March 2019

Archive, Dev Log

To tame an AI

A lot of the work we have been doing on STNH since the release of 2.2. has been focused on trying to get the AI to perform as it should – and specifically, to be as aggressive, difficult and challenging as we want it to be. There is a lot that can be said on […]

Archive, Dev Log

Cordrazine – the game design cure

In the past few blog posts, I’ve primary discussed the benefits and disadvantages that we incurred with our decision to reduce pop growth. While I’ll slowly roll out my thoughts on the changes we need to do to solve the early game pacing issue over the next few weeks, its clear that at least PART

Archive, Dev Log

No pops, no choice

As I’ve mentioned in the previously, we knowingly made the decision to reduce the overall number of pops in New Horizons – to slow down growth and to increase hard caps. This had the intended benefit of increasing performance, but also several other intended benefits, including reinforcing our theme and for the most part, our

Archive, Dev Log

There – should be – more to planets than just pops

One of the biggest issues I have with the new economy, and what I consider the singular worse game design decision that Paradox has made with the 2.2 patch – is the almost singular use of pops as the measurement of progress and success. What I mean by that is that the value of your

Archive, Dev Log

No bloody A, B, C or D

Well, this has certainly been a hectic year! Biggest newst -we’ve (that is, Suncrash, the indie company I’ve worked with)  shipped our first game (Judgment – you can find us on Steam. Check us out if you are a fan of X-com and Rimworld). In other news – I’ve moved myself, my wife, my son

Archive, Dev Log

The right number of digital peons

I’ve started working, if that is the right word to call it, on what would be called The Great Material Continuum (TGMC), a long time ago. It might surprise those that don’t come from the game industry (and hardly surprise those that are) just how much preparation work can go into game design. In term

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