Author name: G-man


A Legacy for a Community…

It may have missed your attention, but ST:NH has completed its 4th birthday. This means the mod is now one of the old rabbits, but not yet one of the old iron. For this year we have come up with something very special, a wish the community has already wanted from the beginning, 4 years […]

Dev Log

STNH Compat Patch 2.6.1.

Greetings to all of you Stellaris fans! We know you’ve been eager to get into the next installment of Star Trek: New Horizons now that the Federations DLC has been released. We’ve been working hard on making the transition and ironing out all the bugs due to the upgrade and are now releasing the 2.6.1.

Archive, Dev Log

Design Diary 8.9: A class on planet classes

Hello everyone! It has been a while, indeed. I know I have been promising more frequent updates, but we have been all super busy just working non-stop on our next major patch. Its going to include a LOT of goodies, many of them I haven’t even mentioned on these developer diaries. A short list would

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Dev Diary 8.8: Speed, Range, and Warp

One of the more frequent concerns that I hear is that the ships in New Horizons are too slow. Of course, most of this is by design – a lot of the design decisions we’ve made is meant to encourage a more strategic, slow-paced game, as fits more into the lore and feel of Star

Archive, Dev Log

Dev Diary 8.7: Ships Named Enterprise

If there has been one consistently requested feature people have been clamoring about, is wanting to see military ships capable of doing scientific surveys. It is something so innate to Star Trek that it has been the very first feature request we have seen immediately after launch, and it remains the most requested feature. Some

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Dev Diary 8.6: Relics and schedules

Hello everyone. Earlier this week Paradox officially announced that the 2.3 Wolfe patch, and the new Relics DLC, will drop next week – on the fourth of June. With that in mind, I wanted to use this chance and update you all on our schedule for the next few months. For a while now, there

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Release the Krake-fighters!

A few weeks ago, a small question on our Discord ignited what became a very long, involved, and interesting discussion about the boundaries of game design and canon. Following the double-episode finale of the second season of Discovery, and the impressive flotilla of pods, shuttles, and fighters the Enterprise and Discovery poured through, where ARE

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Dev Diary 8.5 – the technical side of things

A few hours ago, the good folks at Paradox officially announced their plans to switch Stellaris to 64-bit (you can read about it here if you haven’t yet). We had inklings this is going to happen ever since it was announced that Paradox’s latest game Imperator will be 64-bit. Both games use the same eco-system

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Fan service?

The past few days, the latest rage in the community is about the “The Bells”, the penultimate episode of Game of Thrones. My personal opinion about the show, season and episode aside, what stirred up things for me was the recent petition to HBO to remake the show… and one actress, Lili Reinhart, response: “This

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About surveys, projects and other things

Hello everyone! I want to apologize for being somewhat slow in updating the blog of late. It’s been a busy month! First thing, the company I work with, Suncrash, just launched the teaser trailer for the project we have been working on for almost a year. It’s still in early stages but I’m very proud

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