
Releasing a new update always brings about mixed emotions, excitement to see months of hard work released into the wild and nerves to see how players receive the changes! Plus there is the “oh I hope I didnt leave any test or demo code in” moment…

I thought it would be good to share a few snippets of info on what’s planned next as we start to wind down our “Next Generations” patch cycle after a the last update was largely focused on fixing the issues reported and preparing the 3.11 changes. The creative in me is always more excited for new bits of content, but given the last update was bigger than we originally planned I suspect the first thing the Dev team will do is take some time to relax and clear their heads for a bit.

Sooooo…. get to the good stuff Russ (I hear you shout!), so what I can share is what’s on my mind for our next and potential final release of this cycle

  1. A pre-tng era Mirror Universe start and map. The MU hasn’t had much love for a while and it would be cool to have some fun with a starting point in this alt universe. I’m going to need to do a bit of research on where various factions are, as I am not a huge MU fan.
  2. A Confederacy of Earth start for the 2300s – again this should give a bit of creative license to go wild, as the COE didn’t get a lot of attention whilst focusing on the main civs.
  3. 2300s maps for the smaller maps
  4. Look into the possibility of toggling off certain crisis/events as part of the sandbox features we added in the last update
  5. I am really excited to add some more of Ryselle Chan’s amazing 3D model work into the mod, such awesome talent and we are really lucky to be working with them… check out their work here:

Until next time be like T’Pol and live long and prosper!

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