STNH Compat Patch 3.12.4

Hi All, after a little delay the PDG team presents their 3.12.4 patch for ST:New Horizons, focusing on improvements to our optional STNH Battles mode & streamlining Borg mechanics for improved performance and future plans! With plenty of improvements and bug fixes included, we hope you all enjoy!

NHV 0624 – A MIRROR Shattered Expansion – (35bb2a)

ST:New Horizons 3.12.4

3.12.1 – Compat Patch
3.12.2 – Compat Patch
3.12.3 – Compat Patch
3.12.4 – Compat Patch
3.12.4 – Megastructure disbanding feature added.

Setup – Borg Assimilation Mechanic moved to situation mechanic, option added to target pops on a specific planet 1st.
Balance – Excelsior Exploratory Ship can now equip Transwarp drives.
Balance – Fleet tactical component ranges updated following review.
Balance – Romulan-Federation Neutral Zone will now disband on war starting.
Balance – AI War priority defines reviewed and updated.
Performance – Additional performance improvements made behind the scenes.

UI – GUI updated to 3.12.4
Portraits – Breen Portraits updated.
2D – New loading screen pictures added

Events – Additional backup trigger for the UFP formation added.
Events – Enterprise-A hero ship added in between Enterprise & Enterprise-B
Events – Nexus event added to canon mode
Leaders – Sarek & Burnham now have mid-age portraits
Leaders – Kirk aging dates adjusted slightly.
Leaders – Khan Noonien Singh background & traits updated.
Leaders – Leader spawn dates tweaked to create a more even spread.

Ship – Confederation of Earth now has unique versions of the Constitution, NX and Poseidon classes.

Fix – Empire Select ship preview fixed, now shows an example ship from each shipset.
Fix – Kelpians now lose the coward trait on emerging from the Vahar’ai
Fix – Vulcan species not spawning on mirror maps is now fixed.
Fix – Exploratory Ship weights adjusted.
Fix – Bajoran Occupation modifier time limited, but does last a long time.
Fix – A number of tradition descriptions and texts will now display properly.
Fix – Game start script updated to ensure starting fleets are created correctly.
Fix – Additional starting techs added to the Romulan TNG start.
Fix – Odyssey, Inquiry & Pathfind components fix.
Fix – Treaty of Algeron location will now occur within your border
Fix – Additional fixes for the Borg Cube assimilation event.
Fix – Pathfinder, Oddy & Inquiry components
Fix – Anti-Cloak techs
Fix – Batel Hair old
Fix – Burnham and Uhura Hair
Fix – Anxiety leader trait
Fix – Algeron Event
Fix – Tomed incident
Fix – Workaround AI not equipping leaders to science ships

Localisation – Numerous fixes, improvements and translations added to the game.

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