
Historical posts and older content for tracking mod development

Archive, Dev Log

There – should be – more to planets than just pops

One of the biggest issues I have with the new economy, and what I consider the singular worse game design decision that Paradox has made with the 2.2 patch – is the almost singular use of pops as the measurement of progress and success. What I mean by that is that the value of your […]

Archive, Dev Log

No bloody A, B, C or D

Well, this has certainly been a hectic year! Biggest newst -we’ve (that is, Suncrash, the indie company I’ve worked with)  shipped our first game (Judgment – you can find us on Steam. Check us out if you are a fan of X-com and Rimworld). In other news – I’ve moved myself, my wife, my son

Archive, Dev Log

The right number of digital peons

I’ve started working, if that is the right word to call it, on what would be called The Great Material Continuum (TGMC), a long time ago. It might surprise those that don’t come from the game industry (and hardly surprise those that are) just how much preparation work can go into game design. In term


event descriptions

sthera.1.desc:0 “Buried deep in the bowels of Earth Spacedock a quiet revolution in Starship design has taken place. For nearly five years Captain Carter-Lin of the Starship Design Bureau has led a team of experts in the fields of warp theory and metallurgy, all striving to provide Starfleet with a new generation of vessels fit

After Action Report, Archive, Dev Log, Patchnotes, Short Story, ST:NH Video, Story Novellas, Uncategorized

Exploring the Depths of ST:NH: A Journey Through Categories

Welcome to our ST:NH mod blog, where we embark on an immersive journey through various categories, each offering unique insights into our Star Trek universe. Let’s delve into the diverse realms of After Action Reports, Archive, Dev Log, Patchnotes, Short Stories, ST:NH Video, and Story Novellas. After Action Reports (AARs):Experience the thrill of gameplay firsthand

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