April 2019

Archive, Dev Log

Dev Diary 8.4: Planetary Specialization

One of the core tenants of the new economic overhaul, and what we are trying to do in New Horizons in general, is to offer players more choices. You can see that in our ship design philosophy, as well as the various decisions we have tied into policies and factions. Going forward, I want to […]

Archive, Dev Log

Dev Diary 8.3: Admin Capacity

I originally intended to talk about our new planet specialization in the upcoming economic overhaul, but I’m going to rant about something else – admin cap. In principle, the admin cap variable is a good idea. It takes an existing system –research and tradition costs scale up logarithmically as the empire expands, as a way

Archive, Dev Log

Dev Diary 8.2: The Six New Districts

Hello everyone! I hope you have been enjoying the blog so far, and you find the glimpses into the future of New Horizons entertaining. Things have been a bit slow on our end the past few weeks, with various real-life commitments, and we have worked mostly on polish and bug fixing. However, I’m still dabbling

Archive, Dev Log

Dev Diary 8.1: Planetary Specialization

Hello everyone. So, since the last blog post raised a few questions, let me start by a few quick clarifications about how buildings and districts will behave under the new regime. Let’s take food for example. Right now, if you want to generate food, you build ‘farm districts’, that provide farmer jobs, that provide food.

Archive, Dev Log

Dev Diary 8: The new districts

I’ve been discussing the rationale behind the upcoming gameplay and economy changes for a while now, trying to show my thought process, starting with identifying the problem, breaking it down, defining the goals to correct it and identifying the best methods to do so. Now its time to deal with the proposed nuts and bolts

Archive, Dev Log


The initial idea to use districts as the foundation for improving our early game pacing came to me originally about two months ago, and once that happened, a lot of things simply clicked into place. I knew the overhaul needs to be a layer rather than a fundamental part of the economy, something to give

Archive, Dev Log

Bringing it all together

In the past two weeks, I’ve been trying to break down my thoughts and how they have been informed by issues in AI, economics, game design, and trek lore. It’s a truism that change should never happen for change sake, but it’s easy to forget that when developing a mod. Without the constraints of publisher

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