Dev Log: 08/06/24

So, the button has been pressed and weeks or months of hard work is uploaded to Steam… This is usually the best and most scary time in the release cycle for me, did we miss something, did I remove that dev note or did I update those patchnotes?!

Thankfully, a lot of this worry is taken care of by a member of the team who does a lot of work, but goes under the radar for much of what he does… well until now (sorry Orion1988). Orion was recently-ish promoted to a member of our core team, as our Test Lead, with an uncanny knack of finding issues through analytical insight and sometimes (in his own words) relentless trial and error, Orion has been vital to us, but over this last patch he nailed some really tricky issues! No Dev likes bugs being found, but Orion keeps me on my toes, with the help of the beta team (too many to list all, but notably for this patch, Locutus von Borg, Nickp85, Drasca, Karl, Kathrynn & adm_pheonix) … great effort team!

Finally… What’s next?! Well I think we’re drawing to a close for the TNG era series, which are now really stable. I’d like to sit down and look at what other uses of the re-worked assimilation situation we can make use of & whether we can make use of any of the new mechanics added in vanilla as well as adding in the new shipsets which are talented 3D team are working on!

Until the next time, live long and prosper and we’ll see you out there!

Your PDG Team!

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