruler.GetName] of surrendering [Root.Capital.GetName]’s future to alien powers.The rebellion – calling itself the Terra Prime movement – has the backing of a sizable portion of the [Root.GetName] fleet and ground forces, as well as a number of corporate backers.[Root.GetName] citizens are sharply divided, with many expressing sympathy with Paxton’s agenda.[Ruler.GetTitle] [Ruler.GetName] prepares a response…”
STH_united_earth_story.7.desc:0 “As more and more alien citizens settle on [alienPopPlanet.GetName], sometimes vast cultural differences have begun to shape public perception.In particular, recent immigrant arrivals have suffered a series of physical and verbal attacks in the more rural communities they’ve preferred to establish themselves in.”
STH_united_earth_story.8.desc:0 “As more and more [Root.GetName] citizens have turned to xenophobia and intolerance of alien visitors, several influential figures across the system have begun to push for changes to [Root.Capital.GetName]’s historically outward-looking foreign and migration policy.After failing to convince [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] of the need for such a re-alignment, the wealthy industrialist John Paxton has voiced ominous warnings to the stability of the government should it fail to react to public pressure.Following a singularly heated debate, Paxton was reported to have stormed from the [Root.Capital.GetName] parliament building, vowing to bring the [Ruler.GetTitle] to account.Paxton was last seen boarding a private transport to the Mars colony.”
STH_united_earth_story.9.desc:0 “[Root.System.GetName] monitoring stations have detected an alien probe on a direct course for [Root.GetName]. All attempts to hail it have been met with silence, and as such we must now presume the vessel to be hostile.”
STH_united_earth_story.11.desc:0 “We have successfully prevented the alien probe from entering [Root.GetName] orbit. Preliminary scans of the wreckage indicate the probe carried within it a single-use condensed energy weapon which, had it fired, would have been capable of destroying large regions of the [Root.GetName]’s surface.[Root.Owner.GetRulerTitle] [Root.Owner.GetRulerName]’s administration has planned a series of celebrations to honour the men and women of Starfleet who averted this tragedy.The question now remains, who sent this weapon of mass destruction?”
STH_united_earth_story.14.desc:0 “Engineering teams have successfully analysed the wreckage of the Alien probe.Certain quantum markers in the hull material indicate exposure to a class of subspace anomalies frequent to the Delphic Expanse, a turbulent region coreward.The vessel’s damaged computer core reveals almost nothing short of the name of the alien race – Xindi.Determined to prevent further incursions into [Root.Owner.GetName] space, the Admiralty have proposed a mission into the Delphic Expanse to gain additional intelligence.”
STH_united_earth_story.1009.desc:0 “Are you sure you wish to become [terraPrime.GetName]? This action is not reversible.”
xindi_event_chain_desc:0 “An alien race appears to have a vendetta against Humanity…”
XINDI_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “In order to determine who has targeted us, we must investigate the wreckage of the alien probe.”
XINDI_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “We must select someone capable of leading an expedition into the Delphic Expanse to prevent another attack.”
STH_united_earth_story.16.desc:0 “After weeks of fruitless searching in the Expanse, Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] has found [xindi_probe_leader.GetHerHis] first clue – the owner of a Trellium mining station claims to employ a Xindi labourer and would be willing to arrange a meeting, for a price.One of the Xindi worker’s fingers is provided as evidence – an unfortunate mining accident apparently – which provokes more questions. The organic residue from the probe that attacked [Root.Capital.GetName] shares a number of genetic markers in common with those from the finger, however they appear to be from separate though related species.That the Xindi may not be a single species confuses the investigation.Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] convenes with the Enterprise’s senior staff to decide on how to proceed.”
STH_united_earth_story.17.desc:0 “Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] leads a team into the mining facility to question the Xindi worker – a male named Kessick – after having transferred a small sum to the mining facility administrator.Kessick knows nothing of the probe that attacked [Root.Capital.GetName], however he is willing to offer the location of the Xindi homeworld on the condition that the Captain helps free him from his contract, which comes close to slavery. He warns that the facility administrator will likely attempt to enslave [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] and the Enterprise crew in the facility to.Agreeing to help Kessick escape [xindi_probe_leader.GetName]’s team follows through the bowels of the facility until at last they reach a section where the Enterprise’s transporters are able to penetrate, however a facility security team ambushes them, mortally wounding Kessick before the transporters complete their cycle.Back on the ship, the dying Xindi reveals the location of the Xindi homeworld and that six separate species of Xindi evolved there including Primates like himself.”
STH_united_earth_story.18.desc:0 “Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] orders an assault squad of MACOs to infiltrate the mining facility and exfiltrate the Xindi worker.Beaming into a remote section of the facility the team encounters little resistance, finding the Xindi working alone. He reveals his name to be Kessick, and warns the team that their easy progress is likely a trap to capture them for slave labour.The team follows Kessick through the bowels of the facility until at last they reach a section where the Enterprise’s transporters are able to penetrate, however a facility security team ambushes them, mortally wounding Kessick before the transporters complete their cycle.Back on the ship, the dying Xindi reveals the location of the Xindi homeworld and that six separate species of Xindi evolved there including Primates like himself.”
STH_united_earth_story.19.desc:0 “The mining facility administrator appears surprised that Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] would meet his price, but agrees to transfer the Xindi worker to the Enterprise after payment is made in full.After being brought to the Enterprise the worker – a male named Kessick – expresses his gratitude at being freed from what he describes as slave labour in the mining facility.On questioning, Kessick appears to know nothing of the attack on [Root.Capital.GetName] but does confirm the location of the Xindi homeworld and that six separate species of Xindi evolved there.Having provided this information, Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] agrees to transfer Kessick to a passing cargo vessel which agrees to take him on as crew.”
STH_united_earth_story.20.desc:0 “The Xindi weapon has entered the [Root.Capital.System.GetName] system, with an escort of several ships. If the weapon reaches [Root.Capital.GetName] the loss to Humanity will be catastrophic.”
STH_united_earth_story.22.desc:0 “The Xindi weapon has been destroyed. The efforts of Starfleet cannot be overstated.Devastated by the loss of the weapon and their fleet, the Xindi-Reptilians and Insectoids have accepted the ultimatum provided to them by remaining Xindi species for defying the will of the Council.Accepting their manipulation into targeting the [Root.GetName], the Primates, Arboreals and Aquatics have promised to uphold peace between the two powers, though relations will not be easy.”
STH_united_earth_story.23.desc:0 “The Xindi weapon has destroyed [Root.Capital.GetName]. The rushed launch of the weapon caused a feedback pulse following its first firing, resulting in its own destruction.Devastated by the loss of [Root.Capital.GetName] and the death of billions, Humanity has been brought to the edge of extinction.The destruction of the weapon has forced the Xindi-Reptilians and Insectoids to accept the ultimatum provided to them by the remaining Xindi species for defying the will of the Council.Accepting their manipulation into targeting the [Root.GetName], the Primates, Arboreals and Aquatics have promised to uphold the peace and never again target Humanity.Across the few remaining Human worlds people react in horror. Vowing to preserve Humanity at all costs Starfleet enacts martial law, declaring the United Human Remnant the successor state to the former United Earth.”
STH_united_earth_story.30.desc:0 “We have arrived at the coordinates of the Xindi home system, however no habitable worlds can be detected. Instead an enormous asteroid field fills the star’s habitable zone.Using predictive modeling, the Science Officer is able to confirm that the asteroid field came from a single world between 150 and 200 years ago. Material analysis of the field indicates the presence of advanced compounds that indicate the presence of a warp-faring culture.If this is the Xindi homeworld, it has been broken for a long time.Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] orders a return to the original Expanse search pattern.”
STH_united_earth_story.31.desc:0 “The Enterprise has detected a Vulcan distress signal being transmitted from a nearby asteroid field. On inspection the vessel – the Seleya – is heavily damaged and not responding to hails. Boarding the vessel, Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] leads a team to make contact with the crew and attempt to effect repairs.Deep in the Vulcan ship, several Vulcan crew members in a frenzied state ambush [xindi_probe_leader.GetName]’s team, forcing them to take refuge in the Seleya’s control room. Analysing the bio readings from a Vulcan officer stunned unconscious reveals the psychotic effect has been caused by exposure to Trellium-D which pervades the asteroid field.”
STH_united_earth_story.32.desc:0 “The team of MACOs sweep through the Seleya, dozens of psychotic Vulcans attacking as they progress. Eventually the MACOs arrive at the control room and start to escort [xindi_probe_leader.GetName]’s team to the waiting shuttlepod.The route to the shuttlepod takes them through the Seleya’s engineering section, where an ambush and resulting firefight end up damaging the ship’s warp core and triggering an imminent breach.The away team and MACOs barely have time to clear the area before the Seleya’s core breaches, killing all aboard.[xindi_probe_leader.GetName] logs the incident in a [Root.Capital.GetName]-bound probe to inform the Vulcan government, but the expectation is the failure will harm relations.The investigation of the Delphic Expanse continues.”
STH_united_earth_story.33.desc:0 “Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] orders the Enterprise medical staff to exhaust all options to provide a cure to the psychotic Vulcans on the Seleya, while the away team reinforces their position in the control room.Nearly a day passes before a series of potential cures are provided, however all require testing. Selecting the most likely antidote, a medical team distribute the concoction of Trellium-D neutralising agents through the life support umbilical connections on the Seleya’s starboard docking port.Within minutes the entire crew of the Seleya is unconscious, allowing the away team to exit the control room. Several hours pass and the crew begin to awaken again, showing no signs of their previous behaviour.The surviving senior staff of the Seleya express their appreciation for the Enterprise’s efforts, and promise to petition the Vulcan government to assist in the [Root.GetName]’s search for a solution to the Xindi crisis, as soon as the Seleya effects repairs.”
STH_united_earth_story.34.desc:0 “Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] orders the Enterprise medical staff to exhaust all options to provide a cure to the psychotic Vulcans on the Seleya, while the away team reinforces their position in the control room.Nearly a day passes before a series of potential cures are provided, however all require testing. Selecting the most likely antidote, a medical team distribute the concoction of Trellium-D neutralising agents through the life support umbilical connections on the Seleya’s starboard docking port.Within minutes the entire crew of the Seleya is unconscious, allowing the away team to exit the control room. Several hours pass and the Crew fail to awaken again, all showing signs of permanent brain damage.Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] orders the crew to effect repairs to the Seleya before sending her back to Vulcan space on automatic control, with a log of the events leading up to the death of the crew.”
STH_united_earth_story.35.desc:0 “Months of investigation have led Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] to a Xindi mining colony where Kemocite, a key element used in the Xindi probe attack on Earth, is being produced in huge quantities. The mines appear to be surrounded by a number of small settlements with layouts suggesting civilian use.With enough time and materials we could fashion a series of explosive charges that would destroy the Kemocite mines while avoiding damaging the civilian structures, but any delay could allow the Xindi to collect more Kemocite for their next weapon.”
STH_united_earth_story.36.desc:0 “Infiltrating the mining colony, Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName]’s team have identified the head of operations and have captured him in his home.Questioning the Xindi-Arboreal, a male named Gralik, reveals how he had been assured the Kemocite produced at the colony was for research purposes only. Horrified at the prospect of his work killing millions Gralik agrees to help sabotage the next shipment of Kemocite and provide a tracking device to enable the Enterprise to follow the shipment to wherever these weapons are being produced.”
STH_united_earth_story.37.desc:0 “The explosives successfully destroy the Xindi mining facilities, while preventing all but superficial damage to the surrounding settlements. Timed to detonate at night, casualties among the mining staff have been kept low.Hours after the destruction of the facility a number of Xindi starships were detected dropping out of warp and landing by the complex. Taking off again shortly after, the Enterprise was able to track their warp vector.”
STH_united_earth_story.38.desc:0 “The explosives successfully destroy the Xindi mining facilities, however the surrounding settlements were caught in the resulting explosion. All but a handful of buildings remain unscathed and casualties are high.Hours after the destruction of the facility a number of Xindi starships were detected dropping out of warp and landing by the complex. Taking off again shortly after, the Enterprise was able to track their warp vector.”
STH_united_earth_story.39.desc:0 “Having followed the Kemocite shipments to a nearby system the Enterprise has encountered an Andorian vessel, the Kumari under Commander Shran of the Imperial Guard.Shran offers the Kumari’s services to assist the Enterprise, insisting on sending an engineering team to upgrade and repair various systems.Deriding the Vulcan High Command for its lack of support for the [Root.GetName] efforts against the Xindi, Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] can’t help but feel there’s more to the Andorian presence in the Expanse.While the two vessels sit at the edge of the system, their sensors detect a massive energy discharge in the inner asteroid belt as a Dwarf Planet is vaporised, further confirming the threat of another Xindi weapon.”
STH_united_earth_story.40.desc:0 “Rejecting the Andorians help enrages Shran, who reveals his orders to acquire the technology behind the Xindi weapon for the Andorian Empire.The Enterprise is no match for the Kumari, which plunges into inner regions of the system hunting for the weapon’s testing facility. Several Xindi patrol vessels emerge from the inner asteroid belt and engage the Kumari, which tears through them with ease.Moments later the Weapon itself attacks the Kumari with it’s undercharged main beam, crippling the vessel while causing a catastrophic power surge that tears the Weapon apart.Hailing the Kumari, Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] receives an insult laden response before it limps away in low warp. Scanning the debris from the weapon reveals a number of potential weaknesses, however no clues as to the location of any further prototypes.”
STH_united_earth_story.41.desc:0 “Accepting the Andorians help pleases Shran, whose crew spends the next few days upgrading various systems aboard the Enterprise.[xindi_probe_leader.GetName] and Shran devise a plan to capture the prototype weapon by using the Enterprise as bait to lure the Xindi patrol vessels away before allowing the Kumari to beam the weapon onboard and disarm it.The mission is successful, and the two vessels rendezvous in the system’s Oort cloud to jointly investigate the workings of the weapon.Several undetected safety protocols are tripped however, and both vessels narrowly avoid destruction as the weapon triggers an overload of its Kemocite-laced energy emitters. The Kumari is heavily damaged, and Commander Shran is forced to accept the assignment of a small contingent of Enterprise engineers to help the vessel limp back to Andorian space.Initial scans of the weapon reveal a number of potential weaknesses, however no clues as to the location of any further prototypes.”
STH_united_earth_story.42.desc:0 “Accepting the Andorians help pleases Shran, whose crew spends the next few days upgrading various systems aboard the Enterprise.[xindi_probe_leader.GetName] and Shran devise a plan to capture the prototype weapon by using the Enterprise as bait to lure the Xindi patrol vessels away before allowing the Kumari to beam the weapon onboard and disarm it.The mission is successful, however Shran reveals secret orders to steal the weapon for the Andorian Empire alone.The Enterprise chases the Kumari into the system’s Oort cloud, though it seems Andorian engineers have triggered a security protocol on the weapon, as it triggers an overload of its Kemocite-laced energy emitters. The Kumari is heavily damaged, unable to prevent the Enterprise beaming back the remains of the weapon or downloading the Kumari’s scans, before it manages to limp back to Andorian space.The scans of the weapon reveal a number of potential weaknesses, however no clues as to the location of any further prototypes.”
STH_united_earth_story.43.desc:0 “Long weeks spent hunting the Expanse have paid off as the Enterprise has successfully captured a shuttle belonging to the Xindi Primate scientist leading their weapons project against [Root.Capital.GetName], a male named Degra.Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] must now decide how to take advantage of [xindi_probe_leader.GetHerHis] new captive. The Tactical Officer suggests an elaborate ruse using memory inhibiting drugs and a mock shuttlepod to extract the location of the final Xindi weapon from Degra, but the resources required are substantial.An initial interrogation reveals little beyond the knowledge that the Xindi apparently believe that destroying Earth is their only hope of survival.”
STH_united_earth_story.44.desc:0 “Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] orders Degra and the crew of his shuttle abandoned on the nearest uninhabited world capable of supporting life. A large supply of provisions are offered, with the hope that Degra’s absence will substantially slow progress on the weapon.The location of the weapon remains unknown, however.”
STH_united_earth_story.45.desc:0 “Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] orders the construction of a mock shuttle interior, as per the Tactical Officer’s proposal. Using memory inhibiting drugs, Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] is able to persuade Degra that the two of them have been prisoners of the Xindi Reptilians for several years, following the destruction of Earth and the Reptilians subsequent betrayal of the other Xindi species.Degra reveals that Xindi were convinced to attack Earth by transdimensional beings who presented themselves as the Xindi’s saviours.After a series of faked attacks on the shuttle and a promise by [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] to rescue Degra’s family, the location of the Xindi weapon is revealed – Azati Prime.The simulation is terminated and Degra’s short-term memory wiped. In an attempt to generate sympathy for their cause, Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] then offers Degra and his crew their freedom, unsuspecting that the weapon’s location has been compromised.”
STH_united_earth_story.46.desc:0 “Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] orders the construction of a mock shuttle interior, as per the Tactical Officer’s proposal. Using memory inhibiting drugs, Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] is able to persuade Degra that the two of them have been prisoners of the Xindi Reptilians for several years, following the destruction of Earth and the Reptilians subsequent betrayal of the other Xindi species.Degra reveals that Xindi were convinced to attack Earth by transdimensional beings who presented themselves as the Xindi’s saviours.After a series of faked attacks on the shuttle cause the simulation to overtax itself and the windows revealed to be displays, Degra reacts angrily to the deception. The simulation is terminated.Unable to waste more time, Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] orders Degra and the crew of his shuttle abandoned on the nearest uninhabited world capable of supporting life.A large supply of provisions are offered, with the hope that Degra’s absence will substantially slow progress on the weapon.The location of the weapon remains unknown, however.”
STH_united_earth_story.47.desc:0 “Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] spends the next few days attempting to convince Degra of the innocence of the [Root.GetName], that [Root.Capital.GetName] does not intend to destroy the Xindi.Initially the conversations loop back to the same point of disbelief, but after promising to free Degra and his crew regardless, the Xindi-Primate starts to doubt his convictions. It doesn’t take long after that to convince Degra to at least let [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] present [Root.Capital.GetName]’s case.Providing a set of coordinates, Degra requests the Enterprise arrive at the system within 30 days so [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] can speak before the Xindi Council.”
STH_united_earth_story.48.desc:0 “Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] spends the next few days attempting to convince Degra of the innocence of the [Root.GetName], that [Root.Capital.GetName] does not intend to destroy the Xindi. The conversations loop back time and again to the same point of disbelief and after exhausting all avenues of persuasion, Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] orders Degra and the crew of his shuttle abandoned on the nearest uninhabited world capable of supporting life.A large supply of provisions are offered, with the hope that Degra’s absence will substantially slow progress on the weapon.The location of the weapon remains unknown, however.”
STH_united_earth_story.50.desc:0 “Months pass and the Enterprise crew begin to lose all hope of ever finding the Xindi weapon’s construction site. A chance encounter with a species with trade relations with the Xindi offers a new opportunity, however. The traders share rumours of heavy traffic coming and going from the Azati system, a lead Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] cannot afford to not pursue.”
STH_united_earth_story.52.desc:0 “Fully repaired, the Vulcan starship Seleya enters the Sol system. With orders to assist the [Root.GetName] against the Xindi weapon threat, the Seleya’s arrival may tip the balance in the coming battle.”
STH_united_earth_story.53.desc:0 “Fully repaired, the Andorian starship Kumari enters the Sol system. With orders to assist the [Root.GetName] against the Xindi weapon threat, the Kumari’s arrival may tip the balance in the coming battle.”
STH_united_earth_story.54.desc:0 “Convinced that the attack on [Root.Capital.GetName] is unjust, a pair of Xindi-Primate and Arboreal vessels enter the system broadcasting their intent to help disable the weapon and prevent catastrophe on [Root.Capital.GetName].”
STH_united_earth_story.56.desc:0 “[united_human_remnant.GetSpeciesNamePlural] and other sympathetic beings across the galaxy are reacting with shock and disbelief, as news of the destruction of their homeworld spreads. [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]’s administration has expressed alarm. [united_human_remnant.GetRulerTitle] [united_human_remnant.GetName] has rallied the [united_human_remnant.GetSpeciesName] survivors to form the [united_human_remnant.GetName]. Understandably this new state lacks the xenophile outlook of its predecessor…”
STH_united_earth_story.57.desc:0 “Contact with the [donatingCountry.GetName] has been sporadic since the destruction of the homeworld, however recent news has suggested [donatingCountry.GetRulerTitle] [donatingCountry.GetRulerName]’s administration has authorised an aid package for immediate distribution among the worlds of the [Root.GetName]. Survivors of the attack remain sceptical of alien motives, however moves like this go a long way to changing opinions.”
STH_united_earth_story.58.desc:0 “Contact with the [donatingCountry.GetName] has been sporadic since the destruction of the homeworld, however recent news has suggested [donatingCountry.GetRulerTitle] [donatingCountry.GetRulerName]’s administration has authorised an aid package for immediate distribution among the worlds of the [Root.GetName]. Survivors of the attack remain sceptical of alien motives, however moves like this go a long way to changing opinions.”
STH_united_earth_story.59.desc:0 “Contact with the [donatingCountry.GetName] has been sporadic since the destruction of the homeworld, however recent news has suggested [donatingCountry.GetRulerTitle] [donatingCountry.GetRulerName]’s administration has authorised an aid package for immediate distribution among the worlds of the [Root.GetName]. Survivors of the attack remain sceptical of alien motives, however moves like this go a long way to changing opinions.”
STH_united_earth_story.60.desc:0 “Listening posts have picked up a general distress signal from [unitedEarth.GetName] space. The [unitedEarth.GetSpeciesName] homeworld appears to be under attack by the ‘Xindi’ – a race native to the Delphic Expanse.”
STH_united_earth_story.73.desc:0 “Investigating the ruins of the Insectoid ship confirm that no technology of value survived whatever catastrophe occurred. As the away team prepares to return to the Enterprise Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] makes a startling discovery – a chamber filled with Xindi-Insectoid eggs, the majority of which remain intact. After several hours the Captain begins to exhibit strange behaviour, diverting resources from the Enterprise to efforts to restore the Insectoid ship on the surface, and obsessing over protecting the eggs. The ship’s doctor believes that the Captain has been affected by a pheromone compound on the eggs.”
STH_united_earth_story.75.desc:0 “After several days the medical team is able to create a synthetic compound which neutralises the effects of the Insectoid pheromones, and restores the Captain to [xindi_probe_leader.GetHerHis] normal self. The Insectoid eggs begin to hatch, and Captain [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] is forced to decide how to proceed – leaving the infants on the surface or ‘adopting’ them aboard the ship.”
STH_united_earth_story.76.desc:0 “The Xindi-Insectoid infants that the Enterprise recovered from wreckage of a vessel in the Uhrangei system have grown to adulthood. While raising the infants proved difficult initially, they learned quickly and have fully embraced [Root.GetSpeciesName] culture. The Xindi Council has expressed no desire to repatriate the young adults, and they themselves wish to become productive members of society. Several options have been presented for their resettlement within [Root.GetName] space.”
STH_united_earth_story.80.desc:0 “Intermittent subspace readings have led [Root.GetCaptainTitle] [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] to a planet orbiting a small K class star. Astonishingly, the planet is inhabited by what appears to be several thousand Humans and a smaller number of unknown aliens in five small towns. Architecture and farming methods are consistent with those used in the late 19th century North American West.”
STH_united_earth_story.81.desc:0 “[Root.GetCaptainTitle] [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] has spent several days infiltrating the primitive civilisation. Learning that the Humans in the colony were brought to the world centuries ago by a race called the Skagarans who they subsequently overthrew, the [Root.GetCaptainTitle] is troubled to learn that the surviving Skagarans now live in conditions little better than slavery. Worse, the colony appears to be on the brink of a race war that coupled with several years of poor harvests could destroy the viability of both populations.”
STH_united_earth_story.82.desc:0 “Working with progressive elements in the largest settlement North Star, [Root.GetCaptainTitle] [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] attempted to persuade local authority figures to improve the conditions of the Skagaran underclass. Despite [xindi_probe_leader.GetHerHis] best efforts the attempt has failed, provoking further conflict between both communities. As the violence spirals out of control, it appears that several Skagarans have discovered a cache of antimatter weapons from the starship that first colonised the world centuries ago. Accepting [xindi_probe_leader.GetHerHis] intervention has failed, [Root.GetCaptainTitle] [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] orders the Enterprise to resume its mission in the Expanse, leaving the colony to its fate.”
STH_united_earth_story.83.desc:0 “Working with progressive elements in the largest settlement North Star, [Root.GetCaptainTitle] [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] attempted to persuade local authority figures to improve the conditions of the Skagaran underclass. Through [xindi_probe_leader.GetHerHis] efforts the attempt has succeeded, reducing tensions and the risk of further conflict between both communities. A decision must now be made whether to reveal the presence of the Enterprise and the [Root.GetName] to the colonists.”
STH_united_earth_story.84.desc:0 “Landing several Enterprise shuttlepods in the centre of the largest settlement North Star, [Root.GetCaptainTitle] [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] shocked the colonists by attempting to explain to the presence of the Enterprise and their centuries of missed history, in an effort to unite both the Skagaran and Human community behind the promise of future technological support. Despite [xindi_probe_leader.GetHerHis] best efforts the attempt has failed, provoking further conflict between both communities who see the Enterprise as a tool to further the aims of the other. As the violence spirals out of control, it appears that several Skagarans have discovered a cache of antimatter weapons from the starship that first colonised the world centuries ago. Accepting [xindi_probe_leader.GetHerHis] intervention has failed, [Root.GetCaptainTitle] [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] orders the Enterprise to resume its mission in the Expanse, leaving the colony to its fate.”
STH_united_earth_story.85.desc:0 “Landing several Enterprise shuttlepods in the centre of the largest settlement North Star, [Root.GetCaptainTitle] [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] shocked the colonists by attempting to explain to the presence of the Enterprise and their centuries of missed history, in an effort to unite both Skagaran and Human community behind the promise of future technological support. Through [xindi_probe_leader.GetHerHis] efforts the attempt has succeeded, reducing tensions and the risk of further conflict between both communities as they adapt to the new reality of future support and intervention from the [Root.GetName].”
STH_united_earth_story.86.desc:0 “Landing several Enterprise shuttlepods in the centre of the largest settlement North Star, [Root.GetCaptainTitle] [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] shocked the colonists by attempting to explain to the presence of the Enterprise and their centuries of missed history, in an effort to further unite both Skagaran and Human community behind the promise of future technological support. The attempt succeeded, as both communities adapt to the new reality of future support and intervention from the [Root.GetName].”
STH_united_earth_story.87.desc:0 “With both Skagaran and [Root.GetSpeciesName] communities on better terms, the future of the colony can now be discussed. While [Root.GetCaptainTitle] [xindi_probe_leader.GetName] must emphasise that future contact from the [Root.GetName] is dependent on the success of the Enterprise’s mission, a number of options are available. Both communities can be relocated to other more habitable [Root.GetName] worlds. Alternatively the [Root.GetSpeciesName] population can be resettled on a [Root.GetSpeciesName] world. The preferred option for many however is the continued settlement of the world, which most have now christened North Star after the largest settlement, with support from the [Root.GetName].”
STH_united_earth_story.88.desc:0 “With the Xindi crisis at a conclusion, the future of the Skagaran and [Root.GetSpeciesName] population on the world now known as North Star must be resolved.”
STH_united_earth_story.90.desc:0 “Recently returned from the Delphic Expanse following its repairs by the [From.GetName] ship Enterprise, the captain of the VSS Seleya has requested permission to set course for [From.Capital.GetName] in order to help defend the planet against the Xindi. While some question the logic of this, others believe solidifying the alliance with the [From.GetName] is of critical importance.”
STH_united_earth_story.91.desc:0 “Recently returned from the Delphic Expanse following its encounter with the [From.GetName] ship Enterprise, the captain of the IGS Kumari has requested permission to set course for [From.Capital.GetName] in order to help defend the planet against the Xindi. While some question the tactical viability of this, others believe solidifying the alliance with the [From.GetName] is of critical importance.”
STH_united_earth_story.92.desc:0 “Starfleet has deemed this mission of utmost importance and recommends you send your most experienced ship and crew. Are you sure you wish to proceed with this ship and crew?”
STH_united_earth_story.93.desc:0 “Having returned from the Delphic Expanse, the information gathered from the NX-01 Enterprise prototype has allowed our engineers to streamline the design paving the way to mass production of additional ships.”
STH_united_earth_story.94.desc:0 “Having returned from the Delphic Expanse, the information gathered from Captain Jonathan Archer and his crew, aboard the NX-01 Enterprise, has allowed our engineers to develop further advances in Engineering Technology.”
STH_united_earth_story.95.desc:0 “Against the recommendations of Starfleet, [This.GetName] was sent into the Delphic Expanse to search for the Xindi. Initially encumbered by the Thermobaric clouds surrounding the Expanse, the crew successfully adapted their sensors and engine intake manifolds to navigate through the clouds, and passed through without incident. With Starfleet and [This.GetLeaderName] now confident in their ability to lead the expedition, the [This.GetName] pressed on into the expanse.However, despite this early success, its crew discovered they were ill-equipped to react to the spatial anomalies found within the Expanse. A subspace eddy passed through the ship a few days after its entry, destabilizing the antimatter containment fields and resulting in a catastrophic chain reaction within the warp core, destroying the ship and its crew.”
STH_united_earth_story.100.desc:0 “With tremendous gratitude the [Root.GetName] thanks the [From.GetName] for its assistance. As they depart [Root.Capital.Solar_System.GetName] for [From.Owner.Capital.GetName], the people of [Root.Capital.GetName] reflect upon what has transpired. The [From.GetName] and its crew risked death, to help defend [Root.Capital.GetName]. Not because there was something for them to gain in doing so other than an expression of their friendship and mutual respect. In the aftermath of the attack, many are left wondering whether growing our alliances might be the key to securing our future.”
STH_united_earth_story.101.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has concluded its role in the pink-skin’s valiant struggle against the genocidal Xindi. The [From.GetName]’s captain and crew exceeded the purview of their mission by getting so heavily involved. The Imperial Guard has forgiven them; they acted out of honour and have proven worthy of the prestigious vessel. The Imperial Guard hopes that the pink-skins will remember their assistance when dealing with them in the future.”
STH_united_earth_story.102.desc:0 “It isn’t often that the Vulcans offer Humanity such overt assistance. Not even the early warnings of the Xindi’s plan stirred them into action. The Enterprise’s rescue of the [From.GetName] from the Expanse changed that. The [Root.GetName] can only hope that as the [From.GetName] returns to [From.Owner.Capital.GetName], its crew advocate more equal treatment and cooperation.”
STH_united_earth_story.103.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has survived the battle with the Xindi weapon and is returning to [Root.Capital.GetName] for repairs and debriefing. Sending the [From.GetName] was logical, after the Enterprise recovered the ship and treated its ailing crew. The aftermath of the attack won’t be easy for Earth to deal with. The High Command hopes that however they face it, the [From.GetName]’s actions will have shown [Root.Capital.GetName]’s continued commitment to the historic friendship between the two peoples.”
STH_united_earth_story.104.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] suffered heavy damage in combat against Xindi forces. It managed to escape destruction and has limped back to Andoria for repair. Captain Shran is most displeased with the outcome and has vowed to better uphold the [From.GetName]’s historic name in the future.”
STH_united_earth_story.105.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] and its crew have been killed while aiding the defence against the Xindi weapon. Regardless of the outcome of the battle, the [From.GetName]’s crew will be remembered for their sacrifice for the future of Humanity.The High Command has decided that their memorial will be the continuation of the ship’s name, with another vessel to be named the [From.GetName].”
STH_united_earth_story.203.desc:0 “As more and more [root.GetName] citizens have turned to xenophobia and intolerance of alien visitors, several influential figures across the system have begun to push for changes to [root.Capital.GetName]’s historically outward-looking foreign and migration policy.After failing to convince [root.GetRulerTitle] [root.GetRulerName] of the need for such a re-alignment, the wealthy industrialist John Paxton has voiced ominous warnings to the stability of the government should it fail to react to public pressure.Following a singularly heated debate, Paxton was reported to have stormed from the [root.Capital.GetName] parliament building, vowing to bring the [Ruler.GetTitle] to account.Paxton was last seen boarding a private transport to the Mars colony.”
STH_united_earth_story.204.desc:0 “What started as a simple inquiry into an upsurge in violence against aliens living and working on Earth has quickly grown beyond the confines of criminal investigation.[root.Capital.GetName] Security has identified a number of commonalities linking the incidents, however the breakthrough came from the brief final testimony provided by a [root.GetSpeciesName] conspirator fatally shot. Forensic evidence points to a connection with the Orpheus mining facility on Luna.”
STH_united_earth_story.205.desc:0 “[root.Owner.Capital.GetName] Security forces have swept through the Orpheus mining facility, hunting for evidence connecting the facility to anti-alien violence sweeping [root.Owner.GetName] space.The facility administrator – industrialist John Paxton – sought to assure the investigators of Orpheus’ uninvolvement in the recent troubles. This proved untrue however, after a MACO team were attacked and killed shortly after unlocking access to a shielded area of the base housing a substantial cache of starship grade weaponry.Alerted to the weapons discharges, firefights erupted across the base between the investigating forces and surprisingly well trained facility security.The conflict persists, with [root.Owner.Capital.GetName] Security forced to commit several waves of reinforcements. Eventually Orpheus is secured at great cost, however in the chaos the facility administrator Paxton eludes capture. Worse still, evidence from the facility indicates that Orpheus was not the only weapons cache in use by the extremists.”
STH_united_earth_story.206.desc:0 “Failing to investigate the Orpheus mining facility in a timely fashion, [root.Capital.GetName] Security is left embarrassed by the sudden disappearance of the entire facility staff coinciding with sabotage of the [root.Capital.GetName] local sensor grid.John Paxton, the industrialist administrator of the Orpheus facility has been reported seen across the system, meeting with various high ranking corporate and military personnel, all of whom have denied the allegations.”
STH_united_earth_story.209.desc:0 “Despite [root.leader.GetName]’s best efforts, after a few rounds of heated negotiations [root.leader.GetSheHe] and John Paxton still couldn’t agree on any terms that would satisfy both sides. Unfortunately, that means that Paxton will now proceed with his plan of destroying Starfleet Command.”
STH_united_earth_story.212.desc:0 “Finally the political crisis on [root.capital.GetName] has been resolved. With the dissolution of the old government a new one will soon take its place with John Paxton himself as [ruler.GetTitle]. Furthemore it was decided to rename the country to [root.GetName], as it would symbolise how vital [root.capital.GetName] and the [root.GetSpeciesName] species are to the new regime.”
STH_united_earth_story.213.desc:0 “Following the recent events John Paxton has set up an independent government on Mars, forcing every non-[root.GetSpeciesName] to leave the planet. Perhaps, it is still possible to bridge the differences between [root.capital.GetName] and Mars, but for now humanity remains divided.”
STH_united_earth_story.214.desc:0 “After the installation of the new pro-[root.GetSpeciesName] government on [root.capital.GetName] a new discussion has broken out among the political leaders of [root.GetName]. While traditionally [root.GetName] has always advocated for an isolationist foreign policy, a small faction within the organization believes that the only way for the [root.GetSpeciesName] species to survive is not only to fortify the borders and keep all aliens out, but to actively expand those borders in order to secure more living space.[ruler.GetTitle] [ruler.GetName] could potentially ally with this supremacist faction and change the foreign policy, but it would require a considerable amount of £influence£ Influence.”
STH_united_earth_story.215.desc:0 “Although a strike team led by General [root.leader.GetName] fought valiantly against the Terra Prime forces, it could not secure the main installations controlled by John Paxton. During an unsuccessful attack on the Verteron Array General [root.leader.GetName] [root.leader.GetHerHim]self was killed in action. Unfortunately, that means that Paxton will now proceed with his plan of destroying Starfleet Command.”
STH_united_earth_story.216.desc:0 “A strike team led by General [root.leader.GetName] fought valiantly against the Terra Prime forces and eventually managed to secure the communications tower and other main installations controlled by John Paxton. In a final attack on the Verteron Array General [root.leader.GetName] has managed to capture John Paxton himself, before he had the chance to destroy Starfleet Command.”
STH_united_earth_story.217.desc:0 “A daring attack on the Martian facilities by the brave men and women of [root.GetName] military forces has led to a complete victory over the Terra Prime organisation. John Paxton and his associates have all been arrested and will soon stand trial. Finally, peace has been restored in the [root.GetName].”
STH_united_earth_story.218.desc:0 “After years of political swaying and negotiations, leaders of Terra Prime have finally accepted reunification of the planet Mars with the rest of [root.GetName].”
STH_vaadwaur_colony_1_category_desc:0 “[From.GetName] is littered with the remains of several ancient cities, apparently destroyed several centuries ago by orbital bombardment.”
vaadwaur_ruins_1.desc:0 “After scanning the ruins on and under the surface from orbit, a number of intact underground chambers have been identified. A full investigation may reveal the fate of the civilisation that once populated the planet.”
STH_vaadwaur_story.100.desc:0 “After scanning the ruins on and under the surface from orbit, a number of intact underground chambers have been identified. A full investigation may reveal the fate of the civilisation that once populated the planet.”
STH_vaadwaur_story.110.desc:0 “Several occupied stasis pods have been unearthed deep beneath in the ruins of [From.Planet.GetName], alongside several hangars containing an array of ancient warships. [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] suggests studying the pods before awakening the occupants.”
STH_vaadwaur_story.121.desc:0 “After accidentally triggering the revive sequence on a bank of stasis pods, the occupants have identified themselves as Vaadwaur. They claim to have been the victim of an extermination campaign against their species several centuries prior. Given that their species is reduced to a handful of survivors, the revived Vaadwaur have requested the protection of the [Root.Owner.GetName].”
STH_vaadwaur_story.122.desc:0 “After accidentally triggering the revive sequence of two stasis pods, the occupants have identified themselves as [vaadwaurLeader1.GetName] and [vaadwaurLeader2.GetName] of the Vaadwaur. They claim to have been the victim of an extermination campaign against their species several centuries prior. The revived Vaadwaur have offered their services to the [Root.Owner.GetName], and request that the rest of the survivors in stasis on the world are revived.”
STH_vaadwaur_story.123.desc:0 “After accidentally triggering the revive sequence on a bank of stasis pods, the occupants have identified themselves as Vaadwaur. They claim to have been the victim of an extermination campaign against their species several centuries prior. Apparently unknown to [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName]’s team on [From.Planet.GetName], the Vaadwaur survivors have activated several tens of thousands of stasis pods and claimed ownership of the system.”
THE_PHAGE_PROJECT_1_DESC:0 “The Phage has devastated our society. Even a small hope of finding a cure is worth investigating.”
THE_PHAGE_PROJECT_2_DESC:0 “The Phage has devastated the Vidiian civilisation. Even a small hope of finding a cure is worth investigating.”
the_phage_chain_desc:0 “The Phage has devastated our society. Even a small hope of finding a cure is worth investigating.”
STH_vidiian_story.5.desc:0 “Reports are coming in from our assets in [From.GetName] space indicating that a cure to the devastating Phage virus has been created. The [From.GetSpeciesNamePlural] have shaped their society around a unwavering search for a cure. [Root.GetName] analysts believe that without the burden of the Phage, they may return to their once peaceful ways.”
STH_vidiian_story.6.desc:0 “For millennia the Phage has ravaged the [Root.GetName], halting [Root.GetSpeciesAdj] cultural development in order to preserve the species and find a cure. Now a cure has been found, the [Root.GetSpeciesAdj] people have a choice to make. To return to the outgoing, peaceful society from before the Phage and eliminate the last vestiges of its impact on [Root.GetSpeciesAdj] society, or else embrace changes that made the [Root.GetName] strong enough to survive a millennia of disease. Regardless of the outcome, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] has decided to stand down from [leader.GetHerHis] post, arguing that the [Root.GetSpeciesAdj] people deserve new leadership for a new, post-Phage world.”
STH_vidiian_story.14.desc:0 “[Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], I am represent the Vidiian people and I come with a message of gratitude. Your people have cured the Phage, a vile affliction which had nearly laid ruin to our civilisation. We will never forget this.”
PJEM_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The construction of a stealth subspace listening post on a holy world is not without controversy, but the benefits may outweigh the cost.”
PJEM_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Vulcans may believe that a holy world will protect their attempts to spy on us, but we will prove them wrong.”
PJEM_3_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Vulcans may seem rational, but a number of apparent paradoxes lie at the heart of their culture. Visiting a Vulcan holy world may shed light on these paradoxes, allowing us to better understand each other.”
STH_vulcan_story.1.desc:0 “After careful analysis, the sub-Administrator of the V’Shar has advised that the monastery on [pjem_planet.GetName] is the most logical site to place a proposed stealth subspace listening post. While the nature of the world as a religious focal point for many Vulcans is likely to cause dissatisfaction should it ever be revealed, concerns over potential threats from the [andorianCountry.GetName] can not be ignored. If approved, the listening post would be constructed beneath the oldest monastery building.”
STH_vulcan_story.2.desc:0 “The stealth subspace listening post has been constructed to schedule on [Root.GetName] and sensor range has been boosted significantly.”
STH_vulcan_story.10.desc:0 “The [Root.GetName] has been contacted by a monk from the [From.GetSpeciesName] holy world of [FromFrom.GetName], claiming to have intelligence vital to [Root.GetSpeciesName] interests. Apparently angered – or as close to it as a [From.GetSpeciesName] can get – by the desecration of the largest monastery on [FromFrom.GetName], the monk claims that a subspace listening post has been constructed there designed to spy on the [Root.GetName].”
STH_vulcan_story.11.desc:0 “After several days debating the available evidence, the Admiralty has authorised the dispatch of a strike team to [FromFrom.GetName].”
STH_vulcan_story.20.desc:0 “[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] has completed [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] work to assemble a strike team to head deep into [vulcanCountry.GetName] space and expose the stealth listening post on [vulcanCountry.GetSpeciesName] holy world of [pjem_planet.GetName]. The mission is expected to take a long time to complete, as the team must use civilian transport for much of the journey.”
STH_vulcan_story.30.desc:0 “The [FromFrom.GetSpeciesName] holy world of [FromFromFrom.GetName] appears to many on [Root.Capital.GetName] to be a paradox. The [FromFrom.GetSpeciesName] people claim to be innately logical, eschewing superstitions. However at the heart of their culture are a number of rituals and beliefs that are distinctly religious in nature. By dispatching a cultural mission to the holy world of [FromFromFrom.GetName], we may be able to understand our neighbours better.”
STH_vulcan_story.31.desc:0 “Arriving at [pjem_planet.GetName], [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] is greeted in a perfunctory manner by T’Kosh, the monastery elder. After a short tour of the monastery entrance hall, T’Kosh appears eager to send [Root.GetLeaderName] on [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] way. Unsure whether the odd behaviour is typical for the monks to all visitors, or whether something else is bothering the elder [vulcanCountry.GetSpeciesName], [Root.GetLeaderName] mulls investigating further.”
STH_vulcan_story.32.desc:0 “[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName]’s concern appears to have been unfounded. After investigating the monastery grounds further, the [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] was able to determine nothing amiss other than the increasing frustrations of T’Kosh. After agreeing to the elder’s insistence that they return to the [Root.Fleet.GetName] and leave the monks to their solitude, the away team is presented with a small gift – a number of scrolls, replicas of various ancient [From.GetSpeciesName] texts.”
STH_vulcan_story.34.desc:0 “The strike team leader is convinced by [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName]’s argument that the [Root.Owner.GetName] is not involved in the subterfuge, and agrees to let the team return to the [Root.Fleet.GetName] only after verifying the destruction of the ship’s communications array to prevent warning the [From.GetName] government.”
STH_vulcan_story.35.desc:0 “The strike team sent to [FromFromFrom.GetName] have signalled an update on their progress. Having secured the main monastery building and disabling the communications with the rest of the [FromFrom.GetName] complications arose when a [From.GetName] ship proceeded to visit the holy world on a cultural mission. Convinced that the [From.GetSpeciesName]s were not part of the plot to spy on the [Root.GetName], the strike team leader allowed the crew to return to their vessel after verifying the destruction of its communications array to prevent any signaling to the [FromFrom.GetSpeciesName]s before the mission completed.”
STH_vulcan_story.36.desc:0 “[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName]’s attempt to rescue the [From.GetSpeciesName] monks has failed. While overpowering several of the attackers seemed easy at first, their reinforcements were quick to fatally subdue to away team. Worse, they were subsequently able to transport aboard the [Root.Fleet.GetName] and fight their way to the ship’s warp core. Deploying charges, a single attacker was able to hold off the crew until the rest of the strike team could return to the surface. Detonating the charges, the ship was obliterated as the warp core was breached.”
STH_vulcan_story.37.desc:0 “[Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName]’s attempt to rescue the [From.GetSpeciesName] monks has succeeded as the away team quickly overpower the attackers. Damage to several monastery walls reveals a number of hidden spaces leading to a vast underground chamber. Inside, the subspace listening post the Andorians claimed was being used against them. Faced with the knowledge that the [From.GetName] had subverted one of their own holy sites for covert surveillance, [Root.Owner.GetCaptainTitle] [Root.GetLeaderName] mulls [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] options on how to respond.”
STH_vulcan_story.38.desc:0 “The strike team sent to [FromFromFrom.GetName] have signalled an update on their progress. Having secured the main monastery building and disabling communications with the rest of the [FromFrom.GetName] complications arose when a [From.GetName] ship proceeded to visit the holy world on a cultural mission. The [From.GetSpeciesName]s were subsequently killed after attempting to attack the strike team, and their vessel destroyed in orbit.”
STH_vulcan_story.51.desc:0 “Our strike team has infiltrated the [From.GetSpeciesName]’s covert subspace listening post on [FromFrom.GetName]. While casualties were not intended, several [From.GetSpeciesName] monks were killed in the process as they attempted to prevent the strike team from searching the monastery grounds. With evidence of the [From.GetSpeciesName]’s subterfuge, the wider quadrant will surely be questioning the trustworthiness of the [From.GetName].”
SYRRANNITE_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Following a terrorist attack on our embassy, an investigative team is required to bring the perpetrators to justice.”
STH_vulcan_story.1000.desc:0 “The [earthCountry.GetName] embassy on [Root.Capital.GetName] has been the target of a successful terrorist attack. Several hundred [Root.GetSpeciesName] and [earthCountry.GetSpeciesName] casualties have been reported. Domestic violence is almost unheard of on [Root.Capital.GetName] and no group has yet claimed responsibility. However, many in the Intelligence service believe the bombing to be the work of the Syrrannite movement, a group dissatisfied with the current administration’s foreign policy.”
STH_vulcan_story.1001.desc:0 “The [Root.GetName] embassy on [From.Capital.GetName] has been the target of a successful terrorist attack. Several hundred [Root.GetSpeciesName] and [From.GetSpeciesName] casualties have been reported. Domestic violence is almost unheard of on [From.Capital.GetName] and no group has yet claimed responsibility. However, many in the [From.GetSpeciesName] intelligence service believe the bombing to be the work of the Syrrannite movement, a group dissatisfied with the [From.GetRulerName] administration’s foreign policy.”
STH_vulcan_story.1002.desc:0 “The [FromFrom.GetName] embassy on [From.Capital.GetName] has been the target of a successful terrorist attack. Several hundred [From.GetSpeciesName] and [FromFrom.GetSpeciesName] casualties have been reported. Domestic violence is almost unheard of on [From.Capital.GetName] and no group has yet claimed responsibility. However, many in the [From.GetSpeciesName] intelligence service believe the bombing to be the work of the Syrrannite movement, a group dissatisfied with the [From.GetRulerName] administration’s foreign policy.”
STH_vulcan_story.1003.desc:0 “[From.GetRulerTitle] [From.GetRulerName] of the [From.GetName] has formally requested that a team of [From.GetSpeciesName] experts be allowed to pursue the investigation into the recent embassy bombing on [Root.Capital.GetName].”
STH_vulcan_story.1004.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has formally approved [Root.Capital.GetName]’s request to dispatch a team of experts to investigate the recent embassy bombing on [From.Capital.GetName].”
STH_vulcan_story.1005.desc:0 “After several days analysing the rubble of the embassy building and questioning identified witnesses, [FromFrom.GetName] has concluded that the evidence does indeed point to the Syrrannites as the perpetrators of the bombing. The evidence seems almost too strong, however. Several chemical traces which link to materials found in the Vulcan’s Forge region of the planet, where the Syrrannites are known to keep a hidden commune, should have decayed within minutes of the blast and be barely detectable now.”
STH_vulcan_story.1006.desc:0 “The [From.GetSpeciesName] investigators sent to [Root.Capital.GetName] to investigate the bombing of the [From.GetName] embassy have concluded their operation. No conclusive evidence was discovered, though circumstantial evidence reaffirms our initial view that this was an attrocity carried out by Syrrannite dissidents.”
STH_vulcan_story.1007.desc:0 “[FromFrom.GetName]’s investigation has led [FromFrom.GetHerHim] to the Vulcan’s Forge region, where the Syrrannites are known to keep at least one hidden commune. A vast desert, The Forge is subject to electrical sandstorms and geomagnetic anomalies that interfere with scanning technologies. Progress through The Forge is slow made more dangerous by the constant threat of Sehlats attack.”
STH_vulcan_story.1008.desc:0 “After taking shelter from an electrical sandstorm with a passing [From.GetSpeciesName] pilgrim, [FromFrom.GetName] has made a remarkable discovery. While referring to himself initially as Arev, the pilgrim is in fact Syrran, the leader of the Syrrannite movement. Professing ignorance of the embassy bombing he promises to lead [FromFrom.GetName] back to the Syrrannite compound in the T’Karath Sanctuary in order to prove the matter.”
STH_vulcan_story.1009.desc:0 “Our operatives believe that [FromFrom.GetName], the [From.GetSpeciesName] investigator dispatched to [Root.GetName] by the [From.GetName] government, has apparently made contact with the leader of the Syrrannite movement and been taken to their commune. [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] argues to the Council that a strike now would end the risk of further attacks against by the Syrrannites. While the risk to relations with [From.Capital.GetName] should [FromFrom.GetName] be killed in the operation are high, there may never be a better time to remove the current threat.”
STH_vulcan_story.1010.desc:0 “Shortly after arriving at the T’Karath Sanctuary, [FromFrom.GetName] meets with a number of Syrrannites who together with Syrran attempt to explain the nature of their movement and how it rejects violence. A young woman named T’Pau is particularly vocal in her defence of the movement. The debate is interrupted by alarms and the sound of explosions. Looking to the sky, several [From.GetSpeciesName] fighters can be seen laying waste to the ground beneath them. The geomagnetic anomalies of The Forge have reduced their accuracy, but not enough to prevent the deaths of many Syrrannites as they attempted to escape. Syrran himself is fatally injured, dying shortly after placing his hands on [FromFrom.GetName]’s face and muttering ‘remember’. [FromFrom.GetName] and T’Pau escape together into the cave network.”
STH_vulcan_story.1011.desc:0 “The operation against the Syrrannite commune appears to be a success. While several Syrrannites were able to escape, we have confirmed the death of their leader Syrran. While it is regretable that lives weren’t saved and the terrorists brought to justice, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] insists that the strike has made [Root.Capital.GetName] safer. The location of the [From.GetSpeciesName] investigator is unknown, though it is suspected [FromFrom.GetSheHe] was vaporised in the attack.”
STH_vulcan_story.1015.desc:0 “Rumours suggest that several Syrrannites have made their way to the Capital itself. Unbelievably, it is implied they have brought with them the legendary Kir’Shara, an artefact containing the complete writings of Surak, thought lost to time. What the terrorists plan to do next is a mystery.”
STH_vulcan_story.1018.desc:0 “The [Root.GetName] investigator [FromFrom.GetName], tasked with uncovering the truth of the embassy bombing on [From.Capital.GetName] has been arrested by the [From.GetSpeciesName] authorities. Accused of aiding the Syrrannite movement in a terrorist endeavour, [FromFrom.GetName] is sentenced to life imprisonment with no chance of parole.”
STH_vulcan_story.1019.desc:0 “With the intruders removed from the Council Chambers, the Council itself is divided. Several were willing to believe the Syrrannite accusations of treachery from the office of the [Root.GetRulerTitle], while others believed further debate was needed. With news of the events quickly reaching the civilian population, [Root.GetSpeciesName] society is braced for unrest.”
STH_vulcan_story.1020.desc:0 “The arrest of the Syrrannite leadership has done little to calm matters on [Root.Capital.GetName]. Instead, those sympathetic to the Syrrannite plight have become emboldened. Similarly those opposed to them have increased their demands that action must be taken.”
STH_vulcan_story.1021.desc:0 “Protests have consumed most of [Root.Capital.GetName]’s cities, as those in favour and opposed to the Syrrannite movement clash. While violence has been avoided so far, it would not take much to tip either side over the edge.”
STH_vulcan_story.1022.desc:0 “Extreme measures designed to end Syrrannite protests have backfired. While violence is anathema to the Syrrannite movement, enough now feel that there is but one way to preserve [Root.GetSpeciesName] society. Consolidating their position on colony worlds and with a portion of the fleet, the self proclaimed Confederacy of Surak has taken arms against the [Root.GetName].”
STH_vulcan_story.1023.desc:0 “Recent protests and unrest involving the Syrrannite minority group on [From.Capital.GetName] have spilled into full scale civil war. The self proclaimed Confederacy of Surak has taken arms against the [From.GetName].”
STH_vulcan_story.1024.desc:0 “While positions were hardened by the recent protests, an effective civil information campaign has reduced tensions and offered the chance for calm to prevail on [Root.Capital.GetName]. While not embraced, the Syrrannites feel secure with the new tolerant attitude of the Council.”
STH_vulcan_story.1025.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has walked itself back from the brink of civil war by lessening restrictions on its Syrrannite minority.”
STH_vulcan_story.1026.desc:0 “With the Kir’Shara revealed to the public, the teachings of Surak are no longer mired in assumption and the vagaries of oral tradition. The Syrrannite movement is shown to be an accurate representation of Surak’s beliefs. As this new reality is absorbed, Syrrannites old and new sweep into power. Reflecting the broader changes to [Root.GetSpeciesName] culture that are about to take place, the [Root.GetName] will be reformed into the Confederacy of Surak.”
STH_vulcan_story.1027.desc:0 “With the revelation to the [From.GetSpeciesName] public of the Kir’Shara and the collected teachings of Surak, the minority Syrrannite movement is shown to be an accurate representation of Surak’s beliefs. As this new reality is absorbed, Syrrannites old and new sweep into power. Reflecting the broader changes to [From.GetSpeciesName] culture that are about to take place, the Vulcan High Command will be reformed into the Confederacy of Surak.”
STH_vulcan_story.1028.desc:0 “The [Root.GetName] investigator [FromFrom.GetName], tasked with uncovering the truth of the embassy bombing on [From.Capital.GetName] has been instrumental in revealing the innocence of the Syrrannite movement to [From.GetSpeciesName] authorities, and reclaiming the Kir’Shara artefact containing the complete writings of Surak. How the [From.GetSpeciesName] people absorb and deal with this information now is hard to gauge, but [FromFrom.GetName] has completed [FromFrom.GetHerHis] task and will be returning to service.”
STH_vulcan_story.1029.desc:0 “Breaking free from restraint, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] once again attempts to attack the Kir’Shara. In the ensuing struggle however, [Root.Leader.GetSheHe] is killed by [Root.Leader.GetHerHis] own weapon. As the Council requests time to consider what must be done next, [FromFrom.GetName] is returned to the care of the [From.GetName] embassy staff. Most of the Council believe that the Kir’Shara must be immediately revealed to the public, however some argue it represents unwelcome instability.”
STH_vulcan_story.1030.desc:0 “[FromFrom.GetName] has been killed while attempting to leave [From.Capital.GetName] in a stolen shuttle, vaporised by an orbiting cruiser after refusing to be boarded. Carrying the Kir’Shara, the destruction of this ancient artefact is of immeasurable loss. While the [From.GetName] itself claims it was performing a legal operation, relations between [Root.Capital.GetName] and [From.Capital.GetName] are strained as a result.”
STH_vulcan_story.1031.desc:0 “[FromFrom.GetName] has been killed with a number of Syrrannite rebels while attempting to leave [Root.Capital.GetName] in a stolen shuttle, vaporised by an orbiting cruiser after refusing to be boarded. While the [Root.GetName] itself was performing a legal operation, relations between [Root.Capital.GetName] and [From.Capital.GetName] are strained as a result.”
STH_vulcan_story.1032.desc:0 “[FromFrom.GetName] has been forced to make a crash landing while attempting to leave [From.Capital.GetName] in a stolen shuttle, attacked by an orbiting cruiser after refusing to be boarded. Carrying the Kir’Shara, [FromFrom.GetName] now attempts to make the journey from the crash site to the Capital on foot. While the [From.GetName] itself claims it was performing a legal operation, relations between [Root.Capital.GetName] and [From.Capital.GetName] are strained as a result.”
STH_vulcan_story.1033.desc:0 “Syrrannite rebels have been forced to make a crash landing while attempting to leave [From.Capital.GetName] in a stolen shuttle, attacked by an orbiting cruiser after refusing to be boarded. Arriving at the scene of the crash too late to capture the criminals, their location is now unknown. While the [From.GetName] itself claims it was performing a legal operation, relations between [Root.Capital.GetName] and [From.Capital.GetName] are strained as a result.”
STH_vulcan_story.1034.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has refused the [Root.GetName]’s formal request to investigate the embassy bombing on [From.Capital.GetName]. Assuring [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] that [From.GetSpeciesName] authorities are better placed to uncover the truth of the attack, many on [Root.Capital.GetName] are angered by the snub.”
STH_vulcan_story.1035.desc:0 “After several days analysing the rubble of the embassy building and questioning identified witnesses, investigators have concluded that the evidence does indeed point to the Syrrannites as the perpetrators of the bombing. Some on the investigation team believe the evidence seems almost too strong, however. Several chemical traces which link to materials found in the Vulcan’s Forge region of the planet, where the Syrrannites are known to keep a hidden commune, should have decayed within minutes of the blast and be barely detectable now.”
STH_vulcan_story.1036.desc:0 “A [From.GetName] team has arrived on [Root.Capital.GetName] to begin their investigation of the embassy bombing.”
STH_vulcan_story.1037.desc:0 “Having failed to dispatch an team to [From.Capital.GetName] in time, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] has been forced to allow the [From.GetName] to take control of the embassy bombing investigation.”
STH_vulcan_story.1038.desc:0 “Despite receiving permission to dispatch a team to investigate the embassy bombing, the [From.GetName] has failed to do so. As such the [Root.GetName] is now in charge of the operation. After several days analysing the rubble of the embassy building and questioning identified witnesses, investigators have concluded that the evidence does indeed point to the Syrrannites as the perpetrators of the bombing. Some on the investigation team believe the evidence seems almost too strong, however. Several chemical traces which link to materials found in the Vulcan’s Forge region of the planet, where the Syrrannites are known to keep a hidden commune, should have decayed within minutes of the blast and be barely detectable now.”
STH_vulcan_story.1050.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has accepted the superiority of [Root.GetSpeciesName] local investigators in the matter of the embassy bombing and offered material support. After several days analysing the rubble of the embassy building and questioning identified witnesses, investigators have concluded that the evidence does indeed point to the Syrrannites as the perpetrators of the bombing. Some on the investigation team believe the evidence seems almost too strong, however. Several chemical traces which link to materials found in the Vulcan’s Forge region of the planet, where the Syrrannites are known to keep a hidden commune, should have decayed within minutes of the blast and be barely detectable now.”
STH_vulcan_story.1051.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has publicly blamed the minority Syrrannite group for the bombing of the [Root.GetName] embassy on [From.Capital.GetName]. Promising to increase security and prevent further incidents, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] accepts the results of the investigation.”
STH_vulcan_story.1052.desc:0 “Following accusations of Syrrannite involvement in recent terrorist activity, many individuals sympathetic to the group have begun protests declaring their innocence in cities across [Root.Capital.GetName]. Security forces have been instructed to document the agitators.”
STH_vulcan_story.1053.desc:0 “Syrrannite protests continue to ramp up across [Root.Capital.GetName]. While society is divided in support and opposition to the group the risk of conflict grows from an absurdity to a real threat. In a victory for the [Root.GetSpyService], the location of the Syrrannite commune in the Vulcan’s Forge region has been revealed. Several in the administration now argue for a strike to capture or kill the terrorist leadership.”
STH_vulcan_story.1054.desc:0 “The operation against the Syrrannite commune appears to be a success. While several Syrrannites were able to escape, we have confirmed the death of their leader Syrran. While it is regretable that lives weren’t saved and the terrorists brought to justice, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] insists that the strike has made [Root.Capital.GetName] safer.”
STH_vulcan_story.1057.desc:0 “Following dramatic scenes in the [From.Capital.GetName] Capital, the [From.GetRulerTitle] has been killed following an alteraction with Syrrannites in the Council Chambers. Claiming to have been falsely implicated by the former [From.GetRulerTitle] in the recent embassy bombing, the Syrrannite leadership have presented the legendary Kir’Shara artefact to the Council to attempt to steer them to a path closer to Surak’s teachings.”
STH_vulcan_story.1060.desc:0 “The investigation team’s suspicions continue to be raised by evidence regarded as too strongly in favour of blaming the Syrrannite movement for the embassy bombing. The lead investigator herself suggests that only a fullscale mission into the dangerous Vulcan’s Forge region may be able to decisively conclude matters.”
STH_vulcan_story.1061.desc:0 “Evidence has led the embassy bombing investigation team to the Vulcan’s Forge region, where the Syrrannites are known to keep at least one hidden commune. A vast desert, The Forge is subject to electrical sandstorms and geomagnetic anomalies that interfere with scanning technologies. Progress through The Forge is slow made more dangerous by the constant threat of Sehlats attack.”
STH_vulcan_story.1062.desc:0 “The [From.GetName] has confirmed to the [Root.GetName] that the minority Syrrannite group was in fact responsible for the recent embassy bombing on [From.Capital.GetName]. Indicating that action is already being taken to limit further attacks, the [From.GetName] has expressed regret that the bombing was not prevented.”
STH_vulcan_story.1063.desc:0 “After taking shelter from an electrical sandstorm with a passing pilgrim, the embassy bombing investigation team has made a remarkable discovery. While referring to himself initially as Arev, the pilgrim is in fact Syrran, the leader of the Syrrannite movement. Professing ignorance of the embassy bombing he promises to lead the team back to the Syrrannite compound in the T’Karath Sanctuary in order to prove the matter. Following protocol, the investigation team instead waited until the storm passed and returned to their shuttle, forwarding the location of the Syrrannite commune to the Council.”
STH_vulcan_story.1064.desc:0 “Having narrowed the area provided by the investigation team for the location of the Syrrannite commune, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName] argues to the Council that a strike now would end the risk of further attacks against by the Syrrannites. While the loss of life would be regretable, the [Root.GetRulerTitle] suggests there may never be a better time to remove the terrorist threat.”
BABEL_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Following years of conflict and tension the governments of Earth, Andor, Vulcan and Tellar agreed to meet at ‘Babel’ – the code-name for an uninhabited neutral planet. This meeting could change the fate of the quadrant.”
BABEL_1A_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Following years of conflict and tension the governments of Earth, Andor, Vulcan and Tellar agreed to meet at ‘Babel’ – the code-name for an uninhabited neutral planet. This meeting could change the fate of the quadrant. Send a Legendary Leader.”
BABEL_1B_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Following years of conflict and tension the governments of Earth, Andor, Vulcan and Tellar agreed to meet at ‘Babel’ – the code-name for an uninhabited neutral planet. This meeting could change the fate of the quadrant. Send a Hero Leader.”
BABEL_1C_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Following years of conflict and tension the governments of Earth, Andor, Vulcan and Tellar agreed to meet at ‘Babel’ – the code-name for an uninhabited neutral planet. This meeting could change the fate of the quadrant. Send a Famous Leader.”
STH_babel.2.desc:0 “The summit is underway and discussions are intense, the subject turns to discussions on old rivalries and grievances. Relations between Vulcan, Andor and Tellar have fluctuated over the years and many consider Earth too young to be trusted. How can peace be built with so much history?”
STH_babel.4.desc:0 “Thanks to intense negotiations real progress has been made and a major breakthrough has been reached. The question remains – Is it time to build trust and look at each other in a positive light or do we forge ahead alone?”
STH_babel.5.desc:0 “The conference comes to an end with all sides wary of this new direction but optimistic. Perhaps the time to cement the deal with a secure coalition draws near and we can look towards the future together.”
STH_babel.6.desc:0 “The government of [Root.owner.GetName] back on [Root.capital_scope.GetName] has approved the proposal to form an interstate alliance of like minded governments across the Alpha and Beta quadrants. This alliance will be the first steps to bringing peace and security to the powers involved. Each government will need to vote on the process and the conference will reconvene in ten days to decide on their future.”
STH_babel.10.desc:0 “Unable to attend the conference has been a major setback to peace, let us see what the future holds.”
STH_babel.11.desc:0 “After many years of conflict and tension, diplomats from the nearby Alpha and Beta quadrant powers have arranged a peace summit at a location codenamed ‘Babel One’ to chart a course for the future.Representatives from Earth, Tellar Prime, Andoria and Vulcan will be in attendance. A military escort should carry our top diplomats to this conference which could change the course of galactic diplomacy in this region of space and result in each race working more closely together.”
STH_babel.13.desc:0 “Today is a momentous day, the major powers of the Alpha and Beta Quadrant have formed a strategic alliance with the goal of tackling issues together and securing the safety of §Y[cop_earth.GetName]§! §Y[cop_vulcan.GetName]§! §Y[cop_andoria.GetName]§! §Y[cop_tellar.GetName]§! These states will move forward together and face their challenges as a united front.”
STH_babel.14.desc:0 “In a historic moment an alliance between §Y[cop_earth.GetName]§! §Y[cop_vulcan.GetName]§! §Y[cop_andoria.GetName]§! §Y[cop_tellar.GetName]§! has been formed with each government agreeing to provide mutual protection and cooperation. This will result in a major power shift within the quadrant and only time will tell what the future holds for this Coalition of Planets.”
STH_babel.21.desc:0 “Following on from the success at the §YBabel Conference§! the ambassadors and representatives from each ot the major powers have drawn up a proposal to form an interstate alliance for mutual protection and assurance. Signing this agreement will mean the termination of any existing agreements and a commitment to joining the §YCoalition of Planets§!. This may open the way to further strengthening of this relationship.”
STH_babel.22.desc:0 “Old wounds are hard to heal and despite the efforts of all involved at the Babel the conference descended into chaos with diplomats from all sides resorting to shouts and threats rather than talking leaving all parties in a state of outrage.”
CONTROL_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “One of our top secret research stations has stopped sending in their daily checkpoint reports. The research they are undertaking is of vital importance to our future plans. Dispatch an Admiral, secure the research and uncover what has happened.”
CONTROL_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Following the loss of our Starbase we need to sift through the wreckage to understand what caused the issue, hopefully we can learn something from this situation.”
CONTROL_3_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The recent strange events require further investigation, reports that command codes have stopped working, programs are no longer following instruction. This could prove a real concern or a threat to our future, we need to investigate this urgently.”
STH_control.1.desc:0 “Our scientists are pleased to reveal that following the completion of latest research our new automated threat assessment algorithm has been developed. A test roll out has begun at one of our research facilities, and initial reports are that the scientists have reported a number of interesting breakthroughs, and a significant increase in our understanding of AI.”
STH_control.3.desc:0 “Our extraction team was able to recover the research, but unfortunately we arrived too late to save the science team. Our intelligence services are still unclear exactly what has happened but the security records seems to suggest that a rival power infiltrated the facility and attempted to steal our tech, it looks like we arrived in time to stop them but at the cost of our science team.Initial reports indicate that there are a number of factors that do not add up, with a number of external alarms untriggered and internal sensors appearing to be switched off – worrying signs if our enemies can now bypass our defences! Have our scientists given their lives in vain?”
STH_control.6.desc:0 “One of our research stations that is focusing on the application of AI in our threat detection protocols has fallen silent, this base is manned by crew from our cover operations group Section 31 and is potentially a target from other powers in the sector looking to gain access to our top secret research. Provide whatever assistance is required.”
STH_control.10.desc:0 “We have received a distress call from from one of our Starbases before it was lost with all hands.The last message received suggested they were experiencing severe computer malfunctions before we lost all contact.At the moment we are unsure what could have caused this, but we must investigate further.”
STH_control.11.desc:0 “Several vessels that were working at one of our secure facilities have gone rogue and stopped responding, they have raised shields and powered weapons.Reports suggest they were trialling a new threat detection algorithm and have a number of experimental weapons on board. Strangely our intel suggests that there are no life signs on board.”
STH_control.13.desc:0 “Local rescue and incident services are reporting that there has been an explosion at one of the public forums with the loss of life.All we know at the moment is that planetary engineers were installing a new security initiative.”
STH_control.15.desc:0 “Our investigations have been completed and we have uncovered a rogue subroutine that has stemmed from the new threat detection algorithm. The ‘Control’ program appears to have acted independently and whilst a number of our scientists believe that this was a computational mistake by the lead researcher, others believe the program evolved and acted on its own.Either way we must decide how to proceed, perfecting this research could catapult our technology forward decades, but many fear what has been created.”
STH_control.20.desc:0 “The Control program has proven it’s worth and has produced a significant breakthrough in our current research path. This is welcome news.”
STH_control.21.desc:0 “Our science teams report that we failed to complete our investigations. Shortly after this report we lost communications with the team and our long range scans show a number of unresponsive vessels inside the system. They appear to have their weapons and shields active.”
STH_control.50.desc:0 “Following recent events there has been an upturn in fear and paranoia of all things related to AI.”
STH_control.51.desc:0 “Our leading academics across a number of planetary labs and universities have made a major breakthrough in the program which has been dubbed as ‘Control’.One report suggests that this was one of the easier projects, almost as if the secrets wanted to be revealed.”
STH_control.100.desc:0 “Worrying reports across one of our settlements, our automated defences systems have stopped following orders and have turned on us. ‘Control’ seems to have gained control over our defences and is directing them at us.No communications have been received, but casualty reports are already coming in. We must raise our defences and repel this takeover.”
STH_control.101.desc:0 “Despite best efforts we have been defeated and ‘Control’ now has control over the planet, reports suggest that the population are being purged or worse. We must retake the planet.”
STH_control.102.desc:0 “Our armies have fought bravely and retaken the planet from ‘Control’. We have destroyed all traces of the program from our computers and all sources of the AI appear to have stopped their attacks.Our efforts need to focus on undoing the damage done to our people and facilities.”
STH_control.103.desc:0 “The AI crisis is over and ‘Control’ has been defeated, who knows what its plan would have been, but its hostility towards organics was clear. This should be a lesson on tampering with the unknown and the dangers of artificial intelligence.”
STH_control.150.desc:0 “Our leading military scientists and admirals across a number of bases and science labs have made a major breakthrough in the program which has been dubbed as ‘Control’.One report suggests that this was one of the easier projects, almost as if the secrets wanted to be revealed.”
STH_control.151.desc:0 “Worrying reports suggest that a number of vessels prototyping the new ‘Control’ AI have stopped following orders and have turned on us. ‘Control’ seems to have gained control over our ships, upgrading them and directing them at us. No communications have been received, but casualty reports are already coming in. We must send the fleet before it can leave the system.”
STH_control.153.desc:0 “Our admirals are reporting that all of the vessels belonging to the Rogue AI – codenamed ‘Control’ have been destroyed, resulting in a major victory for our forces. Our efforts need to focus on undoing the damage done to our people and facilities.”
STH_control.154.desc:0 “Congratulations, our brave crew have managed to defeat all enemy ships taken over by the AI Control.The lead ship NCIA-93 is still intact and our scientists believe there is still enough left of the original systems that will allow us to reclaim the vessel and add it to the fleet.”
STH_control.155.desc:0 “The AI crisis is over and ‘Control’ has been defeated, who knows what its plan would have been, but its hostility towards organics was clear. This should be a lesson on tampering with the unknown and the dangers of artificial intelligence.”
STH_control.156.desc:0 “With the destruction of ‘Control’, all remaining Rogue AI forces have now shut down, our forces have dismantled their vessels and facilities.Our computer systems are back under our control.”
STH_control.208.desc:0 “We have reports of trouble at one of our research bases, send assistance.”
STH_edicts.1.desc:0 “This year, the people all across the Federation have taken the celebration of First Contact day to new levels, inviting school children from across the planets to build their very own, original Warp 1 engine. Although it has never been an official state holiday in the [Root.GetName], it is still celebrated right the way across the quadrant. Festivities usually include Zefram Cochrane’s favourite food and music, as well as a historical reenactment of the first contact. The day humanity realised they were not alone in the galaxy will always be remembered!”
STH_edicts.2.desc:0 “Eitreih’hveinn, also known as the Farmers’ Festival, is being widely celebrated across the [Root.GetName]. Only the merchants that undergo the most stringent examinations and are approved by the priests are allowed to sell their finest products.”
STH_edicts.3.desc:0 “Celebrations of the festival are being held throughout the [Root.GetName] and include the ritual re-enactment of Molor’s fight against Kahless. The festival honours the defeat of the tyrant Molor by Kahless the Unforgettable in single combat.”
STH_malon_flavour.2.desc:0 “Our usage of Anti-matter to power our colonies has allowed us to grow strong and powerful, however our efforts to recycle the waste products has long eluded us. As a result the harmful theta radiation has risen to a point where it needs to be dumped, we should task one of our dutiful Waste export ships with the role of removing and disposing the waste somewhere else. Failure to do so will result in a dangerous build up of Theta radiation on our worlds, judging by our usage we can expect these levels to build every five years.”
STH_malon_flavour.3.desc:0 “Failure to take action and tackle our build up in antimatter waste resulted in harmful levels of radiation around the planet [waste_planet.GetName]. This caused our citizens to suffer for a number of years, but now thankfully the levels of radiation have reduced back to safe levels. Should we fail to take action again these conditions could return.”
STH_malon_flavour.4.desc:0 “Our waste management collection experts have collected their hazardous cargo ready for it to be dumped and become someone else’s problem. Our experts have identified three potential targets to deposit the waste, the first is within our own borders and is the safest option. The second two lie within the territory of other empires, this increases the risk of getting caught but the financial rewards are that much higher.”
STH_malon_flavour.5.desc:0 “Our waste management controller has confirmed that they have successfully dumped the toxic waste at the agreed location. The Theta radiation is now someone else’s problem. The Malon Sanctity is clean once again.”
STH_malon_flavour.6.desc:0 “Our environmental scientists have picked up a deposit of Theta radiation that has been dumped in one of our systems, this harmful radiation could spread to one of our nearby worlds and would decrease the living conditions on the world until it can be appropriately cleared. Our security services could find no evidence of who has used our space as a dumping ground.”
STH_malon_flavour.7.desc:0 “Failure to complete the task of removing the waste products from are planet has resulted in a catastrophic breakdown of our containment systems and a spillage of waste product out onto the planets surface. Conditions on the planet’s surface have been harmed by our failure to react.”
STH_malon_flavour.8.desc:0 “Our waste management controller has confirmed that they have successfully dumped the toxic waste at the agreed location in a neighbour system and we have been compensated accordingly. Our waste management teams have confirmed that they operation was complete without being detected. The Theta radiation is now someone else’s problem and they will have to deal with the fallout.”
STH_malon_flavour.10.desc:0 “[Root.GetLeaderTitle]! Our waste management services must report the destruction of one of our transport vessels the [waste_destroyed_ship.GetName] following a catastrophic breakdown of their containment systems. The ship and crew were lost with all hands. “
STH_malon_flavour.11.desc:0 “Planetside collection agents have prepared waste for collection on [waste_collection_planet.GetName], we must send a ship to collect and dispose of the waste before the containment fields start to break down and the deadly theta radiation is released.”
STH_malon_flavour.13.desc:0 “Reports are in from our waste exporting fleet [dumping_run_ship.GetName] and the results are mixed. The controller reports that the waste material was successfully dumped at the destination, but our presence was detected by the systems owner, [dumping_loc_owner.GetName], we are waiting to hear any official word from their officials, but our diplomatic teams are all set to deny any involvement and tell them to clean up their own mess.”
STH_malon_flavour.14.desc:0 “Our local patrols have caught the Malon’s dumping waste in one of our systems [dumping_location.GetName] in a horrendous act of vandalism. We have already begun efforts to clean up the mess that has been left, including damage to any neighbouring planets. Our diplomatic and military leaders are standing by to respond.”
STH_malon_flavour.100.desc:0 “Our scientists have been working tireless for a means of disposing of the theta radiation that is produced as a waste material from our antimatter technology and after many years of trying they have made a significant breakthrough. At significant cost we can invest in this new technology and apply it to our waste management processes to enable us to remove this harmful situation.”
STH_malon_flavour.101.desc:0 “Our engineers and scientists have completed their efforts to convert our technology to the more eco friendly solution that we discovered. This has now eliminated the need to dispose of the waste products from our worlds and will provide a greener, cleaner future for our people.”
MALON_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Our waste management teams have notified that it is time to dispose of our waste products once again. Dispatch a fleet to collect the radiation.”
MALON_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “A new location has been found to dump our antimatter, send a ship laden with theta radiation to these coordinates to begin ridding us of this waste.”
MALON_3_PROJECT_DESC:0 “A new location in another empires territory has been found to dump our antimatter, send a ship laden with theta radiation to these coordinates to begin ridding us of this waste.”
MALON_4_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Proceed with research to convert our existing technology to allow us to recycle our antimatter waste and remove the need to dump toxic waste.”
sth_baku_village_duckblind_category_desc:0 “A joint venture to investigate the mysterious properties on the planet Ba’ku.”
BAKU_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The planet Ba’ku has long held onto the secrets of its fountain of youth properties, we have finally agreed a plan to investigate these properties and act on the findings.”
BAKU_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Reports from our scientific observation team on the planet Ba’ku suggest they are being held, hostage by one of our own! Command has ordered a ship sent into the Briar Patch to resolve the situation in whatever manner we see fit.”
STH_sona_story.2.desc:0 “For too long we have been forced to sit on the sidelines and watch the wretche Ba’ku live off our birthright having forced us from a world that we should have inherited. Our contacts within [baku_planet_country.GetName], who own the space the Briar Patch sits within, and they believe now is the time to approach them about a joint venture. Once we have access we can dispose of any ‘temporary alliance’.”
STH_sona_story.3.desc:0 “Greetings [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], I am Adhar [sona_command.GetRulerName] of the Son’a Command. We are aware of the many struggles that you have faced since your world first emerged onto the galactic scene, many see you as a target. In essence the [Root.GetName] is old. However, we have a solution, the planet Ba’ku offers hope and within its rings a metaphasic radiation that will revolutionise medical treatment.”
STH_sona_story.4.desc:0 “The response back on our proposal to launch the mission to reclaim Ba’ku has been approved. We should begin preparation to appease our new partners, whilst working on our true goal to rid the planet of those who inhabit it and claim its riches & healing properties for ourselves.”
STH_sona_story.5.desc:0 “Those short-sighted old fools have rejected our offer to send a joint force to Ba’ku, leaving us with two options should we wish to claim immortality for ourselves. We take the planet by force or accept our fate.”
STH_sona_story.10.desc:0 “The combined efforts of [Root.Owner.GetName] and the Son’a Command soon managed to get the new Duckblind facility set up under the direction of [Leader.GetName]. The Son’a’s technology has allowed more efficient ways to conceal the facility and deploy the operation in a quick time. With state-of-the-art sensors and personalised cloaking devices this operation allows for a unique chance to observe the Ba’ku culture whilst observing firsthand the effects of the radiation on the population.”
STH_sona_story.11.desc:0 “[Leader.GetName] begins to lead scientists out into the Ba’ku village using the personal cloaking units provided by the Son’a. The Ba’ku appear to be a rural society with very little interest in any form of technology, but on closer inspection, their mental acuity appears to be extremely advanced, it is obvious that there is more to these villagers than first described in the reports the Son’a produced. “
STH_sona_story.12.desc:0 “Whilst investigating one of the lakes to the south of the Ba’ku village, [Leader.GetName] picked up a strange neutrino emission coming from the centre of the lake. On closer inspection, a cloaked holoship was found containing an exact replica of the Ba’ku village. It looks like there is a plan to actively remove the Ba’ku from their home. As [Leader.GetName] turns to return to their base a disrupter beam blasts the wall behind them.”
STH_sona_story.13.desc:0 “As [Leader.GetName] makes their way back to the Duckblind frantically chased by both [Root.Owner.GetName] scientists and Son’a operatives disrupting the peaceful setting of the Ba’ku village. Reaching the operation centre [Leader.GetName] is forced to make a big decision. Do they hold the scientist accountable for the attempt to forcibly remove people from their homes or allow the mission to continue?”
STH_sona_story.14.desc:0 “[Root.GetLeaderTitle] we have received a message from our operation within the Briar Patch, it appears [insurrection_leader1.GetName] has gone rogue and is now holding both our scientists and the Son’a team hostage on the planet’s surface. All attempts to communicate with our officer have been ineffective. We must send in an Admiral to resolve the situation and recover our operation.”
STH_sona_story.15.desc:0 “Our agents on Ba’ku have stopped reporting in, but we have managed to intercept a message from one of our ‘allies’ scientists. It appears they have been taken hostage by someone who has suddenly grown a conscience. A fleet is inbound to deal with the situation, but it is clear that this operation has just become more complicated, we should prepare a fleet to backup our team within the Briar Patch.”
STH_sona_story.16.desc:0 “Our operation on Ba’ku is now ready to progress to the next stage, despite the many hold-ups and pointless beaurcractic nonsense from our so-called partner, we have managed to round up the Ba’ku villagers into the holoship. Despite our promise to relocate them to a new world, we cannot forget the crimes these savages committed against us. They will serve out their remaining days as slaves of the Son’a.”
STH_sona_story.17.desc:0 “With the Ba’ku rounded up any stragglers left on the planet remain to fate, our officers have begun to deploy the Collector ship which will drain the rings around the planet of the Metaphasic particles and begin a chain reaction that will render the planet lifeless and possibly even set off seismic activity that could destroy the planet from within. Not that it matters once we have what we need.”
STH_sona_story.18.desc:0 “Son’a Command has notified us that they have begun operations to strip the rings of Ba’ku of the particles that provide the life-giving radiation. Our lead scientist on the mission reports that they have concerns that the Ba’ku may not have been relocated to a new home as promised, but are now enslaved somewhere within Son’a territory. The operation will end with the destruction of the planet and the loss of a world close to paradise.”
STH_sona_story.20.desc:0 “On arriving in the Briar Patch it is soon clear that everything is not as it was reported. The scientists appear to be no more held hostage than unwelcome guests sitting comfortably around tables at the centre of the village. The Ba’ku very quickly explain that they have no intention of harming or keeping anyone on the planet any longer than they wish. The update from [insurrection_leader1.GetName] is less positive, they quickly explain that Son’a, backed by our own government intend to relocate the peaceful Ba’ku from their homes. Despite the Ba’ku freely admitting they are not indigenous to the planet and actually being a warp-capable people they have no desire to live anywhere else but in the homes they have made for themselves.”
STH_sona_story.21.desc:0 “Having ignored previous instructions to return to the nearest Starbase [insurrection_leader2.GetName] takes a skeleton crew to the planet’s surface in a bid to protect the Ba’ku villagers from being forcibly relocated. Seeing two main options ahead of them, either abandoning the village to keep as many Ba’ku as safe as possible or digging in and fortifying the village and buying time for [insurrection_ship2.GetName] to spread the word about what is happening on Ba’ku.”
STH_sona_story.22.desc:0 “As the caravan of Ba’ku makes its slow way through the mountains, the tactic appears to be working. However, the Son’a are determined to complete their mission and deploy tagging drones. Despite the fierce resistance from [insurrection_leader2.GetName] and their team are many Ba’ku are hit by the small darts and transported to the holding cells on the Son’a vessels in orbit. [insurrection_leader2.GetName] can only hope the message got out in time.”
STH_sona_story.23.desc:0 “After a brave act of defiance from [insurrection_leader2.GetName] and their crew, the overwhelming number of Son’a forces soon manage to capture the village, sadly a number of villagers were killed in the attack, but the Captain is hopeful that it will have brought enough time to get a message out and prevent the Son’a from calling their reinforcements.”
STH_sona_story.25.desc:0 “Adhar Ru’afo has moved his fleets into position to take out the enemy vessels before they can alert their people, once we have destroyed them the planet will be ours.”
STH_sona_story.26.desc:0 “As [insurrection_fleet1.GetName] approaches the far reaches of the Briar Patch a large fleet of Son’a battleships moves to intercept led by the Son’a leader Adhar Ru’afo.It is clear this fleet has no intention of allowing the [insurrection_fleet1.GetName] to make it out of the Briar Patch alive. They will need to be defeated.”
STH_sona_story.27.desc:0 “As the last of the Ru’afo’s ships explode, the remaining Son’a forces quickly request a cease-fire! The threat to the Ba’ku is finally at an end. We must ensure that the mistakes made here can never be repeated and that these peaceful people are kept safe.”
STH_sona_story.28.desc:0 “With our plans to take Ba’ku by force in tatters and the news having reached [baku_planet_country.GetName] seat of power that we betrayed them we must decide on our next course of action. Do we beg for forgiveness and hope they do not unleash their forces on us or do we go on the offensive?”
STH_sona_story.29.desc:0 “Greetings [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], I am Adhar [sona_command.GetRulerName] of the Son’a Command. We wish to extend an apology for the incident within the Briar Patch. It was the act of one desperate individual seeking to reclaim a life that we have left behind many years ago. We now only wish to put this incident behind us and move on. Do you accept this proposal?”
STH_sona_story.30.desc:0 “Attention [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName], I am Adhar [sona_command.GetRulerName] of the Son’a Command. By now you are aware of the incident within the Briar Patch, whilst you may have been victorious note that this is not over and we shall have our revenge.”
STH_sona_story.31.desc:0 “Our forces have been victorious and defeated [baku_planet_country.GetName] in combat, with no one to defend the Ba’ku it is ours for the taking. “
STH_sona_story.32.desc:0 “News is filtering through to us that our fleet within the Briar Patch has been defeated by the Son’a forces. Our long range scouts have detected what appears to be the deployment of a large collector in the system which has likely already been used against the planet and its poulation.”
RESOLUTE_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “One of our leading scientists has gone missing in a bid to prove their theory on warp propulsion correct, however they are now in danger and need to be rescued.”
RESOLUTE_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “One of our leading scientists has gone missing in a bid to prove their theory on warp propulsion correct, however they are now in danger and need to be rescued by the crew of the USS Resolute.”
STH_resolute.0.desc:0 “Following an overhaul of its scientific systems and the inclusion of a number of new sensor arrays the Centaur Class §YU.S.S Resolute§! is ready to be returned to active fleet duty from Utopia Planitia. Captain Solano has overseen the work himself and is eager to put the ship through her paces. §YDev Note: Due to the cosmic shifting of the Q continuum, if you have retired the Centaur Class, it will be brought back in service to allow the magic to happen, you can retire it once again after the Resolute appears in by Utopia in about 2 months.§!”
STH_resolute.2.desc:0 “Greetings, I am [resolute_science_leader.GetName] and I bring you exciting news from the scientific community, I have been working on a means of improving the yield from our Dilithium crystals to provide higher warp speeds and more efficient travel across our space. Working with [resolute_admiral_leader.GetName] we believe that whilst it is still early days, a test of this theory is the best way of moving the project forward… I know you may say we are getting ahead of ourselves, but the science is sound and the risk will be worth it…”
STH_resolute.3.desc:0 “Fabulous news, our tests have come back successful, the new purer Dilithium has proven to be effective and stable and should increase our ships speed by about 50%. This is truly a fantastic day for field of warp propulsion.”
STH_resolute.4.desc:0 “I am frustrated to report that our tests on the purer form of Dilithium proved to be a §Rfailure§!, with instabilities forming in the warp matrix within minutes of the ship hitting warp 5. It is back to the drawing board, and we should be glad that no one was injured as a result of this.”
STH_resolute.5.desc:0 “Command, this is [resolute_admiral_leader.GetName] I have concerning news regarding §Y[resolute_science_leader.GetName]§!.It appears they did not take the news to delay testing their theory well and have taken it upon themselves to prove it works outside of the approval of Starfleet. I have worked with [resolute_science_leader.GetName] for many years and know they have the best interests of the Federation at heart but can be naive to the risks. We have received news that [resolute_theat_country.GetName] raiders are in the area and would love to gain access to the research. Permission to set course for [resolute_destination_1.GetName] to recover our scientist? I would like to bring the USS Resolute as I believe it’s upgrades sensors will provide us with a greater chance of success.”
STH_resolute.7.desc:0 “We are receiving a hail from [resolute_rescue_ship.GetName], they have successfully rescued [resolute_science_leader.GetName] and whilst it is clear that other forces in the area were attempting to reach them before we could get there, the quick thinking and timely actions by the crew meant that the scientist is safely back in Federation space.”
STH_resolute.8.desc:0 “I apologize for the rashness of my actions, but I felt the time was of the essence and am willing to take whatever consequences you deem appropriate. My research has proven partially successful and I believe that with further testing it may provide benefit for all vessels in our fleet, but for now, I would like to propose a refit for the U.S.S Resolute and an update to their warp engines to test my theory in greater depth.”
STH_resolute.9.desc:0 “I apologize for the rashness of my actions, but I felt the time was of the essence and am willing to take whatever consequences you deem appropriate. My research has proven partially successful and I believe that with further testing it may provide benefit for all vessels in our fleet, but for now, I would like to propose testing the new warp matrix and dilithium crystals on the [resolute_rescue_ship.GetName].”
STH_resolute.10.desc:0 “Report coming in from [resolute_rescue_ship_leader.GetName], they have managed to retrieve [resolute_science_leader.GetName], but not without alerting the attention of hostile forces in the region. The [resolute_rescue_ship.GetName] could only escape the attack, but has sustained damage to its weapons and defensive systems. With little option remaining [resolute_science_leader.GetName], suggests using the untested Dilithium crystals to propel the ship to safety. “
STH_resolute.11.desc:0 “What was assumed to be the safest option has failed to save the crew of the [resolute_rescue_ship.GetName] as the [resolute_theat_country.GetName] fleet was able to catch up with them and quickly overpower them, taking the research and killing the crew.”
STH_resolute.12.desc:0 “One of our outposts has detected the return of [resolute_rescue_ship.GetName] to [This.Owner.GetName] space and whilst the ship might be battered and bruised at least the crew are alive. Without a test of the Dilithium Crystals our corp of engineers have shelved any further plans to use this technology on our ships. “
STH_resolute.15.desc:0 “Our long range scans have picked up the unmissable signs of a massive warp core breach at the last known location of our ship. It appears that in an attempt to escape the ship and her crew have been lost.”
STH_resolute.16.desc:0 “Our failure to secure our missing scientist has resulted in an unexpected bonus for [resolute_theat_country.GetName] who were able to capture the scientist and their research, which will no doubt prove extremely beneficial to their own warp propulsion efforts and provide them with a significant advantage. As for our scientist, we can assume that they are now missing in action and lost to us forever.”
REDEMPTION_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “A meeting has been arranged with the United Federation of Planets to seek a neutral party in regard to the succession of the Klingon Empire.”
REDEMPTION_2_PROJECT_DESC:0 “We have been invited to meet with the Chancellor of the Klingon Empire to meet to discuss an important matter relating to the succession of the High Chancellorship.”
REDEMPTION_3_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Our meeting with the Klingon Chancellor was attacked, we must investigate who could have carried out this attack as it may impact our decision on who becomes the new leader of the Empire.”
REDEMPTION_4_PROJECT_DESC:0 “It is time to witness the ‘crowning’ of the new leader of the Klingon Empire. Travel to the Klingon Homeworld to watch the new Chancellor take their place in front of the High Council.”
REDEMPTION_5_PROJECT_DESC:0 “The Klingons suspect the Romulans are supplying the Rebel faction in their war preparations, they have asked us for aid. At this stage, all we can do is expose the Romulan’s attempt to cross the border and send aid to the rebel group.”
STH_redemption.2.desc:0 “Greetings Praetor, I bring you a grave warning from the Tal Shiar.. we have been working with one of your up-and-coming Imperial Commanders who is requesting an audience with the council to discuss a matter which could impact the very security of the Empire.”
STH_redemption.3.desc:0 “Greetings Praetor [Root.GetLeaderName], my name is Commander Sela and I have been working on fostering a relationship with the leadership of one of the Great Houses within the Klingon Empire my source has revealed that the relationship between the Klingon Empire and the Federation is continuing to grow at an alarming pace since they signed the treaty at Khitomer. My contact within the House of Duras is ready to make a bid for the leadership of the Empire, but they will need our support and a little help ensuring the current leader of the High Council meets an ‘unfortunate’ end…”
STH_redemption.4.desc:0 “Qapla’ it is with great concern I must report that my health continues to deteriorate, the greatest doctors within the Empire feel my passage to Sto-vo-kor rapidly approaches. I speak now grave words for I fear that treachery runs deep within the Empire and I will be reaching out to our allies in the Federation to play a part in the Arbiter of Succession ritual for I can no longer trust the warriors within these halls.”
STH_redemption.5.desc:0 “Greetings I am K’Ehleyr, Federation Ambassador to the Klingon Empire, I’ve been approached by my counterpart from the Empire to ask for our attendance at an important meeting, it appears the Chancellor of the Empire is in dire health and has asked for one of our finest to act as the Arbiter of Succession in the upcoming ceremony. This act will go a long way in cementing our relationship with the Empire and ensuring that the best possible outcome is reached for future Federation-Klingon relations. “
STH_redemption.6.desc:0 “Having worked with the Klingons and gained their respect, I am willing to speak with the Empire regarding the Rite of Succession. It would be remiss of me if I did not flag my concern about involving ourselves in the internal affairs of the Klingon Empire and we will have to inform them that whilst we can observe the event our role must remain neutral. Remaining on good terms with the Empire will be a key outcome of this meeting and ensuring stability along our borders.”
STH_redemption.7.desc:0 “Our sources within the Klingon High Council have made us aware that the Federation has been approached to assist the Empire in replacing the leader we have poisoned. Commander Sela assures us that this unexpected twist will be ‘handled’ by her team.”
STH_redemption.8.desc:0 “Our spies within the Klingon Empire have advised us that the Empire attempted to seek the help of Starfleet, who rejected their request for help. Whilst this action will no doubt damage the relationship between both sides it does not aid our attempts to gain influence within the High Council”
STH_redemption.9.desc:0 “We have been advise by the Federation Ambassador that they will be sending no Captain to support our request to aid with the Rite of Succession. It seems our trust in the Federation was miss-placed and they have no honour after all.”
STH_redemption.10.desc:0 “Ambassador K’Ehleyr from the Federation has confirmed that the Federation is sending one of their warriors to meet with us to discuss the Rite of Succession, and whilst they proclaim they will not directly interfere they will hear our ask.”
STH_redemption.11.desc:0 “Our failure to attend our own conference has no doubt led to confusion within our own ranks and frustration within the decks of the Starfleet vessel that was waiting to rendezvous with us.”
STH_redemption.12.desc:0 “The Klingons have never been known as a patient people and our failure to attend the agreed meeting has nothing to improve relations and will have harmed our efforts to build a peaceful quadrant.”
STH_redemption.13.desc:0 “It appears the Klingons have failed to attend the arranged meeting with the Federation Flagship, a baffling and cowardly act from the Klingons, however one can never fathom the actions of such a foolish species. It does however. put an end to our schemes in this area.”
STH_redemption.14.desc:0 “The Federation has demonstrated a lack of honour by failing to attend the agreed meeting, perhaps we have miss-judged them.”
STH_redemption.15.desc:0 “The Klingons have never been known as a patient people and our failure to attend the agreed meeting has nothing to improve relations and will have harmed our efforts to build a peaceful quadrant.”
STH_redemption.16.desc:0 “It appears the Federation have failed to attend the arranged meeting with the Klingon Flagship, a rather baffling and cowardly act from Starfleet, which puts an end to our schemes in this area.”
STH_redemption.17.desc:0 “Commander [klingon_redemption_1_leader.GetName] has successfully delivered Chancellor [klingon_leader.GetName] to their meeting with the Federation Flagship, now begins a hazardous situation for the Klingon Empire as a new ruler must be selected to guide them Empire through this new era.”
STH_redemption.18.desc:0 “As I predicted Praetor the Klingon Empire has run to his Federation betters to seek help with aiding in the selection of a new Chancellor, now is our chance to not only place a puppet on the throne of the Empire but destroy their relationship with Starfleet and plunge them into chaos.”
STH_redemption.19.desc:0 “Captain [federation_redemption_1_leader.GetName] and the [federation_redemption_1_ship.GetName] have arrived at the coordinates, as a Klingon Battlecruiser the IKS Vor’cha, pride of the Klingon fleet decloaks in front of them carrying the Klingon Chancellor eager to meet and discuss the situation ahead.”
STH_redemption.20.desc:0 “Greetings [federation_redemption_1_leader.GetName] you bring great honor to yourself in joining us here today and I offer you my thanks. The great Klingon Empire stands on a D’k tahg edge… my time remaining is limited, forces §Rcough§! have been working against me from the shadows and I cannot let these agents rule the Empire when I am gone. There are two leading candidates to replace me, both have strong support… §Rcough§! §GGowron§! commands the loyalty of those who wish to see the status quo remain, whilst §GDuras§! has the support of the ambitious forces within the Empire §Rcough§! I know you cannot directly interfere, but you can help me put the right person in the Chancellor’s seat, help me find out who has killed me.”
STH_redemption.21.desc:0 “Greetings [Root.GetRulerName] from the United Federation of Planets, I am [ufp_leader.GetName] and I am here to answer the call for assistance from the Klingon High Council. As requested my Chief Medical Officer has looked at your medical report and can confirm that the Veridium Six poisoning will soon take your life, our understanding is that two rival leaders stand ready to challenge for the leadership of the Empire. §GGowron§! offers a stable option, whilst §GDuras§! desires power above all else. One of these is likely to have taken their desire to lead the empire to treacherous levels, we will attempt to judge who the culprit is.”
STH_redemption.22.desc:0 “Praetor, Command Sela reporting in, our spies from the House of Duras have confirmed that the meeting between the Starfleet Captain and the Klingon Chancellor has taken place, we have the perfect opportunity to sabotage this meeting and sow confusion and tension within both parties, laying the way for our puppets in the House of Duras to take control of the Empire.”
STH_redemption.24.desc:0 “As the meeting comes to an end, the deafening sound of an explosion rings out across the meeting room. Security Officers from Starfleet and KDF dive to protect their leaders and sirens bellow while the emergency lights flicker hopelessly. It is clear that some force does not want this meeting to have taken place.”
STH_redemption.25.desc:0 “Captain, this is K’Ehleyr the Federation Ambassador to the Klingon Empire, the Federation Council has tasked me with aiding you in this investigation into this attack given my knowledge of the current state of Klingon affairs.I need not warn you that the Empire stands on the edge of a civil war that could drag in powers from across the quadrant, I have my suspicions on who is responsible here, but we cannot act without evidence and a wrong move could easily turn the average Klingon warrior against us.”
STH_redemption.26.desc:0 “Unfortunately, we must report back with bad news, despite a thorough investigation of the bomb site we have been unable to find any more evidence to suggest who was behind the attack. I cannot offer any additional information for you at this point.”
STH_redemption.27.desc:0 “Our investigation has been completed and we have made a startling discovery, it appears the substance used in the bomb carries a unique signature which has been known to have been used by §YRomulan§! agents and appears to have been carried in the meeting by a member of the Duras household guard. What makes this even more interesting is that we were able to go through our records and find similar readings also present at the site of the Khitomer Massacre. This implies a connection between Duras, the Romulans and the events at Khitomer all those years ago. “
STH_redemption.30.desc:0 “Duras! I am here to claim the Right of Vengeance for your actions here today, you will die at my hands here today and pay for your crimes against K’Ehleyr and for the sins of your father against the House of Mogh.”
STH_redemption.31.desc:0 “The two Klingons are locked in fierce combat, one fighting for vengeance and fueled by the rage of the injustices caused by the other. As the sounds of battle echos around, one man emerges triumphant, Worf, while Duras lies dead at his feet.”
STH_redemption.32.desc:0 “The two Klingons engage in combat, with both warriors fighting for their lives, Duras moves quickly to his right feigning an attack and drawing Worf into a lunge enabling Duras to capitalise and stab Worf in the back ending the battle with Duras standing victorious. “
STH_redemption.33.desc:0 “Worf, you stand before the High Council, whilst you were in your rights as Klingon to enact the Right of Vengence, with it lies any chance of clearing your family name. If we may speak off the record… your father knew too well that challenging Duras at this time would lead to open revolt within the Empire. The House of Duras is too strong right now to challenge and the death of their leader at the hands of a member of Starfleet only strengthens the backing they have. For the good of the Empire we need you to bear this disgrace a while longer whilst the future of the Empire is solidified.”
STH_redemption.34.desc:0 “As the meeting comes to an end, the deafening sound of an explosion rings out across the meeting room. Security Officers from Starfleet and KDF dive to protect their leaders and sirens bellow while the emergency lights flicker hopelessly. It is clear that some force does not want this meeting to have taken place.”
STH_redemption.35.desc:0 “As planned by Sela and her team, an explosion has rocked the conference being held by the Klingons and Federation the resulting chaos has hampered the succession process, and built support for our puppets in the House of Duras.”
STH_redemption.36.desc:0 “Our plans to plant Duras as head of the Klingon Empire have suffered a serious blow, as it appears the fool was killed in single combat against a Starfleet officer. Only in Klingon society could an act of such barbarism be tolerated, we will need to re-assess and adapt our plans without the fool Duras.”
STH_redemption.37.desc:0 “Despite the bombing, the Klingons are insisting on a decision, the Rite of Succession must be completed and a recommendation must be put forward. What has been made clear is that no matter the victor today this matter is far from settled and both sides will not take the decision lightly. We cannot directly influence the internal matters of the Empire, but we can make a judgment on who has been trying to kill the Chancellor.”
STH_redemption.38.desc:0 “The time has come to make a judgment on the next Chancellor of the Klingon Empire. Our investigations have shown that Duras, working with the Romulans, attempted to sabotage the meeting and kill his rivals in a very un-Klingon display. However, it is clear that Duras has the backing of a large number of the ‘old-guard’ and his family name carries a lot of weight within the noble families. Whereas Gowron offers stability, a clear career politician he lacks the big family name and military history, but he is in no rush to take the Empire to war. The Chancellor wants to know who is working against the Empire, which answer should we give?”
STH_redemption.40.desc:0 “The Klingon’s have reached a decision and §GGowron§! will be the new leader of the Klingon Empire on the death of their current Chancellor.”
STH_redemption.41.desc:0 “The Klingon’s have reached a decision and §GDuras§! will be the new leader of the Klingon Empire on the death of their current Chancellor.”
STH_redemption.42.desc:0 “Our Federation liaison has contacted our security teams, they regret to inform us that Duras entered into single combat with the son of Mogh and was slain as an act of Vengence for killing the Federation Ambassador. It is amusing that the Federation is so concerned about this act, they forget we are Klingons and the right of vengence and combat is in our blood.. We shall await the son of Mogh presenting himself to us for judgment.”
STH_redemption.46.desc:0 “Our spies in the Klingon Empire have confirmed that their Chancellor has finally succumbed to the poison that our agents have been pumping into the fool’s Bloodwine. The next phase of our plan comes into effect.”
STH_redemption.47.desc:0 “It is time to confirm the position of Chancellor [Root.GetRulerName] in front of the Klingon High Council and our allies. We should send out invites and begin a new era in the Empires grand history.”
STH_redemption.48.desc:0 “Qapla’ to our allies! I invite you to travel to Qo’noS to celebrate in my ascension to my rightful position as ruler of the Klingon Empire, no thanks to the help that you provided. I look forward to showing your representative a true Klingon welcome!”
STH_redemption.52.desc:0 “The Rebel fleet has been destroyed, but not before allowing the rebel leaders to escape the planet’s surface. Could this be the first skirmish in a Klingon Civil War?”
STH_redemption.54.desc:0 “It is now unfortunately clear that the situation within the Klingon Empire is only heading one way… towards a civil war between the Houses of Duras and Gowron. However, whilst this remains quite clear, what is concerning is how the rebel faction is managing to build up a rapid supply of ships, weapons and resources well beyond their means. The influence of another major empire working behind the scenes is now all but confirmed.”
STH_redemption.56.desc:0 “Exposing the House of Duras has started a chain of events that has set in motion a Klingon Civil War, far earlier than anyone could have expected and has forced the hand of the Romulans, pulling them into the war. Now we shall see which faction is strong enough to lead the Empire as a true Klingon!”
STH_redemption.57.desc:0 “As many predicted, forcing the House of Duras’ hand has resulted in the Klingon Empire descending into a potentially brutal civil war. We shall soon see which House is strongest and who will lead the Empire.”
STH_redemption.58.desc:0 “It appears the fools within the House of Duras, having been humiliated in front ot their allies have taken the foolish move to begin the planned Klingon Civil war far too early, in their desperation they appear to have named our involvement and dragged us into their war!”
STH_redemption.60.desc:0 “Our military council grows ever more concerned that our enemy is managing to build up its forces at an alarming rate, they must be getting help from an outside power, most likely those Romulan cowards, who would never dare confront us directly! With all our forces searching for the rebels we must once again turn to the humans to help.”
STH_redemption.61.desc:0 “Qapla’ [Root.GetRulerName] the cowardly Romulans are clearly attempting to bolster the fighting power of our rebel factions, over the past weeks weapons, ships and resources have found their way into the Rebel’s hands. We seek the aid of our friends to stop this from happening.”
STH_redemption.62.desc:0 “The Federation has responded to our ask and agreed to set up a Tachyon Dection Grid along our border, whilst it would have been better for them to have provided ships and torpedos, this action should remove the Romulan threat.”
STH_redemption.63.desc:0 “The Federation has sent their regrets that they cannot involve themselves in ‘internal Klingon matters’ and they will not be offering to help us. We must deal with this situation on our own.”
STH_redemption.64.desc:0 “The fleet continued to scan the border for any sign of ships attempting to cross the border, suddenly one of the ships broke formation and fired a volley of low-yield torpedoes into a seemingly empty section of space. All of a sudden a shimmer and energy spike is seen on viewers, this can only be a cloak fleet attempting to break the border blockade! “
STH_redemption.65.desc:0 “The fleet continues to scan the border for any sign of ships attempting to cross the border to aid the Klingon rebels. Several hours pass with no sign of any ships attempting to breach the blockade. It appears our attempt to stop the Romulans crossing the border has either failed or the Romulans have thought better of it.”
STH_redemption.66.desc:0 “The Federation’s attempts to prevent our ships from delivering resources to the Klingon Rebels has failed to prevent us from crossing the borders, once again displaying the superiority of Romulan technology and leadership. “
STH_redemption.67.desc:0 “The Starfleet ships are locking weapons onto our cloak fleets, they must have detected us with that Tachyon Grid. Continuing to press on could result on them firing on us whilst our shields are down!”
STH_redemption.68.desc:0 “No, Captain. I am Commander Sela. The woman you knew as Tasha Yar was my mother. Deploying an invasion fleet along our border is a clear act of aggression.”
STH_redemption.69.desc:0 “There has been no answer to our attempts to hail the cloaked fleet and subsequent scans have failed to reveal any further sign of the cloaked ships. It appears they were in no mood for confrontation and have retreated.”
STH_redemption.70.desc:0 “Our faith in Starfleet has been rewarded! The Federation fleet has reported in that they have successfully deterred a suspected Romulan fleet from crossing into our space to aid our foes.”
STH_redemption.71.desc:0 “Sela, we are in no position to offer you a fight today, nor do we wish to engage in a conflict with the Romulan Star Empire on this occasion. We urge you to reconsider your interfering in this internal matter for the Klingons as it will only lead to war.”
STH_redemption.72.desc:0 “It appears that the Starfleet blockade was in no mood for a fight against the Romulans and has backed down allowing them to cross into Klingon territory.”
STH_redemption.73.desc:0 “Be advised Romulan Commander, we are not looking to start a war here today, nor are we massing on the border looking for conflict, but we cannot allow interference in a matter for the Klingon Empire. Knowing the Klingons as we do, I suspect any public knowledge of your involvement will cause an adverse effect on the faction you are looking to support.”
STH_redemption.74.desc:0 “You may have the victory today Starfleet, but rest assured we will not forget how you have interfered within our matters here today. Until we meet again… Sela out.”
STH_redemption.75.desc:0 “It appears a fleet of Starfleet ships were involved in an altercation along the border when a fleet or Romulan warbirds attempted to cross into our territory to deliver aid to the rebel factions. It seems the Starfleet captain involve was able to ‘convince’ the Romulans to head home with their tails between their legs.”
STH_redemption.81.desc:0 “Our cloaked vessels watching the events unfolding in Klingon space have picked up the opening shots in the start of the Klingon Civil War. Now we wait to see if our rebel-backed faction wins. throwing their relationship with the humans into disarray!”
PRODIGY_1_PROJECT_DESC:0 “Our sensor stations have picked up the incoming signal of what can only be a vessel equipped with a Proto-Drive, which in this case can only be the missing USS Protostar. Command has sent us a mission to rendezvous with the ship and escort it back home.”
STH_prodigy.2.desc:0 “We have received an emergency message from the USS Protostar, which had to abandon the test of its proto-warp jump. It appears an instability in the protostar drive almost generated a temporal incursion, resulting in an emergency shutdown. Results of the test have been fed back to Starfleet who will roll out the fix to all ships of this class within the fleet.”
STH_prodigy.3.desc:0 “Our long-range scans have picked up the debris from a small starship that appears to have exited Proto-Warp under an emergency, the ship can only be the USS Protostar, which was testing the new drive system. There are no signs of any survivors from the ship and all remaining black box information has been passed back to Starfleet Engineering to attempt to prevent a repeat of this tragedy. “
STH_prodigy.4.desc:0 “In concerning news, the USS Protostar has vanished while undertaking its first Proto-warp jump, our long-range scans cannot find any evidence of debris or signs from the Protostar’s small crew. We can however see signs of a small temporal anomaly that appeared briefly following the disappearance of the ship.”
STH_prodigy.5.desc:0 “Emerging from a wormhole, torn through space by the Protostar’s malfunctioning drive core, the powerless ship comes crashing down on the distant planet of Solum in the Delta Quadrant. “
STH_prodigy.6.desc:0 “Starfleet, I am [vau_nakat_order_leader.GetName] of the Vau’Nakat, we see that you have returned to finish off what you started so many years ago! The civil war that you started nearly destroyed our world, but we prepared for your return and to inflict our revenge upon you and your[prodigy_target_country.GetName]. Captain [prodigy_hero_leader.GetName] you and your crew are now our prisoners and your vessel will become home to our “Construct” a powerful weapon that will turn your ships against you as we wipe your people from the galaxy.”
STH_prodigy.7.desc:0 “Captain [prodigy_hero_leader.GetName] and their First Officer take their chance to escape knowing that should the USS Protostar return to Earth it would bring about the destruction of [Root.GetName]. The duo make it to the ship and forcing their way to a command panel successfully send the Protostar through the still open portal to parts unknown and with it the dangerous weapon hidden onboard.”
STH_prodigy.8.desc:0 “Captain [prodigy_hero_leader.GetName] and their First Officer take their chance to escape knowing that should the USS Protostar return to Earth it would bring about the destruction of [Root.GetName]. The duo make it back to where the Protostar was being held. but despite their efforts, they could not remotely free the ship, with no choice remaining the Captain sets the auto-destruct and the pair waits for the inevitable destruction of their ship and with it the weapon that could have caused so much impact.”
STH_prodigy.9.desc:0 “The Vau’Nakat’s plan is quickly put into effect, with the Protostar sent back through the wormhole and sent on a direct course for the very centre of [Root.GetName] carrying the Construct program and its ability to remote hijack friendly vessels and turn them against their former masters.”
STH_prodigy.10.desc:0 “[prodigy_target_country.GetName] we are the Vau’Nakat Order from the world of Solum, a world that returns to take its vengeance and I am the Diviner… Note that we bring you your destruction at the hands of one of your vessels of peace. Prepare for the revenge of the Vau’Nakat.”
STH_prodigy.11.desc:0 “As the Vau’Nakat’s plans begin to come into effect as they declare war against us, the Construct’s virus begins to take effect on a number of our ships, with their systems quickly succumbing and the vessels joining the Vau’Nakat’s fleets against us. “
STH_prodigy.12.desc:0 “As the Construct’s effect makes its way through the fleet, our engineers propose a solution that involves cutting all intra-ship communications. to halt the spread of the Construct virus, at the short-term effect of our battle effectiveness. “
STH_prodigy.20.desc:0 “On the remote slave-mining asteroid of Tars Lamora, the cruel overlord known only as The Diviner holds sway over his prisoners and slaves, using them to dig for a treasure greater than minerals. Amongst all the slaves one young adventurer, named Dal’E’Rel makes an amazing discovery… an abandoned Starship. “
STH_prodigy.21.desc:0 “Dal R’El, you stand before your Diviner and his progeny, my Gwyndala – my daughter. We are aware of your find within our mines and I demand that you take my Gwyn to its location. Failure to do as I command will see not only a punishment for yourself, but for your fellow prisoners.”
STH_prodigy.24.desc:0 “Dal, Jankom & the Brikar, who identify themselves as Rok-Tok, the moment that they enter the bridge of the strange alien vessel, look around in excitement as interior lighting and control panels come to life. Dal looks around at his new crew, this is our chance to escape he yells. The crew looks to Gwyn, the young Val’Nakat jumps to one of the consoles and powers up the ship’s engines. It seems like we are in this together.”
STH_prodigy.25.desc:0 “Dal and those he gathered reach the bridge of the vessel, which lights up to greet them, the chance to escape before them Dal looks to Gwyn, imploring her to join him. The young Val’Nakat warrior slowly shakes her head and taps her communicator…. “Father I have the ship””
STH_prodigy.26.desc:0 “Dal and Gwyn arrive on the bridge of the Protostar, which lights up to greet them, the chance to escape before them the pair look at each other, Gwyn looks out the viewport towards the approaching waves of Drednok warriors and calls to Dal, “I have to escape my Father, I can no longer be apart of his cruel plans” “
STH_prodigy.30.desc:0 “The Protostar saws clear of Tars Lamora, its powerful phasers clearing the Diviner’s battle units from its path, as the crew cheered and celebrated, the Diviner looked on with an angry look. Back on the Protostar Dal takes the centre seat and the adventure begins.”
STH_prodigy.31.desc:0 “The Protostar attempts to clear the surface of Tars Lamora, but the Diviner’s forces swarm the ship, working their way through the hull and into the vital systems of the ship. As Dal orders the ship to engage its powerful engineers a crucial system fails and a fatal cascade begins which ends with a catastrophic explosion that engulfs and destroys the Protostar, ending its journey early.”
STH_prodigy.40.desc:0 “Six young heroes, former detainees at a mining colony overseen by the mysterious Diviner, discoverered the derelict Starfleet ship, the USS Protostar, hidden within the asteroid. This inexperienced crew launches a harrowing getaway aboard the starship. Together the escapees learn that the ship came from a far-off alliance of peaceful galactic explorers known as the Federation. They resolve to set a course for Starfleet, but the Diviner is hot on their trails. Their journey takes them on a wild adventure where they encounter strange new life and civilizations, learn about Starfleet’s ideals, and hope to find a better future for themselves on the far side of the galaxy”
STH_prodigy.41.desc:0 “The crew hear a strange noise emanating from the back of the bridge, on investigating they find a small, but friendly gelatinous being who calls himself Murf!”
STH_prodigy.45.desc:0 “As the Protostar exits a period of Proto-Warp with the drive requiring an extended period of cooldown, the crew finds themselves with some downtime. Exploring the ship Dal finds a holodeck and an interesting holodeck program named the Kobayashi Maru scenario – a test of a captains leadership skills.”
STH_prodigy.46.desc:0 “The holographic simulation loads up placing Dal and the centre of a Starship bridge, with an incoming hail from a freighter in danger. Arriving at the scene the freighter is quickly attacked and destroyed by a fleet of Warbirds ending the simulation with the dreaded phrase.”
STH_prodigy.47.desc:0 “As the number of attempts racks up, Dal’s frustration levels only increase, at what point does this simulation become an unwinnable scenario? Is this what the simulations is trying to tell him or is the thing broken?”
STH_prodigy.50.desc:0 “Landing on a planet named Murder World, the crew begins to investigate their surroundings and collect samples from the local fauna. Gwyn who has been questioning her decision to abandon her father and side with the crew of the Protostar takes a small land vehicle named the “Runaway” for a drive to clear her mind. “
STH_prodigy.51.desc:0 “Gwyn picks up a series of messages from the rest of the crew, it appears the whole planet is one giant superorganism, racing back to the crew she finds Dal and Murf bound by thick red vines. Grabbing her heirloom and rushing forward, Gwyn is stopped by a familiar voice… her father! The Diviner calls out concerned for Gwyn’s safety, §G”come with me my Gwyndala”§! he pleads…”
STH_prodigy.52.desc:0 “Emergency Training Hologram’s log, It has been almost a week since the cadets on this ship departed to explore the planet, and now I can no longer read their life signs, I can only assume they have been killed in the line of duty. With no hope of rescue, I am powering down the Protostar I can only hope one day this ship is found on this remote world and I can tell the story of these brave cadets.”
STH_prodigy.53.desc:0 “Father… it cannot be you, what are you doing here? Shaking her head to try and clear the image of her father from her mind, the Diviner would never be this concerned about her wellbeing, unless he has changed?”
STH_prodigy.54.desc:0 “With the image of the Diviner cleared from her mind, Gwyn races towards Dal and the rest of the crew struggling for their lives. Using her heirloom to free the others, the crew race back to the Protostar and escape from this nightmare world.”
STH_prodigy.55.desc:0 “With Gwyn’s loyalty to the crew of the Protostar secured and the crew safely rescued from Murder World, the Protostar once again sets course for Federation space.”
STH_prodigy.60.desc:0 “All is not well on the USS Protostar, as the crew discovers the living Construct hidden within the computer core, Rok-Tok and Murf were exploring the lower levels of the ship when they came across the Construct, a weapon hidden within the ship providing their salvation that could destroy those they were seeking to flee to. The thoughts and concerns of the crew were interrupted by the incoming presence of a massive Tachyon storm.”
STH_prodigy.61.desc:0 “As the crew begins preparations, Rok-Tok reflects her role within the team, for so long she has been seen as the ‘muscle’ appreciated only for her size and strength and not her mind. Suddenly there is a warning from the Proto-Core that something within the storm has set off a major failure within the drive with an explosion imminent. As the storm hits the core explodes and the ship explodes…”
STH_prodigy.62.desc:0 “The crew find themselves split across timezones with time itself splintered and fractured moving at differing rates across each section of the ship. Some meer seconds away from the core breach, others with time moving so slowly that seconds seem like hours. The command training hologram appears to be the only one immune from the effects, as she moves across the sections of the fractured vessel. Building a new warp matrix to repair the damaged one might be the only hope the ship has.”
STH_prodigy.63.desc:0 “As each member of the crew does their part it is left to Rok-Tok whose section moves the slowest to complete the build. As time moves very slowly in this phase, a lonely Rok tries to reconnect to her absent friends by bidding their empty bunks good night when she goes to sleep each ‘night’ and hugging a small toy representation of Murf. Rok-Tok channels her inner cadet to complete the build, knowing that once complete she has a long time to wait alone by herself.”
STH_prodigy.64.desc:0 “An anti-matter warp core breach leaves very little in its wake, but this pales in comparison to the detention of a Proto-core drive, which atomises the ship and all aboard in the blink of an eye.”
STH_prodigy.66.desc:0 “After a few days of Murf acting strangely the young crew finds the young alien cocooned in a shell of his own making, clearly undergoing some form of metamorphosis! With no one knowing the outcome this could pose a risk to the ship.”
STH_prodigy.67.desc:0 “Murf emerges from the cocoon transformed into a new form, a very capable new life and very grateful and loyal to those who cared for him”
STH_prodigy.70.desc:0 “The Protostar answers a distress call from Planet 0042692 and the crew are greeted by representatives of the colony of New Enda-Prize. A colony who were visited by the crew of the Enterprise and grew up idolising the ways of “Those Old Scientists”. The colony is suffering from a mysterious plague, from the mysterious Gallows.”
STH_prodigy.71.desc:0 “Jankom Pog, the Protostar defacto engineer, was the logical choice to investigate the gallows. On inspection, they find a crashed Type-F shuttlecraft the Galileo leaking warp plasma into the environment. Knowing that no one else could repair the damage, Jankom Pog leaps onto the Shuttle. With two options availale to Jankom Pog, he can either repair the comms relay, force the shuttle into the pit to seal the leak and beam away, or attempt to fix the plasma leak himself.”
STH_prodigy.72.desc:0 “The Shuttle begins it’s final decent into the cavern, and just as Jankom Pog is about to give up hope, the familiar hum of the transporter rings out as Dal and the Enda-Prizians beam him to safety. With the colony safe. Jankom Pog having learned a valuable lesson the crew resumes the journey to Federation space.”
STH_prodigy.73.desc:0 “The Shuttle begins it’s final descent into the cavern, Jankom Pog looks on and the Shuttlecraft breaks up around him, knowing that once again his sacrifice has saved lives. The crew of the Protostar having saved the colony, but lost a member of their family continue their voyage to Federation space.”
STH_prodigy.74.desc:0 “Jankom Pog frantically completes the repairs to Galileo’s damaged warp core meer seconds before the core goes critical and dumps its toxic warp plasma into the biosphere of the planet. Jankom Pog falls to the floor relieved at having saved the day before the hum of the Protostar’s transporter whisks him away and the ship resumes its journey back to Starfleet.”
STH_prodigy.75.desc:0 “Jankom Pog frantically completes the repairs to Galileo’s damaged warp core meer seconds before the core goes critical and dumps its toxic warp plasma into the biosphere of the planet. Jankom Pog falls to the floor his body shaking from the toxic effects of the warp plasma exposure, knowing the signs of the overdose all too well, the engineer smiles and closes his eyes knowing that at least his sacrifice saved the colony. The crew of the Protostar having saved the colony, but lost a member of their family continued their voyage to Federation space.”
STH_prodigy.80.desc:0 “As the crew debate options to remove the Living Construct from the Protostar, their scanners detect the presence of a large dormant Cuboid ship, which their Training Hologram identifies as a Borg Cube. Excited by the prospect of using the advanced technology of the Borg to defeat the Construct the crew prepare to board the Borg vessel.”
STH_prodigy.81.desc:0 “The crew wonder through the black corridors, feeling with each step that they are being watched by the rows and rows of sleeping drones. As a Medusan Zero begins to hear the voice of the collective calling out seeking to know more about the young individuals who may pose a new threat to the collective.”
STH_prodigy.82.desc:0 “Zero leads the crew to the Borg Vinculum and brief discussion later it is clear that only Zero would be able to withstand the power of the Collective. As dangerous as it would be Zero needs to go into the mind of the Borg and look for the information they need.”
STH_prodigy.83.desc:0 “Zero and the crew reach the Protostar as the Cube springs back into life, the Borg Cube reaches out with it’s tractor beam, but the Protostar is just too quick and leaps into warp before the Borg can react further… But it looks like the young rookies have alerted the Borg to the Federations possession of Proto-Warp and made Starfleet a targe.”
STH_prodigy.84.desc:0 “Zero and the crew reach the Protostar, but the Borg Cube is already powering up and lashes out with a tractor beam and before the kids can react a dozen Borg Drones beam onto the ship, they say assimilation is painless… they were wrong. As the Borg collective add other crew to their collective, Starfleet once again becomes of interest to the Collective.”
STH_prodigy.85.desc:0 “The lure of the Collective is all-encompassing, the pull of the hive, the embrace of the many… Resistance is Futile, we are Borg.”
STH_prodigy.86.desc:0 “We are the Borg, your distinctiveness will join us, become one with us, be part of our hive, our collective, perfection.”
STH_prodigy.87.desc:0 “As the crew of the Protostar await for the return of Zero, they receive a communication from the Cube. The assimilated form of Zero appears on screen and utters the chilling phrase “You will be assimilated” As the Borg collective add other crew to their collective, Starfleet once again becomes of interest to the Collective.”
STH_prodigy.88.desc:0 “Breaking free of the Collective’s hold was difficult but Zero manages it, whilst putting the Collective back into their slumber. The Borg may not hold the answers to the Construct, but Zero found an inner strength and belief in themselves.”
STH_prodigy.90.desc:0 “As the crew of the Protostar nears Federation space, they pick up a distress call originating from the distant world of Solum, from none other than [prodigy_hero_leader.GetName] held captive at the hands of the Vau Nakat The original Captain of the Protostar is out there asking for help. Should we turn the ship around or abandon them?”
STH_prodigy.91.desc:0 “The Protostar exits warp over Solum, and scanning the planet picks up the life signs of [prodigy_hero_leader.GetName], it will take as many of the crew as possible to pull of the rescue. “
STH_prodigy.92.desc:0 “The rescue is complete and a battered and bruised [prodigy_hero_leader.GetName] safely recovering in the Protostar’s medical bay, Dal and the Protostar are free to return to Starfleet and warn them of the threat the Vau’Nakat bring. However, the threat of the Living Construct must be overcome…Just as the crew are about to celebrate their success, the Intruder Alert alarm signals, a team from Solum has infiltrated the ship and set the Protostar on a course back to [Root.GetName] space,”
STH_prodigy.93.desc:0 “The crew looks down at the body of [prodigy_hero_leader.GetName] the mission a complete failure, perhaps if the crew was better placed, or more able, but that doesn’t matter now, it is time to return to Starfleet and bring the mission to an end. Just as the crew are about to calculate their next move, the Intruder Alert alarm signals, a team from Solum has infilatrated the ship and set the Protostar on a course back to [Root.GetName] space,”
STH_prodigy.100.desc:0 “Our monitoring stations have picked up the incoming signal of what can only be a vessel equipped with a Proto-Drive, which in this case can only be the missing USS Protostar. A local task force fleet was sent to intercept the ship, but we have lost contact, we should send another fleet to investigate.”
STH_prodigy.101.desc:0 “On board the Protostar Dal and the ETH frantically attempt to shut down the Proto-drive before the ship reaches its destination, knowing that the ship now carries unwanted intruders, looking to attack [Root.GetName]. “
STH_prodigy.103.desc:0 “The Drednok lies crumpled and defeated, overpowered by its attack, allowing Rok-Tahk to reach the computer core’s main panel, reaching it they can unlock the mechanism, unfortunately, the Drednok has already been able to prevent the core from being overloaded and destroyed… but at least they can do no further damage”
STH_prodigy.104.desc:0 “Drednok stands over the still form of Rok-Tahk, the gentle Brikarian no longer moving or able to take any further action to help her friends. Drednok moves towards the computer core ready to unleash the Living Construct on the [Root.GetName] Fleet.”
STH_prodigy.105.desc:0 “Jankom Pog knows that the Living Construct needs to open communication channels with the other vessels to spread its virus throughout the approaching fleet, if Jankom Pog can disable the Protostar’s communication array then the damage could be limited and the number of reinforcements could be reduced significantly.”
STH_prodigy.106.desc:0 “Jankom Pog clenches his fist in celebration, only an engineer with Jankom Pog’s unique skills could have accomplished the task, as the Tellarite looks over the “disabled” communication relay, the strength of the Vau’Nakat’s forces should be depleted as a result.”
STH_prodigy.107.desc:0 “Jankom Pog slams his fist against the comms panel, the signal has already been sent and the message has left the Protostar, despite the Tellarite’s efforts Jankom Pog was moments too slow.”
STH_prodigy.108.desc:0 “On the Bridge of the USS Protostar Zero hears the thoughts in Dal’s head before he vocalizes it, the only way to prevent the Construct Virus from spreading is to destroy the Protostar and everyone onboard. An idea springs into Zero’s mind, the Protostar need not be destroyed if Zero can trigger an electromagnetic surge to shut down all of the Protostar’s systems in a single event.”
STH_prodigy.109.desc:0 “Zero manages to generate a large EMP burst using the local sun’s solar flares, as the lights onboard the Protostar go dark, rapidly followed by all the consoles throughout the ship. The Protostar is out of the fight, but the Construct Virus can cause no further harm to nearby fleet.”
STH_prodigy.110.desc:0 “The attempt to disable the Protostar was unsuccessful, the EMP burst was just not powerful enough to overcome the Protostar’s shielding. With no choice left Dal sets the auto-destruct and orders a full evacuation of their ship and home.”
STH_prodigy.111.desc:0 “Gywn can sense her father’s presence onboard the Protostar as he stalks Dal on the bridge, Gywn leaps forward and uses her heirloom to deflect the Diviner’s attack against her friend. The two warriors begin to battle, Gywn fully aware that should she lose nothing will be able to stop the Diviner and the Order’s plans for revenge.”
STH_prodigy.112.desc:0 “After a furious battle between father and his progeny, the Diviner lies wounded and defeated. Reaching out to Gywn the Diviner lays down his weapon and surrenders “
STH_prodigy.113.desc:0 “Gywn collapses to the floor, mortally wounded by her father blade, as the Diviner cries out in shock and horror, unable to contemplate what he has done to his progeny”
STH_prodigy.115.desc:0 “Using all their skills the Starfleet officer manages to reach the Vau Nakat Order, using an impassioned speech, the Vau Nakat Order agree that now is not the time for further escalation of the ongoing conflict and agree that for now, they will leave the Diviner to his plans. “
STH_prodigy.116.desc:0 “The situation only escalates, the Order members are not convinced by [Root.GetName]’s efforts and their resolve to join the Diviner in Battle has only hardened. “
STH_prodigy.121.desc:0 “With the battle over Dal watches as the remaining [Root.GetName] ships begin their search for the Protostar in a bid to try and salvage the ship and rescue what remains of his young crew.”
STH_prodigy.122.desc:0 “With the battle over Dal watches as the remaining [Root.GetName] ships begin their search for the young crew of the Protostar in their escape pods. “
STH_prodigy.123.desc:0 “As the debris floats over the site of the battle, A message echoes across subspace, Solum will be avenged for the crimes the [Root.GetName] will commit against our people… the Diviner may have been defeated but the Vau Nakat Order has been awakened and are coming for you.”
STH_prodigy.124.desc:0 “As feared following the attack by the Diviner, the Vau’Nakat are declaring war on us for a perceived attack that they believe we would have committed in the future. The tunnel that was opened by the Protostar has been stabilised and now offers a route between our worlds and a way fot them to attack us.”
STH_prodigy.125.desc:0 “As the preverbal dust settles in the aftermath of the Diviners attack on our fleets, a message comes in from Solum, it appears our Captain’s message of peace has, for now, reached calmer ears. The Order appears to be content to leave us in peace for the moment.”
STH_prodigy.127.desc:0 “Greetings all, I am [tempLeader] and I wanted to thank you for your efforts in resolving the Protostar crisis and time to reward these young leaders with a pace amongst our ranks.”

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