STNH Compat Patch 2.6.1.

Greetings to all of you Stellaris fans!

We know you’ve been eager to get into the next installment of Star Trek: New Horizons now that the Federations DLC has been released. We’ve been working hard on making the transition and ironing out all the bugs due to the upgrade and are now releasing the 2.6.1. Compatibility patch.

Here are the details!

Patch Notes:

  • Federations Compat – Compatibility Changes in place ready for Federations / 2.6 changes
  • Pre-2.6 STNH UFP set up still in place
  • Default Federation replaces coalition from 2.5
  • Basic Origin set up is in place
  • Juggernaut Class disabled temporarily

 UI Improvements

  • Planet build UI Update
  • 2.6.0 top bar updates
  • Numerous Icon updates for 2.6
  • Diplomatic notification icons have been correctly implemented
  • Starbase outliner icon update

Content – Uniform Refresh, adding ST: Picard era uniforms to the game

  • Heroic Engineers & Security Chiefs added to game as either science or admiral leaders, with appropriate uniform division.
  • New Leader trait for Romulan Leaders – the mysterious Tal’Shiar operative
  • New Leader for FED & TE, welcome Raffi Musiker
  • New Leader for FED & TE, welcome the cigar wielding Chris Rios
  • Jolan Tru to our new Romulan Leaders Zhaban & Laris
  • Name lists updated as of ST:Picard
  • Namelists for many species added, including Risan, Malcorians, Akaali, Akritirans, Ventaxians, Antarans, Antosians, Arbazans, Kressari and Coridans
  • New event for Cardassians & the audacious discovery of a lightship from Bajor
  • New systems – Introducing the Xahean species (Po from ST: DIS) and their home world of Xahea
  • Pahvo – with a new unique relic to be found explore and uncover the meaning of its strange harmony
  • Nepenthe – with its three moons and excellent Pizza!
  • Kzin complete with the angry Kzinti
  • Kyana Prime – a colony of the Krenim mentioned in VOY: Year of Hell.
  • Content – Bunnicorn
  • Borg Starbases now have six buildings they can build, rather than the four they were stuck with and two empty slots!
  • Map – updated denobulan homeworld location on alpha/beta maps

We are also working on balancing the overall gameplay and fixing a number of bugs while also adding new features that expand on the current state of game.

 Balances and Fixes changes

  • AlphaBeta Borg Crisis now has a cube roughly 2.5 times as powerful as previous, so should actually be problematic
  • Balance – Self-destruct sequences have been added to some megastructures in the event of Borg assimilation. No more Borg Galactic Forums.
  • Balance – Expedition Missions have been balanced & rewards tuned. Flagship missions reward higher, but appear less frequently.

 Bug Fixes

  • Warp Capable Primitives no longer cause performance lag & have been re-enabled
  • Crime & Devastation missions now have options for more playthrough styles
  • Component fix for Reactive Armour availability on military ships
  • A number of missing building icons added back in
  • AA Guns removed due to performance issues, a more appropriate option will be added in later
  • Planet defense structures are removed on planet conquest
  • Leader portrait of Tuvok
  • Missing Hologram in a Bottle Relic image fixed
  • Star systems from culled empires at game start will no longer be a mess
  • Andorians and Vulcans using Fed ship designs should no longer be blocked from key techs
  • Aggressive Negotiations planet now has the recommended dose of Dilithium deposits
  • Interphase test site now disappears on completion of quest
  • Klingon Blas Rika now has proper access to the pulse disruptor branch of weaponry
  • Expedition Events – removed a bug which caused Hero Admirals and Flagships to become stuck if sent together
  • Blank empire names after liberation/rebellion should be fixed
  • Voth should start with Voth crew now rather than just Skeleton crew

 Localisation – Numerous localisation 2.6.1 updates & fixes.

That’s it for now, boys and girls, and remember – it is a feature, not a bug… Until we fix it!         

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